Toyota and Lexus Q&A Livestream

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well hello and welcome to the carcara channel how you guys doing today i hope everybody's doing well before we get started i want to say a few things uh first the email situation is getting resolved finally so uh within the next week i'll actually catch up i just wanted to give update if anybody sent me an email i'm trying to respond to email to new emails right away and now i have a small backlog between march 1st and march 18th so if you send me an email within that window i am working on it so you will get a response very soon and another announcement i want to make is the series about engine control i know some some guys have asked me about it is it dead is it done is what's going on with it actually it's not dead and in this week you're going to see two episodes one of them is a very anticipated one which is the catalytic converter how to diagnose it properly so look forward for that one and i'm hoping don't quote me on this one after this week that is starting tomorrow we're going to have a truck week or maybe a couple weeks i am trying to work things out but we're going to start with tundra videos tacoma videos and we're going to focus a lot more on fall runners actually a whole series is planned for fall runners i won't tell you more you're gonna have to wait and see what i have in store for you guys having said that guys let's get right ahead to the questions and the first question is christian says i wonder how to store a car during winter in in the garage do i need to remove the battery and how to protect the battery i found my battery dead and beyond repair after six months storage so i do have a video on on how to store your car properly if you would but on the battery the best thing you can do is if it's winter storage outside where it's super cold remove the battery from the car leave it in a heated spot battery should not freeze however they get really cold and things start and when you're not using them things kind of start falling down so either have a battery maintainer if it's inside a garage that is heated or if it's not a heated garage and it's going to consistently drop below freezing i would remove that battery stored in your house or somewhere safe not inside your house but somewhere where it doesn't go below freezing and that should do it in your garage obviously the better option is a battery maintainer so jose thank you sir for your supercharged let's read your question i have a lexus is 350 all-wheel drive 2016. i did an automatic transmission service at my car 48 000 miles with oemws four quarts came out and it was darkened don't know it's supposed to go 100 000 miles which synthetic ws trans fluid would you recommend so one thing folks about the ws fluid even when you drain it at 60 000 miles it will have a dark appearance to it that is normal i don't want you to be alarmed by that however if you kind of shine a light at the fluid or as you as it's training kind of shine a light through it you'll see that bright red color that is normal for the ws fluid it does get dark quick nothing to be concerned about and the best fluid for your transmission is the one you're already using the original ws fluid folks transmissions are way too expensive and gambling with aftermarket fluids if you would yeah some of them will be great and they'll be fine but do you want to be the test bed for that you have 100 chance that the ws original fluid will work perfectly fine but you have a 50 50 shot with any aftermarket so i would really stick with the originals in this case okay let's see so gianni says and i think this is a really good question how can i prevent the windows from freezing shut in cold weather jenny from the great white north well i am not in the great white north but close chicago this is a very common thing it snows or you get moisture build up and then also it all freezes and now that's the number one reason why you rip your weather seals or you damage the you break the tab off the glass and we see this all the time and the new one quick story 18 camry i just had in the shop a few weeks ago apparently they kept really trying to bring the window down until the whole regulator just bent so that's not good the best way to prevent them from freezing and this is not a very common method but listen to this when you park your car crack the window open just the hair you don't even need the window to clear the the weather seal you just want it to not be all the way up so have it just down enough where it's still inside the seal in case you get rain or water that's going to protect it but then when you want to unfreeze the window you just raise it up raise it down and immediately break the freeze and come down other ways you could there are some products that you can spray on there honestly i haven't seen one that works it's just the reality of living in the great north white north but that's how it is moving on let's see so rick says to your recent release on the 2gr coolant replacement are the engine block are there engine block trains to be concerned with so rick the 2gr does have a block drain it's actually right underneath the exhaust manifold on the back side on bank one they're really hard to get to and if you have an all-wheel drive one they're really hard to get to you have to get like a straight shot or go from the side from the wheel well to get to him and honestly after you do all this mess and you see how much coolant drains out of the block you'll be like yep this is not worth the hassle i drain them in the shop they're when you have the car on your lift it's much easier and i have this one socket maybe i'll feature it in a video that is a long swivel head snap-on makes this very expensive not really worth it for diy but that one works really good and you can just get a straight shot at it but otherwise the amount of coolant you're gonna drain is really not worth it and even when you drain the block i i will tell you this from experience you drain the block life's good and i take the engine apart and guess what there is so much coolant left in that engine it makes me wonder why is there a dream a block drain that's just the way it is so i've honestly this little amount that's left really not worth training and going through all that hassle so marvin walker says is oil drive not really worth to have because many say it's not it's not because it's not really beneficial like four wheel drive so folks let's talk briefly about oil drive four wheel drive four-wheel drive is more for off-roading if you would it's more capable it's more strong you can really hammer it in going in a muddy road or climbing rocks and usually four wheel drive refers to cars that have a transfer case that have a lot more reduction you could have a low range and they have real front and rear axles something like a forerunner something like a sequoia line cruiser something of that nature but all-wheel drive is more for snow driving very light off-road maybe driving down a dirt road that gets a little muddy with with rain all-wheel drive tends to be less mild it's it's it's more mild i'm sorry form of a four-wheel drive but it's really not as capable now oil drive definitely is great for snow heavy rain light mud kind of driving on a dirt road you'll feel the car much more stable in snow it's great there's no other way to say it because you don't if you just want a normal suv you don't want to buy a body on frame big gas guzzling sequoia for example you just go with an all-wheel drive car that is a normal suv or a sedan but it has all-wheel drive it gives you a little bit better traction more stability and if you if you live in snow and you pair that with snow tires now you have the ultimate snow driving machine but remember no matter how good your wheel drive system is you still have to brake so that doesn't work very well regardless of the car regardless of the tires so just because you have all-wheel drive they'll go flying down the snow because you won't be able to stop bobby g says hi amd thank you for all the great content 2006 matrix with only 60 000 miles shakes at low speed and radiator fans runs most of the time even when the engine is cold any tips so bobby that matrix has a few things uh first one is clean the throttle body that shaky idle clean throttle body first then check your spark plugs i've seen when the spark plugs are really bad and carboned up they start shaking but another common thing with them is motor mounts there's four motor mounts i've seen people try to jack them up and check and it motor mounts in the end if the throttle body is clean spark plugs are good motor mounts that's the next thing that is notorious with these on the fan running most of the time do you have your heater on or ac on sometimes if you on these cars if you put it on defrost the ac will kick on and that would explain why the fan is running all the time so i would look at the ac compressor see if that's running turn off all your heater your fan put it to zero see if that shuts it off that's the only thing i can think of otherwise you you'd want to dig in diagnosis see what's causing the fan the fan circuit on these on these older toyotas they're really simple they don't have much to them but that's the route i would take patrick thank you sir for your super chat and i see that you have no question i really appreciate you supporting the channel sir i appreciate it if you have any questions just let me know so continuing on peter vaughan says my 2018 corolla has a mildew smell from the ac do the treatment do they see vent and duct cleaner spray but the smell returned the next day should i remove the cabin filter when doing this any other tips yes i'm actually planning a video on this as now we go into stinky ac season if you would that's the word i'm looking for a few things first prevention is better than dealing with the problem when it's already there the way the best way to prevent this is try to run your ac at fresh air as much as possible and that's the first step if this doesn't help it after you fix the problem of course then try two two three minutes before you get home turn off the ac leave the fan on this drives the evaporator and that's really what causes the smell you have a wet evaporator in a dark