Travel Secrets: Unlock Flight Comfort with Genius Carry-On Hacks

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travel days are stressful no matter how you slice  it pack up everything you plan to take with you   hoping that you didn't forget something crucial  in the process then you slap it to the airport go   through security and onwards to flights that might  be delayed or canceled or just a really long haul   then all jetlagged and disoriented you've got  a clear immigration and then figure out how to   get you and all your stuff to your accommodation  without getting scammed I mean it's 100% worth it   in the end but man if I could teleport I would but  until teleportation exists you can rest assured   that I've got your back with top tips to travel  Smart in style today we're talking about how to   reduce the icky stressful bits by packing your  personal item bag for ultimate usability and   comfort before during and after your flight  and if you do it right what you pack into it   at the start of your trip won't be what you  unpack at the end curious watch on let's do this so let's begin with the distinction between  carry-on luggage and personal item bags you take   both of them on the plane with you but you use  each of them very differently your carryon luggage   is the larger of the two designed to fit in the  overhead bins above your seat this is where your   you'll store most of your clothing toiletry shoes  and other larger items there are lots of different   types of carry-on luggage from four wheel Spinners  to two wheel Rollies and hard shell and soft shell   and even backpacks I have a ton of content  about different carry-on luggage choices and I   will leave links to the most relevant episodes in  the description your carry-on luggage is the main   piece of luggage that you'll rely on for short  trips or if you're on a longer trip you might use   your carry-on luggage as a supplement to checked  baggage although many people who fly with larger   checked luggage don't actually bring any carry-on  luggage at all they just bring a personal item bag   your personal item bag is a smaller bag like a  backpack purse or briefcase that fits under the   seat in front of you it's perfect for items that  you need easy access to during the flight things   like laptops documents snacks a good book and a  few other things that we will get to in a second   person personally most of my trips are carry-on  only meaning that I have one piece of carryon   luggage and one personal item bag because I travel  for months at a time I maximize this space as much   as I can I check the regulations for the airline  that I'm traveling with and I bring the maximum   allowable size and weight I'm about to get into  a bunch of hacks and specific packing strategies   for your personal item bag but rule number one  is to pack all of your valuables the things you   absolutely cannot lose into your personal item  bag this bag should be on your body or within   Arms Reach 100% of the time your carry-on luggage  is out of sight once it goes into the overhead bin   and it might even get checked depending on the  circumstances so you don't want anything super   valuable or delicate in there because I travel  longterm while also working remotely I have a   lot of tech stuff laptops and laptop accessories  video camera lights microphones earphones speaker   like a lot of stuff so this means I travel with a  personal item bag that is full to the brim which   makes organizing it even more of a trick you might  actually be amused by my video where I unpack my   personal item bag it's almost unbelievable how  much stuff I cram in there this may or may not be   your situation if you don't need to carry a bunch  of tech stuff with you H all the better either way   the following tips will significantly enhance your  travel days first up let's think about airport   security there are certain ways to pack both your  carry-on luggage and your personal item bag to   maximize this process if you have TSA pre-check  and you're flying out of a US Airport H Allelujah   your travel day just got a lot easier check out  my episode about TSA pre-check to learn more   about that but if you're flying out of a non- US  airport or you don't have TSA pre-check then these   strategic pre-flight Packing Tips are essential  first think about the airport security process and   what you might need to take out of your bag for  the X-ray in order to clear airport security as   efficiently as possible and to minimize the chance  of something getting lost in the shuffle pack   everything you may need to remove for the X-ray  into your personal item bag that way if you're   traveling with carry-on luggage you shouldn't have  to touch it just whack it on the conveyor belt the   two main things you will want easy access to for  security are electronics and liquids these need to   be packed at the top of your personal item bag or  In Pockets that are super accessible many personal   item bags have a separate laptop sleeve like this  one which is perfect for pulling your laptop out   