Trevor Noah Turns Donald Trump's Words into a Bad Reggae Song

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How can you not like trevor?

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/happyhalfway 📅︎︎ Jan 20 2018 🗫︎ replies

Oh, I soo want to hear a full reggae song about chain migration!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/cantCommitToAHobby 📅︎︎ Jan 21 2018 🗫︎ replies

This is such a fun interview. And now I’m gonna be singing Chaaaiin Migration all day.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/cfspen514 📅︎︎ Jan 28 2018 🗫︎ replies
-You're doing such a great job on the show. -Thank you so much, man. Thank you. -But it is a lot of work, though, right? I mean, it's packed. Do you have any time off? -Yeah, you know, I feel like you make the time off. Like, we've had to readjust our lives now according to the Trump news cycle, I feel like, as people. So we just go, like -- we know it's, like, morning wake -- like, you don't have a cock crowing. You have the tweet crowing. Like, you know? That's how we wake up. [ Laughter ] And then we just adjust our lives. We go, what's gonna happen, what's gonna happen, what's gonna happen, what's gonna happen, and then we chill. -But do you ever get any vacation or anything? -I do, I do. Like, I took a break now in December. I actually went to Bali. Have you ever been? -No. -Oh, it's amazing. [ Cheers ] Oh, yeah, if you get a chance -- -Really? -You should go. Like, Bali was phenomenal. A lot of people suggested it. I will say this, though. I feel like there should be a TripAdvisor specifically for people of color. No, 'cause white people like different things on vacations than everybody else, right? [ Laughter ] Like -- no, 'cause white people -- like white people always give you suggestions of things that you wouldn't want to do as a person of color. [ Laughter ] Like -- like adventure sports, is, like, a very white thing. Like, they'd be like, "I want to be like, bungee jumping. I want to do something -- I want to feel like life is dangerous." And as a black person, you're like, "That's life." [ Laughter ] So I don't want to go and do those things. Do you know what I mean? Getting pulled over by the cops is bungee jumping. I'm fine. [ Laughter ] I just want to relax when I go on a vacation. -You live that. -People are like, "You don't want to go camping?" That was my life growing up. No running water, no food when I -- no, I don't want to go camping. [ Laughter ] I don't want to go back home. That's like -- I've worked hard now. I want to enjoy myself. So, like, Bali -- that was the trick. People would be like, "Trevor, you got to go to Bali." I was like, "What's gonna happen in Bali?" "Like, it's so unique." [ Laughter ] And now I've learned, when white people say unique, they mean poor. But they don't tell you that. -No. -Right, like it's -- so I went to Bali. And I was like, "Oh, this is gonna be amazing." And it is. Like, there's temples, there's culture, the food is amazing. The people are the friendliest you'll ever meet. But like, what I didn't know was, like, half of the trip was just gonna be us seeing people who don't have the best means. So, like, we go into, like, a person's house -- and I thought it was like a temple. And then we talk in, and it's just like -- like someone's -- but "house" is a strong word. It's like a one room -- like it's a kitchen, bedroom, dining room. Like a New York apartment-type thing, right? [ Laughter ] And then we're just standing in the living room. People are like, "Oh, my God. Look at how they live." [ Laughter ] "Oh, my God. I appreciate my life so much more right now." [ Laughter ] "Can I take a selfie with you?" And I'm just standing in the corner. -Oh, my gosh. "Can I take a selfie with you?" -I was like, "Never again." But Bali's amazing. Go there. Just don't to go people's houses. Just don't do that part. -No, don't do it. But you're also doing -- you're also on the road doing stand-up when you have any, like, weekends off. -Oh, I loved it, yeah. -You're off to the West coast right now. -Yeah, like after this I fly to L.A., doing shows in Santa Barbara and then I do shows in L.A., and then I come back, we do "The Daily Show." -How do you keep the energy up, though? I mean, I would -- I would be exhausted. -Oh, but it helps when you don't have a family, Jimmy. [ Laughter ] -I didn't even think about that. -I'm alone. I travel the world by my lonesome. -Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. -No, but you know what? I get the energy from stand-up. And genuinely, I love seeing America. Like, I love going -- 'cause I don't just go coast to coast. I'll go everywhere, like, Erie, Pennsylvania. I was in Cleveland recently, Pittsburgh. [ Cheers ] I was in -- yeah. I just -- I just go around to Middle America. I just want to see everything, every city. -Do you have any favorite places you like to perform? -I'm try -- Cleveland's one of my favorites. [ Cheers ] Gen-- yeah. Just like, I feel like Cleveland has just like -- they're like, "We've suffered through everything." [ Laughter ] There is like a vibe in Cleveland where I go. Like, when I tell them about Africa, they're like, "That's just like here, Trevor!" [ Laughter ] It's fun. It's fun. -Cleveland? -Yeah, we connect. I don't know. We connect. And now there's a renaissance in Cleveland. Things are getting better. It's a