TREX TALK: The Strength of the Gun Economy

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all right welcome back to another t-rex talk we are live on youtube for the next until i mentioned gun control or a specific person who's pushing gun control who is a presidential candidate we'll say that much we're allowed to tell you guys that there are presidential candidates right i think that's still inside the terms and service agreement so i'm here with lucas we're going to be talking about um 2020 economy because there have been some economic changes and we are a business where business that's in the gun industry whatever that is uh and this is one aspect of the economy that's actually doing pretty well um there are downsides but there there's a lot of a lot of sales going on right now there's people buying guns there's uh there's not anyone buying ammo but that's because all the ammo has already been bought yeah the gun industry is pretty healthy right now and i wanted to talk about that with lucas my brother uh we're sort of watching the the questions lucas is watching the questions as they come in but also you can check this out as a podcast look up trx talk on your podcast and um yeah as a podcast it's actually doing pretty well even though uh lucas you have not uh you have not plugged the podcast on your instagram well uh i need some good graphics and uh what i actually would like to do is get sound bites i know we've been saving some of our uh it's true we've saved i think this is episode 23 or 24. like we have as many episodes as your average television season now which is kind of fun yeah what was i saying i had to look at an email just came in i wanted some graphics yeah graphics sound bites uh it's you sound by so what we've done is we've taken some of these segments in the past and we've gone through and this is an hour long and pulled small clips for our instagram so that's the kind of thing that would be nice to have to plug this and be able to actually post them too so yeah i don't know but we're a little short staffed in the marketing department but we have two videos coming up we've got one this week on something that some of y'all might have seen if you watch my twitch already a rough draft that i worked on this morning i can still smell it you just gave it away but yeah so that should be getting published in the next couple days and then i've got a video that i've been working on uh one of the only edit projects i've done this year and that should be launching next weekend and that's on uh something a little more a little more fun yeah a little more interesting lucas is like his mic is too loud so here's one of the things that we want to talk about is yeah sales are the other reason that we haven't been doing a ton of hardcore marketing this year is we haven't needed to because stuff is just flying off the shelves it's hard to keep stuff in stock so one of the things that is really interesting to watch is there's a bunch of people talking about how crummy the economy is and how many people have applied for the unemployment benefits and it is a big number i don't want to downplay that except for the fact that half of those people are in california so the economy is really negatively affected in ways that are very uneven much more in california than literally all the other states and certain uh parts of the economy certain industries more than others uh do you remember we had a conversation about uh 11 months ago when the first season of the mandalorian came out we were talking about how awesome disney had it launching their own streaming platform oh yeah with an awesome star wars uh tv show all the star wars movies all the marvel movies all the pixar movies yeah all of the disney movies and they had a whole slate of stuff that was coming and it was like well obviously they're they're killing it and they're gonna they're gonna win but then but then coronavirus happened and a lot of stuff changed and companies like disney are actually having a hard time because they can't produce more content new content well there's that but also disney is a gigantic company and they get most of their profit most of their cash flow actually comes from the parks and the parks are closed and toys and they get a pretty big chunk of it from cruises cruises are done they have a content delivery platform but uh yeah they're not shooting as much more content as they had planned and they have a bunch of content that's delayed and they had a bunch of content that was going to go to theaters and make hundreds of millions of dollars in theaters and theaters were closed so like lots of stuff has changed and a lot of people are looking at stuff like that and they're talking about a whole bunch of uh when when economists often talk about the economy and the strength of the economy they look at what people are doing with their disposable income how people are spending it on entertainment which in a way makes sense because if the economy is healthy people put more of their money into entertainment and so forth but that's not a perfect test because there's also times when there are like this has been a pretty big year for for t-rex we've had a lot of sales interest in guns and holsters has been really high this year that's true we have put almost all of that money into growing the company and i imagine this is true of a ton of gun companies that exist they are not sitting at home buying mulan for no renting mulan for 30 on top of whatever disney plus actually costs per month they're putting that money into cnc machines because they're trying to grow and expand their production capacity lots of reinvestment and all of the reinvestment into the economy looks to people who only look at disposable income spending that looks like a declining economy what that actually is is an economy that is reinvesting in itself an economy that is stronger there's a ton of people that are bringing more manufacturing jobs back to the states and so even though theme parks are closed and movie theaters are closed and disney is suffering um it actually is going to be i think a very positive thing for the overall economy and for the country in general so that's kind of interesting thing to talk about i'm sure you've heard some industry stories about people who are ramping up production trying yeah trying to do stuff i uh so i was at an event uh two weeks ago uh up at near the fort bragg area and there were a lot of industry people there and i overheard one guy saying that there's a ammo company i'm not sure which one he didn't say that is back ordered two billion dollars so the defense industry what we're seeing right now is actually in some ways very similar to the early 2000s golden age of g watt as far as you know ammo going through the roof i don't know if that's going to happen with training i had some meetings with some instructors while i was out there and was talking to them about the future of training because there's obviously less ammo so for you guys to go out and get training may be a little difficult i think certain kinds of training is going to go up though i think some classes like medical uh some of the more specialized courses that don't revolve around ammo because i think to some extent people are actually having more money now than they know shooters that is than they normally do because they're not buying ammo now they're buying some ammo at inflated rates but then they're not just shooting as much yeah so i feel like and i saw i had some questions last night on my twitch from people going do i buy ammo at inflated prices or a pbs 14. and i was like get a 14. if you've already got enough ammo to fill your mags for you know the end of the roll as we know it get night vision have that capability so i feel like next year we're going to see a spike in more specialized training and in more specialized products like night vision that people don't normally go out and buy because they're not buying ammo and they have more money i mean i'm not shooting as much right now i still can shoot a decent amount but i'm not shooting as much because of um there's obviously work stuff here and more business ceo stuff but uh that is ultimately more money that i could direct into something else like motorcycles if i want to get better at driving dirt bikes or something which i was actually thinking about last night or i had a lovely idea that i really want to do i actually talked to david about this morning is this going to be an on camera oh yeah yeah now this is fine it's fine i i'm pricing it though maybe someone in here can help us out and i did got one quote it was six figures uh this was a little expensive uh i actually want to do a full obstacle course back behind that building that we can use for product testing and site employee morale building so be a big wooden you know marine corps bud style whatever obstacle course i haven't done an obstacle course in a long time but but stuff like that i would like to put money into things like that that's separate from shooting and so that's one example little more far-fetched it's a little more expensive i just had a company quote me like uh they said 80 to 100 000 to do one that's a little more than i'd like to spend obviously i feel like we could probably make one for cheaper but a full obstacle course for us to go test gear at play around on you know it's a playground what team building team building build playground uh we have a time standard see who i know a bunch of the guys back in production will be racing each other on it trying to get through it and i'm sure there would be some standards that would be yes so be fun i don't know but there's stuff like that we also have a whole bunch of little children we have children there's a bunch of t-rex children so the adult playground i'm just saying we can't build an adult playground and not build a kids playground like that