The classic French Ratatouille - (goes great with many dishes)

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hi everyone welcome back today I am dedicating this recipe to all the vegetarian out there we've been cooking meat for enough time and now we can start doing a simple this just made out of vegetables that's right but most important today it's Sunday it's a lazy day and I cannot be asked to make something complicated and if you at home you got a family and you don't have much time this is the perfect side dish the French Hatta to you a simple vegetable stew method of courgette aubergine onions bell pepper garlic tomatoes all cook together in a pan slow cook for 15 minutes and it's ready it's the perfect combination that you can use with white meats mainly maybe chicken veal pork and also anything like fish even salmon so it's a great little side dish to know easy to make so let's see how to make the French utter twee right so for the pantry very simple this is all you need for a butter to e tomatoes bell peppers take different colors I took a yellow and a red to vary the color one onion I'm not even going to use everything aubergine courgette olive oil 1 clove of garlic and for the aromatic herbs some bay leaves I'm using one of these satchel of bouquet garni you can find in any supermarket and I've got a little bit of thyme from the garden to add some extra flavor that's it stockpot and we're all done ok for the vegetables cutting nothing special the only thing you need to see is what I call the one on one off kind of technique take your aubergine and we before we cut it we're going to just peel one bit one stripe you turn and you do a one on one of meaning you get that kind of shape in your courgette sorry I may have the aubergine and you see what you get here that's what I call the one on one off and it helps the cooking of the actual vegetable now you can do the same with an aubergine and take a Peter and you just try to it's a bit more difficult but basically you try to go you leave a stripe and you're going to kind of dig in it's a bit hard bit tough and you go through and you do that kind of a rough cut of one on one off and we're going to then slice it like that alright so as you can see here I've already cut a little kind of cubes or your parcel one centimeter of thickness and everything has to be in kind of squares so try to do something not too small because that's going to cook for a long time so you can see the courgette here basically again what I'm going to do is just try to slice and try to measure with your finger on a having this kind of one centimeter blocks when you cut your courgette okay so this is what you get you see that kind of trying to show you there it's a bit of decoration and looks it looks fun in your pan and our further cooking very simple you start with high heat you put all of your olive oil in there very simple immediately you're going to start by putting your onions your garlic and your peppers it's really really easy okay now I'm starting with those because first of all they give you some color and they are the one at a real tough to cook so before the courgette i infuse my oil with those for just a few minutes to give a bit of texture to your oil now when you start to smell this nice kind of the bell peppers you know it starts to smell noise it's time to put the rest of your veggies mainly your courgette and your building you didn't give it a stir so be gentle you try to put everything in so you mix the colors basically things pink colors you know it has to be nice that's to look nice so you got a nice combination of everything see some gray some rain some yellow looks nice okay when you here you can add tomatoes the mobile over here start to put the bay leaves maybe a little bit of thyme make it nice boom and like I have my bouquet garni that I'm going to place under alright and you finish with grinds of black pepper perfect look how lovely that is bit of salt and eventually if you want you can add some full peppercorns and you're done when this is like this you put your heat on low you're going to take a lid and you're going to keep this cover on for 15 minutes at low heat 15 minutes have passed I've hardly touch my hotter to e and let's have a look I've just turned my heat off and this is what we get the first thing you're going to do here is to discard time leave and if you can find it your bouquet garni and not everything we do in French cooking we're going to finish this off if you want you can keep it like this but mainly a ratatouille as a dominance in tomato so unless you got extremely good quality tomato as you can see I don't if you can see the bottom but this is not tomato juice at the bottom so what I'm doing I'm going to basically finish the sauce off I've got here a tomato sauce stone Italian homemade passata okay and I'm gonna just steal that through gently because it's extremely fragile just to give that extra tomato a mixture and italiano taste when I say Italian actually this is from the South of France this recipe originated from this which is from the French Riviera but I'm going to show you to serving suggestion for you at home so the serving suggestion number one this is the home version so read the non-pretentious served as a side you put it on the table little bit of basil it's plain it's simple it goes very well with fish and white meats and now for the gourmet version of the water - what can we do for the goomar if you're vegetarian and show you a little recipe a menu for one little lunch for one so I'm going to use that terracotta dish over here maybe put a little bit of the juices from the actual cooking juice it's nice and juicy right maybe with that we're going to add some fennel and cumin seeds which is always nice not too not too many and of course when you think about juice you think maybe about let's say some French bread I've toasted some bread in olive oil it's going to go perfectly with all this and of course to finish we can use our little piece of basil and this is how I would serve a little menu for one for vegetarian isn't that lovely anyway guys that completes and the video of the day two simple recipe I hope you enjoy it and like always if you like the videos if you like the channel please comment subscribe you're all welcome we had plenty of new subscribers actually 1000 subscribers last week which has been amazing so yeah keep coming back and we're going to make some more great recipe have a good day have a good evening whenever you watch this and I'll see you next time bye bye you
Channel: French Cooking Academy
Views: 232,596
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to cook ratatouille, ratatouille recipe, ratatouille (dish), ratatouille dish, french vegetarian recipes, french dish, vegetarian dish, easy vegetable dish, french cooking academy, easy, french, how-to, french food, family food, zuchinni, onions, aubergine, easy meal, easy vegetarina recipe, how to, ratatouille, french cooking, Tasty
Id: 4L7IzA52Yj4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 18sec (558 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 31 2016
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