Trash Picking RICH Beach Town!

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these houses get Crazier by the day but uh that's the beach right there this is beach front the house we just passed an antique Treasure Chest leather wow I've been doing this for many years I just really have never seen anything quite like this Adams Express company and it's engraved on the front here brass or copper little and then it's a skeleton looking key to open it up this is [Music] [Applause] [Music] crazy all right here we go fresh spring morning out here it's like 6:30 a.m. and the trash picking Treasure Hunt is on so here's what we're going to do we're going to go get a cup of coffee and then we're going to go see what we can find in the trash right around the neighborhood right over here and then we're going to cruise over to the island and see what the rich people throw out spring cleaning for the millionaires yet we're not sure but we're going to see what what's crazy is it's on the brink of being really nice out but this is ice on the windshield so it's we're still getting frost on the windows but it's still actually nice out as well wow the sunrise or just the sun coming over the Bay right here just looks so cool it's almost a sign like this is going to be a good day see Atlantic City in the background not even sure why I pulled over but what is this thing the sitting cycle people don't actually use this do they the sit in cycle that thing's wild going to pass on that but definitely an interesting looking uh exercise machine there's not too much out here but I'm seeing this thing which might be kind of cool no it's missing the back some coolers brutal all right I don't know if it was even worth it but I did come back around for this this is a cool little table I could probably use it at the yard sale at least for setup so first pick of the day not much out here all right what do we got right here an antique Treasure Chest leather wow this is in terrible condition but this could be worth a little bit just cuz it's all leather not really sure that is a crazy find right there we got two this wood chair look at this Adam Express Comfort Adams Express Company Glen Mill PA wow this is really cool is there more antiques in here that is the question just cleaning supplies all right I'm going to take this trunk [Music] not sure if people re re uh finish these or fix them or I don't know got to take it though I've been doing this for many years I've never seen a trunk just like this before ever we are now officially in the rich neighborhood now wow that's a whole pile right there so we're on it I'm not sure anything will ever be able to top that trunk I just found though even if it's in bed condition that was a crazy crazy find let's see this look like a pile of stuff but it could just be all boxes cuz they do Recycling and trash in the same day that's the bridge right there that separates basically the mainland to the islands so when I refer to going over the bridge that's one of them right here is a cooler which actually could be worth taking if it was cleaned up let's see what it looks like on the inside though why can't I open it I mean honestly it's not even bad I'm about to take this these houses get Crazier by the day but uh that's the beach right there this is beach front the house we just passed so not seeing them I the only issue with the trash picking here at the Jersey coast is that the people never come to the houses so they could never accumul at any Trash so when they do throw things out though that's when it's on but like this guy had there's like 15 workers at this house right here they probably haven't come down once at all this year they're just having people work on their house but not actually even coming to it that's the problem that's the problem for me I did I saw some guy over here it looked like he was actually putting out trash but it could have just been recycling too we will see some of this looks like nice boxes that I could use for my shipping though always a good thought when you're on the road out here what can I pick up that can be used in different ways cuz like all this amazing packing material honestly and this and all this and that's pretty much good this [Music] this and even this all right so probably nothing but I'm just wondering what would be and why would something be wrapped like that I got to check this out further in further detail right here all right just came up on a pile that's looking just like a little bit out of place right so a piece of art which is nothing special really but uh we'll take that but then this is really throwing me off like did I just find some type of burry treasure now you know what this is I can feel it it's a it's a dog cage but I mean actually this can be donated to my to my friend says it right here Master dog case okay check this out says free on it not many would have a use for that these days but it's a pretty nice entertainment setup I'm sure there's somebody out there who would really love to have that but not me made it back to the house so basically it was a good day out picking it was fun it really only just takes one and I got that cooler that little table I did find this piece of art work I got a dog cage that I can donate and then a bunch a bunch of shipping packaging materials and what I said it really only just takes one so I found this trunk right the Adams Express but right here it says Samuel Lewis on it so maybe that's the guy's name who owned it and yeah wow I don't know if this can be saved but this is one of the most interesting pieces I found out on the street ever in my life so even just the plaque and this and just you know some of these pieces could be reused maybe I'm not sure people if people do leather refurbs on trunks or chests like this but even just the designs on here are cool probably all handmade so I will have to say with that included successful day out there picking it's just the beginning of the year there hasn't been any bulk pickup at all so the best is yet to come in the Treasure Hunt roadside treasure hunting we're just getting started but I got a whole bunch of stuff I got to do today I got to go to the bank I got to print a whole bunch of bank statements I got to do a bunch of shipping and spend time with my family of course so see you guys in a little bit what a day what a day it is like so hot out I'm going to have to change this outfit pretty soon so developments in the trunk situation this thing is so crazy it says Samuel Lewis Chester County Pennsylvania right and then it has the uh Adams Express company on the side this would have been the most boss traveling suitcase for trains I'm assuming you could have all your letters everything paperwork and You' have this little compartment this was a sturdy piece of equipment back in the day and also very expensive I I would assume oh so the hinges are broken obviously so I don't know if anybody would be able to tell from just the video and looking at it kind of what time period this would have been from although I did find says allent Town's richest man the richest man in allent town is said to be the venerable Samuel Lewis he is a retired iron master and was born in Chester County in 1805 for many years he was superintendent of the Allentown Iron Works a concern that was put up under his supervision his wealth is estimated at over $800,000 much of it in government bonds lately he lately was laid up against an attack of grip what is that but it's mending up again and is likely that before long ear long after the weather has fairly settled he will be seen on the streets again either way adds to the prominance not really sure the value of this but I definitely think it does have value value even in its current