REAL TIME Number Plate Recognition with Python and AWS | Object detection and tracking | Yolov8

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so this is the project in which we will be  working today on today's tutorial this is a   real time license plate recognition project and  you can see that we're detecting all the license   plates all the cars and we're also reading the  text from the license plates we're going to use   Python yolo8 sort and we're also going to use  AWS we're going to build this super amazing   and super complex project in AWS and now let's get  started so today we are going to work with a real   time license plate recognition project and this is  exactly the pipeline in which we will be working   today and you can see that this is a very very  very complex and a very advanced project we will   be using many different products and services from  AWS we're going to launch an ec2 instance we are   going to create an s3 bucket, a lambda function,  we're going to use textract, DynamoDB, SQS and   Amazon Kinesis video stream so this is definitely  a very complex and a very advanced project now   let me show you something else which is the GitHub  repository I created for this tutorial and you can   see that this is a very very very comprehensive  readme file with all the instructions with all   the steps we need to take in order to set up  this project up and running and in this video   I am going to walk you through all the steps  in this process so you can set up this project   up and running but this is very important this is  going to be a very high level description of the   entire process and I am not going to show you all  the details which were involved in the different   parts of this project remember we are dealing with  a very complex tutorial so there were definitely   many challenges I had to solve along the way  working in this project and there were definitely   many details involved in the different parts of  this process so in this video I am not going to   show you all the details but this is going to be  like a very high level description of the entire   process but I also created another video where I  do show you all the details in this process I show   you absolutely all the challenges I had to face  along the way while I was creating this project   and I show you absolutely every single detail  for example I show you the object detector   I trained in order to detect license plates and cars,  remember I trained an object detector with yolov8 and   I show you the entire process of how I created  the data how I curated the data and this was a   very very very complex process and finally how I  trained the model so in this other video I show   you absolutely all the steps in this process and  this other video will be available in my Patreon   so it's going to be available to my Patreon  supporters. But now let's continue now let's   get started with this project and the first thing  I'm going to do is to give you a very quick and   a very high level description of Amazon Kinesis  video stream this is a very important product and   this is perhaps one of the most important parts  in this tutorial so in case you are not familiar   with Amazon Kinesis video streams let me give  you a very quick and a very high level description   of how it works this is a very popular product  which is very commonly used to deal with real   time data with real time video data and the way it  works is that you have a producer which is going   to be producing data and then you will have  many many different consumers which will be   consuming the data on real time and all of these  different consumers are going to be taking care   of different parts of your process and everything  is going to be happening on real time so this is   a very quick and a very high level description  and in our case in our project we will have a   producer which is going to be streaming data, it is  going to be streaming frames from the video we   are going to use in order to test this project  and then we will have two different consumers   one of them is going to take care of the object  detection and the object tracking and the other   one is going to take care of the visualization  so in our case we will have a producer and two   consumers and this is a very quick and a very high  level description of how Amazon Kinesis video   streams works and now let's continue now let's get  back to the GitHub repository of this tutorial and   let's get started with this project, let's  get started by executing all the steps in this   process and the first step is going to AWS and  to log in into your account so I am already logged   into my a account this is my AWS management console  so this is the first step in this process then go   to Kinesis video streams and create a video stream  let me show you how to do that I am going to type kinesis video streams and I'm going to click here on  create video stream I'm going to name this stream   something like real time automatic number plate  recognition python AWS tutorial okay and then I'm   going to click here on create video stream that's  pretty much all this is the video stream we have   created and now let's continue with this process  then the next step is going to EC2 and launch a   t2 small instance so let's go to EC2... this is the  instance we are going to use as the producer right   we are in this part over here which is setting  up the producer so let's launch an EC2 instance   I'm going to click here on launch instance... I'm  going to name this instance something like real   time automatic number plate recognition python  AWS producer tutorial okay I'm going to select   Ubuntu then instance type I'm going to select  t2 small and then key pair I'm going to select my   key pair, this is very important if you do not have a  key pair this is where you need to create a new key pair,   but in my case I already have one so the only  thing I'm going to do is to select my key pair and   that's pretty much all and then I'm just going to  click here on launch instance okay now I am going   to click here and I am going to the next step in  this process which is SSH into the ec2 instance so   I am going to click here and I'm going to click  here... I'm going to copy the public IPV4 DNS   and I'm going to open a terminal and I'm going  