Train Your Brain To Make More Money - John Assaraf

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[Music] so many people ask me is it possible to train your brain to help you make more money and the answer is yes so maybe i can share a story with you of how i started to train my own brain to help me make more money and it started with setting some goals for the kind of lifestyle that i wanted to live and my mentor walter schneider many years ago i was a very very successful businessman and he said in order to achieve your goals he said first you have to have the clarity of what they are so let's say you have a financial goal of making let's say a hundred thousand dollars a year okay that's about eighty five hundred dollars a month or about you know twenty one hundred fifty dollars every week that you wanna earn and let's say you're not earning that right now one of the things you can do to train your brain to help you make that amount of money is first and foremost get clear on the exact amount you want to earn whether it's per week per month or per year that's step number one step number two create a simple affirmation that goes like this i am so happy and grateful for the fact that i am now earning 10 000 a month simple affirmation and what i want you to do is i want you to read that affirmation every single morning five to ten times and every single night before you go to bed five to ten times and as you read that affirmation i want you to close your eyes and i want you to practice mentally rehearse you receiving that money in the form of a check or cash or in your bank account and see the money going into your bank account i want you to feel what it feels like to consistently have ten thousand dollars a month coming into your bank account and you can choose whatever amount you want by the way and as you close your eyes and you visualize that money coming into your account what i also want you to visualize is the impact that that amount of money will have on your life your family's life your friend's life the community that you live in and the charities that you want to support get totally into a mental movie and the emotions as if you were a hollywood actor or actors pretending that that was really happening so you'd read your affirmation i'm so happy and grateful for the fact that i am now earning 10 000 a month and as you do that and you repeat that mentally rehearse visualize what that looks like and what that does is that primes your brain to see and feel as if it is real right now and that activates the different parts of your brain specifically the left prefrontal cortex which is the genius ceo einstein part of your brain that can actually help you figure out how to achieve that goal and dream so if you do that in the morning and at night before bed morning upon waking up night time before bed you will start to prime your brain with an affirmation with a mental rehearsal and you will cognitively prime your brain and if you want a bonus step what i want you to do is take a vision board either on your computer or a physical board and cut out some pictures of what lifestyle earning 10 000 a month will allow you to live what kind of car would you drive what kind of places would you go vacation and what kind of home would you live in what kind of charities would you support get pictures of the outcome of earning ten thousand dollars a month is or a hundred thousand dollars a year and start to see yourself in that scenario and act as if it is real right now and then every day ask yourself a question what can i do today to make that amount of income a reality and take one or two action steps towards making that a reality so the physical actions in addition to the mental rehearsal with affirmations and mental rehearsals visualizations is one of the best ways to start priming your brain to achieve the financial goals you have [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Team Fearless
Views: 4,897,712
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: John Assaraf, Train Your Brain, john assaraf neuro gym, john assaraf money, Train Your Brain To Make More Money, Make More Money, motivational video money, make more monry motivation, motivational speech money, brain motivational video, brain and money, visualization money, john assaraf motivation, john assaraf the secret
Id: BrRZZ_8NTkg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 29sec (389 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2018
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