Transform Trash Audio into Crystal Clear Sound for Free - Adobe Enhance Speech AI Tool for Audio

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I want to share a free tool with you that will take trash audio and make it sound studio quality in just a few clicks if you've ever struggled with background noise echo or just poor quality audio in your videos this free AI tool is gonna blow your mind this free tool from Adobe uses artificial intelligence to analyze and remove background noise Echo and Distortion from your audio it can even take trash audio that you recorded on a bad quality mic or a mobile phone and make it sound crisp and professional really exciting news since I recorded the first part of this video Adobe baked enhanced speech right into the beta version of Adobe Premiere Pro I'll show you how that works but if you simply want to see the free version in action and how you can get access to it skip to 7 minutes 40 seconds in this video right now okay so I have a couple of Clips here one is me in a studio with a noisy fan okay I'm talking to you on a microphone that's right by a noisy fan over there so you can definitely hear that Dyson fan whirring away what will enhance speech to on that then I have a second clip here talking on my iPhone how about audio recorded on an iPhone so as you can hear no background noise there but of course the iPhone's microphone is not the best quality so what I'm gonna do and I advise you to do this it's really easy to access the feature go to workspaces in the top right look for the audio workspace and then we're going to select both of these clips and now there's a new feature as well as enhanced speech that allows you to auto tag it it's gonna ideate his dialogue so you no longer need to click dialogue there I found in my experience about 90 accurate I've actually got some music over here this is a music track let's play this so I'm actually going to test this feature out too by selecting all my Clips clicking auto tag and let's see what happens here give it a few seconds and yes it is correctly identified that this is indeed speech it's got the enhanced speech this clip here Yep this is also dialogue here and then over here when I select this yes it's correctly identified that this is music so Auto tagging also great new feature now available inside the beta build of Adobe Premiere Pro enhanced speech is also currently in beta as I release this video but it may well obviously come into the full version soon so let's test this out first of all on my noisy fan recording gonna select the clip there with the audio and just click enhance now the pre-trained AI runs on your machine there's no uploading of audio files and you'll see a little status bar here and also down here on the audio it's done now I'm going to start off with no audio enhancement and play this back okay I'm talking to you on a microphone so that's the non-enhanced audio then I'm going to whack it across to the most which is 1.0 on the slider and play it back okay I'm talking to you on a microphone that wow I mean that's pretty there's no fan there right by a noisy fan over there and then let's slowly fade that fader down as we play back again if I enhanced the speech does it get any better do I sound like I'm in a Pro Studio without a big noisy blowing fan okay so as I was sliding that slider there from left to right it was definitely making a difference this is a great start let's do the same on my iPhone microphone here I'm going to select that click enhance give it a second again the pre-trained AI model runs on your computer and enhances the speech for you boom it's done let's start with nothing and listen to the original recording how about audio recorded on an iPhone and now let's go ahead and slide it over to the right and see what it does to my iPhone microphone how about audio recorded on an iPhone okay that's pretty incredible let's slide it down as we play back more if I use enhanced speech is it gonna sound a whole lot better like I have a pro mic in front of my mouth now that is not bad at all one thing I'm noticing that the enhanced speech feature seems to do is obviously it uses a lot of processing power to make your voice sound better eliminate back ground noise and do all that good stuff with AI it's kind of maybe taking a few frequencies out of the voice so we're losing particularly a bit of the high end but I think I can fix that with the other tools available to me here in the essential sound panel on the right hand side so obviously I've noticed that I've lost some frequencies but I also think it's quite quiet how about audio recorded on an iPhone so you see I'm peaking between -12 minus nine when I take enhanced speech off let's play it back how about audio recorded on an iPhone you see I'm picking up sort of minus six minus three so I've lost some volume so let's switch that feature back on enhance speech to full and then we'll use the Dynamics effect here and as I slowly increase it you'll hear the voice gets louder and clearer this is a bit of compression and a little bit of volume boost happening there on the audio let's listen how about audio recorded on an iPhone and look at that and actually so loud it's peaking so what we'll do is we'll also click the clip volume here and turn the level down ever so slightly maybe take it down by 2.6 DB how about audio recorded on an iPhone okay nice and loud and clear we want to take it even further we can EQ none of the presets in here are really good actually I would do EQ myself using parametric equalizer in Premiere Pro and if you want to know how to do that really well I've got loads of tutorials on my channel so make sure to make a note or click or look at the description where I'll link some parametric EQ tutorials but if I wanted to do it in a whiz in a quick moment and make things better the one I would go for is vocal presence I mean it's not it's not a great EQ curve but it's better than nothing if you don't want to mess about with parametric equalizers so again we'll just fade this up