[TREASURE MAP] EP.30 πŸƒ νŠΈλ ˆμ €μ™€ ν•¨κ»˜ν•˜λŠ” YG 신사μ˜₯ νˆ¬μ–΄ πŸƒ 인쀄 μ•Œμ•˜μ§€? (feat.X맨)

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AutoModerator πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 22 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

The new YG building is really insane, I mean it looks like an office of a tech company and somewhat a mall, since they are perhaps the only major K-Pop company to have its own building made from scratch unlike SM, JYP, Big Hit, Cube, etc. Their cafeteria looks much more better than JYP. I'm looking forward on how the new offices of Big Hit in Yongsan-dong and SM which will relocate in Seongsu-dong in Acro Seoul Forest will look like that could compete with the new YG building.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/1TyMPink πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 22 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

love how they are using the new building as a playground for them hahahah

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Cielee πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 22 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I was dying at Asahi calling for Jihoon everytime HaJeongwoo harassed him for coins.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/hyuckismysun πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 22 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
[We complied with social distancing guidelines] [New YG building in Mapo-gu, Seoul] Here is the slate! 1, 2, 3! [T-MAP season 2 is open!] - Let's do this! - Let's go! You have to hurdle into YG. Here are our ID badges! [Full-time YG employee swag] We work here! [Party vibe] [TREASURE's in the house] [Not exactly] [The incoming never ends] - Here's my badge. - Long time no see! [One last final incoming shot.mp4] - Season two! - This is sick! [Too much bragging] [Headcount is... love] 12 guys are all over the place! [It's good to see you again] [T-Map's official opening] Teu-hi! [All different greetings as expected] [MC YOON starts off] Today is what we've been waiting for. TREASURE MAP season 2! [Feeling great & touched] You guys... (taking a break) We've waited long for T-Map s.2! [Dream come true] Yeah! Why don't we make comments? - I want to say something! - Park J... Okay! YE DAM! I think for T-MAP season 2 episode 1, all that's perfect have come together. [We get your drift] You bet! TREASURE starts a new T-MAP season in the new YG building... [Agree with YEDAM?] You know what I'm saying? [We totally get it] Let's have one more comment! [ME!] PARK JEONG WOO! [YOSHI is dejected] [Why would you do that?] - What? Was your hand up? - YOSHI volunteered! [Please just let YOSHI speak] YOSHI, let's get it! I'm glad we can do this together. [We're with you on that] The first content today is the new YG building tour! The new building tour! [Attention!] [When final touches are underway] [For T-MAP season 2] [Sneak preview of YGE] [From all sorts of amenities] [To spacious rooms for practice] - Okay, let's start! - Mom and dad, I'm in the new building! [The new building is open] - What floor are we on? - This is the 2nd floor. [Pretty daylight shot] Let's start with the famous... zoo! There is a tiger living here! [Be happy with YOSHI instead] - This is our favorite floor. - That's right. Why? This floor is packed with food. It makes you happy. This area here! Can you guess this place? [Take JIHOON to the zoo] A tiger lives here! You can get pho here! [There's a pho restaurant at YG!] This is pho TMI! It costs $3 for employees [HR likes this comment] The best people tempt with food] You should work for YG. What's your favorite from here? What's my favorite menu? Soda! That's good. Mine is Coke! This is the most famous at YG! [We're proud to present] YG's cafeteria! [Tasty & nutritious comfort food] [Self-service] You even get water! [JEONG WOO's ocean-wide shoulders] [YE DAM & JEONG WOO's tip] When your stomach feels heavy... [Head out to the terrace] - You should see the Han River. - The river... [View for the tallest member] HARUTO can see it! [You're invited] I found a private area! [Stylish interior decor] Welcome! [Furnished with the finest] There's even a coffee and tea maker. How do you want your coffee? [He's a regular customer] I want mine purple. [Another regular customer] I want mine orange. [You can even