Surprised My WIFE On Valentines Day!

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since we talked about the rental of a vehicle for our trip I really feel as though my wife has no idea that I'm about to buy this car for her this should be good it might be cloudy out here but the sun is shining on us today I'm wondering if they brought the baby out for me oh wow is that the baby right there I think I see it if that's the Tahoe it's on it is on did you buy this car did you buy this car you bought the car good that's did you buy this I don't know let's do this [Music] [Music] fam babe I don't know anything about that I don't even know CU you guys were like but that was like that's Su like why are they this is nice Finn Finn's going to be limited in here right oh man Finn this is so yeah what's she going to do put her in you got this yeah we got it we bought it yeah Happy Valentine's Day oh my God all right if all goes right today this will be the last time I ever pulled the Cadillac out of this driveway [Music] [Music] [Music] bittersweet [Music] Time to Say Goodbye to an old friend and make way for a new one so we're in route to the car dealership to attempt a purchase from a car dealership for the very first time little bit of a ride it's a about an hour and 5 minutes and it's raining and snowing out so could take longer it's not even one yet it's 12 woo on [Music] it okay here we go we are in route The Story So Far a few years ago we wanted to buy a family car this was before we had Finn before Sammy was even pregnant right we just wanted a bigger car a fulls sizee SUV so we went on Facebook and we found this Cadillac this is the baby huh you kept this super nice uh the one that I'm driving in right now and it looked real [Music] nice and the price was right used cars are really expensive these days especially big cars we just jumped on it we went we bought it it was almost $5,000 so here's the deposit all right we got this on camera we got a deal guys we got a deal which would have been a great price if it was reliable day one before we even left the guy's driveway there was already issues with the car and we were just so excited that our excitement overpowered our judgment that day day and we ended up putting like crazy amounts of repairs into the car it's been running really good the last year but this one event that really shaped the reality of this car we were driving in Northwestern Pennsylvania in the middle of Pennsylvania state in the mountains on the PA Turnpike we broke down right in the middle of the craziest Mountain Road broken down so so much trouble already like had to just get new tires for this car and we officially broke down and the whole thing was smoking it feels like the engine just blew up basically uh and now the roadside assistance about to show up I hope well at least they put that guy there cuz he really made all the cars slow down so much that's [Applause] [Applause] on this side of the road people driving by as say like 90 mph around this crazy turn it pretty much put the fear of the universe in Sammy and basically scarred her for life for breaking down ever again in a car on a road like that fast forward to today we are planning a trip to Miami Florida in the coming weeks the thought was in Samy's mind in my mind will the Cadillac make it to Miami a second time cuz we did drive it there 2 years ago and it was fine until we got back and then it had issues from driving so many miles so my suggestion was rent a car and then everything will be good right so go on turo or Enterprise or one of these sites Ren car the only thing is the cars that we like don't have unlimited miles on those sites so you're basically paying by the mile on top of the rental at least on turo so then another thought popped into my mind why don't I just finance a really nice car that we can just keep for the next 5 years no issues right from the dealership so that's what I'm going to do and if it all goes good today we're going to be driving back well me and everybody watching are going to be leaving the dealership with a very nice full-size SUV for the family for the sanity of Sammy and just for the dream but I have this idea cuz she thinks I'm renting a car right for the trip only and then we're going to have the caddy back it is Valentine's Day tomorrow right I have this Easter egg it's pink so good enough for Valentine's Day I would say my idea is to bring the car back let her ride it act like it's a rental for a day until Valentine's tomorrow and then present her with some indication that we actually own the car in this little egg along with maybe another Valentine's thing and surprise her with a brand new car actually reverse that back surprise her with a new used car that's brand new to us that's way nicer than any car we've ever had so three things on my side Cash Cadillac faith that this is going to work out so welcome every everybody to the Vlog and today is going to be a crazy Vlog this video is going to expand from today into tomorrow into whatever but cut to just an epic shot of Samy driving in the new car drone right now let's see this Baby Bam of the back roads of southern New Jersey you can even see the crack on the windshield it looks like a hair going across so I don't even care to complain clean about the guy who sold us this Cadillac uh the rims are good the shocks are good um air conditioner is cold but not really cold you could use some free on okay I just didn't have time to do it oh yeah sunroof Works um they owe me 400 on the 21st or the 22nd yes totally solid solid goal dude thank you man but it was my fault I'm the one who made the final decision that this was a good idea and I didn't bring a mechanic and he never let me test drive the car I don't even know what I was thinking I guess like I said my excitement was clouding my judgment and the price wasn't that bad