TRANSPORT HUB! - Let's Play SATISFACTORY Update 7 - Ep.32

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hello everybody Darren here and welcome back to satisfactory now in the last few episodes I've been getting are computer and circuit Factory up and running which I've been calling Circuit City it's now making about 12 and a half computers per minute and to do this I retrofitted the screwfacturer we built many episodes ago with a new recipe and then built a makeshift Cable Factory right next to it to send all of the goods needed VIA Rail into Circuit City now today the final piece of the puzzle to make in the next tier and getting the space elevator launched is making the dreaded heavy modular frames so I can make the Adaptive control units so I'm gonna be pushing towards that but not quite building a dedicated heavy modular frame Factory just yet instead we're gonna feed a manufacturer manually and let that kind of do its thing in the background while we sort of build a new hybrid truck and train station to help smoothen out the logistics that I was kind of doing in the previous episode and just make things look a little bit better too all right our train is actually just arrived right on time what do we got in here we got some quick wire plastic screws a little bit of cable there on the end so we're in Circuit City right now on the train station floor and we have our to-do list on the right hand side of the screen as per huge the first thing of course is going to be the balance Circuit City it's running at a deficit if you want to call it that we're actually short on the raw materials to even power on all of the machines we have it's not the biggest Factory really and it still can't even run everything just yet I've got a lot of work to do the next one is going to be the switching on heavy modular frames down back at the kind of main base area building a large truck and train station which is going to take the bulk at the time and then switching on the Adaptive control unit so here we are in the main facility no real changes have been going on but we have a b c d and e all powered on but if you take a quick look we got some yellow lights flickering that's because we're not quite making enough of a bunch of different things it actually looks like the screws are flowing in slowly but so is the plastic all right so I had a look at this and why this was happening I actually decided to overclock every single assembler just a little bit they're all overclocked to the same amount 120 producing 10.5 per minute and that was in order to satiate the demand of the five manufacturers here which require circuit boards that wasn't really the root of the problem though of course increasing overclocking all of the assemblers means there's an increased Demand on plastic and an increased Demand on quick wire both of which unfortunately we don't actually make enough of so if we just head back out to the manufacturers we can sort of look at the amounts that we can sustain and see what we need to do so currently we're taking in 45 plastic per minute so in my plastic factory which is basically just out that window out there if you remember we built on and we have to flush that that heavy oil residue buffer every now and then still have to get to that there's another to-do list thing that we gotta one of the just one of the many things I gotta catch up on anyways we're making about 400 plastic over there while the building is running this so this takes 45 so we'll go 45 times 5 as there's five manufacturers that's 225. now let's just have a quick look at how much plastic is needed in the assemblers we needed 15 per minute while it's being overclocked so let's just go we can actually do it in the same thing 45 times five right was that 225 plus now we're going to do 12 times what was it 15 right oops so that that comes to 405 plastic is the demand of this building just slightly above what we need and you know this kind of delivery train times loading and unloading processes in between that that kind of you know it means that we kind of need to be a little lower the throughput as it's called isn't I don't think quite 400. so as a result we're gonna have to take out the overclocking in all of these and probably just turn off one of the manufacturers and that pretty much solves the problem I think um because that's been putting most the most the fifth manufacturer is just a little bit too much but that means we're still making 10 circuit boards per minute so it's not too bad but it's just kind of good because in future it means that um you know once we get a few more more raw materials as long as we can deliver it here we can then power on that fifth manufacturer or we can add on more manufacturers and not much else has to change this kind of building has all the logistics in place now to be able to just feed down these resources fairly easily between all the machines so now if we have a quick look we're making well let's just go into our control room in here and we can look at manufacturer e and just turn that off and leave that off for now so just really quickly if we check our numbers again just to see how they're working out now we need 45 times four so 45 times 4. so that's 180 plastic and then we just check exactly how much they need over here now that they're under or not underclocked but back to the normal rate uh 12 and a half so that's going to be 45 times 4 plus 12 and a half times twelve that's 330. so we just saved ourselves by turning off a manufacturer and taking away the overclocking the plastic required for here is only 330 so that leaves us in excess of 70 plastic that we're making we're actually making a little bit more plastic than that as well and another Refinery but that's the kind of main new plastic refinement production that we have going on in that expansion of the building over there hopefully everyone's kind of keeping up because I know the episodes are fairly spaced apart now but hopefully you're able to keep track of what I've been building previously okay so that's kind of the first thing done I don't think Circuit City is going to slow down now it should be okay and we can see that manufacturer e is offline we've got a little red light next to it so that's looking good if we just head over here I just have this box taking away the computers and going into here the storage containers so the only thing I did really in between episodes with regards to this building was I just added the belts and we can see the computers nicely just flowing out of there now screws screws look like they're maybe a little bit lower or something they shouldn't be I'll kind of keep an eye on why that is maybe but um the screw factor is going to be making 900 per minute this place is probably going to shut down temporarily while we're doing some different things and I'll explain why as we're doing them uh but yeah so that's gonna be the first thing kind of done balance Circuit City let's take it off so it's I call it balanced I mean just let's not run it at a deficit it means all the machines should be able to that are powered on should be able to stay on all right so now we're going to take our little car here our Explorer and head back down to the main kind of kind of um area I call it the main area it's kind of where all my factories were when we initially started right so we're gonna go back down roughly to the screw Factory in the previous episode I had built docking stations here three of them and a manufacturer so we can load up different things that's making modular engines right now let's see how it's doing so I thought while I'm driving back I've just mentioned the last episode as some people might know had issues on YouTube and I'm not sure why it was just a YouTube Problem I remember when I uploaded it it said it was taking longer than usual to process processing just means the video is going into like HD you know it's doing some copyright checks all of that kind of thing it's in my place ads or whatever it's doing right it says all of all the different things