without disturbing anything else in your bag the  specific electronics that you'll have to remove   vary but for the most part it's usually just your  laptop and or tablet everything else can stay in   your bag I've occasionally been pulled aside for  secondary inspection because of my e-reader or   my Bluetooth keyboard so I make sure that these  items aren't buried too far down my bag just in   case but I don't remove them initially if you're  traveling with carryon luggage only you'll also   need to be super strategic with your toiletries  I have an episode about TSA liquid restrictions   and toiletry tips that just might change your  entire toiletry strategy so if you haven't   already watched that I highly recommend it I  travel with a fantastic hanging toiletry kit   which I'll link to below that has this separate  TSA 311 approved liquids bag which is where all   of my travel liquids live throughout my trip so  all I have to do is whack this in the top of my   personal item bag and I'm ready to go the rest  of my non-liquid toiletries are stashed away   in the rest of my hanging toiletry kit which  goes into my carry-on luggage after clearing   security it's time to reorganize your stuff for  flight Comfort this means anything that you kept   handy for security but that you don't need on the  flight gets moved either to your carry-on luggage   or to a less accessible spot in your personal item  bag this means for myself I move my liquids to my   carryon luggage that's the main thing but I may  also put some Electronics like my keyboard lower   down in my personal item bag since I won't need it  and I dig up some other things that I know I will   want on the flight so I can easily access them I  do this because pulling your personal item bag out   from under the seat in front of you and rooting  through it is no easy task while you're crammed   into your airplane seat and there's people next to  you also keep in mind that it might be dark during   the flight since they turn the lights way down  during overnight flights and those little overhead   lights aren't going to help you see what's at  your feet so make sure that anything you want   in Flight is within super easy reach depending  on how tightly you packed you may need to do an   exchange moving your toiletries from your personal  item bag to your carry-on luggage and then pulling   something out of your carry-on luggage that  you'll want for the flight and putting that   into your personal item bag you definitely do not  want to have to get into the overhead bin and open   up a hard shell case to find something mid-flight  just avoid this at all costs it will save you and   all of your seatmates a big hassle so what do you  need for your flight and how do you pack it well   it's ultimately up to you and how you like to  occupy your time in Flight here are nine hacks   and ideas I recently started traveling with this  laptop bag as my personal item and there's a a lot   of things I love about it it's really durable it's  waterproof it's understated it's comfortable and   it's small enough to fit most personal item bag  size limitations which also makes it a great size   for carrying my laptop to the co-working space  and on day trips of my destination one thing   it doesn't have is a lot of internal Pockets so I  use travel pouches and packing cubes like these to   help keep everything organized and accessible this  also makes packing and unpacking much easier since   whatever is in here can stay in here and just go  in into a drawer at my destination whenever I need   it I know where it is and get creative about how  you use pouches like these you can use them for   electronics or toiletries or even clothing and  snacks and you don't have to be all fancy like   me with the special travel pouches Ziploc bags  will do and then you have the added advantage   of being able to see what's inside now you might  want some additional production for certain items   though for example I use this waterproof sturdy  pouch for my GoPro camera and accessories as an   extra extra layer of protection and also as a  security measure since I know what's inside but   nobody else does speaking of pouches and packing  cubes in this packing Cube I keep something that   is a must have for flights which is an extra layer  for warmth since planes can get super cold you'll   want this regardless of what kind of flight you're  on even short Halls can be chilly and if you're   traveling to or from a warm climate you might  get on the plane in a t-shirt but you'll likely   want something more in flight for this trip I took  my Marino Kashmir cardigan by Unbound Marino and   I'm proud to have partnered up with them for this  video this cardigan is mostly Marino wool but has   a touch of nylon for durability and Cashmere to  make it super luxurious and soft it's a classic   style that can be layered on top of just about  anything and because of the nylon component it   can actually be machine washed just wash it on a  delicate cycle in the wash bag that they include   and don't tumble dry it I specifically