Toyota Rav4 Is D.O.A. But Still Runs?

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huh what do we got here folks a 2004 Toyota knock knock it's the RAV4 whoa well apparently I'm told there goes his window let me get the window hold on I got the window apparently it runs but it's dead he tells me it runs but nothing works the Dash is dead which we got lights there he's on right now and we got no wipers we got no radio must be that's why the window's down but none of that got no Honker but apparently it runs that's lovely well I say pick one thing and fix it and it'll fix everything so let's pull it in let's see here Fresh So that stuff down there gives me a little concern I didn't want to sing it oh it's a little micro switch I'm sorry a bunch of fuses such um so yeah I guess we'll uh let's do this easy way okay we do have four ways that's one working thing but I don't believe yeah no turning signals none of that I don't know let's just pick something and fix it it's like you know maybe pick the radio I guess however before we do that let's just give a little visual inspection here make sure it's not like a battery cable hanging off it or something silly it's got to be a big main fuser main power feed something I would think looks like there's a big Junction of wires coming out of here out of the battery post see the battery is relatively new guy doesn't have any history on the car because he just bought it like I say so Let's uh focus on the radio there and see what it takes to power that up I'm assuming we have a whole part of a fuse box that is dead that's my big fat guess it got us a test light here we're going to clamp onto a good ground make sure our test light works and it does and I've pulled up the wiring diagram here for us and we can see oops whoops gosh dang it here's this guy so this is the radio diagram without JBL which I think is a better audio system but anyhow we're going to go right for the fuse because I doubt we're dealing with a ground here radio fuse 15 amp engine room junction box left side of compartment so if it says radio fuse 15 amp hot at all times so it should be in this box here and let's see if we can find one yep so right here this one here says radio right there and let's see the legend how this works that's that way 15 10 and 30 15 10 30 so it's got to be this one well I'll be decked that one is hot I didn't expect to see that folks let me just kind of buzzed down a couple of these other ones here all right so that's pretty interesting so perhaps that is the keep alive side of things there is another fuse here that runs the radio let me just see in case this is the JBL audio Radio 2 fuse 30 amp radio fuse 15 amp okay so I got to double check see which one it's supposed to be and then here driver side junction box left side of Dash accessory fuse seven and a half hot neon position so let's go check that because if that's the case we might just be dealing with you perhaps a bad ignition switch let's see if that fuse is any good ACC fuse seven and a half middle one all right nothing there I'm just going to check a few other fuses here I don't know what they go to but it seems well either a test light is bad or all these fuses are dead let me try to find a oh no our test light works there's a hot something but yes none all of these fuses appear to be DOA all right so that's something good to know okay let's see where that power comes from and Trace the problem backwards and be done in no time so here's our fuse inside and that's supposed to have power in the accessory position and in the on position and it doesn't uh let's see would it make sense to go look at from am one fused again one of two I'm just curious if uh if we even have to look at the power feed to the ignition switch figure that out yes we do need to look at that um because that is the power that feeds this switch is not the same as the one that starts it even though it keeps it hot in the start position here uh the one that actually goes through the start is down through here so yes we do need to trace this backwards instead of I guess what I'm getting at is I don't want to dig for that if the fuse is easier to get to so we need to find this triangle B in diagram one and see which is right here am one fuse 40 amp driver's side junction box so that we're back to here we need to let me set you down here and we'll find this am1 fuse am one it says it's gonna be a 40 ampere so it's gonna be a bigger one am2 did say am1 right let me double check that for us it's also obvious I can't read driver's side junction box behind left side of Dash it's getting a little excited over here which I think is probably going to be good um because we didn't have a horn either which the car feeds the horn relay the power that feeds this fuse let's go check it anyways but I'm assuming that's also dead I pulled the 40 amp right out but yeah it is also good which I assumed it was so it's a big J case fuse so I'm going to stick that back in and then we'll go to the main the big main feeder out there under the hood all right let's see looks like I said I suspected that was going to be dead anyways so that comes from a main of four which is an 80 ampere fusible Link Box right side of firewall so that has to be I'm assuming this big sucker right there it'd be interesting if that 80 amp fuse is blown like you know what what could have blown it if that's the case but let's see if we can