enjoy live music] [Sure, what's next?] - You want to eat with me? - Let's eat. [JIHOON's cafeteria tip] You touch the floor to open a door! 1, 2, 3! [Across from the cafeteria] [Okay, that was natural] The resonance here is nice for practice. [Director YOON's working hard] Director, can you take my shot? Please zoom in. [Taking in the details] [Launching cuteness] [Allergic to cuteness] Uh... Director? [Casually giving up the shoot] This is our coffee maker. YG gives you a desert experience. [YG's next mascot] You can touch this statue's chin. - Static shock! - Static! Touching his chin makes you happy. [Here's happiness] This is our "MMM" music video location. We acted awesome to the beat! [The same place] [Different vibe] This is the biggest perk here. - That's a place for HARUTO. - Right. [Guilty as charged] I didn't see you there! [Visits twice a day] Why would you say that? [Unmanned convenience store to shop freely] [Idols shopping at unmanned store.mp4] Do you have money to pay? - I don't have any. - None? [Then push the cancel button] [Their hearts are in YG] - This is unbelievable. - That's for sure. YG is a dream job! - You should come work here. - It's unmanned! [That's some dedication] Le's head out! [What amazing place is next?] The 2nd basement. We come here the most! [T-MAP s.2 logo's on the screen] [Bragging] Oh yeah, we got a new logo. [The PR fairy] Please support T-MAP season 2! You might wonder where we practice. [Taking up 90% of footage] This is the place! We probably used it the most. - You can say that again. - That's for sure. [Feels like an ending] The big space felt awkward at first. [What should we do next?] - What's that? - What? [They notice something] Wow! What's that? [TREASURE's chasing spree] This is Running Man! Huh?! - Running Man?! - What? [The grand opening episode] - We've asked for it! - Is this a chase? What's a chasing spree? [One heart & mind] It's this! - This is awesome! - For real? [Performers 1 & 2] - I don't have the right shoes! - I could ace this! [Amused by the twist] This is amazing! Don't expect to sleep tonight! Tell us what to do! [TREASURE's chasing spree] [In the new YG building] [B2, 1, 2, 3, 5] [Nothing too big, just a 100 cameras] [First footprints on this white canvas] [Today's real mission] [Find the hidden 100 gold coins!] [Ten dollars each, so it's 1,000 dollars] [Surprised] If we find 72, can we keep the total? [Take whatever you find] - Really? - You mean that? [Team Black vs. Team Blue] [All the strong members] MASHIHO and JIHOON can't team up! Hey, this isn't about strength. [Then what is it about?] [Whatever, we like being strong] [You don't only find coins] We haven't played like this in ages! [There are even X-Men in the game] [There's only one ending] KIM JUNKYU! Why would it be me? [1. Each team has an X-Man (the rest are True Men) 2. X-Men can kill True Men when terms are met 3. True Men name to kill X-Men during breaks] [X-Men win coins even if one survives] - Kill you? - They're the worst. This is exciting! It's what we wanted from the start! Let's make this episode a legend! [To become legends] [They take a photo first] [Team Black] [They make you want to look] [This performance is a treat] [LOL] [Hi, I'm YOSHI] [Masked with style] [Fist-pumped to catch X-Men] [Let's sweep the X-Men] JUNKYU! [What a bumpy ride] [Team Blue, drop the beat] [Team Blue] [Killing it with every angle] [Sexy] [Here's for starters] [DOYOUNG breathes like a whale] [Spinning out] [Firing at Treasure Maker's hearts] [You go first, I'm too shy] [Robot HAMADA stands out again] [The ending fairy] [There are 3 rounds with added space] [Round 1: 15 mins in the 2nd basement] - TREASURE, let's do this! - Fight! I won't lose...! Hey, let's go! [Face front and run!] What's going on? [This baby wants to run] Let's go! Run! JUNG HWAN, run! [We're just gonna walk] - Hi there. - Hello. [Running] [TREASURE spreads out in no time] There must be one here! - I can feel it! - SO JUNG HWAN, come on! [There really is one] [But he doesn't see it] [Collecting his find] [YOSHI finds his first coin] [Stolen right before his eyes] [My precious coin] Argh! [Dead end] Are you jealous now? [B2 vocal studio 1] I'm sure there's one here. [YE DAM +1 coin] [Rushing to the elevator] [Leading with a gold coin!] [Fast but sucks at searching] I don't see any! [Busy searching for gold coins] Are they really here? I