Toyota is Getting Replaced By This New Car Company

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there's so much hype about EVS but everyone's forgetting one important thing the average American can't even afford one despite that the Biden Administration is actively working to impose EVS on all Americans today I'll show you the current demographics of Americans so you can see why EVS are unachievable for many I'll also share a Biden's plans will impact not just Americans consumers like yourself but also car makers too and stay tuned to see why Toyota may have go out of business and how Jim and Ford will soon overtake tests everyone knows the price of gasoline has gone up but many don't realize the real pain it's like boiling a frog or a lobster when you apply more heat just a little at a time it's hard to know you're stewing well it's the same thing with gas prices if you want to see how much gas prices have jumped just rewind you'll see that gas has jumped almost 44 that's not just more than inflation it's simply crazy that's why more consumers are looking into EVS than ever before last February the average price for a new gasoline-powered car was forty five thousand six hundred dollars whereas the average cost of a new EV exceeded sixty thousand dollars of course it's possible to buy a used combustion engine car for much less than a lower ndv for example in the Atlanta metro area the most affordable used EV the model year 2018 or newer was around 50 Grand although most were well over 60. yet there were literally hundreds of used gasoline-powered vehicles for sale for less than twenty thousand dollars so how rich are poor Americans today how many Americans can afford an EV well it used to be that America was made up mostly of the middle class some 61 percent of adults to be exact but believe it or not in the last 50 years the middle class has shrunk significantly down to 44 right now only 18 percent of U.S households are considered upper class meaning that they earn more 156 thousand dollars annually obviously they're in the best position to opt for an EV if they want and right now the U.S medium household income is sixty seven thousand dollars some 20 of American households are in the 25 000 to 50 000 income break you have 18 percent of American households making the less than 25 Grand a year as a point of reference the poverty line for family four right now is a bit less than twenty seven thousand dollars in case you didn't catch that that's 38 percent of American households that earn less than 52 Grand and are considered lower class assuming there are 2.6 people in the average household they're barely getting by so do you really think that 38 percent of U.S households can afford an EV obviously not the middle class might be in a better position to opt for an EV some 44 of U.S households are considered middle class but the income range for the middle class is far and wide we're talking a household income range between fifty two thousand and a hundred and fifty thousand dollars so you can see it's widespread and those on the lower end of the income range most likely can't afford an EV right now the top two most popular EVS to data the Tesla y SUV and the Tesla Model 3 sedan so how much will they set you back the Tesla Model y has the starting price of 65 900 the Tesla Model 3 is a starting price of nearly forty five thousand dollars why rvv so expensive to buy compared to your average gasoline-powered vehicle well there are many reasons for one there's a sheer cost of research it takes to develop and manufacture an EV EVS have different systems and there are many different types of EVS really development in EV is almost like starting from scratch every time true gasoline powered cars are updated every year but they're rarely completely re-envisioned plus the batteries inside EVS aren't cheap by any means EVS run on lithium ion batteries an electric vehicle battery costs way more in materials and labor compared to Conventional batteries for gas lean powered car it's true that lithium batteries aren't as expensive as they wore back in a Nissan Leaf and Chevy Volt were first introduced but they aren't cheap today either also EV Chargers add to the cost of UAV purchase price having a level 2 charger installed in your house is a happy medium between Level One charging at home and a level three charge at a public charging station but a level two charger alone will set you back around two grand you need to factor that into your overall EV press if you're set on getting an EV don't forget to estimate your charging costs in other words your electricity bill right now the national average electricity is about 14 cents per kilowatt but many states across the country electricity prices are much higher for example New England the average cost of electricity is 24.5 cents per kilowatt and then the largest state population California the average cost is a whopping 26.71 cents per kilowatt but just imagine say if even half of all Americans started driving EVS reality is the uptick in electricity demanding consumption will drive up the cost of electricity even further we're back to economics 101 supply versus demand we could compare current EV charging prices on gasoline prices but you have to remember that in the past few months of the sheer gas prices