Tragic History Found - She Died In This Cemetery! | Exploring Historic Pierce Chapel Cemetery

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hey everybody it's Robert coming to you with another adventure into history and today we are in the uh very historic Pierce Chapel Cemetery here in Georgia and this is an absolutely amazing Cemetery it's still taken care of uh by the church that's across the street Pierce chapel and we're actually here to look at one specific grave and tell the story of that grave but while we look forward and try to find it uh we'll take a look at some of the other ones because there are some amazing very old Graves here so unlike many cemeteries that we see on adventures into history the cemetery is very well-kept and as I understand it there's actually a Association specifically for this Cemetery that takes care of it and makes sure the monuments are in good shape the grass is cut uh also interesting to note they've apparently done uh something on this Cemetery before like ground penetrating radar uh because this is a marker for an unmarked grave that's relatively new but we're going to take a look in here in this old rod iron fence where you can see these great big old cedar trees used to be here that were cut out and also a very large pine this is the Clark family plot here we've got Hilda a Clark she was born September 21st 1903 and died January 31st 1915 Let's uh take a look up here this is uh James spear Clark born in toic County Georgia December 21st 1840 and died in catala Georgia December 23rd 1900 2 days after his birthday and as regular viewers of this channel will know we often do videos in toic County Georgia today we are in Harris County Georgia um on the Harris County Mogi County Line very close to the modern-day city limits of Columbus Georgia his Epitaph reads why should we weep when the loved ones rest in the bosom of Jesus Supreme in the Mansions of Glory prepared for the blessed for death is no more than a dream over here is Becca Kimbro wife of James S Clark born March 21st 1847 and died September 16th 1923 and this side is blank here so as I said we're nearby to the modern day city limits of Columbus Georgia and way back when uh this was deep in the uh deep in the country um far away from the city limits of Columbus it's really expanded uh since Columbus was established so it's kind of interesting to think about uh how much out in out in the country this would have been although there would have been more communities around this area communities that have since been absorbed into Columbus Georgia city limits now these graves are absolutely amazing here look at this these are very early very early Graves these are the stack stone Graves but check out this one isn't that amazing and these are what is often called false Crips um just a very primitive form out of uh just these these field stones and there are several here here but this one looks to be in the best shape and the best example of it now today uh we won't be able to get a name but there used to be a name here uh this is a plaster this brick was plastered or not brick The Rock was plastered right here and there was no doubt a name etched in the plaster this long since washed away same with that one right there but that is an absolutely amazing example of of this grave with the uh with the Fieldstone roof um the pointed roof and the Fieldstone box there and you can see there were several others here um all very early settlement Graves I would say but uh that one is definitely the one that's in the best [Music] condition so we're out here to look at a very specific grave and it's one that I have heard about for a very long time I read about it very long time ago and always wanted to come and visit it there's a very tragic story associated with it and I'm not exactly sure where that grave is but uh we're going to find it this is a pre Civil War grave here in memory of David T Kimbro who was born in putham County January 24th 1833 and departed this life September 2nd 1853 just a young man [Applause] this is another pre Civil War grave that just caught my eye Sarah a daughter of Jr and ew Kimbro born born can't read that something April April 3rd 1861 and died January 15th 1863 this is one uh 1860 another child the same people 1858 so a very old Cemetery here lots of lots of preil War burials uh I don't know very much history about Pierce chap maybe in the future we will uh be able to come back out here and once we've learned more about it there is the modern day Pier Chapel across the field from the cemetery I don't know where the original road is I don't know if uh the original Road followed the modern day road which is just in front of the church or if it was U somewhere else it's interesting to see how far off uh the cemetery is how far off from the church it is of of course um I again I don't know the history um so there may have been a reason for this the uh could have been another church building that was closer to this where the road was possibly uh closer I'll just conjecture of course oh look at this is Ralph Z bird May 12th 1905 to August 11th 1951 and Jesse an Bird born January 25th 1935 and died April 5th 1936 just child there Ralph zird I don't believe that he's related to uh to my birds if you watch my other channel you'll know that I own the uh the old bird farm out in Waverly Hall Georgia I don't recognize the name Ralph I don't believe that he was uh connected to my birds but interesting to see that name out here this always amazes me to see how these Stones wear um like this you can see the real the divot in the stone all right so I found the grave that I came out here to look for um first we're going to start here with uh Richard doer and uh this is interesting because this is actually he is connected to a doer that I filmed a long time ago in Harris County not too terribly far away from here um but that name is interesting to see here it's interesting when you when you see as many cemeteries of course we are in you know