Toy Story 4 Did Something Unexpected...

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with the way Toy Story 3 ended I think we all wholeheartedly felt that the Toy Story franchise had reached its natural best ending and has won big collective when we heard the news of a Toy Story 4 in the works we all let out a giant sigh clearly this was another cash grab from Pixar banking on one of their most successful franchises it happened with cars it's been a theme of sequels with many of their classics and the series truly can't end as well as it first seemed with Toy Story 3 and even once the trailers came out it looked like a fun new Avenue Toy Story could explore but in my head I could never quite click onto how this ending was necessary would be as satisfying as before but once I sat down in a cinema and submitted myself to yet another iconic Toy Story movie I slowly came to the realization as I'm sure most people did that this was just as good a film as all of those before it a toy story for seemed to brew out of nowhere but my god was it a worthy addition to the series right from the get-go it was tugging at my heartstrings of nostalgia with its infamous motifs on the Disney logo the little flashback prologue showing how previous toys had gone missing over the years and that beautiful montage of Andy's life playing with Woody and Buzz and Woody and Jesse's swinging around in the garden and just masterfully whipping into his final moments with Andy and bringing us right up into those recognizable Toy Story clouds it felt like the perfect little homage for the Toy Story films as a whole and kick-started right into a rollercoaster of emotions going forward to give a brief non spoilery overview of the story bonnie is playing with all of her new toys for the summer and though it all seems pretty normal it's clear she has different favorites than Andy with Woody now being the least prioritized at our first day at kindergarten Bonnie makes for key and is clearly her new favorite toy and woody makes it his job to keep four key around Bonnie soon enough four key escapes on a road trip and Woody follows they end up at a fair and a nearby antique shop where Woody tries to find Bo Peep instead who's clearly nearby instead they meet Gabby Gabby an old-fashioned door with a defective voice box something woody still has working inside of him and with her being the antagonist in case you couldn't tell they run but forgi is taken instead the rest of the movie includes woody trying to save four key and get into Bonnie all while meeting Bo Peep and having her help in all sorts of escapades with some new faces across the park getting into all sorts of high ste hijinks all under an astounding photorealistic visual design that is always breathtaking to take a look at and by the end of it all whether you're happy you're sad there will be tears it's a modern-day Pixar film after all without going into detail the plot seems fairly sidelined and unconnected from the main Toy Story plotline but in actuality that couldn't really be any farther from the truth the fact of the matter is is that the original trilogy of Toy Story was all about the toys and their kids most notably Andy of course but the full film is the first film to be centrally focused on just the toys Toy Story 3 ending is all about the process of growing up and moving on just as Andy had to do in his college years but Toy Story 4 is about woody and his natural ending point and though Toy Story 3 does wrap up everything quite nicely the only real missing piece is woody simply saying goodbye to his friend but not so much having an integral end like the other characters do this film is here to fill that gap not only is it the ending that wraps up every loose end but it's also the loop that every narrative finale needs this film more than anything takes us right back to the first film and shows us how far the characters have come showing Woody's starkly different reactions to having a new toy getting the new favorite toy spots now I think I have the most unpopular opinion when it comes to favourite characters but honestly I really like the intensely scary characters of the different Benson's and any tiny know what it is about him but I just find him really funny and someone I want to root for even though it's clearly not gonna work out and even then they can't speak because their ventriloquist dummy is only being able to voice her they still end up having more lines than many of the side characters and that is a common complaint I've been seeing about this movie but honestly I can't see it working in much of another way Toy Story has become a progressively larger ensemble cast that must be impossible to work around so splitting teams up and focusing less on one of the teams just seems like the only way around it each character gets some of moments no matter how big or small but honestly I feel it's the best that can be done considering the runtime and though it's subtle there's even a kind of go power scene moment during the prologue flashback in Molly's room as when Bo Peep is helping woody prepare to save Arcee outside the window every toy in Molly's room happens to be female I think yet they are just as successful as organizing this little mission it was nice to see in a way that naturally made sense since this is Molly's room and not crammed into your face like it was some kind of quota and it has more of a purpose as well as it shows Bo Peep was always at least somewhat of a powerful leadership II kind of woman that we never saw it as much in the previous films it explains an element of her twist character traits did you know YouTube changed the notification bell now there's a drop-down menu that decides how many notifications you get from channels and I can see what percentage of viewers are using that bell so please click on that bell and choose all notifications and if you haven't already subscribe now I think at this point I'm gonna start talking about characters specifically and we're gonna start treading on too late movie stuff so this is your kind of your spoiler barrier warning if you haven't seen the film I highly recommend doing it now and come back to us later please come back please don't forget me so let's talk new characters cuz I have some thoughts there's six main new ones with four key Gabby Gabby giggle mcdhh Impuls bunny and ducky and duke kaboom and though I enjoy the variety and they do have all sorts of little moments I also feel like summing was a little lacking in most of them for ki for example is all about trash at the start and after a single five-mile walk with woody is dead set on getting back to Bonnie now realizing he's like her trash it makes sense so as to not constantly be fighting the trash joke any further but it still felt a little bit too much of a 180 when I first saw it I do like how he turned into an oblivious naive little comic relief character instead