have been an all-time a Stark High this last May the average retail price of gas was 4.54 cents yeah two years ago the average price of gasoline was 1.96 many experts believe that if Biden were to embrace Pro energy reforms Energy prices could fall to Trump era levels speaking of President Biden he has big plans for EVS but for many Americans this won't be a good thing here's what I mean a couple of months ago Biden hosted a virtual major economics Forum energy and climate this was actually the third time he held a meeting like this since this presidency began that the Forum represented us more than 20 governments worldwide discussed urgent food security and energy concerns they also discussed their commitments and pledges to battling Global issue of climate change some governments pledged to decarbonize ocean-based shipping others pledged to increase fertilizer efficiency and Alternatives While others pledged to reduce methane emissions yet one common pledge kept coming up put more zero emission vehicles on the road and that's where Biden's big plans come in actually dramatically increasing number of zero emissions vehicles or zebs for short on America's roadway has been in Biden's books for years earlier this year Biden announces administration's Target to have half of all new light duty Vehicles sold in 2030 to be seeds this would include fuel cell electric battery electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles anyway at the major economics Forum in June Biden once again reiterated his plans to impose fire reaching regulations to basically forced car companies to sell more EVs and other clean Green Machines some of these regulations have already been put in place While others will roll out in the near future China and Europe have already been enforcing regulations to heavily promote EVs and with Biden's new commitment the world's three largest car makers are moving away from gasoline cars at a faster Pace than anyone predicted only a few years ago that's not to say that this will be an easy policy to carry out here in the U.S in reality it's quite an ambitious project the Biden Administration wants to invest billions of dollars to build charging stations for EVS and to lower the EV costs but last year the bipartisan infrastructure bill in the Senate only authorized 7.5 billion dollars for Chargers that may sound like a large authorization but that amount was only half of Biden's original request and they're not even talking about where this electricity to run these charges is going to come from no one is Building green power stations yet at any mass production level now with climate change at its worst you'd think a major U.S EV announcement like that would spell out good news for everyone but your average American family this is anything but good news here's the thing about Biden's new Palace once it's fully enforced manufacturers will have no choice but to produce zero emissions Vehicles we can all expect higher costs to buy and own a car as it is EVS are ready expensive enough for the average American at the high end of the EV scale we got cars like Tesla Model S that starts at Warren eighty thousand dollars and at the lower end they're cars like Chevy bolt which started Thirty One Thousand even though it's one of the cheapest TVs you can find in the market it's still got a price tag it's almost 10 grand more than a larger gasoline powered Sedan like the Chevy Malibu no it's true there are ways to lower the overall price of a new EV for example a federal tax credit can lower the sticker price doesn't much as 7 500 these credits are available for the sales of new EVS you have to meet the income eligibility requirements in order to qualify for the rebate Biden plan for Ev spells out good news for some car companies bad news for others take Tesla for example Tesla makes up more than two-thirds of the battery-powered cars sold here in the U.S and Biden's announcement to force manufacturers produce zebs will increase Tesla sales did you know that this isn't first time Tesla can be thankful to the US government back in January 2010 the Obama Administration granted Tesla a jaw-dropping 465 million dollar loan to help them develop and manufacture the model S S Peter rallison former chief engineer Tesla now chief executive of lucid said that without the loan Tesla probably wouldn't exist and he even added that actually the US government made Tesla the success it is today then there's Toyota Toyota Motors the world's largest automaker yet despite that they've only recently joined the battery electric race here in the U.S compared to some European and Chinese EV regulations Biden's plans have been criticized by environmentalists mean two modest by 2030 half the vehicle sold in the US are still expect to be powered by gas or diesel yet despite that the ban on selling new gasoline-powered Vehicles is fast approaching and with so little marbles in the battery electric game some critically Biden's new regulations will spell Doom for Toyota the big question is will Toyota be able to catch up in time right now the average American keeps his combustion engine car for 12 years so we're talking a bit over a decade so Toyota can still bet on their gasoline Park cars having gas stations around for many years in the future yet there's still is pressure