Joe Campetella Thursday 10-17-2019

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praise the Lord everybody why don't we stand to our feet and thank God for his presence one more time before we get into the word of the Lord use your voice while you're clapping we love you Lord Jesus hallelujah praise the Living God praise the Living God such an honor to be here at Minnesota Youth Convention and to feel this wonderful cool weather you folks have it so good this is about as cold as it gets somebody told me write this for this is pretty much it for the rest of is that correct no I'm some different state I'm sorry I was thinking of Florida that's right I left about ninety degree weather and so I'm in a little bit of heaven right now and I get to leave before it changes from heaven so honored to be here I've been here a few times got to be it Torche conference weather Andrew and it's good to be with brother Brooks and meet the team the hospitality has been incredible they gave me a gargantuan basket filled with toys I haven't let my son touch any of them I'm taking all of them so thank you for that so great to be here god bless you in Jesus name John chapter 12 and verse 31 appreciate the music department the singers and musicians for assuring in the presence of the Lord at some point praise has got to turn to worship praise brings this presence but only worship causes him to change you almost stay right here for a second we can praise him and we're good at praising him we're good at saying all kinds of stuff and but but you'll leave for what you say he'll only stay for what's in your heart we've got to learn how to worship Him amen John chapter 12 verse 31 now is the judgment of this old now shall the prince of this world be cast out and I if I be lifted up everybody say lifted up from the earth will draw all men unto me first Thessalonians 5 and 23 and then I'm gonna read Romans 12 and 1 first Thessalonians 5:23 the Apostle Paul said and the very God of peace sanctify you wholly and I pray God your whole spirit everybody say spirit and soul everybody say soul and body everybody say body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ Romans 12 in 1 I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that you present your bodies a living sacrifice holy acceptable unto God turn to 2 or 3 people to say holiness is acceptable which is your reasonable service turn to somebody else and say holiness is reasonable and be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God I want to talk to you tonight about spiritual elevation spiritual elevation let's put our Bibles down lift our hands to the Lord and ask him to do exactly what he wants to do father in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ by the authority of the word of God by the power of the name Jesus we bind every spirit that is contrary to the work of the Lord we loose the angels of God in this place I pray that the gift of faith would be loosed upon us open every eye to see and every ear to hear what thus saith the Lord let the word of God have the impact upon us that you wanted to have in Jesus name we pray and everybody say in Jesus name one more time before you're seated would you clap your hands with all your might and somebody shout some praise unto the Lord come on use your voice fill your lungs were there and shout [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah whoa praise God praise God give three people a high five and say you are my favorite person on earth and you can be seated how many of you are human Wow we've got a lot of creatures in here you don't know what you are human existence is a great mystery if you subscribe to the theory of evolution or even have studied the theory of macro evolution we are at the pinnacle of the evolutionary development across time human beings are the highest level of intellect of emotion if you believe in Scripture which is right we are created in the image of God we are different we have a consciousness that exceeds every other creature leopards do not study other creatures elephants do not study sea slugs they focus on what they are and what they do but humans think outside of their species we have a consciousness that supersedes every other level of consciousness scientists have discovered that there is something besides physical matter operating in humanity something that maybe undiscoverable through the scientific method there seems to be a reality there seems to be a consciousness that exists outside of the brain yet they have found in research that this consciousness works in coordination with the brain and they called the relationship the brain mind consciousness and what they are discovering is what the Bible has taught us all along we are not just physical beings we are in a physical body but the greater part of us is not physical we are not physical beings having a spiritual experience we are spirit beings having a physical experience eternity has already begun for us we will never die Paul said in first Thessalonians 5 and 23 and the very God of peace sanctify you wholly and then he gives us the three components of a whole human being he said I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ spirit soul and body we learn at the moment of our creation Genesis 2 and 7 the Bible says and the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul our body comes from the dust of the