like to  pack this into a packing cube with within my   personal item bag first to keep it compressed for  space but also to protect it from getting caught   on anything else in the bag it's important  to take care of your Marino wool since it is   an investment but it is one that pays off in the  long run Unbound Marino specializes in highquality   super soft Marino clothing for women and men their  pieces are designed to be timeless Classics that   are not only versatile and stylish but also  incredibly functional for travelers marinal   wool itself is crazy travel friendly because it's  thin and it still provides amazing insulation to   regulate your body temperature in both hot  and cold conditions it's wrinkle resistant   it's naturally antimicrobial and odor resistant  so it doesn't stink and it doesn't need to be   washed anywhere near as much as other Fabrics  I have another episode about why I love Marino   wool and how I pulled off this crazy carry-on  travel stunt with a 100% Marino travel capsule   wardrobe so I'll leave a link to that in the  description and the first comment along with   a link to Unbound Marino and a special discount  just for you so I have travel pouches to organize   things a packing cube with an extra layer and  this this pouch is a lifesaver and it has all   my wee little inflight Essentials in my episode  about my carry-on Essentials I unpacked this very   bag for you so you if you want to see everything  that's in here I do suggest you check that out I   won't totally leave you hanging though most of  the things I have in here are things like lip   balm hand lotion sanitizer a wet wipe cough drops  a small power bank some tissue some painkillers   and new to this kit since I made that other video  are these puppies which are called earplanes I   have debilitating pain in my ears when the plane  descends and these magic ear plugs totally fix   that they're amazing I never fly without them now  there's one more thing that I don't have yet but   that I will soon be adding to this little kit  so stay tuned and I will tell you about it in a   minute but first here something that can help you  organize yourself for the duration of your flight   it's no secret that airplanes seats seat back  pockets and tray tables do not get cleaned in   between flights in fact dozens of people might  have sat in your seat before your area gets   properly cleaned I have more than once sat in my  seat and discovered all kinds of little gifts in   the seat back pocket left behind by the passenger  before me bits of food wet dirty tissues I I I   can't I just I just can't this usually means I  keep everything I need for my flight in my person   item bag or actually on my seat beside me but it's  it's a pain I'm either constantly bending over   to get in and out of my personal item bag or I've  got my water bottle on the floor which is arguably   worse or it's wedged between my leg and the  armrest this is why I think that these seat back   organizers and trade table covers are ingenious  and I'm actively shopping for one now it totally   covers your tray table and it has these hanging  pockets for everything that you want access to   during your flight I don't personally have one yet  but I'm assuming it doesn't take up much space or   weight and can significantly enhance your comfort  and cleanliness while you're flying so I'll keep   you posted on that by the way I learned about  this thanks to you one of you commented about   this on another one of my episodes and I want  to thank you for the great suggestion I love the   feedback that you give me and I personally read  all the comments on my videos so if you ever have   something to add please know that my channel is  a community not just a one-way conversation now   here's one of the things that I'll be storing  in my seatback organizer when I get it you've   probably seen me talk about this in other episodes  and I'm not going to stop raving about it anytime   soon it's this collapsible water bottle hydration  is crucial especially on longer flights so bring   this empty water bottle through security rolled  up it takes up no space or weight and fill it up   on the other side it'll save you the cost and the  plastic waste of buying overpriced airport bottle   water just make sure that you have a personal  item bag with a side pocket for water bottles and   you're golden now here's another recommendation  from you and something that I'll be adding to   my inflight Essentials kit these days most people  have bluetooth headphones and in my episode about   Long Haul flight Comfort a huge number of you  responded that noise cancelling headphones are   an inflight essential so you'll want to keep  these easily accessible in your personal item   bag but that's not what I'm talking about here  see Bluetooth headphones are great if you listen   to music or you watch shows on your own device  but what if you want to hook into the inflight   entertainment system this is where a Bluetooth  adapter comes in you simply plug it into the   airplane's headphone jack and then you connect  