on the company to create and release EVS fast Toyota also doesn't have the luxury of an almost 500 million dollar loan from a government to help even at Toyota where to start pumping out the bevs and mass remember just because companies make EVS does not guarantee that many people will buy them if you want to know how big Teslas look at the number this year between January and March about 75 percent of EVS sold their Teslas they're the market leader of Tesla's total sales no matter why SUV in the model 3 sedan May up a whopping 68 but experts are saying that Tesla's rear view mirror is getting crowded because other brands are creeping up on them last year in the first quarter Americans bought 18 different EV models but this year in quarter one Americans bought 32 different EV models and analysts predict that number will increase to at least 50 by the end of the year so who's Tesla's biggest competitor well hot on their tail taking the spot of third best selling EV at 2022 so far as the Mustang did you know that in the annual car War series The Bank of America conducted a study and it predicted that GM and Ford will overtake Tesla on the EV Market by 2025. that's less than three years away according to the study Tesla's current market share could drop to close to 70 to 75 percent all the way down to 11 in the next three years that's a nosedive Ford and jam are actually expected to approach 15 percent thanks to their new EV models now seeing the Tesla's absolutely dominating the EV market today it can be difficult for us to imagine them dropping off to such a position but experts believe this is a real possibility the reason why is because Elon Musk is introducing products at a rate but just too slow and Tesla's product portfolio isn't large enough to come compete in an all oncoming competition Jim announced plans to spend a mass of 35 billion on EVs and autonomous vehicles by 2025. they expect to be the leading EV Sellers from the U.S by 2025 with an estimated 400 000 Vehicles sold for an announced lands to spend an even larger 50 billion on electrification by 2026. they expect to take the second spot in EV sales by 2025. right now Honda doesn't sell a single fully electric vehicle in the U.S but recently Honda said they're officially breaking into the battery Electric market not one not two but 30 electric vehicles globally by 2030. and 20 will be for the U.S market this means more competition for Tesla rivie and lucid and many other car makers that are ready in the Bev space if I ask you to name the top EV company today Honda wouldn't even be on your list that's because at the moment Honda only sells one electric vehicle the Honda e which is a subcompact car that's only sold in Japan and Europe actually a lot of people criticize Honda for not embracing EV technology earlier but they're not entirely correct in the past Honda like Toyota preferred to invest in hydrogen fuel cell Vehicles as the queen zero emission option so how successful or mainstream is hydrogen well today there's some 8 000 hydrogen-powered cars in the U.S or between thirty thousand to thirty five thousand on the road globally compare that to 10 million plus fully electric EVS already on the road worldwide so you can see where the money is analysis expect an additional 2 million more EVS to be added this year alone but the numbers aren't the only things working against hydrogen fuel cell Vehicles hydrogen fuel cell Vehicles first started in 1966 with GM's electrovan yet despite more than half a century development hydrogen fuel cell cars are still expensive to produce you can only find them in a few country or regions that have built hydrogen fueling stations part of the reason for low hydrogen sales in America is because the lack of infrastructure Network unless you live in California you pretty much can't drive a hydrogen car that's because California is currently the only state in the U.S with a hydrogen fueling Network once you leave the state you're stuck but what about battery electric vehicles in the 12 years that we've had the Modern Electric Vehicle 1.3 million battery electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles have been sold here in the U.S you can see it's quite a stark difference Honda's always tried their best to stay true to the climate forward slogan blue skies for our children but right now they realize the best option for blue skies is to embrace fully electric cars and now that the combustion engine band will be happening in the states and in many other countries you can see why fully electric vehicles have become critical for Honda did you know that Honda pledged 40 billion dollars towards electrification and software Technologies over the next 10 years but remember technically electrification doesn't mean they'll make all their cars battery electric rather it means all vehicles will have an electric motor of some sort somewhere in the drivetrain most likely Honda will be investing a large chunk of their 40 billion in conventional hybrid vehicles and plug-in hybrid models as well the recent 40 billion dollar pledge and plan to roll out 30 unique electric vehicles globally equation to about 2 million cars of these 30 future EVS two will be electric sports Vehicles one is expected to succeed the Acura NSX that recently Departed the market the