Trading our House for a Converted School Bus

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but we are headed into the bus today I haven't shared with you guys guys wait guys wait I found a seed that we can plant ooh that's exciting we are actually going to be moving into the bus soon again it's a thing I'll share more with you when the time is right we are going to be going through the red pepper and just kind of clearing out some things that have been stored in here for camping but since we're going to be coming back into the bus we want to just empty out a couple of things and just Purge and figure out what we don't need to keep so here we go avocado smash [Music] yeah welcome to the red pepper today me and and Odin head down to a local Lake Campground and we are going to be there for the week of spring break we were going to go a little further but we wanted to be close by to where pop has work because that way he can join us in the evenings and um be closer to where work is and so we've been getting the bus ready all morning and we are about to hit the road it's the first time I'm towing the Jeep babe isn't here I'm having to uh tap into my full woman power and make sure that I'm doing everything properly and it's going to be a mission to set up this rig and flat toe this thing for the first time so here we go all right so we unhooked the Jeep there was a couple of bolts or not bolts nuts missing off of the toe bar attached to the bus so that was a little sketchy and then I couldn't seem to figure out how to get the Jeep into the right gear so when we pulled off like ever so slightly like I don't know 5 ft forward the jeep was just kind of like shaking back and forth and doing weird things so put that whole situation aside we unhooked the Jeep I'm driving the bus down to the lake and we're just going to park up and I'm going to zoom back with Justin later today and grab the Jeep and then head back to the L so here we go road trip well we made it to Camp we survived we're going to ride tomorrow and go pick up the Jeep Justin's going to come pick us up so good thing that we aren't too far away from home um it's a first for everything and today was not one worth risk Transmissions are tricky things so we are chilling here with McKenzie and noox and Z is having a blast these guys have been bodes since they've been tiny so it's really cool to see them grow together and just kind of become young children um we're going to go check out the lake and then Adventure back home just chill family time and make some food the pathetic action of a come on Odin go go go good boy ready yeah oh get to R sweet boosters oh yeah this is for you I can't [Music] wa get ready on the line what line right here this line the St line wait where are we ring I don't know wherever you want the playround on your marks get set engage go hey [Music] [Music] wow two stuck together looks like Stonehenge too low and slow it was real slow and low no didn't you say in the bus I had to call you you what did you say I said whenever I'm in the bus didn't you say um stop good morning first night back on the bus and it was amazing say and I snuggle puddled up here in the bed it was a little warm we had the fan on I didn't mess with the AC but there are definitely some things that need to be updated with this bus I tried cooking here last night and it was a no success the propane got turned on but I think the lines just have air in them and so um I'm a bit nervous about propane things even though I did jewelry making which is kind of crazy but um I'm going to wait till Justin gets here so that he can just double check me and make sure the systems are working properly before I try and turn that pain back on I also tried making coffee with our ridiculously large like drip coffee situation here it's apparently got too much of a power drawer uh for our inverter even with the fridge off so I'm having a cold brew coffee this morning and um yeah enjoying a slow morning which ones did you get the same as those but found oh nice come here lay down sit sit good boy lay down lay down roll over good boy good boy I no I'm going to just take a second to give a big shout out to Jacker for sponsoring this portion of today's video so for many many years now we have relied on our jackary like battery bank and solo panels for offgrid power when we're outside of the bus we keep the solar panels oh my God in our garage which quite honestly is a mess right now but also very empty so it's easy to grab these very compact solar panels so Sunny this is like the perfect spot for this this is actually the first time I'm charging it since we've been here all week so this thing has losted us a h minute and it's still at 43% this thing is a game changer it's got three regular plug Outlets some USBS and USB C's so we've been using it for our NightLight in the evening ings I charge my workstation it's great for on the road so we can throw it in the back of the Jeep it's just so handy to have around it's easy it's portable especially the smaller units they're really handy and I love that they can be recharged by the Sun so if you're an outdoor person if you have upcoming camping trips happening this spring or summer um or if you're going to a