ground when you die your body returns to dust then the other part of us is the living soul the Hebrew word is nephesh the soul is not unique in us from other creatures the soul is the part of us that demonstrates intellect emotion intelligence and will I used to have a romantic view of God forming man from the dust of the ground because the Bible says he he spoke all these other creatures into existence but when it came to man he came down and he got his fingers dirty he reached into the dust and fashioned our hands and it was very romantic and intimate but then I read Genesis 219 and Genesis 219 says out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field that destroyed my romantic notion every creature that exists has been formed out of the ground and then it says he brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them and whatsoever Adam call every living creature everybody say 'no fish its soul every living soul that was the name thereof every living creature has a soul they have a level of intelligence emotion intellect and personality what makes us different is not that we have a soul how many of you are dog people how many of you believe your dog loves you how many up now I did use the word love here okay how many of you believe that your dog has been jealous at one point or another how many of you have ever seen your dog be happy how about have you ever seen your dog be suspicious have you ever seen you don't get mad how many of you work at people there's a division in Minnesota young people I can feel it there's a spirit of division how many of you believe your cat loves you you are totally deceived I'm so sorry your cat does not love you if somebody else pets your cat and feeds your cat he's gonna be perfectly happy that's just all there is to it but we've seen other creatures display soulish qualities it is so quiet I'm gonna take a swig of water this is just tough they have emotion they have intellect they have reasoning capabilities what makes us different is not that we have a soul what makes human beings different is that God breathed into us the breath of life the neshamah of life this is the vital breath the divine inspiration the wind the blessed of God the Bible says in proverbs 20:27 the spirit of man is the candle of the Lord searching the inward parts of the belly there is something working inside of us that no other creature has it's called spirit we are literally soul and body that has been elevated by spirit at the moment of our death the Bible says then shall the dust return this is Ecclesiastes 12 and 7 then shall the dust return to the earth as it was and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it the body goes back into the earth and if you're buried next to a cow in a thousand years nobody will know the difference between you and the cow because we're made from the same stuff but the destination of our spirit is different than a cow or any other creature the Bible says it returns to God who gave it the spirit that was breathed into us is going back to God the only thing that returns to God is what came from God and what is lined with God that's why it's important that your decisions your soul line up with spirit because the only thing that's going back to God is spirit and what is in unity with spirit when we understand spirit goes to God flesh goes back to the earth what's left in the middle is the soul decisions that you've made the personality that you have the emotions that you have and it's important to note that Paul lists these three parts of man in a descending order he said your spirit soul and body the highest part of us the part that pulls us up word is spirit the lowest part of us the part that pulls us downward is the body and what's left in the middle that can go either way is the soul the spirit is God conscious the flesh is world conscious the soul is self conscious the focus of God's attention is the soul the focus of Satan's attention is the soul the soul contains the place where decisions are made where the personality is formed where the intellect is built and Satan wants the soul God wants the soul but the access points for the soul are different Satan accesses the soul through the channel of the body the flesh God accesses the soul through the channel of the Spirit God will never work through your flesh to access your soul Satan will never work through your spirit to access your soul it is important to understand that the body cannot survive its attachment to the earth without being fed from what comes from the earth the spirit cannot survive its attachment to God without receiving what comes from God this is why Jesus when he was tempted by Satan on his forty day fast the devil came to him and said hey turn these stones into bread and Jesus said hey I'm more than flesh I'm more than just a human body it is written that man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of God and the secret here is this that the denial of one aspect causes the other aspect to increase in strength the denial of spirit causes flesh to become strong the denial of flesh becomes causes spirit to become strong this is why some of you are having a hard time worshipping tonight because your flesh is strong I got three come ons one day man and all right it's hard to worship when you're letting the flesh do whatever it wants when you ain't in church it's real hard and on the