bulk of these new EVS will mainly be crossovers which makes a lot of sense given how popular crossovers are in America did you know that Honda has already sung 343 million bucks into developing Their Own Line of solid-state batteries and they plan to bring these batteries to the new bevs in the second half of the decade for now though they will be relying on Lithium-ion batteries to power their upcoming EVS now Honda didn't specify the actual underlying Technologies for all these EVS but Honda didn't also expand the use of the Honda e-architecture that they use in their current Hondas Honda also shifting their business model they plan to focus on hardware and software both right now the core business is selling non-recurring Hardware which is pretty much car units but they're shift into offering after sales services from software-based features take for example safety and navigation features today you get most of these features as a part of the car there's no extra across both Honda's new plan you'll pay for these features probably monthly or yearly but on isn't the only automaker with this idea pretty much every other automaker you can think of is exploring this concept you can think of it like a monthly car subscription service for add-on features these fees will be to support things like content services and upgrades take GM for example they believe it'll generate 25 billion in Revenue annually by 2030. purely on software and subscription Services alone that's not even including revenue from actual sales of cars themselves just look at your smartphone in the past we just bought a mobile phone you'd only pay for cellular service but today we have a million apps on our phones each operating different Services many of these apps offer optional services for a monthly subscription fee so now all you need is a smartphone to manage your home security system operate your robot vacuum and trick your weight and diet progress and so forth this is how the smartphone became more than just telephone hardware and that's exactly how car makers are viewing cars it's no longer about selling one car which is just Hardware cars and how computers of their own and this is just the beginning of many services will be able to do right from our cars touch screen galantis believes software and subscription services will allow car companies to enjoy the type of operating margins closer to that of high-tech corporations for example solanus is exploring the possibility of offering Services through Tech platforms they're launching in 2024. right now they've dubbed an stla brain stla smart cockpit and stla auto drive that's why Honda's taking this course long term to reach that goal first Honda will launch smaller scale EVS in Japan like the key class these are basically mini cars well they aren't very popular in the US many cars are massively popular in Japan the First new EV released in Japan will be a mini EV for commercial use most likely a key van price just around 1 million Japanese Yen which is around 8 000 US Dollars after the K minivan a variety of other models for personal use should follow likely including many SUVs in China Honda will introduce 10 new EV models by 2027. that's just five years from now it's very interesting because not many people know this but China is by far the world's leading EV market today so it's a ripe market and huge opportunity for Honda these 10 new models will be built a dedicated Honda plants and Guangzhou and Wuhan another interesting thing is that Honda's press release didn't even mention the European market given the population of China I guess they're going for the big fish so here's the big thing right now Honda and GM plan to work together develop a series of affordable EVS based on a new Global platform the purpose of this joint platform is to beat Tesla basically in this joint venture they'll use GM's Next Generation Altium Battery Technology and they want to offer flexible battery architecture outstanding power range and performance from luxury and performance cars to daily commutes SUVs and Pickups the goal of the Altium platform is to power EVS of every type and at every single price point together Honda and GM are expected to produce millions of lower price TVs start in 2027. these new cars will include compact crossover EVs and they'll be sending some of these across the continents in a recent statement he said that they will share their best technology design and Manufacturing strategies to deliver affordable and desirable EVS on a global scale and that would especially include the key markets and snorts in South America and China in a way this is smart look right now EVS are expensive and most consumers know this that's why EVS made in the joint Honda GM partnership are expected to be priced below 30 grand aside from external factors that travel prices the goal is to return to the days when cars were affordable and mainstream so far no financial terms of the new partnership has been disclosed the car makers have said they will be discussing future EV Battery Technology collaboration and opportunities down the line one of the goals of collaboration is to drive down the cost of electrification improve performance and drive sustainability now whether these new EVS will be based on Honda's architecture or on GM's platform as yet