Andy Makes Classic Ratatouille | From the Test Kitchen | Bon Appétit

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what's your favorite Pixar movie my I know actually I'm gonna tell you I have never ever watched ratatouille and then people would say like oh you're like the rat in ratatouille and it's like why cuz he cooks that's not really creative [Music] ok today we're gonna be making ratatouille and the first step is to start with the globe eggplant I love the eggplant peel the outside but with this you want to remove the peel only because it's gonna get a little bit tough when it's cooked I'm gonna cut this into planks about say 3/4 inch I am actually gonna cut them into kind of irregular size pieces just because I think it visually it's gonna be more interesting than like cubes we're gonna place the eggplant in this colander set over a large bowl we're not gonna peel this and we're gonna just cut this into quarter-inch rounds and then we're gonna add kosher salt to the zucchini and eggplant make sure we're gonna massage it a bit at the hands and then we're gonna let it sit for about 30 minutes and they're gonna release some of their liquid down into the bowl yeah because the character Andy is kind of a badass actually Buzz Lightyear's better but I don't know my favorite probably my favorite character is Maleficent and zu Beauty cuz she knows she knows how to turn oh look transfer this to a baking sheet I wanted dry so that I could Brown nice sleep in the Dutch oven for interns up to medium-high we have 3/4 cup extra virgin olive oil we're gonna add just a quarter cup so we got that going we're gonna Brown this in two batches ercel is actually shooter versus the earth so I would take over up over maleficent she could turn a log and she's crazy and funny I party with her so you want some good sizzling and on the edges and get them nice and brown the eggplant is not gonna be cooked through and the zucchini will probably still like retain its shape it's not gonna be all flimsy but we just want to get some color on them transfer these we're gonna add another quarter cup of oil we're gonna add the remaining half let's separate them up so this room we're gonna add the remaining quarter cup of oil we started with 3/4 cup this is just like one yellow onion sliced 1/2 inch thick one red bell pepper coarsely chopped and then two garlic cloves thinly sliced and we're just gonna add a bundle of time press it up get the oils going and stir that you want to stir this around every minute or so just so everything cooks evenly we're gonna get this nice and soft and caramelized and then we'll add the charming cherry tomatoes in all right so our peppers our onions have slightly softened I'm at half the cherry tomatoes and we give this a stir and I'm gonna cook this for another five minutes until the tomatoes start to start to break down a bit just let them caramelize slightly we have our tomatoes the skins are beginning to slip off you see I'm gonna return to a cleanse and then Keeney back in the pot I'm gonna season this a good amount of salt pepper give this a toss and then I'm gonna add the remaining tomatoes on top I'm not gonna stir them and I kind of want them to retain their shape and keep them soft and begin to burst once they go in the oven and that's gonna go in for about 20 minutes and all the vegetables are gonna their flavors are gonna mingle together the cherry tomatoes are gonna become really soft and juicy vegetables gonna release their liquid and you're gonna have this nice really delicious to caramelize all worried about me wouldn't be such a good dad with all my dad jokes so as you can see yeah the tomatoes really soft the skins have all slipped this would be great on its own as a side dish you could toast some bread and smash this onto the bread I'm just gonna discard the time branch but if you make a big batch they'll have it for days you could eat it hot cold room temp I'm gonna just put some basil I like adding some kind of freshness to it classic French provençal dish yeah man there's a good amount of oil that it's that's been released I actually want to add a little bit of new oil and I think the most important thing is using the best POTUS you could find for this so yeah look out for your farmers market for the best produce you could find and that's my matter to it I wasn't the type to watch a lot of cartoons because whenever they started singing I would like feeling awkward and weird siegmeyer these like why are the cartoon singing that tells you something about my child
Channel: Bon Appétit
Views: 1,164,311
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: basil, eggplant, food, olive oil, onion, ratatouille, squash, tomato, zucchini, test kitchen, from the test kitchen, andy bon appetit, bon appetit andy, andy baraghani, andy makes, andy makes ratatouille, ratatouille recipe, how to make ratatouille, best ratatouille, easy ratatouille, ratatouille movie recipe, ratatouille bon appetit, how to cook ratatouille, easy ratatouille recipe, disney ratatouille recipe, bon appetit
Id: 1n7t2ElxiBI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 54sec (354 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 07 2018
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