Turn TRASH Audio to PRO Audio Using This Free AI Tool!

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- I have a secret that you need to know about. If you wanna take your audio from this to this, listen up. If you're looking to level up your audio without breaking the bake, I have a tool for you that's gonna blow your mind more than chat GPT itself. - Oh. - Oh yeah, we don't need this mic. It's not even plugged in anything. Did I mention that it's free? It's from Adobe and you don't even need an account. Stand until the end and I'll show you how to take rookie level audio to professional of audio in just 60 seconds. Have you ever watched a video with stunning visuals and super cinematic footage but you struggled to keep watching because the audio was not clear? Or have you ever listened to a podcast that kept you drawn in because of the crystal clear sound you just had to watch? This isn't even plugged in. I don't know why I'm using this. Look, it's not a secret that audio is a critical component if not the most important component when it comes to making videos. When making a video, your audio can be the difference between someone clicking off to find something else or staying to watch what you have to say. Whether you're making content on your phone, a DSLR camera or mirrorless camera, audio is a make or break. Let me show you. This audio you're hearing is from my Sony A7III and we're almost two feet away from the actual onboard mic where the sound is being picked up. Typically, when you film with an onboard mic with a mirrorless or a DSLR camera, there tends to be a lot of background noise. This is what it sounds like inside my apartment without enhanced audio. This is what it sounds like with the enhanced audio. That was pretty cool. Hang on, what if we go outside? I'm glad you asked. (loud noise coming from wind) Okay, we are outside right now on my balcony and this is what it sounds like with the enhanced audio. Let me turn off the enhanced audio for you. (loud noise coming from wind) Yeah, that's not pleasant. I'm gonna switch to my iPhone so you can also hear the difference. This is what it sounds like with the enhanced audio line. Now I'm gonna switch the enhanced audio off so you can hear what it sounds like. There's a lot more background noise and it definitely doesn't sound as clear. Okay, so this AI tool is no joke. If you're someone who doesn't have the money to invest in a microphone quite yet, this free tool does a great job. Let's head back inside because I need to show you how you can use this AI tool for your videos. But before we go, do me quick favor, hit subscribe below. Don't worry, I'll wait. (soft music) Okay, awesome. Let's put 60 seconds up here on the screen. I'm gonna show you an under 60 seconds how simple and easy this is. The only way to start the timer, however, is by hitting the like button below, but don't start it yet.. I'm gonna show you inside my video editing software exactly what to do. You can use whichever video editing software you prefer. Okay. Hit the like button and start the timer. Open your editing software and import the video you wanna use to enhance your sound. Once you have it imported, you're going to export the audio only. This is important. You want to make sure you're exporting in an MP3 or wave file. Once the audio is exported, go to podcast.adobe.com/enhance or check the link in the description for you to check it out. Take your exported audio and drag your clip into the box that says drag and drop audio. Depending on the length of your audio, it may take a few seconds up to a couple minutes. Download the audio file when it's done. The final step is to take that downloaded audio, drag it underneath the original audio of the video that you have and replace it within the timeline. You can do one of two things. You can completely remove the audio from the clip and delete it, or you can just cancel out and disable the audio from the original clip and replace it with the downloaded audio. And there you go. I think we did pretty good on time and we were able to do it in under 60 seconds. Before you go, here's a couple things to keep in mind. Number one, control your setting as best as possible. You don't wanna have a lot of access background noise if you don't have to. The enhancer will take into account any background noise or any other extra noise within your video. Do your best to be in as quiet of a setting as you can. Number two, the best microphone is the one you readily have available to you. You don't need to go spending tons of money on a brand new microphone. It can enhance your audio by being able to control sound more. But if you're just starting out, you don't need to make that purchase just yet. Start where you are with what you have. Hope this video helped and see you in the next one. (cool upbeat music)
Channel: TubeBuddy
Views: 114,003
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tubebuddy, ai audio enhancer, adobe podcast, audio editing, enhance speech, mic check tool, adobe podcast ai, adobe podcast enhance, audio cleanup, ai voice enhancer, noise reduction, fix bad audio, audio editing in premiere pro, improve audio quality, audio editing app
Id: 7GQQ0er3NCE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 4sec (244 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 08 2023
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