Becoming Tiny in a Giant Town for 24 Hours | Rebecca Zamolo

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we are upside down she looks pretty tiny whoa   look at this place we are becoming tiny for  24 hours to get the game masters message   you okay rebecca rebecca hey zamfam it's rebecca's  mole and today we are becoming tiny for 24 hours   to get the game masters message we think this  is the last and final message from the game   master because this is the last frequency you  guys commented from the vip club i think it has   anything to do with kingman being the gamemaster  sister i mean the gamemaster's so fast right now   so where are we we look like we're on the street  we're at the museum of illusion sam fam you guys   know i have filmed multiple videos here i spied on  my husband for 24 hours and did a 10 minute photo   challenge with jordan matter so they have a lot  of tiny things here i'm not really sure about the   tiny thing but they do have an upside down house  let's just get inside and we'll figure it out this is definitely the museum of illusions i  remember it perfectly i don't feel that tiny   though that's because we obviously have to search  around i mean the game master men coming tiny i   just don't know how maybe we should start in  the upside down house matty is the frequency   working at all no the frequency isn't activated  maddie but do you have the right frequency yes   matt it's set to 155.595 thanks to all of you  guys in the vip club that have given us all of   the frequencies so far you guys know the frequency  we'll activate once we get to the right location   in this place and it has something to do with  becoming tiny zamfam remember this room right   you guys check this out we're upside down this  is awesome are we in a living room well we're   technically on the ceiling in a living room look  book oh okay we need to focus though you guys so   far maddie what is the message that we have gotten  from the game master the backstory is the key   go back to where but we don't know where where is  but that's what we are going to find out today i   personally think that where is my old apartment  zamfam the backstory is key go back to where you   used to live what do you guys think i think it's  to go back to where i met you guys where was that   rick noah the tiny town where we found tiny things  well that's dumb i think that's go back to where   matt and rebecca live now their house okay that  is way too simple i think let's go back to where   you were born organ easy matt we were all born  in different places okay zamfam comment below   where you think the game master is going to want  us to go we need to start searching around you   guys remember we're becoming tiny for 24 hours  we just have to figure out what that clue means   and now we are approaching the kitchen you guys  rebecca look what i found in the other room mini   brands you love these what if this has to do  with being tiny yes zamfam i love mini brands   and these are tiny you're right this could be it  yeah the upside down is cool it's nothing to do   with being tiny these are tiny foods which means  we would be giant with this so i don't know you   guys comment below if you think that these have  something to do with it you guys we should keep   searching the frequencies not activated in this  kitchen you know what the next room is a pink   bedroom zamfam you guys know i love pink maybe the  game master put the frequency in there over here   and then one of those tiny bands now we're in  the pink bedroom zamfam i love this room is it   working maddie not yet rebecca rebecca i found  another one of those tiny brands oh crunch and   much zamfam you guys know i love mini brands  but you know what rick no do you have pockets   all right sam fam so this isn't the room but you  know what i think it's a perfect opportunity to do   a photo op matt just put the camera down let's  take a quick pic okay it's all set all right you   guys so we're gonna jump up and look like we're  doing a handstand on the bed are you guys ready   three two one okay see how it turned out okay  you guys go and find this photo it's either on   our feed or on our stories you need to check  it out and i will be shouting out someone that   comments on this photo and says that they came  from this video this is fun you guys look look   at this room ta-da pink castle everyone wants  a pink castle right dan fan oh my gosh this is   my favorite room look at all the disney stuff in  here got mickey mouse and woody and jessie yes toy   story rig noah buzzing woody shh don't don't see  no one knows about that just my best friend zamfam   i have climbed up and done a photo in here i don't  know if you remember it but you're not supposed to   so shh wait rebecca look another mini brand it's  a little cinnamon i found another mini brand too   it's a tiny coca-cola oh no you guys a message  from the game master if you're seeing this that   means the last location i messaged has been  compromised whoever intercepted the frequency   