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and ronger collabed with tenebra tenor bronzer who the is Tanner ronger oh my gosh what a brother it again hello what the oh my I'm losing it oh my god I'm losing it dude I need to go to sleep or something this is bad okay I need to take a drive this is this is too much for me fine you want to collab I mean I guess what can I get to drink first from where whatever floats your boat let's go to trampoline park Tanner Braun guard is coming that's why I'm here yeah I drove probably an hour here to Vista this is my second video I've made today and I've been waiting in my car for like an hour for Tanner to show up because he's late and there's LA traffic and these kids these kids don't believe these coming but he'll be here in a second these are my friends hi guys are you excited to see Tanner the other Tanner why would I be here by myself oh wait that's not him with he'll never mind I thought that was him I'm sorry for going up to window I thought you're someone else when I went up to the window I thought it was someone else I was like oh I'm sorry for filming you I told all these kids you were coming and they didn't believe it I didn't believe you well what's up bro I said you got a meteor mutant there's my first time actually meeting a person Ana Braungart sister wants to take a picture with me I'm honored good you're sad am i YouTube sup hi this is all degenerate cool these kids are literally freaking out this is like living that famous line there's gonna be so many people that are like psyched about this dude it was so hard to keep it a secret the whole way here hey like I don't know if you guys saw our Twitter beef but we'd like you made fake Twitter beef to like you like his own Monroe this all I have Tommy for that it was so stupid hi wheezes in whoa so meetup not after this tanner squared yeah let's go we all got cameras from both ham Tanner we're both gonna jump on trampolines let's turn into an unintentional Meetup there you go coming into my house there's way more kids than I was expecting there to be Tanner meet up Tanner squared meet up merchandise coming soon are you qualified the phone yeah dress yourself yeah trooper good I'll just myself throwing it boom much talent very well they like him is this his habitat other there's so many people here let's go whatever one thing I've never been able to do I can't stand it fool so he just faceplant doing one but I need to learn how to do them I'm just going to go for it and see how it goes you walk on me oh that was really good that was it yeah that your legs are so straight yes shut it on this yeah you should yeah oh do I like to spin weird looking into the heart Tanner's videos which Tanner we're having the same footage this isn't okay oh my God look at his dude what is life what is my friend it's this glory this fool is gonna teach me how to do a castaway I've never been able to do that oh I'll get a quad front on to this but it's a lot harder than I thought lots of green over here people like green all right I'm gonna learn how to do this right now all right what's the first step start a lot of people push device backs long very much looking back just looks like a very bad idea how does that work push off your leg go back to you know I was clean your baffles are so high do I need a bigger wall to scared go why can't okay nevermind I pund out I just pinned out on the castaway or whatever it's called so I'm gonna go double clip on a small ledge want to go with me yeah let me do this real quick all right we're gonna try to double clip up this big thing guys thumbs up if we both do this I don't know what to look at there's two cameras you got it basically oh my god I didn't do it treachery I guess I'll try I'm sure though great face please so I just full-on face fun I didn't say we had to land the double backflip we just had to try now he now he has to do it so I tried and I died oh no no no no if he got this I got it he did it really good so I'm gonna try again it's the Tanner showdown I tried three times support oh we're both hitting equally it's yours you're completely blind I just learned that again standing gain or relearn ready I'm a relearn standing gainer Oh so here instead look hey guys look what I have just learned yeah Oh crazy was he Gucci I'm gonna do a backflip flatten he said he wants to runner me that's a good idea I believe him hey you better go low his head's going to swing around under so you better go up I was so scared I thought I was coming down your head kind of a quick jumping session but we'll catch you guys we get back to my house cuz we're gonna jump for fun now ninety percent of my freakin comments to him we're trying to leave the Tanners like non-stop taking photos by gender by cater yeah alright the session at tempest has come to an end oh my god it's so dark I'm so sorry for that let's do this what Tempest is over we're headed back to my house but are you hungry hide whatever you doing I'm like yes I kind of wanted to get you Taco Bell oh really I really wanted to buy you jumbo you didn't have to do I want to buy him talking ok that's just that's like your thing all right wait mm-hmm are you went to like the Panda Express we had to get talked about it's kind of appropriate ok right and then also before this the videos obviously not over but I want to say comment down below some video ideas you want us to do we have two days to film together he's leaving Sunday it's Friday night right now so comment down below if you guys have any cool ideas for us ok we were back at my house I did buy him Taco Bell but we didn't film that and this is the end of the video we have tons of stuff planned he's hanging out for the next two days so again comment down below what do you want us to do and this car sharing bye probably looking at us like why is this kid holding a camera and a light but that's not important also if you guys want to check out Tanner's YouTube he's grown an insane amount in the past two months so his youtubers in the description and I'll see you guys in my next video goodbye do the hand thing peace out
Channel: Tanner Fox
Views: 4,444,576
Rating: 4.9300084 out of 5
Keywords: insane, tanner, fox, roman, atwood, smile more, trampoline, trampoline tricks, laugh, iphone, flips, gymnastics, tempest, free running, parkour, tanner fox, tanner braungardt
Id: p3VKzdxlm3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 59sec (659 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 13 2016
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