we got uh smoked we got smoked you live and you learn and it's weird because I still love the Cadillac like it's the car that we drove Finn home from the hospital to our house Samy's first car since she was like 20s something like the first family car we ever had as we've taken it on trips to Florida we took it to New York for Samy's birthday last year I don't know it's just a Sentimental material item and it will be sad to let this car go but I have to think about the safety of my family over something like that what I would like to do in life is just buy the car outright but I can't afford it and if I have to owe money and interest on top of that money to a car dealership to keep my family safe it's a choice I'm willing to make at this point in my life and that's called growth because like 5 years ago or even 3 years ago I would say heck no I'm never doing that I will never that's why you say Never Say Never because experiences and things in your life chain how you see life you have to have a purpose and that purpose for me now is the family it's a drive to get up every day and work hard there's a what is that people knock over crazy stuff on this road [Music] [Applause] so I really feel as though I might have to put the Cadillac as a trade in to get the deal done I'm willing to take less than it's worth because I know it's a good bargaining chip for the bank to approve the loan I just can't wait for him to just be like yeah we'll give you like $45 for the Cadillac and just like oh my God I saw that coming what do you guys think leave a comment how much do you think they gave us as a trade value for the Cadillac Escalade I have a price in my mind that it's not $45 that I think it's around and it could either just be like that price or higher a little bit higher or it could just be like a third of that price like I've seen people trade in cars for like scrap value I might have to do it I mean there's nothing else I can really do could I have sold the Cadillac outside of this deal and then still done it so let's just see we'll see but yeah leave a comment since we're not there yet just leave a comment let us know what you think it's a 2005 Cadillac Escalade extended like the the 2500 version uh minor dings no no engine light it's not on um looks like crap on the inside missing the back third seat I don't know if that's going to matter but uh sellable on Facebook for like 4K maybe trade inable for like what I really do have to get a coffee before this claim so I'm at Wawa it's not that I love WWA so much it's just the brand recognition look at the steaming piping [Music] hot okay it might be cloudy out here but the sun is shining on us today is this the freaking place or what Bridgeton Auto Mall let's do this I'm wondering if they brought the baby out for me oh wow is that the baby right there I think I see it if that's the Tahoe it's on it is on customer parking right here it is so on right now I'm pretty sure this is the car why are they opening it is this the guy what's happening how do you know who I am I don't know I just took a guess Gary yes what's good dude that's happing it um here it is I can see it I saw it flashing because I was like what's going on is is this simulation tripping right now yeah you you went by the alarm you got too [Music] close the floor guard it's a little tighter but that's perfect cuz my wife's way smaller the trucks the it'll go it's smaller than the Escalade well for me but I'll never drive it really so I mean I'm I will this is the one you know that'll pull you back yeah oh scale I'm back all right we're on dude if we can make it happen this is the dream right here okay cool so we're going to do our best I mean I don't I will will test drive it but I you have the keys to yours I'm going to give it right to my guy now yeah I do yeah maybe I'm just particular about the cars that I like but this is the nicest car I have ever seen in my life wow what does he mean take it from a test drive though what if I was just a straight criminal and had none of my information like the license I just gave him wasn't even real and I just took this car and left and that was a stolen car too I guess they would just have my my face on on the camera but like that's wild too like you give somebody the keys to the car what if I just crash this thing all right let's just stop here for a second and put the seat belt on he said put the heat on as if I even knew how to put the heat on in this car look at this thing I have no idea how to do anything with this and I'm going the wrong way the boy knew he knew I'm just going to cruise the parking lot I don't there's nothing about this car that isn't perfection right now that's the thing until I just get stuck behind all these Jeeps right here wow they really do have nice cars here though look at all these trucks let's see that Chevy right there is a dream but the truck I would want is probably just one of these silver AAS and with the back seat though like maybe this one or this one or the black we're cruising first driving the new whip well potential new whip look at the seats they're so fresh it's almost surprising that it's even real but yeah test driving it right now definitely hoping to purchase this Beast if I can get back to the dealership I have no idea where I am all right so we're test driving this thing right now and holy camle this is the nicest car that they sell on the market maybe the only thing nicer would be a suburban and the only thing that makes the Suburban nicer is the fact that it's bigger other than that it's not any different we got enough room in the back though for the whole we got enough room in the back for the whole Squad what is there six seats back there no way all right I got to get all the footage this is the first time this thing's going on the road right now bam right wow this thing's smooth as wow wow you can't