would be that that would be a slight yeah this guy says don't look for excuses to spend safe i agree i agree definitely uh save money uh have a plan for what you want to use it on i do think to some extent if you have some money definitely for firearm wise if you have a rifle that doesn't have a good optic on it that and you're not spending money on ammo you could upgrade your rifle and get it a little better but at some point once you've bought you know you have all the capability you've already invested in it so you already have a good rifle you've already got a good pistol maybe you already have night vision like a 14 then yeah your money your excess money you're getting obviously you could save and put into stuff i'm definitely not saying be a you know a consumer be consumed by stuff but um but you should be budgeting for a defense yeah so theoretically if you're budgeting for defense and you've decided to set aside three percent or four percent or five percent of your gdp to spend on defense and then a year like 2020 comes along weighing how you want to spend that money is definitely something that you should be doing very carefully buy adderall no just by rain it'll be good um all right so someone was asking about let's talk about it they're saying are you worried about biden's big gun plan so i want to hit that first and there's a couple of really hilarious things about it so i'll go first the democrats have always had anti-gun rhetoric right they've always talked about the stuff now just so happens as time goes on it starts to be a little more overt um but the the agendas of these people on the left who've been trying to get in power trying to disarm us that's never changed and some of that is with republicans as well so it it i never expect a politician to run and not have those positions like it's not shocking to me more when a guy's like take all the guns i'm like yep that you're a politician like most likely that's what you're that's the platform not not shocking at all in 2020 uh in you know 2024 2028 like this is what they're going to be saying for a very long time am i shocked by his stuff absolutely not saw it coming it's going to be happening with everyone running for president for the next probably 20 30 40 whatever years unless some dramatic stuff happens who knows what but i think we need to stop being shocked when people want to take our guns because that's literally how it has always been in history where rulers want to disarm the people like you can look back and find it everywhere so none of this should be a shock to us at all he definitely is spells some stuff out in more detail than previous uh people running for president and you're probably more fascinated with that yeah if you want to cover some of that yeah probably more up to date on the specifics well there's one that people have been talking about which is really interesting to think about so one of the plans is to make y'all you all know the deal with nfa items there's the gigantic paperwork delay and there's the 200 tax so his plan is to make a whole bunch of pre-existing things nfa items any weapon any semi-automatic weapon that can carry more than two than ten rounds or i believe ten plus one and then all magazines so yeah so every magazine that i own basically at this point with the exception of no i have yeah no i have a revolver that would not fall into this category every other gun that i own and every other magazine that i own you said every mag needs a tax stamp 10 rounds and over 200 bucks so let's think about magpul for instance so magpul makes pmags how many mags do you think magpul has made and i don't actually know the answer but it is many millions of mags it's easily a billion dollars worth of tax stamps for the civilian market in just the last few years and that's just pmax so just think and i've seen different um i think dailer daily caller throughout like it's going to be 3.8 billion dollar cost to to privately owned gun civilian people i think it's way higher than that if this thing actually goes through so once this actually gets a number put on it i think that it's going to be very difficult to do also democrats rarely actually pass gun legislation they complain and they whine and they lean on republicans try to get republicans to do it um so yeah so this question of what will we do if stuff happens it really remains to be seen what what what would happen i do think that uh kamala harris would push very hard for actual crime bills and gun bills and would actually try to make stuff illegal and they they have talked about buybacks which is way more overt than anyone has really they're way more overt this year but a lot of it is kind of the same stuff i calculated i would owe 160 000 in tax stamps on my magazines yeah well also on your guns to take those magazines actually no that's less because each gun is only 200 right yeah that's way less than the mags the magazine would be costing more than that absolutely because yeah and and this reminds me i need way more mags but uh well we have it happens we uh we have some now i know there's this i'm not sure if they're on the website yet but if you need mags before you know they go up well hang on hang on a hand you know just hang on right next thing someone asked calm down um settle down yeah that will settle down youtube will yeah that is there's a bunch of questions here about how firearm manufacturers are actually scaling it's different across the board um but generally speaking they're making guns as fast as they can i had one firearms manufacturer uh write to me and he said they have increased capacity immensely and it's like pouring water into the sahara um the demand for guns is incredibly high they cannot keep up i think they are doubling their production capacity a bunch of people are are doing this um but what we are talking about is um we're talking about gun manufacturers that are shipping stuff out to all the same retailers as normal people are asking why is there not guns on the shelves because they're just getting bought faster so yep i don't really want to mention any names because a lot of the people that i've talked to they've told me stuff that yeah it wasn't clear whether it was in confidence or not on the one hand i'm an industry partner when i talk to some of these people but i'm also i'm a journalist now just like public figures yeah so i i don't want to mention any names but i will say that they're making guns just like they have before only in larger quantities the gun stores the retailers and wholesalers are ordering larger quantities but the gun stores are basically shipping in the same quantities so like rsr has probably been asking sig for a million mcx's because they know that they will sell and i'm sure that sig has said like well we've been selling you you know a few hundred a year we'll we'll try to we'll we'll just guarantee another 100 this year like i have no idea what the actual numbers are but the demand is so high that they're making guns at an increased rate they're shipping them out and they're just not sitting under this guy says um do you think qc will drop because of demand i think for some companies qc could absolutely drop i know for us it hasn't we've obviously ramped up and we've bought more machines and hired more people and stuff but um our qc stays the same it's gonna depend on companies we've let a couple of things slip but one of the advantages that we have is we have a product that's really easy to make it's true and it's only a few parts it's not like a firearm it's like and we have parts or whatever even as we've expanded the company we've kept our quality control checks basically being the same people even they've even gotten better yeah in many ways it's gotten better now we have let some stuff through and we have had a couple of training incidents um that made it through because we have been training about people out hands and stuff missing fingers and all kinds of crazy stuff no actually it's kind of amazing there's not a single missing finger it's crosstalk tired i think t-rex i figured by now um we would have had something like with because we got band saws and people are cutting on bandsaws and some of the guys are going super fast but still we haven't had anything i so far think i may have the most significance you may have the most the the biggest one so far i never hurt myself doing it i got i got away scot-free somehow probably because i was not cutting as fast as i should have but i should have cut faster and produced things quicker yeah so uh yeah so gun control happening people expanding now here's an interesting thing i read an article in a harvard business review or yeah and they were talking about the big three gun manufacturers and uh is that a term that anyone uses anywhere else the big three yeah like stalin and roosevelt and no well no the big three gun manufacturers so like ruger remington and i forget who they said the third was possibly colt but you know what ken's gone remington's gone sold everything else and colt has gone out of business so many times well and they've they said they were going to this article i think was accomplished but then they're not and but here's the fascinating thing though it's interesting that a lot of publications and journalists i pointed to myself earlier because everyone's a journalist now we're doing journalism but uh one of the things that's fascinating is shilling the uh the journalists are still talking about the gun industry as if it is like the car industry or if it is like the uh social media industry where there's only three gigantic players the fact of the matter is there are tons of gun manufacturers there is no big three that kind of run the show and that is something that i believe is the sign of the very healthy industry i would agree um breeze competition which breeds success even though the gun industry is heavily