23 In-Flight Essentials (MY MUST-HAVE for Long Haul Flights)

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whether you are a seasoned traveler or new to the game flying and passing through airports might not be your cup of tea as it is for me because I live on Oahu anytime my flight internationally it's going to be a long haul flight costing me anywhere from two to three days in transit time in fact my upcoming trip to Pakistan where I will be leading my first group Adventure it's gonna cost me 50 hours of in transit time I'll be passing through four airports and I will have one 15-hour flight that's a long time to be on a plane this is average today I wanted to share my favorite in-flight Essentials for a long haul flight that's going to help keep you comfortable and stress-free when you are on a plane or in transit for as long as I am today I want to share with you 23 of my favorite in-flight Essentials that's going to keep you comfortable and stress-free on a long-haul flight so sit back relax and enjoy these essential tips and hacks for your next trip 23 inflate Essentials for a long haul flight here we go you have to keep in mind that these are items that I use on a fairly regular basis I mean some of it's on a rolling basis because I'm always sculpting for my trip I don't like packing I love trying to refine my packing style and the more I travel the more situations I come across that test me okay I'm gonna bring up my little goodie bag here FYI if you are interested in any of the items I talk about check my description box I also have a linked blog post where I cover it covered it all and if that in fact that blog post came out earlier than this video but because the response has been so good about the blog post I thought I'd go ahead and show you inside some of the items I use number one hitting money belts or pouches because I'm in transit there's a lot of import important documents and money that I want to keep secure and safe while I'm going through these different airports I used to use this money belt a lot you can see it's just like already falling apart and actually it's a work in progress because I'm still packing for um Pakistan and so I want to figure out what I'm going to take with me what I I will do is I'll have one of these stashed in one of my hidden pockets in my bag however this is not perfect I upgraded to getting this the max top fanny pack and some people like to call it a bum bag initially I bought it to drug my jog my dog tanker where I'll keep her treats I can also use this as kind of like an in-flight Essentials bag I usually put like my cat my vlogging camera my cell phone you know like a pen any any little bits that I might need my my passport and I will use this for sightseeing as well however because I'm always sculpting the one thing that I didn't like about this is that I didn't know where to put this because when I'm juggling so many things I end up lying to crunch crunch this in here in a rush I'm like a Russian person I'm like I'm not only carrying one ticket on a long haul flight I'm usually carrying like three or four of them and sometimes they're paper thin I should be upgrading to electronic tickets but I like the the physical tickets recently I got this hero neck wallet this has been handy because I can easily strap it around my neck I can adjust the the length you've got this pocket this pocket this top pocket right here as well as a little side pocket here so I can easily drop my cell phone my passport carry pens in here for when I have to fill out immigration forms has the secret back pocket right here where I can put my flight tickets next is my Manta sleep mask it's a light blocking mask um you can see these cups right here they kind of secure around your eyes they're very soft and comfy and snuggly um and I feel like it hits like the pressure points around my eyes to kind of give me like a deeper relaxation because the flight is so dry it dries my eyes and when my eyes get dry then I feel more tired I feel like it gives me a deeper sleep because it locks in some of the moisture around my eyes I have a multi-port plug because I'm always charging a lot of things from my cell phone to my um to my camera batteries so this has two USBC charging ports as well as two USB charging ports and this come in handy not only at the airport but also on the plane some flights do have plug Outlets that you can plug into and in those cases I love using these very handy very small and expensive I always like to take at least one packing cube with me why because I don't like to dump everything in one bag and not be and be hunting around for my cables and stuff like that I always put like my scarf in here as well as my jacket all the clothing items I put in here um just to compartmentalize things so that when I'm in a rush I just can grab the things that I need usually the things that I need happen to be this little bag here of batteries and cable Chargers and stuff like that this is the next thing that I want to share this mesh pouch these mesh pouches have come in so handy for me uh because they can pack like the small items in here okay camera batteries right here cables more batteries my remote thingy and actually this one goes inside here too so this is like my electronics bag next up I have my what I like to call my bum bag um or my cosmetic slash uh toiletry kit bag and this is strictly for in-flight use I have my own toiletry kit in my carry-on with more stuff but this is just for like hygiene for makeup purposes I want to refresh myself because I'm you know taking an overnight plane or I'm passing through in the wee hours of the morning I want to make sure that I have like um all the essentials that I'm gonna need and I want it to be leak proof too sometimes I'll be a