The Best Car Jump Starter ?

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so we've all been in this situation you wake up in the morning late your kids are screaming it's super cold outside you go to your car and they don't want to start because the battery is dead happens to everybody and it's one of those awesome moments aren't they then okay no problem i have jumper cables in my car you look around guess what all your neighbors are gone for work because they're not late you're late there's nobody give you a jump start so some people will buy a jumper pack which [Applause] this giant enormous heavy thing that will give you a workout from the morning and usually they die within a year or two after you've spent a small fortune to buy one but then came these guys this is a small jumper pack works great but here's the problem with these i love this this is my personal one problem with this is you charge it today year later of course like everything else it's dead when you need it because it has a battery it needs to charge so i was contacted by a company called autowit and they made a product a small jumper pack that has no batteries the first thing that came to mind is huh that sounds a little too good to be true so they have some super capacitors whatever supposedly make this thing work so i took on the challenge let's see if this thing is any good i'm going to give you an honest review not because they send me a product i'm ready to send them the product back if it's no good welcome to the car care nut channel my name is amd i'm a toyota master diagnostic technician and in this video we're gonna put this thing to test to see if it's really worth your money or not before we get started if you're new to the channel welcome consider subscribing to the channel check out some of my other videos if you're a returning subscriber thank you so much for watching another one of my videos and without further ado let's see if this thing is worth its funnies [Music] so here is the product that we're going to be reviewing in this video it's the auto wits super capacitor to jump whatever well we just want to know if the thing works and it's worth its pennies so let's unbox this thing to start see how it looks and then we'll go into a few details of how it works and then we'll go real world tested first comes in really nice box i'm actually very impressed by the quality of the box usually cheap products start with a cheap box and this box is very well made you open the box you get this very nice carrying case folks this is a very high quality case and i love how it looks let's open it see what's inside so here's what's in the box you got the huge jumper pack unit it feels very solid it's very well made it looks huge and heavy but it's actually not heavy at all my test for this would i let my senior mom carry this yes it's not heavy i'm not worried about it so that comes in the box or in the case rather then you also get the actual jumper wires that connect to this guy so when you jump start in the car you get a little cigarette lighter connection so you can charge the capacitors we'll get to that in a second you also get a little usb cable and you got a instruction manual and this is my favorite thing look at this it's a nice little envelope with the company name it says thank you for choosing auto with accessories very nice touch from this company but you know what we didn't buy this thing for this so to me let's talk about how this thing actually works the promise from the company is this thing has no batteries inside of it that's why it's lightweight that's why you never have to charge it the idea of this product is when your battery is dead you're going to connect this to your battery to your dying battery that is incapable of starting your car and this thing has capacitors that will harvest whatever little energy that is left in your car's battery to charge itself and when it's ready it's gonna blast your your battery with power and jump start your car now people will wonder oh wait a second i don't have three hours to wait for this thing to charge well actually the promise from the company is three minutes to fully charge this guy now real world testing it does take around three to five minutes depends on how your how dead your battery is for example i tested this on a battery that was 5 volts it took about 10 minutes but still we're talking about 10 minutes this thing goes to 100 percent so the idea here is you connect this to your battery and wait it has a little screen shows you where the battery is at the batter not the battery sorry the capacitor inside of this where is it at it's going to charge our charge when it gets to 100 it's ready to jump start your car you push a little button while having it connected to the battery it'll start counting down beep beep then it's gonna make a continuous beep and that's when you go start your car and on the side port right here we got a few plugs one of them is the main jump cable wires if you would another one is the connection for the cigarette lighter and the last one is for the usb cable and then a little button to turn the guy on and either it's gonna charge the capacitors or it's ready to go and it's gonna jump start your car folks i am astounded by this product because it works very well i was initially when i connected i was like wait how does this work do i have to charge it i'm so used to the jumper bags that need to be charged but this thing it was it didn't when i got it you turn it on nothing happens it's dead you connect it to a battery starts charging i actually first connected it to a healthy battery to see what happens this thing charged in less than a minute it went to 100 on a healthy battery so then i discharged it completely you usually leave it two three days sitting it'll discharge on its own that's what i found from my testing then you put it on a dying battery or we had a car at my work at the dealership where i worked that's been sitting there for four or five months you go start it nothing it's completely dead connect this thing turn on a timer it took exactly three minutes and 45 seconds to reach 100 it's ready to jump start jump start the car