find it so main four is the one that's dead now if that fuse is good the only other alternative is if this alternator fuse blew that feeds all of these fuses which that probably makes more sense because when I look to see what feeds off this fuse it makes more sense that you know all this other stuff is dead too so about this I got an idea here before we dig that thing open Let's uh see if we can't hook us the ground and let's just check to see if our alternator is dead oh yeah so there you go bingo so the battery made battery feed to the alternator it's a DOA so that fuse is blown probably because of a shorted alternator so there okay easy peasy because I had to follow it backwards that would make more sense to me um let's see it's got some zip tie action going on here everything else is broke which is great so we'll just cut that zip tie I'll cut that zip tie oh we got one clip here take the clip out get this little guy to the side so make sure Wonder now because I know you know we're obviously going to find this fuse however this fuse Arrangement is is open we've already determined that the question is going to be why we do have an aftermarket alternator and we do have a brand new battery so did something happen because we don't have any hold down you know did this come over and touch I'm assuming we don't have the whole story yeah part of the hold down here um I don't know I don't know what these fuses look like not too often you see these babies blowing but let's get a 12 millimeter and see if we can't take the battery cable off there and get it you know good after I'm not even so sure if we'll be able to get one of these at the junkyard because they usually cut all the cables and stuff [Applause] that one must go to the starter I might tell you what let's get the batter in out of here so we can leave this thing over see how to well I think it's got connectors on it here not real familiar with this let me try something good it's going to spark a little bit really oh no so that tells me because that should be the alternator wire here if that alternator was shorted that should have sparked pretty good on us let me just try something here just gonna bypass the fuse here for a second let's see if this lights up it does so the alternator is not at least not dead shorted right now because you can see I'm holding the the battery wire bypassing the fuse okay so that's interesting all right well we learned a little something there so perhaps there was an accident well they're putting new battery in [Music] foreign [Applause] so it is all one big assembly but yeah I looked at uh that's the main fuse 140 amperes you got smoked and then here's the other fuses that come down to these accessories so yeah it's definitely open circuited there stick a screwdriver in it so we just need a new fuse box I guess non-replaceable fuse here definitely got hot I wish I knew the whole story because the only way for that fuse to blow it would have to be on this leg alone which I'm wondering being a new very maybe I can weasel a little more info out of this guy to see to see what happens or perhaps the alternator has an intermittent short that would really suck to put a new one in to find out that the alternator shorts out when it gets hot foreign what we can do temporarily put these two back together at least enough to start it and see if the alternator is shorted which our initial test revealed that it's not but see if we can do something here for a moment I wonder how much current I'll take to melt the solder let's find out [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] ER that's good [Music] we got a clock we got a radio controls throw his windows up before this thing blows up on us again windows up got a horn oh we don't want to try the wipers we got headlights contact we have contact we got a blower motor oh yeah we fixed it up next we're gonna crack this just a little bit so we don't get left out almost speed doesn't go down oh yeah does this one okay this one okay so he's got other problems here with the windows power lockers work we're gonna roll this window down a little bit this window up so I'm just using a mirror to look on the back side here because like I said they got the battery in here just it's just kind of sitting in here on a block of wood kind of curious as if that was just kind of bouncing around and you know shorted into something you know if the alternator was shorted we were already blowing the fuse at this point so you know I don't know I don't know what blow I don't know what blue to fuse it's just the one that runs for the alternator which also goes to all the other accessory it's the only thing that makes sense I don't see any Battle Scars on it where it had been shorted however you know if it was done with a tool you know with a wrench or something it's hard to say I'm going to let it warm up here a little bit uh I'll see if we can't get us a a new fuse how much current is coming out of the alternator can't be much because the wire's not even warm even down on the alternator I'm going to put on a high load I'll turn on you know a bunch of accessories I don't know how much our little chunk of solder in there is going to take before it melts about it kind of put a low amp clamp on there and the scale is about 10 millivolts per amp Max wire that exams our little fuse is holding up pretty good that's high beams on low run high rear defogger foreign