to be decided but the two companies have agreed to share the bill for manufacturing costs and the cars will potentially be produced at either GM or Honda plants GM made a bold statement they want to sell more EVS in the USD and anyone else by the middle of the decade about to do that they'll need a large portfolio of vehicles and so partnering with Honda will help them Reach their goals as fast as possible actually did you know that Honda and GM have been friends for years Honda previously invested 750 million bucks and GM's Crews autonomous vehicle unit and now Honda and GM are co-developing the cruise origin autonomous EV the companies also have a joint venture to develop and produce hydrogen fuel cell systems plan to do this at a plant in Brownstone Michigan but that's not all GM will producing two EVS for Honda for the 2024 model year Honda announced that one of these SUVs called the prologue will be their first dedicated battery electric vehicle coming to the U.S GM isn't the only large company that Honda's partnering with Honda's also teaming up with Tech Giant Sony they'll be creating a completely new brand together in a joint statement they said that their goal is to create this new EV company within the year and this company will sell its first DV model by 2025. this new company has yet to be named some speculate it should be called Sona are horny or some other mashup but we'll have to wait and see besides finding a marketable name they also have to figure out the development design planning and sales aspect of their brand Honda will take on the responsibility for manufacturing the new EVs and Honda facilities and Sony will most likely be responsible for building the platform for Mobility Services now I'm a chairman of CEO will be yasuode Mizuno a long time Honda executive this is exciting because the pieces of the puzzle are starting to come together two years ago Sony first debuted concept car at CES the Consumer Electronics Show this concept car conveyed the vision s concept which is an EV with a variety of sensors and other Innovative Technologies at that time Sony said this concept car was built to test autonomous vehicle technology then this year Sony returned to CES with division SO2 SUV Concept with this SUV they announced that they would form a business this year to put the car into production division s02 was presented as an all-wheel drive setup that output 536 horsepower pretty much that's all we know the midsize SUV will compete with the Chevrolet Equinox EV pole star 3 and a Ford Mustang Maki the new Honda Sony EV has expected to hit the market in 2025. with Honda's pledge to eventually be 100 electric would it surprise you to hear what it means for their motorcycles look Honda is a brand known for its motorcycles it's the world's leader last year they announced four electric motorcycles to debut in a few years last quarter they released the CRF E2 their first production electric dirt bike lithium-ion battery they're not actually making the bike though actually they launched into another company called Greener Powersports they have a kids version and an adult's version and then there's streamo this is Honda's newest micro Mobility venture to develop an electric scooter or e-scooter for urbanites most City dwellers are already familiar with the growing hype and we can see more electric scooters passing by cover short distances across the city well now Honda's in the game so you can see how Hondas holds moving forward with electrification across all its businesses in the battery EV field there's a new kid on the Block yet many have yet to hear about this company some say their Tesla copycats but with lower prices and longer driving range and get this these EVS are sold without a battery if you think that's odd Stay With Me the idea is that you just pay for a battery subscription and you can drive up to a station for a quick battery swap no more plugging in your EV in a long wait time now if you're an average American Consumer you probably haven't heard about Neo and I don't blame you the company isn't even 10 years old Neo realized batteries at significant cost to an electric vehicle and they wanted to compete with the big names in the traditional gasoline powered market so they brainstormed how to reduce EV battery costs and here's what they came up with just remove the cost of the battery from the product completely this would make their EVS more affordable accessible and reusable sounds like a no-brainer only in hindsight and it's really revolutionary now Neo did have some home charging stations for their batteries but very few homes in China actually had the needed infrastructure to support the installation of home charging points most Chinese EV consumers live in super large cities high-rise condos in other words self-installation home charging stations weren't an attractive Choice let alone even an option so Neo decided to establish a battery swapping station and network they call it battery as a service or boss for sure basically it's a battery subscription plan here's how it works consumers buying new electric car nearly 11 000 bucks cheaper than other EVS the car is cheaper because it doesn't come with a battery inside instead you pay Neil EV battery subscription plan to replace your batteries whenever needed imagine