Trash to Treasure | From Bad Mood To Moody Blue Desk

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hello and welcome back to desert diy if you are new here my name is corey today i'm going to be taking this ugly desk and making it beautiful again and i thought of a funny catchphrase for this which is bad mood to moody blue and i picked this up from the curb a friend of mine said hey do you want a free desk it's in really bad shape and i said yep and she put it out on the curb for me and i just drove up and picked it up and i do this a lot a lot of people know me now as the person who's flipping furniture so i will get people reaching out to me with projects that they're going to get rid of and now that i'm able to donate a lot of my projects it helps people feel better about the fact that they're donating it to somebody who will then give it to somebody in need and there is a saying that giving is better than receiving and in doing these projects i can completely agree with that but back to the work right now i'm just taking a 220 grit sandpaper and sanding down the whole thing to kind of give some grip for the paint that i'm going to be using the paint that i'm using is the leftover diy paint that i had bought earlier on um i had not sprayed it yet and i wanted to give it a second chance in using it in a paint sprayer so you'll get to see me do that here and i struggled a little bit on this part because there was like a child lock thing inside the desk so i removed those as i was taking the drawers out and the bottom drawer was a little bit wobbly but it was still completely functional so i left that as is because i am not great at fixing drawers and i have to just know my strengths and weaknesses and i feel like if i had messed with it i would have made it worse instead of better so that's why i just leave that one the way it is now i'm going to clean the piece with a magic eraser and some soapy water i've had quite a few people ask me how i clean my pieces and this is a method that i use very often magic erasers take off so much stuff it's like using crud cutter but without the chemicals and it also kind of de-shines the surface as i am using it as well since it is like so abrasive so it kind of is like two birds with one stone there using that magic eraser and you guys know me very well you know i'm going to start all my projects upside down when painting so that is why i started cleaning it right side up so that it would end upside down here is the diy paint that i used i picked the color hay sailor when i was going to try out this paint i thought it was really pretty and i wanted to try a color that i had never used before or hadn't used that often at least and with this paint you have to shake it a lot and when i say shake it a lot i mean you really have to shake it a lot it is clay based so it has like pieces in there that kind of settle to the bottom and i want to show you up close how i'm going to water this paint down it's a little trick that i have learned in using thicker paint and also using expensive paint you're going to want to get every single drop that you can out of this so while i'm watering it down i'm going to use that as a chance to get out the rest of the paint in that jar instead of waiting forever for it to drip out i water it down really good some people might do this also when using jarred food like spaghetti sauce or alfredo sauce you throw a little bit of water in the jar and shake it up to get the rest of the sauce out and i also do that so that is why i figured i could do that with this paint and then i watered it down just a little bit more because i saw that it was still kind of thick and with this spray gun like i have you can't spray thick paint out of it it will just sputter and the finish will look really bad so at first my paint gun did sweater like i was talking about and i want to show you what that looks like so i will show you that really quick the problem was just that that thick paint had already gone down into the filter so i just had to keep shaking it up and get the thinner watered down paint mixed in there down to the filter of the spray gun and then it sprayed perfectly fine the paint does go very quickly when you're spraying it i had to use two jars of that paint which comes to almost 30 dollars so i want you to keep that in mind when using this paint like i had said in my video about how to make money flipping furniture artisan paints like this take away a lot of your profit so if you are doing a project for yourself that's totally fine but if you are somebody who had to buy the piece and then paint it and you're going to resell it you may want to consider a less expensive paint and that thirty dollar does not even including the clear coat so i decided that i wanted to spray inside the drawers as well just because it gives it a cooler more finished look and it also makes it to where i don't have to tape off the sides when i paint to the fronts of the drawers and i'm only going to show you these two drawers because the film of me painting the other ones for some reason disappeared later on in the video i'll be showing you how i use some drawer liners to finish off the inside of these drawers which is why i'm not painting all the way around the inside along the bottom of the drawer because i like to use drawer liners as like a surprise pop of something really fun for the person who's going to be inheriting this piece and it just depends on what i have on hand at the time what i'm going to put inside a piece but in this piece i had really cool drawer liners so stick to the end and you'll see those in the end now i'm just going to do the top down with the piece right side up since i started it upside down i just want to make sure that i hit all the different angles and i had to be careful not to run out of this paint again because i had