your Bluetooth headphones to the dongle and you   enjoy your own highquality earphones instead of  the cheapy ones supplied by the airline which are   ultimately really wasteful since I'm pretty sure  they don't get reused like I said I don't have   one of these yet but I'm shopping for one turns  out you can use them in a variety of scenarios on   your trip like at a hotel gym if you want want to  connect to the treadmill entertainment system if   you get the right kind you can also use them if  you're traveling with somebody and you both want   to listen to the same thing with your headphones  either in flight or perhaps at your destination   on your tablet or laptop my only advice would be  to get one that has both the single 3.5 mm thingy   dongle as well as an adapter for planes that has  the double 3.5 mm Outlets I don't usually have   space to pack this next item but if you aren't  Laden down with tech stuff like like I am this can   enhance your inlight comfort as well as your trip  overall to be honest slippers hear me out first   of all it's a common travel hack that you wear  your heaviest items on the plane to save luggage   space but let's be real nobody wants to wear bulky  boots on a long haul flight so pack a light pair   of slippers in your personal item bag and switch  into them on the plane slippers are also nice   to have at your accommodation so if you have the  space you may appreciate them if I'm flying Long   Haul in business class as I often do with miles  and yes I have an episode about that they often   Supply light slippers and I use them in flight and  then take them with me to use it my destination   it's lovely while we're on the topic of space if  you have the space for this next item you'll find   yourself a whole lot comfier both in flight and at  your destination these days there's no guarantee   what kinds of comfort items you will get on your  flight especially in economy most domestic flights   don't offer anything and even international  flights may or may not offer blankets or if   they do they may not be comfy or clean a travel  blanket can pack down small and help you stay   comfy on your flight and can be a nice luxury at  your accommodation Pro tip choose one that packs   into its own pouch that also has a pass through  strap or a carabiner so you can slip it over your   carry-on luggage handle or attach it to your bags  without it taking up space inside believe it or   not it does not count towards your luggage space  or waight when you carry it this way the same goes   for a travel pillow if you'd prefer to have a  pillow than a blanket so far we've talked about   pre-security packing and post-security shuffling  as well as a number of items I suggest packing   to enhance your infl comfort now let's bring it  home with some ideas for how to pack this stuff   this one is about keeping your valubles safe and  secure I've already said it's important to keep   your valuables inside your personal item bag  since that's the one bag that you'll have your   eyes on all the time but while you're busy taking  things out for security and Shuffle shuffling   things around and ACC stuff in the flight what you  don't want is for these valuables to accidentally   fall out or get misplaced this is why I pack  the valuables that I don't need access to in   separate zippered Pockets or at the very bottom  of my bag so they're safe and out of the way on   travel days this is another reason why I like  to organize everything into pouches or bags or   packing cubes it keeps everything grouped together  in a way that makes sense for me or my trip and it   reduces the chances of something miscellaneous  getting lost in the shuffle if you've made it   this far I assume that you like my content so  I want to thank you for being here I read all   your comments and I love interacting with you it  means a lot to me if you like this video share it   with friends and read the description for Relevant  links to products that I've mentioned as well as   other videos uh or content that's related things  like subscribing and hitting the thumbs up and   watching more of my content tells YouTube that  my stuff is valuable which in expands my reach   and in turn helps to support me financially  so I can keep bringing you content to help   you travel Smart in style I'm Nora done aka the  professional hobo and I'll catch you next time [Music] ciao
Channel: Nora Dunn
Views: 121,654
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Keywords: the professional hobo, nora dunn, travel, travel lifestyle, digital nomad, long-term travel, travel tips, travel hacks, airport adventure, flight comfort, packing hacks, travel smart, travel essentials, carry on only, minimalist packing, carry on packing, carry on hacks, carry on tips, how to pack a carry on, unbound merino, unbound merino review, merino wool, cozy toes, carry on, travel 2024, travel hacking
Id: gdwN8GG2Cyk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 1sec (1081 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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