Trash To Terrain In 1 Hour - Warhammer 40k

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hello and welcome in this video I'm gonna be seeing if I can turn trash into terrain in less than one hour and that one hour is going to be from start to finish including drying times and I'm going to do this twice with two different pieces with two different hours and the first one's going to be like some industrial pipes you've made out of toilet well well pretty much familiar with that pretty confident I'll manage to do that one and the second one I'm gonna use this egg box to see if I can make some sort of big antitank blocks what will happen is I will press play on this and then I'll do these as sort of like I would do any tutorial and we'll see if by the time it gets to the 60 minute mark whether or not I've actually done it and yeah we'll see how it goes let's let's start the clock I did press that so that's always a great a great start let's go it's a hot glue gun heats up do you consider liking and subscribing if you're interested in Tyrone so the already existing glue lines well aren't you gonna do is put a seam of glue straight down the middle of them and glue it exactly in between so let's get to it there is no time to waste I possibly shouldn't have done the glue all the way to the end they're not not ideal not ideal obviously we are using hot glue purely for speed and then we'll just line up this one where I want it I'm not happy with that edge thus I'm gonna try and glue the edge of the try and mark it up so we want this and this I need a pen I need a pen you can never find a pen when you need one so what I'm gonna do is actually mark it both on the inside of this I'm gonna mark a line here and a line here what well I sort of want the glue to contact I'll do that on the back it's roughly well on the hot glue try to stick that to the inside of it press it all together press it all together just hitting the four-minute mark and I'm gonna go outside and spray it with some black spray I'm gonna try and do it from a distance to get a bit of texture on the cartons I don't want to film this outside because I'd have to take the camera and everything so I'm gonna do it very quickly and I'll be back in a moment just over ten minutes in and if I'm honest I haven't done the best jobs brain that I can still see bits of the card in places obviously dissolves peel back on camera but yeah we'll have to decide which which way around it's gonna be 16 minutes and I'm pretty sure it's dry enough for me to give it its first layin the first lady is just gonna be this dark metallic that I've mixed on this piece of card and I'm just gonna give it like a 90 percent coverage could find stipple see if I can get any texture with this this pain oh I don't think it's really thick enough I'm also covering any of the bad spray spray paint I did pretty much done a very dark silvery color I tried to get any bits I'd miss with the spray paint and I'm not really too worried about the underside but you could cover it if you wanted and yeah what I'm gonna do next is mix a little bit of rust cover so I'm gonna get some orange and some Brown 25 minutes just gone and I'm now gonna add the Ross we've done the metallic effect I'm gonna add verse no this is basically an orange paint and a brown paint mixed together and I'm gonna use my brush to saw a stippling on something I wouldn't normally do but you know we'll see how it goes I say stippling I might do this gonna brush it on just want to give it a nice aged effect I'm actually thinking I don't what I'm gonna quickly move to the sponge instead you can see the difference from one side to the next this is a bit too much though though so again I'm gonna wipe that off [Music] [Music] it's not perfect for sure my stippling with this brush not quite what I would have liked to be for quite frankly I was trying to get in these little crevices and I think what I possibly should have done is actually sprayed it brown instead of black but I thought I would do a nice color for the silver obviously I've come pretty much all over this anyway so and yeah it's not not at all perfect well sure some new is the orange with essentially just brown not convinced it looks like a metal pipe I spent too long and dabbing that and sponging that paint on I should have just sprayed it brown but you know mistakes were made you wipe out on the table and it is what it is it it looks vaguely okay we stopped the clock at 47 minutes and four seconds if I'm honest it wouldn't have taken that long but I spent ages trying to get the rust right I'll do quartz up at the end I mean it's not my best work but in 47 minutes it's all right innit do you know what I mean I know I'll do close-ups on sides done the next one and we'll do the next one in a moment moving on to the second one then we're gonna take these egg cartons basically to the inside of these cartons and make like a little boardwalk kind of thing I'd seen somebody do it alright Pinterest or something and I just want it to replicate so I'm gonna hit start and yeah