beautiful place. Great people. -Yeah. You said that you enjoy the Southern accent. -I do. -Yeah, you do. -I do traveling down South. You know what it is? So, like, my mom is Xhosa, right? So I grew up in a Xhosa family. And Xhosa is very musical. -Yeah. -It has like a bounce to it. And then I find, like, the Southern accent also has -- it's like, it's got a cool thing. It sounds like people are playing a banjo in their mouths. [ Laughter ] It's beautiful. It's like, everything -- when they speak really fast to each other -- like, I was in Kentucky doing shows. And I was speaking to some people, and I was like, "Oh, what should I do in Kentucky?" And the people were like -- [ Babbling in Southern accent ] [ Laughter ] And it's fun, like -- what's beautiful is -- Like, if you have a musical ear, if they're, like, having an argument, it sounds like a Mumford & Sons concert. Like, everyone is just going off. And you're just listening to people argue. It's so much fun. [ Both babbling in Southern accents ] It's beautiful, you see? -It's actually gorgeous. -It's beautiful. -That's hilarious. Oh, my gosh. [ Laughter ] How do you like hosting "The Daily Show"? Do you enjoy it? -I love it, man. I love every moment. -You're crushing it, buddy. You're doing a great job. -Thank you so much, man. Thank you. [ Cheers and applause ] I love it so much. -I love watching it. You got a great team over there, too. -Yeah, man, I'm lucky that I inherited great people from Jon Stewart, and I -- you know, I was never meant for a job like this in my world. Every day's a dream for me. I'm appreciative. I'm happy. Even Trump I can enjoy on certain days. Like even -- I know it sounds crazy. But even Trump on certain days, I'll be like, "Oh, there are things that I laugh about. There are things I enjoy." You know? -Yeah. -Like, he's become a part of my life. Like I -- like he's a character. A character that might kill me, but still a character. [ Laughter ] -Yeah -- so you find the humor and you're just like -- Yeah, he's just -- so many -- -You know what I realized? Like, the other day, I sing Trump's, like, just catchphrases in my life. Like they're lyrics to songs. So I'll just be, like, sitting by myself in an airport, and I'll just be like ♪♪ Billions and billions ♪♪ ♪♪ And billions and billions and billions ♪♪ And someone will walk past and be like, "What song is that?" I'm like, "Oh, that's just Trump talking about his money." And that's -- It's like a weird -- like today he was talking about chain migration. That's his big thing. You know? Because he doesn't want to, you know, pass the government funding bill. And he's like [As Trump] "Chain migration. Chain migration." [ Laughter ] And like, he always -- it's so rhythmic. Like, I realize -- -[ As Trump ] Chain migration. -Yeah, that's exactly it! [ Laughter and applause ] -Yeah, yeah. -That's exactly it! -Both: Chain migration! -And if you -- -Great impression. I've never heard that impression of him, yeah. -But if you -- but if you listen to it -- -Chain mi-- [ Laughter ] -If you listen to it, it sounds like he's doing a bad rendition of, like, a Bob Marley song. It sounds like a reggae song. It's just like ♪♪ Chain migration ♪♪ ♪♪ Chain migration ♪♪ [ Laughter ] ♪♪ Chain migration and the people chain migration ♪♪ [ Laughter ] [ Reggae music playing ] ♪♪ Now the chain migration ♪♪ ♪♪ Them come for mother turn to sons and daughters ♪♪ ♪♪ Wanna be in our nation ♪♪ -All right, all right. [ Cheers and applause ] Oh, my gosh. -It's amazing. -This guy. Oh, gosh. That was a good laugh. January 30th, after the State of the Union, you are going to a live show. A live... -I'm excited. -..."Daily Show." -State of the Union Address goes on, and then "The Daily Show's" gonna be live. I love live shows after Trump speaks, because we don't know what he's gonna say. No one knows what he's gonna do, including himself, which I like. [ Laughter ] No, 'cause I feel like we're all in the same place. He's also like, "Nobody know -- even me, baby." [ Laughter ] Nobody knows! It's exciting. I love it. So State of -- you know, State of the Union, we're gonna be going live which is really, really exciting. We'll see what he says. I feel like everyone -- Democrats, Republicans, I don't care who you are -- Everyone is clenching their butt cheeks while he speaks. [ Laughter ] 'Cause it could be anything. He could start a war or he could make peace. You don't know. -You really have no idea, do you? -"Little Rocket Man... is a friend." You don't know. [ Laughter ] You don't know. So that's gonna be fun. Live. -Oh, you guys. Trevor Noah right here. [ Cheers and applause ] "The Daily Show." Say hi to everyone for me, will you? -Thank you so much, man.
Channel: The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
Views: 12,914,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Tonight Show, Jimmy Fallon, Trevor Noah, Turns, Donald Trump, Words, Bad, Reggae Song, NBC, NBC TV, Television, Funny, Talk Show, comedic, humor, snl, Fallon Stand-up, Fallon monologue, tonight, show, jokes, funny video, interview, variety, comedy sketches, talent, celebrities, video, clip, highlight, The Daily Show, Bali, white people, South Africa
Id: Uki1czS3tRg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 29sec (449 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2018
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