don't see any. [JEONG WOO, take a good look] [They're just hidden well] [MASHIHO +2 coins] [Two coins in a row!] The camera is shooting this area. [Gut feeling after 2 years of T-MAP] [Pushing things around] There must be here... (but no coins) [JEONG WOO, look carefully] Ugh! [You shouldn't push but lift] [See what MASHIHO found?] [There he goes again] [Ready to lift the whole building] [B2 practice room 1] [Another easy way to search] [ASAHI drops on the floor] [Get on your knees to see below] [ASAHI finds a gold coin] [You're too late] Did you find one? [Playing deaf] He found one. [Quick to learn] [B2 small practice room 1] The camera isn't here for nothing. Oh my back! Oh my knees! There's no way you can find it! Hmm... [As soon as he said that] [A gold coin is tucked away] [The clichΓ© of entertainment] This is awesome! [JUNKYU +1 coin] [Hiding it instinctively] Hang on! What's that? - What's that box you have? - Let's cut a deal. [Mistaking it for something else] Let's see what you have. [Right back at him] It's paper with T-Map on it. You want to share it with me? [YE DAM found a mysterious box] [There is a key inside] [The key leads to hints about X-Men] [So that's what you have] [Running off with new info] Hey, come on! [But he fails] [He faked it was something more] Sigh... You lied to me! [After struggling hard] My lady... I mean, mic guy. - My mic got off. - Where is the pin inside? [B2 hallway lounge] There isn't any. [Let's see here] [Oh] Have you found one? [This guy can't lie] [Oh!] [Here it is] [JIHOON is about to take it] Argh! Argh! This coin is mine! JUNKYU! JUNKYU! [His desperate cry echoes out] [The other team comes instead] There is a coin here! [Yeah, good luck] [Team Black gets another coin] [Feeling betrayed] KIM JUNKYU! KIM JUNKYU is X-Man! [What's your identity, cute guy?] - Who are you? - JUNKYU. My mic got off (so I couldn't help). [Suspicious] - I doubt it! - That's why. Hey, KIM JUNKYU is X-Man. - JUNKYU? - I asked him for help. But he just passed him by. He left when I was there! They hid one here. I found it! [Being cute confusing them] [Smiling along] [I can tell you're X-Man!] KIM JUNKYU! [Meanwhile] This is a fuse box! [He's X-Man to the YG building] Nice work, JUNKYU. [B2 Hair & makeup room] Are they here? There aren't any cameras. [Then it's part 2 of the tour] This place is... [Comfy like a Cheongdam-dong shop] We come here before work. [23-year-old bragging] You see this? The chair is coming up. Just like TREASURE's future. [After years at YG] This is a sofa from our old building. [What else can I show?] [All except coins] Where are the coins anyway? [Monologue] How many are there on this floor? [Take it easy with a hand in pocket] [Rip!] [You can find them like weeding] Where are the coins anyway? (Tell me about it) [Humming along] β™ͺ Where are they β™ͺ [You're in a good mood] [Sensing danger] [The 5-second chase begins] [Help! vs. Stop!] [Team Black traps the kitten] Help! [JIHOON's got his back] [Charging ahead] [Is he your guy? We're sorry!] [Cracking up / Good] We crushed them! [HARUTO & JEONG WOO run off] [What's with your face?] My bad. [Eyes fixed] [Oh my gosh!] [Rushing to JAE HYUK's flank] [Jumping for a gold coin] Take it from him! [JEONG WOO starts running] [JAE HYUK controls his avatar] - Take it from him! - Hey! [Screech / LOL] [Smooching a kiss] My first one! Wow! [What another lucky find] [Finding money on the street] I have 20 dollars! I have such good eyes! Wow, oh my god! This is crazy, crazy, crazy! [That's crazy self-praise] This is amazing! MASHIHO, this is how I see it. They're hidden somewhere high. [4 gold coins] I found them on the ground. [Zero coins] - Did you guys find any? - Two. You say there a hundred here? HARUTO. Did you find any? [Looking too happy] Nope. What is our team going to do? Team Blue is good with JUNG HWAN. He's good at finding stuff. [JUNG HWAN has zero coins] Oh man, I'm in trouble! Maybe it's behind the door. [I guess not] Let's look here. There must be one here. [I guess not] Look! I bet it's in this water purifier. Or in places like this! [I guess not] [Where is our treasure hunter?] [This is JIHOON] Do you have to crawl like that? Hey! [Crawling sure helped] Was it in there? What did you say about crawling? You have to crawl! This is the vocal studio! [Speedy & precise drop to the floor] I found one! [Parading variety of