Transport Fever 2 for Complete Beginners - Freeplay Walkthrough Guide - Part 2

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hello everybody and welcome back to some more transport fever to where we are basically thirty minutes in and we haven't even unplugged the game yet which is kind of goofy but there you have it so what we're doing is we're trying to set up a tool line or initial sort of income we also have a bus line setup and I believe the four largest cities on the map although there's some other cities that we could probably if we noticed that these cities that we've set up for a property we could try to stretch out and take advantage of some of the cities there just under about 150 pop so basically what we're trying to do now and I said that we're done pause this time but before we unpause let's actually get our first train going because we're actually I think it's going to be worth it to train the planks over to the tools but it's going to only need to be I mean you know the initial trains are a little bit slower and don't have quite the capacity and stuff like that so we need to make sure that that this whole you know that everything and really balancing right balancing is is just a huge part of this game they're just thinking about where is this train going to lie that technically will get us okay in here that's showing that there's a connection to the depot and to the link sawmill the sawmill there we go we have our first station here let's go build another station on the other side one of these we probably didn't need to make this a 160 meter but that's okay this is a little bit of kind of I just want to see if that that will connect so I think what we want to do actually is I want to bring this road out of it you can connect off of this that's actually you know that's kind of far but it's still highlighted so this is gonna be a connection point in there there so there we go now we just need to build the track which is pretty easy to do and you know just keeping in mind how much this is costing us when the number goes really high it could be because you're trying to you know because you're trying to go up a steep hill or create a bridge or a tunnel or something like that but typically track is relatively expensive in the grand scheme of things but but compared to like a bridge or something not very but I really compared to building a road or just building the stations and stuff the track does add up I mean we probably spent a half a mil on the track right there right so it definitely adds up but it wasn't you know much compared to like you know this Depot that's going to cost us thirty two thousand to actually be able to buy the trains in the first place the train will probably be rather expensive so we can we can keep that in mind so we do need a Depot just like we need a Depot for our trucks we need one for trains and that'll get us sort of that'll get the trains going into here and the funny thing is I don't know let's not actually let's unpause the game let's unpause the even let the chaos unfold here in fact I'm actually gonna go up to speed or what we could do is we could buy the train but I believe it'll start costing us money if we buy the train but we can take a look at buying the train every second the thing is there's nothing to train right now there's no bricks there's no planks to move back and forth we could what we should do and we'll let those trucks kind of distribute themselves right now while we do this and this is going to be a tool or sorry this is gonna be a plank line a plank train there we go that's the plank train so just this station this station so that's what the trains going to do if we assign it to that line but really it's going to take a while for these to basically distribute themselves through this system and it will be interesting to see like the line of horse-drawn carriages here right is this going to be we want this to kind of be spaced just like this right we want this spacing but we want them going both directions like we just want them continuously delivering wood as fast as they can we haven't said any of these up we actually have people waiting at this stop right here there we go we have seven people waiting at this stop let's go let's go that's awesome so this actually might actually be making us money when we when we deliver the people here this might actually you can see that we're going to be three and these things are still going pretty slow so presumably when this when this buzz it's over here we'll actually be able to make a little bit of money it looks like it's doing it on to save here so it's taking a second there we go here we go we can do this we can do this how much are we gonna make delivery people the other side of town I don't know how many people are actually gonna get off here look like only one or two people actually gone off there hmm looks like a full load got off there so these vehicles are know we'll see if that's if that's running that's running enough people we might make a profit we might be losing money on that we'll just have to see this should be making us money though right you can go into the financials here for the road vehicle itself and this is saying that you know paid running costs are about three thousand it made about six thousand when it did its delivery so as long as these and this actually looks like a good line but it definitely looks like we could fit more on there and I think we're going to how many did we buy initially we buy 20 well let's get eight more on it though because to me it looks like there's about this stretch which to me looks about eight vehicles it looks like we're about eight vehicles shy of sort of the sort of the capacity of the road itself here you know these numbers have updated no when we clicked on these numbers and said they're like really bad yeah those are all updated in fact this should be showing that there's quite a lot of connections I don't know maybe we have to actually build a railroad but but unsurprising sense and these roads aren't connected via private cars this sure looks