area it is like a a vacation resort for mold and mildew to build up that's just the way it is but using uh recirculated air you're going to have that stagnant air that just doesn't go anywhere and that really doesn't help the case as far as fixing it you do need the cabin filter out and replaced in the end a few things you can do there's a kit the toyota makes it really works and that's what i'm gonna do the video on it's a two-part process first you have to clean the evaporator with the car off from the bottom you spray it up it foams up then it washes everything down and then you use a disinfectant kind of a deodorizer type spray that comes with the kit you spray that cabin filter has to be out otherwise you're spraying all that right on top of the cam filter and it's not going anywhere after that so uh you also want after the service and this is actually a tsb recommended by toyota you might want to consider a charcoal activated cabin air filter it just helps a little bit better and you after that immediately you got to follow it up with the don't use recirculate all the time try to as much as possible let it go on fresh air that really helps things out so no scott thank you very super chat when changing the transmission fluid for a 2a rfe 2.5 liter engine what's the temp range does it have to be for the drain and perfect level so i wouldn't have the temp range i would need the year model of the car because i i didn't think you wrote it down and that one i would have to look it up most of them are 95 to 103 113 sorry some of them are 104 you'd have to send me the uh leave it in a comment on this video when we're done with the live stream or send me an email and i'll get back to you because i'd have to look this one up every car is different but as far as the perfect level so a lot of people have asked about this and honestly the perfect level is a relative thing get it as close as possible to to perfect level but i've seen people where they're so concerned they're starting bring out their uh levels and they're trying to level the car perfectly and they're spending way too much time and effort on it it needs to be close you just don't want to have the car on a an incline driveway like this and you have it lifted that's obviously not level if your other way same thing but if your driveway or garage is relatively level where you don't if you pour some water it just doesn't go flying one way i think that's level enough because honestly the lifts that we use that are also not perfectly level they're relatively level so eyeball it use your best judgment just look at the car when it's lifted if it looks straight to your eyes i think that's good for me because again the transmission level we're trying to set it as accurate as possible but there is a small room of error that is engineered in it so james says thank you for your super chat sir how often would you change 2019 hybrid transmission and diff fluid when towing a small camper regularly god bless you third i appreciate it thank you for your super chat and watching my videos james so james safely you can do this every sixty thousand miles or a hundred thousand kilometers or six years keep it at the lower range i usually tell you for hybrids sixty thousand miles to ninety thousand miles that's the range but if you're towing with it all the time or regularly i would keep it closer to that sixty thousand miles or a hundred thousand kilometers you should really have no issues with that and again when you drain the fluid it might be a little darker that's okay don't be alarmed ws fluid gets darker much quicker than than others so no scott scion tc 2012 so i'd have to look that one up i really appreciate your super chat um please send me an email the thecarcarenet and as soon as we're done with the live stream i'll go check it and i'll respond to you i just gotta look it up so jose says thank you for your super chat sir what should i look out for lexus is 350 all-wheel drive maintenance wise want to keep the car a long time trouble free at least transmission and engine so oil changes every 5 000 miles i i have dried my lungs seeing this 5000 miles six months that is the most important thing if you want to play it safe go with that yeah sure you can go summer models you can go 10 000 miles one year but there are so many conditions for that that i'd be careful and if you want to play it safe and you're no you're going to keep this car for long and you're trying to take care of it from day one i would do that and you wouldn't have an issue transmission fluid every 60 000 miles or six years whichever comes first coolant first replacement at a hundred thousand miles following replacements every 50 000 miles or five years whichever comes first and spark plugs are 120 some models are changing over to 60 000 so you want to watch your owner's manual maintenance guide and that should be that really you bought a lexus because you want it to be a reliable car so there's not going to be a lot of maintenance on these cars and then obviously brakes tires as needed any other repairs drive belts noises issues deal with them as they come but don't expect too much that's the one thing i will tell you okay let's see so fizz out says what can cause high fuel consumption and plus 10 to 20 total fuel trims fuel trims varies inversely with rpm check pcv purge valve o2 cap dipstick clean masterful can't find vacuum leak so this is a subject that you will see talked about in tues wednesday's video fuel trim people always read into the fuel trim too much fuel trim ev the minute you get off the idle it's irrelevant to diagnosis because the computer is making micro adjustments not not even the scan tool is fast enough to see how many micro adjustments it is making but when you're at idle you're able to see where it settles and usually when you start going over 20 is when i have a concern but when you're at 5 7 8 12 even even when you get to the tents as long as it's steady and your short field trim and i i don't want to spend too much time explaining because this is a long subject but as long as your short field trim is not continuously rising and it's stabilizing it's good there are many factors that play in field trim for it to be everybody looks for that perfect zero it'll never be zero and sometimes it will be but it doesn't mean there's a problem if it's not remember altitude fuel quality engine wear all kinds of stuff come in it and that doesn't mean we have to chase after problems that are not there however you have a concern i i say this because a lot of people will say well just chase after it for nothing but you have a concern your fuel mileage is down um it's i see here 2009 venza v6 all-wheel drive now the venza did not exactly get the best gas mileage in the world but 13 miles per gallon i think you can get better than that a few things that i would look into and people often miss them very commonly miss them brakes are your brakes locked up and dragging all the time did you just replace your tires are your tires undeflated over over-inflated wouldn't be a problem but under-inflated are your tires did you buy heavy tires or tires designed for wear like one example that we always see is michelin defender awesome tire but horrible for fuel economy so there are many things that you want to look at other things is if your fuel trim is actively going at idle over 20 when you're just our car is just at operating temperature and it's idling and it just creeps up over 20 the long or the short we might have a problem and this will not be something that's very simple to find because when it creeps up just over 20 and then comes back down you have a very small vacuum leak now on that venza there's nothing common that i would just tell you oh yeah it's this problem but look at intake manifold gasket look at cracks on the intake has there been any work that's how i want you to start your investigative work when diagnosing a problem first question is we're working on a toyota so a large percentage of problems with toyotas is uh human induced if you would mechanic induced sometimes so you want to look at common recent work there's no recent work then look at the weak spots gaskets hoses vacuum hoses sometimes they're harder to find and some people will use a smoke machine to find them some people will just spray uh carb cleaner or break don't use brake cleaner but use carb cleaner or throttle body cleaner just spray it on the vacuum hoses very lightly and see if your idle jumps up or better yet if your fuel trims go crazy when you do that that's when you start finding vacuum leaks i would start with that but this is it's a long process to chase after cars running fine with no check engine light and gas mileage dips there could be a lot of things involved here so another question m omari says i was wondering what your opinion is on the lexus gs350 versus the lexus es350 models which one of the two would you choose now personally i would go with the es350 i have no problem with the gs350 it's a great car but they're a lot harder to work on than the es350 and i just don't personally that's again personal opinion i don't like how the gs350s drive i think they're too much car but kind of underperforms while the s350 is a lot smoother it's more refined if you would for the price point i think the es350 is a better choice reliability wise they're close but even if it's a lexus or toyota it's a machine one day you're going to have a problem with it and the gs350 will be a lot more expensive to fix than your es350 which is essentially an avalon dressed in a nicer suit that's one way to put it the gs350 is not it's its own platform so let's see the next question so i will be buying a 2021 rav4 prime i rent an apartment so i will not be able to use an at-home charger if i use the gasoline 98 of the time will the rav4 be okay will that affect scheduled service it will not you will be okay one thing i will tell you about the primes um when you are let's say you charged it and now you're using the ev range when the ev range is depleted completely it turns into a rev4 hybrid 100 there is nothing different it'll drive exactly the same gasoline engine will come on charge the battery a little bit shut off come on just like a regular hybrid but my problem is with that you are spending a small fortune