20 Weirdest Cars In The World

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when it comes to the world of car design sculpting and building you would think that we'd have a blueprint for vehicles as a whole and then just slightly modify them in certain ways to make new vehicle lines and ideas and to be fair that is what has happened in the past and still happens today with certain car manufacturers however over the long history of automobile design people have taken the idea of a concept car to Heights and lengths that frankly boggles the [Music] mind as in they sometimes don't even look like cars and you have to wonder what people were thinking when they created them so with all of that in mind here now are the 20 weirdest concept cars we've ever seen number 20 1970 LAN EST Stratos hf0 if you want an excellent reason for car companies to go far outside of the box to try and make unique concept cars you need only to remember that both in the past and in the current time period car companies hate to be shown up by one another every rivalry within the industry has led to big things happening for one reason or another and in the 1970s the people at panina Farina were at War more or less with the team at Barone they were both trying to outdo the other in specific Ways by showcasing how great that their cars were in comparison to the other and that would lead to Barone doing the 1970 Lan Stratos hf0 or as it better became known the first wedge car in the world now I really shouldn't have to explain why it's called that as it does look like a wedge Edge in a car form would it even stop a big heavy door from opening up probably not but that door would also probably beat up the car in the process and before you say anything like well there's no reason for a car like this to exist well you'd be wrong while the wedge is a weird shape it does also serve a purpose via aerodynamics even back then companies were trying to woo people over especially in America with the promise of lower gas mileage they were still learning the ins and outs of aerodynamics in the car space but the 1970 Lancia Stratos hf0 was an example of taking it to an extreme and honestly paying out just a little bit in fact the team at Barone were very impressed with this ride and while it didn't directly become famous it did lead to other designers going in wedge shaped directions with their rides to see what they could come up with sometimes you just have to be weird in order to get things to work before we go on like this video smash the Subscribe button and click the notification Bell right now or this centipede will crawl on your face when you're sleeping now it's time for the fancy topic take a look at this car and don't be alarmed by its rather wrinkly look I promise that this ride is not dying from old age or anything like that but instead I'm going to tell you A Tale of a man who tried to make a car that was comprised of silicone and to be clear I'm not saying that the entire car was made out of silicone because that would be silly and dangerous for all sorts of reasons not the least of which is that you need actual nonsilicone parts to make a working combustion engine but the goal of this man was to make a car that he felt would be more safe that might seem Odd as silicone is not the material you picture when you think about toughness and in fact some of you may be thinking about silicone for medical purposes picturing it as a soft entity especially when it's used for certain kinds of implants however as with all things it just depends on the kind of process that you use to make it and how it's shaped There's an actual hardness scale to test how tough items are and some silicons can rate up to 80 out of 100 and if this car is actually real that must have been quite the process to get it to look that way and not immediately fall apart now sure it may look crinkled but if it functions that makes it a true concept car even if it is one of the more weird ones that you'll ever see therein lies the rub though nobody really knows much about the car's functionality longevity and more and plus would you even want a car that looks like this given that we've never heard of other cars getting the silicone treatment you'll just have to take a guess that it was a one-off as always you can comment down below using the # fancy topic and let me know your opinion in relation to what I just showed you on the screen number 19 the 1976 Ferrari rainbow now I may have started out with a car and company that you probably didn't know about but this time around we're driving into one of the biggest car companies in the world today that being Ferrari they're one of the epitomes of car creation design power and more so to hear that they came up with a design that could be defined as weird even for a concept car it may be a little little bit hard to swallow for some as the 1970s have proven it was a time of great experimentation and when the team from btone were allowed to have some fun with the Ferrari brand and go a bit off kilter in an attempt to reinvent the wheel they came up with a 1976 Ferrari rainbow the irony of the car is that while it was not placed into mass production Ferrari did go back to this kind of Hardbody roof design over three decades later further proving that these kind of concept cars do have a unique footprint in the industry even if it might take a while for it to be remembered and honored so what made this car so weird outside of its looks well it had a roof that you could remove if you were willing to do it by hand yes it was one that you needed to remove by hand to get it off and then you had to store it in the back of the car not exactly the most functional way to make a convertible and as for where it is today it's in a private Museum of the bare tone people and as I noted Ferrari did go back to this kind of design later on but I'm pretty sure they made all of the necessary adjustments to ensure that it worked number 18 1979 Aston Martin Bulldog the Aston Martin brand the car creators that changed the world with their designs over the years including being the go-to brand for James Bond and when you