Transport Fever 2 for Complete Beginners - Freeplay Walkthrough Guide - Part 1

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everybody and welcome back I'm care X and let's let's see if we can make it a profiting transportation company in transport fever to now the couple of times that I've played this game I have been able to succeed in making a profitable company but no way am I an expert at these games so I think you know this is very much kind of like let a noob teach a noob some noob ideas right like you know let's that's basically what it is like maybe maybe I can be a stepping stone for some people to get into the game or excited about the game or feel more welcomed into the community or into the game so this is a game about running a transportation company that means planes boats trains trucks all these things and moving not only Goods and freight around like you know iron ore to the steel factory in and wheat to the bread factory but also moving people around and connecting cities together and from this you can grow the total economy but it's also like at the moment a moat the actual gameplay of the game yeah automatically you're moving stuff around but the gameplay the game is really about decision-making taking advantage of various opportunities and spotting basically profiting options like like business opportunities basically right so let's go into the free game here let's go into the free game here and let's we got temperate dry tropical these all can kind of create very different geological areas the tropical tends to be like island maps the dry has like canyons and mesas and all kinds of interesting things temperate tends to be kind of the standard map and I think for a first sort of look at making a profiting company this will be a good start however we could try one of the other ones in the future or you could try whichever ones you want I don't think any of them are particularly easier or harder the tropical one might be a little bit trickier because it might involve boats and things like that initially depending on how many how disconnected all the things are but let's start I have the number of towns set to high but I think everything else is basically just kind of medium that'll give us just a few extra towns on the map to kind of find a little bit more opportunity for maybe connecting things together and in a slightly easier way to give us a little bit of a little bit of the jumpstart me and you can start in any here one I think it would be fun to do some runs where we start in later years I've started in 1850 before I've started in 1900 before but yeah you kids you can basically start in any any of the available years and it does go past 2000 it goes to like you know it basically the time will run forever I believe and new technologies will be unlocked I think at least until 2020 maybe even a little bit further in the future than that so we have the game difficulties here easy medium card let's let's just stick with medium but if you wanted to move it too easy for your first time that's totally fine the funny thing is I didn't really notice a difference between easy and medium my first play was on easy and then when I played on medium I did better so I don't know it's it's kind of hard to say and then what we can do here though in here let's get rid of the custom settings what we could do is we can pick between the different vehicle options here we have the European vehicles we have the United States vehicles that we have or this is in vehicles this is also likely just the assets the general assets and and theming of the the town's stuff like that I've actually done I've done Asian European we could try just United States that being said you know again we can pick any of these and it's not going to be any easier or harder it's just going to be added flavor more reason to go back and play the game again so we'll do a temperate United States just a very sort of generic start here or our first run I'm noticing that OBS is absolutely freaking out while we're loading the game here so we'll see yeah we'll see how that went because I was talking in it and everything was just game the game really likes the game really has a hard time loading in and also exiting out and stuff like that but usually actually in the game it's not it actually seems to run for diesel and competitive you know considering how many things are going on this is just a medium map I'm actually kind of wondering what would we expect from like loading you know you can make a large and very large maps I don't even know if you can go beyond that you usually I don't think it takes this long so I'm thinking this is just like first time logo type thing and we're in now let's make sure we pause the game make sure we pause the game because we do have five million bucks but it's loan to us we don't actually start with any money so this is completely loaned and we have to pay that back and we're gonna be paying interest on that loan which doesn't count as payments to the loan so this is very different than like a city skylines where you take the loan and it just kind of gets paid back and you only ever really pay a thousand dollars on loan if we never pay this loan back we might end up paying like there's millions and millions and millions of dollars in interest and we'll probably end up playing thank you billion in interest to be honest before we get it all paid back that's just kind of how it goes so the loans in this game are they're beneficial in a sense that they're large amounts of money that can help you get things going but at the same time they are actual like real loans and you know there's that there's a cost to having them rather than just you know getting free money so we can actually look around here right we can see there's it there's it happens to be a town right near Columbia here and we can look and see the Columbia wants Goods and Rick or construction materials that's 104 residences and you can see that for the most part the city is just based on this screen right here we can see for the most part it's broken down evenly and in between sort of residential areas shopping areas and workplaces people have to go to work they have your own shopping and then you know they go home in between and it looks like actually traffic it's saying is very for I don't think this is updated quite yet because there's there's no way this is actually going to have that traffic and so it probably just hasn't quite done that initial updating there we'll probably have to run the game used to get stuck but you can see basically public transit you know it's marking how many destinations do these people have via public transit 0 again it has an update it looks like it hasn't even updated around the cars but basically fulfilling their needs for moving to different destinations for