Toyota Hilux Gets Dropped 10,000ft (HILUX TEST #4)

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] hello welcome to the fourth and probably final episode of hilux testing our hilux is just as durable as top gear says they are hiluxes are just as durable as top gear says they are today we find out if they're more durable so they dropped theirs from a 200 foot tall building kind of dropped it kind of fell with it um we're gonna drop ours from like 15 000 feet we'll see if it lasts like 500 feet first but that should be easy so here we go [Music] [Music] [Music] we playing this three years in advance now so it's been a long time called me a week ago it's been a long time we've been planning this today i've had like 18 red bulls this morning and i am fired the frick up this thing can lift six thousand pounds we're gonna lift this thing we got rigging points i had when i got this truck i had rigging points put on it because we were planning on doing this so and if it handles 500 i think we might we might just leave it it deserves to live after that but if it doesn't then it's going all the way up because it's a weak piece of junk if it can't handle 500 feet some of you may die today but that's a risk i'm willing to take i think that was it what i'm not cool with that we're fully ready person the tires are aired down so that we get a good bounce uh when we land and do our predictions now because by predicting the second can come yeah it's going to shake your hand just like the owner's manual i think it's going to lawn dart and the back tires are going to be stuck out of the ground i do think it's kind of going to launder that's yeah i don't know how deep the most complicated part of the day is going to be when we're digging this truck out of the ground halfway through that lawn darted in so don't follow the complaint don't watch this and be like i hate whistling diesel so i'm going to call the faa don't do that because we already talked to him first that's literally just going to make everyone call that fame try to drive it after the first time nothing broke dropper and get in and see if it starts drugs if it makes it 500 foot drop i'm taking this thing straight home across the country and i'm gonna drive it and i'll stop so we're gonna take the helicopter up to roughly 12 000 feet so that's going to be like an 8 000 foot drop that's a mile and a half that's a long free fall it's like 35 seconds in the air terminal velocity is probably a little more with the truck than a person so i'm thinking it's gonna go like 200. you keep throwing that word around like you know what it means he does a lot he doesn't know you said terminal velocity a lot this weekend and i'm still not sure if you know the math behind this i think everyone thinks i'm stupid that's when something hits max well you hold on tell us what you think term velocity is when something starts falling so fast that the equal of the air force below it is the same force of gravity and it evens out so it doesn't fall any faster because the air pushing on the bottom is just as much holy [ __ ] everyone thinks he actually is r though but this is my this is my plan everybody thought rain man everyone underestimates the hell out of me you're a little rain man you're right he's raining once we lift it it's going to hit the fan so there's one more thing what was it it's drop it that's the next thing drop it drop it man it's time to drop it let's go ready just let's bring it up all right we're gonna break it up and let's go [Music] first okay right here [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh no oh no oh my god do we have do we have cooking points [Music] [Music] so [Music] so nobody let it land on their head hey [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] wow dude i don't think you're driving it after this i don't know it was a good like 20 seconds it fell forever i was like i i can't i can't even deal with this right now it's so like that was ridiculous i was following it i'm like oh my gosh i know and i was like why is there no ground i kept going down i don't i don't think it bounced at all look at your ribs from hitting the top of the tire it was like scary to watch it flying because like imagine being in there like it's it's so high i almost feel bad for it like this is the only time i've ever felt bad for a vehicle second one did you feel anything when you release it or yeah yeah i can feel the weight the weight come off kind of helicopter wants to go up so you were hovering there for like five minutes are you trying to aim it right let's make sure oh it's just i was still going up i was just circling going up to get to altitude and then it was crazy how much it moved because i i felt like i was salt lake city yeah and that's so yeah it works like that well it's our doors off yeah yeah you don't usually fly that hide the doors off the hill it was good that air was getting thin oh yeah you could tell you could feel it that was that was nice dude i i kind of expected like a little bit of a truck shape still but it's like even the metal that didn't hit anything had so much speed then it just sucked it down but yeah so can a hilux withstand a 500 foot drop or like a 10 000 foot drop i would say no but you'll just have to see the next video to figure out because there is a chance that it might run i'm not being sarcastic we're going to peel up the front end a little bit and there's a good chance that the motor and transmission is completely intact because it looks bad you shouldn't judge it by the way it looks [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] um this was definitely a lot of fun i think this is one of the more fun things i've ever the most fun thing i've done monster max in the ocean was cool but it's hard to get in the water but it's even harder to get in the air with the truck so this was like like my heart was kind of like racing like we were up there with the doors open at like multiple many thousand feet with the doors open um like you could feel the thinner air and the the truck was above us yet i'm like looking up at the truck and um he's like i gave him the thumbs up i was like okay we're gonna drop it and it was like three solid minutes we're just sitting there waiting and then like you couldn't even tell when he dropped it because there was like a pause and it was like is the rope getting longer is it fall my heart was definitely racing there because it was it was like i almost like you could imagine yourself in that like that high off the ground like the gopro footage was ridiculous of like you could see hundreds and hundreds of miles through the windshield um we're just getting started here this is only this is literally only step five of stage one of tier three of our testing so we're just getting started i have i have some things that are going to be really hard on this truck that we have planned yet um but uh it's it's holding up okay huge thanks to uh diesel brothers for helping us out with this this is a lot of our videos are like i feel like people think they look easy to film because it only takes 10 minutes to watch but something like this we did plan like a long time in advance it's a lot of work like we're all in stuff around had to haul some of our stuff all the way across the country and then we had like 15 people helping us um this was definitely hard to pull off so i appreciate everyone who's watching it but uh yeah anyways huge thanks tim for helping us thanks for watching have a great night you
Channel: WhistlinDiesel
Views: 7,312,200
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hilux, Toyota, Diesel, Helicopter, Kmax, Diesel brothers, Heavy
Id: ljMVUZhC3Vo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 6sec (1026 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 17 2021
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