that YouTube needs to do before the video can kind of be ready to go out to the public and it usually takes for an hour long video for me it could take anywhere between 10 and 15 minutes it's pretty quick for some reason it was taking multiple hours so very unusual it uploaded correctly I didn't see anything wrong with the video file um but when it uploaded when it eventually said processing complete I noticed that it was like yep it's 1440ps oh God it's 1440p over on um PC I even checked it on my TV beforehand I always do that I don't know why it's just something I like to do put it on the TV and see that everything's all good it's another way of kind of hearing the audio and just making sure I didn't mess anything up too crazily I don't watch the whole thing of course because it's quite long but I just kind of spilled through make sure everything looks fine everything's okay so all that was good and then I released the video and then I got a bunch of comments saying like oh it's only in 360p or I can't even watch it so I have no idea really why that is but apparently some people on mobile and I checked my own phone and it would it was only 360p on phones so really weird right it's something kind of out of my control now unfortunately I only noticed those comments maybe a few hours after it came out so it already had a several thousand views about two or three thousand I think at the time so I was like oh man do I re-upload it or what do I do but conventional wisdom on YouTube is once you've you know I'd say most I only get about six seven eight thousand views um per video at the moment sometimes it goes up to 10 after a while you don't really want to re-upload when you've already gotten about 3 000 um just because it can negatively impact how because a lot of people are going to be like well I've already seen it I don't need to watch this and then they might not see the next one in their um in the recommendations or sub feed or whatever so you always want to put a video out that people are going to watch not put stuff out that people don't watch that negatively impact things and they might might not get shown things again which is why you should like And subscribe and comment on videos and YouTube is like hey this person loves this we're definitely going to show them the next one or her anyways we're out here that's pretty much it that's all I wanted to mention about that so apparently now it's all fixed by the way I didn't make any changes but I just looked at it today and it's in HD even on phones so apologies for that I was telling people at the time like I can't re-upload it you're just gonna have to skip it oh nice we already have the modular engines ready we needed 500 we've got 504 excellent perfect all right great so that means we can now switch this to heavy modular frames so before I do that what we're going to have to do is build another storage container just somewhere here and then we're gonna have to go around and fish for yeah I've got an idea actually what I'll do is build an awesome sink and we'll just drain these other containers so we can empty them out and then I can load them up with the new ingredients to make heavy modular frames here we'll keep the overclockers in they should be able to bang them out pretty quickly so we've got a bunch of smart plating in here so we're just going to cut the ties with this send this straight in there power this on okay so we're just gonna sink all of the crap that's left in these yes there's like rubber in here so the way we could do that nicely also is just grab a belt and feed it into that one turn this off or break it off I guess is there anything in this one there's that's the rubber that's coming out that's fine and then there's nothing in that one because we just built it and there's Motors in that one okay so with the motors just grab these I don't know how we can get around to this nicely I guess we just go like this it's just all temporary all this horrible stuff is temporary so there we go so now I'm just feeding one container with all the other containers stuff and that's going into an awesome sink so that's just to do that in the background while I'm gonna go and pick up um some encased beams so over on the right well actually what I can do only just learn this in between episodes but you can type in a recipe for something so let's say we want to build heavy modular frames and we can see the two different recipes here this is the one I'm gonna go with so let's add it to our to-do list I'll edit the to-do list and then we can see Heavy modular frame one so what I'll do is just type in 100. because that's actually what's required for adaptive control units we need 100 heavy modular frames I crafted 20 at the beginning of the episode or just between episodes uh myself but we want to obviously just make a hundred in the background now instead of me clicking that button for ages and getting so much of that stuff in the inventory together there's so many screws that you need um so let's see what we need for it is 500 modular frames 1500 steel pipes 500 in case the industrial beams excuse me and 10 000 screws so let's go and get those just bring them here load them up into these different um containers excuse me and we should be good to leave this automated semi-automated in the background for a while I want to do really quickly is our screws are flying off horribly into that train station platform up there and that's the thing we're going to work on today and make that look a lot better not just look better but also be more efficient for the future so just gonna run up to the top floor of this building this is our new screw Factory and this is where we're storing our screws in here and in here and I'm basically just going to sever the ties here do I have screws on me I do but I'll just do temporarily is just throw them in there pick this stuff up all right cool uh yeah this stuff doesn't really matter I guess I'll just up the there pick that up all right cool does it make sense in a minute this is just to get things moving all right cool so that's just gonna store up we need ten thousand screws and we're making 900 a minute so it shouldn't take too long to get them but I'll come back for this area later what I'm going to do now is just build a truck drive over there and pick up the other things we need so don't have what I need I do good I'll just load this thing with fuel I have a real problem accessing sometimes the um workbench there we go all right cool all right we'll just drive over to our Steel factory it's just the one right in front of us not too far to go loaded up with encased industrial beams and steel pipes of which we make plenty here to be honest we could even take the automated wiring that we need we need 750 for the adapter control units later so while I'm here I might as well get them uh we'll park this outside of the little manufacturing temporary little area I have now the reason I want to do this is just because I'm going to be building and while I'm building I might as well be progressing right so even though it's not building a factory to do it we're still going to be progressing towards um getting the next tier done so might as well do it in the background if we can rather than you know two birds with one stone kind of it only takes a little bit of time up front to do it so what do we need we needed 500 so one two three four five let's take just a little bit extra load that up into the back here well actually let's just go inside so what else do we need 1500 steel pipes it's 4 800 here so I love this because it just shows you exactly like how much you're getting and then there's automated wiring down here I'll just grab all of that so what I need 750 is actually quite a lot because they're only stacks of 50. okay yeah I don't need any extra of that because I'm not going to be using it all right cool got everything we need so now we can just leave and drive over to the other place and let the truck do the work of loading and unloading these things into their respective am