taxed and heavily regulated and a lot of companies are not even allowed to sell their product into certain states like california that has still resulted in a healthier industry than industries like the car industry or pharmaceutical industries where there are incentives and there is there's a lot of powerful lobbyists that actually help them squash the politician us squashed the competition with the help of the politicians like the fact that there are a million players making ar-15s is i believe a sign of tremendous health in the economy now even though there's not any trillion dollar gun makers at that that what i will say though is what a lot of folks that don't understand and i'll drop this bomb on you guys while they're not a big three like big farms manufacturers there are most of the companies making ar-15s don't actually make most of the parts themselves so there are companies like toolcraft who makes bolts for most the companies bulk and then you've got barrel companies and most of the companies outside of that like bcm who doesn't really make much like themselves rely on the manufacturers of those individual products and the problem with getting into uh selling air 15s or making them or for most companies assembling is you're relying on like 12 different companies to get you the parts so if you get your barrels your upper receivers your bolt carrier groups but you're missing your uh your detent springs or your dust covers from whoever you're getting them from uh your whole project is stalled like you are stopped and that's why like bcm i was on their website last night and psa as well i was on their website just saying do they have anything in stock nothing's in stock and that's because they're making runs of uppers but they're having to rely on parts from over here and over here and over here i don't think psa manufactures everything in-house there's only a couple people that i know of that do daniel defense i want to say colt and i think there's one other company that actually makes everything in-house the barrels the the lowers the forged slowers all that stuff um so that's something to remember as far as like air 15 availability where if like if we were to sell air 15s it's a logistical nightmare trying to get all the parts from everyone and then make it into you know make 100 200 uppers and then we get all the rails to make the next batch and then we sit there waiting for the barrels to come back or the upper receiver to come back and most of these companies are assemblers they're not manufacturers and that is definitely affecting things i will say though i think that everybody and not just gun manufacturers i think everybody is getting better at logistics because of coronavirus something that was being done in the past and we've talked about this in the past is just in time inventory is how you squeeze maximum efficiency out of your dollars if you're a if you're a product retailer or a product wholesaler or even an assembler or even a manufacturer like us like we have to rely on people getting us plastic so that we can actually bend it into kydex holsters that's true screws rivets but so many people uh have in the past tried to have no more inventory in stock than possible and as soon as you have issues with uh i missed it it was close though so close uh if you have a ton of stuff in stock you actually have some flexibility yes you are paying for it uh but you actually have some flexibility when there are fluctuations in the supply chain which is what 2020 has been all about and so i think that people are getting better at that i think they're getting better at being a little heavier in inventory i think they're getting better at having multiple multiple suppliers and i think there's a lot of gun manufacturers who have just relied on a few people who make bolts and a few people who make barrels and now i think they're going out and they're looking like oh i have a local spring manufacturer they don't actually make a detent spring but they can and so i think there's a broadening and strengthening and i think there's more resiliency in a lot of areas of manufacturing but i think the the crunch is tightest on guns the the amount of guns being bought right now uh it's just this guy asked is psa releasing their mp5 clone i kind of doubt it with everything going on i'm sure i mean we've had products we've wanted to release i know here goes the the tom holland of the gun world leaking something else but there's been products we've wanted to release we thought we could release and then we ran into issues getting materials to make the item and we've spent like a few hours talking about a couple of those products today so companies that made announcements like earlier in the year at shot show i would not count on some of those happening because of what sadly yes like the mp5 and other things like that no i don't talk to psa i don't know what's going on with them i looked at it when i was there at shot show they pulled it out of the case for me and it felt like a decent gun but yeah i doubt it's happening and for them it's probably a low priority like exactly if i was psa i'd be like focus on air 15s is what people need a nine mil sub gun novelty thing ish like yeah not really absolutely yes i wanna bring this i wanna bring this up because uh psa is a company who has had some quality control issues in the past because of how rapidly they have grown but their stated goals are to arm people uh which is fantastic we're 100 about that and i can totally see the guys at psa saying exactly what you just said a 9 mil sub gun is a super cool thing to sell to people but they don't need it as badly as they need other stuff push production in other areas we've we've even had products we're working on this year we were like stop there's more important things happening and unrest and riots and maybe a civil war let's focus on products that will actually help there the armor was a good one i mean we we definitely focused on some of the armor stuff with hesco early this year we made that a priority for sure big priority for you guys so there's definitely a bunch of there's a bunch of people making hard decisions because the other hard decision is what if you build out a you a huge factory expansion in 2020 demand for guns goes down significantly in 2021 and you have spent a ton of money on machines that are going to sit idle i think that everybody at this point um is not expecting things to soften too much in 2021 and uh yeah so i i think that there's a ton of people that are that are expanding and um i always say that for gun manufacturers now this is not the case for everybody for example ammunition is very hard to spin up new capacity because there's a lot of materials that go into the manufacture of ammunition that are not made here or that are not made easily no matter how many machines that you have so that's very hard to spin up but gun manufacturer requires that you do metal machining with machines that you can sell to other manufacturers if you have if you have machine time just lying around and there are a ton of other industries that are booming right now we have been talking about some some new cnc machines some different cnc machines and talking to a bunch of cnc sellers and automation engineers uh everybody is expanding this year it is it is kind of astonishing and even i've talked to people like well can we get a better deal on this he was like nah cause like we could negotiate but in the time that we sit negotiating i'll just sell another machine so yeah it was funny i talked to a company when i was at that event and said i need more of this item can i throw money at you to get more and he's like no i can get you like one a week i was like oh great like they're already it doesn't make a difference they're already so backward i couldn't give them a money commitment to get more because they're already just sucked dry and everyone's buying their stuff so they said i could get one a week and i was like okay like that's great but i need like more than that yeah is what it is but i will say so as far as next year so i have some prediction well and the predictions are depend on the election to some extent but regardless of how the election goes i think it's very safe to say that um unrest in the nation will continue because of cultural stuff and distrust in media whoever the administration is that's in you know there's just all kinds of stuff going on right now um there's some industry kind of things that i'm sort of predicting i think the the era the golden era of shooting a lot of bullets for training is not going to be happening in 2021 it was able to happen in 19 it was able to happen earlier this year it was able to happen in 18 you know people going out shooting a lot more i was shooting i shot a hundred thousand rounds in 2018 in 19 it came down to like 80 and then this year it's come down to like 50 or something like that i think that is going to i don't think that's going to be a thing next year but on the plus side i think next year that means you will have time and money to go do some other things yes so i've been talking to some different instructors about hey um what if you try to do more specialized shooting classes what if you tried to do more or other instructors doing like night vision and stuff like that and one thing that i actually would love to do is i'm right now trying to get a bunch of moving targets and stuff at our range or maybe at another range and then getting some rifle instructors to be able to come in and do very low round count rifle classes on moving targets because you never get to do that you know in a class have you know four moving targets deep with non-threats and threats foreground and background hiding behind cover and stuff like that like you never get to do that but a class like that that's you know a 400 round count two day you know intermediate