I Just Got Kicked Out of AutoZone and I'm Mad as Hell

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rev up your engines all right today I got a GM pickup truck with electrical problems what a surprise GMS with electrical problems they're notorious for it the guy's taking it to a bunch of places nobody can figure out what it is so let's start with the basics anytime you got an electrical problem first check the battery you can see people been messing with the fuses you gotta check the battery adjust the battery battery tester but I'm going to show you something that kind of adds to the insanity Jam they came up with these stupid side post batteries right instead of having nice big battery terminals coming off the battery with big male parts and then the big cables clamp on them they got these stupid little side terminals that screw in the side that have a much smaller space where there's contact for the electricity and that means one thing with less contact area on these stupid side terminals any short looseness corrosion will impact the electrical system the cars up the wah zoo I fixed many of these merely by taking the terminals off and either replacing them if they were corroded or cleaning them all up and getting them on super tight but we're going to check the battery first this is a 650 cold crank amp so do a battery health test regular flooded and seeing if there's any floating electricity so we're going to buy cold cranking amps and it's uh 650 sliding thing could use a little Perfection it's very hard to get them perfect well 649 is close enough next now it's tested and it says it's 51 percent battery is normal but it needs charging now it drives this thing every day so it should charge itself so now we're gonna have to check the alternator to make sure it's charging the battery so we'll go to the start system test turn everything off stop the engine Target here we go starting it up foreign ER charging voltage is high 14.91 volts diode Ripple is normal but charging voltage is hot now sometimes a bad battery will cause the alternator to charge it too much but our machine shows that the battery is good but it needs recharge it may sound like an anomaly but it isn't because an alternator that's putting out too much voltage will change everything it might put out too much voltage not enough amps so that even though it's getting voltage it's not getting enough amps so the battery isn't fully charged in this case the only logical thing to do is to replace the alternator that's anyway so you got to move all the plastic cracks so we can get to the adjuster to get the belt off to change the alternate so we'll get this crap out of the way and see what we can see now as you can see the oddly pulleys there so with the cheater bar you can see it loosens the belt now we have a naked alternator we'll take the battery terminal first and then take it off both the wires take the two bolts off and once to take the bolts off up comes the alternator I think I'm stronger than I am well we got a pry bar there we go now it comes off there's a trick you'll see down here these little spacers are in that's where it was hard to get off so you get yourself a hammer see how it moved see how it moved a little and now you can see the alternator just Falls in place we don't have to wedge it anymore because the spacer went in as we tighten it it'll tighten up don't freak out about sliding it in once you put those in okay just slides right in the bolts slide in you don't have to wedge it and pry it they go right in get them on nice and snug because when you get to the end it'll then squeeze that washer and make it tight and make them really long here we go now it's squeezing against this there now it's tight we do the other side then we'll put the power line on 10 millimeter that snug plug the socket in here there we go now we pull on our big old cheater bar we can bet the fan belt come off the bottom so we have to refasten things every time you do this you're going to find belts slide all over the place so you got to make sure they're all lined up before you start putting them on because if they aren't lined up it'll never work now I got them lined up and you'll see the belt then goes right on and that comes off and before you're done make sure all the belt lines up with all the grooves and then put the terminal back on that you took off so nothing shorted out and of course put the air duct back on it won't run right make sure it's got a Tight Seal now if you don't want in the air leaks they went nice and smooth now the other side that's not then we tighten them up we'll try the giant screwdriver it actually fits you don't need a giant screwdriver but I got one lying around so might as well just use it that's tight and we'll do the other side both sides tight you don't want any air leaks and we don't trust in the alternator over the new alternator and not charging perfectly fine the alternator was bad it was putting out too much voltage but not enough amperage but if you look closely you'll see one thing that's not the original alternator I put on the original one was AutoZone this one came from Advanced Autos even though it's set on the Auto Zone rebuilt in Mexico alternator triple tested it put out zero volts when I put it on so I did the whole job over again and I went to the star and I said what's up I'm a shop right I said do you pay labor well you'll have to talk to the manager for that the guys that's still well fine get them in well he's not in now and then when I left the guy says oh don't come back now realize this I moved from Texas to Tennessee about a couple years ago this AutoZone is just down the street right there's not a single guy there that was here like a year and three quarters two years ago they have such a turnover employees the other guys knew who I was and they treated me kindly these guys they don't know anything they're rude they