Traeger Grilling 101

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i wanted to give you a quick video on traegering101 traegering has been a super huge passion of mine for the last several years any of you knock on nation followers have seen me completely progress from the first time i got one of my traegers and believe me it's life-changing but there's several key fundamentals to where if you're new to this and you just got one put together i'm gonna give you so many great little tips right now that are gonna keep you doing this easily and effortlessly so the first and foremost thing is make sure you always open that lid and make sure you have pellets in here before you cook that should be number one if you've got food that you have inside you're always going to want to start your traeger up first and let it preheat that's an easy thing to do and i'll show you how but first thing you should do before you turn it on is open this lid because if you don't have pellets you don't have fuel that's the bottom line now when it comes to pellets here's the deal you always want to have traeger's pellets there's 100 difference in the quality of pellets that are out there get good quality pellets traeger has so many flavors next think of your pellets just like you would campfire wood if you have wet old campfire wood you're not going to have an awesome fire so it's going to be important that you store your pellets properly don't let them be where there can be moisture so for me personally if i have an open bag i'll just store them in a bucket that's that i can seal down put in the garage works awesome super easy so make sure you've got your pellets in there next thing if you have a wi-fi type traeger hook up the app it's so easy you're going to be able to watch what that probe is doing from your app super awesome so once your grill is set up all we're going to do if we're going to cook today you'd come out you're going to push on your button power up your grill just like this and you're going to go ahead and push your button in and hit ignite and that's going to start a preheat cycle that's going to be critical that's the best way to start it up a lot of times they recommend just opening the lid letting that get some oxygen letting it run i've had it work fine both ways if i'm totally honest and sometimes if i want this thing to get closer to that temperature i want i might adjust that dial closer to the temperature set it then hit ignite now from there here's something that i always have this is my travel kit so i'm a huge proponent of staging my food and letting my proteins rest inside of a yeti so i always have a yeti a 45 is probably my favorite size but i've even used some of the smaller ones and some of the hoppers but learning to rest that protein or ribs or pork butts you name it resting them in a cooler and just letting all those juices flow to the outside and the heat balance out so critical so when i travel i have one of these or when i'm grilling i have one of these that already has my essentials in there so my essentials are going to be this i'll take all these out for you i'm going to set them all out these are the things that are going to be critical for you to have that's so easy for traegering these are the most important things that you can have so first and foremost here's the main ingredients that i have to traeger i always have a foil pan with me so easy for setting your proteins in there and staging them if you're camping foil pans are just so awesome for keeping mess down you can clean them you can reuse them you can put vegetables in there you can cover this up put it back in that cooler and have it stay cool overnight if you put ice in there so a foil pan from there when it comes to cooking ingredients here's what i've got olive oil balsamic vinegar and here are the two rubs that i use most prime rib rub and black in saskatchewan and if i ever want to have bark if i ever want to have some char or a crust on my type of protein i used knocked and loaded coffee this is from black rifle believe me everyone asks how do you get such bark on those briskets on those beef ribs tri-tips this is what i use an awesome tomahawk i use it all the time so those are my go-to ingredients if you have those with you and believe me if i travel if i go camping these are the essentials from there i always have this with me this is two things that you need to have it's such an awesome investment a digital thermometer this is from thermoworks it's a thermapen mk4 when you open this up whatever the tip of that touches you instantly get to read that temperature it is awesome as you can see it's freaking hot out here right now too learning the temperature internal temperature of what you're cooking is so important and having an instant reading to be able to check things that aren't necessarily plugged into the grills probe is super valuable a must have from there get yourself a good chef knife a good chef knife or a petite chef knife like this is something that's travelable it's manageable you can take this camping and take it in the back country works awesome works on bigger cuts of meat perfect from there i always have foil aluminum foil is one of the things i've learned is just a pinnacle thing when it comes to grilling properly one you can use it for putting down to prevent any type of grease or drippage make cleanup way easier you can use that for wrapping those proteins after they've cooked and staging them you're definitely going to need them on a lot of different pork recipes and there's it's so useful to just cover up your leftovers and be able to store that or even wrap your leftovers up in some foil throw it in your backpack and go out last but not least some good clorox wipes just to keep