flip side of that it's hard not to worship when you've been praying you might be doing some fasting Pentecostal F word we try to avoid it when you've been in that word of God it's hard to sit still I've been watching some of you you could care less what anybody is doing around you it don't matter people sitting dead like a lump on the log you've come to Youth Convention 2019 and you made up in your mind I'm gonna worship Him I'm gonna praise him I'm gonna lift my voice why spirit has started within you and that flesh doesn't have power over your mind [Applause] in the beginning the Spirit of God and the spirit of man were joined humans were filled with the breath of God the neshamah the spirit Adam was the first human fill with the Holy Ghost but when he sins sin caused a disconnection and the spirit that was alive inside of him from God died and now every one that is born after Adam and Eve is born with a dead spirit it's a remnant of what used to be it's an echo of something that used to be alive it's called conscience it's called conscience but God not content for us to live by conscience the knowledge of good and evil when Jesus came in the flesh he looked at his disciples John 20:22 when he had said this he breathed on them and saith unto them receive ye the Holy Ghost and what he was saying is that God that in the beginning leaned down and breathed into Adam the breath of life and man became a living soul now God manifested in the flesh the same God is looking at people who believe in him and he is breathing the breath of life all over again into our bodies and what died because the sin now comes back to life because of faith in God and when the day of Pentecost was fully come they were all with one Accord in one place and suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind God said I'm gonna breathe into you all over again what died inside of you because of Siena I'm gonna bring back to life you're gonna receive the Holy Ghost but even after you receive the Holy Ghost the flesh is still there ain't it there's a battle between flesh and spirit Galatians 5:16 this I say then walk in the spirit and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh for the flesh lusteth against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh this word lust lusteth means they're fighting with each other your spirit wants to do something the flesh is saying no flesh wants to do something spirit says hey that's bad that's bad that's bad there's a fight going on there's a fight going on I'm getting backed up by a one-year-old I'm thankful come on boy our girl out of the mouths of babes yeah uh-huh the flesh is powerful Paul lists all the works of the flesh fornication let's see business Indians murder drunkenness witchcraft flesh flesh flesh flashes and the devil does everything he can to entice the flesh he knows how to work with flesh folks what did Jesus prophesy to Lucifer he said you're gonna go on your belly and dust shall you eat what is dust it's what we're made of Satan has an appetite for flesh and when you don't crucify your flesh you put a big target on your back and you're saying hey I'm available Satan does not have the power to make you do what he wants you to do Satan does not have the power to make you do what he wants you to do your human spirit even without the Holy Ghost is more powerful than the devil thank you all nine of you demoniac of Ghaderi possessed with a legion of devils Jesus steps off the boat and a man that was filled with at least six thousand Devils falls at the feet of Jesus and begins to worship him against the will at at least 6,000 Devils do not tell me the devil stopped you from worshipping [Applause] people-people give the devil so much credit they give the devil so I'm telling you what they ought to bless His Holy Name after they that I tried to worship but but the devil weighed down my arms and I couldn't lift him I tried to come to church pastor but the devil killed my battery and I couldn't start the car it was the devil I tried to say hallelujah but I couldn't get the breath and felt like there was my throat was itchy I couldn't the devil the devil the devil I tried to get up and praise God but the devil super glued my heinie to the seat and I couldn't do nothing it ain't the devil it's your stinking flesh people always ask you me people always asking me brother Campanella I came to tell her when you go into a city can you discern I don't know why I'm doing this it's just got a squint your eyes when you're deserting well yeah actually but it's like big whoopty-doo say that the mike I just got a few gasps okay I'm leaving anyway so y'all can fix all this when I'm gone I could care less what spirits in a city people talk about now just hear me out people talk about the spirit of Jezebel the spirit of Jezebel just about with the capital James now who cares let me tell you something the devil can't do anything with a group of people who put their flesh on the altar I don't care if Lucifer himself is in that scene if you got a bunch of young people let's say I'm gonna worship God I'm gonna praise God I'm gonna submit to God there's no devil in hell that can stop revival well you want to lift your voice a little bit ain't no devil gonna stop you you wanna let your voice out a little bit and say thank you Lord for the Holy Ghost do it again I feel something kind of loosing something kind of shaking