to buy the rav4 prime over the rav4 hybrid the problem is if you're not going to be charging it and utilizing that range where you are filling up once a month once every two months then why are you buying a prime is my question because the the price difference between the prime and the non the regular rav4 hybrid is significant and other than the primeness of the prime which is really the ev range there's nothing else they're exactly the same car same look same interior same ride same wind noise same shaking mirror same car exactly so i wouldn't in this case if 98 of your driving will be without charging the ev range i would look at the just a regular rav4 hybrid and maybe take that money take your family in a beautiful vacation or drive with the car and not have to worry about it so another question 2018 camry what does it take to reset the transmission adaptations is a tech stream only so to reset the transmission memory on toyota vehicles that are newer and i i don't want to put a year on newer around 2010 and up you do need a scan tool now text string of course can do everything but other scan tools you would need a professional grade two-way communication scan tool to be able to reset something like the memory i can't recommend that brand i have forced text streams i don't really use aftermarket scan tools with toyota's so i can't tell you exactly what brand works great and where to go what to do but tech stream works great of course x-ray can do everything there is no aftermarket scan tool that can do more than tech stream because that's the official tool for toyota so another question is bert i own a 2019 rav4 original orange japan built 2100 miles i have a strong coolant smell after long drives from this new 2.5 motor is the odor from the overflow tank and is it normal well coolant smell is not normal usually however is there any leaks is the overflow bottle overflowing maybe it was overfilled one thing about the overflow bottle which unfortunately i missed saying in my column videos the overflow bottle has a maximum and a minimum when the car is cold you should just like the engine oil you want it to be halfway people have a tendency of and even dealerships not people dealerships professionals have a tendency of filling that thing to fall when the car is cold oh because i don't want to send the car out to the coolant low well you just overfilled it and now when the coolant heats up and expands now we have a coolant spill all over the place or usually you'll see that big crusting over the uh over the cooling bottle and that's that's not good and that's could be your coolant smell but if that's not the case that bottle is not overflowing there has been some reports of that nothing i can add to it i have not seen it personally but i've already seen it on the radar i will bring it to your dealership's attention have to make sure there's no leaks pressurize the system and go from there go from there okay so victor says i have a 2014 toyota camry with 75k can i change the transmission fluid for the first time with this mileage without ruining it should i change the filter too so i think at that miles in that age you're okay i would go ahead and do it i wouldn't wait longer try to do it as soon as possible try to do a drainage fill i just don't like when you go over the miles and years i don't like a flush because it might be much i would just do a drain and fill call it a day and do not worry about the filter one thing about the filter is folks this is one of the number one ask questions should i replace the transmission filter and please allow me the opportunity to address this toyota filters i have never seen a single and i've been inside so many toyota transmissions it's it's not funny there is not a single filter that i've seen that was obviously clogged dirty damaged in any way shape or form so as long as you replace the transmission fluid on time you will have no issues the only recorded incident of a filter being completely clogged was on a if i remember correctly a 2012 camry that had well over 200 000 miles and the thing has original fluid that was completely sludged up this was a city car that was ripping hard not taken care of and the thing was just completely sludged and there was no transmission it was towed in for no drive so that is not the filter's fault there is no maintenance and abuse so i wouldn't worry about that filter and the problem is you open every time you open that oil pan you're exposing transmission to contaminants and if you're really not careful with your handling of the new filter installing everything cleaning the pan and all this mess you really could cause more harm than good and i wouldn't i wouldn't bother i wouldn't waste my time on changing a transmission fluid filter on a toyota transmission maybe other brands i don't know but toyota alexis i wouldn't worry about it but i would worry about changing that lifetime fluid which is not lifetime let's see here bartos says i watch your video on rcd unavailable i did the left to right steering wheel lock the lock numerous times but to no avail what else can i do so my question to you is are you doing this with the car in reverse that's the other one that is missed you want your car in reverse turn the wheel left left to right multiple times sometimes it takes a couple times to do it but you got to be in reverse with the camera showing now if that doesn't work then we might have issues the first thing is check for codes there might be issues not really because the rs the the rcd really is not a system there's no components it's software but if there's a communication problem between the steering between the abs and the safety system you're gonna have a problem so that would unfortunately require some diagnosis you need to pull codes check check signals between them and go from there so icon says is the 2020 tundra gdi does it need a catch can the 2020 tundra has a ancient 350 5.7 350 cubic inch it has an ancient engine i mean the thing is ancient there is not even direct injection is not even on the radar we're still surprised by variable valve time dual variable valve timing on a v8 so no it does not have direct injection and it doesn't need a catch can it wouldn't hurt but really there's no problems with these with oil and intake this one does not have an oil separator this thing is ancient the v8 in the tundra is ancient and that's probably have have a lot to do with why they're so reliable because the thing's been the same since 2007 some lights some different seats and that's about it not much have changed with the tundra when you lift it up it's like i can't tell this is a 2007 or a 2020 one other than the rest in my area so anita says do hybrid miles or ev miles put more or less wear on the car battery for example if you drive 80k miles in ev and only 20 000 miles in hybrid would your car have less wear than driving 100 000 miles in hybrid so i'm assuming you are referring to a prime or a plug-in hybrid and i'm assuming you're talking about a toyota plug-in hybrid which is the primes so one thing about cars cars are designed to be driven engineers when they design cars they're not to put a lot of emphasis on ooh how's the car going to behave when it's not driven so they usually put their engineering towards when the car is driven how is it going to last long how is it going to perform well and all this good stuff but in the case where you don't you're driving an ev range and that engine is just sitting there well that's equivalent to you not driving that engine engines when they sit and some people will purposefully do everything in their power in primes to not have the engine run they will freeze in the winter and we have we i have seen this even on youtube they will decide to freeze in the winter just to not turn the heater on so the engine won't kick on in really cold weather i don't know what's the deal there because in my book if you drive an ev and it takes you a month or two to fill up with gas that's pretty impressive you don't need to wait a whole year to set some record on the forum that you drove a year with without within the same tank of gas but the wear starts when you really don't let the engine run it's like if essentially it turns into short trips even though you're not doing short trips but because most of your driving is ev let's say you your commute is 40 miles you drove 30 miles 35 37 miles on ev range and now the engine kicked down the last three miles well guess what you only let this engine run for three miles so that's short trips so your maintenance needs to be adjusted accordingly my recommendation is every few weeks don't charge the car let the car run as a hybrid only that gets the engine running that gets everything moving you don't have to worry about it but if you're gonna focus on your ev mode i would make sure you you pay close attention to the engine maintenance you need to let that engine run every once in a while so yes it does put abnormal wear and in a different way on the gasoline engine when it just doesn't run i mean i'll give you one example of the problems i haven't seen this but it's very very possible very likely the piston rings just seize up you have all this high moisture in the engine that doesn't run doesn't heat up and the piston rings just get a rust spot on the cylinder i'm not going to scare people and say that i've seen this but i have so be be careful on this one so jose says what is a good temperature for your transmission my is350 hits 212 when it's driven spirited should i be concerned my rav4 v607 is about 190. so transmissions and this has come up this question has come up jose a lot your transmission is somewhat the same temperature as your coolant and actually in in some modern modern toyotas you're going to have a coolant like like a little heat exchanger and it's actually a fluid warmer and colder at the same time so your temp your coolant temp by the way many people don't realize this your coolant them can go as high as 215 and really hot days and really stop and go traffic with ac blasting full blast it just goes up that's normal but when you start getting into the 220 225 to 30 that's when things start kind of getting outside of the normal range but you're driving spiritedly you do you're hitting 212 that's normal the the thing is