Traditional ratatouille recipe by chef Vivien

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Ratatouille traditional dish from Provence is my favorite garnish we cook veggies one by one as the tradition or as my tradition and you will see it's a big big big explosion of flavor after hello I'm Chef Vivian French chef today we do the amazing dish Ratatouille French dish from Provence from every region where you will find some good tomatoes some good eggplants capsicum bell pepper zucchini onion and garlic and of course some herbs like Laurel oregano time and some sariet it's similar to time but the flavor is different and this was used since many times it's endemic plant from Europe some people before use it instead of Basil I like so much this herb because she quite disappeared I use this herb because it's very delicate taste very nice for mahinad and more for marinade for fish there are many ways to do Ratatouille I will do my Ratatouille as many chefs there are as many ratatus there are as many grandmother and mother there has many rattators by the way the dish that you see in the cartoon Ratatouille is it's another dish which is quite the same ingredients because eggplant zucchini tomato onions it's John and it's a another dish it's a brother of Ratatouille but it's another dish today we will do the true Ratatouille like I do since 40 years cooking all veggies one by one first eggplant after zucchini after pepper after onion and after we put all together and we finish to cook it's this way I do a tattoo and there is many reasons for this and you will understand them right now let's take some tomatoes from the garden so we need to peel to better to peel tomato to remove the Skin So for this we make a cross this way this is very little in my tomatoes in this kind of tomatoes Sasha altai ready to go in the water we boil water and when it's boiling we have cold water ready and we put our tomato in the boiling water and I have little Tomatoes but if you have bigger you will go faster around depending your tomato from 10 to 20 seconds India is just to remove the skin up it's okay and directly in the cold water and a lot of water and just some Tomatoes not 2 kilo of tomatoes in one liter water it doesn't work and for me it's take 10 seconds because they are very little tomatoes so now we can peel very easily the Tomato this skin you can keep it and make ships from them tell me in comments if you want to see the recipe from these chips skin of tomato we take off this seeds like this pop and we have little petal Opera without skin without seeds if you don't have time you can avoid this and cut on your tomatoes in pieces you can also if you don't have tomatoes you can put also tomato from the can I will add some with seeds because this remind me my use when in the summer when we have a lot of zucchini and a lot of tomato and we make a conserve of hatatouille for all the year and we don't have time to take off the seeds even the skin so we just cut tomato and cook them with zucchini and onions so if you have a big tomato you will have this petal but bigger wow so you have this so you will cut it in little cubes you will make tomato concafe this way I'm gonna this is tomato con Casey and now we can start we have all ingredients eggplant not from the garden we cut slice of one centimeter okay then we will cut cubes of one centimeter so as you see I let in the knife and this way when I cut I have the size so now we start the process of cooking Ratatouille we start with eggplants olive oil we heat up olive oil and we will fry them to make it gold Brown in the pan no more than one layer no don't put a lot and after a while you can stuff too to move now we have a nice color eggplant Little Italian caramelization don't use non-stick pan for this we need this we need this caramelization here and this will change all your Ratatouille for Ratatouille please do not use non-stick pan it's better to use stainless steel steel or cast iron this kind of material you need what is stuck in the pan second term of eggplant so here we have the good result in the pan so you need this in the pan will give a little bit caramel inside taste and a little bit bitter taste but not burn we can still use this pan we make pepper we remove white part and seeds of the bell pepper this was a big yellow and a big red the green one is a little bit smaller so it will be full one wall one I put the three colors but you can put only yellow only red the green one it's little bit better than the red one so that is why control the volume of red one and green one some people can put on your green it's what you want you can also put purple if you want because now we have purple Orange all corals so also little cubes so we make lines like this and one centimeter like kind of milk little city in the south of France Southwest of France not far from Toulouse and it's also the name of how to cut in one centimeter something and usually carrots and onion to give flavor to your sauce milk so now now we finished to cut pepper so now a little bit of oil olive oil in a medium fire not warm because it's already gold in the pan and we fry pepper we can put it this time we can meanwhile we can cut start to cut our zucchinis also centimeter foreign ready you see the wonderful farm this is what we need before to fry now zucchini which is more watery and we will start to deglaze this in a while first we fry them not so much fire because we don't need to burn this taste and with the help of salt we will start to help the zucchini to give their water we fry little bit like this meanwhile we can cut onions kind of sizzling little and now we can start to solve and we put little bit less fire and zucchini will start to give their juice and start to deglaze this so to deglaze it's to take all the taste which stick in the bottom of your pan with a liquid can be wine can be harmonic and the water can be juice whatever can be watery veggies and to give more taste to your dish to your dish to your sauce it's a key word and a key moment now it's time to remove zucchini foreign to put our onions we need to listen this sound anyway also fry them every time it's one and a half two spoon of olive oil and every region every region of the world there is the kind of Ratatouille in Italy caponata in France we have Ratatouille abja sandal in Georgia now the same with salt in order to make onions leave the water we can Crush three cloves of garlic I like to put them this way roast them a little bit now we have a very nice pan look at this pan wonderful this is promise of a nice taste I put back my veggies in order to mix all together and to make a famous deglaze with tomatoes let's send the sound and this is the sound of the game and this spatula it's not by chance in your house maybe you call it steaks steaks patula Burgers patula but in kitchen we call it reduction spatula because we deglaze because it's flat straight and we can deglaze our fun very nice like this and we take the flavor for all the eels bay leaves two bay leaves but now we can solve in season salt pepper oregano fresh oregano from the garden now we put a little bit less fire oregano Marshall Lane can be leaves can be flour of course can be dry now it's season so it's fresh for a very nice flower of oregano I love this so much also in tomato salad instead of Basil why I like oregano because in my use we have many many oregano in the camp in my father house so this is a this is time time from the garden like this what the flavor what flavor so this we don't throw away we will put in stock and now this we can cook from 20 minutes till 48 Hours yes you listen way 48 hours but very very very slow fire now mix sort of this very nice flavor so you have two options or you let it around 20 minutes minimum let's say half an hour here with a blue fire or you put it better in this Caster iron but if you don't have in this in oven 35 45 minutes I say times like at 150 degrees Celsius you can do very different Ratatouille you can do them little bit Al Dente you can do them very very comfy or you can make a medium which is what we are doing now around 30 45 minutes and you have a nice result to good osmosis of taste you will feel all what you put it inside and it's a nice result and it's okay for uh around six to eight people wow for today finish it's very very nice stuff to leave coffee coffee it's the name for slow cook can mean sugar can be in fat can be in oil cook slowly um very good tasty many many flavors amazing old taste of all veggies of all herbs arrived and full use a mouse so usually you can put on the table the whole pan put some science some oregano you serve it with a piece of lump for instance a long leg a lump cutlet Lamp Shop lump shop very nice or hack of flam it will be very nice or if you prefer fish Maybe in barbecue grill sebas grill white wine with the wine and enjoy don't forget to put like if you like this video foreign [Music]
Channel: Chef Vivien
Views: 101,183
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Keywords: ratatouille recipe, chefvivien, chef vivien, ratatouille recipe easy, easy ratatouille recipe, ratatouille, traditional ratatouille recipe, best ratatouille recipe, how to make ratatouille, ratatouille recipe tasty, french ratatouille recipe, ratatouille recipes, how to cook ratatouille, how to cook ratatouille recipe, easy ratatouille, ratatouille dish, ratatouille recipe vegan, homemade ratatouille recipe, quick ratatouille recipe, classic ratatouille recipe, real ratatouille
Id: q1vmVmbeH20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 50sec (950 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 03 2022
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