the key thing with this one I'm gonna base it so I'm gonna put sand on it which is gonna add time but I'm gonna try and get around that by using super cool look this stuff's not amazing but you know going we're going cheap and quick basically so let's get to it um let's go kind of just cut out the card of the middle section the bit up we're actually gonna use I will try and straighten it in a minute but you can see what we're going with here doesn't quite sit perfectly but not really a problem a fight it's actually probably better if I get some scissors and that should sit I was gonna say perfectly flat but it's not doing because these ends and built a little bit differently so much you're gonna have to extend their do projects have come as a bit on the bright side Reiner I'm actually having to angle this a little bit it's cuz of the way that it's built there we go no the problem is to get the second one what can exactly the same there's a little hole in that one which isn't ideal but we're just gonna rock rock with it and we're gonna do them same to do it like that I think so we'll get some card just drew around it on with the pen just do a rough base for this I would have used form board but probably form board is it doesn't like super glue can really make my mind of which way to put them and put them like that looks a bit boring like that I'm gonna put them at a slight angle which I might come to regret book yeah that's what I'm doing so what I'm gonna do is I've already got the hot glue gun already so I'm which is gonna wipe this on the bottom of this I'm not too worried I'm not too worried if I put too much on this this first ones less important because it doesn't have to align with it and stick with these wisps the you know what I mind you might actually fill in this hole with a bit of hot glue there we have it there's one we're gonna get this part we'll go to second one done same thing always in Prague your hard work on very important 7 minutes in and yeah I just need to base it and then I'm gonna spray it and this bit should be relatively easy I'm gonna use super glue super glue and yeah let's do it fancy but we're gonna go straight on it cheap super glue a bit worried that it's gonna soak in to the card and I won't actually dry but we'll see I'm not even bevel in this edge I'm not doing that in it it's good to my son I can't really see this Oh stinking my eyes damn you can see there was a little bit of mist so I'm just gonna go back in and put that fine then we'll do the rest well actually I'll do that little bit here obviously you would normally just use PVA speed is of the essence and we'll give that a minute just to dry before I go spray it you know I should be wearing goggles and have the window open for this my eyes let's think it a little bit wear your personal protective equipment don't don't do what I'm doing I'm sacrificing things for speed and I really shouldn't I'm gonna go outside and spray this brown mmm I could you could do it grey you couldn't do brown and try and hopefully not paint the ground I tried to spray that with the leather brown but my brain spray is just sort of squirting out a little single jet of colour but I've done a spray not sure what's wrong with that if you if you can help let me know in the comments otherwise I might have to just throw it so I actually sprayed it with a fir Brown for Miami painter and then on the actual concrete bits that I want from from the egg car I just sprayed it gray no it's not quite perfect cuz I sprayed the ground and just burn on the egg kind but we're gonna back that dry it should dry maybe like 5-10 minutes and then I might just go straight onto the dry brushing and finish with the wash if I Drive push this like a you know I've I agree and a lighter brown could be okay and could be done in the meantime I'm gonna try something crazy and try and make a second piece I saw from the place where I saw this and the guy made like a barricade using the egg card so I'm gonna try that so for this I'm going to simply cut the card in half cut this little end off here this little tab and I think the idea would be not sure let's put this back here oh and you know what that actually does a hawk so bad I just cut off these nubs at the bottom so I did like this little rim at the bottom but it's no causing problems because it's like it's come off so much you're gonna cut that off as this piece is sort of like a little extra what I'm gonna do is actually use EP BC for the base now I realize that's not exactly kosher when it comes to trash but yeah sue me and because I think it will go a little bit better more that way I'm gonna do it like so it doesn't nearly take up the whole thing let's just use the hot glue gun and get it and get this on here try and get the ends on at least perfect perfect perfect trying to get these wisps off before I get it on the board it stuck to my hand well got my finger on that not a great idea what is burning me but you know let's get it down it doesn't have to be perfectly straight that's not what we're going for I'm