distance 200 meters an in carbine only on moving targets like a specialized class like there like that absolutely you know land nav absolutely i will say the way that i do moving targets is with a lot of bullets sure so people is not going to be accurate but i think i think the training world is going to have to change i think some of the class stuff's going to change and i think it's actually going to be for the better i think people will start focusing on things deficiencies and i know you guys can probably think of all sorts of deficiencies i have go right ahead you can fill me full holes that's fine be like oh he can go work on his fitness stuff and lift absolutely maybe that's something i'll do and i'll get yoked next year but there's other things where i'm like you know what maybe i should go buy those two dirt bikes i've been wanting and go drive trails and get really good driving dirt bikes and shooting submachine guns off the side i won't shoot the submachine guns that much but i'll drive around you know and do that a little bit shooting up you know cars are arranged stuff like that obstacle course stuff in full kit there's all kinds of other things that i'm thinking about for next year that honestly if ammo was still available i would probably just be planning more ammo stuff for next year like more shooting for next year so in some ways it's actually it's i think it's going to lead to innovation in certain areas more innovation in the dry fire world uh maybe more innovation with vr stuff we actually have a full vr set up here that i moved over got a new computer so we can start playing some more with that so i'm actually looking forward to next year i know that sounds really dark and kind of cynical with you know everything going on right now um i think it's going to be neat yeah yeah i think people need to have hope for the future and be looking for opportunities if you're someone who wants to start a business definitely look at uh you know voids that need to be filled there's new voids that need to be filled don't think like oh i should go start an ammo company no it's probably a really bad time to turn ammo company right now with trying to get primers bullets and everything and all the other companies are just getting all that stuff look for other problems that can be solved i've got a buddy who um he's not able to live fire at his range anymore so he's like you know what i'm going to do airsoft force on force stuff um and he's running great little force on force classes for people they're like 150 bucks for a day and he runs them through scenarios charging them with knives uh pistol versus pistol and he's not able to do live fire anymore but he's like honestly people can't afford the ammo anyway we're going to do airsoft the new force on force which is honestly probably for those people more beneficial for a lot of people for a lot of people and i will also say i mean you mentioned land nav and other stuff like there's a ton of non-shooting stuff for this community and for the stuff that we talk about shooting gets the most attention it gets the most views but night vision stuff como stuff community stuff history book stuff all of that is equally important and in a lot of circumstances far more important and um so yeah we can focus more on that as a group and a big one and i kind of i may do this video i don't know when but uh i think drew actually wrote a post on the t-rex instagram the other day but a movement is one of the biggest ones in the as far as shooting that people can be training and that's as simple as doing agility ladders uh stick drills static to static just getting more agile being a little more dexterous with your footwork and you don't even have to fire a single bullet for that i could probably teach a one-day movement class without shooting a single bullet with having your firearm getting side alignment doing your transitions and just focusing on movement arriving in position getting your head up if you're subscribed to the t-rex arms newsletter shameless plug you would have gotten an exclusive training video about movement in which i was training one of our cs guys ezra on uh just a simple two stick stacked static drill it's like a six minute video if you're subscribed to the newsletter if you're not go sign up because i am starting to send exclusive videos through there um hopefully one a week we'll see how that goes but we definitely just sent one i think was yesterday but um a movement class i mean that's something you can work on in your yard if you really want to get good at movement so i think there's a lot of things people can be working on that maybe they're forsaking because it's easier to stand on a line and just shoot a gun and reload and shoot a gun and yeah it's cooler it's easy and thing is shooting's easy i know that sounds weird but like shooting is probably the easiest part of the entire puzzle movement and then the other stuff associated with shooting is way harder the shooting part is supe it's actually really easy in comparison so maybe you can't do that in 2021 but you can work on other stuff yeah there's a bunch of things and and like i said before i think this is going to be really good for the economy overall in the long term the fact that we have so many important jobs like manufacturing that are coming back to the states and there's so many companies that are spending money on tools right now he's going to build a stronger economy in the future even though it does mean that you know disney might be suffering a bit i'm okay with disney suffering a little bit after all the suffering they put me through with recent star wars movies um oh now there are a bunch of uh there are a bunch of industries that are hurting like coming back i heard a pretty terrible um i heard a pretty terrible story about uh bars and restaurants in the nashville area yes where basically the mayor said we're going to reopen we're going to allow you guys to reopen and they bought a whole bunch of food and then instant you know revoking of that promise and that cost them a ton of money on top of the money that they were already seriously missing out on so there's definitely uh there's definitely a lot of businesses that are indeed hurting i don't want to overlook that um i mean and a lot of that stuff is entirely the result of terrible terrible government i could speak i could speak about it from a personal level because redacted lost her job early this year so yeah it's the economy has not been great everywhere um i won't say where she worked or what she did but she worked in an industry that literally did this when covet hit and lost her job pretty much right off the bat so and i actually got a new job i actually think that that company was premature and a lot of companies were premature because they battened down the hatches for something that did not happen they batten down the hatches for a serious uh a serious health crisis and that did not happen however we did have a serious mismanagement crisis and that serious mismanagement crisis has really really hurt bars and restaurants uh but the theme parks delivery delivery went up manufacturing went way up tons of things have gone way up and uh there are some there are some folks who i think reacted to hastily at the beginning and then there's a ton of companies like ours that fortunately we were we were pretty heavy on inventory and we were pretty focused on resiliency and so that definitely helped us to uh whether the the first uh panic spending and buying and and then when uh when the trump stimulus check hit our sales went everybody spent that money on useful stuff um and then when the useful stuff was out of stock they came to our store someone's asking why my girlfriend doesn't work for me uh you know what let's cover that real fast so um so no because this is interesting and this is something that i'm going to completely disagree with you absolutely i have no idea what you're going to say so i've talked to her a lot about this um when you have a significant other that works with you or say under you in a business or in another department it can create some political issues where let us say this individual significant other it would almost be as awkward as if it was a family member like a brother that would be so weird that's different but what i'm getting at is let us say let us do a scenario where she goes to work for someone over here and she starts to really fail at her draw her job does not interface well with people just it's not going well well they may not want to you know um hold a performance review for her or do something to her because they know she's the boss's girlfriend and or wife so it can start to create some really awkward stuff that's not always the most professional so you really need to be careful when your significant other is working in the same company with you now if she's working you know alongside you and you're you know in the same capacity you're working in that can be a little different but that's a conversation i've definitely had with her many times it's a conversation that we have you know regarding you know wives you know working in the company but i think it's i've heard stories of this sort of thing happening where a guy's like yeah just come work and go do this thing down here and it creates some just weirdness as far as like performance reviews and um some of the politics with other people in the company so you know but she does already help me with some stuff um company wise which is great and she's awesome but we're gonna talk about that too much because that's super personal and you guys don't get to know everything about my life even though you all like to ask questions but i do think as just far as business advice you should be very careful having your significant other work in the same business in a different department and not maybe right next to you