come on I want to release some fanatics you oughta let your voice sound may be seated the devil is not that powerful he's got power he's not that powerful I've been in contact with a few demon-possessed people really really possessed people I believe people can have devils and not even know it and that ain't Joe Campanella that's Billy Cole he's that people can be possessed with Devils the problem is is those Devils are so tiny in so weak that for someone to manifest you know when we think of demon-possessed really well that's he said that's when the people have thousands of Devils but you can have a devil he's not manifesting because your human spirit is so powerful that all he can do is just influence influence influence but I have met a few people that were possessed with a bunch of devils and it's funny every time that they were really possessed with Devils they freaked out of their brains folks they were scared half to death they screamed in terror and it was kind of enjoyable I'm Way out of my notes right now we're going we're going off into a new area glory to God I've seen people I've seen people that were demon-possessed they start manifesting and growling and hissing and phone flicking out of the mouth and the pastor says uh sure's and they all come and they tackle them they knock them on the ground everybody's holding them down and every single prayer warrior in the church worn out another prayer warrior comes up wrestling grabbing they're grabbing people and the possessed persons get a little swig of water ski you just made a big mistake if you touch someone that is possessed you just gave the devil permission to fight you physically Paul said we wrestle not against Jesus never wrestled a demon-possessed person he spoke to him go shut up [Applause] it was a great example my Pastor James varnon he's an amazing man very wise the guy came into our church and he started frothing at the mouth he went up front kind of the classic the whole church surrounded and we're all people were wearing themselves out trying to cast out these Devils and my pastors just watching and we're all dying our you know we're getting those cramps in our sides because we're working so hard it makes you feel like the devil so powerful you almost have to kill yourself to cast him out and and brother Varnum finally he had enough he went down and he whispered into this man's ear and when he did the man stopped moving he stopped frothing he stopped shaking he stood up he kind of fixed his belt put his head down and walked back to his seat we were like he is so spiritual Oh what did you say what did you do what authority he said I told him if he doesn't stop acting like a clown I'm gonna call the cops Devils not that powerful flesh flesh is powerful I'd rather deal with a roomful of demon-possessed people then a roomful of flesh people demons have to obey folks they have to obey sinners with Devils I'm telling you they come out I've seen people liberated from drugs and addiction in a single second God took him all through rehab in just a second they puke their guts out all over the all over the platform their body went through instant rehab and set them the Devils came I've seen suicide Devils come and I've seen people crawl up the altar and they tried to grab my ankles and I just stood there and and one lady in particular she cuz I was talking just like this and the devil got mad I guess they're trying to prove something and she got about right there and she couldn't stop she started screaming and writhing we've never I never even touched her and she got up started screaming and the Holy Ghost came on her and she got the Holy Ghost talking in tongues and we baptized her in Jesus name let me tell you something let me tell you something that Devils not that powerful but your flesh can keep you out of heaven your flesh can keep your hands down your flesh can keep your mouth shut somebody's got a make up in their mind I'm not gonna let my flesh pull my soul down I don't want to elevate spiritually I want to go higher in God lift your voices right now let your voice out let your voice out [Applause] that was kind of short-lived the reason why it's hard for you to let your voice out don'ts don't sit down yet I want us to stay right here for a moment it's hot the devil wants you to substitute a Handclap for a lifted voice why because a Handclap doesn't release spiritual authority but your voice does so I'm asking you to let your voice out right now I want you to do whatever you feel I want you to fill your lungs with air I want you to letter how to loo you come out I want you to praise ye the Lord with a lifted voice hallelujah [Music] Wow you may be seated do it again while you're seated let your voice out while you're seated just let it out forget about who's around you just forget about them just forget about it it's you and Jesus let your voice rakesh and Ibaka tah dah dah bah hi come on if you got the hole that goes talking - just get in that flow get in the flow of the spirit flowing the spirit come on flow in the spirit Shaima da da da ba da da ba hasha hallelujah man as a young person I put it in my heart I my pastor he had stories about him and God blew my socks on visions dreams angelic appearances tornadoes coming into the building and just inviting Devils of just incredible encounters in them as a young person these things just fried my brain I