just a few counties but when you see all these cemeteries and you've got all these different cemeteries you know uh by the dozens and wind up seeing people that are connected in and and you see these these common names and there's so many people where it's almost like everyone is connected in some sort of way and it's actually it's really amazing to uh when you begin to realize that and put that together all right and here is the uh the grave that we came to see today this is uh Jesse Pearl daughter of TD and GE walridge she was born October 6th 1899 and died August 2nd 1905 her EP reads suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not for such is the Kingdom of Heaven over here are her parents Georgia fors and wridge born September 14th 1873 and died September 24th 1961 just 10 days after her birthday and Thomas doer wridge born June 24th 1875 and died November 12th 19 1941 beside Jesse Pearl I believe that this is her brother James mclester walridge II born December 13th 1908 and died August 23rd 1997 a Man Who Loved God church and family now I have to really tell you the the amazing thing that uh that happened today is I came out here to look for the uh the grave of Jesse Pearl uh because I wanted to tell her story I think it's very fascinating um but just through happen stance uh when I pulled up here someone uh from the church came out to uh to speak to me and I told her whose grave I was looking for and she is the niece of uh Jesse Pearl bared here she said that's that's my aunt she knows the story um and I believe that she said James was her father um so it's absolutely amazing that uh that just happened there that connection um and we talked about a Jesse Pearl a little bit um so that was that was really amazing to uh to have that connection there um and uh we come to look at a grave that's over a hundred years old and meet the uh the niece of this uh this young young girl who uh who died very young so The Story Goes that uh the walridge and the Fortson families were visiting um at their home place not too far from here and they decided to come to this Cemetery to to lay flowers on the graves of their family members after they laid flowers on the graves of uh who they came to visit out here um they decided it was time to go and the adults headed back to the the buggies with the children uh trailing a little bit behind uh and when they heard a noise and uh they turned around and uh Jesse Pearl had been uh had been crushed by another Monument out here um in this Cemetery the wind had blown and another Monument had fallen over and and killed Miss Jesse Pearl here um in this Cemetery uh so absolutely tragic story that Jesse Pearl here was uh died in the cemetery that she's buried in uh killed by a a monument that fell fell upon her and crushed her and it was determined that the uh the bolts holding the monument down or holding it together had rusted um and just you know uh just by chance apparently the wind had blown and uh and the monument had fallen fallen on to this poor child and killed her and that was uh that was the story that I'd wanted to tell I'd read about Jesse Pearl a long time ago um and I wanted to tell her story um because I think it's very you know um it's very sad but it's also you know an an interesting piece of history that that that happened and that she is buried in the in the cemetery that she died in you know um it's very very tragic story for sure what I didn't know was going to happen is that I was going to meet Jesse Pearl's niece today and I think that's absolutely amazing you know just the way that things happen uh where I just you know on a whim decided to come and look at this grave that I'd read about years and years ago and always wanted to see and uh just on on how that happens uh where I wind up meeting her niece you know on this day um if I'd come a different day that might not have happened um so really amazing there uh to uh have that tangible history um you know we came out here to look at this grave and uh met somebody who is directly connected to this poor child so Jesse Pearl is definitely remembered today um by me and and by many people she's of course remembered by her family that's still living um even though she died well over a hundred years ago and uh Jesse Pearl's niece uh Miss Sarah who I talked to uh told me that uh Georgia Forts and walridge uh she believes was actually pregnant at the time that Jesse Pearl was killed out here in this Cemetery um with a uh with another uh daughter um who I believe she said that she's not buried here she's buried elsewhere um but another another interesting thing to note about that day and as we're here looking at this uh Cemetery I can't help but wonder what monument it was that fell upon poor Jesse Pearl so I hope you guys have enjoyed this video um absolutely amazing Cemetery here uh lots of history in this one and uh of course the very sad story that of the of the poor girl out here but uh such a historic Cemetery that's very well-kept unlike so many that we see and uh again the neat connections that have happened uh out here today uh so I hope you guys enjoyed don't forget to like share and subscribe and I will see you next time on another adventure into history [Music] and [Music] a
Channel: Sidestep: Adventures Into History
Views: 55,452
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Keywords: abandoned cemetery, abandoned, cemetery, old abandoned cemetery, abandoned cemetery tour, abandoned cemetery house, abandoned cemetery near me, tours of abandoned cemetery, abandoned cemetery in the woods, haunted cemetery, #abandoned cemetery, abandoned cemetery philadelphia, abandned cemetery, abandoned cemetary, abandoned places, abandoned cemeteries, abandoned cemetery pennsylvania, abandoned cemtery near me, abandoned house, abandoned cemetery in wales
Id: q0qvqMZJQeU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 46sec (1006 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2024
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