Travel Mistakes I NO Longer Make ✈️

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hey everyone welcome back to the channel today's video we are going to go over all of the travel mistakes I have made and how we can learn from my mistakes so we can be better Travelers I don't know how many mistakes there are there's quite a few so let's get right into it my first mistake it took me a while to learn this one and it is I no longer book the earliest flight just to say 50 now hear me out a lot of those like really cheap flights have really weird times like 6 a.m and for me it's worth the money to spend a little bit more just to leave at a more reasonable hour that way I'm not waiting three or four in the morning just to make that early flight I'm not depending on leaving at weird times of the night for my safety and also just because you're saving that like fifty dollars to get that cheap flight now think about all the things you have to buy because of that flight level you're gonna have to probably buy something at the airport something to eat which can get really expensive rather than waking up at a normal time and eating breakfast at home you're also probably gonna have to take an Uber or taxi rather than depending on public transportation if you live in a major city and let's also not forget the biggest issue of is if you're flying to a place and you're checking into a hotel that hotel will not be ready for you until later in the day so this is a perfect example I always would fly to Miami I would always book the cheapest earliest flight out I would arrive to Miami at like nine in the morning go to the hotel I'm so excited because I'm gonna shower I'm gonna get ready for the day and and they would say your room will be ready at four and you're thinking what am I going to do now right there's no reason to rush to a destination just to be kind of uncomfortable for a few hours unless you have a plan something to do this may work and let's also not forget if you do wake up at three in the morning to catch that flight that day you're gonna be so tired like if you're going on a short trip why are you going to bed early on your first night because you had to wake up super early I think honestly just arrive at a normal hour and you will have a better day my second mistake is I no longer fly different airlines because the flight is cheaper right so I have committed to a airline group so that means whenever I'm flying I get points for status and with that status you get extra perks while traveling now if you don't travel a lot this may not be as important but as someone who travels quite a lot it's really important to just stick to your one Airline or Airline group because you can earn so many points and just have a better overall travel experience I do have status with an airline and that has gotten me upgraded on international flight lights I have free checked bags I board the plane early and so all those extra perks help because I stuck to one Airline and grew a status with them I have done this mistake and I will not do it again I will not book a flight with a connection that's on a different Airline this is a huge mistake especially if you check a bag because they're not going to connect your bag like if you fly with the same airline because they could care less it's not even their Airline so if you have a checked bag I would highly suggest not doing this because if you do you have to get your bag off of that first flight recheck it at your new Airline which will require you to go through security again and it's going to be a huge time waster it's very highly risky especially if there's any bit of a delay this is this is a No-No you guys so if you're gonna do a connection make sure it's on the same airline and also this goes for like international flights if you have a connection internationally like this is very tricky Waters you have no idea how long Customs will be sometimes it's like super fast sometimes you're waiting for 30 minutes it's and if you have a very short connection time and you're on a different Airline I hope you the best it's gonna be a little tricky and you may miss your second flight it's also not good to do those connections in a short time it's very stressful if you have to do a connection make sure it's on the same airline this mistake applies to my younger self I will no longer go out to a club or party before my early flight so my mentality when I was younger was well if I have to pick up at 4am for my flight I might as well just stay up all night long that has led to me missing my flight entirely because I was just too hired to stay up nothing is worse than being totally groggy and then also hungover on top of it like I will not party before a flight and actually what really happened is when Al and I we were in Madrid we went to this tapas bar it's called El Tigre I don't know if it's still there it probably is and basically they give you unlimited like Red Wine and Tapas for free I'm not sure what the details were but we had so so much red wine the next morning I woke up and I was like oh my God what time is it it was like 7 30 our flight to Barcelona was at 7 20. and we for sure missed it and it was just a whole hot mess I have photo proof of this whole incident so I will not party before an early flight also goes to my point don't book that early flight if we would have book a more reasonable time flight like 10 a.m We would totally have made it so I feel like are those early flights worth it even though they're cheaper in this case it was way not worth it okay another thing is I no longer travel without my TSA Pre and Global engine if you have a few flights coming up and you don't have TSA pre-check do yourself a favor and go get pre-checked I believe it's 80 I no longer have to take out my laptop I no longer have to take off my shoes and overall my airport experience is just so much better and then also Global Entry which is a separate thing you have the interview in the process does take a long time but once you have global entry and you come back in the United States you don't have to wait in that long Customs line it's just great I love it another travel mistake is going on an airplane without any snacks