was so hungry for the supernatural we had evangelist come to our church and they would tell these storage ace insists going for the stone King and all these stories about visitations from God but the stone King told me about him sitting in his recliner and Jesus sitting in a recliner across from him and them just having an evening together and my brain just calm is that actually possible and I wanted to know god I got so sick of living off of other people's Jesus I got sick and living off the preachers Jesus stories I wanted my own miracles so did a three day fast thought I was gonna die I'd ever done a three day fast the breath starts smelling after a few hours headaches anybody get headaches when you fast let's talk about our suffering for a moment anybody get headaches glory to God anybody just crave food every single second of that fast Burger King signs like hanging over the road hey I can smell things that were cooked three days ago in a room when I'm fascinating I come up with elaborate recipes that I will cook when I'm done fasting and I never do any of them ever ever but it's I'm totally convinced I will so I did a three day fast and it was rough like all the talks you're not actually dying it's toxins being released into your body your body is actually detoxing itself and and all these things are released in your bloodstream and you just feel like you're dying but you're not actually you can go for quite a long time did a three day fast I felt like a total failure couldn't find God couldn't feel God but prayed quite a bit on that fast I was wanting wanting to know God I was wanting to see the supernatural side of things wanting to experience God and I was begging God god I don't want to live off of my elders miracles I want my own so at the end of the three day fast I read a scripture in Psalms where the Bible says that David arose at midnight and praise the Lord loudly upon his bed why are you laughing so I figured that would be a great climatic climactic end to the fast so I said okay God tonight the fast ends I'm gonna get up at 12 midnight I'm gonna praise you loudly on my bed and I set my alarm for 12 a.m. and then when I woke up at 2:30 I had hit the snooze button like 97 times subconsciously and finally got up and began to praise God it was pretty rough I was very tired my body was weak it was it was not quite like David I'm but I did my best for five or so minutes praising God and I laid myself back down and when my head hit the pillow I don't know if it was a vision or reality but my body shot straight up into the air and I could feel gravity I could feel the force of gravity and I was just being lifted at an astronomical rate out of the Earth's atmosphere into the heavens and I stopped in space and I looked around and there were these company of angels I think maybe 10 to 12 angels that that were around me and they were pillars in fire surrounded me and I looked I could see galaxies everything was in crisp clear focus all around the Stars the glory of God and instantaneously I was back in my bed and I was wide awake and I sat up in bed it felt like hot oil was all over my body I was just shaking and the only thing I could think to say was God you really know how to wake somebody up so I was taught if you have an experience like that always tell your pastor your pastor will tell you if your spiritual or a wacko and so I worked up the courage to tell brother varlyn and we were on a trip together I was driving on a trip and I was working up the courage to tell him and finally I said bishop I got to tell you something I had this experience and he's like tell me about it so told him three day fast told to God I was going to rise up at midnight overslept when went to lay down the good asleep and my body shot up into the air and I saw these pillars of fire with angelic figures inside of the pillars of fire I saw the galaxies I was in my bed and I woke up and I was covered in this anointing oil it was powerful and I was kind of looking at him to see his reaction and he was looking at me with squinty eyes scared and he said you're you're joking with me right now like no bishop it really happened he's not you're totally kidding with me I'm like no I promised you would happen he said when I was 16 years old I did a three-day faster and he said when I put my head on the pillow he said my body shot up out of the Earth's atmosphere and I stopped in space and he said I saw these pillars of fire that surrounded me and I could see the galaxies and the stars and he said it lasted for just about a few seconds and he says I was instantly back in my bed and I was wide awake afterwards and when he told me this experience it was like God was letting me know so clearly hey I don't want to just do supernatural crazy things with the previous generations the stuff that I want to give is not just for the elders that have come before you I want to give some young people experiences that'll knock your socks off I'm fighting some skepticism I could care less read the book of Revelation John who said for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten this same John also said and I saw a seven-headed beast come out of the ocean - leopard heads eagle ox dragon tail fighting pulling down I ate a little book and it made my stomach sour tell you something God wants - there's more - coming to church I'm trying to tell you something there's