Tributes to David Letterman, Part 15 of 31: Jack Hanna 1985, 2015

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] my first guest tonight is the director of one of the leading zoos in the country we've invited him tonight to bring some of the animals from the zoo to our program please welcome the director of the Columbus Zoo mr. Jack Hanna Jack come on sit down don't go through there you'll never make it that's it yeah nice to see it Jack thank you for being here sir what kind of what kind of monkeys are these these are capuchin monkeys that give you nuts or you may let me get you some nuts are you talking to me yeah they like no I don't have any chain here did they have keep and do they yeah but these are capuchin monkeys and these were on research in the Columbus Zoo Miska raises these and you've got Homer no what do you mean they were in researcher they were in research facilities and the Columbus Zoo they were through with the research so we got the monkeys and we have them down our children's oh this is rusty they hate women by the way they absolutely hate women it's only because of women were in research that worked on them so that's not that's not necessarily a characteristic if there's no breeding these two particular monkeys don't like women yeah no Smokies like women but these two were in the research thing and and what would they do if they were near a woman they just pull her hair out [Applause] seriously they would really react or they would yeah like Michigan but these are capuchin monkeys and you see they have the prehensile tail you can see from his tail here let me see your tail fleas anyways tail he yeah any swing they like you these monkeys using a prehensile means that he can use what could grab was acting grab with yeah and this is like the organ-grinder monkey if you see the people on the streets with the organ grinders yeah but these are our children's new at the Columbus Zoo yeah how old are these guys oh they're about two years and three years old uh-huh and will it [Laughter] he's really frightened of me every time I raise my left hand like that he takes a height that me but this one likes you we've got another animal coming out here [Music] they like that moment obviously that's not this this is something love this is almost on the endangered species this is our oh this is a a pelican I had some fish I want you to feed the Pelican of fish I'm sure they don't have my fish out here I don't have any fish either right if something could get my fish well know where it where would it be Jack I don't the fish fish it's bubbly the Pelican thank you very much thank you I was supposed to bring it up and forgot it if you can I don't think see us at home look here this is a pelican they're in a southern part United States and look at his pouch he can hold up to 20 fish in this thing at one time you can see that home and all kinds of fish see go ahead you can just throw how old is that bird by the way this birds about four years old how old are they get to be oh they could be anywhere from 20 years old they're all they were all right by the way during breeding season when they get ready to breed in the spring they're not falls off here and then that's why some people might not recognize me but what do you start to breathe this will fall off yeah all right sack okay now do I get a receipt no poor here these foul gosh those are awful hey there you see I you see how big he can make it yeah there we go had any swallow yeah let me see [Applause] because they flooded plummet 175 acres and we breed a lot of endangered species they're like a lot of zoos do and he has a whole zoo to roam around yeah one more for you stop it with he just kind of hard to hold it what kind of fish are these little smells we feed almost 150 smelts a day to our pelicans now this would be a keeper wouldn't it fish this big [Laughter] there you go bumbly Demetrius bumbly that's what we call it you know I don't think it's the fish this was I think this bird stinks something awful I wanna bring you I want to show you something no thanks I've been hey there's two of me as an even so there's three of you deep well no what's the matter is he all right yeah he's all right he just he's just a little nervous they can bring my hip I want to I want to show you something that's never been out here before now why is he had his head down he just he's just here take this here look at this I don't think David anything you want here take this this is a pygmy hippopotamus and I don't think you see that at home but this this is called spinner you want Lord okay can you put him up here see I don't worry there he weighs about 80 pages you can read a lot more what he looks like here spinner this is spinner and by the way these are endangered species if this is not a baby hippopotamus this is a specific that's a baby pygmy hippo a baby pig me right you know if you if you notice he's got look at the hip hippo feet it's like a duck's foot see the webs that's why this went to the zoo through the water so fast well it's an animal Matsumoto's Matthew ticklers Qin mo spinner why is he covered with with the saliva or whatever they this this is interesting he can watch this look at that mouth look at