okay I will not do it the airport food is super expensive and also I know myself when I am starting to get hungry I get a little upset so for me to manage my expectations manage my personal happiness I am the girl who is going to have snacks I love traveling with Chomps they are great they are just beef jerky stick they're so good they're filling and I love them I love the jalapeno flavor actually it kind of tastes like there's like cheese in it I don't know what it is but I like spicy and these guys I just obsessed with them the next thing I no longer do is book activities on travel days travel days could be the flight day it could be you're going to a new place within your travel itinerary and you're on a bus or a train or you're on a long car ride that day is a wash for me I don't plan anything to do because sometimes you just need those moments when you're traveling to just have that down time you want to go out for dinner and drinks that first night but sometimes what your body really needs is just to stay at your hotel just to relax so for me on those travel days I no longer plan anything and I no longer travel during weird hours of the day this changed real quick when I was in Rome we had an early flight out in Rome airport and if you know Rome airport it is not close to where Rome activities are like the Coliseum and stuff it's like maybe a 40 minute 30 minute drive we wake up at like three in the morning to get into a car to go to the airport and where we were staying no car zone so we had to like walk at a really weird hour and I remember it was so quiet there was nothing around and all of a sudden I just see a guy come walking towards us and he was smiling and I said holy crap is this the moment we get robbed right here and thankfully he just turned out to be a really happy drunk guy but the fact that he was like walking right towards us and smiling scared me so much we grabbed our luggage and we started running away another thing I no longer do is use cheap suitcases now keep suitcases means a lot of things I actually bought a suitcase from TJ Maxx no hate on TJ Maxx I think they have really great suitcases but the one that I bought was not a reputable brand it was something totally random thing I like the color of it was like purple I took it on one trip and it lasted me that one check it was like 50 on the way back to my apartment in New York City the wheel broke off so I had to drag this cheap suitcase down 10 blocks in New York City and I was so upset because I just bought this suitcase it was completely new so now I like to get at least a rapid little brand for my suitcases I love my Samsonite suitcases and I also have a travel Pro suitcase this is the brand that the travel agents use it's super lightweight so if you're looking for a new suitcase here are some of my favorites I will also leave the link down below of other like suitcase favorites I no longer over pack now before before we get into it doesn't mean I don't pack enough and the reason why I no longer over pack is because after every trip I write myself a letter or a note I write how many days it was and I write notes of what I what I packed on my last trip to Europe I realized I needed to bring a few more toiletry items so next time I go on the same length of a trip I know exactly what I need to bring if I didn't wear something I make a note of it so the next time I'm packing for something I go okay I actually didn't wear those white pants don't forget next time bring a darker pair writing notes to yourself is a great way to kind of edit what you bring on a trip so you no longer over pack items my next travel mistake I no longer do is not booking food reservations in advance especially if you're going to a busy place or if you have a restaurant that you really really want to go to and make a reservation Al and I are so funny because we will actually book restaurant reservations for months in advance not because you have to but we usually plan our trips kind of far in advance and I'm like well might as well just make a reservation in January for April and it's funny because it's kind of embarrassing it's like yeah we made a reservation like four months ago I feel like if you're going to a new place for me I love trying local food and if there's a restaurant there that I really want to try and I can't go because I don't have a reservation I would just be really upset I no longer show up to that reservation without double confirm I cannot tell you how many times we've made reservations somewhere and they don't have the reservation on their end and yes I feel like it should be their job to call us to make sure that we're coming but sometimes they just don't I've been in situations where either I've booked the wrong date and I messed up or they just don't have the reservation you show up and they can't see you so I always like to call so I also no longer book Things super last minute just because I know for a fact let's get really expensive if you book closer to the date last year I really really want to go to Paris for my birthday and I waited totally last minute to book everything and I actually ended up not going because everything was just too expensive so if I want to go somewhere I'm going to make a plan and I'm going to book it early just like how it can save money on accommodation light and actually I can actually plan what I want to do in the destination and if you've been enjoying this video so far please give this video a thumbs up so we cannot make all these mistakes another thing I no longer do and this could be because I'm growing up or I have a bit more money to spend on travel but I no longer do the cheapest way possible to get around like for example when I was first planning my trips I always took public transportation even if it took three hours longer I was gonna do the cheapest way and I realized with traveling a lot that convenience for me and saving valuable time is really important to me rather than just saving money another travel mistake I no longer make is being dependent on coffee all right in the morning I need my coffee and some places when I wake up in the morning and I look around and there's no coffee machine or coffee maker or anything