more to come into church than just sitting on the Pew young person there's more - hey hey hey thank you for the clap but listen there's more to come in the church and just sitting there nodding your head and let me tell you something God wants to lift you up into the heavens God wants to give you an experience that will change your life forever God wants to pour something inside of you to where you know this is real you know this Israel one of the reasons why Israel failed is because it said the generation that came out of Egypt and that saw the wonders that the elders saw nobody was connected to what happened in the past it can't just be Billy Cole having the visions it can't just be least Stone King having dinner with God it can't just be our pastor stories where are the Minnesota young people that say hey I don't want to live off my elders experiences I want to know God for myself I want to be spiritually lifted up if the places I've never been before that's your voice out do whatever you want to do for a moment if you're hungry let your voice out bahala bajalia hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah show bahoruco Terramax shekel and and Oracle yaaaa hallelujah something just walked in here something just came into this place SLE makatea Bakura Henry mashallah Baha Baha be seated I got one more story and I'm done is that okay it's probably like five minutes and I'm done I I wanted to get drunk in the Holy Ghost as a young person y'all are about to get it already I can tell y'all they're gonna be wanting to get drunk in the Holy Ghost because we say speaking in tongues is the evidence of the Holy Ghost right but that's only partially Pentecostal the other evidence of the day of Pentecost was they all burst out of their church building and they started dancing in the streets like a bunch of drunken fools that's the other evidence that you have the Holy Ghost so but there were people in our church man they would just get so into the spirit you just get along anybody been drunken the holding it was just like plastered wow this is a this message is for you drunk and the Holy Ghost you just you could care less you just drink so much you're out of it man just out of it it's good maybe some of you all will get it this weekend uh but I wanted it and and I saw some of my I was too logical I was very into I was into thinking and and just I would process everything and analyze why am I feeling this way where is that feeling coming from why would I do that does that make sense and that'll shut you down shut you down and and I kept wanting it I remember I I was praying a lot and I was fasting a lot and I was wanting to draw closer to the Lord and the Lord kept walking and he kept leading me into this kind of reckless sort of worship crazy worship he wanted me to go crazy and worship not just the typical we're trying to be cute for everybody around us it's a weird paradox when I see people praising God and they're trying to look cute at the same time where was I yeah so he kept drawing me I want you to I want you to worship I saw him in like Steve Willoughby y'all know Steve Willoughby he would get a hankie in every single service I ever saw him in this is the man that broke open Singapore missionary Willoughby every time he preached in Ethiopia it poured down raining afterwards missionary willoughby it didn't matter if they were singing Amazing Grace folks he couldn't care less and I remember the I finally hit the wall couldn't find Jesus anymore he started withdrawing from me because I reached a place where it was no longer comfortable for me he kept on walking and I stopped and he said come on is that cocaine I'll see you when you're ready I was like hey wait can you come back here no you got to come with me let's step into the unknown together and and he said I was praying on a particular Sunday night and I said god I want to get lost and God I want a breakthrough he said praise you the Lord in the dance and when he said that this quick little vision popped into my head if Steve Willoughby it wasn't like praise ye the Lord of the dance rejoice Oh wasn't like that it was like that's what I saw do I are you kidding me what are people gonna think about me he said praise ye the Lord of the Dead you want that breakthrough you got to get crazy for it see we won that we want to keep our little cool we want to keep our sophistication we want God to come to where we are but that's why you're in the same spot you've been in for years praise ye the Lord of the dance I was like God can't somebody come lay hands on me can't my pastor come I'm struggling kept my pastor coming just prophesy or me and just speak all over me no praise you the Lord in the dance and finally I said okay it wasn't even a dancing service folks it was like a medium groove service we got the dancing services where it's like you know my dance well crush say it wasn't that it was a groove it was like a medium Sunday night service like a medium groovy type of thing wasn't the stop oh man so I pulled out my hankie took off my jacket took off my tie took off my shoes and I don't know why went over to the side of the church and started dancing crazy dancing and they had the whole aisle to myself everybody just cleared out for me when you really dance like God wants you to you will have all the room you need I promise you okay I started dancing up and down the side just