get this quality elsewhere Chevy GM general motor quality Holiness oh my goodness I don't even remember what he said but this is the real deal baby this is it Samy J is going to be Oak one I pull up with this well actually she's going to be like oh there's our ryal until I just hit her with the I hit her with the truth of it that this is just going to be her car from now on it's actually inspected too that's new for me wow this thing is totally for the dream and it's actually pretty big in the back I can see the marks in the picture you can't see them now cuz they probably like buffed it out but there was a car seat in this car you could tell from the imprints of whoever had it before this is so gnarly around here oh my gosh this is looks like a cop car that's why he was just looking at me this is a dairy farm Finn would love this place right here fresh milk what is this like an iPhone for coffee espresso is this for real I guess I got to get a [Music] cappuccino no way this is so darly all right it's a sad day there's my baby right there leaving without her though because I have to go home and get Eddie because we got to come back and pick her up cuz the amount that they were going to give me for this Cadillac was honestly shocking honestly shocking shockingly low I can't even say it's so low I'll tell you guys before the end of this video stay to the end or you could skip to the end if you want to know that b the amount that they were going to give for a tradein for this car was absolutely shocking I actually didn't want this video to just be me talking the whole time but I might as well share the information that I'm becoming aware of for other people who may be interested in financing a car or buying a new car or a newer car than the one they have already I have a really good credit score based on nothing right so I have a credit card that I use but I've never actually bought something that I had to make payments on monthly to give me the actual score that I'm supposedly having right now so like if I had a legit real score of what I have I don't even know it's a fake credit score basically so like if my score was what it is and I had already financed a car previously I'd be able to just walk in there bam pay nothing down buy any car in the dealership and just walk out right but I couldn't do that I'm basically paying per month to have the car but I'm also paying to increase my legitimate credit score so that in the future if I make a year and a half's worth of payments right which I'm obviously going to do or we are together you know me and Sammy then we'll be able to finance almost anything we want to an extent say like if we find a nice piece of land after this car is almost paid off we could probably just bam throw down because will have legitimate credit to actually buy something more substantial than the car so I'm basically paying for the right to be able to owe debt in the future on something bigger than what I already owe debt on now if that makes sense it's crazy cuz like in America credit is everything how can you get ahead without credit is basically the general idea of society and I never really bought into it until now until I realized to keep my family safe to the best of my abilities I have to use credit but I'm sure that's been calculated like let's make these people feel like they have to buy something to keep what they care about the most safe so that we can charge them interest on that item and we make money in the end so it's insanely awesome because now today by the end of today I'll be pulling up to my house with a very very nice car and also keeping the Cadillac for another work truck so what a beautiful day actually to be alive check this out little bit of artwork might actually be worth grabbing let's see open up the door that's worth it not sure what that is that's cool bullets and Brew no idea this could have art in it taking these three and leaving the rest that TV actually is probably sellable but we don't need it murder mystery party wow that's actually pretty cool good stuff for the auction so came back to Summers point an hour drive so I drove there an hour thinking that I was going to sell the Cadillac right trade it in of course I thought that why I ever thought that was just blowing my mind they weren't even close to the bottom price that I was expecting so then I realized I can't just leave this caddy this is my baby right drove back an hour now I'm going to pick up Eddie drive an hour back and then drive an hour back so 4 hours of driving today when I was only expecting to drive 2 hours and this guy's going to get paid for his time of course and I'm just appreciative that he was able to even do this cuz honestly really who can who does have the time it's got got so so much bamboo in his house at in the back of the house where he lives here he is the boy what is this though this is a cool like murder mystery game still in the pack so yo up dude the boy you look good yellow my black and yellow black and yellow yeah what happened you hurt your ribs yeah I was cleaning this that dude jum cuz he has seral pausing and I was cleaning his bathroom dude and I reached over something I heard you broke your ribs I don't know what I did but it's look at this it's painful oh ow I don't think this is actually legit but I just found this in the trash let me see it oh it's from like a home DEC Store look at this murder mystery game and it's all still in the packaging Love Murder the uh what are they called um they got ones over uh Target that are really cool cool yeah yeah yeah exactly that's probably where they got it or something similar like that yeah that's cool though came to the dealership to get a new car for my wife okay and then when I realized the price that they were going to give me for this I just I took it off the table like I was like dude I can just keep this I