Trapped with Evil Twin in Barbie Dollhouse for 24 Hours! | Rebecca Zamolo

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i'm here to eat the candy but your memory will be white something happened with mr x's cane it's like you have a little like blood on the side of your mouth man i can't go i can't remove my now kingdom what did you do to your brother he doesn't have a pool i was able to hack into the rhs server and i found this that's the barbie house now i'm officially the most powerful rick noah rick noah whoa this is a giant barbie house right i know wait you guys don't think that my twin is a barbie right now right there's no way your twin has a barbie rebecca the reason why we're here is because we're trying to find my best friend but i don't know why daniel said that we have to dress up like this in this because this is a giant barbie house you guys so let's split up and find rick noah in here maddie kitchen's over there i'll go this room matt go in the back okay rick noah rick noah rick noah rick noah zamfam do you guys remember this location this is when i became a barbie doll this is the location but why would they bring frank noah here okay i see some makeup baby oh yeah look at this this is the same barbie outfit as me onions pickles you guys who else loves pickles and onions rz twin i know matt and maddie do not think that rz twin is here but what if she's here is he twin let's keep searching we need to find rick noah who is somewhere in this barbie house look at this bed ah still as i remember it i need to focus looks like there's some candy here you guys this is my first time in a barbie house i mean there's so much pink noah baby's in here oh no just a bunch more barbie's stuck keep on looking around oh yes look at this let's look for any other clues in this giant do you see that this is an onion wait a second zamfam do you guys remember when we went to fat burger the guy said that there was a girl in pink clothes that looked like me do you think that's rc twin rz twin hates barbies but she does love onions and pickles daniel said that rick noah is here but i haven't seen him anywhere comment down below if you know where he is everything here is pink and rebecca thinks that rz twin is here but there is no way that she would be here aussie twin hates pink she hates barbie there's also a ton of pink candies do you think rick noah has been cooking with pink candies why would he eat pink food oh no what was that maddie there's a door over here hold on lock door i want to go in there so bad oh my gosh onions you know what let's go talk to the girls maybe they know where my best friend is oh no it's did you hear that what is going on out here i'm a barbie girl and this is my [Applause] maddie guys are they twin what are you doing here who's rz twin i'm barbie girl you're rz twin and we came to help you escape to get out of here why would i leave without my new boyfriend who's your new boyfriend he's in the back room i'm not leaving without him well you can bring your new boyfriend the only way to get him out is inside that black box there's three locks where are the keys the tv there are four challenges well then why don't you do them yourself because it takes three get those keys and i'll leave with you with my boyfriend hey you guys get this get this rope off yeah i'm trying come on you heard what artsy twins said zamfam we have to complete four challenges and then she will come with us you guys and then we can focus on getting her memory back but what about rick noah yeah he's my best friend clearly he's not here at the barbie house anymore you guys let's just get these challenges so we can save our z twin example i am on my way to the barbie house i believe that's where matt rebecca rick noah and maddie are being held right now but i need to get there i need to know what is going on inside that house i don't know whose phone it actually is but i am picking up a phone at that location but i need to get over there as fast as i can come on let's go let's go the challenges are on the tv we have to turn it on two remotes right here which one do you think's gonna work no no here we go it's not working use the other one one mat come on we're running out of time i'll use the pink one okay challenge one one minute to build your party box time starts now the timer's going we need to work together you guys last time i was here i built a diy barbie box and it was all hidden throughout this barbie house okay rebecca there's three of them we have to each work separately yeah where are the barbie boxes they're all around just search around you guys hurry this is the worst challenge making a barbie box who wants to do that and why are we here daniel is the worst for sending us here what am i looking for anyways barbie box where would it be hold on this you guys i think this is it look for something cardboard zamfam do you think this is it this is almost like the one i built before wait a second there's a giant carousel this reminds me of the dollhouse with no i don't want to talk about it i found a purple one just like that so maddie found purple i found pink's matte make sure you look for a different color besides pink and purple i don't like it but i'm i'm doing it i'm gonna try to find the other pieces one piece down i don't know how many are left but we are running out of time we need to keep searching where else would it be here stamping i found this this might be all we need you guys i think we're just looking for two i think this might build a giant party box i found this one you