dancing and I just tell the Lord praise ye the Lord I didn't feel nothing I didn't feel nothing praising the Lord in advance praise God where are you where's that break who was that crazy fanatical apostolic drunken spirit that fell upon the church on the day of Pentecost I'm bracing you in the dance just watch it I'm telling you I didn't feel nothing not a single goose bump nothing only thing I felt was this intense pain right here is burning and it's growing stronger by the minute telling me you're out of shape I probably danced for 35 to 40 minutes soaking wet soaking wet and they started the announcements the monotone announcements that nobody is listening to at the end of the service Tuesday night prayer meeting okay I go to the front row and I sit down during the announcements and I looked up to heaven I said god I was so I wasn't I wasn't in victory I wasn't elated I didn't think I had accomplished anything I felt like I couldn't find him I said God I have given you everything I had when I said those words it's like lightning struck me and I went from zero to a hundred I slithered out of the Pew first of all I screamed during the announcements not kidding and it was like a girlie stream it was so much force behind it they went falsetto it wasn't like ha how about shutting down the service I fell onto the floor and started rolling ENTER and speaking in tongues and laughing and crying all at the same time it's gone just gone and there was still like a part of my brain that was functioning and it was like who is making that girly speaking in tongues noise like oh it's you and then I looked into the guy section in the guys section of our church they were out of their pews and they were on the floor and they were rolling and they were drunk in the Holy Ghost speaking in tongues I look across to the girls section they were on the floor and it was during the announcements and the whole church was shutting down but a wave of the glory of God came across the church all over again during the announcements Allah Bihari mccoshen ahave becky turbo Hokuto Kosala Mahuta drunk plastered drunk after hours on the floor laughing hysterically like a hyena it was incredible the next day we left for Pennsylvania vacation for guys I was sitting in the living room they had gone off for the evening I was sitting in the living room not focused on the Lord just relaxing and I as I was sitting there Jesus walked through the front door came behind my chair came around my left side and sat on the couch next to me and I fell out of the seat onto the floor couldn't see him with my eyes could see him with my spirit my soul was screaming inside of me he actually just walked I fell on the floor and begin to sob and to weep I had never experienced his presence like that in my life and that question was like how why did you do that he said well you reached the end of your flesh for that season you were just elevated spiritually you're gonna you're gonna experience me on a level that you've always wanted you you're gonna experience me on a level that you never have before because you are willing to crucify that stinking flesh and put that pride on the altar but that sophistication on the altar put that I'm worried about what everybody else thinks of me on the altar and what am i what are you saying or they can't be telling I'm telling you something God wants to elevate you God wants to take you to a place God wants to take you to a place that will blow your socks anybody's sick of just Church as usual hey hey I'm not talking to you young people that are satisfied with you can just turn your ears off I ain't talking to you I'm talking to somebody that's saying hey is there more is there more is the really more can I have more kids or more where can I go what do I need to do show me God give me what you promised if you're hungry stand to your feet and let your voice sound right now if you're thirsty if you're desperate if you want it I want you to do whatever you feel right now I loose you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to get out of your boxer to get out of your shell to step into the Holy Ghost in Jesus name [Music] [Applause] Hodari bascillica let's take a bunch of crazy young people go go go go go go go go come on if you're doing what you've always done you're gonna get what you've always got if you're doing what you've always done you're just gonna get what you've always got there's more there's more ah-haaa come on summer you were frightened should I get out of my Pew should I make a fool of myself I promise you you'll never regret it as long as you live I promise going on there's some battles going on it's the flash come on you'll never get out of you get out of your I curse that voice of judgment I curse that sceptical spirit well why are we doing this what's the paw hey just because we're hungry just because we're thirsty just because we're curious just because we desire just because we have passion just because you go as far as you can I want you to get a hold of somebody next to you right now I want you to get a hold of him and look him in the eye and say i loose you in the name of Jesus don't tell him don't worry about me tell him don't think about me tell him go as far as you want go as far as you want gotta get as much as you can come on be not drunk with wine wherein is excess but be filled be filled with the spirit Chikara