will be there within 10 minutes it's up to you  to retrieve my message before they do find the   giant to your mini so you know where to be typed  good luck that's not good that means that we have   10 minutes to go and figure out what he means  when he says become tiny and get the frequency   activated who do you think is coming here to try  to get the message and why would the game master   be so confusing with that message i mean find the  giant to your mini so you know where to be tiny   i mean just tell us what to do you guys let's just  get out of this upside down room zamfam comment   below if you know what that riddle means hurry  hey keep your sticky fingers off the tiny brand   i just had an idea the game master said he wants  us to become tiny right yeah well this is all   about illusion it's the museum of illusion if  you look in here it will look like someone is   giant and someone is tiny maybe that's the  frequency the green box will make you tiny   oh my gosh let's try it so zamfam you look through  this box right here maddie will be tiny i will be   giant and you guys hopefully the frequency will  work smash the thumbs up if you think it is going   to rick noah this does not feel right i mean i  don't trust the game master but what he said has   nothing to do with this room yeah we're not tying  you know yet right here maddie and i are close to   the same height but let me move to that every  box can i see she's tiny she looks pretty tiny   uh nothing is happening okay let me take a photo  and upload it to the game master network app   inside the vip section three two it didn't work no  frequency okay we're running out of time i don't   know who infiltrated the frequency we need to  split up i've been to this location before there   is an upstairs and a downstairs mat you and i can  take the downstairs maddie you and rick noah can   take the upstairs fine but rebecca matt if you  find a location that makes you feel tiny say who   do you who and i'll bring the radio keep an eye  out for anyone's sets remember someone is coming   to try to get the message before we do okay let's  go i'll never let go maddie really rick now just   come on fine let's go okay zam fam we are looking  for something that will make us feel tiny i kind   of feel tiny here it's a giant dinosaur all right  rick now well i'm stuck with you i guess we're   exploring upstairs to see if there's any location  that makes us feel tiny i hope you're right maddie   because right now i don't feel tiny what is this  place i have no idea what that is do you know   what it is it looks like a spaceship like an alien  movie yeah why don't you stand over there but this   doesn't really make me feel tiny and the radio is  not working i think we need to keep exploring so i   feel tiny here but maddie has the radio so we need  to search around here and find the place where   we feel the most tiny i mean that was the game  master's clue so comment below which location you   think it might be i think we need to keep looking  for a look it's a bubble what if we go inside of   the bubble i mean that's tiny right champagne  do you think that the bubble is gonna work   maddie i know you never have faith in me but i  have faith in you go in the bubble right now okay   see you cam i'm in the bubble let's see if this  works i mean i kind of feel tiny in a giant bubble   the frequency is not activated no do you have any  ideas where we can look i don't have any ideas   but you do look tiny in that bubble thank you okay  keep on looking around you hear that where's that   booming we stuck in this location is completely  closed right now sounds like construction or   something but we need to keep on looking rebecca  oh look a giant elephant we would feel tiny on a   giant elephant right okay let me activate the  location it's right here okay elephants do i   look tiny you might be tiny but i think there's  probably something better nothing's working over   here not working but you look tiny i don't know  look at this giant donut right here i'm gonna   try to hold it up maybe that's the location where  i can activate the frequency you do look tiny but   you look really strong i am strong okay just hold  it right there i hate spiders maddie are spiders   your biggest fear no they're like my fourth  biggest beard swimming snakes heights and spiders   i don't look good but is the radio working the  spring is not with me at all i'm not getting any   frequencies you guys remember when we stuck into  kingpin's vampire masquerade ball we found out   that fake shawn mendes aka ryan is working with  kingpin i mean he is one of her recruits i just   don't understand i feel like he changed so much  he was so nice same thing do you know why he would   just flip like that now that i'm split up from  maddie you guys this is the perfect time for me   to talk to you i got a ton of comments in my last  video you guys know when we went to the vampire   masquerade ball and we saw the fake shawn mendes  there well you guys said that there is a tattoo   on