Trading $0.01 Into a House in 1 Week

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this is a penny and I'm turning it into this house in one week sorry okay it'll definitely be a different house six days ago I had a penny and traded it for this pen then this then this this this this this this this yada yada now we have a tiny house and a lead to a real house if we're able to trade for a boat I gotta get you a boat give me a boat and I know a guy who wants to trade his boat Gerald so I gave him a call I'm unable to detect your call line man please leave it very detailed that and I will get back with you as soon as possible when I needed him most my greatest Ally had ghosted me I'm feeling sick to my stomach because we only have about 14 hours left to trade up to a house the definition of a house by the way is a human habitation especially one that is lived in by a family or small group of people so our tiny home does not qualify and to make matters worse I bought this 24 hour countdown clock thinking it would help me feel more excited but I really just feel awful um so I can't just sit around I've got to try to trade this thing the tiny house didn't fit in my pocket so I had to print pictures of it to show potential trade Partners my first stop was our buddy Geralds since he wasn't responding to me I thought he might have sold the boat and I went undercover to check the boat was still there why'd you do it Gerald why'd you do it I didn't want to bother Gerald anymore so I decided to bother homeowners the only problem is that not a single person would answer their door except for one nice woman hi I'm uh I'm trying to trade from a penny to a house I'm wondering if you guys have anything you want to trade or oh no worries thanks have a great day I feel like a weirdo right now we're running out of time I don't know what to do I'm desperate but I wasn't gonna give up that easily so I went back online I have messaged 2 000 people about this tiny house everyone seems to be confused because I don't actually I'm not actually at the house right now I don't have access to it because it's three hours away all that to say I'm running out of time and we have no leads so I went to the one place with tons of leads on houses a realty company I was greeted by a man named Rory who had absolutely no idea what I was trying to ask him yes you've built that uh no this guy named Fonzie built it but I traded him a 1997 Suburban for it okay okay our realtor meeting ended in confusion this is when I got desperate trying to trade a tiny house this is a photo of it okay my drive-through strategy failed immediately and I only have four hours remaining after a trip to the park with no luck I'm out of ideas out of confidence and out of time all I could do was eat my favorite barbecue ribs really thought we could do this to be honest how's it going one week is up in a few minutes and all I have to show for it is poster boards of a tiny house I can't even get into as our countdown clock neared zero I took a walk past the house I initially wanted to trade for I wasn't even close [Music] so my wife Haley just told me to check my email and there's a bunch of video files in it so I don't know what's happening hey Ryan Jeff Smith smallest house in the world Haley got every single person I met this year through my videos to send me an encouraging message saying they're looking for trades and asking me not to give up we are looking for some how so just you to know Brian that I'm here for you nothing is impossible buddy so keep trying this was the sweetest gesture anyone's ever done for me hello Ryan just to let you know that we are searching for the house just in case we have a diver searching underwater form and if there's anything these new friends of mine have taught me this past year it's that if you get knocked down you gotta get back up I might have failed my goal of turning a penny into a house in one week but the end is near we're gonna get that house for Hannah and the world is gonna see that nothing is impossible it was a wig it was the wig that I was shaving I've always wanted to do one of those moments where I shave my head but I'm pretty sure my wife would leave me if I did that let's go get that house I made no progress for 10 days after that statement however on day 17 something crazy happened I was invited to be on my City's local news station about my mission Ryan Trahan is a YouTuber based right here in Austin known best for his Penny challenge his most recent episode over 5 million hits so yeah we're trying to turn a penny into a house in one week how many days in um 17. gotcha okay yeah that's when Ryan asked our filming crew to subscribe to his YouTube channel for a unique reason hey Austin if you're watching this uh be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel because I'm trying to get Dr Phil to talk to me as his legal grandson Ryan at 5.5 million subscribers and Dr Phil right at 6 million oh my gosh are you guys interviewing Hannah as well if you've kept up with the series you know that if I successfully trade it up to a house I would give it to a lucky subscriber and that's Hannah a few days later Douglas got an email back and then put me in touch with a man named Mark who sells land for a living and wants to trade his smallest lot for our tiny house we're about to FaceTime our friend Mark and maybe get some land hey Mark hello hello how you doing I'm good Brian how are you man good good we spoke for another 10 minutes but ultimately yeah man we'll get her done man we'll keep the keep the uh keep the flips moving forward okay that man is a land Mogul we signed a digital contract and then I listed the land online without even seeing it the next morning I drove three hours to step foot on my new property I really feel like we could trade for a house with this land and after six more days of a dozen people emailing homeowners Across America with no luck and posting our land on almost every website known to man we finally got an email back from someone named Justin he's an investor and loves our mission and the house is beautiful and on day 27 I found myself in a small town somewhere in Texas ready to make a deal howdy good Justin yes sir all right yes sir nice to meet you yeah same here I got inside and signed some