and this is how you want to judge your cooling system as soon as you stop driving um spiritedly and now you're driving normally that temperature we we wanted to see it come back down 190 is about the average actually most toyotas you drive on the highway in mild weather you're going to see as low as 182 179 even that's normal for them but stop in traffic they'll immediately rise to 210 that's just the way they are and i'm not concerned about it as long as they're able to come back now you go to 210 and also it starts climbing from there we might have a problem all right let's get back here where where were we so every once in a while the screen just jumps and i have to find over as the last question guys this is interesting so emilio says hi emilio i hope you're doing well sir i have a 2006 toyota sienna limited the transmission fluid looks okay not dark or black it has 115 000 miles i'm assuming miles would a drain and fill be okay to do honestly that one is a little bit for the older car if the fluid looks clean not dark or black and it looks clean doesn't have a burnt smell to it i would do a single drain and fill and call it a day no flushes tone two flushes on all transmissions that have a lot of miles i just don't have a good feeling about them um yeah and i think i think you should be good because if especially if the fluid is clean so joseph thank you so much sir for your super chat i really appreciate it sir so tony says could you tell me which lexus or toyota model have the most comfortable seats for someone with a bad back this one is very simple 2006 2005 actually to 2012 avalon i mean the thing is awesome it drives like a boat and it is as comfortable as a boat it is essentially a reliable cadillac from years back when they used to put a couch and design a car around it of course there are other models that are really comfortable your toyota in in in like the range of 2012 to 2018 they did have some pretty they got in their head that they should make sporty cars there are um you know we're trying to compete with all these manufacturers they start putting some pretty uncomfortable seats in their cars not all models but they started getting heavy bolstering i have a bad back too you know that's the normal normal thing with mechanics they're just not comfortable avoid the sport models of cars because they'll have the worst seats but if you really want that comfortable seat another one that has a surprisingly comfortable seat is a prius v i always find that seat one of the most comfortable in i mean it's a small i know it's it might not be considered a small car but it is essentially a prius but it has a very comfortable seat there are many models be careful some of the luxuries especially when you get into the is and the gs they're not great of course the ls is very comfortable but again that's it's an ls it better be the es is usually very comfortable avalons in general are going to be your most comfortable ones camrys 2012 to 2017 the seats can be a little odd but 2018 they got a lot better in my opinion they got rid of the bucket seats for your normal car i don't know why we need bucket seats in the camry but that's those are but one standout is going to be that 2005 2012 avalon i mean they have the best i've owned one and i forgot i had back problems but they they're a little uh floaty on the highway if that bothers you that bothered me a lot but that's the only complaint about that carb jean jen hogan says what's the situation with the 2021 siena enough power to drive loaded minivan actually trying to get a minivan and by the way guys you might not have noticed i was on vacation last week just hanging out with the family you might have noticed i don't respond to comments right away just leave them all bunch them up over the end of the day try to catch up some emails just took a week off to rest and just kind of catch up spend some time in the family didn't go anywhere you know covered can't really go where uh comfortably but i want to get a sienna and basically take the family on a road trip around the town just fill it up with i don't know bicycles and everything kind of simulate a typical american road trip and just really push it to the limits because i have driven it just me and two people sitting in the car it feels fine it's not the sienna was never really intended to be a fast car although it was with the v6 but it's not intended to be that so if if if the power level of the 2021 is acceptable i think that's good i noticed it it's not as peppy as the v6 of course but i think i the word i would use for it is adequate but i cannot give you an answer for loaded with with passengers on luggage until i've actually tested it because i do want to test that that will be coming up in a review that i will do on it so john says i have a 2013 camry v6 what causes the engine to sound like a diesel and is this normal yes the 2gr so even the 2ar by the way in case in case folks in case you don't know this the 3.5 liter v6 and the four cylinder 2.5 the 2ar let's say example 2012 2017 camry 4-cylinder they're identical engines construction wise and i wish i can get a couple engines here turn them apart and show you they're exactly the same on the way the the valve train is built up they're identical and that's how toyota saves on their parts because they're same parts but the 2gr is very loud that's one complaint about it otherwise it's a phenomenal engine very reliable very hard to work on but very reliable nonetheless but that diesel noise so there's two noises that annoy people a lot with the 2grs with the 3.5 liter v6 first one is when you start them cold they literally have piston slap noise that's just the way they are and there are countless people that complain about this and this is horrible and and there are some youtube personalities that recently compared the an old forerunner with a new forerunner thank you grandpa kilmer for that but that is not a fair comparison because older engines had a timing belt and things were nice and quiet but they also made 90 horsepower 95 on a good day the newer engines with variable valve timing all this technology they make so much power that is the only sacrifice well but you don't have a timing belt to replace every 90 000 miles and you have all this stuff maintenance wise that you don't have but the noise is the only sacrifice that you have and the 2gr when it's warmed up they're tick uh how how would the world be just they have a lot of racket that's how they are and that's why 2gr has that big engine cover that you take that thing off it's going to get even worse because that engine cover is really heavily insulated to keep some of that racket from from the hydraulic lifters and all the valve trains all the valve train that makes the noise really not anything else on the 2gr but it is completely normal trust me when you hear a 2g r that is bad that has a bad vvti gear and it's rattling it's about to blow up basically you're going to know that that's not like a diesel that's like a diesel is going to explode so but it is normal for those to sound loud especially in the forerunners you're gonna that's an one that people complain about so while wiley says our trd supercharged 4.0 v6 hard on fuel pumps so i don't think i have seen a lot of fuel pumps on trd supercharged ones they do get a software update and they if i'm not mistaken this has been a while since i've done one it goes to premium fuel so the fuel pump is very capable on these things i mean again you're installing a trd kit they thought of this stuff they they looked at the volume that they needed for um they looked at the volume that they needed to make this extra air that's coming in so they can match it with fuel so if they would have seen that were stretching the limit of the fuel pump they would have added a fuel plumbing the kit the kit for the trd supercharger is not cheap so what's a few hundred bucks more i guess to throw a fuel pump but i have not seen any failures i've seen them come in the shop and they usually run okay they don't have really premature wear or problems but i've not really seen problems with fuel pumps so moving on so another question here 2018 rav4 hybrid at highway speed 75 80 miles an hour let off the gas pedal the ev light comes on and then there is a strong vibration like i ran over something what's happening so this one is harder to diagnose in this format but let's talk about it a little bit when you lift up your foot off the gas here's what happens in a hybrid typically your ev light comes on that means your engine shut off and now the the force of the road is turning mg2 which is one of the motors in the transmission and now that is charging your hybrid battery you press the brake that intensity gets stronger and that's regenerative braking but the strong vibration is interesting because there's no drive shaft where things are loose that there's that prop shaft between the front and the back in an all-wheel drive situation there's no that and honestly this one is an interesting one because a strong vibration does it i guess when you say vibration that's a relative term does it feel like the car just kind of comes down and slows down its own and you hear that loud noise that could be resonating as a vibration that's the only thing i can think of but as far as as evie light coming on that's normal and that's a good sign that means the engine shut off and now it's slightly charging the hybrid battery so teddy park says i have a dutch prius 3 the owner's manual says to change spark plugs at 54k miles what accounts for the difference in maintenance requirements between the usa and the netherlands very good question emissions again we go back to the same thing and local regulations every country will have different regulations and different emission standards so when the manufacturer is testing these cars they're going to decide when do these certain components need to be replaced to con for the car to continue to be emission compliant that honestly is the only reason because if you dig deeper i'll give you an example within the u.s that i know and it's very interesting how the how they word that in the maintenance guide so 2016 highlander had a 2g rfe non-direct injection beautiful 6-speed transmission that one has 120 000 mile spark plugs one year