know i found another piece down here oh man we are building a barbie box confessional aren't we not gonna lie i kind of love these challenges i mean we're in a barbie house we should be having fun whoa how are they building their barbie boxes so fast i hope rick knows okay where do you think he is i mean not that i care i'm just okay hurry box okay you guys hurry are you ready no not yet i think i got it what is this you guys i found a key the barbie boxes are complete i found the key a key oh that must be for the first challenge see if it unlocks one of these yeah i don't know i'm trying it unlocked let's move on to the next challenge you guys matt come on you forced me to make a barbie box what is next okay you guys let's find out the next challenge challenge two musical chairs don't choose the wrong drink musical chairs i don't see any chairs wait look there's drinks over there oh door of the door someone's coming okay okay get in your bobby boxes and pretend that you are a barbie via statue you guys hurry what okay i don't know why anybody wants to be trapped in a barbie house for 24 hours i know i don't you want to do is get the game master network book and you should do it's called summer school make sure that you go get it the link is in the description down here below shout out to you guys that got it and tagged us on instagram hey barbie man that's one ugly plan did you just say ugly ken barbies were here earlier i thought they weren't coming till next week did he just say friends were supposed to come next week who are barbie girls friends barbie girl you okay man unless you're my new boyfriend don't come in all right i'll be back in five minutes what is going on right now you guys he's gone did you hear that he's gonna be back in five minutes we need to hurry up and do these challenges okay what's next musical chairs don't choose the wrong drink matt over here maddie did you see the key around erzy twin's neck she had a key yeah she had a key what do you think it's for i don't know what do you think i don't know zamfam comment below what you think that key is for when is this music gonna start anyways dance like a barbie around the table when the music stops you must drink the cup in front of you drink it all in 30 seconds or you will lose the challenge immediately all right same fam musical chairs just have to dance around and drink whatever is in front of us fine by me there's no pickle juice there this is the worst song i've ever heard gotta dance like a barbie which one am i gonna drink it stopped it looks like we all have our drinks i think mine's grape juice i think mine might be a purple shake and are you kidding me right now i have glitter juice who drinks this stuff you guys this is the challenge we just need to drink up okay so we can complete this ready set go uh it's not a milkshake it's pickle juice why is it purple honestly mine's not that bad i kind of like this one drink up everybody drink drink come on okay i'm glad you like your drink mine is like milk but it's purple milk and it's definitely not fresh how am i supposed to drink all this pickle juice in 30 seconds this is disgusting i'm enjoying this right now wait you guys look there's a key key we found the next key you guys this is perfect let's go don't you want to hang out a little longer over here smash the thumbs up if you think this is going to work it works that means that there's only one challenge left but rc twin said there were four challenges we've only done two so far but there's only one more walk left okay hey ladies what's the rush why don't we just enjoy this place okay matt are you being serious right now how about you guys do the rest of the challenges i'm just gonna hang out here and get my makeup done okay fine yeah we'll do the challenges and you do your makeup wait wait can i talk to you maddie over here really quick why is matt acting so strange i mean he was completely against this dollhouse maybe like the barbie house has worn off on him i have no idea but remember rztwin said we need all three of us to complete the challenges which means we need math well how are we supposed to convince him to do the challenges with us i can spend all day here you know what maddie i have an idea just follow my lead okay hey matt yes hi sorry that was important so we have a proposal for you maddie and i are experts at barbie makeup i think i know where you're going with this and what's that let's do a full day of makeup yes no if we do your makeup you have to do the next challenge with us okay but can we just like spend some time contouring sure you know what contouring is i don't i just heard that term a lot i will give you some lip gloss okay you gotta take off your glasses though what okay face reveals the more it's on my face the more i like it we got some glittery pink lip gloss oh perfect xanthan make sure you screenshot these memories prettiest barbie on the block yes all right adding what was that there was a noise i think it came from that back door that must be twins boyfriend who do you think it is you think it's fake shawn mendes what you think that's her boyfriend yeah you think that fake sean mendes is rz twins crush yeah okay zamfam comment below who you think it is all right let's just get this done so we can move on and now for some blush wow this makeup is definitely barbie it's popping zam fam make sure that you screenshot this and tag matt on instagram yeah this is so not liking that oh no okay matt you need to get your barbie box and act like a barbie we're having so much fun right