I crazy or is it is this not supposed to be it just that little box there and it just says drive truck this is probably another hotkey or something I'm not aware of right just to access the inventory I can't seem to get it let me just straightened the truck out and then go to the back of it the Explorer one is pretty straightforward and easy to do there we go it's right at the bottom uh so yeah just drop all of this stuff in that's fine pick up my boxes again and away we go anyway here so the idea with this train station is it looks really bad not just visually but it's not the most efficient in terms of the way things are getting up there so I want to make a truck train depot where we'll have truck stations all below that feed up to the train above and it should be easy to expand that's the My Hope anyway with it um so just before I load this any further again sorry about all the Box making but just kind of have to do it we have such a chaotic inventory foreign actually I do need those and maybe these so the industrial beams because there's not that many of them I'll put them into this box oh no no at least I brought too many I forgot it's still unloading it's this one not that one this one yeah this isn't connected to anything let's put that there all right so this box will eventually just connect up to that don't need to do that just right now this one is now empty as well so let's just cut this away good so we're just emptying out the last little bit there there's still some smart plating in that one okay so actually because we have uh Industrial in case beams with us I'll just take 100 really quickly feed that in there feed that in there get these back no big deal uh actually I do need a tiny bit more so this truck station will feed into that that's not going to feed into a truck station we've already loaded it this truck station can feed into that one vice versa okay that's gone so that's emptied out now so now we can actually unload our trucks so what's in the truck right now there is 1800 steel pipe so it doesn't matter which one we go to just go to the one on the left I guess first all right so it's going to take the steel pipes all 1800 of them very quickly shove them into this thing shove them into there let's just turn on now let's change the recipe to heavy modular frame so the last thing we have and there we go we're feeding them in now I should have just picked up that extra stuff yeah so just while this is like my sort of Bin and I'll put the encase beams back in here and I should still be enough I think all right cool so a bit messy I know can I build another one of these no I need plates and rods plates and rods so I'll just leave these here temporarily because that's not going to be till later and we can take everything else back cool alrighty so the last thing is to go over just over there and pick up the modular frames and then the screws so modular frames is a real quick one the screws is going to require loading this bad by up at 10 000 so it's quite a lot and we'll just run up to the top of that factory to do it and that's us making heavy modular frames in the background once we've made our 100 we switch it to Adaptive control units and once we've made 100 of those then we're able to progress to the next tier simple as so again boxes okay so we needed we needed 500 and we had 522 here nice just about got it all right that's loaded up give me my stuff back all right we'll just drive back load this for the second last time and then drive up to our Factory and pick up those screws okay that's the modular frames deposited just to make sure that worked okay yep there we go so let's just hook that up as well is there anything left in this one that's now empty so we got rid of all that stuff as well which is nice just get rid of that though cool all right it's just the screws I dropped the screw in the tuna if you know where that's from I like to think you're a 90s kid I guess all right so just to make this easy I'll probably just load up my inventories as much as possible jump down and throw it into the truck because I'm not going to build a station for this even though there is quite a lot of material so I'm just going to again boxes Galore still have yeah let's just pick up the um I need actual jetpack fuel just take that with me really want to double up this Factory now because we're going to need a lot more screws like the screws I'm taking them away from the Circuit City basically Now by cutting that connection so we can easily just double up this Factory it's no real problem in doing that it's gonna just mirror the other side and then we'd be making 1800 screws per minute which is a pretty good amount but again we could always do more and do better but for the stage that I'm at in the game I think it's as good as it gets how much is in here 6400 so there was one two there's only two and a half thousand in that one really so we have about 8 800 so not quite everything I need but pretty much we should be able to make most things on might have to make a little trip a little later on to do to finish that off not too concerning though all right that's loaded up all right last trip then I'll get rid of some of those recipes off the right side of my screen we won't need them anymore I actually have some heavy modular frames as well which is good from when I made them last episode all right and the load and unload rate of these things are so fast when you think about it like that was just six seven thousand just straight away eight thousand okay and in it goes so now if this is still powered on yes there we go we're making heavy modular frames so at five per minute and we need a hundred that's gonna be 20 minutes until we get our hundred and we have to change this so I might just set myself a little timer just to remember to come back here that'll be kind of a cool feature to have in game not that you ever really need it but I'll set a little timer and I'll come back then when we need to so now we can just Mark that off the list that is switching to heavy modular frames a little bit of a manual kind of thing I had to do there but not not that big of a deal so now we're going to get to the main meat and potatoes of the episode building the large truck and train station I'm just going to also remove um holding shift left click to remove the recipes on the right side of the screen just to make the UI a little cleaner there we go so balance Circuit City switch on heavy modular frames and now we're building our large truck and train station so don't really need that anymore anymore we'll just leave it here this has all the stuff in it we need so we've got loads of concrete in here and also silica I went and picked up some silica from this Factory up here that's where we're making silica we made that a long time ago still haven't explored like 90 of the map but I have big plans for this area up here I was having a good look around uh and I'm aware of certain things in the middle of the map from having a look around as well so um oh my God yeah whoops I forgot that's what that box was doing I just saw it there and thought get rid of it sorry for that let's just store that stuff just pick this stuff up and just put that back in there sorry there we go is that better so that should be 750 right one two three four five six seven fifty yep great all right let's go uh anyway what was I saying oh yeah so the plan in the future really is that once we hit this Milestone and get to the next tier with the space elevator my plan from then on out is really to build a massive smeltery with super long trains well I you know I there's always something that's going to make things bigger better longer so when I say super long I mean compared to everything I've built there was a comment saying like oh man you said that it was a big Factory but nothing you've built so far is Big really and it's like yeah I guess but like it they're big for me you know I'm following the progression of the game I don't really look outside of the game too much um you know I see what other