little nicer and I'll take like this little pencil case and I'll put put that stuff in it um along with some pencils and anything else that I want to put in here let me know if you want to see some of my toiletry kits or or my first aid kits tote bags I always carry a tote bag with me and for the longest time I had this fold up tote bag that I absolutely loved and I could not remember the brand name of it to buy a new one this is easy to pack up it's very like it's very easy to pack up like this um but unfortunately the insides are starting to crumble after like almost like two decades of of use you know like at the very last minute when I board the plane and I didn't get to my seat I'll pop it out and I put all my junks in it so that I can go I can put it under my seat and have access to all my junks but I found this on Amazon not the most perfect solution but still fairly perfect or good enough for my causes now this is a fold up bag it's a little thicker than I'd like but the bag opens like this first of all it's a very spacious compartment the magic part all the contents that I had in are falling out that expands this has been handy for me coming home when I have bought souvenirs you can obviously put it on your uh carry-on rest or luggage dress right here there is another pocket here so sometimes I like to tuck it away tuck things I don't know stuff that I need where would I be without my external charging devices Lipstick charger this is for the quick hits to my cell phone this is my anchor pop socket charging battery I showed you this in my other video about upgrading my tech my travel Tech this is super handy check it out it's a game changer the only thing that I don't like is that it can it can warm up pretty quickly so if you are in a hot environment uh or like a hot country during summer or whatever monsoon season this can overheat your your mobile phone and your mobile phone will be like I'm sorry we need to cool down right now we can't charge anymore or we can't do anything anymore this is something that I'm taking with me constantly because it's so handy and useful and I can easily just slap it on and charge this brick is in this is like a 10 000 ma um anchor external battery and it's a little on the heavier side this can charge a lot it's got two USB ports right here allowing me to charge two devices this is for when I can't find any charging ports anywhere in the the airport or on the flight so this helps keeps keep me Juiced up and it's super handy if you're taking a long road trip somewhere and you don't have any means to charge or if you're in a place that has like blackouts and the power goes down biodegradable baby wipes I think this is pretty self-explanatory I'll be passing through different airports over the course of like 50 hours or two to three days I'm gonna want to take like a a mini bath and refresh myself in all the places that you know need to be refreshed I like that it's biodegradable because when I travel to some of the developing countries that I go to it's biodegradable but it doesn't harm the environment or add to the problems of the environment I have my portable air purifier even though we're easing off of covid I still have one of these that I carry on the plane with me and I strap it around my neck um just so that I have like purified air in my my little perimeter sometimes I'll turn up I'll reach up and turn on the The Fan to shoot the air down that kind of like then I don't need this as much because it's kind of like creating this nice windshield around me however it gets really cold so I I like deferring to this too I usually put it in my covid kit and yes I have a covered kit with all the essential items that I need as well as like a little covered home kit for testing in the case my flight gets delayed or if I check my baggage if I check my baggage and it gets lost then I always want to have a backup so I'll take a shirt like this uh this one is my Unbound Merino wool shirt and I have been falling in love with this shirt and the Unbound Merino products even have a travel dress and initially this was like a sponsored item they wanted me to test drive it and try it out I fell in love with it and so now I I'm ordering another shirt for my upcoming trip one it's comfortable it's classy looking um the the fabric is so fine um and because it's Merino wool it doesn't retain odor and you don't need to wash it [Music] for a long time so this is perfect because there are times that when I'm sitting in the plane my arms are pressed against my body because I'm trying to you know like conserve space and sometimes I get those pity odors you know underneath my armpits and I don't like that because then it kind of like gets into my clothes with this it doesn't it that doesn't happen so this doesn't carry a smell it doesn't retain any body odor smells and that's why I love it it also is nice because it regulates the heat in my body so if I'm in a hot environment it doesn't add to my heat it just kind of like is cooling if I'm in a coolant environment it kind of still keeps me you know warm so it's it's really body regulating I can't recommend it more in terms of flip-flops there are two brands that I like wearing one is my own girl traveler flip-flops because they are super comfortable and I don't have them with me right now because they are so worn I use them like for everything then the other one are my javianas they're like the slim the slim flip-flops because I want something that's going to be kind of lightweight also I don't want to be carrying chunky things with me that are going to expand my travel case or my carry-on case next up is my pashmina scarf this is like an in-flight essential and I don't have it with me I apologize I'm still it's lost right now in all my my stuff