think of Aston Martin you may think of the smoothest and arguably coolest luxury vehicles around the 1979 Aston Martin Bulldog would have to be pretty weird to break their cycle of quality and tradition and ironically it's not weird because of its looks but because of its bad luck from nearly start to finish this one-off vehicle was designed to try and be the fastest car ever placed into production but the problem is while it could go really fast it never got the record speeds that Aston Martin had [Music] wanted so they never sent it into production that's where the second part of its bad luck comes into play after the concept car was sold to a Saudi Prince no less the engine blew up on the first drive of its new owner that doesn't really inspire a whole lot of confidence and what happened to the next one well it was languished for a bit until some people came together to try and make the dream come true specifically a team came together to help the 1979 Aston Martin Bulldog achieve its dream of setting a record Pace this was not a simple fix as it was not only about replacing the engine but also about going all out to help and adjust and fix the car so that it could reach the incredibly high speed more than 7,000 hours of restoration work and hundreds more of testing were needed to bring the Bulldog back to its best so in the end was it all really worth it well yes it was in fact it was June of 2023 that the Bulldog finally got to break the record that it had tried to set for over four decades sometimes you just need the right team to help you achieve your dreams number 17 1942 leou electric what may surprise you about this next concept vehicle is not really its shape or how it might compare to other rides but instead it's it's all about how the ride was an electric car concept that's right long before Elon Musk and others in the last decade or so had dedicated themselves to trying to solve the gas problem in cars and made serious progress in it at last there were people in decades past trying to do the same thing the 1942 Leu electric was one such ride that had the ability to run solely on electricity the name translates to the electric egg and that's honestly a little apt because this is one of the first bubble car designs to have been fully developed these designs may look weird but they carry a purpose as they're meant to be super streamlined The Man Behind The Ride Paul arzens had a very specific goal in mind for this car he wanted to make a minimalist ride that would allow him and others to ride in the streets of the big city and not have to worry about depending on fossil fuels a sign of things to come I would say but before you go well it didn't work right you should know that it did work it had five batteries that would allow it to travel 100 km without having to recharge and it also featured a decent top speed of 70 kmph which back then was pretty fast the problem was that World War II had dashed any hopes of it being mass-produced due to shortages in materials but one could only Wonder what would have happened if Vehicles like this were made more aggressively decades past instead of us playing catchup right now number 16 the 1953 Firebird 1 xp21 if you go and tell a Gearhead to picture a Firebird you may hear many of them speak about the famous Pontiac line of cars that ended in 2002 But the irony is that about 15 years before ponti had even created their first Firebird General Motors had used the title for a four-part concept car line that had people turning their heads to try and even understand the insanity of what they were looking at in the case of the 1953 Firebird 1 xp21 it wasn't only a car it was actually a jet no really General Motors had made a vehicle that was basically a jet body with wheels but why would they want to do that well in the 1950s jet engines were the brand new thing and people realized that turbines were pretty great at making power and so if they were to put a jet engine of sorts into a car just imagine how fast it would go exactly who needs to worry about safety and stability when you can satiate the Need for Speed this madness went so far that one of the test drivers almost crashed when getting it into second gear and BAS basically retired on the spot the second test driver almost died while trying to test the vehicle out that's why General Motors put the kibos on more testing of that nature and the car eventually got sheld fast forward to today and jet engines are still not used in cars and it's probably for the best or so they say number 15 1967 Lamborghini marzal are you ready for another bigname brand doing a car that's kind of weird enter the 1967 Lamborghini marzal which I kid you not was something that was partially made by the man himself he and two other designers went to work on a four-person Coupe ride that he had thought up because he wanted to further take down his rival in Ferrari as noted the rivalries between car companies are the source of many Riv to their credit though they did make a unique looking forers vehicle the problem was that this wasn't practical in terms of building it that's because the curved glass that it had would ensure that it was not as safe as it needed to be and because of that along with some other factors they didn't go into mass production and instead used elements of the marzal for some of the other cars that they produced down the line number 14 the 1955 BMW Isetta now here's another bubble car but this time we're talking about one from BMW and this one had quite the impact on the automotive industry when it came out in 1955 the reason for this was that in the 1950s BMW almost went out of business while they were making good cars they were still incredibly expensive and after World War II nobody was really able toy buy them so they needed something that would make them money and do it now and when they went to a car show they found the Isetta on display they liked it so much that they bought the license to it and then went about the work of the 1955 BMW Isetta the micro car was meant for one person to drive around Germany and other areas and guess what people were honestly all about it