people build they build incredible things but I actually don't look at like Mega build projects very often I kind of look at aesthetic builds more than anything um but for me this is the biggest project I've done so following the natural progression of the game if you're following it too along with me these are Big projects you know and you just gotta take it that way nope like I haven't seen what's in tier seven and eight especially eight I haven't seen anything in tier eight so I don't know the volume of goods I'm gonna need I'm I'm aware though everyone says you're going to be tapping like many many deposits to get like just like the items required to make like the simplest things so I I get it but you know I'm still allowed to say it's a big Factory if it's big for me but once we get to proper end game stuff then I guess we could say now we're building huge Factory say gigafactories all right so we're up at this train station so basically I want to do this in phases to do this properly so I'm just going to only really focus on concrete to start off with so I might empty out my inventory get it with just concrete and build the sort of framework and structure for this place and then get rid of these pillars and things so that's what I'm going to do now I don't know how much of this stuff I'm going to be cutting out but I guess I'll try to cut out as much mundane stuff as possible um really quickly I'm just going to go back up here sorry for hopping around so much I get distracted when I'm talking but yeah I'm just going to build these personal boxes again get rid of some stuff I don't need and talk about the plan here that's fine let's just pick up the concrete's left in the car isn't it yeah okay I'll run down to the car in a minute but um yeah the plan is going to be to start with a platform that's just one hmm I think one Foundation further down now actually this Foundation here should be good and we'll build with that in mind okay uh yeah so let me just head down to the car I'm gonna get the concrete and I'll come back up and start deleting things alrighty so I basically just cut away all of the conveyor belts and the pillars and everything that kind of leads over towards that station platform over there from the screw Factory so I'm on the fourth floor here this is where we make our screws I'm basically going to use this as the height for the road so this is going to be asphalt I guess I'll just use the material asphalt like this and there's gonna be a road people have told me you should go with three across rather than two at the very least so we'll do three I think that makes sense uh I'm basically just gonna Zoop it all the way out this way and this is where trucks are going to come by right so this screw Factory is going to have a truck station built into the Upper Floor there is one on the bottom floor that drops off stuff this will be an upper floor one that picks up these screws and then we'll deliver it over to the station and from here this will be a point where hopefully it's neat if it's needed in multiple recipes uh multiple trains can come by and pick that up so um yeah this is a pretty good height to work with because it actually leaves quite a lot of Headroom in there to make it look a bit somewhat half decent now I actually experimented in between episodes with building curved roads like curving this around and under there and while you can do curved roads it's it's a pain in the ass to do um pardon my French but you could do it two ways you can use little barriers to just like curve it this way this way this way and just keep doing that every time you push out a foundation so it just like slowly curves around but it can look a little finicky there's another way of doing it as well that I've seen online where people build out like this so you build a um a road barrier like here let's say like that something like this and then I think you just connect a foundation here so just cut this for a second and then build it all the way out and if you make these like small little connections you can kind of get this like Spiral effect going on and then you cut away all of this and you're left with at the very end kind of a more seamless curve kind of um I did experiment with it I just don't think until curves are naturally put in the game or if you want to mod it that's fine I don't think I'm going to use curves I'm going to use kind of hard right angles or at the very least like now I'm going to use these ones 45 degree angles so it's going to do this sort of strange looking little sharp turn I guess and turn into things but it'll keep things looking or it makes patterns on the road look a little nicer and things like that so that's that's mainly why I want to do it but I just wanted to let people know that I did think about it I did play around with it I'll throw up a screenshot of actually what I built and I'm sure like people might think it looks better but making a truck go around it and trying to put patterns on the road I just feel like it gets messy really quickly for very little gain um so yeah all right so I'm just gonna build this straight out somewhere like here so this should be now parallel to this yeah good all right cool oh man that looked awesome the little sun rising there Okay cool so this is where our Road's gonna come in foreign okay cool so next up is gonna be designing our first sort of actual truck stops like where the first one's gonna be so do I have what I need for it actually I don't think I do I think I probably left this stuff in the car all right so I'm just gonna run downstairs grab the materials needed to make our trucks uh truck stations I should say and then we're gonna put in like three four five or whatever start laying them out that way all right so I just had a quick run over to our old factory there where I picked up some modular frames of course I'm really low on them now because we're just thrown 550 into the manufacturer that's making heavy modular frames but while I was over there I walked past here which is the third floor of the screwfactory had this old Runway where I had two truck stations or I think I yeah I can't remember exactly I think it was two truck stations where I was picking up screws so I might put the old truck stations back and just feed this road out and up to the left onto our little Highway here um just thought I would mention that it would be pretty seamless to kind of reinstate it the way it used to be I need to work on the signals up there because that's that train stops while the other train is in there and they don't really need to do that anyways to continue on with this build I'm gonna make ourselves a an awesome shop and we're gonna get some of the New Foundations for the quarter pipe packs the half foundations the Corner House just gonna get all this stuff why not quarter pipes definitely quarter pipe extensions and half foundations I'll get that double ramp set as well that people wanted me to get before I'll save the rest just in case I want to get something else in future but let's just buy these and the reason I want to get these is because they're actually pretty good for helping trucks if we just go to the foundations panel so we can see we've got half foundations now which are exactly like what you think they would be if we just build one we can see that on one side it looks like the regular concrete foundation on the other side it looks like the bottom of it so it's kind of an interesting you can get a blank concrete wall this way if you wanted to I mean you could have done that before I suppose with the regular Foundation but you can half it now if you wanted to I've also got the double rounds that's what people told me to build before instead of like building on the bottom of it like I was doing before I was using I was trying to use an inverted ramp and a regular ramp to kind of make that but you just can just get it straight up but the things I'm really excited about are these the quarter pipes and the inverted pipes and all of this stuff this is because for trucks