to type something like this okay ,okay I'm going   to type yes and that's pretty much all, now I am  logged into this EC2 instance let's continue, now   we need to execute all the steps in this process  so the first one is very simple the only thing we   need to do is an APT update okay now let's continue  and now we need to clone this repository but let   me show you this repository first because this is  very important this is Amazon Kinesis video stream   producer SDK this is the official Amazon Kinesis  video stream producer SDK and this is going to   be a very important repository in order to set up  the producer so I'm just going to clone this repository   and I'm going to continue by executing all  the steps in this process now we need to create a   new directory, I'm going to CD into this directory  and then... all the other steps this is going to   be very very straightforward the only thing  I need to do is to execute each one of these   steps one at a time and that's going to be pretty  much all so that's pretty much all I'm going to do   now and I'm going to resume this video once I'm  completed of executing absolutely all the steps   in this process okay now we have these two exports  and that's going to be pretty much all, okay, so I   have completed all the steps we have over here  and now I'm going to continue over here which   is download the video we will be using to test  this project so remember this is the video we   are going to use in order to test this project and  this is the video we need to download into the EC2   instance so I am going to execute CD and then  wget... and that's pretty much all okay so yeah   that's ready now we need to go to IAM and create a  new user with these permissions so I am going to IAM... I'm going to users then create user and this  will be something like real time automatic number   plate recognition tutorial kinesis video user okay I'm  going to click on next and I am going to attach   this policy which is Amazon Kinesis video streams  full access so I am going to search for Amazon   Kinesis video okay this is the policy we need to  attach Amazon kinesis video stream full access and   I'm going to click on next and then create user  and that's pretty much all so the user has been   created and now let's see what's the next step  in this process now we need to select the IAM   user we created and we need to go to security  credentials and create access keys... so security   credentials access Keys create access Keys local  code I understand the above recommendation and I want   to proceed to create an access key and then I am  going to create access keys and then these are   the keys we have just created this is the access  key and this is the secret access key now let's   continue now we need to go to the EC2 instance and  we need to run this command so I'm going to copy   this command and I'm going to paste it over here  and obviously we need to... change a few things   we need to paste the secret key over here so I'm  going to copy and paste then I am going to paste   the access key over here and then I am going  to the region name which in my case is us-east-1 and obviously something else we need  to do is to change the stream name so I'm going   to copy and paste this name over here and that's  pretty much all so I'm going to press enter and   this is going to stream all the frames from  this video in real time and I'm going to show   you something I'm going to click here on media  playback we are in the Kinesis video stream we   created and now we should be seeing the frames  from this video over here so this is the video   we are streaming using Kinesis video stream so  we are almost ready we have already completed the   first step in this process which is setting up the  producer, the producer is ready now let's continue   and I'm going to show you how to set up one of the  consumers the one that's going to take care of the   object detection and the object tracking. Okay  now let's go to EC2 again and now we're going to   launch a t2 xlarge instance so I am going to EC2  launch instance this will be something like real time tutorial consumer object  detection okay I'm going to select Ubuntu   t2 xlarge and then the I'm going to  select my key pair and then this is very   important we need to create this instance with  30 GB of storage size so I am going to type 30... okay 30 okay launch instance... okay now  I need to SSH into this instance... and this   is how we are going to do... I'm going to copy  the public IPV4 DNS and I'm just going to   open another terminal and I'm going to type  something like this okay I'm going to type yes... okay now I am logged into this ec2 instance  and let's see how to continue now we need to   execute all these commands so this is the  first one sudo apt update... now I'm going to   install virtualenv we are going to create a new  virtual environment and then we are going   to activate the virtual environment okay, now  I am going to clone another repository and let   me show you this repository as well this is  a very important repository and remember we   used the Amazon official SDK in order to set up  the producer now we're going to use the Amazon   SDK in order to set up the consumer and we're  going to use the python SDK in order to set   up this consumer so this is the repository we're  going to use and actually we are going to use   a fork I made on the this repository, this is the  original repository from AWS and we are going to   work on a fork right, this is my account, and  the reason we are going to use this fork is   because I made a lot of changes, I made a lot  of edits because I needed to set up everything   that's involved with the object detection  and the object tracking and all the process   we are going to do in this ec2 instance so we  are going to clone this fork which is in my   repository, in my GitHub account, now now let's get  back here and I'm just going to git clone this repository... okay now I'm going to CD into this  repository then I am going to clone sort because   remember we are going to do object detection  but we are also going to do object tracking   and we are going to use sort as an object tracking  algorithm so this is the repository we're going to   use in order to do object tracking, now let's  continue, I have already cloned