if you can save 11 Grand on an EV and instead pay a nominal subscription fee you don't have to worry about battery repair costs wouldn't you take that offer this is a new idea for many Americans but Neil has been doing it for two years already under Neil's boss subscription plans consumers pay just 12 buck monthly fee to lease a battery and as part of this special subscription they have access to free charging and swapping Services too as of last year Neil had executed more than 2 million battery swaps and almost 40 percent of the consumer base had converted over to the boss plan but it gets better the service is offered through a mobile-based solution that's connected to a network of battery swapping facilities and the swapping process is completely automatic here's how it works first you drive your EV to the station from there it's serviced by a car lift system that replaces the batteries automatically every battery pack that's removed from the vehicle for electrical performance gets inspected by a cloud-based battery management system before it gets recharged for the next drive if any problems get identified the battery gets taken out of circulation and sent in for repairs and Battery swaps these stations are fast section average of three to five minutes to replace the existing battery in the vehicle with a fully charged one compare that to an average of 75 minutes to fully charge a supercharging station now it's more like pumping gas and oil combustion engine cars just how large are these swapping stations anyway nail swiping stations world's largest three-hole parking spaces talk about taking a punching a tiny footprint the size of these stations makes them convenient to install in parking facilities and even in crowded public places as the last year Neo had installed 301 Battery swapping stations across China and by 2025 they plan to expand to 3 000 swapping stations globally did you know that these battery swaps are also cheaper than other battery Alternatives reviews Neil's service offers six swaps a month for 12 monthly subscription plan six swaps will get you around 1500 miles of range still had it close to about 10 cents per month Tesla superchargers on the other hand cost you a tad more than that and if you have problems with the battery you have to think about those repair costs too for the battery to ensure that any new batteries can fit older cars and they'll standardize their battery sizes that makes it possible for those batteries to become a replaceable module in a larger vehicle as the last year there were some 75 500 Neo EVS on the road analysts estimate that the boss Subscription Service generated about four and a half million dollars in monthly recurring Revenue we're talking a whopping 54 million bucks a year and this revenue is only expected to increase as Neo expands its production Neo was co-founded in China back in 2014 by two entrepreneurs named William Lee and liham they have no manufacturing factories here in the U.S their international business headquarters is located in Shanghai but actually Neo isn't limited to just China they have offices in places like Beijing Munich Oxford Oslo and even San Jose California some are creating the buzz that Neo is China's answer to Tesla Believe It or Not China is actually a leading car manufacturing country for years China has been subsidizing EVs and every year EVS account for a large share of new registrations in China so how did this company go from being a small startup to becoming China's answer to Tesla as of this year Neo has already produced over a hundred thousand cars in China and that Milestone did not go unnoticed by the global EV community in fact even Elon Musk tweeted out as congratulations to Neo for reaching that tough Milestone of a hundred thousand units that's not all if you think a hundred thousand cars is defeat well listen to this just this past May Neo announced that they had delivered almost 205 000 Vehicles globally in fact it was already among the biggest car makers in the world in terms of Market value right now it's market caps around 34 billion dollars that puts them in a similar playing field with Hyundai Keo Volvo Nissan and Renault how did Neo reach such high numbers in such a short period of time well it has to do with their creative outside the box thinkings a Neo is expanding first up they're in Norway now Norway was officially the first European market to become home to Neo's electric vehicles and unique charging infrastructure this includes es8 SUV and et7 Salon models and while they're not super popular mainstream yet they've received plenty of positive reviews the first battery swap station in Norway opened this past January the Neo stations are basically identical to the ones in China unlike the Chinese stations they need less than five minutes to extract the depleted batteries from the EV and install a fresh pack that's been charged to 90 the reason they don't charge to 100 is because charging to 90 lengthens the life of the battery cells each Norwegian station holds 13 battery packs that are kept in temperature controlled conditions to keep everything optimal you can imagine why that's important when you consider the fridge good temperatures in Norway especially they're infusely long and cold Winters Norwegian Neal owners who opted to select