because I've been going through my packing list for Pakistan and I don't know where I put that but I will need to find it before I go because I never travel without it it's essential because it's you can it's multi-purpose and I know I've done a real and a short about it um how you can or maybe it was that was my sarong but I use them very similarly um you can use it as a shawl as a scarf as a blanket as a towel one thing I don't like being is cold and sometimes flights don't offer blankets sometimes you're you have a layover in an airport and it's like in the wee hours of the morning and it's super cold so that's super handy because it's been kind of like my travel blanket as well as a scarf and a shawl it had it's just multi-purpose so I take it with me on every trip whether I'm going to a hot destination or cold one because I know at some point I'm gonna use it surprising to me that some people still don't know about trip insurance and that they can claim or get money back typically I have two insurance I double duty on my insurance one I will always purchase my flight using my travel rewards card and that Rewards Card generally has like free trip insurance a very basic one it will cover things like you know car rental or or um cancellations delays lost baggage but if I'm traveling to a different like a destination that's a little bit more adventurous then I will want to doubly insure myself with World Nomads because they handle more Adventure but Adventure destinations adventure activities and this is like the when it comes to activities this is where you actually want to see if your trip insurance covers it because a lot of them don't sometimes I don't know how adventurous I'm gonna be until I get to that destination like Thailand is one of those examples where I didn't think I was very adventurous but then when I went there I took a scuba diving class you know I went caving wanted to rent a motorbike and all of these things are not covered under a trip plan a basic trip plan they are covered with more extensive coverage and that's where I defer to World Nomads I also like to protect my gear when I'm traveling to more adventurous destinations like I want to protect it from theft from getting lost or stolen um as well as damaged people who want to be able to pick and choose according to their budget and according to their personal needs of what they need coverage um there is travel Master insurance which is a tool I will link down below it's already on my blog post as well I always have to have snacks with me and the best ones that I like taking are like Japanese crackers um because they're lightweight they're not greasy or oily um and they kind of they kind of satiate my needs until I get to place next item is I always bring a water bottle with me a reusable water bottle I discovered these path water uh reusable flasks and it's it's not sponsored I promise recently I found this water brand path water to have like really cool reusable aluminum flasks that I can take with me they cost roughly around three to five dollars which is kind of expensive for water not as expensive as water in the airport but what I like this one has a wide lip all I do is put a little bit of soap water in there and I just kind of like Jiggle It and it's good to go also if I lose it I will not feel like I've lost a limb because I know I can easily go back to the supermarket and buy a new one in the past there have been times I needed a pin on me and I couldn't find one and I have to like rifle through my bag but this little miniature keypad is good because one I can take it on anything um and two a pen on the side touch pointer on another I don't really use a touch pointer but the Penance comes in handy it's super small and compact it's come in handy for when I want to um obviously want to have to fill out an Immigration Form or I want to write a bag tag a luggage tag when they say Okay Immigration Form time and you're just like oh man and you have to ask the new your neighbor if they have a pen and it's kind of like uncomfortable usually the neighbors are cool but still I like to come prepared and have my own pen with me this is by side by side gear and this one was something that I know I've been unconsciously using a lot over and over and over it's super handy it comes in a pack um so you're not just buying one um it's handy to have next one is something that's surprising to a lot of people no one ever thinks about it is body mints whatever I'm trying to film that's when things don't want to work so these are body mints they're like chlorophyll tablets is what they are when I'm traveling I obviously don't have a shower with me baby wipes are okay I've got my Merino wool also to keep like odor at Bay um but these are also good because they are kind of like a internal deodorant so I'll usually take one or two tablets to kind of keep me fresh inside so that my body doesn't exude a perfume that is uncomfortable to me and my neighbors because we are situated so tightly together I buy this brand a lot however they're not always the cheapest and I found another brand online Nature's Way that I like just as well another interesting trivia thing that I did not know as I've been buying this for years is that chlorophyll tablets are help are supposed to help reduce altitude sickness so I will be taking this with me to Pakistan as we go up into the higher altitudes where AMS or altitude sickness becomes a little bit more of a concern I always love to pack extra undies I will pack at least two one because flight might get delayed right if you know maybe you have a period leakage you're gonna need if you're a woman you're gonna need extra undies I usually like to get like a Hanes no odor microfiber brand um that's that's you know like seamless bikini