to buy a second jar of it it goes so fast through this paint gun once that was all done and it was dried make sure you wait until it's dry to do this then i go on the top and use my orbital sander to sand off all that paint i didn't worry about getting that blue paint on the top because i knew i was just going to be sanding it back the diy paint sands off really easily that's kind of one of the perks of it and that's why so many people like using it for distressed finishes because you can pull it back off very easily so getting it on here was not a big deal i could just easily take it off with a sander and i started with 60 grit sandpaper but that was just making the piece kind of like heat up too much and when that happens when you're sanding off latex paint the latex paint starts to kind of get sticky from the heat and then you can't get it off until it cools off again so i switched it to 80 grit sandpaper and then at the very end of this whole sanding process i go back over everything with 220 grits to close up that wood grain make it really smooth and soft before staining it and i think i used nine pieces of sandpaper in total for this and i want to mention that i do not like using strippers on i mean paint strippers don't have your mind in the gutter but i don't like using paint strippers or finish strippers on pieces like this because then you have to wait for a long time for it to do its job plus in the desert they just are not that effective you have to really wrap them to be airtight or else it dries out faster than it removes the paint so for me this is my favorite method and here i am going over it with the 220 grit now and it just felt so smooth i wish you could have felt it it was like so soft and then of course my favorite method of getting the dust off is just using my air compressor with a little blower attachment the wood stain that i chose was espresso from minwax and it was actually really hard for me to pick a wood stain for this piece because this light color looked really good i could have stayed in the light family and i have quite a few other stains that are really cool i think one is called like barrel briar smoke or barrel something and it's like a gray brown there's just so many amazing stains out there now that it's hard to pick one when you're doing a project like this especially because i can just base it off of what would look cool i don't have to worry about if it will match my house since i'm not going to be keeping the piece you can really get creative with your stains now i just can't believe how many options there are and i get my stains mostly from walmart now for the clear coat i used big top and i don't remember how much this cost but i use the entire container so add that to your cost when doing this piece and i would have to sell this piece for quite a bit of money in order to get a profit especially if i had had to pay for it at a thrift store so just really keep that in mind what your end goal is for your projects when picking out your supplies like paint so if you want your end goal to be that you could paint this without any harmful chemicals then yes diy paint did a great job it sprayed on really well i really liked the big top over the paint when i sprayed it i don't really like it as much when i'm brushing it on but when you spray it it looks great over the paint gives it a really nice kind of flat soft looking finish over the wood though i prefer poly acrylics finish in the future if i were to use big top again i would do poly on top and use the big top over the paint i don't i just prefer that it's not like it did a horrible job or anything like that i just would prefer poly acrylic over the big top just for the wood top on this piece now these handles you guys have probably seen me use a few times if you are new here though i just want to mention on amazon if you buy these in bulk which is about 30 pieces in bulk they come out to around 50 cents a piece so if you are somebody who's flipping furniture or just somebody on a tight budget that has quite a few things to fix up or wants to do the same handles throughout their house this is a great budget friendly option and you can just spray paint them any color you want if you don't like that finish here is that drawer liner that i was talking about i bought it from tj maxx and it's actually scented which i thought was really cool you don't see that very often anymore it's more of an old school type of thing but i did not glue it down because i didn't know if the person who was going to inherit this piece was going to like the girliness of it it could have been for a boy which it turned out it was for a boy so i'm glad i made this removable so that they can just take it out and put in a different drawer liner if they want or they could adhere this one if they did like it here is the finished product i am so happy with this color combo i'm so thankful for people who reach out to me with free projects and so thankful that i can then pass them on to somebody for free because of people like you who watch my channel and support my work and help me get paid doing what i love to do and i also want to thank you all for playing the guessing game about what this desk was going to be redone in that was really fun playing that game with you guys in my community tab and i will definitely be doing that again in the future thank you so much for watching guys and if you liked what you saw don't forget to hit like and subscribe if you have any questions leave them down below thank you bye
Channel: Desert DIY
Views: 51,290
Rating: 4.9430165 out of 5
Keywords: trash to treasure, dumpster dive, desk makeover, furniture flip
Id: dnvPRUInsO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 49sec (709 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 01 2020
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