things clean keep things sanitary this stuff right here in my cooler is going to be the basis of what i need every single time when it comes to traegering or cooking once the grill is preheated you just roll this dial to get the temperature that you want push it in to set it super easy you also have the probe reading right there so you can always read where that probe's at but here's one of the most important things to learn with your traeger let's say we've set this to temperature we've gone ahead and done our cook and really when it comes to the cook we're going to have a lot of awesome recipes for you show you exactly how to do that i can tell you just monitoring internal temperature is probably one of the best tips i'm going to give you for that it's not about how long you cook something or what temperature because every piece of meat's different sometimes depending on the conditions outside how many times you open the lid all that starts to factor in to cook time or cook temperature but if you use this probe or you use this probe and you always base when you take that off based on your internal temperature it's going to make a huge difference but here is the most important thing when it comes to your meals done push this button in and hold it down until you get that shut down cycle notification depending on the type of model grill you have you might have a difference in what you push to get that shutdown model but the shutdown cycle is so important because what that does is it stops the auger from putting more fuel on the fire but it keeps the fan blowing so that it fully extinguishes the fire it's a lot like letting your campfire just burn out completely for the night your campfire pit is nice and clean in the morning whereas if you just decide to put it out and extinguish it and just turn this thing off without letting that fan blow you're just gonna have a bunch of old pellets that were never really properly burned out all the way it's going to prevent your next cook from being effortless so always hit the shut down cycle to end it and from there i can tell you the last thing we got to talk about is just how to properly maintenance your grill after you've gone through a full run of pellets or a full cycle of cooks and it's super easy to keep this thing running like a top one of the most important things about traegering 101 is knowing how to clean your grill and this is something that you should always do as soon as you've run through a full bag of pellets or especially if you've done a hearty cook like for example if you've done pork butt beef ribs full day of pork ribs anything that has a lot of dripping a lot of different juices coming down just make it a point if you go through a hopper of pellets make sure you clean your traeger and here's all you got to do take out these racks set them underneath you should always have your drip pan covered with a foil pan or foil makes this cleanup so much easier and then from there you're gonna remove this larger drip pan out just like this if there's any excess grease on here make sure you scrape that or clean it off and from there come look inside here this is the most important thing and i want you to think of this just like a campfire underneath this right here this is your burning pot for your pellets and you can see there's excess ash inside of here and think of that just like just like a fire pit or just like your fireplace at home if that thing right there has all that excess and old ash in there you're never going to get a good burn so this right here you've i've got a shop vac this is actually a stainless steel one that works good on ash you can use any type of shop vac clean out that pot properly and that excess ash that's in there it's super easy this normally takes me nothing but a few minutes and if you do this every time you do pellets make sure that's always clean if you ever struggle reaching temperature with your grill rest assured bad pellets improper shut down cycling or that pot right there not being able to get enough fuel and oxygen is going to be part of the problem so i'm going to clean this out quick you'll see just how easy it is [Music] foreign all right we've got a perfectly cleaned out ash pot right there put that center piece back in now i'm going to put this drip tray back in and just take a look at how this works the bent in concave part goes towards the back for that smoke to roll over the longer flange is going to go right where that drip tray goes down to the drip bucket make sure you hook this on properly here and this allows proper flow for juices and grease these pre-done aluminum pans are so easy for this cleanup just put them in place set it down super easy you can use aluminum foil otherwise you know don't be afraid to just have some aluminum foil and use that from there you've got your main grate slide that bit back into place you can crumple up some aluminum foil and clean that properly make sure you get some clorox wipes wipe the grill down entirely and last but certainly not least get one of the pre-done foil buckets and just properly replace this grease trap anytime this grease starts to fill up like this easily replace it with one of the foil buckets and you're totally ready to go i'll show you just how sparkly this thing will be with just a few more minutes of tlc traeger looks awesome last thing you got to do just make sure you top it off with pellets put in your favorite ones and uh once this thing's got pellets again you're totally ready to start traegering good luck everybody
Channel: nockonarchery
Views: 209,296
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: owutZE-RvE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Tue May 11 2021
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