bhai enema hiya that's it that's it that's it that's it that's it that's it come on break that voice break that voice that's saying this is just emotional I reject that voice in the name of Jesus I cursed that voice in Jesus name come on Minnesota you came all this way to youth convention you might as well pull out all the stops you might as well Jesus you've convinced of your life come on this way you might as well go all the way the holy Kaba Korea youth pastors get ahold of young people pray for people ministers get your hands on some young people altar workers prayer warriors singers get your hands on somebody and loose them right now in the name of Jesus Christ in the name of Jesus Christ now our souls by the Spirit Yamanashi and Abba hiya you want to know why you're always worried about what people think it's because you never leave the realm of the soul you never leave the realm of self-consciousness you gotta elevate to God consciousness you can get out of self-consciousness and step into God consciousness you'll be more concerned with what he thinks then we'll what anybody else thinks [Music] take over it'll take over it'll take over yeah let it take over let them take over let them take over let them take over let them tell that's it boy be a Holy Roller there's a young man who's a Holy Roller over here there's somebody rolling for no reason whatsoever there's some holy rollers in the house there's people dancing and there's no music there's people crying up there's people shouting up there's people bowing there's people clapping I see ladies running I see young men running up what are we doing we're being elevated we're being elevated we're being lifted we're being loosed from the bonds of Earth [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Shabba Katya you can get to a place in the spirit where insecurity has no more power over your mind you can get to a place in the spirit where inferiority complexes lose their power over your personality you can get to the place in the spirit where that old inhibition is gone where those old chains are gone where the bashfulness is gone where the embarrassment is gone you can get to a place flowing in the Holy Ghost where you are loosed from your own personality into the personality of the Holy Ghost [Applause] Makabe hiya what are we doing we're doing hallelujah we're doing hallelujah we are hollowing the Lord we're acting like fools when David said praise ye the Lord he said Hallel the Lord it means act like a total fool it means scream like a fool it means like a raving lunatic when David said praise ye the Lord he said act like a raving lunatic for God he said let it all go he said pull out all the stops [Music] but man can do unto me the Lord is on my side the Lord is my light and my salvation whom shall I fear the Lord is the strength of my life whom shall I be afraid they stumbled and let's just get drunk let it go just kiddin all you want you can have as much of God as you want tonight you can get as much as you want you can get as much as you want how do you get drunk by the Campostella keep on drinking of that living water keep on drinking of that living water just keep on drinking my thirst is not satisfied this is about where I used to stop right here this is about where the altar call used to shut down right here this is about where I lost my focus before but not tonight not tonight I'm hungry I'm thirsty I believe there's more than what I've experienced I believe there's more that God reserves for the thirsty I believe there's more that God reserves for the hungry mama dada bucket bondrock italian Rakesh ayah when I pray in an unknown tongue my understanding is unfruitful when I speak in an unknown tongue my spirit Prayuth that spirit that was renewed in my life that spirit that was brought back to life that spirit that God poured into me it's praying it's doing the work it's elevating my mind it's elevating my body lebara man da da ba kya in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in Jesus name aah hyah that's it so many of you are in the Holy Ghost right now so many of you were in the spirit right now if you're looking for something to do get your hands on somebody get your hands on somebody and pray God will loose them God help them to exchange their image for yours God help them to give up their dignity so they can experience your your deity in the name of Jesus help them to let go of themselves so they can fully grab ahold of you in the name of Jesus I help them to let go of their thinking and embrace your thinking however hardened that a candle a Bisaya that's it I see people praying for each other don't pray don't pray with that authority pray with authority loosed them in the name of Jesus Christ it's time for another elevation it's time for another level it's time to experience Jesus uh like you never have before it's time to know him face to face it's time to hear his voice like you never have before it's time to hear his voice like you never have before he's gonna work with you on a level that you've only dreamed about he's gonna work with you on an entirely new level
Channel: MNYouthUPCI
Views: 337
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: _lbFGtL7DC8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 27sec (4227 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 21 2019
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