just going for down okay well I don't like the shape of that so I'm gonna just stir slowly cut in here like so do it that just gives it a nice little like indent a nice little shape okay I've got to sand it then same thing I'm gonna do I'm gonna use super glue same as I did the last time problem and Gansey was a supercool is on the white background and I appear to run out of super glue so that is a problem let's see if I can find another tool is super glue quickly okay I actually really like this barricade but it did take a little bit longer than I expected we got 25 minutes left however I think it'll be reasonably easy to just dry brush the next piece well the piece that we've actually been working on and you can see it's pretty much dry I'm just gonna dry brush this with a lighter gray and then try push this with the right Brown ideally I would have gone and sprayed this but obviously I want to just make sure I'm gonna get this one done in my our kid alright the way that the spray is a put a bit of growing on this it makes it was worn I don't think we're pretty much finished pretty much finished 41 minutes on the clock I could pause it there but obviously we've done the little like anti-tank pocket that obviously little baby add more however let's try the little barrier here and this barricade let's see if I can go spray it and I'm gonna spray it gray and then we'll see how it actually looks and if I can get the ground painted Brown about six minutes left I need to dry brush this it doesn't like the ground we'll be done in time but the barricade itself is probably mostly dry gosh the edges here we're going to almost the last minute the dry brushed the barricade itself but this ground is not quite dry yet as we kick into I thought last fifty seconds I'm going to try and dry brush it even though really I know that doesn't make any sense so and yeah this is what 40 seconds left and this isn't going to look right because I'm I'm wet in a inadvertently Here I am all that wet blending which is not what we trying to achieve with these ticks I'll keep in mind this is the second piece and I wasn't really planning on making this hands down the time changed a couple seconds ago and yeah well I do I'm gonna I'm gonna let this dry and then dry I might even put a bit of him some foliage on it on both of them actually but for sure I don't because I got distracted by the second piece but I could definitely put forward on this one and he would not have taken me very wrong well then I've gotta admit I'm turning this as an absolute win no these and these pipes perhaps not the biggest of the winds they were very easy to do I spent longer on it trying to get the right shade of light brown and rust if I'm honest it's not as much our key as I would have wanted but I was rushing obviously because I wanted to make sure we got there within the hour I think you spend a little bit more time on them and you end up with a fantastic result and then for the little like tank Buster boardwalk things obviously I think it would all better if you had more of the carved middle bits and yes so maybe if you want like a 12 set and I believe plastic would be better but that's obviously worse for the environment you know what though for cheap and easy it looks decent I've used a cardboard base and that's reasonably sturdy I would recommend using PVA glue for your sand and using foam board for your base if you are going for a cheap option obviously PVC is my favorite and the PVC is actually what I use for the barricade version of that that was actually spurred the moment think I had seen that online Pinterest or something the same place where I saw the big vote box but I thought and you know we'll give it a go and if I'm honest it looks pretty decent I've used e PVC for the base I still use superglue for speed and then my brown paint hadn't quite dried in time before the hour was up but to be fer I always started this halfway through so it nearly took 30 minutes each honestly you could probably do all of these in 30 minutes and you have some terrain all in all though I think you know I was very satisfied with the that we made each one within an hour and you know that easily done very pleased with that if you liked this video do I can subscribe I do hope you know you have a most beautiful day goodbye
Channel: Terrain Made Easy
Views: 72,506
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trash terrain, trash to terrain, how to make terrain, warhammer 40k terrain, warhammer 40k terrain cheap, warhammer terrain, rubbish terrain, terrain bash, terrain trash, warhammer terrain tutorial, quick warhammer terrain, poorhammer, warhammer 40k terrain diy, tabletop terrain, warhammer 40k trash terrain, wargaming trash terrain, star wars legion terrani, wargaming terrain, commissar gamza, warhammer terrain easy, cheap wargaming terrain, quick wargaming terrain
Id: w0A9dVD1nDQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 41sec (1001 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 14 2020
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