it was a cute little thing that allowed them to get around in a unique way while also having ease of getting in and out carrying luggage and more it was meant to be nothing more than a stop Gap car to help them turn the tide so that they could get back to making real cars but now it's one of the most important ones that they ever created number 13 the 1973 Reliant Robin sometimes you can't help but look at a car and say man that just looks weird and honestly that's the vibe that I had when I first saw the 1973 Reliant Robin this car was actually a replacement for the Reliant Regal by Reliant Motor Company and as you can tell it's a three-wheeled ride but you'll be surprised how little that affected anyone in fact when it first came out it was well accepted by people for its looks and power it was a simple and yet effective way to get around even if its top speed was was only about 137 kmph depending on the model that's the other thing that Reliant had going for it it kept evolving it was a car that just kept getting improvements over the years so that it could be more and more powerful and have more and more ability the Reliant Robin had aimed to provide economical and predictable personal transport and that's what it did it lasted for about 30 years all before the line was finally shut down in 2002 [Music] but considering that many of the concept vehicles you've seen don't even get put into mass production that means that this may have truly been a reliant vehicle number 12 the 2001 BMW Gina light Visionary next up we returned to an old friend via the 2001 BMW Gina light Visionary but this one is much different from the bubble car from before and for a lot of reasons not the least of which is that this ride was one that had a much more futuristic look and design to it in fact you may look at this device and wonder if it was made on a computer due to all of the hard lines that it exudes but that's where the rub is what made the Visionary so Visionary was that it had a flexible outer skin some elements of the structures are movable and the driver can actually move them by means of Electro and electr hydraulic controls this is going to change the shape of the outer skin which can thus be adapted to suit the current situation that's certainly an Innovative thing and when you have a car that can truly adapt to the road environment or how the driver likes to move around well you can see why so many people would be interested in this concept car despite it being finished in 2008 the G never got made into a full ride as far as anyone can tell perhaps it just didn't work fully as advertised or it may have costed too much to make a bunch of the things either way it was a good attempt to do something rather revolutionary and in the early 2000s no less number 11 the 1947 Norman Tim special I'm going to go in a different direction with this one because this was not a major car make that made the 1947 Norman Tim special it was instead a normal engineer by the name of Norman Tims the guy wanted to make his dream car and so he did just that he made a car in a spare time and this vehicle is the result of his efforts he wanted a car that was streamlined smooth in design but also had a kind of good power to it his welding skills were so great that even modern welders aren't really sure how he got the car's body to look like it does completed in 19 1948 the astonishing vehicle was finished in a bespoke gold flaked maroon paint job that I do admit looks really really good Norman's project should be proof to all of you that if you want something built you may just have to do it yourself number 10 the 1932 holocron remember when I talked about the original Firebird that tried to have a jet engine in a car front well the 1932 Helicon was a similar idea but with a different engine specifically it was one that was propelled by a propeller yeah it would spin up just like an old school plane would and the force of that propeller created would push the car forward you may be surprised how many cars back then had tried to get this idea to work and did it work well yeah it did and as I teased many designers tried to get it to be a new kind of car line but sadly it never ended up up working out and it's not hard to see why while engines can be noisy they're never right in front of your face plus the propeller kind of blocks your view from the driver's seat sometimes working just simply isn't enough number nine the Ferrari 512s modulo back to futuristic car models we go where this time we have the Ferrari 512s modulo it was unveiled at the 1970 Geneva Motor Show and you can easily see the kind of thing that they were going for with this vehicle they made a wedge car that would be low to the ground completely slick and have access to get in and out for the driver and passenger at that time it was not only praised but it was also a vehicle that had won several awards for its design it could get up to 97 kmph in just about 3 seconds so why did they not continue to build it well it's hard to say it's possible they didn't see much of a market for the craft and in the 1970s people may not have even been able to afford this kind of luxury ride number eight the 1959 Cadillac Cyclone this was the last of a Dying Breed via its inventor Haley Earl and as you could guess he like many others wanted to make a car that had the look of a jet and it definitely comes off in that design not only did it have a stylish look it had a system for crash avoidance yes in the 1950s they claimed to have had the tech to ensure that the ride would not hit other cars this was just one of many innovations that the car featured but it did come with a Twist despite the impressive technology not all of it actually worked including that crash avoidance [Music] system in fact Earl retired the car before it could ever be fully produced leaving us all to wonder the possibilities of what might have been number seven 2006 Alpha Romeo diva in terms of concept car designs you could argue that the 2006 Alpha Romeo diva is one of the least weird looking ones that you might see yes it does have some unique lines that other cars would not have but