in the same department with the same responsibilities i will say i don't completely disagree with you i will say that there's always going to be potential for awkwardness even when you hire friends even when you become friends with people that you hired who weren't your friends before there's so much awkwardness relationships cause friction and they reveal weaknesses in systems and sometimes systems reveal weaknesses in relationships so i would say that uh a lot of people ask us questions about how we are working together how are we working together when we're family because people say never hire i'll say the meeting this afternoon uh it was good yeah it was good it was a good meeting and but i i will say there there are there are great strengths to working with your family because you already have relationships and you already have shared understanding of uh of each other but one of the downsides is like i think we got a little too heated in that meeting yeah and you know i probably did i'm very passionate well i think everybody did because we're brothers and we used to do that when we fight over legos but well and this is the funniest part i was thinking about this last week because i'll get heated not not generally with isaac um i'll get needed with other folks but then the next day it's totally normal you know because it's a sibling and for most other people like if i get heated like let us say let us throw um let's throw chad under the bus if i get heated with chad today tomorrow when i see him it'll still be pretty awkward um but if i if i do it with isaac it's like ah it's fine well i do think that it's different the fact that chad's great the fact that we're okay with it doesn't necessarily mean that it's okay i don't think we should work on that sure being more professional especially as we have more people in the meetings yes yeah that's why we boot that's why we jettison people we're like everyone leave just kidding we don't do that but uh yeah definitely when there's other people but this is this is a very interesting question and a lot of people have built we're way off topic a lot of people have built human resource policies around the fact that relationships are tricky so you try to create ways in which relationships play as little as possible into how things work because relationships are tricky but you also get rid of all of the advantages of relationships just because they're tricky that's really not worth it and i would say there's lots of ways to do this like um heidi it was my wife is a tremendously important part of the business even though she doesn't work here because of all the ways that she is support staff for not just me but other people in the company and uh yeah again i'm not going to go into a ton of details because i will say lucas has apparently said that people can't know personal stuff on this life so i uh yeah we do get a lot of questions about that i i know a big one that i get is like how how is it being the boss to them i don't see myself as the boss like i'm the ceo of the company sure i don't really don't see you i totally that's fine i totally i don't see myself as the boss of um honestly of really anyone in the company i try not to but definitely not them because literally we get together in a room and we hash out you know the strategies are what we're trying to achieve and generally speaking like 90 of the time we're all on board sometimes how we get to that objective will differ where isaac's like we should do these kinds of videos or we should do this thing and i'm like i'd rather do this one and then david's like well actually we should be doing this first before those but the goal way out here is we all hold the same objectives and the same goals the differences are kind of how we get there and which roads we take and those are very easy to tackle or easier to tackle if if we all had different ideas of like what t-rex arms is and where t-rex arms is exactly going that's where you start to have more issues because isaac's like i want over here i want over here and the roads are not like like together at all we're on completely separate interstates but since we're all like going over here the roads are just like do we take the scenic detour that's like two months do we take the interstate of high risk and get there in like 10 minutes and do we whatever um so no it's great people ask how is it working with your brothers i wouldn't have it any other way like i wouldn't and the funny thing is when we started and uh david came to me and was like hey let's form a partnership and we'll all be involved i actually wasn't sure originally it's actually hilarious originally i was like i want to hire people i don't know so that i can fire them a little more easily but now my opinion is i don't want to hire anyone i don't know i only want to hire people i know that i can trust so i've completely flip-flopped that sort of mindset from seven years ago so now i only want to hire people and only work with people i already know and already like trust and then yeah i'm very picky so but yeah i think it's really interesting so some people have commented here um yeah so one of some people comment on how we interrupt each other all the time on the lives that's hilarious well and the reason that i realize that we do this not that we don't do it in private meetings but it is very weird for me to talk to this camera to you and then yeah like not see that he wants to interject and then talk over him the other issue is like that right there the other issue is isaac and i are talkers so it's very easy for me to talk to the camera for an hour no problem i mean i do it on instagram all the time and isaac can do it too so if i don't interject or let isaac interject i'll just keep talking to you guys and i'll keep doing this so sometimes it's easy for us to just keep talking and not be like pause for your turn but this is a weird that's a problem this is a weird dynamic and there's there's other podcasters and video people who can do it where they can have a conversation and include the third chair somehow and it's well i will say though a lot of those podcasts they never talk there they only talk to you so this is easy conversation i'm doing that and then i'm not seeing you yeah conversations i can see you not really your uh chameleon panos yeah 97 degrees that's another reminder we need to market the chameleon targets before we build the chameleon panos yes but i can't do them with night vision but whatever um okay let's see um uh do i have kids he has kids i don't not yet um what shoes are you wearing why did i read that out loud tactical boots i've got these solomons they're great boots they're terribly comfortable um only wanted to hire people to get fired yeah let me explain that i so seven years ago i know i knew that the possibility of needing to let people go due to performance issues is there i mean if you're on a company at some point you're gonna have to let someone go so my theory seven years ago was well it'll be easier to do that to someone i'm not personally connected to versus someone that i know me or someone possibly from church or a family member like firing a family member man that would be uh that would be pretty tough so seven years ago that was my thinking but now i'm like no no i only want to work with people that like i know yes it would make you know firing someone way harder but hopefully it won't ever get to that because i know them and i trust them we don't have to do that and we can just work together and do great things um but yeah seven years ago i i thought a lot of things back then that i don't think now because i've learned because that's what you do when you get older and do things and experience and whatnot oh wait sorry i have no real world experience scoring the internet at all none nothing there's a quote there's a quote that you will like um this is actually heidi's dad told me this he said when you start a business it is highly dependent on your own ability when you grow a business it is entirely dependent on your humility and that is something that um yeah it's well well put but also very true the ability to learn because trx is a very different kind of a company now than it was a few years ago even yeah we've had some big meetings this year about that and the industry is different i would say and i don't know if you would agree but i think so um this year you know we had at the beginning we had like 30 employees and we were still in my opinion kind of small business we all knew each other in the company we know we all there were less people so the communication was way more connected and now that we've more than doubled in size i see the companies just being it's very different now than it was at the start of the year which i like it's just but there's new challenges that we didn't have at the beginning of the year and uh well one challenge one challenge is that this is i think trx is now the biggest company that i have ever worked for because i've ever worked for and uh yeah i think we just crossed that threshold because i used to work for a tv station that had a lot of people like 50 or something it was like 50 or 60 people but um you didn't work with all them directly because you were in an apartment well you don't work i was a producer of a couple of shows so i worked with a lot of people but but yeah i i do think that one of the biggest issues for us is there's a very big difference logistically between and we're not a big company on the scale of things we're still a small thing it's got like uh i think it's like 1200 people or something yeah on the scale of companies we're still very small but there is a massive difference between how you run a company of five people and how you run a company 50 people the difference is not 10x the difference is considerably larger and so learning that has been a huge challenge and we are