skills] This is awesome! [Looks more comfy than his dorm] Who do you think are the X-Men? [He suddenly wonders] I don't know. I'm not thinking about it just yet. Oh! [Too busy finding coins to think] [Team Blue has coins hunters] - I found one! - Hide it. [JUNG HWAN finally makes a find] Are there any? This is too hard. [Their search is running dry] [Ready to revolt anytime] I don't see any! - They made it too hard to find! - There aren't any! Give me one. I know you have it. Give me one! Come on, give me one. [Trying to rip off] I know you have a coin. - Or at least give us a hint. - We need a hint. [At least one coin] Please! [You should make your own fortune] [Acting out due to no skills] I'll show up more instead. If you can't be the best, be the worst! [Trying to become the worst?] T-MAP season 2 is here! [Thanks for your trouble, I'll make you our season 2 teaser] [Team Black only has 6 coins] - Did you find any? - No. I've already given up. [Easy prey with low defense] Is that ASAHI alone? [The hunter takes off] JIHOON! [Level 1 prey can only yelp] [Easily caught by the neck] [ASAHI's on the run] JIHOON! [Come into my arms] [I don't meant you] JIHOON! [Always shouting for] JIHOON! [Rushing to his aide] Where are you? [How dare you guys!] Argh! You come here! I'm sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry! [Saved by guardian angel] JIHOON, nice to go! [Failed to hunt] Am I the only one working hard? I'm also working hard! [Sweeping the floor] I can't believe there aren't any. [This guy is also cleaning] [Even looking in dark spots] [Searching every nook and cranny] I can't find any. [That's not what self-cams are for] There aren't any more! [It ain't over till it's over] [Jumping happy with a gold coin] [Round 1 is over] What? Look! [What's going on?] X-Man! [A member is walking past them] [JEONG WOO wears an X] - Are you X-Man? - Did he get caught? JEONG WOO must be dead! Is he X-Man? JEONG WOO must be dead! - Are you X-Man? - Did an imposter get you? [Silent] [A minute before the game ended] [PARK JEONG WOO is out] Really? [That's how he got eliminated] Are you for real? [Whatever happened?] [Suddenly buzzing with the news] [You can't talk or play once eliminated] [Round 2 opens floors 1 & 2] This is so fun! [Search all three floors in 15 mins] - Start! - Where to now? Where should I go now? To the first floor? What happens there? [You're too cute! Just pass me by] I have tears in my eyes because of JEONG WOO is out. Maybe it makes me that happy. Somebody broke JEONG WOO! I wonder who that is. [Who broke our boy?] - Not me! - Maybe someone with a grudge. Then who is X-Man? Is it you? [You're puzzled] [Growing distrust] I hope you're not X-Man. I'm not X-Man. I'm just... Man. [Ah man...] [2nd floor lobby] [Team Blue opens 2nd floor] Have you found one? Here it is! [Speedy from the start] [Treasure Hunter expects the same] Oh yeah! In the cafeteria... [Appetite & manners] There are lots to eat! Hello! [Ah, hi...] [The Man joins him] Let's hurry and sweep the place. Look in the tissue box! If you reach inside... It's bad manners. [Shake it instead] It could be under the tissue. Oh! I found one! - Wow! - It was under the tissue. [They find two under the tissue] Love you! [Why is he professing love?] [Accept my heart] [There's a coin up here] Please! [+Gold coin!] [Cute & thankful] [They clear the 2nd floor] What was that? [Laid-back on the 1st floor] [Checking temp with self-cam face] I'm 36.2Β°C. [Special performance to celebrate] [JIHOON doesn't care for anyone other than Treasure Makers] The convenience store must have one. Why is the camera here? [10000% sure] There's definitely one here! [Positively gold] [There is, but he doesn't notice] I guess not. [JUNKYU has one coin] Oops! Is the camera okay? [He's searching, not fooling around] [JUNKYU's eyes can't find gold] [We interviewed his thoughts] Do you see any coins? I only have this box and a coin. [Hmm...] Maybe you made it all wrong. You sure there are any? [It's not always what you see] Be careful you don't catch a cold. [Boosting love for humankind] You should dress warmly. How many did you find? Zero! [So much love but empty pockets] [That's okay, you're light and salt] There's no hope for me. [The lowest scoring two] [JUNKYU & HARUTO] I hope you support "I LOVE YOU." Look forward to our full album soon. [Entering the niche market] [Is there a gold