now no no no no just be the best ken doll you can be come on hurry pin doll challenge yes yes stephanie the rhs must be i thought i back noises ugly pen got uglier what's up with this makeup oh it's really bad did it always look like that what he said ken's makeup's bad maddie and i did a great job with that makeup namaste okay that was close come on can't hurry okay same thing challenge number three challenge number three use the tiny hands to find the tiny key in the tiny food that's the challenge you guys search for tiny hands like something small zambian have you seen any there's some food i mean that's a big cake wait is this a tiny hand yes xantham i have seen this challenge before have you seen people try to do things with these tiny hands we must have to eat these tiny foods with the hands and the key will be in one of them this barbie boy is super hungry okay you guys let's have a seat i want to slice the cakes no no the clue was tiny hands tiny foods you have to eat the tiny foods not the giant cake yeah i want a slice of cake no you heard the clue this is part of the challenge barbie boy let's go this is so good this is kind of difficult how's that going i don't know what it is it's kind of delicious but not as good as that cake is gonna be well the key is in one of these tiny foods so we just need to eat them until we find the key i don't see a key in here i don't like that one oh my god that was good but definitely no key inside oh there might be a key in that key anything nope no there's not gonna be any key in here i want to slice the cake guys like the cake we've got to keep going there's so many tiny foods that we have to finish and comment below which one you think has the key rebecca you're making me waste all of my calories on this tiny food that's it i'm done matt no i can't help it hey but seriously there's still some more tiny foods one of them has the key i want that cake so bad or i'm not doing this challenge i'm putting my hand down on this one what do we do we need three people for this challenge okay you know what you keep looking through the tiny foods i'm gonna give him a piece of cake so he keeps working with us okay okay you know what you can have a slice of that cake but you have to agree to keep working with us for this challenge yes i just want a slice i don't want the whole cake so i need you to cut me a slice are you serious yes cut me a slice well i'm gonna have to take this to the kitchen because i don't have a knife be back hurry back i am only doing this because we need matt's help for the challenge [Music] are you serious what happened i might have tripped this is not good damn fam you know what i don't want to slice anymore i'm just gonna take it from the top are you serious okay i did not mean to fall okay can we just get back to the challenge we need to find the key okay just have some frosting it's so good strawberry we're running out of time we need to get rz twin out of here and an arie jess is gonna come back any minute there's something in the cake oh wait a sec it's a key you found the key that was in my mouth yeah you found the tree this is the last final key damn fam let me rinse this off stamp i'm washing off my face and the key and then we are going to open the last lock on the black box what do you think is going to be inside hello barbie it's ken you want to go for a ride okay i'm cleaned off i have the key okay zam fam so this is it we're gonna finally see what's in that black box so we can get aussie twin to leave it worked it worked what's inside it's a magnetic lock zamfam do you think this will get us into the back room well rz twins said she wouldn't leave without her boyfriend so her boyfriend must be in that back room face mendez i'm coming for you matt come on okay okay three two one hey why does oh yeah it's me no you're dressed like a barbie oh it's ken actually are you keep us red yeah i'm good now guys oh i thought you were fake shawn mendes what are they twin you must have forgotten i said four challenges no no are they twin let us out come on what do we do how are we gonna get out of here here try the magnetic lock three two one is it working no they might have demagnetized it you guys how are we gonna get out hello mother they're here everything is going as planned they'll be out soon so you'll need to get here quickly but i like it here i don't want to leave the barbie house fine i think i'm getting closer getting closer to this barbie house oh no oh no wait wait what's going on what's happening to my car wait is my car running out of electricity what's happening to my car well i've been tracking i realized this is an escape room okay well then why haven't you tried to escape hello you're right maddie he does have a point okay ricknow where should we start well it says hang in there barbie maybe we should look for barbies around the bathroom barbie's okay look for barbies um oh barbie's up there here here's another barbie oh there's one by the toilet okay now i know we have all the barbies i don't see any more here i think we need to hang them on here says hang in there guys i just found a bunch of trash we are looking for barbies matt okay okay sorry it says hang in there barbie rig no you think we should just hang these yeah just hang them on the top row okay well what do you think's gonna happen hopefully we get out of this bathroom yes yes okay here's one here's two three what was that hopefully whatever is inside will get us out of there a new magnetic lock a key something wait it's just a black light are you sure