field trip time Wilbert she pulled a bass not a sponsor according to the interweb they've got an four and an oh an o5 so let's go down even though it's raining and I need new wipers let's go see if it's in there and if we can utilize it I did not bring a screwdriver so we're going to take a chance that it's good this is all gave us an umbrella it's pretty nice over here huh Row 18 and 20. so way out in the back 40. they've got an o4 and an o5 and the sucker's way out in the back 40. hopefully they have one [Applause] this must be it oh five RAV4 it says how sweet foreign [Applause] first one we came to I tell you what man there is so much good stuff here lady just gave me the stink eye in there which I don't blame her uh because I told her this was a fuse which it is I'm not lying but I mean if if he's used to somebody coming in with you know a fuse and then this schmuck shows up with a big Mystery Box tells her it's a fuse I bet people try to get away with that kind of stuff all the time but we don't need our wristband because we're not coming back and hopefully that sucker's good and let's go put it on hopefully the old 405 model is interchangeable here I imagine it does [Applause] there's that we'll button her up now naturally I mean I shouldn't say naturally obviously the guy needs the correct battery has the wrong battery in it it's missing out the hold down you know everything about all this is wrong and you guys are gonna you know ask why I didn't get all that stuff I was hired to get the car running that's it um if you work in a shop you'll quickly realize that I think scanner dinner just touched on this fix what you were hired to fix don't fix everything you see that's broke all I can do is advise the customer say Hey you need you know yes you need another new battery you need to hold down you know you need all that stuff and you know that's that's not my call it's not my dime so I'm just fixing what I was hired to fix and we're moving on with life we'll tell them about it and that's it that's all you can do that's how the world Works fella stick this thing on there but obviously if this was your own car you know yeah now you can put in your own the correct battery and the hold down and all the stuff that's broken and missing and you know all the missing clips and everything there we'll stick to one clip back in we'll throw a couple zip ties like you had it and we'll flush this toilet foreign [Music] 's back to work now the driver's side window something wrong with this switch because all the other three work just fine clearly this one went up just fine so I'm not too worried about that everything starts and runs to shoot I guess foreign so the million dollar question is what blew you know 140 amp fuse I think that's what it was it was a big fuse who knows um there's a lot of sin under that hood as you guys can see you know I mean the battery's been replaced we're missing the cap off the alternator you know anything could have happened could have dropped a tool on it the battery could have hit that metal uh you know metal brace the strut brace there I don't know all I know is the alternator appears to be functioning as it should right now we let it warm up all the way until it was hot I put it under full load to where it was you know putting out 40 some amps almost 50 amps you know without getting ridiculous that's about the best you can do I mean we can speculate all day long or we can you know ship it obviously somebody's been playing electrician because you can see all the jiggly bits all over the carpet inside there not that that could have caused that to blow because we're looking for a direct short just in that one line and seeing what we see I mean that's the best that we can do and like I say guys you got to keep in mind that I'm running a shot I don't it's not my car so I'm not going to go through and fix every single thing I see wrong with it we get that comment all the time uh you know as we're working on cars you know oh I can't believe you didn't fix this I can't believe you didn't you know vacuum the floor mat I can't believe you know you're an idiot you know so you got to keep in mind we got hired to do one job I do the job you know I park it that's it I'm not going to sit here and try to upsell 500 different things because I've got 500 things going on myself we're going to pull in the next one we're gonna fix whatever the customer want to fix on that we're gonna park it back outside so one of you guys Park yourself in that comment section the questions the insty the Facebook comments everything you got put it down there and just for my reviewers I can do it you can do it thanks for watching thank you
Channel: South Main Auto Repair LLC
Views: 62,365
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fuse, fuses, fuse box, fuse block, rav 4, blown fuse, fuse tap, car fuse, car fuse box explained, fuse panel, fuse box tap, car fuse box, change fuse, how to fuse tap, alternator fuse, fuse box diagram, type of fuses, main, rav4 toyota fuse, toyota rav4 fuse, 100a alt fuse, toyota rav4 alternator fuse replacement, toyota corolla fuse, how to change fuse fuses toyota rav 4 2013 2014 2015 under the hood, 2008 toyota rav4 alternator fuse replacement
Id: 8Zsh3JLkbfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 33sec (1413 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 29 2022
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