until we get a desirable result how about audio recorded on an iPhone if I use enhanced speech okay I'm gonna use maybe uh two on that but one thing I think it does the more you put on is it increases the sibilance that high-end SC sound and it's also uh it's it's just making me sound a little nasally so it's not ideal I would definitely set up my own EQ curve a little bit differently to the way this one is configured but if you're in essential sound and you don't want to go anywhere else it's a great solution and then vocal enhanta I actually quite like uh if I tick this and switch it on it increases the high tones initially with the high tone selected how about audio recorded on an iPhone but it goes very thin and there's kind of not much substance to it low tone is great adds a load of bass makes you sound rumbly listen to this how about audio recorded on an iPhone and actually we've really played with that and and so much so what I actually really want to do is I want to make a clone of this let's move that music along and then I want to disable all the features on this and I want to actually put it side by side so we can hear a direct before and after comparison let's bring this in here so we just hear a direct before and after just going to trim this up nicely and let's play the enhanced fully enhanced essential sound version with enhanced speech enabled and then we'll go back to the original iPhone microphone so let's play how about audio recorded on an iPhone how about audio recorded on an iPhone interesting you let me know what you think in the comments now enhanced speech is available in the Adobe Premiere Pro beta build which is available to everyone in the Creative Cloud app just look for beta apps and go ahead install it test it for yourself and that auto tagging feature is also cool so now I've Auto tagged this music it's correctly identified I can play how about audio recorded on an iPhone bit of a mix going on there but thankfully we've got ducking as well so it can duck against the speech Let's see how well it does on default how about audio recorded on an iPhone how about audio recorded on an iPhone but of course ducking is a different tutorial and there are more tutorials on that on my channel too and now let's get into how you can access this awesome AI tool to enhance speech remove background noise for free it's incredibly easy to use all you need to do is export the audio from your video file in Premiere Pro you just click export and now under presets right here at the bottom more presets you can look for wave and there it is the ability to export in high quality wav files so I'm doing that exporting the Audio Only from my video project simple it's done and then you go to the URL I'll post below adobe's new AI enhanced speech tool and you simply choose a file so I'm going to go to my desktop where I exported that WAV file import it here to enhance speech okay there we go now it's done now since this feature was released earlier in the year they've introduced a strength slider so we can start with zero percent enhanced speech applied underground noise going on but can it be fixed okay so there is background noise there let's put strength to 100 and this audio be fixed or am I doomed okay okay that is pretty good so the enhanced speech possibilities just by dragging this into enhanced speech are pretty phenomenal when you're happy with the result from the AI you can just click the download button it will download the file you can head back into Premiere Pro and then drag and drop this audio onto the enhanced track so you can see now I can solo and listen to the original here I am filming a video with quite a bit of background noise and then I can take this off and solo the enhanced version going on there's a lot of background noise going on okay so that is a dramatic Improvement but let's not stop there let's play with a few other examples is an iPhone the best microphone to record on let's try audio enhancement that's pretty bad let's listen to the result after AI enhancement is an iPhone the best microphone to record on let's try audio enhancement the enhancer worked Wonders on audio I recorded next to my tumble dryer as well let's hear the before and after of that well here's the challenge let's place this right next to the tumble dryer and try and improve the audio and then we'll run the enhancement magic does the audio sound any better when I use audio enhancements so there you have it an amazing free tool from Adobe to help you sound professional now this is free you can upload up to 30 minutes and up to one hour per day absolutely free of charge but if you want the ability to bulk up load enhance up to 4 hours a day a and use that strength slider I showed you then Adobe Express premium is what you're going to need now it seems Adobe have really been listening to creators and it's priced at just 9.99 a month and not only does it include all that audio goodness but you also get access to a load of adobe Express features such as generative AI working with artwork and a lot of adobe stock premium templates as well try it out on your own Clips let me know how you go in the comments down below and I hope you got a lot from this tutorial you're going to level up your audio remember to like And subscribe for more videos just like this one on my channel
Channel: Mike Russell
Views: 14,948
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: music radio creative, mike russell, adobe audition tutorial, adobe certified professional, adobe premiere pro, premiere pro, adobe enhance speech, adobe enhance, podcasting, podcast editing, sound better, better audio, studio mic, sound like a pro, pro sound, free pro sound, good audio, professional audio, better podcast audio, better audio for videos, easy audio improvement, audio improvement hack, audio enhancement, audio enhancer
Id: h4nCOoe3xo4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 36sec (636 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 14 2023
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