they can often get stuck on things now when you're not looking at them not really they tend to just do what they're supposed to do but otherwise they why can't I um put this down somewhere there we go that's all I wanted to do anyway the nice thing is like it's a nice smooth ramp so they're not going to really get stuck on stuff too much so what I'm going to do is find the this one yes and we want to build this very carefully now so one two three four and five I think something like here and then another one next to it we'll color this asphalt or make it asphalt I should say so now if a truck is driving by and it needs to pull into the left it has a nice smooth kind of ramp to kind of use to get in there yeah cool all right that's the perfect distance so I need to just get speaking of distance get some distance back on it and see where we're going to start this so start here we'll come in and I guess right here is where we'll start Okay so what I'm going to do is grab the quarter pipe rotate it around build two across get our first one of these attach it on we're gonna leave a gap of one two and have that just there perfect and have that come out so hopefully it's kind of coming together the idea behind this at least for me is that a truck if I am the truck and I'm driving in here and I need to turn I can just like kind of smoothly hit into this and not really like get stuck or Flip or any problems or anything like that should just smoothly come in there hopefully and the trucks they should be in the middle so let's get that truck station done now so something like this we want it to be between the two foundations and about if the half point of a foundation is there we want it to be tucked in one so I was looking at the edge of the blueprint by the way there so I was looking at this port part of the um thing right here yeah so actually we can see it right now right so that line it's not in the center it's one back that's a good reason for that it's because I want this to jut out over this just a little bit so we can still feed it in from behind but we can build a wall here so that we don't necessarily kind of see it so also what we could do is get another one of these put it right there and then what we can do is use the half foundations to be stacked on top now these could be concrete I think let's do regular concrete coated concrete might actually be kind of cool let's just have a look at it oh I don't have the plastic I need well I'll just make it concrete then for now and maybe I could dress it up later when I get the plastic um so we'll just rotate it around no it doesn't seem to want to fit properly stand up here so which side yeah I don't want I don't really like that look by the way that Square in the center of the concrete it's fine on the ground but on the wall it would be a bit weird so I'm going to rotate it this way and just put it down like that so then it's just this like concrete wall okay and we'll do vertical go up pretty much as high as we can alrighty something like that so then the next piece we need piece of the puzzle will be the outer Corner extension four and we'll just make that concrete as well cool now what I'll probably do with this is make it steel to make it look a bit different but this is just to get everything down and in place first to block it out as it were so you can see what I'm going for now we're not necessarily going to go up this high I'll put a roof on it probably before that but this is the idea all right let's get walls now so basic wall all right let's see what that looks like okay and let's just match it on the other side so we can get a better feel for this and then I'll color it a bit different or I say color I'll put different materials on it now I keep doing the wrong thing default there we go oh satisfactory why do you do this to me all right nice and then the rest of the concrete I'll have to go pick up some steel because I don't think I have any with me and the timer went off by the way so our heavy modular frame should be basically done all right let's just get some distance have a look at that so that's kind of the idea right just this smooth curve in and out and then we have three lanes here right so this this and this is the main road and then trucks that are turning have a whole Lane to kind of come in and guide in to this spot which basically extends all the way out here so even if they're just like here they'll get their package and they'll keep going and we're going to do this every two blocks I don't know why I've decided that could be every one block I suppose but I just think two gives enough space to let trucks get back onto the the path they need to now I don't know if it's going to really work like if they're going to bump into each other mess things up I'm hoping not it should be okay seems like a lot of room for recovery if they do kind of bump into each other a bit um so yeah that's the idea we're just going to put another one down like here same sort of thing as we go out and out and out let me just see do I have any Steel in my inventory no all right I'm just going to run over grab some steel come back over here and show you then almost the sort of finished look of what I have in mind for how this is going to look alright so I'm back I've got some steel with me so I should be able to complete what I want to do here so um let's have a look so basically with walls I'm going to get a basic wall of Steel just like this and Boop it right there we're gonna do the same somewhere about here uh just to keep things even on the other side just to complete the look there we go so we have a little bit of Steel in place then what we're going to do is go with grip metal foundations something like that for steel pillows just kind of get rid of this bit it's not needed all right starting to take a little bit of shape get a little bit of character but there's more to come let's go like this I don't know if that's going to look a bit too weird maybe I always go concrete wall there what I did actually think of doing as well was putting a little doorway here I thought it looked pretty cool but it means shifting this over that's kind of like off center then I don't know it's a bit weird uh like this would be a bit embedded into the thing let me just try it though again and if you guys really think that looks better maybe maybe I'll change it why can't I do this oh it's because I'm not in materials there we go let's do that the other thing would be yeah I'm getting ahead of myself so let's just fill in the wall properly first so something like that the other idea then would be to get the foundation not the foundation sorry the frame wall and stick them in here so you can have it sinking into the wall or kind of jutting out a bit I want it jutting out and that way it kind of looks like it's supporting things there we go something like that let me get this all right cool it's looking a little bit better now a little bit more character to it um So the plan for this part of the wall is actually to put like a big TV on it actually that's something else I have to get in the awesome shop I don't know if I've ever gotten it before customizer is it uh no it's organization I think um I can't quite remember where it is let's just go architecture that's our organizations there there we go oh I have it I did get it oh cool I just don't think I've ever made one I don't think I have what I need to make them actually I need some copper sheeting oh I actually have that just over in the other place but yeah the idea is going to be not to put that one's huge but that one right there as like what's coming into the truck station and then maybe like um one or two or three or four or whatever a few little square ones on the left um but yeah let's just try to put this truck station down again really quickly and see like would this be better served if it was just leaving a little space I suppose the easiest way to see this actually is to do something like this get the walls get the door wall turn it that way so we'd have to have room