documents that say I own the house now and I felt on top of the world and after making it official Justin did want to tell me something about the house you saw I bought a side I've seen and it needed more work than we care to do to it my crew dads would be up there probably be on it for like 10 days for sure when I shook Justin's manly hand the universe felt like it was accelerating I felt the energy of every person I traded with flowed through my veins every single day for the last month the next trade up felt absolutely impossible day after day night after night it somehow all came together and now somewhere out in the world there's a penny that has achieved The Impossible thanks Justin I don't think it's really hit me that we just traded for a house probably because the house is seven hours away so it's time to hit the airport and fly to this Penny house but before I could do that I had to make one last stop Hannah's apartment if you're just now tuning in I have some explaining to do Hannah owns a small business and she thought it was getting supercharged by our sponsor Shopify however I essentially trapped her in this Airbnb for a week to keep her from finding out about my mission to get her a house it was time to tell Hannah that I had been fooling her all along Hannah you don't know this but for the past month I've been trying to trade from a penny to a house for you guys and all that Shopify stuff was not real yeah you watch the videos yeah my friend sent me it I was dumb struck my plan had failed and now they know that I was trying to get them a house they just don't know if I actually pulled it off I couldn't believe my ears Hannah's husband case also works from home and is so proud of her like she went went shopping and bought herself something like uh for the outfit you know the other day with money that she made from Hannah alissaco that's the name name of her store where she sells cute cups and handmade earrings at this point I'm at the risk of dying because I'm so excited to tell them about the house we got yeah I love going about my day and just and just hearing the little touching noise from my phone it's cute I think Hannah and I can both agree that you can do some amazing things in a short period of time before I tell Hannah in case the good news Shopify has made this entire series possible if you want to start chasing your dream and start your business like Hannah sign up at Ryan Trahan and drop your store Link in the comments they've been waiting long enough it's time to tell Hannah and case that we got them a house we were trying to turn a penny into a house in one week and failed then we try to turn a penny into a house in one month and we did it you guys have any reactions I showed them the house that we traded for a penny that I'm visiting tonight and told them how it's not really livable yet but what they don't know is that I talked with Shopify and they wanted to get Hannah and case a move-in ready house here in Austin which means I can do something even cooler with our Penny house anyways it's time to surprise them and we have to leave what you have to leave I'm not gonna lie I was freaking out on our way to the house as we walked up to their new home I couldn't help but feel like I was Oprah or something three two one oh my God I probably picked the most HGTV song possible for this moment but dang it it's the perfect song all right Hannah and case explored their new home and Hannah was breaking in her new office You Go Hannah they finished their tour then we celebrated with milkshakes and just like that I was at the airport exhausted but our work isn't finished yet the next morning I found myself a block away from our Penny house and when I stepped foot in the front yard and opened my eyes speechless that's that's the word to describe what I felt and now I'm going to give you a full house tour starting with the front porch so not to get too corny or anything and I probably am going to put a dramatic song in the background goodness one year ago I took this selfie I don't really look too different but took this picture because I vividly remember I was like this is the lowest I've ever been and I should document this I just had a tough year you know I mean pretty much everyone did I felt so tired and unhappy I had no idea how I was gonna keep going in general I didn't see myself as a creative person or hard working or smart or attractive I'm looking rough in that photo let's be honest I had no idea what would come out of this last year but man God has been so good to me I started meeting so many amazing people in the most absurd places and they become my friends and helped me grow as a person life just started turning around and this music is dramatic but this is an emotional moment for me also this penny to a house thing has absolutely wrecked me in a good way Ashley Douglas Rex Judy Gerald even though he ghosted me everyone I've met is responsible for this this house that cost a penny and probably more with Renovations but I was talking to Douglas off camera last week and we were chatting about life stuff and he said something that blew my mind our dreams are like pennies they're pretty worthless on the surface probably Dusty probably ugly and most people throw them away or tuck them in their back pocket or drop them in the street and every day you could probably walk outside and find dozens of dirty abandoned pennies so we have to be the ones who can see their potential pick them up dust them off and take them as far as we can I'm donating this house to charity and they're here so as I donated the house and some money for renovations I shook the hands of our friends at the local homeless shelter way too many times way too many I feel so bad about this and I couldn't help but think of Douglas's words one last time nothing is impossible buddy so keep trying [Music]
Channel: Ryan Trahan
Views: 10,661,617
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ryan, Trahan, ryan trahan, penny challenge, penny, penny to house, finale, I got a house, trading up to a house, trading from nothing, nothing to house
Id: R79WekY7zOg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 55sec (715 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 14 2022
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