Trelawney's Actually ALWAYS Right? | Harry Potter Explained

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hey brother then I have been doing some crystal gazing and I must say I have seen through the smoke into the void out the other side of time I have tuned my mind with the inner vibrations of the universe and I have come to a startling conclusion and that is the professor Trelawney is actually a really good seer and no I don't mean I'm just those random occasions where she genuinely goes into a trance and gets all of the door closed I mean basically at all times she is making accurate predictions so today we are going to discover how professor Trelawney is actually not a fraud [Music] speaking of the future here's a prediction for you Ben that this Friday here on super Carlin brothers we are going to be going live at 3 p.m. Eastern time to celebrate the one-year anniversary of Carlin brothers coffee it is gonna be a lot of fun we're gonna be doing giveaways revealing some new products but the thing I'm most excited about is the new very exclusive mugs of which there's going to be a four make of that what you will additionally any bag of coffee purchased whilst we are streaming will arrive to your door signed by both me and Ben so again this Friday 3:00 p.m. Eastern Time here on super Carlin brothers hope to see you there but back to cooking sherry drinking enthusiast Sybill Trelawney and her serious knack for predicting things and serious lack of understanding why anything she's saying is actually true for the most part you're supposed to think of Trelawney as a fraud just some sort of bumbling annoyance that Harry has to deal with and after the first few books but there you're sort of left wondering like why does Dumbledore even employ her later on however you discovered that she is of immense and great value because she made a prophecy to Dumbledore that she's completely unaware of and not just any prophecy but like the the prophecy as a reader this single fact basically justifies everything about her existence in the castle and seems to prove that except in rare circumstances outside her control or awareness she is a complete fraud even Dumbledore who I think we can all agree is polite first and crazy powerful wizard second seem to think that just divination is sort of a waste of time a point that is further driven home by basically every single character who isn't named Parvati Patil or lavender brown did you get harry and ron routinely make fun of her and even receive good marks on homework they completely make up hermione points out flaws in her logic and even quits her class in a very undermine es Kawai even McGonagall who basically supports literally anything Dumbledore says is like I'm not sure she should be here that is her real tragic flaw as a teacher that she's actually making a lot of accurate predictions but she's so bad knowing what she's looking at that she comes off looking very Daffy did I use that right it was like British for foolish right yeah I got my guys are good to just said foolish yeah well now I just look even more daft let's start from the beginning because she actually makes a rather impressive showing on Harry's first day in her class the first few predictions she rattles off go like this first to Neville is her grandmother well dear I wouldn't be too sure next to Parvati beware a redhead man and then to the class around Easter what about number will leave us forever to which you might say well we know that actually nothing is wrong with Neville's grandmother and Parvati never has any reason to beware of a red-haired man and the one around Easter actually we do know that one it is about Hermione and she does leave really it's a phrasing problem because leave forever sounds like she's gonna die and not just like drop a class but you know it's still true but you know what else is true all of them they're just miss red Neville's grandmother for example is there anything wrong with her no but there is an instance in the near future with what might look like Neville's grandmother and let's face it if nevels grandmother suddenly started looking like Severus Snape yeah yeah you'd say maybe she's not looking so well Parvati to my knowledge has no actual reason to beware of a red-haired man but her identical twin sister Padma Patil does have a really bad time with Ron act the Yule Ball just one year later are you going to ask me to dance or not it seems very possible to me that as she looks into the future she is seeing someone who looks like Parvati having a bad time with a red haired man but she can't figure out who it is cuz they look safe later in the class she also tells lavendar that the thing she fears will happen will happen on October the 16th fast forward to that day and lavendar thinks this was in reference to the death of her rabbit binky which incidentally terrible name for a rabbit personally I would have gone with carrots because wait for it my rabbit in the visiting world would be totally gold to be misinterpreted hermione is able to swiftly debunk that theory saying that binky wasn't old or sick so there's no reason lavender should have actually been worried about the death of it and that the rabbit didn't even die on the day in question it died a few days ago she's just getting the news that day all very good points classic Hermione and yet not relevant at all because that is not actually the thing lavender was worried about if you will recall in Prisoner of Azkaban there was a certain amount of like permanent fear floating around the castle regarding the Prisoner of Azkaban there's Dementors everywhere and all of the students are just like a little bit on edge that he's gonna break into the castle and attack one of the students and guess what happens later on October 16th that exact same thing moving all through the class though she next tells Neville that he's going to break one of the pink teacups so would he please choose a blue one on the next time this comes true basically instantly which like one why does it just tell him to get a blue one from the start and like - does it matter at all isn't reparo like the easiest of Wizarding spells you didn't have to say oculus finally she notices the grimm and harry's cup and tells him it is the worst omen of death and to be fair she's both kind of right and wrong in the situation like she misinterprets the grimm as a death omen but harry does encounter a giant black dog later that year and eventually you know he does die then there's the Christmas scene later in Prisoner of Azkaban where Sybil descends from her tower and is reluctant to join the other staff and students at the table because she will make 13 and when 13 dined together the first to rise will be the first to ha face I'd risk it anyway but she still proceeds to totally freak out when at the end of the meal Harry and Ron stand up almost simultaneously and she is certain that one of them has