How to Make a Tree Climbing Lanyard: Lightweight, Simple, Easy to Use.

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[Music] hello this is veno welcome back to my channel not too long ago I made a two-in-one lanyard or a three-point land 'red but today what I wanted to work on is one that's a little bit smaller a little bit lighter so that's what we're gonna do today work on a smaller lanyard okay so I'll start here the first thing that I went and did is I got an aluminum double locking clip it's it's double locking it's a little bit lighter cuz it's aluminum also like the last one I built I got a thimble a plastic thimble not really necessary because you could just tie it to the rope but I do like having a thimble on it and I got a twenty five and a half inch ocean cord I believe it's ten millimeter and also I got this chisel this is something a friend of mine Doug told me about bunch of years ago and I never decided to use it but I think it's a little bit lighter than a micro pulley and it has some really good aspects about it that you can tend your line in any direction so I wanted to give this a try and we also got a Petzl oval carabiner and also some new fly rope it's about ten feet of rope and what I'm gonna do is use this clip it's a non-locking clip and I'm just gonna use it from my end instead of just having a stopper knot I'm gonna put this to the end so I can clip it to the other saddle instead of letting it hang okay so the first thing I'm going to do is I'll get the aluminum clip and the thimble and I'll put the thimble on the clip so what you do is just kind of open where the slit is and you push it in there you go after you get the thimble on what I'm going to do is I'll get the fly rope I'll stick it through the eye and what I'm going to do is make a double fisherman's bin that's my preferred not so what you to do that you do two wraps one two wraps around and then you follow it back through and now I'm gonna have about my hand with as what I want to have so the tail is gonna be about my hand with so that's the link that I want tighten it up once I get that tight I have that thimble in place and then I'll bring it close get it snug the way I want it okay so that's what I want right there okay so the next thing that I'm going to do since this is going to be a one direction lanyard because it's not a tutu in one it's going to be a one direction I'm gonna use a mutual kon not to do that I'm gonna get the ocean cord and I'll start at the top and then I'll do my wraps downward I'll go one two three this piece will go behind and then this will come up front and I'll get it snug see ya get it all in place make sure that the tails are our equal sign a lot of length so once I've got that and on the next thing I'm going to do is I'm going to get this chisel and I'm gonna go to the end other end of the rope and I'll put the big end on and I'll feed it all the way up to my knot okay so now I got it to the knot here so you what you want to do is you want to capture the chisel between the two eyes but once I get that captured I mean once I get that tight on now I'll get my carabiner and I'll put it through one I put the shizzle in the middle and then the next I okay I get that on I'm gonna get it rotated it to the other side so I want to get to the d-ring I'll be ready to go give it a real quick test it works see how that fill so what's cool about the shizzle is I understand is it in any direction that you pull that it's supposed to ten pretty smooth unlike a a micro pulley a micro pulley has just the pulley in the center and if you pull in different directions you kind of rub on the sharp edges of the the pulley so anyhow that's what we'll have the Mitchell con chisel and the oval and what I'm gonna do for the end of my lanyard it's kind of a it's a ten-foot rope so you'll say about you lose about maybe four feet and knots so what I'm gonna do is have a just a non-locking clip so I can clip it to my just an accessory cord on the saddle so it's not hanging anywhere so to do that I'll just throw this through here and then I'll do the same thing work on having a double fisherman bent so go two down two wraps downwards and then bring it straight up through the top and I'll keep the same thing maybe a handler with a tail there we go so about that long once I get it tight and I'll set my clip and I'll get it snug and there we go so this will this be one that I can connect to the the saddle so it's not dangling around you can also use like a figurative eight if you like or maybe even a barrel not alright so this is how you'll put it on you just get your carabiner and to the side you like I'm a lefty so I always put it on this side I'll clip that on and then usually I'll rest this clip up front and I put this is the the clip that I just want to just so it's not on the ground I'll just put it like on an accessory cord just so it's out of the way so to use it you get your snap over a branch put it to your other d-ring there you go and rest back so here's kind of the way the shizzle works you know just kind of like you're using it now all you have to do is you just kind of tend now you can't end this way you can push down it's pretty nice so it's kind of a cool situation there you go now if you didn't like to have where if your rope wasn't as long you don't really have to have a click you could just use a clip you could use a stop or not so if you didn't want to have just say a clip you could just use a figure eight if you wanted to that would work as a stop or not oops sorry one too many a figure eight would work or you could do like a barrel knot so to do a barrel knot you'll you'll take three turns downward one two and three and almost just like a double fisherman's you kind of feed it up through the center and what you want to have is at least four inches or so at the end of your knot so the barrel not looked kind of like this so if you didn't have a real long rope you could do something like that so how that would work is you know that would be your stopper so won't allow it to go but I'm not gonna have that I'm just gonna have that clip on there just so I won't have the tail dragging on the ground when I'm walking so just go back to that clip and keep it on with double fisherman's here yeah and I'm gonna have it about a hand with tail so then I'll snug it up now this isn't really this is all this is gonna be as my stopper and like I said I'll just rest it on a clip okay there you go alright so that was making the lighter lanyard the reason I really liked the idea of making lanyards just because like you ever have like a brand new rope first day out you slice it with a try cut saw and you have to you know after you slice it enough you got to take a that section of rope out so say you got a brand new rope and it's like a 30-foot section what would you do a thirty feet of rope yeah I'd save it and you could make a lanyard or you buy a brand new lanyard with the sewn eyes and that lanyard gets damaged way before its time all the hardware on the lanyards gonna be good so I mean that the idea is that sure it's good to buy brand new stuff but if you happen to have on hand you got clips and carabiners you know it's great to know how to make this stuff and that's kind of why I like the idea of making lanyards the hardware lasts a long time so it's really cool it doesn't mean that you just have to use a clip some guys like to have just a carabiner here and a carabiner here a lot of times in the trade you got this stuff on hand and and I you know I know people damage ropes and I mean you've got real good sections and what are you gonna do with they use it just as a tie-down tech know it's nice to be able to make lanyards and use it in another way anyhow I'm just really kind of happy about this lanyard having this lighter aluminum clip and the I this new addition the sizzle and the idea with this Mitchell con it's really pretty simple to slide up and down and I like the idea of having this clip on my saddle another thing I wanted to mention is it if you happen to brand-new rope and French press ik it's a good idea to wear it a little bit cuz sometimes brand new rope will slide on you also if you make something new or you create it you want to try it low to the ground you don't want to go like 50 feet up in the tree and try it right off the bat put it together make sure all the proper knots and everything that you were gonna do to create it are in the right way and and give it a whirl so that was making a lighter lanyard hope you guys enjoyed the video well comment like and subscribe hit that notification bell if you like what we do also a few know people who like tree stuff share our videos take care see you next time [Music]
Channel: Bino H
Views: 168,936
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Keywords: Tree Climbing Lanyard, Lanyard, treeclimbing, lanyard for tree climbing, how to make a tree climbing lanyard, shizll, lightweight lanyard, tree climbing lanyard, lanyard for mrs, lanyard for srs, cuerda para trepar a los árboles, Escalar árboles, lecciones de escalada de árboles, tree climbing class, tree climbing lessons, learn tree climbing, 木登りストラップ, 木登り, 木, cuidado del árbol, 軽量ストラップ, 作る方法 木登りストラップ, como hacer un cuerda para trepar a los árboles, homemade lanyard, diy tree tools
Id: 5gcZqTEwaWU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 29sec (749 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 09 2020
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