festival or even if you're like a vendor and you need a way to power lights in your booth the jackary has been a game changer for our family so I would definitely recommend can check out the link in the description below and pop over to their website see if they have any units perfect for you they also have some refurbished models if you're looking for something a little bit more budget friendly and don't mind the aspect of secondhand gear thank you again jackary for sponsoring today's video and let's get on with the rest of the camping trip [Music] [Music] nice butt feels really good to be back in the bus so he's been not really feeling so good since yesterday so we've been taking it a bit easy we went somewhere last night to go meet with some people that we connected with on the Facebook Marketplace to check out maybe parking the bus um and yeah having a home base be closer to the triangle and they're a really sweet family they've got another kiddo um a year older than Zay and they also have like a 11-month old I think they said I can never remember anyways um might be a good transition place and um opportunity to just connect with new peeps and check out a new home base for the red pepper there's a lot of things we need to do to her to kind of like get her back up and ready for another year another season another adventure um but for now she's she's making do for us which is nice um we're collecting firewood I guess babe is busy I just took Odin for a walk it's really peaceful it rained this morning um I set up my desk again for the first time in the bus um on the steering wheel feels kind of nostalgic to just be doing like life routine in the bus um especially with z a older she's been really loving being back in the bus and adjusting to kind of like home life I guess um so yeah it feels really good very nostalgic to be back in the bus so yeah that's all I was thinking uh if like it's 10:30 you could like say cuz it's 10:30 it's actually 11:57 but if it is might have to do that tonight or tomorrow morning you to borrow more okay deal um Z and I just got back from the store AIA has an egg in a h for lunch babes is outside working and I just made myself like a wrap with egg collards and tomatoes I had it yesterday and it was really yummy they're leftover hardboiled eggs from our Easter egg decorating no no no we decorated I know that's what I said you said Easter egg decorating Easter egg decorate I didn't say that anyways um we've been doing egg fights with them and progressively eating them and this has just been a really yummy solution to eating all these all spoiled eggs I I only ate half yeah yeah you're kind of weird about eggs yeah you don't like the yolk P even if it's hard boiled yeah pop had a shower at the communal shower since our hot water wait I already saw the shower I know you did but since our hot water heater is broken not really trying to use the shower here in the bus um until we can fix it cuz otherwise we'll be having cold showers which could be fun but also like why not just use the water that's available at the communal shower space so thanks for helping pop that's a big Mermaidia you think you'll be able to finish this by the time you get to hospital funny let's see you put in some time babe [Music] what I need help Z with what with your tweezers oh oh oh we need assistance a can you fix that for me please this one that need to go there for a sec where right there oh I don't know where that came from [Music] Zay and I are going to take the eike we also have a trailer I need to set up cuz we're going to try and collect some wood and she might also be resting in it on the way back instead of riding on the front of the ebike with me on the way there so we'll see we've got a lot of variables in this situation oh my bik's off yeah okay chis want me to hold it it's that face again say's asleep looks like babe just got back from a walk with Odin I'm going to do some drawing I'm working on a blanket design um which I'm pretty excited about and just been really enjoying digital ort so here's just some drawing [Music] sometimes love is a thought we too [Music] long sometimes it's all right just being a little wrong with no sense of Consequence the strength to carry on the day breaks in the darkest places right before the dawn so if you ever like wa with situations in your mind and you try to sleep it all but night keeps on passing back you're losing we're going to take showers with the spiders but mama's going to wash them away yeah since we don't have a functioning shower other than cold water in the bus we're going to go to use a communal shower so we'll see what that is like apparently there's spiders in there after that we're going to drive the Jeep to the CVS because yesterday what did you do got a boo boo yeah well you didn't do it but Odin yeah he went on a big ebike adventure with z and pops and he I guess must have stepped on something and so he's got a big cut on his Pad I think it's glass yeah um aelia and I you think it is probably you're right either either gloss or something maybe like one of those spiky D balls um AEL and I have been watching some vet shows so we're going to do the vet thing right you seem really not phased by all the gross stuff that