that only goes to help it stand out from the crowd adding to that it had plenty of Innovations and improvements that a lot of cars today have but were scarce back in 2006 so when you add in a fiery body with impressive capability you may think that it's a car that was destined for greatness but that would not be be the case instead it was left as a concept car because Alpha Romeo could not get anyone to buy it to this day it's one of the most baffling moments in car history because it looks like a great vehicle it just never got its chance to shine number six the 1956 Buick Centurion when you look at the 56 Buick Centurion you're going to probably say something like well that thing looks sleek or wow that looks like something I'd like to drive and I'm right there with you this is another concept car that had a cool look outside of its all glass top I'm not saying that it looks bad it's just a whole lot different than what someone might expect even from the 1950s another unique part of this vehicle was that they put a camera in the trunk of the car and then had a screen near the driver so they'd never have to worry about a rear viw mirror for you car fans out there you know the Centurion line did continue but they went a bit more blocky with the models that came afterwards and ditch the glass top but hey at least they tried something different and kept the name going afterwards number five the 1969 Holden hurricane concept not all concept cars are meant to be approved by the public and its buyers some of them are honestly designed to see if they can hold up to certain ideas and whether they Inspire new trends for example the 1969 Holden hurricane concept was the first concept car by the company and they wanted to study design Trend propulsion systems and other longrange developments more specifically they input plenty of electric devices and features to show how the car would handle it and if it would make the ride even better to drive you what I had to do to get it to even work this morning it even had a device that was basically a GPS before GPS was ever created so as you can see some people will go Full Tilt with their concept cars so that they ensure that the next set of vehicles are as epic as possible number four the 1995 4D gt90 yes even companies like Ford have had various concept cars in the past and they push design and features in interesting directions over the years but the 1995 Ford gt90 is more of a what if than anything else because many people are not really sure what happened to it one of the key elements of it was the engine which gave the vehicle 7 120 horsepower a feet even by today's standards they even had to adjust the exhaust to ensure that it could be handled that's part of the reason that it was built actually it was meant to be a spiritual successor to the GT40 which was a literal race car so why didn't Ford go forward with it well nobody knows number three the vision Mercedes Maybach 6 even though we're getting toward the Golden Age of electric cars there were plenty that that were made in the last decade that were quite stylish even if some of them would be dubbed as weird the vision Mercedes maybox 6 was one example of that shown off in 2016 by the company it was an all El electric vehicle with a range of about 322 km it even had Gold Wing doors just to make it look all that much more cool so why was it never made into mass production probably for the same reason that we're still seeing struggles in the electric car industry today while they are efficient and can be made well enough they're still incredibly costly now imagine one from 2016 by Mercedes and the average person would never be able to afford it number two the 1995 chryler Atlantic now I'm not kidding you not only did people love the 1995 Chrysler Atlantic look but it was first designed on a napkin well you got to use what you have around you right Chrysler brought in Bob hubic to make the ride and it became a bit of a cult sensation within the car Community while it never was made in mass production as you probably have guessed it was one that was popular and was put all over the place via its advertising and public appearance after all it featured a slick look and that's what people really want most of the time sometimes it's all about the look and the Atlantic surely had that number one the Faraday future ff01 here's a concept vehicle that actually looks like it might have come from a video game this intensely sculpted frame shows that off it's not something that you see every day but it did have Innovations out the wazu which included a special screen on the steering wheel which would help drivers to have a better awareness of what they were doing on the road the car was built to be an attractive and dynamic piece of Automotive History and they certainly succeeded on that front the only weird thing about the ride is that nobody has it to take it out for a spin well that's all from the realm of concept cars and the weird designs that have come from them over the years can you even believe that they were approved by people enough to actually build the cars themselves and which ones do you feel had the strangest designs perhaps there's another ride that we should be talking about be sure to let me know about it in the comments section down below check out the other cool things that are showing up on the screen and I we'll see you next time
Channel: The Fancy Banana
Views: 117,334
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bizarre vehicles, amazing vehicles, most expensive cars, unusual cars, concept car, new transportation, future cars, strange cars, future transportation, flying car, future vehicles, new technology, flying cars, future bus, cars, vehicles, weird, unusual, funny, strangest, strange, bizarre, automobile, weirdest cars ever made, weirdest, driving, weirdest cars, strangest cars, weird cars, vehicle, technology, new, concept, inventions, weird vehicles, worst, cool cars, viral
Id: dZ8FzJLkNIw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 0sec (1680 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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