newer 2017 which has a 2g rfks d4s direct injection and all the festivities with the 8-speed transmission that has a 60 000 mile spark plug and if you read in the maintenance guide it will specifically say spark plug replacement required to sow the vehicle with don't quote my word so this is not word for word but it'll say for the to satisfy the emissions warranty so can we go 120 and not worry about the warranty i wouldn't take that route but usually it's emissions and specific requirements with every country's like emission laws that require this that's why there are differences between countries same story with the zero w16 that's another one that is interesting why some countries don't require it and some do so republic says wanting to buy a 2021 sienna and i'm concerned about the engine that uses zero w16 oil does the dealer provide a loaner when the sienna is in the shop so i am not concerned about zero w16 a toyota is if this was uh another manufacturer uh yes i would be concerned because you are the testing i don't want to say the word i want to say but you are the testing bed you know we'll just throw it out there and hope for the best we'll find out what happens but toyota doesn't function like that that's why they took their time they tested things and that's why you see toyota always late with their technology because they really don't just yeah let's throw it out there and hope for the best um i'm not worried about the zero w16 especially for that engine they didn't just take an old engine and decide oh let's throw zero w16 at it hope for the best they've done that before but uh they designed an engine from the ground up and they decided to put zero w16 in it that means they took they thought about what are the effects what changes do we need to make before we throw that zero w16 at it and hope for the best so i'm not concerned about that but your question of does the dealer provide a loaner when the cnn is in the shop that depends on the dealership remember dealerships are independent contractors they're not really toyota itself they're just independent so each dealership will have their own policies on that maybe shop around if this is something that's important when you go as a customer if you're just there for maintenance that's going to take half an hour obviously they're not going to give you a loaner because it's just half an hour but if you're going to be there for two three four hours yeah i think you are within your right to ask for a loaner but that is at the discretion of the dealerships some dealerships will flat not have loaners it's like here's the door have a nice day call an uber we can drive you two miles to the store and that's about it some leaderships will be here's the keys to a brand new car have a nice day we'll see we'll call you when it's done and some dealerships will actually rent you a car and you have to pay for it or if it's a warranty situation they might provide some accommodations for you but that really depends on the dealership so thomas garcia says what do you think of the 2008-2012 toyota tundra and sequoias do they have rusting frame problems that's the only thing they have they're such great they're really good good trucks honest to god they're really good trucks they're ancient they're horrible on gas mileage and they are a small nightmare when they break because they're very difficult to work on but the key word here when they break they really don't break a lot and most of their problems are oil leaks stuff that doesn't stop the car from running but the frame rusting problems are pretty bad things get really bad with these and if you live in the rust belt or you're worse you're buying one from the rust belt and you don't live in the rust belt that's a problem you buy these new and you take care of them you wash them regularly and not just wash the outside wash the frame underneath them undercoat them then you have one of the best trucks ever made a total hidden gem but buy one that is rusty and and already rotten it's a disaster waiting to happen that's the only serious problem these things have if you live in arizona and california i am vu because you have the chance to drive these things until the wheels fall off and i wouldn't hold my breath and the wheels falling off because it's going to be a while so bill says 2011 highlander v6 i just saw your video how to properly bleed it last year i did it the old-fashioned way so far i've had no overheating issue i guess i just got lucky yes so one thing about the bleeding and this is bill i just want you to to hear this out so sometimes yes you do get lucky in life is good however i've seen them where everything is okay until you go turn on the heat so what i would do i don't know which state you live in and what kind of weather you have if it's still a colder day start the car let it warm up as soon as the gauge reaches its normal resting space don't move the car just let it idle turn on the heat and make it to go to your face which is usually not a configuration you want to have but heat on full blast full fan make it to go to face and then put your hand you really want to get super warm air when it's fully warmed up if it's somewhat warm but not exactly warm give it a little bit more time to heat up if it doesn't change from that and you then you rev it up to like 2000 rpm and also it gets super hot you have air in the heater core and i would try this procedure but if you have perfect heat then i wouldn't even worry about it you're good i guess you did get lucky because these things can be really a pain to bleed sometimes without doing that procedure so let's see the next question [Music] so another question is is it advisable to buy a rust and a rust infested that is that is a very good term i like that term and rust infected 2012 camry from canada though already in nigeria no problem with the engine the rust is noticeable on the floor honestly if i lived in nigeria and i enjoy that beautiful weather with with i've been to africa and i know how the weather is that beautiful weather with zero winters i would not buy a car with rust on it from canada or from chicago or from this area from the great white north um if it was the last car in the world honestly because the problems will just never end and the biggest problem is when you take it to a mechanic like me in nigeria they're going to just look at this car and look at you go like what is this they don't they're not equipped to work and they don't have the experience working with these rust buckets that that's the term we use here in chicagoland and rust bucket they don't have the experience to deal with these everything that you touch breaks it's like okay what are we doing here so it really doesn't make financial sense if you already have this car i would move to fix that trust because that's your only choice here because however you fix it it's not going to return after six months or one winter or two you have a better chance of keeping it rust free relatively rust free but that's if you haven't bought it i wouldn't buy one it's not worth it so beat props says thank you sir for your super chat 2019 trav4 hybrid at what mileage year would you change the coolant thank you for the awesome channels thank you sir for your super chat and i'm looking at the sek is that swedish crone i think just wondering so 2019 rav4 hybrid at what mileage year would you change the coolant so the coolant i'm going to say this in miles and i'll try to remember the kilometers i'm thinking i'm i'm thinking you are from sweden and uh you guys are in kilometers so the coolant the first replacement is at a hundred thousand miles or five years so the hundred thousand miles is going to be 160 000 kilometers the subsequent replacement which is like the second replacement and i'll talk about that why is there a difference in a second the second replacement is every 50 000 uh miles that's i think just under 100 000 kilometers and every five years and the reason there is a difference and when we asked toyota hey why is the first replacement longer than a second the official answer was well in the factory you know we have a more clean and controlled environment to fill the coolant so there's not as much contamination and when we fill it at the leadership we are just a bunch of grease monkeys that can't keep things clean so there's more contamination i don't know how i feel about that one but that one's up to you but yeah the first replacement we haven't really seen issues when you go that 100 000 miles or 160 000 kilometers so i would follow that but keep it under five years though some of these will say 10 years i i wouldn't go the 10 years kind of like the lifetime transmission fluid so armando says good afternoon good afternoon to you too sir i have a 2015 corolla s with 64 000 miles is it okay to wait six months to get my transmission fluid drained and replaced so this is a good question when i say 60 000 miles to replace the transmission fluid it is an estimated good time you go over it a little bit you do it a little bit earlier there is not an issue but as long as we have a set plan that you know i'm waiting for my tax return i'm waiting from whatever everybody has their own financial life situation can't be just dumping money in the car whenever it needs it so yes i think it is it is not an issue to wait six months even though you're 4 000 miles over the 60 maybe by that time you'll be closer to 70 but that's okay as long as you have it planned that you know i am getting to that maintenance item i've not neglected it or forgot it i'm just trying to arrange my financials or whatever situation you are dealing with that requires you to wait that six months so you're absolutely good sir don't worry about it so anita says i have a 2012 prius that has a rattle in the lower driver's side area it happens only when i go over bumps especially at low speeds and doesn't happen when turning any ideas how to fix it so any of the first thing i would do with any rattle is distinguish do i have a rattle inside the car or is the rattle outside the car if you have a rattle inside the car there is a very high chance that it is actually a panel rattling like lower dash panels there's a lot of plastic and in that prius the plastic can be a little bit on the cheaper side so they do