a different kind of company in many ways but goals are the same yep it's all the same um and ways of doing things are largely the same just with all the additional overheads we've even had what's really fun is normally you know as you 2x or 3x a company you envision just like well this division of the depart of the company will just get bigger you don't envision the the extra features you can add on like the extra quality control you can actually add now that there's more people and there's maybe more funding so it's actually really cool to see certain certain elements in the company where rather than just being like well we need four more buffers to buff holsters it's like well now we can go buy x type of machinery that's more expensive we can afford now to make the process actually better or now our quality control can go up because of this so it's not just duplicating the amount of people and stations but it's also let's plug this thing in let's plug this thing in like we had a in the meeting today we had a new um we were talking about a position in the company that we don't have right now that is a you know administrative type thing that also helps employees with other things inside of the company like we didn't have that 30 employees or 20 employees we didn't have a need for it then but now we're going to be able to have that and it's actually going to be more helpful for people than back when we had 20. we might we we didn't fully we didn't know we discussed it it's something that'll happen in the future i'm sure but and then like when we went and toured sweetwater um up in uh where you didn't go with us did you i didn't apparently we wanted to have an adult stay at the shop which i first of all i don't fully agree with and then second of all apparently i'm an adult which i also don't fully agree with but he's got kids yes um i don't so i'm not but um so i went up to sweetwater up there they've got 1500 employees and they have stuff on site like they've got a doctor on site they've got um a salon on site they have all sorts of things for the employees there and i know some of the people who check whether they start getting ideas like oh t-rex could have a doctor and i'm like maybe not yet maybe let's get like 500 employees or so before we could start having that kind of thing but it is pretty cool seeing as the company gets bigger what we can actually add on to benefit you know the company and the customer experience rather than just duplicating like cookie cutter like sales have gone up twice as much so double the amount of molders and double the amount of shippers but like other things can improve like our shipping system is about to get updated which is super cool um with like conveyor belts and all kinds of crazy stuff yeah and there's a lot of stuff that just can't scale infinitely once you build it a certain size you have to completely change the way that it works so that's the business stuff is so fun i have cell phone oh my the chat's going wild fun is one way to put it but it's also not wrong i think it's fun i think it's great uh my department has hasn't really grown that much oh are you kidding me we got all this space look at all this yeah sweetwater's huge they're super cool they gave us some numbers i don't know how much i can divulge but they're we got to walk their facilities and get a big tour it was awesome they've got great customer service too that's why we wanted to tour them um all right so let's hit some questions real real fast someone says that i would disapprove of luke is buying an a10 absolutely not the a10 is possibly my favorite airframe for stuff that i want to do not in the world but for stuff that i want to do in the airfield that we have nearby that is probably the way that i would go will you be doing animations for the next modern warfare no idea um i did not work on cold war i honestly at this point wish i had because it might maybe could have been a little better but um yeah i was around during the actual cold war does that count you were a baby you were you were about a wee child uh very young uh daycare for employees uh cafeteria so one of the things uh we've talked about this a little uh this is my idea before we have a cafeteria i would like to have a food truck because the food truck would let us do all kinds of community stuff and stuff at the range and truck that would be your cool truck what would we sell on it we oh all the food would be t-rex that would be like uh bronchiosaurus broccoli all right let me open up there right now um tyrannosaur teriyaki uh let's see where else can i go pterodactyl starts with the p right uh sarah i love the idea of a tear although in our county i don't know how well that would do but i mean there's a lot of events if you go to franklin everyone on the truck could wear full kit and night vision oh it'd be sick it could be dark inside the ring nods in the truck that corn dog holster that's been on the to-do list for the last several months might actually happen that'd be so cool food trucks are cool i will say although usually it's not real fast i i ordered food at the food truck when i was over uh in north carolina's past two weeks and then i got a call from the airbnb person like oh we're here to clean the house and i forgot they were checking in that day so i had to leave but the food i'd been waiting on for 30 minutes at that food truck so i wasn't able to get that food so food trucks are not always efficient so the big one would be figuring out how to maximize efficiency on that food truck basically a chick-fil-a food truck that's what we would need to do oh yeah that would be great um sign a deal with jurassic fork um that'd be fun mrap food truck that'd be some money it should be armored at least to some level yes tesco says my plate size is small cry says medium what should i go with i want 38 tens um honestly either so i can wear a small plate i also wear mediums if you are a smaller person i'd say just get smalls if they're a little small whether lighter they're most likely still covering most of your vitals you're good to go you could get mediums i mean they're more common easier to resell you could start with mediums sell them then get smalls i don't know mediums work for most people how would you as an instructor teach and train the use of full auto uh depends on what if it's small arms it's just recoil management i mean it's not much and it isn't even something that you would teach as a priority it's just like no if everyone had it it's like you switch it and then you burst it and you lean in and you don't let the gun fly over your shoulder uh if it's a belt fed gun well that's a little different that's a different that's more part of small unit tactics suppressing fire and you wouldn't do something like that no i wouldn't teach that but it's kind of like ours our juggling course i don't teach yeah mp5s in in m4s full auto is like burst and controller equal that's it like there's not much more i know some guys are like dump your whole mag in a near ambush and then assault or get off the x and it's like i guess you can just hold the trigger for all 30 rounds whatever but uh no i don't i don't teach that kind of thing so uh there's people asking questions about multiple firearms because you obviously run multiple firearms i have many firearms that i shoot for experimental and testing purposes but i always go back to what i'm most comfortable with what i'm most familiar with what i'm most trained with and that's really i think what people should do do you agree or disagree as far as i think people should cross train on farms as much as they can if you are not financially set up to just go out and buy all those guns try to just get either with friends or somehow cross-training with them some other ways um i wouldn't make it a financial uh priority to go buy a ton of different guns to train with unless you have a strategy to get rid of them otherwise i would say get a couple and just use those two and be really good with them if you're not able to train a lot to begin with don't try to go train with a ton of other stuff just focus on your two guns most people don't have enough time to train on everything i mean i've had to devote and i i've had to devote a lot of time to learning a lot of guns to be above average and i don't think most people would be able to use that amount of time because i was spending two three days a week last year year before like even the saw we have a saw now and i have barely gotten to devote time to running that as well as i would like you know a sub eight second reload um with retaining you know your your your pouches and everything and that's a whole different level of it is proficiency it is most people need correct i would say you should be proficient in as many platforms as you can but at the same time it would be really helpful like i want to be able to be proficient with what i own yes but i also want to be familiar so that if i come across an ak i know how to at the very least make it safe and at the very least make it go bang yep um yeah as long as you have basic understanding of and i think my how to shoot a rifle in 15 minutes video which i have not worked on it'll be 15 because of all the different manual bars i will probably quickly cover like you got guns with the charging handles on the right side and the mag goes in you got some it's on the left and the mag goes in you got some where it's over the top and the mag goes in like there's like four or five styles of of carbine of long gun uh semi-automatic at least box fed i'm thinking about covering all those in the video and after that i mean you'll you'll know how to load like basically any gun they all kind of work the same like a thing goes in a thing goes back the thing then goes forward and then you pull the thing and then a thing comes out like they're all pretty much the same once you have a grasp