but I like the microfiber brand because it does help reduce odor it's because they're smart they're good value and they're they're comfortable they're breathable um I'm not like another thing I like to take is a fold-up jacket um usually I like to buy the ones at Uniqlo because they're super lightweight these aren't waterproof by any means they say like they're water resistant but basically if you're in a downpour it'll just like float right through the jacket however I like them because they're they kind of trap in heat very well so they're lightweight enough to pack when you're going on when you're taking it on in Flight um they keep me warm uh but also they're very easy to pack and fold up and they don't take much space not as compact is this one this is another unique low you'll probably see me using this a lot more because I like the long length um this is especially good for when I'm spending a night in an airport for several hours or I'm sleeping in the airport um this comes in handy because it covers me like more of my body if you are a purse person and there have been times that I have I was a first person in the past there are times I will pack a purse usually within flight I don't but I wanted to give you folks an option because there have been good purses that are or little anti-theft travel purses that I view one I do like bagalini you can see I've got a little miniature side-by-side gear pen here too um I do like Baggallini this one this travel purse I I use actually mostly for on a daily basis because it has like all these zipper pockets as well as this secret pocket in the back and compartments in here this is one of those like minimal purses that just kind of like go around me in a sling form baggalini is great because they have like all these multiple Pockets like more complexity for pickpockets to to have to deal with another anti-theft travel purse which I used to really like in the past and I still like it I mostly will use it for like um camera crew jobs and my dad has kind of adopted my old one so you kind of took it apart but it's these ameribag little pouches or slings you can kind of Sling it over you or behind you kind of works like this this is a similar principle um but I like it because it's very handy to carry around like this just imagine that with this this um the mirror bags are beautiful because they are a lot more spacious than it seems before I had a camera bag I used this as my camera bag I think to Morocco where I put like a little camcorder in here you can see there's a lot of organizer pockets in here right along the the spine you've got you know like organized pockets on the side you've got pen holders then you've got like this little pocket here in the front there oh yeah stick your phone in here there's a side pocket here where you can you have like this little flap sorry everything's black so you can't really see um as much of the detail if you've got this pocket on the side here with the velcro as well as the zipper pocket here so if you are someone who loves organizer Pockets this is going to be your Heaven it can expand you can even put your your sweater or jacket so these are two different types of styles this is a little more fashionable a little more lightweight this one you can easily pack a lot of stuff into it and sometimes the pockets get to be so much that you you can get confused where you put your things uh but they both um are good starter antique theft purses that you can use I forgot something um the last thing that I always take with me and this is kind of like unconsciously I use it a lot it's like my little pill box I usually take like a few of these Altoid tins up and here right now I have my allergy pills in here but when I start prepping my bag I will put like the body mints in here um and any kind of vitamins that I know I want to take while I am in transit to keep my energy level a little bit more balanced um so these are super handy to have if you like Altoids or not these tins are worthwhile I have a few of them that I stash in different bags just so that I'm always digging in and grabbing it especially for me because I have a dust allergy and sometimes I can get like excessive coughing um I always need to have like my allergy pills I always have them so small so in sequential but it works in in such a huge way for me I don't like packing I like figuring out how to minimize my packing and choose smart items that can help do double duty let me know what you think about this video down below what you might add to this list as well as check out some of the blog posts that I have um link down below they're super handy um I'm sure there are things that you haven't thought of and I've already experienced if there's anything you want me to cover in terms of diving into my toiletry bag or my first aid kit or even my carry-on definitely let me know and I'd be happy to share that with you okay until then travel safe smart and fun don't forget to like this video May the girl be with you
Channel: GRRRLTRAVELER | Christine Kaaloa
Views: 32,440
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: grrrltraveler gear reviews, grrrltraveler travel tips, grrrltraveler inflight, must haves for long haul flights, essentials for long haul flight, inflight essentials, inflight essentials kit, inflight bag, long flight essentials, long haul flight tips, long haul flight essentials, tips for a long flight, tips for long flights, travel must haves, travel essentials 2023, grrrltraveler kyoto, long flight tips, how to survive a long haul flight, what to pack for a long flight
Id: GSXS32ePjqU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 11sec (1571 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 01 2023
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