I Traveled Cross Country in my Converted School Bus - Eden.TheBus

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we just drove 2,000 miles all the way across the United States to Oregon 2,000 miles dude I grew up in this place and it has been years far too long since I have been gone mhm all right she's ready to rock and roll new filters fluids are topped off we're about to embark on an 1,800 mile Journey are you ready mom I am ready to rock and roll girl power mother power sister power sky is the limit post here we come sh I love you dearly love you sh love youand we'll see you soon Dolly and Bren and Michael and rean and Jacob and Jay let's do this thing here we go and have some fun see some cool spots bus is ready go swimming I might go streaking got the water now we'll see got got to keep it peachy boo okay well we'll see I love you I love you all right let's go catch you on the next round [Music] a [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] look at that [Music] sh [Music] [Applause] [Music] woo [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] h [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] w oh [Music] how do you feel mom we made it we reached our destination 2,000 miles and I had an oil this is my home mama all right my home I have lived in this bus since October of 2022 a real to me right now mhm [Music] [Music] Mom are you in there yeah you know what I just realized that I your mother and freezing all day I had put my spatula outside on the roof so the rain could clean it and the wind had moved it over and I didn't know that it was up here I I couldn't find it you know how I know that it's because there's like a outline a very clear outline of a spatula that had been up here for a very long time wow but it's not there anymore so it's somewhere between here and Missouri probably probably Missouri oh where is she where is she at oh I can't even see you there you are freezing you're cold freezing I've been freezing all day all right well all right so we need to fix and adjust and tighten the clamps on the diesel heater so our in air intake is a tight fit same with the air outtake we just drove 2,000 miles across the United States 4 days by the way but in bus driving is so much more time than with a car cuz like if you drive slower at say 65 you're going to get better gas mileage than if you drive say at 80 and plus you don't really want to go 80 in a school bus well I don't I have a 40 foot so it's no bueno I try to get there alive you know anyway 2,000 miles so we need to unscrew through these guys on the front and the back lift it up for enough space to get the adjustments in here so we want to make sure to loosen this one up enough that there's space to maneuver the pipe so Loy gooy let do you lose accomplished all right and I'm just going to make sure it's solid that's like well connected right there TI that sucker she's not going nowhere all right going okay remove the lifts and then we're going to put that back into place all right so it looks pretty sturdy pretty pretty sturdy bro you stting okay I mean that feels fine feels fine what are you doing all right let's try it it's all fixed she's going she's pumping the diesel in I know I have work to do tell me about it no don't tell me about it any you it's working pumping heat what is this place called Mona Mona Campground in Mona [Music] campound will share this moment of fresh [Music] air so so in the [Music] sky you were made you need to to make to fly [Music] [Music] m [Music] we [Music] fly and I wonder where will go from here whe you be close or near above above the above the way above the way the wind wind and the Sun in the sun sh sun in the SK maybe we see the waves of time [Music] my fing my fingers hurt so bad yeah okay take five you turn the tuner off sound good that sounds good I have a microphone mom a real microphone that guitar sounds good I would like to record that yeah yeah it fun yeah yeah my fingers yeah wow that was beautiful all right Mom what do we just do 2,000 miles from Missouri Nebraska Kansas Wyoming Idaho Oregon now eating this time pain her give her the painting job she deserved like the door you painted while I was in Israel in Montana the back she going to be beauty that house beautiful yep now we're here in Oregon in beautiful Ferns and tall tall trees and uh we're going to put that pain toob on the bus wash it sand it prime it yeah she deserves it she has gotten us 2,000 miles across the United States of America from the Midwest to Oregon we hopped from what Missouri 4 days into Kansas back into Missouri that was confusing this is day 5 in the morning so the first day here so then we drove through Nebraska on some bumpy roads at this cool little pond on the water and I tell you what we got in at like 12 what 2 a.m. no 2: a.m. maybe was a long day did good long day that that was a 12-hour day and it's only because I wasn't going super fast we were driving in the dark and my headlights have an issue where they will turn off sometimes and then maybe turn back on maybe not praise God crazy y'all so we went to Nebraska over to the windy Wyoming Kansas screw Wyoming Kansas by the way that is a tough place to drive yeah we finally found a mountain a school bus tough place right get after it never again never again see UPS side will I drive through Wyoming and a school bus all right Captain she's Captain M first mate we went into Idaho we got it in a pretty good fight but I think we're okay we had to we had to get each other situated all right so what we're going to do this week is paint this 40ft school bus and give her the paint job she deserves 2 th000 miles she carried us the way no problems and I know I have an oil leak so there's that and we had to fill up on the way and Diesel's expensive we fixed the heater last night mom was laughing at me she thought it was silly but it's fixed you know it took me a while to figure out but we did it you'll see that in that video so Eden deserves a paint job she got mad driving skills for I thought she got a tipet yesterday pulling in here we're at demon Campground and I thought we were going to tip we were all fiding the furniture inside she only thought that because this little driveway has a little bit of a drop and I'm I'm the best driver I've ever seen in my life so I'm scared I'm a scar you know but it was good right it was good it was wow we lived through it we didn't tip I will video what she's talking about because it was just intimidating for her all right see that little bit of a drop she was just not expecting it and yeah it is a little bit of a drop I mean it's not hardd but you know you feel it a little bit of a decline that's elevated right there so that's what she was scared about okay so do you see this bus do you see this yellow hi Willow yellow school bus in this beautiful Forest my my my my Willow come on yeah come on so this is the before that's the before my friends Eden I've lived in Eden for a year and a half since since the end of September in 2022 and she is been yellow and dirty and abused this needs to be replaced in the metal underneath this honestly needs some help I know know it's rusted and this happened look at this look how horrible this is this happened because I had someone when I first got the bus my my initial thought was to paint it right away and I tried to have someone sand it with me or for me while I was building the inside and they literally just got like over the the bolts and exposed the metal and also there was a scratch learning curve but I tell you what I did learn and so I put rum I only had black rum and I put rum over the exposed metal so it wouldn't rust or whatever weatherize so that's what that's there for so that's this needs to be fixed she deserves a paint job really does 40 ft I tell you may the waves of time [Music]
Channel: Eden The Bus
Views: 272
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Eden.TheBus, Skoolie Bus Conversion, School Bus Conversion, Solo Female Nomad
Id: 1zZnh0yZuXk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 42sec (1422 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2024
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