though clinging on to Gabby Gabby and all that he turned out alright though he felt oddly pushed forwards by the narrative Dooku boom was also a lot of fun I loved his backstory and how it linked to him having an actual arc in the main plot as well and I only wish his kid appeared at the fair somehow even if he was older just as a kind of sticking it to the man kind of thing but that's not really an issue means my real issues are giggle mcdhh Impuls and bunny and ducky these two I have some qualms with throughout the film I was rooting for bunny and duckie they were a couple of funny dudes the classic comedian comic relief and they had motivation at the start of the film they're angry that Buzz Lightyear is taking the top spot to be with a kid and that's all they want a kid it's a simple enough plot right brand new toys want a kid they end up following on the adventure cuz buzz promised them a kid even though he didn't but fast forward to the end of the movie and when they're all literally running towards the kid at the end of the pathway they just kind of stop in their tracks and say well goodbye woody what happened to all of their motivations I get that they're there to be funny but give them an ending to please even just a simple little scene where ducky turns to bunny is there something like you know bunny I think I could get used to this free toy life you know ducky I think you're absolutely right hey maybe it already existed a deleted scene but I seriously feel like it's missing in this movie they started the film with a plot point to go on and then by the end it just got forgotten they get their ending of helping other toys getting their own kids in the post-credits scene but I want proper closure from them first and then giggle mcdhh Impuls this character seemed almost obsolete to me she's already incredibly tiny as a toy but she also doesn't do too much as a character she's Bo peeps Gossip Girl in between the films she's the misinformed voice on bo-peep shoulder when she's mad at woody and she gets eaten by a cat that's about it there were remnants of more of a connection with Buzz Lightyear but nothing substantial comes out of it she's a mini plot device at Mostyn and an ignore abou character quote or at least ironically Gabby Gabby is the most fleshed out and greatest character but I think everyone can agree on that anyway having the twist of the movie not be that the good guy is actually the bad guy like every other cliche movie has done recently is nice compared to just the nice and wholesome twist of the villain is just a misunderstood good guy all along I mean it's still creepy that the lesson was literally organ harvesting can be good sometimes which I guess is technically also correct in real life but still Gabby Gabby's conclusion is probably the highlight of the entire film well it's got a pretty big rivalry considering its going up against Woody's conclusion when the moment clicked at the end of the film about what they were doing with woody the first time I watched it I thought it kind of came out of nowhere it wasn't until I watched it the second time around that I saw that there were just his everywhere and I just refused to believe it woody almost hopping into the box with Bo in the prologue woody being left on the stool even in the montage of Bonnie woody being stepped on by the dad when left on the floor woody not being picked up when presented alongside four key in the Marvy in a single hand woody being told he can still learn new tricks woody being cooled lost even when surrounded by literal lost toys it was all leading up to that cyclical ending of Bo Peep and woody with one on each side of a barrier making a decision of where to go next and it truly was the only conclusion woody could have as Bonnie's toy woody has little purpose he's not played with he's chucked to the side and now that for ki has finished his arc woody can't even have the job of making sure for ki does his all that's left the matically and naturally is for woody to be left behind to spend the rest of his days out there in the world seeing the sights alongside Bo Peep and though I kind of wish we could have held that goodbye a little longer maybe a flashback with each of the old classic characters rather than a fairly rushed group hug considering the context of running out of time but in the end it was the ending I didn't know we needed the closure we unknowingly always wanted throughout the film there's themes of being lost being loved and having a purpose or being yourself and Toy Story for I feel wraps all of that just fantastically in yet another unmissable Toy Story movie the Toy Story films always managed to surprise me with just how creative and imaginative the writers get with the concept of toys and it only increases with this film too though some parts are getting more and more ridiculous the amount of meddling the main group of toys due to Bonnie's family is definitely getting intense hijack in the RV bursting its tires and even just outright speaking to them in such a desperate plea my goodness I don't think I can handle another Toy Story film and I'm not prepared for how far the toys will have to go next time but if a Toy Story 5 was too make an appearance or even a Toy Story one reinvented with the new technology it's adamantly clear that Pixar is still the best in the business and whatever they create it'll be another amazing masterpiece though the fact that four keys knife wife didn't also run to the trash bin in that one post-credit scene was a big misty sea and finale moment is literally being screamed at by a fully grown adult or a lovely harsh reality ending for him now we just have to wait for the next phase of Pixar movies now that the load of classical sequels error is done it onwards to the innovative and the original from here and you may be hearing more Pixar things from me sometime in the future for now though I'm gonna win it off here there was my little gush after having been completely surprised and swept away by Toy Story 4 tell me your thoughts - I'd love to talk about this more but for now - meand as you didn't really care and I'll see you in a bit [Music] [Music]
Channel: DazzReviews
Views: 1,212,543
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dazz, reviews, toy story 4, toy story, pixar, disney, disney pixar, film, toy story 4 pixar, toy story 4 trailer, toy story trailer, new trailer, new toy story, review, film review, toy story review, toy story 4 review, discussion, film discussion, toy story discussion, toy story 4 discussion, ending, toy story 4 ending, toy story 4 spoilers, toy story 4 analysis, toy story ending, woody ending, gabby gabby ending, trailer, pixar discussion, toy story 4 did something unexpected
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 15sec (735 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 24 2019
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