giving them more destinations these numbers will become positive which will grow the target population basically right now the target population is basically a hundred and it's being negatively affected by this but this just hasn't updated yet this this this will pop into play that's not a problem there not a problem there one thing I'm actually gonna do actually is let's move the date speed down to like a fourth actually you don't know we can keep it at one we can keep it on one X we're gonna play it a little speed though so the date speed is one way that we can slow down the progress of time because over time you get new technologies and sometimes it's kind of nice to reduce the dates with yeah we'll bring it down to a half we'll bring it down to that it's nice to reduce the date speed so that you can get more time with the current technologies and things aren't constantly like becoming sort of like out of date like as soon as you buy that train it's like a - you know 30 minutes later in-game all of a sudden you're like you know 20 years ahead of time and everything you have is like you know ancient technology so I kind of like reducing the ksb and letting things going to go to celery but it doesn't affect the ability to make a profiting or not dropping company in everything is instead of you know having quarter instead of having yearly reports you just have you know two times a year or you have quarterly reports basically it's how that goes but we can look around we can see that there's talents here here's Denver you know we have Fort Collins you know whatever right we can look around and see all these different different towns okay on the map and we can see what they need and how big they are and stuff like that by default but then there's also all these little factories around here that we never built we don't own this we don't own the machines factory we don't own the you know would be for the logging forest over here these are areas where we can get these materials to get moved to places that need them like I'm over here here we go over here we have a plank or a saw mill produces planks here we have wood we can move this wood over to here to make planks and actually get paid to move this over right we'll get paid for the transport but unless these planks get used somewhere unless they're needed somewhere eventually the sawmill doesn't want any more wood in the money that we invest in building a transit system transportation system between here and here is not gonna work so we have to be using everything that we're sending like like we're not weed but like everything that we're moving needs to eventually ultimately get consumed and the way things get consumed is the town right so it means you need to complete the loop so for in this case its its wood the planks and then we can take these planks and I'm just noticing that this machine factory needs planks but it's a little bit more complicated than that cause it also needs steel then we have to think okay well where's the steel and and how much does you know here's steel actually which requires you know the iron in the coal and so so technically right we could be making blanks here by shipping wood getting paid for that ship the planks down to the machine factory get paid for that and then move the machines into a town like Denver that actually needs the machines and get paid for that but also we'd have to be doing the iron the coal into the miss the old mill and then moving the steel down into the machine factory as well we'd have to be respecting ratios and stuff like that because for example the steel mill it's to iron and too cold for one steal these sawmill needs to wood for one plank we'd have to all be shipping that back to Denver and in this case then for only once 40 for supply although that wouldn't be expected to go up as the city grows and the city would be growing if we gave it the machine parts than it needs admittedly machine parts are one of the more plastic goods and machine parts like here we can see if this requires steel and plastics and plastics you know require refined oil which requires crude oil so this is something that is also a large chain getting the good stuff getting the goods up getting the machine parts up these are some of the more complicated systems in the game more simple systems would be like brick which is just stone to brick and then we could send this the brick through there we can actually look and see if there was stone by because that would be an actually a decent option but I'm not out here stone so what we could do is we could actually truck or train or whatever fly or boat right open it makes sense in this situation but we can move the stone from the Denver quarry over to the Denver construction materials plant the brick plant and move that to garland and we could actually be getting paid to do that oh alternatively here's this we have wood to here four planks planks into here four tools and then tools into Garland actually getting Garland up and going will be super easy and actually Garland's this a large city by default it's a large city that has a lot of demand for bricks and and tools so this could be totally a good economic opportunity right here because I'm seeing multiple chains then we could just easily be setting up the only thing kind of annoying about this is that this is kind of like we have to kind of move the planks past Garland to get into the tool Factory and then move the tools back in so it's kind of a kind of a weird like you know I mean we have to kind of like but the good thing is you get paid based on the distance to travel and speed that you were deliverin so so even though this is a far distance it doesn't mean it's not an opportunity to make some good money here's here's a situation - right Fort Collins wants bread and there's wheat fields around Fort Collins and then there's a food processing plant here to make bread so this is basically part of the game part of like I know we haven't even done positive we haven't built anything we haven't done anything that's because this is actually the game the game is actually spotting these different economic opportunities seeing how the things fell seeing where the industries are understanding here's goods to goods but the problem is we were just talking about how goods are such a well there's steal the goods which is good but then we'd have to think about the resources for the steel is way over here and how would we make the plastic right where's the plastic coming from I'm not seeing a plastic area anywhere in the way over here so that this is nothing in terms of proximity eventually that would be good money like getting that all set up would be really good money but for right now that's not exactly a good like cheap internal investment I feel we have a fuel situation here where we have