doomed themselves which again Harry does die but that doesn't matter because he's not the first person from that table to actually die would be Dumbledore Avada Kedavra or so that would seem to prove Trelawney wrong in the scenario except Sybil is not the 13th person to sit down at the table she's the fourteenth she miss counts because Peter Pettigrew is currently disguised as Scabbers in Ron's pocket and guess who does indeed rise from his chair first to welcome Sybil to the dinner Dumbledore and in case you need a refresher he dies moving on to Goblet of Fire she starts dropping hints earlier on that Harry is actually a Horcrux anything we didn't pick up on because at the time none of us knew what a Horcrux was you are preoccupied my dear my inner eye sees past your brave face to the troubled soul within I fear the thing you dread will indeed come to pass and perhaps sooner than you think this of course it's Harry with all the impact of two tissues colliding but knowing what we know I think the troubled soul she's seeing is not Harry but Voldemort and the thing he's fearing is the thing he's always fearing death sure it doesn't happen for another three years but in his mind he's immortal and when you think you're gonna live forever sooner than you think is really just you know ever she also tells Harry I was saying that Sargent was surely in a position of power in the heavens at the moment of your birth your dark hair your means Thatcher up tragic losses so young in life I think I am right in saying my dear that you were born in midwinter Harry was of course born in midsummer though so once more she seems like she's way off base but again if she's seeing Voldemort's soul and not Harry's here then she's right on the mark I mean the dark hair the mean stature the tragic loss is young at life and yeah he was born in midwinter December 31st she also tells the class that year that death is circling closer and closer to the castle and you know Cedric dies from there as time goes on she has less and less page time with Harry so we see her less and less but she does have a few more predictions in order of the Phoenix first she tells Umbridge and a last-ditch effort to save her job that you are in grave danger it seems like she's just grasping straws here but then later Umbridge totally is carried off by a herd of angry centaurs and if that doesn't qualify as grave danger and there's the big one in half-blood prince the knave of spades Harry has two meaningful encounters with Trelawney in half-blood Prince both of which are ripe with foreshadowing two of spades conflict seven spades and ten of spades of violence knave of speeds a dark young man possibly troubled one who dislikes the questioner well that's good or can it be right to me in retrospect this has always been pretty clearly pointing to Draco and his mission to kill Dumbledore he is the knave of spades the terrible irony here is of course that Harry is obsessed with Draco for a good portion of this book but he's so dismissive of Trelawney that he just totally passes by all these clues which I think have it several layers of meaning for conflict we know Draco is feeling conflicted about his actual work for the Dark Lord and the act of killing someone he's definitely been talking a big game for the last five years but now that he's finally been forced to put on his big boy death leader pants it might be more than he's bargained for these aren't just big-boy pants these are like big boy overalls the ill omen could be a few things whether it be the dark mark on his arm that he shows to Borgan at the shop the items he tries to get to Dumbledore as gifts or even just the dark mark above the tower to lure in Dumbledore the violence could allude to his later duel with Harry where he gets all Sectumsempra or else you know the climax of the book where Dumbledore gets murdered and as for the questioner it could either be Snape or Dumbledore Snape is bothering Malfoy all here asking him what his progress is like on his mission but I think it's more likely Dumbledore who asks them a series of questions up on top of the tower to stall for time that is after all the climax of the book and it ties in nicely with the other card reading Harry gets from Trelawny which is the lightning struck tower Sybil runs into Harry and tells him that Dumbledore has been ignoring her all year despite the cards repeatedly showing her over and over that disaster and calamity is coming closer and closer she even it dramatically pulls harder the card style the lightning struck tower from the deck she's carrying as ever Harry is inclined to ignore her looking back it would seem that once again she was right all along JK Rowling all but confirms us by naming the chapter in which Dumbledore dies the lightning struck Tower I actually feel bad for chalan T of the situation because as she's telling Dumbledore this he already knows exactly what she's talking about but obviously can't confirm any of the things she's saying just has to be like yeah home at all it just very clearly indicates that Malfoy is indeed the knave of spades and almost anything simple Trelawny says in the books will come true even if she has absolutely no capacity to understand what she's actually saying that my question for you and everyone else is what you think is simple actually secretly really great from her job a secret she's apparently also keeping from herself I'd love to know your thoughts in the tile section down below and don't forget guys this Friday at 3 p.m. Eastern Time we will be having a live stream right here on super carla miller's to celebrate the one-year anniversary of Carla and brothers coffee we're doing some giveaways unreeling new products new mugs it's gonna be a lot of fun hope to see you there thanks as always for watching today's video please leave a like on and if you haven't already and subscribe so you don't miss any future Harry Potter action from us if you want to see why Harry's scars in the shape of a lightning motor you check out this video right here or if you want to see what a cloud cuckoo-land err is and why symbol on e definitely is one check out this video about Gerald from the finding Dory but then that's all I've got for you today man I will see you in another life brother
Channel: SuperCarlinBrothers
Views: 1,456,230
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SuperCarlinBrothers, harry potter, harry potter explained, sybill trelawney, professor trelawney, emma thompson, harry potter theory, j carlin, ben carlin, jonathan carlin, trelawney fired, trelawney prophecy, Do All Of Trelawney's Predictions Actually Come True, pottermore, jk rowling, wizarding world, the lightning struck tower, the knave of spades, draco malfoy, albus dumbledore, voldemort, prisoner of azkaban, half blood prince
Id: MRBimjs_t_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 17 2019
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