the boss subscription and not buy the battery pack will be able to use the swapping station for two free swaps each month or get the equivalent kilowatt hours of charge any additional swaps are available at an extra cost currently in Norway Neo is charging 10 euros per swap plus an additional 20 Euro cents per kilowatt hour Neo's boss service came to Norway only since past March and get this around 92 percent of Norwegians who bought a Neo opted for bus this has given Neo further proof of concept and now Neil plans to expend across Europe currently 20 marks Mansions are under construction and by the end of this year Neo plans to set up shop in Deutschland Germany Sweden Denmark and the Netherlands but what about here in the U.S well Neo does have an office on American soil it's located in San Jose California and it's not small it's a 202 000 square foot corporate facility they have over there recently Chinese media released some reports about a few eye-catching job announcements from Neo specific quickly now is hiring professionals experienced in Factory building in the United States the company is also hiring a blueprint planner with experience in at least one U.S Factory project so does this mean that Neo will open a factory in the U.S if you ask me I'd say it looks like it if you consider the specific job opening it's almost undeniable proof of Neil's current plans for an American fact but as of right now the company hasn't disclosed any details about this now if you think building a factory in the U.S might be straightforward well it's not as simple as that but it'll be even more complex or Neil because of how they manufacture their cars analysts are wondering how exactly Neo would assemble their EVS when they build their Factory here here's the thing currently Neo doesn't manufacture any of its Vehicles independently since 2016 they've been partnering with Jiang wui automobile group or Jac for sure AAC is a state-owned automobile manufacturer Neo page Jac for each vehicle that Jac makes for them all these vehicles are produced in the jet Neo Advanced manufacturing based in the province of anhue and China if Neo does come to the U.S it's unclear if it'll be managed independently by Neo or co-managed by Neo and Jac and if Jac does end up getting involved the involvement of a Chinese state-owned company would most likely catch the attention of U.S regulators and politicians but now let's talk about another one of Neo's Automotive Innovations a few weeks ago Neo announced their brand new electric SUV the es7 and boy this will be a tough competition for the Tesla Model y the S7 is only the fourth vehicle for Neo today this new SUV will cost anywhere around seventy thousand dollars but this isn't any old SUV it snail's fastest SUV it can hit 60 miles an hour less than four seconds on a full battery the es7 will be able to travel 301 miles with the Tesla Model y can travel 330 on a single full charge so not a huge difference but Tesla does beat the es7 in a standard range department now Neo does plan to offer an optional Ultra long range battery pack reporting at least a while for drivers a whopping 528 miles of driving range did you know that Neo aim to make the es7's cabin feel so comfy that would be like your second living room it comes with heated ventilated and even massaging front seats here's a feature the es7 has which the Tesla Model why does not bi-directional charging capability that means your es7 can actually share power with appliances and devices not only can the EV Supply power to towed equipment but you can also support vehicle to load discharging and camping mode to power outside devices too if you're wondering when will the es7 be released well last February Neil said it unveiled the new SUV in April but due to a rise in covet cases a mass lockdown was enforced throughout Shanghai and that just happened to be where Neo's Global headquarters is located as a result the debut was pushed to late may but then there was another post moment Neil announced they'd share details this summer when he all warned initially the first car was the ep9 sports car it wasn't a road legal car but for track use only oh only six of these were sold in the Neo investors for some 2.5 million British pounds each with an all-electric Supercar that set the fastest lap times at a number of racetracks fact in 2017 it was the world's fastest production electric car Neo's first master Bruce car was the es8 it was launched in 2018 and it was an all-electric SUV with a range of 311 miles considering how young the company is they've come a long way already and it'll be interesting to see how Neo enters the U.S they say competition is good because it pushes all players to do more so I feel it'll be a good thing for consumers if Neo enters the North American Market soon but now you tell me what do you think of the EV battery subscription plan do you think it's a better infrastructure and physical charity networks would you consider a Neo EV and should Tesla be nervous please share by commenting below if you like this video please like share and subscribe thanks for your support
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Length: 32min 13sec (1933 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 01 2022
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