Toxic Matriarchy | CR Wiley

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me in welcoming Pastor Chris Wiley thank you when I was graciously invited by collegiate University fellowship to give this talk I was given the title and nothing else when I heard the title I said to myself well that will certainly get some attention I see that it has since I had nothing to work with but a tunnel I agree I thought this will give me an opportunity to deal with the problem of language now you may think this is off topic but it's not it's the reason that we have protesters here tonight the problem of language won't be the only thing that I talk about soon enough I'll get to one of the ways that motherhood can go bad but first allow me to take a little detour the problem of language comes down to how things get named and the meanings those names convey communication is never easy but it's gotten a lot harder recently there's a long history to the problem there's nominalism and the eclipse of Aristotle then there was philosophy subjective turn with Descartes and those who followed but a particular interest to me is what paul ricoeur called the hermeneutics of suspicion and what that's what we're dealing with right now atheists including marx nietzsche and freud in the second half of the 19th century claimed that human beings are not really governed by reason essentially we're animals motivated by dark passions that sees beneath the surface of what can be otherwise a calm exterior and the most important of these is the willed power accordingly people tend to use language to hide what they're really up to from others or even themselves that's why the suspicious should always be on the lookout for a scam in its most extreme form language can't even represent reality it just it's just a tool or worse as Nietzsche said a mobile army of metaphors metonym x' and anthropomorphisms it's a weapon to get what you want when it comes to higher education this is the way that many academics think about language today and I'm sure that you've been indoctrinated into this way of thinking if we toxic mercury taught the term toxic matriarchy is greeted with suspicion I understand that we playing bingo tonight well I've looked at this and I know my manuscript and no one's going to get bingo I'm sorry but anyway so this is why I'm not surprised at the title toxic matriarchy I see that's a free space that the title is greeted with suspicion rather than interest this is what materialism inevitably gets you I will if we really can reduce reality to a material inefficient causes then even language necessarily is just one more way in the universe violently gets things done it's not the whole story of course but that'll do this makes genuine conversation or what was once known as dialectic impossible even in those B'nai todays when people actually believe that we have access to transcendent values dialectic was a painful and imprecise process but today we're all like tourists who refuse to learn a foreign language and simply speak louder when others don't understand all the while complaining about the stupidity and the mendacity of the Nia's I'm afraid we've descended into Babel but today I'm here as a witness to the possibility that words can help us see the reality outside our heads and this is because in the beginning there was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God that doesn't count that that's I didn't use the word Bible nevertheless speaking truthfully is difficult and there's a measure of truth in the claim that people do bend the truth to serve their selfish interests but we have a name for that and that's lying I will try it my best to tell the truth I'm not claiming that I will get everything right we look through a glass darkly we prophesy in part but there will be a time for questions following the body of this talk and if we have genuine genuine dialectic genuine conversation maybe we can at least partially clear some things up now please let me begin sort of at the heart of my talk by reading from one of the great works of Western literature are you my mother this is a course by PD Eastman by the way I'm a children's author and I enjoy children's books but I I can remember reading are you my mother when I was a kid and I thought it's a I always thought it was a fascinating book and I'd like to read some for you as you can see it's got some beautiful illustrations and on the first page it begins a mother bird sat on her egg the egg jumped oh oh said the mother bird my baby will be here he will want to eat I must get something from my baby bird to eat she said I will be back so she away she went the egg jumped and jumped and jumped out came the baby bird where is my mother he said he looked for her he looked up he did not see her he looked down he did not see her I will go and look for her he said so away he went down out of the tree he went down down down it was a long way down here's the illustration you can see it's pretty good pretty good distance the baby bird can that fly he could not fly but he could walk now I will go and find my mother he said he did not know what his mother looked like he went right by her he did not see her he came to a kitten are you my mother he said to the kitten the kitten just looked and looked it did not say a thing I think it was concerning consuming the bird myself that always gave me the creeps when I was a kid the kitten was not his mother so he went on then he came to a head are you my mother he said to the head no said that the kitten was not his mother the hen was not his mother so the baby bird went on I have to find my mother he said but where where is she where could she be then he came to a dog are you my mother he said to the dog I am NOT your mother I am a dog said the dog the kitten was not