this see how you can make it's like getting lanolin yeah and that's when there that's silly oh here come here I'm sorry dinner night this is one of my favorite animals ooh spin when you when you're rubbing what comes up there what is that see it's like a lanlan like a grease and that keeps the hippo from having dry skin and also they eat it at the night time they come out and eat in the daytime you don't come out of the water so this is you take them to a car wash you can save that money you don't just keep that wax now how big will this Hannibal get to be if he is a baby spinner will grow to be about I'm sorry about five or six hundred pounds in spinners parents with the zoo and a big hippos there too and and what where do we find these as what is their native land these these are these are from Central Africa and I like the Nile hippo the pygmy hippos a lot more aggressive in the big mouth hippo which weighs about 4,000 this animal is more aggressive yeah a pygmy hippo right and he spends how much of his day in the water did you I'd say about I'd say at least 16 hours 8 spins in the water yeah and what kind of stuff would he eat he comes out at night eats grass and vegetation oh no kidding he's not a meat-eater oh no no no no but they're they are aggressive animal in the wild are they dangerous - it's a man if they come across you if you separate them from water or try and separate you know the animal from the baby then you've got a problem yeah and we call you spinner because its ear spits yep see look spit him that's like going spinner yeah well most smell like a dog this you know that's that's the the the one of the straight will seize me remember that's one of the strangest looking animals I've ever seen he really is he's he's neat ok we'll we'll do a commercial and you got some more animals oh yeah well we'll be right back with Jack [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay jack is a trouble that traveling with these animals this kind of year at this time of year the weather can be a lot of these animals were flown in the night by airplane and stuff so it's a lot of trouble and what about when you have them at the zoo do they all go inside this time of year we put them all inside we have over 6000 with the Columbus Zoo and they all have to be inside what do you got here crawling all over Europe these are some roaches I brought with me always like to bring them up on the airplane there's a Madagascar cockroaches here but you know what this is Madagascar cockroach but I wanted to show you my team crow I know if you can I want to show you this crow with flies should come right back to me are these are the tame crows it is something yeah you know where this one came from this one came from the Indianapolis Zoo we're leaving at now he's up there is he coming back is he actually did a trained to do this okay here we go how do we hit me back Henry Henry Henry Henry he's got somebody's wallet Henry hey I don't know maybe it's to me people uh-huh made the trip up city so whoever finds him keeps him is that to the oh heck yeah darn it I worked with I worked with him in the hotel the crow won't hurt you just put him on your head there he likes his land on your head I don't understand well you know there was a guy who came in with a crow on his head Willy we you're not gonna worry about no I'm not gonna work on this view what we brought to you maybe for Valentine's Day it's Arnold and he's in our children's hood Arnold come here we take them all over with Peapod airplane have you have you trained Arnold to do anything I haven't I haven't worked with him long enough but friendly he's obviously what looking for truffles there I guess Arnold come here come here underneath the cockroach come here well I thought the bird smelled bad hi Arnold our yeah how will a pig get if he's not being used for pork products I bet a pig would live 20 years he know pigs intelligent they're very bright animals sure and he's right here he's right here he's all right okay this is this is look at this little thing I don't think many people ever seen one just a European hedgehog and then interesting whoops what kind of animal is that it looks like it's a it's a from European hedgehog is it a marsupial well not a marsupial no Felix prickly things are and these quills when they're little can grow up to like an inch every 15 hours that's how once they're first born this is this like a what do you call Don a porcupine this is something like well not really it's like a always I brought him it's you know thinking of hogs Arnold's eating a banana eating a banana yeah but the Hedgehog curls up like this for its protection you can see how you can't touch anything yeah but there's a European hedgehog not like a groundhog that we have in our country and these grow to be what six seven hundred pounds oh no this is this is a full road Hedgehog Jack this is an amazing assortment of stuff now please to try and get your bird back here you got a cockroach and I'll get them all Jack congratulations on all the good work you're doing at the zoo and thank you very much for bein nice meeting mrs. Weatherhead back to this hall [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] now listen to