of how they work um there's nuances obviously with stuff but like my fnc like mag release like an ar the safety's kind of funky charging handles on the the right side of the gun but it's like it's an akar like gun basically so i'm thinking about covering that in my video um the odds are like you remember um the guy whose last name i can't remember how to pronounce but early on in the riots ran and got two ars that were stolen out of a police car i can't pronounce his name but he's a cool dude he went down and recovered things and um there may be situations in which you find yourself in needing to control and use a weapon system that is not your own knowing the basics is really good but focus on focus on proficiency with the thing that you have atf should be dissolved yes people are in here saying uh bayen's coming for your guns i don't think he's coming for our guns i think he'll probably send other people all right like yeah please tell us what we already know keep going um uh someone here asking about dad's youtube channel oh yes dad's youtube channel is called stand up and lead um someone asking uh he doesn't upload new stuff very often he does plan to um but go through the backlog and and new stuff is coming yeah stand up and lead is dad's youtube channel yep highly recommended someone's asking why was my involvement with modern warfare i was a consultant and i did mocap for multiplayer that's all i'll say yeah and some other stuff it was a lot of fun it was a very fun side gig back in 2018. it was a long time ago actually i had to keep my mouth strapped i know i'm the tom holland of leaks for the gun industry or whatever but i kept a tight lid on that for a year and a half i was under like five ndas and they could have taken the company from me probably because it's activision and they're you know multi-multi-billion dollar international company and they kind of joked about that when i was there they're like oh we'll just take your company and i was like okay signing it uh so i had to i had to keep a secret i can keep secrets i think i just spill things so you guys think i can't but secretly i've got some got some big ones yeah the fact that you can keep a secret is your biggest secret thanks isaac that's great okay uh chest rig oh we're working on it guys we're working on it hey secrets it's still happening i'll say some people are like oh it's not happening like no it's still happening it's a great design i want to see it happen but you know biden has a shot again i saw a hilarious engine that was he's got security he said he'd tell a while that if anyone attacks go out on the balcony with a shotgun it's like which balcony and then it was a picture of his gigantic house surrounded by dudes with select fires no doubt well naturally um so it's just how it is uh john level collab yeah every time i see him we talk about doing one but then i go back to what i'm doing he goes back to what he's he's doing and we don't end up coming up with a plan um oh i wanted to talk about this on the stream so yeah there are others there there are things that you talked about in previous games about marketers yeah in the last youtube video marketers uh scandalous stuff coming out about people i wanted to say that john lovell is also cool he was not one of the ones who was problematic even though he was one of the ones on the list that went out he's not one of the problematic ones i feel like most people on youtube here won't even know what you're talking about well you talked about it last week so i was going to say yeah yeah well you you mentioned it and then also oh in general before all that blew up yeah yeah funny how i end up talking about stuff before some of these things even happen yeah it's almost like i talk about these things all the time and people don't realize it well that's why i wanted to bring it up because we talk about this stuff all the time but yeah john lovell is a friend warrior poet society is doing very cool stuff i think so here's something that i think would be very cool i think it would be really cool if we if we were clear on some of our goals and our mission and i think that would be that would be cool for other people to do and i understand why they don't and i understand the need to stay flexible but i feel like john lovell even though our styles of content are wildly different very different yes our end goals are very similar even and psa is a good example psa is a company that is very different than a lot of companies in the industry but i feel like their goal of arming as many people as possible jives super well with t-rex's end game and our main goals and our overarching um purpose as a company even though there are a lot of differences obviously between a lot of different i honestly wish the one thing i wish john would do differently and i'm not sure what he was class schedule looks like i wish he would focus solely on his uh cqb stuff i think he teaches shooting classes but there's very few guys that i would go to for a cqb class and he's one of them so part of me is like just teach cqb since other people teach shooting just focus on cqb but i understand he can't do that all the time and i doubt he teaches classes as much especially right now as he was last year the year before he's i think he's a very good entry-level teacher except for the fact that it's he's so overqualified for that yeah he's you can't the funny thing is john's another perfect example of he could teach every weekend and get 500 students a year just focusing on weekends because those are probably really the only times civilians can you know take time off and train uh the only time the only time you can really teach uh in the weekend is for like mill ellie like folks but uh so you're only looking at effect positively affecting one on one 500 600 people unless you're filling classes with like 40 people but like i really don't recommend people do that or john makes his videos on youtube which reach hundreds of thousands of people instead of doing the classes and to me that's way better bang for the buck in my opinion um it's one reason why i'm not teaching classes i teach some contract stuff here and there uh there's other reasons for doing that but i'm not teaching classes i'm never going to be a full-time instructor it's just not going to happen what i would like to do in the future is teach like one a month because i do love to you know shoot with folks and train people it's a lot of fun but it's not going to be something that i'm going to put all my time or focus into because making videos on youtube like how to shoot in 10 minutes that can get half a million views and reach people and it's free content that can benefit people all over the world to me is just i'd rather prioritize that over one-on-one classes or in-person classes where yeah it's helpful for like 10 people but only those 10 people that show up you know only those 12 people that show up so i've just i don't know i've always focused internet and you know media because that's a great way of reaching people i mean we got you guys are in here right now i mean it's like 2 000 people watching right now um and if i was teaching a class right now well that's 12 people that i get to talk to all day versus 12 people is pretty big like 20 000 right now what it is a big class it is but people are always like why don't you teach classes and it's like well because there's other things to do yeah there's other things that need to be done things that need to be talked about so people asking about the psa dagger so the psa dagger oh the block thing now i say glock knockoff but what it actually is is a glock that is made in america and the base level one is a little bit cheaper than a used glock but the one that comes cut for uh optics and with a threaded barrel and flint situation and all that stuff is cheaper than an actual uh not made in america glock so that is something that is uh i think it's a very cool idea we'll see how it goes that may have been one of their low priorities here oh i mean it's a great gun to have in your car in the glove box i mean i i'm curious is it just another gen 3 glock knockoff or is it something else i'm not sure but either way it's made in america and the price is i will say as much as people don't like psa psa is definitely doing more stuff than most companies now it's not always stuff that's necessarily works out really well but like they're very mobile i'm actually really curious i'd love to get a tour and talk to them but i'd love to see how their teams are doing their stuff yeah because they're like executing whole guns and things and different like do they have teams for like the mp5 project and then these guys over here or is it like a a bunch of them all in one team and they're all working on stuff at the same time then relying on people like what they got going on over there is pretty wild if you think about it now yeah i know quality control and whatnot and some people really don't like psa but that is true of like pcm like companies that rapidly scale let a few lemons through companies that don't rapidly scale let a few lemons do but yeah that is an excellent point psa is a way bigger company producing way more stuff than we think about and they also do new crazy stuff and i am really curious about that because t-rex still being a small company like when we invent a new product or we decide we want to make a holster a different way oh my goodness it is so much work to make new molds train the people how to do it like in the old days when you wanted to make the sidecar slightly differently you just started making it slightly differently and it was right that's how it was from then on out but yeah the inertia of even our size of company is daunting and so thinking about somebody like psa just rolling out we're going to make an ak all in house we're going to make mp5s we're going to make a glock we're