and lo and behold car started right up i tested it on multiple cars and my verdict on this product is that it's not made by a snake oils salesman this product really works it is very high quality and because it has no batteries i anticipate that these things will last a very long time obviously if you freeze it or break it or throw it that's beside the point here however i'm not going to just make a video and tell you oh it's a great product because they sent me a free one now we're gonna put this guy through a test that is not fair and i apologize to the company that made this but hey i'm sorry if i'm going to tell my viewers this is a good product i really need to push it to the limits so having said that i got something planned for this guy to see if we can make it fail what it's supposed to do so this is the channel's current build the 1999 mercedes ml320 and this is the 825 cold cranking amp battery for this mercedes and this is a battery from a prius not only is it a battery from a prius this is a dead battery from a prius and you can probably see where this is going yes i will put this jump starter to the most unfair car scroll test however you want to see it let's see how good it really is we're going to connect this battery to this car this is a 300 cranking app battery when it was brand new it was designed to turn on a few computers in a hybrid it is definitely not designed to start a car let alone a car with a starter that has originally an 825 amp battery we're gonna hook it up this battery currently has about five volts hook it up charge that jumper with it and see if it starts so having this guy on the 5 volt battery of the prius here took a little bit of time to charge it honestly it took almost 9 minutes to charge itself but you know what if you have to wait for 10 minutes to jump start the car in this very very unusual situation i think i'll give it a pass this time because usually car batteries when they get to 10 volts 11 volts there sometimes are incapable of starting a conventional car by the way note for hybrid owners that you see this battery this thing will have no problem starting any hybrid i mean this thing is is designed to go pretty high amperage so just letting you know that to make things fair let's jump started [Applause] wow guys that was this test was not fair there is no such condition there's no you're not going to subject this jumper pack to this kind of flat i'm going to just say it misuse but it pulled through this company autowit you guys made an awesome product and you know i'm honored that i get to review such a good product i will use this i will say pros and cons before we wrap up this video my opinion my sincere opinion pros this thing is awesome it it does what it's supposed to do and more it you never have to worry about charging it i anticipate its reliability over time as very high and it's very simple to use you just press a little button it'll tell you if the battery if the capacitors are too low inside if they are it's going to start charging there's a little percentage when it gets to 100 it'll say power on then when you're ready you hit that button on the side it'll start counting down when it goes to continuous beep start your car and you're ready to go so pros everything really this thing is very well made works very good it's very simple to use and best of all you don't have to worry about charging it you just harvest the energy of your dead batteries cons there's one thing and it's also not fair to this product i'll be honest i am an i am a repair professional i use my enormous jumper pack for other reasons not just to jump start a car if you are a diy mechanic or even if you are a mechanic and you're looking at one of these guys the only time this will not work very well is say you have a car with a bad alternator and a bad battery of course because the battery died you need to keep the jumper connected to the car to drive it in or move it because as soon as you disconnect it alternator is not charging the battery is that the car is just going to fall on his face and die so this the jump start time the time that it is able to supply power to the car is limited there is nothing against the company that is just its limitation obviously this is made for owners diy mechanics not exactly professionals for professionals you usually have a giant jumper pack like this which costs a small fortune i don't expect home homeowners or car drivers or even diy mechanics to spend a small fortune on a giant jumper pack like this one just to let you know this is the only con that i can think of it's not a huge deal i'm just saying the god honest truth here so guys this company i am very impressed by their product i wish them the best i wish they make more products like this because this is something that really help folks keep things going so as a token of my appreciation for their awesome awesome product i will leave the link in the description below they are also kind enough to give me a coupon a discount code for you guys if you are interested so i'll leave that in the description as well and actually on the screen right here so that's that's the review for this guy i hope you guys like this video i hope you are interested or looking for a product like this that's why you're watching this video consider subscribing to the channel check out some of my other videos give this video a thumbs up if you liked it may the lord bless you and keep you and you have a wonderful day
Channel: The Car Care Nut
Views: 80,380
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The best car jump starter, the best car jump starter in the world and why, Autowit supercap 2, car jump starter, top jump starters, car repair, car diy, prius battery, battery maintainer, top car accessories, toyota jumper pack, jumper cables, jump starter, batteryless jump starter, car jump starter power bank, car jump starter how to use, car jump starter review, how to use car jump starter kit, Car jump starter portable
Id: 2c5EvrZ-Cko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 16sec (856 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 01 2020
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