for that door or I could cut this away and have a door on the right side which is what I initially kind of thought might look cool but then it kind of messes with like the whole ramp you'll just have like a ramp kind of jutting out if you've got just like a solid wall coming down here so it's like yes I could have a door right there it'd be kind of cool it's like a little service door next to the truck station but then the ramp doesn't really kind of make sense in that place um so I'll put that back I just wanted to talk through some of the ideas you know I had there about this stuff so it would look like that and then the truck station I never actually tried this though yeah it's not gonna work really I mean I can put it on the ground first so it sinks in like that so don't worry about it being raised I'm just trying to think about how far over to the right it would be yeah I just don't I don't know I don't like it plus I don't think I'll ever really need the door there I'm just trying to make it look more like an actual Factory would I feel like you would have like I'll have access to it at the back so don't don't be worried about that um okay so trade truck station again just put that back where it should be which is between these two spots and then we just push it back to the halfway point which is there and then one more oh I was way too far out whoops cool all right it's back um so the other thing I also thought that would be kind of cool was using glass hex frame windows I actually think they look better than the foundation things or the um whatever they're called but the problem is they clip when you get really far away if you go far away they actually look fine even here but I noticed if you go really far away and you look you start to see this like flickering I know I'm really picky but I just can't handle that so it's a tiny thing but they look so good it looks like really good supports but unfortunately that flickering means it's a no-show no go for me all right anyway so I'm happy with that happy with that that's where our station is so what we could do I also picked up some colors there are some patterns I should say so let's go this would be like zero and one something like that as one of the loading Bays we could have some like arrows creeping in and some dotted lines around it or something just trying to think do I need anything there I guess more of these would make sense yep and then we could just color it I don't know just clear black probably mostly so that's the idea but I have to put a roof on it still so still got to work on that um now on the other side the plan is to have really nice looking Windows hopefully the whole way up so the idea was just these windows that go all the way up that's why I picked up that silica and then we'll put the roof on top of it so then another thing would be the road barrier here it's just concrete again starting around here zooping it zooping it all the way out and then we can put the railing above it foreign alrighty so there we go so we've got a wall of five I think full frame Windows just all the way down maybe now and then I'll make some little pillars or something but for now I like it just being a giant window on this side and then you know further out as you approach it you just have this like nice clear glass paneling on the way in that little bottom bit that sticks over the edge I was thinking of running a steel steel beam all along the side of it um I don't know if I could do that right now just see what that would look like yeah something like that maybe could even double it up it seems to be starting at a point where it's like not exactly where I'd want it to be I guess you could do something like this and then just another one under it would that look weird inside it would look fine it would just look like looks really good inside but outside it's like yeah there's a double thing going hmm I'll think about it um not too sure 100 on that yet just to kind of clean that up and make it look a bit more natural but it's just because of the race platform I'm adamant about keeping the race platform I just like it I'll need to figure out some sort of stairwell that goes upstairs or downstairs as well on this side so I haven't done that either yet so that's just another one of those things but let me think about it all right so we've got this in place this is like our first one and there's gonna be like four or five of these so every two Junctions so like this we just have another thing here and then basically just copy these and this would go up just like that right no big deal so that's the idea is just copy and paste that basically over and over she could copy and paste it but you can't but for now what we'll do is put the roof on holy he's coming straight for the windows Jesus Christ all right um flat roof start flat roof on this side tilting the thickest part out to the outside all the way down that way it's just rotated itself because of course it has the game wants me to fail but I'm literally too good all right let's just do that good so that's the first part of the roof stage one stage two bend it thickest part facing the outside as well that's a four meter tilted roof that we picked up a while ago in the awesome shop totally fine let's get the flat part do it three times over now in the center at least three maybe four actually yeah is it three or four actually I'm not too sure if it's four we can rotate might look a little nicer that way then yeah then we get the curved one again unfortunately curved roofs don't let you tilt them down so I'll have to just start from the other side starting from this side not from the half Foundation that messes everything up start from this side foreign there we go once one's done it's okay so if you have a look at that it leaves this little kind of Gap bit up here so we could just extend the the roof up a bit or I could just leave it I mean it doesn't really feel like it's terribly noticeable I don't think it's really a problem I'll just leave it for now maybe you could just extend this up further right the wall of further that might look a bit weird or the concrete pick on the inside could just go up the floor um let's just see what that would look like really quickly if I can just somehow fly up there just a bit uh all right I'm in yeah not a fan of that I'll probably just leave it I don't really mind all right cool uh yes that's pretty much the way it's gonna be the whole way around so let's just extend it down I thought about basically bringing it in from this point but it's it makes things a bit off the plan here is to have ceiling lights either side and they're so big that they need if you want to have one on this side you'll need one on that side now I could just have the one if I was to cut this and this was to come further like from here you could just fit one I suppose down the middle but I like the idea of having two so just that's the reason for that but you know always open to a little bit of experimentation but for now this seems to be the way I'm happy to do it just keep that moving out that way so let's just get the flat ones now to go in between they should auto rotate based on the one you look at so no more worrying about that now I actually ran over as well to the screw Factory and picked up some of the copper sheeting so we should be able to even put in the little Billboards just to see what they look like this is what we've got so far so we have this sort of little tunnel thing going on looks kind of cool a little different so here we are organization small billboard it's called small but it's actually pretty huge the large one would actually fit right there but I wouldn't even know what to put on it to be honest so um if you have ideas maybe we could put that there instead every two gaps or whatever so something like right there and then I get another one the squares I don't have one I need for a square reinforced plates I do have that it's just over there so I'll just leave it but you get the idea a couple of square ones will go in