a crude oil into refined oil into fuel and then fuel can be delivered into Toledo bag delete a fuel could also be delivered into Buffalo that's definitely looking pretty enticing that's who's city's right sort of sandwich aim the fuel refinery which the only thing that I'm worried about here is whether we'd have enough crude oil and I think for now we would and we have the other one over here that's really not that much farther away so we could totally get this going and then we could be moving these into Buffalo into Toledo respectively and the other thing that's interesting too about about fuel in an oil in crude oil is that these all use these all use essentially the same kind of containers so we can actually piggyback there's a situation where we might be able to use one train to deliver raw oil or crude oil deliver the refined oil and then come back and kind of do a triangular thing or even like potentially go through deliver and then I don't have like a single train line it's kind of like hitting all of these different notes which is kind of interesting so that's kind of cool so we just got to pick something right I'm just gonna pick something and go for it it seems like we have a good opportunity to get bred to Fort Collins I don't know that Brett's pretty much in the corner of the map and we would need to read in on Bay and we'd also need it in normally Oh so we have options here but I also really like just how simple some of these setups were I mean the funny thing is yeah that stones a little bit further away but but just simply trucking you know just just doing this as simple as it is this would make us some money the problem is a you know horse and carriage you know 1850 right horse and carriage isn't exactly the fastest means of getting things done this is definitely a little bit more proximal but it probably would be a little bit we probably would need to get a train to do that whereas when we probably want to train to do this - I don't know what the distance is there none of this is perfect right nothing's ever perfect but let's at least get this going let's let's get this trucking over to here and then let's get this probably initially trucking but then we could replace it with a train event or heck I don't know baby we just go in with a train it would just straight up going with a train and then we'll truck in the actual tools in hell or something like that okay let's think about how we'd actually do this so in the funny thing is we could actually go to the highway roads and we could actually make our own sort of Road connection here to try to optimize this path in a little bit that's gonna cost us 76,000 we got 5 million this one that's what we just did there is actually completely unnecessary but I wanted to be able to like kind of improve this a little bit and let's build truck depots at these two areas because we just talked about how we're going to be moving we're gonna be moving logs already here and then we'll need a Road Depot the road depot is where the actual trucks come from these Depot's are where the goods will get sent so the as long as this see how this highlighted here see how that's like highlighting that means that we're within range of the of the lumber camp the other thing that's actually really really good to get going initially is a public transit option so the larger towns like like especially the 200 pop towns that's plenty large we could easily be getting a bus line in there easily and which would be just a horse-drawn carriage but moving people around the cities is actually something that they do want and expect so that's something we could be looking at - that's 150 pop their Santa Rosa that's pretty good I think anything like over 150 pop would probably I making a pretty there's 200 for Milwaukee yeah so I think honestly Santa Rosa maybe even Denver because the funny thing is if we connected up Denver we could actually connect Denver's already connected so they should be getting in growth bonus when they when it calculates the connections that they have to Garland we could set up a we could set up a bus from Denver to Garland we could do that and maybe make money off that we could set up a train between the two if you wanted to - so there's a few different cities that I think will definitely want to get plus lines now I hate to say it guys well there's a little bit of there's a little bit of like a camera bug where if you know if you're doing something or something you kind of find yourself and like and it tries to take you off the map and once it takes you off the map and it's over but sorry about that guys so that we got stuck there a little bit of a thing that happens sometimes playing this game this will definitely make us money initially but the thing that I just really like getting the bus lines up is a lot simpler and cheaper a lot simpler a lot cheaper the public transit lines and essentially the funny thing is we're probably not going to pause here guys not gonna lie probably not going to implies in this particular episode because they just like playing it kind of reminds me a little bit when you're playing like you four hearts of iron across your kings or something like that right you spend a good amount of time just evaluating your ecosystem and that's essentially where you're gonna be able to find the opportunities and kind of know how to get these things set up in the first place right I think we notice that no logins for anything whatever knowing that this doesn't connect we could we could finish that connection right there we could totally just finish that and actually interesting that app originally I don't think that's in the game just like spawn bridges on that so I'm getting Depot's down here so we can feed the bus lines that we're going to go create and you can totally come in here and I'm just switching between the city it doesn't matter these are the highway orifices the city roads I'm not really sure if there's much about an actual difference there looks like it's actually wanting me that's okay that's fine we'll just continue that through because that might help us make better sort of bus loops and stuff then we can go here and we can go in and think about where it's the bus actually physically stopped see this is where a little goofy but one there one there anyone here or something I don't know I'm just I'm spitballing you guys if you're you there we go we have we have a right and then we can create a line and this is our Milwaukee bus Mill bus go over to the vehicle now that we've built a vehicle Depot we can go into here to buy our vehicles we can look and see by road vehicles we can see passenger vehicles and we can see cargo vehicles right now we only have one kind of vehicle it holds four people it goes 18 km per hour and we just have to think about okay how many do we want here