this point you're not gonna believe this the jungle jack Hannah's coming on the show yeah how many times do you think jungle jack has been on though it's in all the times including NBC everything well like he's gotta have been on at 660 times low low 60 is low yes 80 times low get out has he been on over a hundred times yes really has he been on a hundred and twenty times one zero two two times [Applause] who do you think has been on is anybody been on more more than he I don't think so yeah they're husband together Theodore brother Theodore Oh Marv Albert Oh Marv Albert has done more how many times do you think he's better 110 more Rick Marv Albert 100 120 times 126 Wow so is that the most that anybody has done the show won't know he said no someone is more has yes who is the leader brother Theodore no it's not brother Theodore it comfortably by the way in the clubhouse with the lead right now what could it be who could it be don't know I have no I know take a guess Tony ran Regis exactly just felt but how many times how many times 150 [Applause] [Music] it's still Jack cannon he's been on more than I have pretty I'm sure our first guest is the director emeritus of the Columbus Zoo and the host of the Emmy Award winning series Jack Hanna's into the wild here he is ladies and gentlemen our good great friend the one the only jungle jack Anna Jack come on [Applause] [Music] [Music] this is a track see if you can identify this track in the snow this is recently this was like two days old that's in the snow and then there's another one up here it's an animal yep in the wild in Montana yep do you know what that is yep what is that gerbil Dave it's a you should know that I know it's a big German just kidding that has to be a either Wolverine yes I believe Dave the first time I ever got a ride on this show look at that Wolverine amazing animals aren't they yeah we signed it for you well yeah thanks Jack's unit that'll mean so much to my track yeah no pound for pound everybody the most vicious animal yeah and and they can travel endless distances mile after mile after mile up steep terrain down steep terrain and then they track of them through glacier and they think there's only maybe three of them in Glacier National Park yeah I'm not trying to be for the point is Davis like I said two times ago it would be fun coming out here when you didn't know anything and now it's an amazing animal isn't it yeah I know he's telling you more now who you gave away everything but it is truly an amazing animal if not it town for pound remember you told me this years ago and a little baby on you look at me is it pound for pound it's a most it's like nobody can hurt it you only go after if they'll kill an alpha the one that's there they're a remarkable creature they are in right now the inflation I know what's wrong with them but that you know ain't over to Canada I guess is that right are we losing them well ready go go you can go to heaven to go to Canada they don't got one way to go Jack did you bring some animals because now I'm beginning to wonder did you bring some I brought my favorite animal oh my my wife's Dave is that funny that's not funny I've never had my wife phone everybody he's not married and this is sue my daughter my daughter Julie real quickly Julie his hand and this is my second wife Susie that's there what is going on Johana family ladies gentlemen now how do you hold these in yeah I would love to get your breasts okay here okay hi these are my leopards everyone with a razor cats the world from Malaysia Borneo Sumatra this cat spends 90% of his life in trees and we kept the world 90% a rare yeah the rear endangered yes well right now obviously it's sad back in the nineteen thirties forties fifties of coach were the main thing they don't do that in no no the problem is today it's mainly overpopulation what does that mean he's gonna try and get on a breast a nurse okay I just met we've been married two hours he's fine if you ever fed you fed these everybody might be wondering why these away from their mother the point is a lot of cats especially cheetahs will kill the young on the firstborn ninety percent of time mountain lions day where we live mountain lions the male mountain lion will consume the babies in less than 30 seconds if she's around if he's around with the babies the cheetah consumes as I said nine percent of her animals and that's that's I don't understand that what in the animal world what purpose does that say cuz they all of a sudden Dave there's a family thank you we've got mimics in nature for example the animals learn from each other these cats that just had these things they're born it what are those you know they don't notice the first time as they learn and they have the second thing it literally might have is no genetic anatomic connection between the male and the babies number two I have no idea what ended atomic Tomic weight I mean it's it's a bur its aberrant behavior for the male of the newborn what is aberrant behavior you mean they're godly they think it was a canary Albert a bee or it's not a canary what is this oh come on Chester you just what do this [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] you weren't Australians