there Shenanigans again don't know what this will say but it'll be like you know screws deposit or something maybe the amount that's coming in here per minute that's that I know should be coming in here for a minute uh that'd be kind of good to actually just keep track of everything that comes here and that every time I add a new station to the truck stop I can then update the number um yeah so is that pretty much it I guess then there's just this bit here is that bit there and that's it so that is our standard truck stop right that's one truck stop on this whole route so just really quickly let's just get the patterns let's maybe get the dotted line Center dotted line it's going to be going this way straight down that way and that's where the rubber meets the road quite literally we'll have to figure out how that's going to look in fact this probably be a t-junction because it's going to be a road that goes out this way to collect from the quick wire and the cable so probably like a collection station there that comes up from both of these places drives up gets up onto the road and then deposits it in its appropriate station all right let's just finish this bit off here I don't have to figure out a walkway that probably will go underneath not above actually underneath yeah that'd make more sense because we are raised up pretty high here there's definitely room below us to do different things as well all right cool so yeah lights that would be the next thing so there's going to be a ceiling light like here and another one there and that's just gonna pile along that way so what I'm gonna do yeah what I'm gonna do right now is basically now that you've seen how one of these is built just build the other ones but also actually maybe before I just do that we need the walkway around the back right that's why we've got all this room around the back that's where we can see this stuff and that's going to join up that's our lift taking the screws or well that's actually taking cable the one for screws where the hell is that one there yeah okay so I can always just adjust the train station a little bit upstairs if you want these to kind of feed straight up or they could go into a centralized box or something I'm not too sure how I'm going to do that just yet for now we could just clip these go all the way down that way and then build stairwells either side and kind of work out some of the stuff maybe storage below or above yeah not too sure okay we'll lead the way it doesn't really matter this will kind of be mostly hidden that's going to be like the back room walkway which is why I was saying we could have a little exit that leads out there uh so yeah so what I'm gonna do is just add on actually before I add on more I'm gonna make a run now we need to switch to acus so build a large truck and train station we can kind of say that that's it's not done done but you've seen how it's done and now it's going to be done behind the scenes the rest of it um before I then clean up the rest the next bit of the next stages of this will be done in a future episode I haven't decided yet exactly how this is going to finish off being how it's going to finish off looking um we of course have a railway running right above it and we're just going a little shy underneath that so maybe then another roof that comes out this way or something could attach make it look a little cleaner or something I'm not too sure I don't mind it just the way it is we could just leave it that way but it would look nice to have a few supports or something from this stick into the building below it but otherwise I do like the look of the the glass side the glass paneling looks good yeah so what I want to do now is I'm guessing we'll have a I'll just go right around to it right now foreign I've got a little bit but might need just a tiny bit more give some screws bring it to the manufacturer that way we can make the rest of the heavy modular frames we were a little short when I initially did it okay see how many heavy modular frames we've made and then switch it to adaptive control units and that's the final components for the next tier we made 88 so pretty good but not perfect so let's just dump the screws give me 500 please and that'll make the rest of them so for adaptive control units let's have a look and let's add we need 100 for the space elevator so adapter control is two let's go all the way up to a hundred so we need 750 automated wiring which we have here we need 500 circuit boards which I can go and get I have 100 computers on me so it's just the circuit boards it's the only thing I don't have with me so yeah I'll just drive up to Circuit City or maybe take the train actually thinking about it you just take a train get to Circuit City uh pick up some circuit boards and bring them back we need just 500. got the room in my inventory for that no problem so I'll just do that and pick up in a sec alrighty I have picked up the circuit boards picked up way more than I need actually I've got 1200 on me so just gonna run over grab these heavy modular frames and reorganize the boxes so we can start making adaptive control units then we'll head back up here and finish off making the I guess what do we call that like just truck slash train station Logistics station uh yep we've got a hundred boom let's take them in all right and then the automated wiring is just in a box somewhere else so guess what I'll do is I'll just pick these things up we'll just remove these belts pick this up as well and then we'll just put down the belts again fresh now that they're like empty that's empty as well and still lots of screws in here I don't know how did I I must have dropped too too many in here yeah I guess so yeah because I ran back didn't I Okay so let's go recipe adaptive control units finally here we go space elevator stuff let's get rid of this okay so it's been a long time coming so circuit boards let's just well it'd be nice to put in the actual appropriate amount so we needed 500 there we go so that's 500 circuit boards heavy modular frames needs one hundo it says 50 another 50. computers needs one hundo as well and then automated wiring needed 750 of which there is 750 in this box can't pick it all up at once though so just dump them in separately and there we go there we go so that should be everything we need to make a hundred adaptive control units we've got 500 modular engines 519 and then I've got way more than I need versatile Frameworks so in the next episode we'll launch the space elevator probably near the beginning have a look through some of the stuff there but ultimately I won't be actually progressing through those tiers for a little while we're gonna start getting all the materials together so it's not going to start building much bigger factories because apparently for these tiers we're just gonna need like lots of stuff so what I'm hoping and doing like I said is Gathering like ore from probably like 20 at least 20 ore nodes early on or something and um using a station like this or building another station like this to like bring all the trucks together bring all the all the trucks will bring all the ore to a station and then the trains will travel that ore all the way up to I'm hoping this place which is where I'm gonna build a mass smeltery uh in the next few episodes might take a while to do it I have no idea how I'm planning to do it but shouldn't be too complicated it's just smelting and then we distribute that or or we build other soda factories to come off the sides of it and do different things and see what we need really at that point all right so I've got plenty of material in my inventory I think I've got everything I need to just continue building these one after the other so I'm just gonna do that and just cut to when I've got like three four of them done the idea of having four would be we need quick wire cable screws and then one for at least loading and fueling the station uh the trucks themselves so I need something to distribute fuel to these other truck stations um so I'll have a