tend to rattle however if your rattle is outside then the first place i would look at for a lower driver's side area is struts suspension nothing that is common that i will tell you oh yeah that's a super common problem but this one will take a little bit of investigating one thing i will mention about this that could be the issue the electric power steering on these cars there's a big motor mounted to the steering inside the car that assists when you turn the wheels they do have a tendency sometimes not as common but common enough where i'll mention this to get loose and when you go over bumps you'll hear that thing rattle because it's loose but when you turn the wheel the the motor is torqued so it pushes and now it's no longer rattling that's the one thing i would look at and usually those will rattle very loud and you feel it in the steering wheel as you're as you're like going over the bump you feel like a vibration in the steering wheel and that's how you know these things are loose that is probably the last thing i would look at but the first thing is try to reach under the dash like where you hear the noise being careful of course and try to kind of hold panels see if the rattling stops if you feel it if you're sure that this noise is inside the car that would be a good way otherwise i'd start looking outside struts another one is the cowl is there anything loose under the hood like has the carbon an accident there any panels that are rattling around don't always go for the big stuff first check the big stuff while you're there but start with the smaller stuff i always see people have an issue with diagnosis and they always assume the worst and go after the worst always start with the small stuff first so fruit punch says what do you think of the 2013 venza it's a it's actually a very good car not a four-cylinder i don't like the four-cylinder in these i have done so many engine rebuilds and actually block replacement from 2009 2015 not so much to 15 but they're still a little newer but let's say 2009 to 2013-ish four-cylinder block oil burning you would not believe how much oil these things burn or replace the block and again and again and i just don't like the four cylinder i don't even think it drives well i would go with the v6 if you're considering to buy one i would go with the v6 otherwise they're really good cars they have a few achilles heels here and there but overall they're good cars if taken care of okay let's see here so my screen jumped again now i have to go back and find it i think yes sorry guys i'm trying to go in order to keep things in order as much as possible where was i so okay i think we were here so jt says 2008 camry hybrid 53 000 miles does this year have a problem with oil consumption issue car manufactured in kentucky yes so the 2008 camry hybrid does have the 2az xe i think that was the destination in the engine yes they were affected by the oil consumption if you have oil consumption at the moment pistons and rings or try an oil cleaner make sure you keep that oil topped up if you do not have issues i would highly advise you and this is one that i usually recommend oil changes every five thousand miles but on that one if you're not going to plan to do those pistons and rings anytime in the future i would keep your oil changes at 3 000 miles and you should have no issues so candy cane and candy cane i actually know her personally she was the volunteer for the prius prime battery fan filter cleaner so thank you candy cane for that let's read your question can i use my prius prime battery when camping this summer lights cooler or maybe powering fans i think priuses and camping are okay you're you're not gonna go camping for six months in a row you're gonna go camping here and there and yes it does put some stress on everything but these cars are usually overbuilt and in the case of previous prime they're they're definitely over built you know i know i know actually i know your car you're it's a well-maintained car taken care of i don't think you have a problem camping in the summer keeping your lights cooler and the powering fans you should have no issues with that at all i hope you enjoy your camping trip okay let us see so anita i'm reading your response did you end up getting a rav4 prime no i did not get rev4 prime you you guys gotta know that it's very hard for me to buy a car because i i just see very hard for me to buy a toyota maybe that's why i own the disaster that i have sitting in front of me just looking at a toyota when i buy one it's like all i see is oh i remember taking that engine apart i remember taking this disaster out i remember when this thing flooded and it just kind of locks me away from the car and uh i tend to go or you look at a case of a new car it's different story with used cars it's like all i see is problems so i'm like i don't want to deal with that i'd rather buy a car that i know nothing about and deal with it when the storm starts but no i have not gotten the rav4 prime yet and uh uh maybe in the future we'll see line cruiser is kind of going up in my list right now the 100 series so victoria says i have a 2017 camry i bought it last year certified toyota certified the brakes click loud every time i apply the brakes but only on reverse i took it in the dealership they said it was normal help so victoria i really dislike doing this but there that is normal and please allow me to explain i really dislike telling people your their concern is a normal condition but let me explain the pads that sit in the front of the car they have a little bit of movement they're not like a tight fit if they are tight fit they no longer move and they no longer can move freely to apply the brakes and then back out they'll just be stuck so the camrys they were known for this you're not alone there's many people that complain about this when you put it in reverse and you first apply the brakes the pad that has a little bit of movement it will click up because because as the car changes direction your pad gets pulled the other way and it makes that single click and if you actually pay attention and put it in drive and really close listen as soon as you put it in drive it'll make the same click but the other way around there's nothing to do about that yes you we can tighten the pins put a little bit extra grease to try to muffle it down but it'll still be there and now that you've heard it it's kind of hard to unhear it so i wouldn't worry about it at all it's annoying i understand but i wouldn't waste too much energy chasing after it because it's a normal condition and some mechanics will take advantage of that i'm like oh yeah let's put new brakes and spend all your money and then guess what it's back to the same thing i wouldn't worry about it i would just let it go i know it's annoying but i would just let it go honestly so william castillo thank you sir for your super chat great stream you're welcome to move to florida especially miami in that way you don't have to deal with the rust and i would have a great hey man i would love to move to florida okay you know there is uh i like the heat and originally one day i will reveal where i actually come from my my country of origin i do come from hot climate so when i moved here the really good story of how when i moved here how um how i freaked out from the cold weather but now of course after years i got used to it but yeah i would love to move to florida just uh you get tied down to and that's the see if anybody in this live stream lives in chicago you know how chicago is everybody in chicago enters the great depression around january and right now we're just starting to come out of the great depression in these three months until march the end of march to into april everybody says that's it we're moving out of chicago this year i can't take this anymore then the summer hits and it's such a beautiful summer it's such a beautiful city that everybody well forgets about the winter until that cycle repeats every single year so kind i'll blame this one on chicago it's such a beautiful city that's hard to move out of so cecile martin says do low rolling resistant tires offer a big advantage in fuel economy over regular tires 2017 prius here so yes low rolling resistant tires they do make a difference in gas mileage and most previous models and i'm almost sure yours is one of them they from the factory they did come with the low rolling resistance tires however low rolling resistant tires are not the greatest of everything they do have one big drawback they don't handle very well they don't usually don't do well in rain snow overall handling they don't do very well because they're they're focused on economy not really handling and grip and all that other stuff um so you you will have to make that decision if the if you bought this car new and had original tires and you're very happy the way it drives and you never saw in a situation where wait why is this car so not great in snow or rain or like higher highway speeds just feels unstable then i would stay with the same tires because those are lowers rolling resistance but if you felt it unstable and not good in rain and snow then perhaps switch to other but just know you're gonna sacrifice a small amount of fuel economy for that better handling you know just pick pick which preference you want in that case so so akun says on normal non-off-road driving do you do you recommend changing the oil every 5 k or 10k miles my dealership has free lifetime oil changes every five thousand ten thousand miles honestly personally and even we're getting to a point where professionally i recommend this i would replace the engine oil over 5000 miles especially if you're keeping the car now you're keeping this car only for three four five years yeah don't worry about it but if you're keeping it that 10-15 years definitely change it every 5000 miles and don't even question that like why am i doing it do it to protect your engine so when you when the engine gets older you're not going to have the problems and everybody else will have that didn't listen or didn't no that's the worst one the dealership that gives you free lifetime warranties a few free not free lifetime warranty that's that's not a very good one but uh the free lifetime oil changes every ten thousand miles