his neck i want you to go back to that video  see if you see the tattoo i don't want to tell   maddie yet though until i am for sure so if you  saw a tattoo on the back of his neck comment it   below and comment below what it was i don't think  this works rebecca we should keep on looking come what okay on nothing i thought i heard something  like i told you before this place is closed   no one is going to be here but what we need  to figure out is the game master's message   and we need to figure out why we have to become  tiny zamfam look at this it looks like you're   hanging with a sloth in a forest speaking  of worst you guys know that we were trapped   overnight in a forest at 3am and we were able to  de-hypnotize paige but what i didn't know is that   it was her birthday so make sure you go and wish  paige a happy birthday i'm just glad everything is   okay wait this is sushi yeah it's raw fish ah you  okay i have to go to the bathroom rebecca rebecca   sorry fam that's been happening a lot lately i  wasn't supposed to tell you guys that okay i'm   sorry zamfam it's just certain foods lately  have just been making me feel very nauseous   no just notice that nothing yet feel like  i'm getting close though how often do i   look not really awesome wait all right  maybe we should head back downstairs   and see if not rebecca can find anything  rebecca's coming back it's not rebecca okay sam fam so now i need  to figure out why we become   a tiny so we can get the game master's message it's rhs that means that we have to get the  frequency activated so we can get the game   masters message before they do what's that room  under construction don't worry about it you heard   what kingpin said we need to go and guard the  upside down room the rhs are here do you think   they're looking for the message too we'll find  the location later let's go they said they're   going to the upside down room why would they be  going there i mean we tried the frequency and   it wasn't activated at all i mentioned something  about under construction do you think there's a   new room here at the museum of illusions you guys  comment below okay hey hi did you hear that the   coach is clear did the frequency work anywhere  upstairs nope did you guys find anywhere tiny   no but did you hear the conversation they said  something about a room under construction do you   think that might be a room where it would make  us feel tiny maybe but they're gonna be guarding   the upside down room well we definitely know that  nothing is in that upside down room so let's sneak   over they said the construction was over there so  it was the rhs that infiltrated the frequency come   on you guys were running out of time hey xanthan  i'm reaching out to you because i just discovered   another location in matt and rebecca's house that  is sending out a lot of energy and picking up one   of the frequencies it looks like it's coming from  inside rebecca's closet there's another crawl   space there's another like attic up there so now  there's the attic the locked room and rebecca's   closet what do you think this all means maybe  somebody hacked in like who could it be maddie's   busy with the mission and i'm here looking into  this what other hackers could be doing this   comment down below your ideas oh these walls  weren't painted like this before you guys oh   there's a door whoa what look at this place  zamfam i have been to the museum of illusions i've   never saw this room before it says giant's house  do you think that has something to do with finding   the giant to your mini or us becoming tiny for  a day this place looks like it's still under   construction that actually totally makes sense  because this place is completely closed right now   maddie do you have the frequency set yep smash a  thumbs up if you think we're gonna activate the   frequency in this giant room giant shoes and  giant lipstick are becoming tiny look it's a   giant pink unicorn giant starbucks cup now we're  starting to feel tiny you guys check this out   i am in a giant dog bowl right now my favorite dog  peanut would love this we are officially becoming   tiny there are a ton of giant items or any of them  activating the frequency no now we're in another   room i see a shoe a llama a teacup cape a giant  duck rick noah are you feeling tiny yet i feel   so tiny look another room stamp am remember in the  upside down room i found the mini coke and now i   have a giant coke it's like the giant versus mini  challenge but the frequency isn't activated wait   you guys it's like the game master said find the  giant to your mini so you know where to be tiny   we saw a bunch of tiny foods in the other room  maybe we had to find a tiny food to match it to   the big food here rick noah actually does have a  point maddie i mean what if we have to get those   tiny mini foods that are in the upside down room  bring it here and maybe it'll activate something   that might work but we should still keep on  using the radio on these giant items so we can   see if it will