route that takes so we make turbo fuel up whoops all the way up here so a truck will probably travel down and drop stuff off or a single train or something I don't know um either or doesn't really matter maybe training actually because I'm sure multiple places you're gonna need turbo fuel in the future um oh I don't think I picked up what I need to put the lights in but oh we need quick wire actually don't we let's go lose a quick wire right here it's flooding right past me so that should be no problem all right I'll just get to work so basically just copy and paste these pad them out uh for as many as I can do no harm having empty ones let's begin all right ladies and gentlemen there we have it five truck stations in a row now complete with ceiling lights some organizational Billboards in the background tiled little signage as well and the little road signs on the bottom so we've got some cut off points where you say hey don't be crossing over this if you can trucks are supposed to pull in into P1 P2 P3 Etc all the way down to the fifth one at the end um this stuff is kind of temporary well not temporary it's like if you have better ideas absolutely let me know in the comments uh I don't drive I feel like a solid line means you're actually never supposed to cross over it but in a factory setting I don't know it just kind of means like yeah this is separate right if you're on this side you should be loading or unloading and then coming off I don't know kind of you let me know what you think it could be I have no idea um but I think it looks kind of good either way though so far I'm happy to leave it as is but if you got better ideas then I'll try to implement them too so I've got the lights hooked up temporarily to This little light switch just here um it's on night mode at the moment so we can just toggle that off we can kind of see what what vibe I'm going for so I moved the roof over by one well kind of if you remember the glass windows here had a flat roof coming off of it so now I've actually got the tilt right here and then the four flat across and then the Tilt here so that way I don't have that Gap now above these different bits so that looks a little bit better but at the same time now the lights are kind of offset they don't go down the center of the road so what I could do is I could cut this bit of the platform just cut all that bit of the platform off put the dotted line along here because of course you could use the pattern for I suppose side dotted line I hate the way this looks like an L because that's not what it is but anyway it's just a side the the side corner is the L anyway it's an airline coffee stains part of my right all right so anyway something like that so you could paint that all the way down the center and have this bit be cut off and that way the lights would be in the center and it would leave even more room for trucks to kind of navigate once they're in here but the road on the outside is going to be a three lane so be a three lane that kind of cuts into a a four lane if you want to call it that you know like a four tile width plus the fifth On The Edge Plus the sixth if we count where they actually load and unload but that's basically what we got you know let me know what you think I think I might end up doing that I'm as I'm saying it as I'm verbalizing it it sounds like it makes sense uh all right so that's gonna be it for building this for this episode obviously more needs to come I need to get around to the back now and basically hook up the screws going up I need to cut this to make it look natural look make it look right I want to put some pillars on the bottom I think what I'm gonna do for pillars actually instead of using the big Square pillars is do this foundations the pipe one so we can make circular pillars now which look awesome so you can use the I guess there's no half one right it's just the corner quarters so you can do something like this down here I just can I snap that in yes we can snap it there vertical something like that so on and so forth you get the idea right so a little bit of effort putting them down but it looks pretty good once it's done I think these circular pillars uh there's an airport in Malaga in Spain that I've been to that have these pretty much to scale actually like this you can't there's no way you could like wrap your arms around it it's huge these huge pillars that lead up to um it actually just looks like a giant Warehouse it's actually not too dissimilar from what I have now but that's like Malaga airport I think I might be misremembering but it kind of comes off that way so if you look it up you might be able to see something like this it's kind of a brutalist looking thing where you have these giant pillars holding up a big concrete roof and then this vapid inside Warehouse like thing where everyone lines up to get there to do their check-in or whatever anyway yeah so having these supporting that now this might come down to another floor like I said it might do something underneath but supporting the road that leads into it and stuff could look really cool I think so I'll just leave that there for now let's just head over here really quickly and see what we got in the Box I'm excited to see if we got our 100 adaptive control units or if I made a mistake oh my god there it is 100 perfect um yeah just pick them up I'll drop them on the ground haven't looked at them actually just wait for the auto save all righty bump and there we go pretty much looks as you'd expect we have a little circuitry in there that's the circuit boards I guess the heavy modular frames giving it its structural integrity and so on what else was used to make it I can't even remember of course the Computing and then the automated wiring yeah adaptive control unit there she is alrighty so uh yeah that means I've got everything I need for the space elevator so in the next episode we'll ship it all up basically I'll just set up something like this again three boxes leading into the thing we'll watch it all flood in I gotta build it somewhere we used to actually have it where that screwfactory is I got to build it somewhere some people do really cool builds actually where they build like entire factories around they're just for almost the Aesthetics they're not even using it really but just have a big giant structure in the center can look quite cool all right that's gonna be it for this episode hope you enjoyed it a lot more building heavy uh and then kind of a little bit of busy work just progressing in the background I'm pretty happy with the progress so far I think this thing looks good especially when you get a bit closer and you can see inside the lights are on the Train's going up above and then we'll get the trucks flowing we've got something like 24 000 screws are backed up here now that we need to get the truck station working get them like delivering things in and out so we'll do that in the next episode all right that's gonna be it for me thank you very much for watching and I'll see you in the next one hey guys thank you very much for watching and remember if you want to support the channel directly you can click the join button to become a channel member doing so will get your name in the credits as well as loyalty Badges and emotes to use in the comments you'll also get exclusive access to my Discord where there's dedicated channels for each series on doing and it's a great place just to meet others and make some friends [Music]
Channel: What Darren Plays
Views: 60,260
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: satisfactory update 6, satisfactory update, satisfactory experimental, satisfactory new gameplay, satisfactory guide, satisfactory lets play, lets play satisfactory, satisfactory how to, satisfactory getting started, satisfactory what darren plays, satisfactory darren, darren satisfactory
Id: qA4_9hh48hI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 11sec (4091 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 22 2022
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