each one it is gonna cost us over a thousand for a year it's not cheap we can easily expand this later this is a big city I think we could probably go to four that's a hundred thousand and it will send them on and then when we unpause these will come out of the depot and then they'll start sort of stripping them through this line and hopefully we'll get four is a little bit tricky but they have a little capacity so fingers crossed that we'll be able to to make a little bit of a profit off of that but I find that usually these little bus routes are kind of a good way to make kind of initial profit this looks like this is going to begin you can go to there and then we can kind of go to there and then we can kind of go in here this is for Santa Rosa so we can name this like Santa plus buy more vehicles a slightly smaller City isn't it and it's like let's go three four now you know if you know it's probably better to leave money on the table than to lose money on these lines and Santa bus okay good I think we are gonna try to sneak Denver although I'm noticing that there is kind of a road issue here so we might want to expand some of these roads a little bit just to kind of get something a little bit more sensible in there destroying homes is incredibly expensive because you literally have to the game is literally making you Hey or the property rights essentially right so destroying homes is not really like a viable a viable thing really this will probably be a lot better when it grows you know like heck I don't know maybe we just we've gone for buses and we've gotten three buses and this Denver right I think we could actually do as low as maybe two buses here when you call this a bus but hey you know 1815 came you it would the word bus you know isn't maybe maybe the bus was had to have been potentially used for this kind of transportation potentially even before actual motorized buzzes I don't know maybe maybe that word came about I don't know I don't know the history would stuff sorry guys been in a bit of a dude this area I'm just kind of and the funny thing is we're actually wasting money building these roads which you totally don't have to waste so there you go you know and we're still hopefully gonna have a profiting company but we're still wasting some some money here making some of these connections and stuff this one we could probably do I'm kind of expecting this particular city to grow relatively rapidly so I do want to have these kind of more on the edges but maybe we'll just do the three stops that gets everybody is even some overlap between them so it's kind of weird because it's like well why don't I give them why don't people just walk so people just want to use the public transit it's it's goofy but was this garland or something like that called karpas who's there right or wrong about that yeah garlic yeah I kind of remember I'm so let's let's we could probably go up to three here because adding these connections is instantly going to help the city grow though and we'll see how that works so basically what I'm doing here is right I'm selecting all the vehicles we just purchased that are inside this Depot I'm telling them to go to car bus and then they'll go to our bus when we pause technically we could probably unpause right now and make a decent amount like let's set up with cargo line let us set up this cargo line and this will be wood wood truck one more truck one this will be just reminding us this this was the first wood truck line that we have put together and then we can go into here we go cargo this time you can hold all kinds of cargo only for capacity and we can see they're quite slow so the reality of the fact is we're probably and they need like 20 of these things on this line which is going to be a huge amount of cost and honestly the truth is I don't even know if that's even going to be enough of these vehicles but we're gonna have just a string of constantly trying to deliver wood to here we're gonna take two of those I mean that's a thing too is we take each one of these is only gonna make one each deliveries only gonna equate to one plank and then one plank will become one tool and then one tool will become I'm looking to sell seventy to zero you know what I mean it's crazy it's actually crazy in fact to get those 70 tools delivered and such right we're going to need there we're definitely going to need a set up a train so here what we do is we do the truck station again that's going to collect the tools when they're making it's going to automatically move over there because those are linked and then we're gonna have to come in here and figure out okay where is the where is the actual truck stop gonna be to deliver the tools again we're looking this is like a bus stop but for freight trucks that's kind of a main drag so it's really not ideal to have him here also I'm thinking about the busses how the buses are going to going be going around we interesting to see so we'll need to actually get a trucking line to actually go into there but that'll be and we could set that up now right we could set this up now because it's kind of built but we don't have those buy any vehicles for it yet because it's gonna run us drive if we hit this going to early before we actually have tools being made but we could call this this is Garr local tools so it's like a local the local delivery the end stop end point the local delivery of tools because we need to get an actual plank and then we'll set up a train but guys let's take a pause in this episode thank you so much everybody cuz it because honestly next time we will run the game next time we'll get the train up and we'll hit play and booyah I think we'll be able to actually make them make a little bit of a profit here so thank you so much everybody for sort of hanging out well we're sort of setting up the infrastructure we're making a successful company in transport favor too and hopefully in Episode two will actually notice or will actually sort of realize that that dream of making a successful company so thank you so much everybody I will see you guys in the next one
Channel: KRX
Views: 35,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Transport Fever 2, Transport Fever, Transport Fever 2 guide, Transport fever 2 tutorial, Transport Fever 2 successful company, Making a sucessful company in transport Fever 2, TF2 guide, succeeding at TF2, 1850 start in TF2, 1850 start in Transport Fever 2, Lets play, Let's Play, Lets Play Transport Fever 2, Transport Fever 2 gameplay, Transport Fever 2 walkthrough, Transport Fever 2 for complete beginners, Transport Fever 2 sandbox, Transport Fever 2 freeplay
Id: iq9aGBpEnUE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 50sec (1730 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 09 2019
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