sort and now   let's start installing all the requirements so  let's install all the requirements we have over   here of the Amazon SDK we are going to install  all the requirements from this repository then   let's install all the requirements from sort  right so I'm going to run pip install -r sort requirements okay and I'm having an error when  I'm trying to install one of the requirements from   sort and if this happens to you as well I this is  what you need to do in order to fix it I'm going   to open this file which is sort requirements  and I'm going to comment this line which is   scikit image and the scikit image version right we  are not going to install this requirement for   now and we're going to install it later on so  I'm going to close it and I'm just going to do   the same command again again pip install -r  sort requirements okay and now everything is okay   now let's try to install a more recent version of  that um Library which is going to be pip install scikit... image 22.0 okay let's see now okay now everything seems to be just fine now  let's continue now we're going to install ultralytics   remember this is a very important library  because this is the library we are going to use in   order to do the object detection we are going to  use yolo V8 so we definitely need to install this Library okay and now I'm going to execute these  two commands... okay and now this is the last last one... okay and that's pretty much all, now  let's continue now we need to go to IAM   and we need to create a an access role  in order to provide this ec2 instance   with all of these permissions so let's go to  IAM and let's create a new access role, this is   IAM so I am going to roles create role the  service with will be ec2 next and now   let's attach all the policies we need  one of them is Amazon Kinesis video streams   full access, I am going to select this policy  then the next one is Amazon Dynamo DB full access and then the other one is Amazon S3  full access and Amazon SQS full access   so Amazon S3 and then Amazon sqs okay that's  pretty much all now I'm going to click on next   and this role name will be something like this  okay access role EC2 consumer object detection   and tracking something like that okay create role  oh it's too long so I'm going to over here... okay okay so the role has been created and  now the next step is to attach the IAM role   to the ec2 instance so let's go here to the Ec2  dashboard... I'm going to select this instance... and   I am going to actions security modify IAM  role and I'm going going to choose the IAM   role which just created which is this one real  time automatic number plate recognition access   role EC2 consumer object detection update  role and that's pretty much all now the   next step is to download the object detector  into the ec2 instance and let me show you how   to do that there are many ways in which we  could do it but I'm just going to use an SCP so I'm just going to copy and paste this  command and I'm going to update the IP address and   the IP will be something like this right so I am  doing an SCP -i this is my key pair then this   is the model the object detector we are going to  use and then this is the the location in which we   are going to copy this file right so which is ubntu @   this IP address so I'm just going to press enter... okay and that's pretty much all now  if I do an ls in my ec2 instance this is   the consumer if I do ls here this is the file  we have just copied so everything seems to be   just fine now let's continue, now the next  step in this process is going to is going   to S3 and create an S3 bucket because remember  we need to set the entire system this entire   object detection and tracking consumer  so this is a lot of different services   and products we will need to create  the first one is S3 so I am going to S3... and I'm going to create a new bucket so I'm going  to click here on create bucket and the name will be something like this bucket okay, I'm going  to click on create bucket and the bucket has   been created and this is the bucket we just  created okay now let's continue, now we need   to go to DynamoDB and we need to create  two tables because we are going to use two   tables from DynamoDB in order to save, in  order to store, all the information related   to our object detection, the object tracking and  the text detection so let me show you, so tables   create table the first one will be something  like object detection and tracking and the   partition name key this is very very important  it will be the fragment number and you are going   to see why later on and then the sort key will  be y1 this is the one we are going to use and   these two keys will be strings then I am going  to customize settings and I'm going to choose On   Demand right this is exactly how we are going to  create this table then I'm going to create table   then I'm going to create another table which  is where we're going to save all the numbers   of all the license plates we detect so this  will be something like license plate numbers   something like that and the partition key this  will be something like car ID and that's pretty   much all we don't really need a sort key in  this case so we are going to use the car ID   in order to put elements into this table  now let's continue and I'm going to create table okay so the two tables have been created  and now let's continue now we need to go to   sqs and we need to create a first in  first out type of queue so let's type sqs... I'm going to create queue this will be a  first in first out type of queue and it   will be something like real time ANPR tutorial  queue okay and this is FIFO okay and that's pretty   much all I'm just going to create queue the  queue has been created and now let's see how   to continue now we need to go to Lambda and  we need to create a new Lambda function and   in order to so these are the files we need to  use in order to create this function and the   files are over over here so I am going to  Lambda, create function, function name real time... ok, runtime I'm going to select Python 3.11  and I am just going to leave a default execution   role for now but I am going to change it later  on so I'm just going to create function okay   so we have created the S3 bracket the Lambda  function the Dynamo