condition so this was for sure the find of the day I also unwrapped this and this is actually a k g cage that just collapses little bit of an older one but definitely going to go to Great use for the lady that I know my friend who rescues dogs and then other than that all we really found was the cooler and that I'm going to post the cooler on Facebook Marketplace I think that would be a quick sale if it doesn't sell it'll go in the yard sale for like 30 bucks 20 bucks whatever I I think it's going to sell pretty quickly though cuz if you're going to put fish or something in there you don't really need it to be perfect so fishing around here really big so coolers pretty easy to sell and then that little table oh yeah this as well this artwork which I found on the back says Bill bowling so I could look that up I don't think this is going to be really very valuable but uh still a pretty cool piece to just pick up off the street this is quite literally like Florida weather out here I don't know what I'm thinking with this outfit on although there was ice on the front window I showed everybody this morning at like 6:00 a.m. but I did find so the other day I was driving and I found this bag of kids clothes I don't know boys clothes let's see the size 4T all boys outfits some nice Under Armour pants some jeans shirts whatever so all this was in a trash bag I'll show you the clip where I picked it up okay was not planning on doing this here today actually there's some good wood right here couple pieces that could definitely be used but here we go whole bunch of free stuff in the trash some camping gear which actually isn't bad at all I do see that this stuff got wet though which obviously ruined it says free clothes hangers the only issue with not taking this stuff is what if there was a like epic stuff in here I don't know maybe there is a whole bunch of men's clothes might have to just scoop that up probably nothing in here uh this is like kids clothes but uh you never know most of the clothes that I truly enjoy wearing and yes so all that's just drying out cuz it was raining when I got it and that should be good to go either to concrete Rob maybe if his kid wants any of it and if not to the yard sale $2 $3 a piece this stuff will probably sell all day what's crazy too is trash picking millionaires homes dude with the trunk was basically a millionaire in the 1800s so imagine how rich it would be today so successful day didn't find much but the season is still young and we're on it trash picking videos to come consistently hopefully weekly once we get into the swing of it all right here we go so I got these two pots that I pulled out of the trash as well I didn't post that in a video because it was just a one quick pull over snipe these put them in I can post right now show you guys where I got them definitely not what I was looking for but these are epic I got to take these what a score look at that right on the side of the road [Music] legit concrete cuz they sell a lot of uh flower pots nowadays but the concrete concrete ones those are more legit than you can ever ask for those are gone for 50 bucks so always pick up stuff like that even though it doesn't look that great those are old and to buy a brand new pot that's concrete like that is over $100 each and also I'm about to make a sale on the cooler so know your area where you live and what people buy so on a normal day maybe somebody wouldn't have picked this up right but I know coolers sell around here because I've sold them before and this is a really big like fishing Community people love coolers Beach just the whole deal but uh this big beast right here just 20 bucks I'm only I only posted for 25 I'm accepting 20 bucks for it and I put it just as is didn't clean it off didn't even take it out of the truck so about to flip into a nice $70 day here while I edit a video and hang out and really life doesn't get any better than that 70 bucks right from the side of the [Music] road man thank you have a good day so the dude in the hatchback he bought the planners so 50 bucks and 20 for the cooler can't beat that you cannot beat it that's why every time I encourage people if you're looking for you know some extra money depending on where you live uh if you're close to areas that have any money at all people will throw stuff out check your local trash days check the local uh bulk pickup that's a good one uh more recently A lot of times municipalities will Outsource the trash to like Waste Management around here a lot of trash pickup is local like our trash pickup is the city of Summers point if you figure that out more likely if it's a local trash pickup from the city you live in they will allow you to put more items out so therefore more treasure on the streets all right this is wild my eyes are itchy just still from that storage this road is really almost impossible to pull over so I just parked over there and I'll be done here in about 5 minutes I passed this earlier today and I just wanted to go and check it out cuz these old TVs are sometimes worth a mint and I can't see in detail every single thing that's in the trash right here so I just want to see with my own eyes what this is looking like I mean that chair is antique as all that thing is too they had a $25 price tag on that the bowling bag with no ball some old lamps look at this piece right here oh my goodness the filco vinyl record player and what's on this side eight track no it's just a radio and the freaking oh man this thing is so cool actually these lamps these lamps are actually cool I never had a good uh good luck on lamps ever really [Music] though let's see copper drop all right we got one that's a RCA Victor somebody has it up on eBay for 650 bucks I don't think that would ever sell then we got a Craigslist ad is this this fil C Sacramento C it's no it's been deleted this thing is so gnarly if I got this I'm claiming it definitely works I'm not getting it I'm just not it's too much of a burden and there's no market for this around here maybe in like New York City I wonder what the actual model of it is look at that look at [Music] that so this is actually the the the model of the radio that's in here I'm not seeing the actual TV model but I would say midcentury like if somebody was a legend and they wanted to put this in their house uh a hipster and this actually worked this thing is absolutely epic okay so I actually was cleaning out my storage unit right so I do have a power pack in here that I was using in my storage unit for lighting and I'm just out of curiosity going to pull into the driveway and see if this thing actually works I'm too curious all right so I got the zenor superbas pro really good piece of Machinery so I'm going to see if this thing actually fires up right now all right here it is the ultimate test how do you even turn this thing on that's the question here this is not looking good [Applause] all right check this out [Applause] it's definitely on so I can hear the TV but I don't see any picture this works though for sure I'm going to have to let this one go it turned on but I didn't see anything on the screen and not a big market for those around [Music] here see Atlantic City in the background [Music]
Channel: Tucker Upper
Views: 32,152
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trash, picking, rich, beach, town, trash picking, fun, treasure, treasure hunting, found, salvage, money, wealthy, ocean, million, millionaires, tuck and sammie, sammie j., tucker upper, vlog, trunk, antique, vintage, cooler, sell, sold, hustle, side hustle, best, how to
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 2sec (1502 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2024
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