going to make all this stuff people are saying i've seen this question a lot and it's probably a decent one to end on although i don't know how long it's going to take to end on this one but it's buying wants to ban all online sales of firearms and or or tactical accessories uh what are you guys gonna do well first off big question i would say if that were to happen there would be bigger things to worry about than selling holsters online if something of that magnitude happened in america yeah and i think people get really caught up in a scenario where they're like this thing happens so then you're not we're not going to have like you're not going to be able to sell online and it's like yeah but you're not looking at everything down here that's going to happen because of it and the consequences and whatnot like to some extent a lot of stuff becomes a moot point once once things get to a certain point um so some of those questions about like banning all guns and ammunition in america yeah if that happened uh there'd be bigger things to worry about than selling online and having usps show up to pick up packages there'd be much bigger things to think about yeah the ramifications the ramifications of that would be so significant that there would be a lot of stuff going on i wouldn't i wouldn't care about t-rex anymore probably i don't know it should be totally different well it'd be a different america at that point if it got to that point somehow without everything else happening in the middle and judges and all kinds of stuff and governors succeeding from the union and all kinds of crazy stuff that could happen leading up to that before that even happens i mean there's a lot of unknowns that can happen but people always jump to the apocalyptic thing and then they don't think about everything else that could happen around that time or right after that time well right and and they threw out something like that and i'm not saying this is a terrible uh terrible question to ask because this is the thing that biden said that he wants to do but this is something that would require like 12 crazy steps of tyranny and asking what we would do at step 12 when 11 horrific things have happened that would have a gigantic impact on tremendous amounts of interstate commerce federal law enforcement local law enforcement judicial stuff etc um very hard to say it's kind of like a young adult novel what people are predicting like a crazy apocalyptic scenario but with weird hijinks like we just watched ready player one recently and i don't know how that uh how that some of that stuff works like hunger games you have hover trains but you also have four-year-olds mining coal naturally yes like this is a complicated uh complicated scenario that you're laying out where both of these things are true at the same time and some of the questions about what would you do if biden did this um there would be way bigger things to worry about than than keeping the doors open at t-rex plastic holsters or no plastic holes yeah or enough people would just say we're not giving in and then nothing happens and the law doesn't happen because no one there's so many unknowns there's so many things like we war game a lot here at t-rex and by that i mean we think of a scenario and we try to think of what do we do instead so another great one was earlier on we usually start playing for black friday starting in like february um january we have an ar right after our previous black friday we started playing for the next one but it was months ago we were getting together like what if we have no inventory because right after the election people buy everything so then we started coming up with a new strategy for by the time black friday rolls around because new things have happened so we wargame scenarios all the time but when we do we really try to make sure that we're not creating super unrealistic scenarios um we try to keep them grounded in reality but also try to think of the stuff that can happen leading up to that it's not like everything's normal and all of a sudden oh big bad like no usually it's it's this and so you can start kind of planning along the route before you get to big bad that happens but i think a lot of people are just like well nukes are legal civilians alone i'm like no for nukes to all of a sudden be legal there would be all this other stuff happening over decades before all of a sudden anyone could own nukes but people don't like to think about it that way they just go straight to 100 and they're not thinking about how it would actually like work and i think the same thing is happening with some of the questions about buy it and banning stuff like to go all the way to here there would be a lot of other stuff going on up in here leading up until that point which could help with the planning process it could help with some of the preparation process and i think that's something that people don't think about when they start war gaming scenarios or thinking about the worst too many people go straight to the worst and they're not thinking about the bad that's already happening or the bad that'll happen tomorrow like just start with the bad don't go straight to the worst just start with the bad and planning solutions for that and then you can get to the worst but don't go straight to the worst you you're not going to be able to plan for that at all like at all if you haven't planned for the bad yeah so i think that that was a reasonably good place to end the stream we have been talking for about an hour yeah it's good i think i think that this is something that all of us should should work on is really thinking through um wargaming scenarios and actually making sure that we're doing enough research that we know what is likely and what is um what is what is worth thinking about because we can spend a lot of time wargaming scenarios that are less likely and waste time on that like as a company that's always a it's always a possibility that's always a temptation to waste time so um as we go into the election uh i have been mostly focused on t-rex related impact of the election and not so much on wider scope but that's probably a good thing to be thinking about at the moment yeah for everybody what do we have two weeks left before the election two oh something crazy like that are we going to run and then oh wait early it's on a i mean i mean i've been told that the lines are six hours long so i'd say yeah go now before they're 20 hours long um what was i going to say oh yeah do you think that people are super excited about voting for biden you think that all the early voters are just super stoked for the opportunity to go i don't think so that's what's going to make it really funny if it's super rigged and people are like everyone voted for him and i'm like no i don't think there were people voting like a month in advance for him but whatever um what i was going to say is the election's on a tuesday correct believe so um so the wednesday the next day is a live day so what do we do oh we will we will uh talk about alive on the election the problem is we don't know what there is there may not be a result that was what i was going to say i would say the likelihood that there is no result and that both sides have refused to concede because everybody is calling shenanigans and everybody is demanding everyone everyone is demanding that multiple ballots be sent out and found in mailboxes and stuff there may be nothing to talk about on wednesday we'll talk about ready player one that's what we'll do you thought it was a fun movie i disagree we'll argue i'll have to watch it again i can't remember that no no no actually i was thinking um a fun movie review show was you watch a movie i pretend that i saw it and we debate it great i'll still probably lose fine it's whatever but then i'll play a video game and then it's a game you definitely haven't played and uh i'll win that because you know all about it the ins and outs the meta the best loadouts the best things yeah like i'm hoping i can play tonight i think i need to it's been a long day but anyway guys thanks so much for tuning in we will definitely be trying to keep you up to date on what's going on um we love being able to talk to you all obviously so just for you guys to know we probably aren't streaming with guns on youtube anymore so these conversations aren't going to be show and tell but i am thinking of trying to do some of those on youtube definitely more on our newsletter at t-rex arms definitely sign up there uh but definitely more of this answering questions talking about what's going on is probably more what these uh streams are going to be less show-and-tell for now for now this is not a youtube live i mean if you're watching it live on youtube it's youtube live but what you're actually doing is you're watching the weekly hour-long t-rex show called t-rex talks which is also a podcast it doesn't have to be on youtube some weeks when we want to show and tell we'll do it on vimeo we'll do it on facebook we'll do it somewhere else we'll do it not live and you'll just have to go i want to talk about guns i want to show them and talk about them and night vision yeah so sometimes sometimes this show even though it keeps happening may not be live on youtube just just fyi yeah but with that said guys take care we'll see y'all it's been a good time thank you so much for watching well it's interesting to me that every single one
Channel: T.REX ARMS
Views: 154,824
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Trex arms, t-rex arms, business training, free market, second amendment, first amendment, lucas botkin, social media platforms, marketing, isaac botkin, austrian ecnomics
Id: WCJ4dp-ZPBk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 5sec (4745 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 21 2020
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