DB tables and the sqs queue now   let's set up this lambda function, I am going to... I'm  going to enlarge the font a little okay and I'm   going back to the GitHub repository over here I am  going to the code of the Lambda function and the   only thing I'm going to do is to copy and paste  the code here okay and I'm going to click on deploy... now I'm going to click on file, new file,  and this new file we are going to copy the other   file we have over here which is, remember in  the other video I created and that's available   to my Patreons I give you so much details of  the entire process right now the only thing   I'm doing is to show you how to set everything  up and running and to give you a very high level   description but in this other video oh my God  I give you so much details of absolutely the   entire process but for now let's continue and  this file is called so that's pretty much   all let's see how to change the name okay we need  to click here and then save and the name will be and that's pretty much all okay so now we have  two files and now let's continue... okay see I have a step missing which  is creating an IAM role for the Lambda function,   I am going to update these instructions later on  but for now this is what we need to do we need to   go to IAM again and we need to create a new role so  this is IAM, I am going to roles and then create role,   this will be for a Lambda function and I'm going  to click on next and these are all the policies we   need to attach the first one is sqs full access  then we are going to... attach s3 full access then Dynamo DB full access and also   textract full access right remember we are here   the Lambda function and the Lambda function is  communicating with S3 Dynamo DB sqs and textract   so we definitely need to provide all these  permissions then the role name will be something like real time automatic number plate recognition  Lambda function something like that okay then   create role... then let's get back to the Lambda  function and I am going to configuration then   permissions then I'm going to click here on  edit and basically I am going to change the   existing role and this will be real time anpr lambda  function okay and another change I'm going   to make is over here in the timeout I'm going  to change the default timeout and I'm going   to set it in something like 1 minute and  I'm going to click on Save... then another change   I'm going to do is in asynchronous invocations  I'm going to edit and I'm going to change the   number of retry attempts and that's pretty much  all so I'm going to update the instructions in   the readme file but for now let's continue so  we have created the Lambda function we have   provided all the necessary permissions now we  need to go to the EC2 instance and we need to   change some variable names so let's go  to the ec2 instance and we need to open this file okay so this will be something like  this... so I'm going to scroll all the way   down until this section over here and these  are the variable names we are going to edit   so the first one is the region name and in  my case this is something Like us-east-1   then the stream name let's get back  to my browser and I'm going to copy   and paste the stream name we are going  to use in this tutorial... something like this... okay... then the bucket name... okay then the table name and this is the  table where we are going to save all the object   detection and the object tracking information  so I'm going to paste it over here then the queue   url let's go to sqs and I'm going to copy and  paste the queue url... something like this, okay and   that's pretty much all that's pretty much all  if I'm not mistaken so I'm just going to close   it and save the changes okay now let's get back  to the GitHub repository and let's see what's the   next step in this process, now we need to go  to Lambda and we need to do exactly the same   but with the Lambda function we just created  so let's go to the Lambda function we created   which is this one and I'm going to edit all the  variable names I'm going to start with the region name and then we also need to edit the queue url... and that's pretty much all okay if I'm  not mistaken that's pretty much all yeah I   think these were the only two variable names we  had in this Lambda function and I'm obviously   going to deploy the changes so let's let's get  back to the GitHub repository and although the   next step in this process is executing these  two commands I realize now that I completely   forgot to execute this step over here so let's  continue by executing this step and then we are   going to continue over here so we need to go to  the S3 bucket we created and we need to create   a new event notification to trigger the Lambda  function this is very very very important and   I completely forgot to do it so let's go to S3  this is the S3 bucket we created... real time anpr   bucket let's go to properties and let's go to  event notifications and I'm going to click on   create event notification, the event name will  be something like trigger Lambda function read   license plate something like that... and we are going  to trigger this Lambda function only in these   cases only for this suffix '_1.jpg' and if you  want to know why we are triggering the Lambda   function only in this case then I invite you to  take a look at the other video I created where I   explain exactly absolutely every single detail  about this project, for now let's continue, so I   am going to trigger this Lambda function on all  objects create events so I'm going to click this   button over here and that's pretty much all so  I'm going to scroll all the way down and I'm   going to select the Lambda function we created  real time anpr process plates Lambda and I'm   going to click on Save changes and that's pretty  much all so we completed this step over here and   that was pretty much all so now let's go to to the  ec2 instance and let's execute these two commands   I'm going to clear this output and then I'm going  to execute this command which is a cd into this   directory and then we need to execute this script  which is basically the consumer right now we are   going to be consuming data from the producer we're  going to be consuming all the data which is being   streamed by the producer and we