like they are like we got people waiting over here we got people waiting over here actually couldn't have people waiting over here four out of four four out of four these things are things are making some money I think it's hard to say so the logs are getting placed over here now that the log is getting placed over here though we need to actually set this trail it's time to buy the Train let's go to this new one for some well we look at this let's look at it we only have one locomotive option the Baldwin's six-wheeled hold wins six wheels I guesses there's maybe how I should have been saying it this can go 40 km per hour and this is aa be this is all we got it's 43,000 for a year it's pretty expensive this is going to be moving it's going to be moving the planks right so we're gonna be moving planks each of these can go they can go up to 50 is their top speed so the locomotive is going to be the limiting limiting factor there in terms of total speed basically we're just going to want to be able to grab enough of these to be able to send you know the planks to the to the tool factory this is saying mediocre so that that's good we don't want that to be like we don't want that to be poor but you know this is going to have more ability to accelerate I think we actually just go in with something like this like 42 capacity and what we do instead of trying to make this bigger we just try to we will build a second one eventually so let's buy this very expensive right we're spending a million how much have we spent on everything else and we're spending a million on the train but now that we're doing this we should be getting planks should be popping up here can't tell you exactly where the planks are going I don't know if they were just magically getting consumed or not this light and then the cool thing is we can hit this button right here the line statistics down here in the bottom right down here in the bottom right and this will actually give us a sense of where we're making money where we're losing money for making huge money off of what truck right huge money half of them are full half of them were fifty that makes sense because they have to go back empty they don't have to right if we had this set up in this er way we might actually be able to there's there's a way to be able to you know deliver the wood and then pick something up and then deliver that back right it just in it just isn't quite working out that one necessarily this trains only carrying seven planes it's gonna be a while before it's gonna get a good load because it's going to need to kind of go back forth you now once this is delivered we do want to be able to get a certain amount of these vehicles over here delivering the tools into town but actually this is making us some good money we're definitely losing a lot of money off the train but we're making some good money here overall we're making money our lines are making money this is a line that couldn't lose us some money the tool line actually shipping the tools in the town I'm gonna try to do is six and get these actually going for the local tools that's six trucks that are yeah you know honestly coordinating more than that we're gonna need twelve trucks I think the only hold for capacity it's not it's not good I'm gonna go for I'm gonna go 10 total we'll have to see I want the frequency to be pretty good on the on the deliveries into town but it looks like the tools are piling up here but it's gonna take us a hot minute with these trucks it over here well let's feed three or banette let's just then you know 1850 things are moving and they're moving a little bit slower and we would expect like even at speed three I don't I think these are a far cry from modern modern vehicle speed so this is actually gonna be able to pick up a full load here that's exciting that's exciting and when this has a full load this thing will be making a good profit and as long as if this train is making a good profit we'll be able to make a second train and then they'll both be able to make a good profit if we can make enough planks and then as long as that lines making a profit it makes sense that we'll be able to make this into a profit by adding even more vehicles and whatever we really have to do to be able to put the tools again the tools are currently being delivered but thing is right now we don't have enough wood in here to keep producing so that's something we're gonna have to fix so we are coming along here but honestly in some ways right in some ways especially let's let's be exciting to see how this how much money we get from this right now we only have three hundred and four hundred thousand bucks not enough to get another train but we could actually take a loan out to get that other train we could take a look a couple mill loan this will be exciting to see how much we get paid when this thing delivers here also we could go through and totally be optimizing these bus lines let's see how much this gets paid let's spend a few minutes optimizing the bus lines but I think we might actually have ourselves a successful transport company right we noticed a a need of the city we noticed that it could be fulfilled locally like without having to do like a large transport we built one train for the for the long segment of that road we have trucks sort of doing the closer eye deliveries I guess right so this 40 bees 42 plates will be able to go into here that will actually make 42 tools and then 42 tools will be able to pick up be picked up by ten trucks and delivered into terror this is actually this is actually about lineup right we have ten trucks on here it's gonna carry 40 tools total this one train can carry it 40 playing switch become 42 also and there we go I think we actually can see we made about 350,000 off that trip so I would suspect that every year maybe not quite every single here but we're making we're almost doubling our money on this now we do have to at least earn enough money to overcome its appreciation because the Train is losing value every second it's losing value eventually this train will need