activate okay well we know for  sure that there is a mini coke in the upside   down to go with this giant coke so even though  the rhs are in there i can just hide and see   get the coke and get back here so we can finally  get the game master's message it might turn into   a hide-and-seek chase with the rhs i know i'll  stay safe and then you guys need to search all   of these giant items use the radio and maybe  one of them will activate the frequency okay   rebecca if anything happens yell hootie who  okay same for you oh nothing's gonna happen   to me wish me luck and good luck okay guys let's  keep on looking for the frequency okay nothing   by the coke look there's a giant bird whoa maybe  these giant foods won't be activated till we find   their minis all i know is we need to figure  out the rest of the game after this message   i need to distract him so i can get  through is there anything here i can grab   another mini brand okay so i'm  gonna throw this hopefully it   will distract them and i'm gonna  run through to that back bedroom the frequency wasn't activated with any of the  giant items in that room at least until we find   the mini foods maddie if that's gonna work all  right maddie remember noah quit flirting and   try to find the giant item oh we're not flirting  look a giant teacup i feel tiny in here and we   know who likes tea parties and it's not rebecca i  have found the walmart the fortnite mama is here   look it's a giant lamp i feel so tiny i  can stand under it but the radio is not   working the frequency is not being activated here okay maddie found cinnamon but  i didn't see any cinnamon in   that giant room but i did see a giant coke  saviour this is it this is going to give us   the game master's message i'll just pair this  with a giant coke just like the phrase find the   giant to your mini so you can feel tiny or become  tiny whatever it is no oh no they're coming out what's in this one mickey mouse i love applejacks see if that was close no i need to get  back into that giant room with this tiny   coke before any more rhs that  was close back to the giant room how do you want to see here are they  planning a photo for their instagram   kingpin would be so mad at them right now now  is the perfect chance for me to sneak past them i feel like i'm at disneyland we  need to look for the frequency code   guys i got the mini coke you know what that means  if we put this on the giant coke and your theory   is right rick know what the riddle the game  master gave us then we're finally gonna get   the game masters message come on let's go  hopefully this works tiny food giant food s   s what does s mean think it means a thug spanish  no it's a letter i think we have to spell a word   so this was in the upside down and this was its  giant we need to find the mini foods that match   the giant foods in this giant room that's what  rig noah said i said that already so who wants   to go next and do hide and seek with the rhs to  find the next mini brand i do really you know what   we're running out of time anyways we'll be able  to get more letters so why don't both of you go   live remember there are two rhs in there so  whatever you do don't get caught got it wait   here take the radio oh yeah yeah all right zamfam  what word do you think we are going to spell out   we don't even know how many letters the word is  whatever the word is though it starts with the   letter s so i just need to look for giant items  that start with the letter s rebecca what if it's   a safe safe is there a giant safe in here i don't  know but that'd be incredible let's find a giant   safe okay z pam i need to search for more mini  brands so that way we can get more letters but   oh whoa look at this room what kind of room is  this wait look there's a bike this reminds me   when we were stranger things in real life and we  had to ride the bikes to the arcade we have to get   there before sundown so we can stop the switch up  how much farther okay focus i need to find minnie   branson wait see many breads it's little popsicles  where they're giant popsicles back in that room   and wait there's more eggs waffles just like  stranger things and then there's also a little   tea cup wait zamfam were any of these items in  that room were there any giant waffles popsicles   or teacups i can't remember go back and watch  which one should i choose all right there's a lot   of food items in the giant room maybe you should  check the kitchen for more food a lot of people you know i think i remember seeing a  teacup what was that is that the rhs   wait a second there's a phone okay do you think  this is the rhs phone you know what i'm gonna do   i'm gonna slide it into that room because i have  nowhere to hide hopefully he does not come in here all right let's look for some food  macaroni and cheese i love mac and cheese   but i didn't see any of this in the big room  i'll take it just in case though let's check   out the refrigerators and family freezer i didn't  see a turkey or ice cream pepsi uh hot dogs