oh yep you're right definitely a black light okay we need to get out of here maybe there's clues on the wall girls are doing so great yeah matt you found a piece of paper right yeah in the garbage okay pull it out maybe that's something i found a piece of paper okay there's nothing in the bathtub with a black light coat perfect damn fam i don't know what i'm gonna do my car's out of gas i can't drive i don't know what's going on i don't know how i'm gonna get there to rescue all of them i'm too far from the location to make it on foot what's gonna happen you know what rebecca shine the black light on this really it says something i play music to my rubber ducky before my bubble bath wait you guys rubber ducky's right here it looks like it's a number the number five so what were the other clues in that code zamfam it was i play music so something to do with music okay do we like pretend to play music what are you doing what the window the guitar oh okay grab it maddie is that a ukulele or is that a guitar what was it on the back another number so we have a five and an eight what was the last and final message in that clue rick noah bubble bath maybe it's soap or bubbles look for bubbles in here bubbles okay well we are in a bathroom bubble bath bubbles but no number ooh look behind the garbage though it's a pink box bubble what about that one in the corner oh we got it you dinner okay put the numbers together i play music it's my rubber ducky rubber ducky in bubble bath damn fam it looks like it's a three-digit code is there something on the door so we can get out hold on there's no like keypad or anything what are we supposed to use that three-digit code for the only thing would be like this box right here that i found seriously why don't you show that to us sooner i didn't want to leave smash a thumbs up so we can get out of this barbie bathroom eight eight five nine nine oh it worked another magnetic lock hopefully this one works so you guys three two one it worked get out let's go let's go come on you guys let's get our z twins hey guys guys guys what about me get me out of here you guys rick noah is still handcuffed what are we supposed to do what about the key on rz twin's neck zamf do you think the key around arsey twins neck will unlock rick noah's handcuffs so we can escape rz twins let's get the key from her is he twin we got your boyfriend we need the key around your neck so he can escape kingpin there was that one phone that i'm tracking i could try to call it that could be my only hope maybe it's one of their phones maybe they grabbed a different phone i don't know but i'm going to call this number and see that could be the way that i could stop this not so fast go to the kitchen i need a moment alone with them yes mother kingpin you need to let rz twin go not letting her go until i have full control of her which is why you're here we're not helping you we'll see about that i've erased all of rz twins memories but my brother has put a feel safe on the final four memories and you're gonna get them for me using this and what if we don't then i will wipe all of your memories right now oh no no no get back what's going on what do i have all this makeup on it's a long story anyways what do we do i don't know i don't want to lose my memory but rz twin is here because of uh she sacrificed for us we have to do the same thing there is no way we can use that device and get the rest of our z twins memories or she's gonna have full control guys i'm i'm sorry kingpin fine use the cane on us we'll lose our memory what someone's calling who is that who's on the phone kingpin stop don't wipe their memory daniel how does he have kingpin's number why shouldn't i because they will take your device to get rz twins memories back rebecca now's my chance i'm gonna go sneak and get the key from rz twin how do i know i can trust you you don't have any other choice you need them if you want to get full control of rz twin and i can hack in and make sure that they get those memories what he wants us to use the device so just let them go daniel is so sus right now maybe daniel has a plan maybe there's a way that we can get the memories but they just won't get back to kingpin just we have to go along with it okay go okay oh no she gonna use the cane on us maybe daniel didn't convince her take this now get it get it you're lucky daniel gave me an offer i can't refuse okay rick no way maddy i knew you'd come back for me no we just want to get out of this creepy barbie house whatever you say okay got it all right there we go when i say go run okay we have the device what should we do now do you think she's gonna let us go go go oh no wait he's not supposed to be going they left with rick noah get him get to the tesla daniel
Channel: Rebecca Zamolo
Views: 7,228,548
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rebecca, evil, twin, in real life, pink, palace, barbie, matt and rebecca, maddie, daniel, spy, mystery, explore, diy, battle royale, funny, sis vs bro, norris nuts, sssniperwolf, aphmau, challenge, safe, house, giant, dream, home, worst, crafts, boys, vs, girls, 24 hours, best friend, 123 go, wierd, hacks, unspeakable, biggest, pawzam dogs, zamolo, rebecca zamolo, fun, comedy, diy projects, usefull things, life hacks, pranks, 24 hour challenge, challenges, no swearing, the labrant fam, lucas and marcus, vlog
Id: pBGJMqDzPwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 30sec (1230 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 20 2021
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