sell you a part that puts out zero volts and then they had the audacity of putting it on their machine and saying on their machine oh it works perfectly fine well it did not it put out zero volts now I mean the original alternator on this thing put out too many votes not enough amps and too much volts but it was putting out almost 15 volts there's put out zero volts obviously it wasn't working this is the advanced auto part one and you see it works perfectly fine doesn't have any problems I'm kind of peed off at those guys at AutoZone one they treated me like dirt and two they sold me a crappy part for 120 bucks and put out zero volts and then they even denied they said oh we put on our machine tested it it's fine either they don't operate the machine or the machine doesn't work because it put out zero volts and this one is working perfectly fine from Advanced Auto so be leery about where you buy alternators and really this is an old vehicle with a lot of miles on it probably would have been better mine to 295 dollar brand new one instead of the rebuilt which the next time somebody does I'll just say hey buy a new one I'll put it on but I'm not going to put a rebuilt one on I won't deal with that anymore didn't last 10 seconds zero volts uh hopefully this one will but it's from Advance it's a different company we'll see I'm will tell but be leery if you want to keep a car for a long time take my advice don't buy the remanufactured one buy a brand new one you're going to pay more than twice as much but then probably you won't have problems at all it's brand new it's not something that was rebuilt in Mexico you know what does that mean in this case the AutoZone rebuilt in Mexico had zero volts so it was working zero percent so live and learn people you can learn from my mistakes don't make them yourself because you just saw me make one buying the AutoZone part don't do that bye a quality part if like I say you don't care too much about the price difference buy a new alternator instead of a rebuilt one and here's some bonus questions and answers see Honda sites Jam says why do some oems make crappy engines well GM can dodge learn from their engine problems I have a 2011 Honda Accord that hit 200 000 miles it's never been touched on the engine it runs great they're two into short-term profits making things as cheap as they can GM has had histories of problems the last two or three decades because they want to make things as cheap as they possibly can Kia and the all the Korean car manufacturers have always built their cars somewhat cheaper and when you make things cheaper the one thing you don't want to make cheaper is the engine light tolerances metal Revenue at 4000 RPM you screw up on one little thing boom goes the engine and that's why they go and Dodge of course well it doesn't even exist anymore Chrysler got bought out by Fiat and now Hoosier owns them and they call themselves stalantis a lot of the Dodges Fiat engines Italian engines even their jeepy ones you get one with the diesel engine it's an Italian diesel engine they blow up all the time the first generation Italian diesel blew up the second one did now they're on the third and we'll see they'll probably blow up too they don't care is the reason they want to make money selling crap to people and they don't care they could build them any way they wanted they don't want to spend the money that's all it comes down to the Japanese they just perfect their stuff over time where a lot of the other companies they just tried something that didn't work out they throw it away let's try something else instead of incrementally making them better they're dramatically making them worse because they want to make them cheaper so they can make more profit DJ Oxford says What tent did you use in your pop-up tent video yeah that video where you show the portable tent garages can someone show me where this came from all right well I got it on Amazon it was about 500 bucks I did a bunch of research I don't remember the name if you watch the video you can see it came shipped to me from the west coast of course it was made in China they're all made in China but I did all kinds of research and I bought a previous tent that ripped because it was made like crap this one you're better paying the 5 500 bucks then buying the 350 dollar one if you plan on using it for any length of time the cheaper ones are exactly that cheaper this has stronger grommets it's tight the previous one ripped because it sagged when it rained because the canvas was cheap it sagged the water built up in it and then it ended up ripping it apart this one has a stronger base that whatever they're using nylon whatever material they use it's thicker and when you put it up it's tight and it does not sag so I don't foresee any problems with this one but you really are better to spend the 500 something bucks than you're buying the 350. if it's something you want to use a lot because otherwise it'll just rip after you use it a few times because the other ones are just too cheaply made so if you never want to miss another one of my new car repair videos remember to ring that Bell [Music]
Channel: Scotty Kilmer
Views: 619,470
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: auto, auto repair, car, car diy, car repair, cars, diy, how to, mechanic, repair, scotty kilmer, car review, auto parts near me, auto parts online, best place to buy car parts, best place to buy car parts online, buying car parts, buying car parts online, car part, car part reviews, car parts, car parts explained, never buy car parts from this place, parts, parts for cars, places to buy cars, where to buy car parts, autozone, I just got kicked out of autozone and I'm mad as hell
Id: Tj86H-aJCmI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 40sec (640 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 26 2022
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