got to use this this thing's a work truck basically you know like dude brion's awesome though uh my stepdad Works in it there's like a lot of uh nice cars out there you know uh warehouses and all a lot of industrial stuff yeah yeah but then I was like all right well I'm gonna buy the car regardless cuz like I need it but I'm not giving you guys this car so right I yeah thankfully you were so you haven't seen this yet huh no I already bought the car okay it was confirmed nice but they had me there for like 4 hours checking my credit scores and oh bro yeah oh okay so that's what that happened so you already been there yeah for the whole day basically yeah it's awesome but I didn't think I would need to come back with this I thought I would just you know get a decent price I thought that they would give me like a decent enough to be like all right I didn't get what I would on like Facebook but I still put money towards the car okay but it was such a small amount it was like laughable so now you're just going to keep this yeah keep this and then I'll have this in the truck for work and then she'll have the other car yeah cuz this is a lot of space too there a lot of space and then if we go on like road trips we can just like sleep in the back of here use this like if I have to go on work trips I'm saying like go buy a unit or something out in New York or or whatever I bet they got some really nice ones out there yeah it's weird though like they're so small well in New York City cuz like there's no room for anything I feel like the units are so small [Music] the B this is the baby right here you like this oh yeah that's a sweet whip right that is nice wow do they have the why do they have a flag on there still what do you think I'm going to drive around with that that is nice they're wild for having that flag on there boop boop pulled up to the house and be like yo I got my flag on here still that's nicer than this that's way nicer than this anything you're not sure about in case I got to change the tire today later here we go this is the whip I don't think I showed it in full view like this yet he came back dude y it's on yeah it is came on baby you're on YouTube right now we've got Tucker purchasing a brand new Tahoe from us it is awesome and he is ready to rock out of here I said that too I was like dude I can't wait to get my brand new car and I was like brand new to me wait a minute it looks brand new though it's brand new to you it's got six miles on it they just took it from the shipping yard down here to the to the lot yeah hopefully not is it on they're coming they're coming they're coming this call may be recorded for quality purposes I can hear him from here yeah and just talk like normal they'll hear you your OnStar system is current inactive means that activate you get it for free for month here's what it is if you're like lost it'll give you step-by-step directions places it links to U my service department so if anything's ever wrong with the vehicle they can tell you what might be wrong with it it also uh if you're in an accident it automatically alerts the Poli so the government knows where I am all the time no if someone steals the vehicle they can shut it off so then that person can't drive sto it or well we could just shut it off on you as well as a prank one time that would be funny as congratulations let's go ahead and activate your onar here am I talking to Mr James the gr yeah yes yes sir oh my God think James All right so we're pulling out of here and then we're pulling right into the diner right here and I'm going to buy some dinner for the boy eat myself and then back to the house so stoked about this whip right now it's not even right Sam's going to lose her mind when she actually finds out that this is hers and not just the rental lose her mind look at this thing with the flag woo and I can do this I can actually I can actually lock it from the outside wow temporary plate I honestly I meant to film that but we just got a nice Hearty dinner I was actually so starving I got a egg and cheese on white toast not the healthiest dinner ever but not terrible either and then just one pancake and he got a cheese steak he has the other half so he can bring that back home with him but uh successful day it's crazy cuz I left the house around like 12 and it's 6:40 at night oh he oh he pulled out all right we're good we're going continue on Pearl Street I'm just thinking that sami's definitely going to know that we bought this car though cuz like it's just going to be hard to try to make it seem like we don't I still have the the flag on on the side of it so like insane this is it this is the dream how can't you like that beat though all right it's dark it's dark but we're just pulled into the street for the first time about to pull into the driveway for the first time and we'll see how suspicious Sammy is about the potential of this car being a rental or just a [Music] fullblown what was that uh because we're close to the garage this thing started to vibrate wow that's crazy Is that real for real dead for real huh say hi hi baby say hi Finn fin what's going on out here was that a crazy Mission it was the only it was the only Mission look at this guy's vlam gear from the'80s it's nice though it's sick right this is nice you like this yeah you think it'll make it back what do you mean like to in back what do you mean it's a didn't you rented it so it should I mean if it doesn't we're going to have to just get our OnStar and go get it what do you mean to get it picked up all right yeah what's OnStar I don't know they tried to make me sign up for it just in case it did he say it would like no he said there's no way it would ever break down you like the flag on top the flag is nice that's a nice touch this is nice F wants to to go in it I got to change your diapy real quick but is it a py diaper oh