like that singing bass used to be able to get real this is nobody is this rush let me google bro by New Year's Eve let me write back to Jack Hanalei [Applause] [Music] Jenna John Fogerty and we have here date everybody my god that's a note something David yeah first time another way all right they're not crying these are how units they cry because they're happier you know I hate it that's what they are I've never had one on where Ray's needs for a new African veldt to Columbus I've never seen a hyena that's amazing where do they come from it's a spotted hyena for Africa what difficulties do obviously right but but they're the only on the continent of Africa yes by the way there's crushing power of their jaws Dave is greater than any I am of the world maybe a Jaguar now if we had to have Fighting's in Wolverine and hyena I'm sorry to say it whoever gets the first bite but I'm just telling I mean crushing power is unbelievable yes and you how you track them know their poop is white because he bone to eat everything they kill you you wouldn't have a bone they wouldn't find you know these full-grown no no these are baby these are baby sir how large will these Fang is get that as big as they can get I want to say Jack you've been coming on this show 33 years this I have never seen a hyena this is remarkably I want to do something special for you thank you where do they you have we have you have wolves Jack you have wolves you have coyote Jeff you have foxes like Fox in a canine Fitness of course a dingoes yes yeah and and the hyenas where do they rank in the canine family domestic dogs well close to that I would say but you know you got the wild dogs Africans right that one oh the wild dogs could you domesticate a hyena you kidding me you David why did you say no question - they crush you in - yeah now see this see how happy they are with that doesn't mean it wouldn't make a great pet no Dave you can't do that it's also called you know laughing whenever does it would it drink the coffee as it has already shot what do you mean has had a lousy shot touch your coffee I don't go to such as Cabo how about water would it drink well just boy am i playing with fire here I don't know here let's see if it will be interested in the water what you seemed apprehensive jack oh well just don't drink out of again no I'm not you see drink let's just see oh oh no no oh no oh no now you've done it the other one did it I didn't do anything anyway look at how easy those are beautiful I don't know if he likes you or not oh yeah yeah the point is everybody look at their legs if this animal look at this thing is it unbelievable I did really only thing like that there are it is when you see a hyena they're not laughing now are they are they rare and endangered yes the the brown is so Brown how you I think is once endangered now why are they in danger what are people doing to these in well a lot of dogs distempered they get around villages sometimes you know they get the rabies yeah exactly let's do this next animal this is amazing thank you very much now short keep relock sure you have to show thank you very much Wow everyone there's one of them at 100 the world what is this David something you get at Chipotle [Music] [Applause] is an alligator that's an alligator yes an albino Alexander about 100 world all mine I say this for the last show yeah where did this come from the Columbus Zoo oh no I know that but where do where do we find them this is not like you know you're right you're not indigenous to all no I know you're right history okay they're from Africa alligators can be different types relegated you got the crocodile mm-hmm no this is an albino alligator but in the wild it will last one hour why is that you should only answer this question because it has no camouflage darn it you know what I told me I told you right I'd like to tell you that nobody told me there okay okay anyway this animal you're right though yeah remember something alligators can outrun any human on earth the first twenty feet only thinks money feet yeah yeah so I tell people go 30 feet 30 feet yeah now watch you see what you just said yes a great powerful tail yes when you walk up to an alligator on the ground they can feel vibrations they have sensor glands in fact I wanna show you set like this is a little bit right all they know is that an alligator also your what is that an alligator also hi how are you Olli Oh Jack did you just ask me to alligator is that it that it's an alligator also you for that say see you later alligator after a while crocodile yeah that's alligator that's not good yeah and what's the difference rejected I know we've covered this before the alligator is fresh water the crocodile the saltwater or vice versa does it make any difference well 30 years ago you wouldn't ask the question anyway you see here their sensors here their sensors right underwater they can feel who did he get you got in the back they oh I've heard that let me show you something was show everybody home this you never seen this day watch this put your hand here a minute oh no watch this tour to came everybody very people to see I never did this last time I had another gate watch it he's strong look at these arms what