wait   what's this it's a hamburger it could be a big  double there's a giant hamburger in the big room   this has got to be it i'm loving it whoa i'm  gonna take another selfie a little bit of time   laundry day same thing that was close i thought  that rhs was gonna catch me did he really just   take a selfie oh i got to get back to the others  with this teacup whoa okay i am on a giant unicorn   this is actually pretty awesome no nothing  here oh maggie i'm working over back i got   a teacup and i got a burger this definitely has  to spell a word now maddie let's do the teacup   first it's in that room okay maddie i went in  to the giant coke i think you might have to get   into that giant tea cup now okay oh i mean h h  h it must be something in here that starts with   s h what is an item in here zamfam that  starts with f h wait rick noah you have   yours yeah let's get the next letter all right  hurry you guys pick noah all right here we go   oh so far s h oh okay simpson what is a giant  item in here that starts with an s said an h   then an o i think we're missing a letter you know  what it's time for me to save the day again i'm   going in okay just remember if anything happens  yo hoodie who nothing's gonna happen rebecca i got   this okay all right cfam i'm gonna find hopefully  what is the last letter so far we have s-h-o i   think it's gonna be shop comment down below what  word do you think that we're spelling right now okay there's an rss right there i'm in  the upside down room but i need to find   the tiny food so that we can become tiny looking out for something that i saw in there boy rebecca loves that thing so does rick noah  cinnamon maddie already found that we didn't   see that in the giant room oh look at that it's  a snack bag this looks like a starbucks drink   same thing i need your help right now i know  it's one of these two it's either a snack pack   or starbucks drink which one did you see in the  giant room i'm just kind of not remembering right   now i feel like i lost my memory okay i'm gonna  go with snack pack no i'm gonna go starbucks   comment down below if you think that this is  what it is and what do you think the word is   gonna spell when you get in the other room  i gotta sneak out of here if i go this way   hey that's my sleigh you  stay here i'm gonna grab them look sam pam it is a giant toilet that i can hack  and snack here all day long okay maddie focus does   the frequency is it activating up there no here  pass me it we need to hurry i'm feeling tiny   with these giant easter eggs but it's pretty  excellent exactly what i want to do today but   frequency frequency daddy has a point up  there it's really hard to focus when you   are tiny with these cool giant items okay nope  frequency isn't working zamfam comment below   what holiday is coming up with these kinds  of easter eggs no frequency though uh rick   noel why don't you try all right let's go  over here to poochie i got both these poop   shoes on all right nothing over here guys i  hope not found something with the tiny pants   what's going on right just saw me look at what  i found it's a starbucks okay well starbucks is   right here right here this is just gonna give  me what letter do you think it's going to be   e s-h-o-e shoe that means the k-master's  message is in a shoe here uh guys i hear   someone coming we need to hide  i have an idea hold on to this oh i find this it's a giant mask  come on get in here okay okay they're gone oh it's close there's a shoe  right here let's see if the frequency works   there's nothing spam it's not working that doesn't  make sense are there any other giant shoes in this   giant house the poop shoes didn't work either  okay you know what i think we might have missed   a pair of shoes down here how did we miss them  a giant shoe right there zamfam do you think   that this is what will finally give us the game  masters message i hope this works for running out   of time i'm gonna get in whoa be careful okay  here all right frequencies all set maddie yep it okay started wait so maddie what's the  full sentence the backstory is the key go   back to where it all started zamfam we need  your help comment if you know what that means   shout outs you guys that got our merch and  tagged us on instagram and you guys are in   our vip club guys we've got to get out of here  we're going let us know where it all started
Channel: Rebecca Zamolo
Views: 4,312,496
Rating: 4.8660598 out of 5
Keywords: becoming, tiny, giant, town, 24 hours, challenge, brent rivera, lexi hensler, cloe couture, rebecca zamolo, matt and rebecca, 24 hour, challenges, 123 go, diy, mr beast, aphmau, pierson, funny, hide and seek, chase, battle royale, overnight, spending, unspeakable, preston, lazarbeam, giant town, tiny town, among us, in real life, maddie, daniel, best friend, crush, 2021, vlog
Id: C7fOh3P8K68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 52sec (1312 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2021
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