had an error I  think I know what's the problem we need to go to sort/ and we need to comment these  two lines not sure why we have that error   but if we do that edit we fix it so that's  pretty much all now let's see what happens okay everything seems to be just fine so basically  we are waiting until we receive a fragment of data   which is being streamed from the producer but  we are not really streaming anything at   this time so we're not going to receive anything  so I'm going to stop this script and I'm going   back to the producer and I'm going to execute  it again but actually the way we need to do it   we need to execute the consumer first and then we  need to execute the producer so now I'm going to   execute the producer and you can see that we are  broadcasting data, we are streaming the data, and   you can see that everything is just fine now we  are processing all this data we are receiving from   the producer you can see that we are executing  all the frames in this video and this is a   huge output we got from the object detection and  the object tracking this is all the data we are   saving into the database so everything seem to be  just fine so we have completed the second step in   this process which is setting up the consumer,  the consumer which is going to take care of   the object detection and the object tracking so  everything that's here it's done, it's ready, and   we can just continue with the last part in this  process which is setting up the visualization   so let's see how we can do that and I'm going  to show you how to do it in my local computer,   I'm not going to use an ec2 instance, no, but I'm  going to do it in my local computer, eventually,   potentially you could set up all the visualization  in an ec2 instance in the cloud but I'm going to   show you how to do it in a local computer I'm  going to use my local computer so I'm going to   use pycharm, so I'm going to open pycharm, I'm  going to click on file, new project, and then I'm   going to select a directory I have prepared for  this tutorial which is this one over here so I'm   going to click okay and I'm going to create a  new environment using python 3.9, create, this window, and that's pretty much all so we have  created a new project and we also created a   new virtual environment this is very important  now let's get back to the GitHub repository and   let's see how we can continue so the first step  in this process is cloning the same repository we   used before so I'm just going to clone exactly  the same repository but now we are going to use   another script right remember in the previous  consumer in the first consumer we executed this   file over here which is kvs consumer Library  example object detection and tracking and now   we're going to execute this other one which is  kvs consumer library example visualization so   this is what we are going to do now I'm going  to clone this repository so I'm going to copy   and then I am going here to terminal and then git  clone and the repository url and that's pretty much   all, so the repository is now cloned, now let's  get back to the GitHub repository over here   and now we need to download these two files and so let's go to   visualization and I'm just going to copy  and paste the content of these two files I'm going back to pycharm this is okay and then let's do the same for okay okay let's continue let's get back to GitHub okay now we need to go to IAM and  we need to create a new user with these   two access permissions so let's go to IAM  and I'm going to open this in a new tab... and now let's go to users and  create a new user, the user name   will be aws consumer visualization tutorial, next   attach policies directly and we're  going to attach these two policies Amazon Dynamo DB full access and sqs full access okay I'm going to click on next and that's  pretty much all so I'm going to create user, the   user has been created and it's this one over  here so let let's get back to github and   now we need to select the IAM role we created  and we need to go to security credentials and   create access keys so let's do that, security  credentials create access key local code and I   understand the above recommendation click on  next create access keys and the access Keys   have been created so we are one step closer of  setting up this other consumer so everything   is going well now we need to go to, and this other file over here and we   need to change, we need to edit, the variable  names the same way we did before, now   let's go to pycharm main plot and let's take  a look at all the variable names we need to edit... this one I think we don't have any actually   no we don't have any in main  plot we need to go to process queue... we have many over here so  the first one is the queue_url... then the table name... the access key and the secret key... the region name which in my case is   us-east-1 and that's pretty much all so now   let's go to the other file, to project Amazon Kinesis  video stream consumer and this one over here   visualization... and the variable names we have  region name which is us-east-1 in my case,   then stream name we need to copy and paste this  value over here okay we have pasted the stream   name and now let's continue the next value we  need to copy and paste is the access key okay   and now the secret access key and that's pretty  much all so we have changed, we have added all the   variable names in this file and that's pretty  much all so now let's get back to GitHub and   let's see how we continue now we need to create  a virtual environment and we need to install all   the requirements but in our case we have already  created a virtual environment when we started with   this project when we created this project so the  only thing we need to do now is to install all the   requirements so let's get back to pycharm and the  requirements we need to install are over here   within this directory Amazon kinesis video stream  consumer library for Python and these are the   requirements over here so what I'm going to do is  I'm going to the terminal and I'm going to execute   pip install -r Amazon requirements  okay and now we need to wait a couple of minutes okay so the requirements have been  installed and now we need to go to the next   step in this process which is execute  but