to be replaced it'll be more expensive to maintain it until we replace it and stuff like that so so this train has it needs to make a strong profit to overcome its its actual initial cost and the fact that it has a limited a limited amount of sort of you know time that it can be used so over time we'll notice over time we'll notice how this how this actually tends to make like if this make it how much of a profit is actually done something but there's plenty of planks here we could totally get another train here it would probably make us a lot of money and then we can double the amount of trucks running this line here these aren't even fully bent because there's actually yeah they are cool well very nice this is gonna grow garlic and when garland grows it's gonna need more tools and stuff so that's actually really exciting and the fact they already wanted 17 is just fantastic with this lineup is great let's go and let's spend a few minutes actually optimizing our some of our bus lines and stuff like that and actually this like the funny thing is we might notice here that because garland is growing there might be more demand for the actual local buses but it seems like the most part this is this is fine yadegar bus is it's losing a small amounts of money that's only has four advil its total capacity providers which I mean if this was six out 12 I'd be happy but a Denver bus it made six and eight they were just fine making a small profit we have this is looking good well 16 but really what we should do is probably go with this one the santa bus it at 12 out of 12 so that means that we might be leaving money on the table here that santa santa rosa so if we look at denver here was just kind of like take a little peek here this looks perfect there's three people waiting we're probably gonna pick most of these three people up I suspect you picked them all up good over here only one person waiting ten people waiting here that's not great we might be able to add another one to Denver now let's add another let's buy another passenger and add it to Denver once I always hit the sale the sell button but you have to set line the Denver bus by the vehicle sign in to the line there you go it comes out of thing nor just we back in Santa Rosa though I think we definitely we have two there one there and none here well we were noticing so these areas aren't getting picked up I think we could probably go in with one more vehicle here as well but that in the santa bus and I think we had one in Milwaukee right and as people waiting the old stops how is the Milwaukee bus doing if or we already have four buses on this line yeah that's actually definitely higher than me definitely higher than we need and see this train is is actually making this right this train is making now that we've been running it for a year or two we can see this is about kind of what it's evening out to it's making us it seems to be expending up two hundred thousand its profiting us about 130,000 proper or for income cycle presumably the local tool delivery is also making us not great money because we're not really like not enough tools right we're just not sort of like the frequency isn't up and we're not producing enough tools are delivering enough tools because we're actually limited right we're limited by this train so like there's a world in which now this thing is just mass producing weight in fact this whole thing is gonna get backed up but this thing over produces blanks and we don't have and this sawmill doesn't continue to buy wood anymore that's not good that's not good so at all like being able to continue to sell this wood and make this huge money off running the wood depends on us being able to make good money off these planks and then that all ties into making better money on the tool delivery into town here which grows the city which you know and look and look we're getting a 40 percent growth because we're delivering 34 percent tools and now they need 96 so the it just never ends their demand for things just never ends we might actually were making good money but we might actually end up expanding or loan a little bit be able to make that to be able to make that second train but to be honest we have a profiting company we have a very property company all in the blue I repeat all in the blue every single line we have is making some amount of money here the bus lines are gonna be a little typical right the bus lines are gonna be concede to making more and more money as we get a better buses and - as we get more the cities themselves grow right because we've added the buses we're actually growing the city by 20% just by adding those classes that means more people using the bus this all kind of feeds into that right and then if we can hook up to towns and that's gonna increase these numbers significantly just very quickly so but yeah I think that's a good place to sort of pause things here but this is a successful transport Teichert or transport fever - company that we have here that's making tools at delivering tools to Garland in creating a strategic sort of local bus lines all over the the region thanks everybody for watching I will see you guys in the next one where we'll just continue to take advantage of more business opportunities and hopefully expand the the profit margins here thanks everybody have a good one
Channel: KRX
Views: 8,275
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Keywords: Transport Fever 2, Transport Fever, Transport Fever 2 guide, Transport fever 2 tutorial, Transport Fever 2 successful company, Making a sucessful company in transport Fever 2, TF2 guide, succeeding at TF2, 1850 start in TF2, 1850 start in Transport Fever 2, Lets play, Let's Play, Lets Play Transport Fever 2, Transport Fever 2 gameplay, Transport Fever 2 walkthrough, Transport Fever 2 for complete beginners, Transport Fever 2 sandbox, Transport Fever 2 freeplay
Id: 1lxUqUuyYu8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 44sec (1184 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 10 2019
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