Blender how to Reduce Poly Count and Bake Textures

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so in this video we're going to go from high poly to low poly i can't actually remember which one's low poly so let's go ahead and find our bread model now i've jumped onto sketch fab and there is a link in the description and i found a free model of this bread obviously what you saw at the start but i'm kind of pre-recording this so in blender we press a to select everything and delete we always delete that default cube for no apparent reason file import obj because it's an obj let's find our bread pane and there we go there's our bread rotate x minus 90 just so it's kind of you know the right way up from here what i'm going to do is shift d to duplicate right click to put that back in place and i'm going to hide the original now we can see at the moment that this one has a hundred and twelve thousand faces all right so if i press tab to go into edit mode we can see there's quite a bit of geometry from here what i'm going to do is bring that geometry down and i'm going to click on our object data the green thingy triangle from here what i'm going to do first is turn off auto smooth on this model i'm going to click remesh and i'm going to select voxel is going to be there the voxel size so when you see that we bake this out it's going to make little cubes and that's how it's going to determine the mesh i'm going to click voxel remesh so at the moment we can see that it's triangles and so on and so forth voxel remesh and we can see that we've got nice squares now and we can see that the phase count now is 3662 so about 5 of what it initially was from here let's go into the modifiers and this is really important that we have to do it in order okay add modifier multi-resolution okay leave it add modifier shrink wrap from here the wrap method needs to be project and we will select our target to be our previous bread that's currently hidden we want the projection to be both negative and positive now that we've done that let's subdivide subdivide subdivide from here i'm going to apply apply the shrink wrap modifier so have it selected and ctrl a and then with the level viewport i'm going to bring that back down to zero from here let's just select that i'm going to press spacebar shade smooth there we go cool bananas next we need to do is now set up our textures so let's go into shading okay i'm going to copy the material so we've got fresh material from here i'm going to delete this texture i'm going to create a new texture this pink up here is from node preview add-on it's currently got errors because i don't know why but it does it's no preview add-ons really good for creating textures like with all the nodes and so on i don't know why it's pink at the moment from here i'm going to create a new material this one will be bread underscore d for diffuse okay let's multiply that by 2 and multiply this one by 2 so we've got a 2k texture and then i'm going to press ok from here i'm going to go shift d to duplicate and bring that back down and let's add in a normal map from here color goes into color normal goes into normal let's remove the diffuse texture and now we're going to create a normal texture so let's go bread underscore n it's a 2k texture this is important let's remove the alpha you need to turn on 32-bit float ok now what do we do from here we need to come up into the main viewport tab to select it press a to select everything u smart uv project and i'm going to increase the margin size by a little bit because then there's no bleeding of edges over onto the other onto the texture so let's press ok to that so if we come into uv editing we can see that we've got nice margins and so that's what we've got let's come back into here i am going to select our initial mesh and i'm just going to shade smooth on that one and as well remove auto smooth let's hide that original one from here i need to have bread n selected let's jump over into the render settings ev we're going to change the cycles the render i'm going to drop it back down to about 10 because we don't need to calculate where light is bouncing we're just trying to capture the geometry from here let's go down into performance i'm just going to increase the tile size and let's minimize that let's go into bake now i want to bake from multi-res and i want the normals make sure our bread n is selected and i'm going to press bake and hopefully we're going to have a bake texture so let's come down to here and we can see that's that's looking pretty good for a normal map we've got a lot of definition on our model that's only got 3600 faces beautiful now let's go ahead and grab our diffuse color so from here i'm going to unhide our original let's have that selected first from here i'm going to shift left click again and make sure our secondary bread is selected i'm going to have bread d image texture highlighted then we can come down into bank i want to not bake from multi-res i'm going to go into diffuse i don't care about the lighting i just purely want color i want selected to active so our initial mesh is coming to our active mesh which is our low poly one and the let's increase the selected active thing extrude extrusion i'm going to set that to 0.1 and press bake and hopefully it's just going to be all good and if we have a look we've got a very nice texture i'm going to move this one over g to the x which one did i move over which one's which so this is the high poly this is the low poly subscribe see frank frank's like hey can you subscribe and like and comment did you find this useful so you want to continue to support me as well i do have a patreon that i'm starting to up and i'm putting a lot more effort into i will be having custom motion capture data up there as well for any of my upcoming projects i'll put in a pack of motion capture and have it available for you if you want my patreons and you need some motion capture done some very simple stuff i'm more than happy to try and help you out there uh i'll be using the perception neuron v3 so there's plenty tutorials coming out there i will be trying to do as well custom tutorials for patreon stuff patreon subscribers as well which would be kind of a bit of a long form tutorials so if you want to check them out head over there support me more if you can i would be very much appreciate appreciative um very grateful that's the word there we go and yeah say hi to your mum for me
Channel: Markom3D
Views: 306,727
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sketchup tutorial, sketchfab blender, blender, blender 3d scans, 3d scans, texture baking, blender tutorial, blender tutorial 2.9, blender 2.8 tutorial, blender bake materials to texture, blender 2.8, texture baking blender, blender bake, blender 2.9, 3d scans in blender, 3d scans with iphone 12, 3d scans free, 3d scans of sculptures, 3d scans with phone, 3d scans with iphone
Id: Yx9TvvnxCAM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 5sec (485 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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