T.REX HUNGRY, MAN RUN AWAY!!! - Crynosaur | Collision Course

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[Music] look at lovey leg what a great place to start a so hello and welcome back to another episode of collision course where today we're going to be going all the way to the south of the island yay now that I have fracture you guys down feel like these rocks would be slippy there really aren't like look at my guy go doesn't even care there's like a few fires like quite a few fires lit around this place also I have tons of ammo so no matter what we come across it's getting shot at woo hoo okay I see a river here hopefully this is clean drinking water it's lava oh okay this may be a campfire no no just you know the active volcano as you do ahh of a Frick sake freaking mushrooms gosh [ __ ] skeleton Rex I got loads of these can we kill them can we actually killer oh he's breathing fire oh yeah I think I've died overnight oh no alive oh I'm dead how the hell I am literally flying now that there's no other way word to describe this I'm flying we're not gonna fall off the bloody rock oh it's so weird explorer cave there's frickin caves what the hell okay well we're learning a lot today okay so this is a cave oh well I'll tell you what I'm gonna save before we end today cuz lord knows what the hell we're gonna see okay so it's crouch okay I've heard about these that there was supposed to be caves in this game wait that's it Oh guys it's serratus horas oh oh I have wait for this day we are gonna frickin kill this thing I'm gonna shoot it just in the head loads of times ready are you ready guys oh we've never killed the cerrado so before oh let's go sit is he running away does he not know who did it oh wait oh oh wow he's going huh oh yeah there we go BAM yeah you worry now boy tell the other forest oh the green bam oh bam oh you see me now son oh god oh god I did it it didn't hurt me ah circuit ooh should we pick up see mushroom go to save because if we do and we eats it and we die mushroom has been added to your inventory Oh use the odds oh there we go oh it's kind of funny actually the other day I was watching a movie called shrooms pretty bad well I feel I got a amv from play the PlayStation one lost world game with a like where are they where are they in there being chased by Raptors except for here there are no Raptors just me oh halfway there let's keep going oh oh yes oh yeah baby can I now can I can I do it oh hold on yeah there we go so whenever we get the runs now I can cure it you know we're not seem to be dinosaurs but we're doing a lot like we've seen caves we've eaten mushrooms we've come across the bad mushroom and we kill the serratus auras finally there's the little dinos oh my God look this is your dead friend [Laughter] throwing of them James you're sick Oh I've angered the gods Oh a many kids dude okay I'm taking to see the bracket oh the other one run past me yeah whoa whoa oh God oh there is that sorry we see your baby kid we can talk about this I didn't mean to take it Oh No oh my god okay Oh God come on run for cover use ah hi in their face why look could we just talk about it yeah it's just I deflower hold on grab can we kill it with flowers if I can kill a dinosaur with a flower oh my god if that was like an easter egg and you can kill a Brachiosaurus with a flower Oh that'd be so funny pick up you and I sticking to the rocky soil yeah he's still there okay you go pit sidetracked it was awesome Oh oh my god I get over here and then so a Brachiosaurus errata so this is something we've never seen together let's see the the serratus sword can I go you've seen me now buddy haven't you Donna Oh God we're gonna break your sauce glitching out no yeah right there chin break the break I can get her to interface Thank You mr. breakers oh oh god you're all Falacci water here oh I'm just curious can I kill a Branca saw I don't really want to I've got loads of ammo though so oh god don't look at me like that Oh oh my god there's a guy shooting a t-rex there is No aah this looks awesome t-rex good turn around and face him like come on go on get it miss the t-rex go get him in a minute Oh sound effect Wow whoa is it tense oh wow this is the best place to go for sure can I can I get it oh he's just got me okay what did you have on you can I take your ammo please we got a gun or anything a flower oh for God's sake you're like hippies oh yes this is not like floating about like he was before okay I think I just got walloped by it okay yeah I did whoo boy okay I just want to pick up me dry so ah stop it I'll show you huh [Laughter] apparently he dry so well there you go mo belongs so at least you've seen the t-rex interact with a dude so the AI does interact with each other Brachiosaurus is still just lying there sorry Standing Bear now if I remember right from my last episode that I did on this not the last one but previous to that there was like a drop ship in the water over here so maybe we can do something with that this time so much for friendly freaking AI is that we can trade with there we go escape pod hello did somebody just talk there's somebody inside he's banging unless that's me yeah there is is somebody in here yeah I'm not gonna be able to get you everyone here you got to get out yourself oh hello you're back from the dead on you don't don't no no no no no no sepsis my worst nightmare you put you Oh oh god he's still like paying the Oz jay says oh that's two things yeah it's better now tell me to go back to my pod all the way back up north you're the feeling oh I'm like is that another medicate oh go away my who need you wait what I got I gotta get down there right okay give me a second I'll be right there I'm here oh and we got our way out - awesome okay signal what's this I don't know the iPod I'm bushed it's a trap what do you mean it's a trap through my ambush by hello oh oh you oh my god all right oh this this got interesting okay oh my god okay oh god there's another one okay okay yes that I did it well done thanks for playing a purchase in collision course and early access that's all the missions in this update tried to survive until next time so that's it well we got ourselves like oh my god the sands oh yes we have an egg well let's take that we'll take the flour as well what did you have Oh an Android head awesome but I've already got oh I should have thrown a friggin bomb dammit dude there's a guy right there is he a friend Dai I take that as a no hey bomb your buggy it died where it was no yes got him I just want to find a friendly AI that's it apart from that we found everything this game has to offer I'm not even joking there's probably some unique animations we haven't seen like the t-rex in the stego or something like that but honestly that's everything oh there's a see there's another dude but he's just walking around he's not gonna be friendly hundred percent what can we kill him with gonna throw a mushroom at him or a flower you think I could egg him he's like grab the egg and just throw it at him see if I can kill him with an egg should we try it let's say let's save and let's just run it over with an egg okay oh is he friendly he said hey no way you're a friendly guy what why am I so short can i F I'll trade you a stim if if I have a cooked meat prisoner one zero eight two seven zero status good info inmate aboard the convict ship never on the route to the prison planet to Taurus am ia prisoner well I'm for just appreciate it stranger but you're a prisoner bad prisoner bad lesson oh my god that's like coming in with a knife did he even have a stim pack on him he did screw training I could give you something or I could take it we do have a trading option with friendly people oh oh hello I have your eggs hold on here there you go have your egg Oh oops I need me to break it I'm sorry I'm sorry there we go Oh God you're a proven sadist well guys I'm gonna leave it here I think we've done as much as we can do when it comes to this game in the mobile we've seen like t-rex and toy with humans we've seen we've actually completed what seems to be the story at the moment which is it Lamia shows promise it shows what they can do I think really the developer just put it in to sort of take you round them up as opposed to you know you're just staying in one area and just exploring and dying at least this way you've got an objective and you do see a lot there's a lot going on it's really beautiful this games gorgeous and until next thing if you join it I never liked it until next time guys I'll see you later oh but why you [Music]
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 530,924
Rating: 4.9272952 out of 5
Keywords: Dinosaur survival game, dinosaur game, new dinosaur game, new dino game, crynosaurs, collision course, crynosaurs collision course, lets play collision course, collision course alpha
Id: Ut9mnDDoU58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 15sec (915 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 08 2017
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