coin here?] [Putting on a pretty smile] [Hehe, I guess not] Yikes! [JAE HYUK, watch and learn] Can I have that coin? [Don't smile, but ask for it] Thank you! [Where are you?] JAE HYUK, I already looked there. He won't find any. This is getting harder to find. I know! [Grooving along] [Spin] Where can it be? This is fun! [He has optimistic DNA] How exciting! I can't believe how fun it is! PARK JIHOON, you've come a long way. [Regardless of coins] Who knew T-MAP would be this fun! [Except for this guy] This is too cruel! [Trying to crush this fate] [Is he the target?] JUNG HWAN, run for it! [Is someone following me?] [Huh?] What? What's going on? I have a headache. What?! [What's happening?] [Suddenly speeding through] [Running for his life] Why are you running? Tell me! - What are they doing? - What? [Headache is gone] Run for it! [Terrified] [Scaredy-YOON] [JEONG WOO starts a chase] We have to run away! [On their the second lap] Why are you chasing him? [I'm just being a troll] [The troll's victim] I'm tired! What was that for? Maybe JEONG WOO takes it from us! [Excited eyes] He must take it from us! [Starting a rumor] JEONG WOO takes it from us! [On his guard hearing the news] I can't trust anyone. [Peekaboo] Argh! [Opera-house scream] [The ears are ringing] Whoa! [I can't believe my volume] [Thanks for your piercing concert] - I can't hear. - Whoa! Where are the gold coins? [The visual makes you run] You scared me! [Scaredy-KIM & Scaredy-CHOI] JEONG WOO scared me! [The troll is fully charged] [That's both revenge & footage] Sorry for that confusion. Can I have ramen over here? What are you doing? I asked them something. - You want a present? - Yeah. That's okay, just show me. [Flexing gold coins] [You got a bunch there] [Let's say the magic word] JIHOON! JIHOON! [Then a genie responds] Yeah! [Doomed if caught] JIHOON, get JAE HYUK! [Here comes JIHOON] 1, 2! 1, 2! [Excited to loot JAE HYUK's coins] Don't do that! [Mouse in a trap] Please! This is fun to watch! [Friendly GPS] JAE HYUK is over there! [JAE HYUK's my team] Oh wait, I shouldn't do that! Protect me! Protect me! [Calling for their dependable leader] - Protect me! - HYUN SUK! HYUN SUK! [This isn't the least intimidating] [They seem to be having fun] - What's this? - What's going on here? They're robbing the young and rich! Ahh! No! - Are you young and rich? - Yeah, look! [Easy there] I'm a college student! [Save my face] Don't do this to a college student! Wait a minute! [The beagles aren't ready to listen] [What a commotion] [Making escape in the confusion] [Or maybe not] Check his back pocket! Catch him! [JIHOON & ASAHI's mission: Loot a young & rich college student] [Peacekeeper] Careful with the camera! [Worried about the camera] I have two now! This means more footage! Protect me! They're taking my coins! [Screaming desperately] No! - Did you take his coins? - Yeah. [They succeed after a hard battle] [I'll face the enemy, so run!] [Running with a mouth motor] - Get him! - Ahhhh! [YOSHI's right behind] [JIHOON's even faster than cameras] [Whizzing by] Water...! Argh! [YG cafeteria has good water] [Complaining penniless] I used to be young and rich! [JAE HYUK's death note] I won't forget who did that! KIM DOYOUNG, BANG YE DAM, SO JUNG HWAN! ASAHI is the worst for telling! [Taking revenge for him] Look what you did! [Released] [That was great teamwork] [Good profit] We have so many gold coins. [Team Blue has struck it rich] We're way leading! I can hear money. [Heaving with coins] Chi-ching! JAE HYUK, how many do you have? I had 7, but they took them all. [Team Black's in a crisis] I honestly want peace. [And this is to keep that peace] [ASAHI's easy prey for loots] Hurry, search him. [Gagged] - I don't have any! - Sorry. [Searching all over] You really don't have any? [Don't care anymore] [Sue me] [ASAHI's used to this routine] Not this, it's the mic. ASAHI? Are you ASAHI? Yeah... You should call for me in danger. They keep bugging me. - Do you want to get loot? - Can we check you? Go right ahead. I can keep you off with one hand. [What a strong guy] Come here. [He turns the table] HYUN SUK! [We're here to loot] Why are you in trouble now?! [The 2nd battle] Sorry, I'll be easy on you. JAE HYUK! (help me) JAE HYUK! [Summoned to defense] [YE DAM comes uninvited] This has so many! [Two teams are tangled up] [Ripped!] [Are we taking it that far?] [Team Black is robbed again] - Run! - Oh my gosh! [HYUN SUK, now it's up to you] [General CHOI marks the looter] [Pass] [DOYOUNG catches it] [Another camera's down] [Helplessly played by Team Blue] [Barricade is too late] [Hurled away] [Going down!] [Landing downstairs] Get down! Get down! Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! [Team Black's fate is at stake] [Team Black arrives first!] JAE HYUK, get downstairs! [He likes corners] YE DAM, you already took from me! [Passing the coins] [YOSHI retrieves the coins] I got him! [Round 2 ends right in battle] They ripped it out! [This is out of this world] This is so fun! That was so close! [Shopping in the store] How many minutes do we have left? I don't know. This round's over. [Let's go back] Round 1 and 2 is over. Now let's check how we did. Okay! How many does Team Blue have? [Chi-ching] [Stunned] They took my 7 coins! [Carefully counting] [Team Blue] - We have 30 gold coins! - 300 dollars? [Unbelievable] Is this all the coins we have? [That's so few] - What? - We have 13! What's that silver coin? [Huh? Silver?] [The silver coin stands out] [You can find out next week] - Five dollars? - Is it half the price? [Who has the hint key?] YE DAM! JEONG WOO must know who the X-Man is. [Chugging corn water] JEONG WOO, I know how you feel. JEONG WOO! [The X-Man's shoe size is 270mm] - HYUN SUK! - That's me! [Does it mean HYUN SUK is the X-Man?] Hang on! [Self-destruct] You can kill me then! He said to kill him. Raise your hand if you're 270mm. [Quiet] I can't be the only one. - My size isn't exactly 270mm. - Me neither. - I wear 265mm shoes or bigger. - Mine is 275mm. [Anyway, it's not us] I wear bigger shoes that are 280mm. My size is exactly 270mm. [Take care] You're safe if you're not X-Man. [True Men are safe besides X-Man] This can prove you're not it. Can we also check JUNKYU? I think he's a spy, not playing hard. He brings your team down. And he doesn't do anything. JUNKYU usually gives everything. [Defense] No, we can't do that. [To make it fair] We have to check both teams! [That makes sense] [Sacrificed by votes] [Checking HYUN SUK & JUNG HWAN] Is it goosebumps or romance? 1, 2, 3! Are you an X-Man? [We're True Men] - No! - No! [This can't be happening] They're both not it. [They fail to catch any!] [Sorry, True Men...] [Who are X-Men?] - This is hard. - I got goosebumps! [Bonus clip with PARK JEONG WOO] [JEONG WOO really likes to run] [But he's taken out first] Is it really over? I really like this game... and running! [What happened to the guy?] PARK JEONG WOO's out? [Talking nonstop] That's like T-MAP is over. [Love for speed] The is an exciting chase. I tried hard to do my best. I even found two coins! Now I'm dead. I can't believe it. I'm the best! [2nd time] You lost the best player. [3rd time] I'm the best at this game. [99th time] T-MAP reminds people of me. [Stop and just enjoy ramen] Here's my mukbang. [His bonus clip continues next week] JUNKYU, you should try harder. It's obvious you're the spy! - Is there only one X-Man? - No idea. [They don't know how many] Don't we have two? I think HARUTO is a spy! - How do you know that? - I get that feeling. JIHOON is also suspicious. It's either JUNKYU or JAE HYUK. I suspect JAE HYUK or MASHIHO. Did anyone see JEONG WOO get eliminated? [I want to tell but can't] Is there no one? I didn't see what happened, but I was with him just before. When we gathered a few minutes later, - he was already eliminated. - Who else was there? There was MASHIHO. [JAE HYUK?] And you were about to go in. [Are they X-Men? Find out next week!] [Subscribe & watch the next video]
Channel: TREASURE (νŠΈλ ˆμ €)
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Keywords: YG Entertainment, YG, 와이지, K-pop, 트레져, νŠΈλ ˆμ €, TREASURE, CHOI HYUN SUK, JIHOON, YOSHI, JUNKYU, MASHIHO, YOON JAE HYUK, ASAHI, BANG YE DAM, DOYOUNG, HARUTO, PARK JEONG WOO, SO JUNG HWAN, μ΅œν˜„μ„, μ§€ν›ˆ, μš”μ‹œ, μ€€κ·œ, λ§ˆμ‹œν˜Έ, 윀재혁, μ•„μ‚¬νžˆ, λ°©μ˜ˆλ‹΄, λ„μ˜, ν•˜λ£¨ν† , λ°•μ •μš°, μ†Œμ •ν™˜, THE FIRST STEP, TREASURE EFFECT, THE FIRST STEP : TREASURE EFFECT, νŠΈλ ˆμ € ORANGE, TREASURE MY TREASURE, MY TREASURE, νŠΈλ ˆμ € MY TREASURE, νŠΈλ ˆμ €λ§΅, TREASURE MAP, νŠΈλ ˆμ €λ§΅ μ‹œμ¦Œ2, TREASURE MAP SEASON 2
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 34sec (1594 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 21 2021
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