before we process the queue we need to   do something first let's go to sqs let's go to  the queue we created and we need to do something   you can see that it says messages available 7,  we already have 7 messages available and we   need to do something we need to delete all the  messages we have so far so I'm going to type   purge and that's going to be pretty much all,  if I refresh okay now the messages available   is 0, the value is 0, so we are okay to  continue remember that the time we executed   this consumer over here the object detection and the  object tracking consumer we already started to   process all the data, to process all the frames, we  computed the object detection, the object tracking,   we saved the data into the database we put the  data into the queue, we already implemented the   entire process so we definitely need to delete  all the messages we already saved into the queue   in order to continue, now we should have some  messages available, some data available in this   table over here but I have already checked and  we do not have any and the reason for   this, the reason for we don't have any data  saved into this table is because I forgot to   make another edit to another variable we have  in the Lambda function which is the table name   we have over here we need to change this value  and we need to put the value of this table right   license plate numbers so remember the Lambda  function we edited some of the variable names,   but we forgot to edit this one over here which is  the table name so I'm going to do it now okay I'm   going to click on deploy and now everything is  ready to continue and now let's go back to   pycharm and let's execute so I'm going  to click on run process queue... no module named pandas we   didn't install this requirement so I'm going  to install it now pip install pandas okay now   let's try again I'm going to run process queue  and let's see what happens everything is okay   we are processing the queue and we are starting  all this process we have over here so everything   is just fine everything goes well now let's  go to my directory and you can see that we have   these four directories: detections, frames, license  plates and process fragments, these are very very   very important directories and this is where we  are going to save all the information, all the   data we are going to receive from the producer  and also all the data we are going to compute   with our process so now we let's take a look at  the next step and it's execute main so   let's go to main and I'm going to click  on execute and I'm going to click on run main plot   no such file or directory loading frames okay this is what we need to do now we need to go back to the   GitHub repository and we have in visualization we  have this directory which is loading frames and we   need to download this directory so maybe the best  way to do it... I'm just going to clone the entire repository... and I'm just going to take this directory over  here... okay and actually it's over here... this is   a very important directory with very important  data for the visualization and obviously later   on I'm going to update this readme file so  it's updated right this should be one of   the steps in this process so now let's  try again I'm going to execute main and now you can see that we see something  which is only this... loading right we are   just loading we are just waiting for data we are  just executing this visualization but obviously   we are not really streaming anything so we are  not receiving anything either so everything is   ready but now we still got the next step in this  process which is executing this file over here and   obviously this is the file which is going to take  care of the consumer right this is the file we're   going to use in order to consume data but in order  to consume data we need to stream data we need   to produce data first so let's go to the other EC2  instance, the other consumer, and also the producer   and now we are going to execute everything at  the same time so this is how we are going to do, I'm going to execute this one first oh it's  not this one it's this one I'm going to execute   this one first the one for the visualization  and then I am going to execute this one over   here... we didn't install ultralytics but we  don't really need ultralytics either so the   only thing I'm going to do is I'm going to remove  this import and that's pretty much all let's see now... okay we got an error there it seems there's  something wrong with the permissions so let's go   back to IAM and let's see if everything's okay... we  forgot to add another policy which is kinesis video stream obviously I'm going to update the  GitHub rpository all the instructions in the   readme file okay next and that's pretty much all  let's see what happens now I am going to open   these two terminals which are the producer  this one and the other consumer this one and   now remember we need to execute everything  at the same time so let's see if we can do it and after a few seconds this is what  we got you can see that we're detecting   all the license plates all the cars and  everything is working just fine so this   exactly how you can set up this project up  and running and the last thing I'm going to   say is that remember absolutely every single  thing we do in AWS is not free but we need to   pay for it so please remember to always keep  an eye on absolutely all the costs which are   associated with this project always keep an  eye on your AWS cost management console so you   know for sure how much money you are spending  while you are working on this project, and also   remember that I also created another video,  another course, where I show you a much more   comprehensive description of this project so if  you want to know absolutely every single detail   involved in this project I invite you to take  a look at this other video, this is going to be   all for today my name is felipe I'm a computer  vision engineer and see you on my next video
Channel: Computer vision engineer
Views: 4,888
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Id: hQgemv9Z3wg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 22sec (2962 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 19 2023
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