it's nice and clean yeah fresh right this is super nice yeah license plates are weable why does it look I don't know it should be good until next month though right yeah temporary all right f is this not a rental did you buy this did you buy this car did you buy this car he bought the car did you buy this I don't know babe I don't know anything about that I don't even know you guys were like but that was like that's suspect like why are they pointing out the I don't know the difference I either like wait you bought this I don't remember is this my new car I don't know my new whip o this is nice man Finn's going to be limited in here right oh man Finn this is so yeah what's she going to do put in you got this yeah we got it we bought it yeah Happy Valentine's Day oh my god wow it's ours no way yeah that's why they put this on here one shot but wow we're going to be freaking what do you mean I'm filming it right now she ain't going in the drive like this yeah that's Daddy's we'll put this out here no way Rush did you know this was getting bought or no no you really didn't it's so fresh and clean no here let me let me get my I got to get my phone out of here what no way is that a charger so you can play it with the music but we have uh XM radio so we have like shady Channel and everything oh my God you guys listening to all these different stations this is only for one month though cuz like you got to pay for it I love how F fan you got to put your car seat in before like the first first time I've sat down today sitting [Music] down let's do this [Music] F [Music] he [Music] all right it's on we're about to go for the first real family Drive well actually we went last night a little bit but we didn't film that so the first the first real family drive going down oh yeah F you on it yeah stoked she's stoked yeah all right cut the tunes for a minute all right all right how do I do that all right all right here we go first legit Drive first legit Drive what are we thinking about the car so far fam love this car love it give us a little rundown of how you were feeling when I came back with it let make sure I'm not like just crunching this audio this on yeah let me just put this right here I well I was actually in the process of winding Finn down like we did dinner and then bath time and so she was in her PJs and when you pulled up she actually like when I came out you guys saw me oh do you not want me to she doesn't want to tell what she was that she was in her PJs that she boy AR cut that part out okay we got it so when I came out I was kind of just in like Mom mode um but I just thought that it was the rental and the flag I just thought you you were being goofy like on your travels and just found a flag in the trash or something I don't know just thought you put it on there to be funny and then I didn't even look at the license plates but I was just thinking oh this is nice is perfect to go to Florida in um but then you or Eddie were like the license plate is weird and I thought that was weird that you pointed that out it should be good until next month though right yeah temporary all right f is this not a rental did you buy this did you buy this car did you buy this car you bought the car good did did you buy this and I don't know like I didn't know maybe the rental license plate looked like that cuz it's not like I've ever bought a car before so I wouldn't know I mean I guess I knew that the the license plate looked like that like the temporary but I don't know either way I was stoked and in shock last night and now I'm a Happy Clam cuz this is a really nice car what makes you most happy about it that it's safe and clean because the caddy does have a mold issue because there's a leak issue in it so I would always you know bring up how can we mold remediate the caddy but that's absolutely ridiculous I'm sure you could do it or have somebody pay somebody to do it but this is just fresh and it gives me a peace of mind so it's good it's good you did good I mean I like the compartment too I don't know maybe you don't want to Finn what's wrong oh she wants her boots off maybe is she pulling out her boots babe yeah and I wanted to say that she there's a video of her sitting in that seat that's in this video with the seat belt on and she never drove anywhere in the car with just that on and not in her car seat just so people know I know there's going to be a comment or 10 comments or 50 comments because I never filmed us putting her car seat in so when Sammy pulled out of the driveway for the very first time Finn was in her car just the disclaimer guys just the disclaimer I think everybody knows I'm I mean most but she was just like chilling she was so tired I'm surprised she wasn't freaking out last night cuz she was tired cuz we did after he put the car seat in we did put her in her car seat and eventually go on like a little cruise down to Kennedy Park which is where we're going now and she was loving it because also the caddy had like I said a leak but the door cuz it the door wouldn't shut all the way and the air from whenever you're driving you would hear it and now it's just like silent so it's it's nice it's not as annoying I was just trying to change this but [Music] w [Applause] [Music] and if it's [Music] w [Music] I almost forgot to add this into the video so the tradein value that was offered for the Cadillac was just $500 quite literally less than scrap value had to turn it down so the Cadillac Sammy got a new car the Tahoe and I got a new car the Cadillac it's on see you all in the next video
Channel: Tucker Upper
Views: 36,145
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stunts, nubtv, tuckerfupper, fails
Id: b8h95VqZdJU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 1sec (2641 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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