great every five thousand miles you pay for the oil change they pay for the next one and keep it going like that that's what i would do the rest is up to you so let's see next question oh i almost said it like grandpa kevin says what is your opinion on 2016 toyota corolla altis so we don't have the 16 altis and they are very similar to our corolla but we don't have that exact model so i will i will give you a broad opinion on 2016 corolla it is a nice car it is a good car but you got to take care of it these things some of the older corollas you could really neglect them they're fine but the newer ones you really got to take care of them with any carp you take care of it it'll take care of you and that goes across the board for all modern toyotas but if you're buying one used or you already own it continue to take care of it if you're buying one used make sure it has good service history it's never been neglected no major accidents or if there are major accidents that they've been fixed correctly and you should have no issues so robin says main toyota dealers don't clean the filter onto the rear passenger seat what happens when you buy a car from a non-toyota dealership yes and this is do you know why toyota airships don't clean the don't check the filters on i'm assuming this is on a hybrid they why they don't check the filters i don't know they don't want your business they don't want to take care of your car right i don't know why they don't do that it just doesn't make sense because that is the lifeblood and if there is any toyota technicians i don't know they probably don't watch my live stream but if there are any toyota technicians out there who do not check hybrid filters you're not doing your job i'm sorry that's just the bottom line there should not be a single toyota technician they have not run across a completely clogged and destroyed hybrid filter from a clogged fan unless you don't work on hybrids um other non-toyota dealerships i don't blame them because they don't know however i am hoping my channel will bring or bring awareness to this so the next time you go buy a used hybrid the previous owner knew about it and took care of it so when you buy it used you can keep it for 10 more years without any any single issue that's all we can do so darshan says thank you sir for your super chat 2010 rx350 exhaust the middle resonator keeps blowing at the seam not sure how to diagnose so when you say blowing at the seam i'm assuming the gasket is leaking or oh you mean i'm trying to read into your your comment here so if the seam is breaking and you're welding it unfortunately welding a seam never have worked very well you're gonna have to cut it get a new resonator weld it on and it should be good but if you're referring to a gasket sometimes and i'm i'm assuming here you are from the great uh the great white north i i like that word so if you are a rusty environment and the gasket is not sealing well there is a good chance that the flange has rotted away and no longer can keep a tight connection that's a very common one and it happens that's not toyota or lexus that's the road salt we use so if that's the case you're gonna have to cut the flange weld new flanges and now you're good or i don't recommend it but if you're on a budget just go straight pipe between the flanges and it won't be a great fix but it'll fix your problem at that point so let's see so emilio i answered your transmission fluid but drain and fill i would get a drain and fill on that transmission just like you know because i saw your company a few times sorry i didn't see that you added to it i would do a drain and fill and i would call it a day i wouldn't do a flush in your case so let's continue on so miro says greetings from croatia what is your opinion about direct injection and carbon buildup in the intake i decided for a city car to buy a new yaris 1.5 125 hp not hybrid because it has two injectors per cylinder so that's that exact model we do not have but uh direct injection it's there is a small science to this it's a matter if you have direct injection only not dual injection like the d4s where you have a port injector and a direct at the same time with those it's a matter of time before you have some kind of buildup on the intake now whether that buildup is going to be a problem or it's just going to be a build up that stays there and looks ugly but doesn't really affect the operation of the valve that you time will tell but is there going to be build up on direct injection engines only it always will be the case because there's nothing passing over the valve that's why the d4i system is such a great system because it washes the back of the valve not all the time but frequently enough as the engine is running is switching back and forth that you have the best of two worlds look folks direct injection is not a bad thing it's it's a good thing but with some disadvantages so having both systems you actually have the best of two worlds and that's what in my opinion what makes the d4s system really a cool um design so caesar says thank you for your super chat sir i have a 2011 dodge avenger when i go over a small bump my car moves side to side what can it be small disclaimer i am a toyota mechanic i have no idea how a dodge avenger looks like but cars are cars so i'll try my best to give you my opinion when the car moves side to side so we're talking about a car that's driving straight moving side to side there are a few things that i would look at any kind of bushings control bushings things that would cause the body to shift now another one with cars and again most of my information are toyota so i don't really have experience a lot of people ask me about honda's nissans and dodge and other manufacturers i don't have i can fix them but i wouldn't be able to blindfold myself and fix them because i don't work on them every single day but car moving side to side typically is bushings sometimes it could even be tires or even an alignment issue this would the suspension would need to be diagnosed first anything loose gets replaced loose tie rods again with toyotas we don't really have loose thyroids as much and loose ball joints i would have suspension checked so if everything checks out perfect in the suspension there's not a single worn item or loose item or bushings that are bad then i would move to do an alignment and check the tires and go from there that will be my first place to look sandeep thank you so much for your for your super sticker sir let's continue so michael lee says is it smart to trust these quick jiffy loop places to change the transmission fluid on a 2018 avalon that's a look folks there is a lot of jiffy loops out there there are really hard working folks they work very hard they care about their quality but the key word here is sum and actually that sum is a shrinking number the problem with jiffy loop is if it's a corporation but it's not that's not the word i'm looking for it's a franchise so it's like mcdonald's it's good but is it but every once in a while you're gonna have that one jiffy loop that is privately owned and the person that owns it actually knows what they're doing and they really do good work but we're talking about a needle in a haystack unfortunately i to answer your question i don't know if i would trust jiffy luke to change the engine oil let alone a transmission let alone a sealed transmission on a 2018 avalon i'd rather you just never change the fluid than if this is the only place that can do it in your area jiffy lube folks be very careful and i wonder how they sustain their business operation because their prices are not exactly cheap most of the in my area at least maybe it's different in other areas maybe that's what keeps them going but in my area their prices are exactly the same in the dealership although we clean your vacuum whatever and we do our full inspection what inspection what are your qualifications sir how do you inspect the car when you have no idea what you're looking at you didn't even lift the car up that that's that's my my question to jiffy when they do those quick inspections we checked this check that checked well most of the stuff you can check on your own as a car owner it's in your owner's manual why are you paying someone to do it but long story short i would never trust them with the transmission fluid they will never have the right fluid and they don't have the experience all the tools or the qualifications to do that please don't do that maybe with an oil change personally i don't but maybe with an oil change maybe but transmission absolutely not so peter in new york i have a 2017 rav4 dealership says the transmission throw it never needs to be changed fluids last as long as the transmission and they're not lying to you i agree i agree with their statement however how long is this transmission going to last is the question i would like to ask them 100 000 miles 120 150 i wouldn't hold my breath to find out see the problem with the language on that transmission fluid is oh it's for the lifetime of the transmission not the car but how long is that lifetime they do not say a little asterisk lifetime is defined as 50 years and 700 000 miles they don't define that for them it's like oh the first owner will keep the car not really have to spend much five years pass throw the keys to the dealership pick a new car move on the second owner is stuck with a car with with a bad trance so i would some dealerships unfortunately go by this because they don't want to deal with it i would find another dealership or find a trusted independent mechanic have them buy the original fluid procedure is not difficult there's a lot of good independent mechanics that will take care of your car that have the know-how have the tools they can buy the original fluid if you insist they again you are the customer you can ask them it's you're the customer it's their car you can ask them what fluid to use and it's not like you're bringing them some cheap fluid you're bringing the original fluid please use this in my car's original i don't think a shop will have a problem with that but i would definitely change that transmission fluid so philip says should i change the default transmission oil transfer case on my tacoma 2011 with 130 000 miles so i'm trying to read your