with dealing with coffee oh my God what am I gonna do because that is like how I start my day I have my coffee and then they can be like okay what's going on today without coffee now I'm like well I need to get it like it's just I like to travel with my portable water machine I know this is so extra this is like if you're a coffee addict like me and then I also bring an Aeropress which is like so easy to make coffee on the go and this saves me in Vegas it saves me in hotels that just don't offer coffee machines instead of leaving your room to go get coffee which takes maybe 30 minutes depending on where it is you have it in your room and it just saves time it saves money and you know when you wake up you have coffee so I usually like to call or like look at pictures online to see if they have a coffee machine if they don't I will be bringing my own supplies another travel mistake I no longer like to make is I will try my best to no longer go on red eye flights oh if you can avoid it avoid it like for example I know a lot of like West Coast to East Coast U.S flights there's tons of red eye options a red eye completely just knocks me out it really just is not for me so if it's a flight during the day I'm going to take it and this is the funniest thing I took a red eye from Vegas to New York so I'm like oh my God it's so cheap right so our flight was at like 11 p.m and we had all day to spare I'm like this is perfect we have one more extra day in Vegas it feels like so instead of just paying a bit more money for the flight we actually spent more money in Vegas at the hotel because we had nothing to do so we just stood in the lobby we had like two bottles of Rose then we had lunch and then we just hung out there and we ended up spending way more money than our flight would have been if we just left at 2PM so it wasn't cheaper for us actually and then we had an uncomfortable red eye back home this one is for my cruise ship people I no longer fly out for a cruise ship on the embarkation day if the cruise is leaving out on Saturday I am not flying to the destination on Saturday that to me is so stressful I actually like I can't even I can't function thinking about it I will file at least the day before ideally I would fly out two days if I could because you never know what happens like can you imagine you planned your whole vacation on this cruise and you can't go because of a flight like get there early let's not be stressed let's avoid stress as much as possible is basically what I've learned traveling all these years if we can avoid this stressful situations we're on a good roll this one's new for me because my last trip to Europe I was just it's my last straw I will no longer go International without an international data plan my phone I have no service when I go to Europe I also don't have an unlocked phone so I cannot get a SIM card so for me I need to be on Wi-Fi at all times just to be on my phone which is really risky especially if you need to Google something if you're lost you need Wi-Fi to even look something up so for me I either need to get an unlocked phone which basically means you paid off your phone in full or have a plan via my cell phone provider to allow international data to go through because it was a struggle you guys there was no Wi-Fi there was no Wi-Fi for a good week in Italy and I was basically off-grid and this is my biggest takeaway which honestly kind of changed a lot of how I travel and I no longer travel for Instagram photos three four years ago I would go to places and just take pictures for Instagram and this realization happened like a light bulb it was night and day I was in Santorini Greece I was filming like this was like before I filmed a lot of my YouTube travel videos I was vlogging my trip to IA I don't even have a vlog on it because the problem was when I was vlogging there was no story there was nothing because all I was doing that day was walking around taking pictures so yes I have the photos that I took to remember it also photography for me is a big hobby of mine but the whole purpose of my trip there was these photos and like I didn't really do do things if it didn't involve taking pictures now my trips are totally planned off of experiences and things I want to experience when I'm traveling and of course take pictures while I do it but instead of waking up at six in the morning to take pictures I'm waking up at eight in the morning having a local breakfast and documenting what I'm doing as I'm traveling I also believe that the best moments actually happen when you know they'd have a camera on me like for example we were in Greece we went to this Deli for like late night like food didn't have a camera or phone on me we were just walking around it's completely safe by the way we were also not in a very touristy neighborhood this guy at the deli was just eating with his friends and like I think he overheard us because we wanted to buy wine and he's like some wine I am a wine maker I make wine in the basement so we went into the basement his wife was teaching their kids like music lessons we were like in the living room with all these like wine barrels and he was just giving us tastes of wine and it was just the coolest moment I was opening up to the idea idea that travel is way more than just taking pictures it's really about experiencing meeting people and for me that is my biggest takeaway since that trip it completely changed it I was like I can't create a video if I didn't do anything you know so I'm just happy that I had that realization because it changed the way that I travel so there goes all of my travel mistakes let me know down below if you've made some of these mistakes if you made a mistake I haven't mentioned let me know down below with that I hope you guys have an awesome day and I will see you in the next one bye
Channel: Dana Berez
Views: 25,227
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: travel tips, travel mistakes, travel mista, travel mistakes to avoid, traveling dos and donts
Id: LbWZicxxDQE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 55sec (1015 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 02 2023
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