happens on those shows so you're going to be team lead and mama's going to be the helper but um poor guy he's been in kind of a lot of pain struggling to walk a bit I feel like he's always injured he's so clumsy and just like I get more boo boo than I get more boo boos than I yeah you two are definitely the winners for getting boo boos in this family I think closely followed by mama and then pop somehow pop is like a miracle man and like never gets boo boos anyways bab's went to the Planet Fitness and he's going to go get some computer work done and then we're going to spend the afternoon [Music] together yeah some pollen things he's so cute from the pine trees holy baby holy owie we're going to fix you up yeah go team yeah but wait what is it GoPro like massage who's B man shower this is the girls bathroom and [Music] shower one in it's nice not too bad smells like a public swimming pool which one do you want to go in uh doesn't matter have a big one go with one that has a bench why so we can put our stuff down okay okay stop it stop it there it is wow it kind of sounded like a shell yeah it kind of did huh yeah belly flop yeah probably no belly flops those are really painful wow look she lost her Noodle and her crown he's blowing his find what you like nice job is that a birdie mhm it's so cute five no how many birdies you just added one more birdie oh two yeah what Justin and Zay have just headed out to go for an ebike ride and a big adventure it's a new day and I'm having a moment in myself it feels really good to be full on Mom mode and I've been really tapping into like not getting so stressed out so easy and just being the best possible mom that I could be and just like giving her like what she's asking so that she can give me what I'm asking and it's a bit more of like an equal if I do this for you you'll do this for me and now we're all happy and doing all the things that we need to get done in the day um and I found that that seems to be working really well and she's also like matured so much just in the last few months to the point where we're not kind of butting heads as much and it feels a bit more like chill um so I don't feel a need to take time away from her as much as I needed to um in the last like couple of months I guess but I will say that I'm really looking forward to this time with just Odin um also yesterday was a really nice afternoon we went into town for a first Friday event in Raleigh and that was really cool to just like be in town um we had a photographer take some cute snaps of Odin we got to go to some art galleries I've been thinking if we do move back into the bus which is pretty much seemingly going to happen um that I would need a place for my plants and doing creative things and so I wanted to go check out some art galleries and just see some of the communal spaces that they have available as like studios for rent so that was cool yeah Z has been awesome she's been having a blast it's you know spring break so yeah it's been fun but me and Odin are going to go step outside it's a beautiful day today the sun is shining it's just so beautiful not to just sit here and enjoy this moment pretty epic and of course Odin's swimming already wow life is good [Music] [Music] [Music] that was the end of our trip and we are working on packing things up say has been snoozing it up in the bed she's a bit um rough this morning she was kind of hurding with the ear egg last night so we didn't sleep all that well little groggy but we had a nice fire in the evening me and babes got to chat and right now we're working on all the things to pack up this whole campsite and uh fix this whole situation so that we can attempt to tow the Jeep right here two nuts I'm missing my two nuts got to get a couple nuts got to get a coup of there tighten that thing up important thing that we did not do for like the entire four years years of Towing the Jeep you should check like every year your connection points and just make sure everything is tight Safety First Odin met a lady dog um that lives in that Obby over there so I guess he's he's awaiting his his new lady friend we're at the end of our trip and This Is Where I Leave You because we are headed to a Not So Glamorous job to dump our gray tank yeah that's all looks like babe managed to fix the Jeep thanks babe you rock you rock you rock okay I guess what was wrong with it is there's a piece um that's supposed to connect to this wire that helps to engage and disengage the four-wheel drive um we recently had an issue with the clutch and had to take it into the shop and so there might be some kind of correlation with when they fixed it um and the issue that we were having just now trying to put it in neutral but um looks like we're ready to roll baby pepper attached to the big pepper for the first time um and we are Towing this rig back home here we go see you guys next time like od's driving let's go boy [Music]
Channel: Juliana Juby Yasmine
Views: 17,715
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Julianajubyyasmine, Justin and juby
Id: qBYpQA3n7s0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 22sec (1522 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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