is camera oh I want sure did you can you one more demo if you get it down his throat see look down here do down there what do you see Dave what do you see my car keys Dave are the flat back there throw under water they can't drown there's a flat hold the water out okay and when they hurt you David I'm starting from the cameras let me show you Dave walk over here act like you're a person like an alligator to me Dave I'm just I'm gonna get the tail there's no way I wouldn't do that you got three more shows this here they watch this where's it where am I supposed to I can walk in here like this now the gator knows you're real right he's gonna go I can slap it yes and then the alligator turns his head like this right grabs you quickly and blink your eye you're dead no I just want to hug it was an invaluable demonstration Jack thank you I think we learned quite a lot about alligators I'll be right back ladies [Applause] [Music] [Applause] down father-god yeah as we've mentioned over and over again you've been so generous and so giving and so much fun to have on the program that you've been here over a hundred times yeah we put together a compilation of my visits all right I tell you what I like to do though everyone the Columbus Zoo the City of Columbus our zoo Dave the zoo world animal world owes you so much no no yes they do 30 years every one of helping they don't forget me right but remember when I came and walked on the ferris wheel yeah that's funny no but I already showed you what we did everyone they clump the wilds of Columbus Zoo had the first fifth generation rhino in the world ever born out of the wild ever know where this last summer we had former people that you would know celebrities one of the name is saying no way everyone voted on David Letterman we named it lettering if we could show it here on the screen link yeah what we're doing right there next thing everyone this has never been done in our zoo the next thing we gave you never a lifetime membership for his family guess what it says November I'm sorry look at the date on the 8th but Dave this is a this is a killer here I'll raise a lot of money in 1984 for the black rhinoceros rhinoceros poach for its horn look at that Dave what's it say everybody and I did not be funny either save a horny friend I'm not joking thank you I'll raise a lot of money with this stuff now when when can I pick up the baby rhino but I'll come out to your place and get your barred rain bus this short everybody's in every cut in the world to get it up shoot I'll show you it's ripped I know that but look at this Dave is that something every cut in the world gave me a hat from did you know you can put yourself put that on put your underwear and some pants on and look at you look you look like I like you just like you thank you yep thank you everybody this man I'll get out I just want to thank you Dave for everything well you've been more than loyal and completely giving to us and we really really love you jack here now a little compilation of Jackson oh no I'd like this to be a little more educational taught us tell us something that will be interesting about the animals you know what I mean this is a penguin all right his thing has four parts to it what do you mean his thing his has four parts to an S word is penis [Applause] got yourself but sniffing monkey there what don't you play oh shoot what happened [Music] and I think we can this is a female you don't get makes a male know get like deck I think I think I just sneak the beak I think it's a male I know what the difference I know this looks cute everybody at home alright but the point is everyone you've got to be I'm not you don't to worry I'm just saying the more you don't go pickups come to yard or raccoons and things this is nice shot by the way honest it just relax the doctor will be in in a minute Dave you know how much income modal dragon can eat no it can eat 20 30 pounds in less than like 10 minutes one sitting well and they got the if they bite you and he's he gonna do this is gonna be alright they you barely touch the potatoes hey would you boys like a table they want to sit at the bar but you see here here jack put your head back here we go so I've got confit all for Bank thank you very much I am so sorry sure the great would you like another one jack you believe this I need the lemur the banana can no sudden movements all right let him start wait here boys everybody everybody have a grape oh well no I don't want to picking me no I just don't try to show you how I know that's fine but they're gonna pick my eyes out [Applause] Davy's we'd fun let's just walk out with you just walk out with you just walk out with me Wow give this big another get didn't just let's get out of here I see they were today what they're doing [Laughter] to meet on my head [Applause] [Applause] [Music] you know it wasn't all that fun thank you jack [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Don Giller
Views: 27,396
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jack Hanna
Id: wEwkObKVMfI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 58sec (2038 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 21 2020
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