question here and i'm either getting tired or i just went to the eye doctor and you do need glasses maybe i should listen to them and get them stop being so stubborn but uh the transfer if you're referring to the transfer case yes i would replace that fluid every 30 000 miles if it's overdue that's okay just replace it and it's better replaced than overdue than never replaced but if your transmission is oil has never been replaced i would be careful at this mile i would take a sample see how it looks if it's very burned and dark i would leave it alone unfortunately at this point you're at the point of no return but if it looks clean and relatively clean doesn't smell burned i would train and fill it and call it the day at that point okay so sucker dad thank you sir for attending a chat the live stream so mike larry how can i pass the mission test with the check on the light on a 2004 sienna code po420 unfortunately sir that van is outside a window where you could do things which we will not talk about because i would lose my license but uh unfortunately in this case your catalog converter is likely the suspect i will have a video in this week probably the second video of the week we're talking about catalytic converters and why they fail and what's going on with them how to diagnose them but the main thing i will tell you here is do you have exhaust leaks if you have exhaust leaks and specifically buy the catalytic converter they need to be fixed first before you replace that catalytic converter however on that sienna i wouldn't be if that age i wouldn't be surprised and unfortunately the only way you can pass emissions in that one is to get that catalytic converter replaced shop around find an aftermarket one maybe they're cheaper won't last as much as the original but it'll fix the car for now so you can pass your missions so shadow supra says is there any way to remove or bypass the hybrid ev sound in the new vehicles it's annoying oh yeah i agree with you they're super annoying however i'm looking into this one trying to find like a easy way to disable it because technically it's a safety device they're trying they put that noise that was super loud i think it would be nice if you can control how loud it is because you really wake up all your neighbors when you back out of your driveway unnecessarily i don't think an engine makes this much noise idling in reverse but uh i'm looking into this one and i'll probably make a video about it once i find a good way for it because there's no easy way to disable them because they're um they're a safety device so you really can't can disable them in an easy way like with text stream or something so ali says what's the right temperature flow for replacing 2020 corolla cvt please comment on this video or email me at because i have to look it up i don't know all these every single car is different i'd have to look it up for you so cb says i will be buying a 2021 oh i'm sorry we responded to we responded to this question already so naveen the machine says i feel that the front air vents in my 20 20 camry are weak when i don't use the ac when i use the ac at the lowest fan speed i can feel the air coming out of coming to my face versus without ac could this be something wrong with the vents no so the the thing about ac and these some of these cars when you put it on max ac you're going to have recirculating air by the way of the design of of i think all cars not just toyotas honestly you will have more airflow when you have it on recircula when you have it on recirculate versus fresh air so perhaps i would keep an eye on what is it doing when you put ac on because honestly you should not have any effect because all you do when you turn the ac on is just the compressor comes on and now the evaporator gets colder and that's how the ac works but it shouldn't have an effect on the fan speed unless it's changing it automatically we turn the ac on to recirculate i would look into that see do let me know what you find and i'll look into it a little bit but uh let me know if that three circulate comes on so devin says will a bad tire throw off the steering calibration or previous seat as in the center a few degrees off to the left yes and no let me explain so if tires have a condition where it's called tire tenacity conicity sorry i'm trying to find the right word and getting getting tired here so tire tonicity is when the tire is called causing a force to pull the car now you're driving your car you said your pull is to the left so if your car is pulling to the left and my left might be different than the camera i just realized that your car is pulling left but the force is actually pulling the car right so your truck by your ceiling being off center to to the left you're actually compensating that tire pull that is one situation the other situation is you hit a curb and there's a slight bent which can be corrected with an alignment that's not an issue don't don't listen to the word bend and think something is bad but a slight bend will actually throw the alignment off a little bit and now you're off center to one side i would get the alignment checked if the alignment checks out fine or actually before the alignment rotate the front tires left to right and drive it if all of a sudden it pulls to the other side or the pole goes away you have a tire problem sir and it's not an alignment issue otherwise just an alignment and life is good so guys we're reaching the end of the live stream i will take two more questions randomly i'm just gonna scroll down and we'll we'll go some of that some of the back questions let's see here let's take this one so saraj says i have a toyota corolla hybrid wagon can you say what maintenance should i change the engine transmission oil what type of oil is recommended so when you said wagon that's usually the red flag for me we don't have a corolla wagon we have a corolla house back in the u.s i do not want to give you incorrect information the the engine oil is going to depend on what kind of what year you have what engine you have because you're outside of the us i i am assuming because of the wagon word do send me an email with more information on your car what engineer has what year what everything and i will get back to you on that one let's take one more question so i have a 2004 toyota sequoia bought i bought it secondhand what is the recommended fuel filter change interval so this is one that is used to have a fuel filter still external one so wait i'm trying to remember is if o4 sequoia has a fuel filter so don't quote me on this because my memory is not helping me today i'm getting forgetful but if your sequoia has a fuel filter it would be on the driver's side by their you know what discard that they don't have a fuel filter i'm trying to remember this line cursor but this one didn't the only fuel filter that you have is in the fuel tank and that is just the bottom of the fuel pump it's really not a service item i would not service it i would not worry about it you could cause more contamination just open the fuel pump the fuel tank just to replace that little thing that really doesn't doesn't have it in trouble if you had a physical fuel filter some of the older toyotas did land cruiser is one of them um they had a physical fuel filter you'll see it on the driver's side of like right under the fuse block and in that area even some of the older camry's avalons that have that but if you don't have that the fuel line goes straight from the from the rail all the way down then you don't have a fuel filter and i wouldn't worry about the one in the tank it's not a serviceable item so folks before we wrap up i will take one last question and the last is always first so we're going to take the last question ashley green which would you recommend a lexus es 350 or toyota avalon honestly ashley in in most of these they're exactly the same car the exact same thing i mean underneath the car when i have an avalon lifted and an es350 lifted up they're exactly the same car underneath same engine same chassis same everything they do drive somewhat similar where if you look at them driving wise they drive they have the same feeling the lexus will have a little bit more insulation it will feel a little bit quieter a little bit smoother but not significantly more but the way they drive they handle they drive exactly the same so it comes down to you're looking at two of the exact same car and kind of a different suit if you would deluxe is being more on the quieter side more maybe better materials maybe looks better although i think they're both really good cars and you won't have a problem going with either of them however if you're shopping around and you're looking at one i would focus more on what which example are you looking at are you looking at one that is clean good maintenance history and kind of dual shock for both or go drive both of them see which one you like more if you like one over the other go for it they're both really good cars all right guys having having answered the last question thank you so much for attending the live stream and we'll see you guys in the next video guys i'm still trying to figure out what's the best time for the live stream i'm trying to do it every couple weeks but i know i've skipped a week because of my vacation but uh i'll try to keep this every other week don't quote me on that until we make it official so until the next live stream or the next video guys thank you so much for attending i really appreciate it may the lord bless you and keep you and you guys have a wonderful day
Channel: The Car Care Nut
Views: 15,172
Rating: 4.9750519 out of 5
Keywords: live stream, toyota livestream, toyota questions, toyota mechanic, toyota diy, prius prime, rav4 prime, 2021 sienna hybrid, 2021 venza hybrid, never do this to your hybrid toyota, toyota hybrid, 2021 camry, 2021 tacoma, 2021 4runner, toyota plug in hybrid, toyota problems, toyota answers, toyota technology, toyota features, 2022 Toyota Tundra hybrid, Lexus livestream, scion livestream, never do this to your toyota hybrid, new car, car talk, car questions, 2022 tundra
Id: WB1Y-T4l6Ng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 28sec (5788 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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