his mother the hen was not his mother the dog was not his mother so the baby bird went on now he came to a cow are you my mother he said to the cow how could I be your mother said the cow this is an educated cow I am a cow the kitten and the hen were not his mother the dog and the cow were not his mother did he have a mother I did have a mother said the baby bird I know I did I will find her I will I will it looks pretty determined right there now the baby bird did not walk he ran then he saw a car could that old thing be his mother no it could not the baby bird did not stop he ran on and on now he looked away way down then he saw a boat there she is said the baby bird he called to the boat but the boat did not stop the boat went on he looked way way up he saw a big plane Here I am mother he called out but the plane did not stop the plane went on just then the baby bird saw a big thing this must be his mother there she is he said there is my mother he ran right up to it mother mother Here I am mother he said to the big thing but the big thing just said snort whoa you are not my mother said the baby bird you are a snort I have to get out of here here's the illustration of the snort it's a steam shovel but the baby bird could not get away the store 20 up and up up up with the baby bird but now where was the snort going oh oh what is this snort going to do to me get me out of here just then the snort came to a stop where am I said the baby bird I want to go home I want my mother he's quite passionate about it then something happened this snort put the baby bird right back in the tree the baby bird was home just then the mother bird came back to the tree do you know who I am she said to her baby yes I know who you are said the baby bird you are not a kitten you are not a hand you are not a dog you were not a cow you are not a boat or a plane or a snort you are a bird and you are my mother and they lived happily after that I remember as I noted earlier reading are you my mother when I was a kid you probably can't too it's been around for a while it was originally published in 1960 later when I had kids I read it to them it's still remarkably popular wellthank checked it was number 530 on Amazon's bestseller list its humor of course is in that the hatchling asking a cat cow even a steam shovel are you my mother and the joke is right there on the cover the little guy perched on the head of the Hound asking the question are you my mother I suppose it's remained popular because even small children get the job and it's a great book for mothers because it affirms and celebrates the bond that unites a mother and her child and it's a beautiful thing one of the most beautiful things in the world I think we all believe this and it is one of the greatest consolations that a woman can enjoy that's remarkable you don't believe that you were a consolation to your mother wow that's a that's sad and it's not made it better by posting pictures on Instagram the bond is precious because it's singular and exclusive the only Fame of mother can really know is in her own household I suppose I suppose that I have just committed some form of microaggression the notion that there is a natural connection between biology and motherhood that even a child can see means that some people can never be mothers no matter how hard they try in the Bible we have a story of the first human mother it in that story we see that there is a connection made between the nature of motherhood and the name that she's given I'm thinking of Genesis 30 20 which reads a man the man called his wife's name Eve because she was the mother of all the living by the way the name Eve sounds like the Hebrew for life giver and resembles the word for living perhaps you object because Eve doesn't get the name herself not only that she's referred to as she but it gets worse she doesn't even get a choice in this matter of being the mother of all the living or even the matter of living itself yet there she is alive without her consent and filled with all that latent potency asked for or not we're not talking about microaggression here we're talking macro aggression just who gave God the right to create people without consent anyway obviously I've reduced this to absurdity this is what you're left with when you leave God behind today we're on the microaggression Express and I suspect that we will find ourselves with real physical aggression if we don't get off soon but anyone can get off the train at any time one way to do that is by considering the nature of gifts receiving things that you did not ask for can be hard that's the way that gifts can be you're given biology may seem like socks for Christmas but the world needs socks and so do you and anytime you receive a gift I mean really receive it you subject yourself to someone else's will and nature and names our gifts today we have a difficult time accepting even DNA as a given but according to the Christian faith motherhood is a gift and the name that Adam gave Eve is also a gift and according to traditional dr. got doctrine of God's transcendence God gets nothing that he needs out of this is his garage as an overflow of his goodness and it should be received with gladness given this what should we make in the title of my talk well it is possible to have too much of a good thing take wine for example scripture says that it gladdens the heart and I can testify to the truth of that but too much doesn't make you glad er just the opposite it makes you sad er ask an alcoholic or the relative of one the wine isn't essential you say but I say it is but for the sake of argument I'll concede the point and proffer another liquid let's consider water now you can live without you can't live without that but you can have too much of it people literally drown in the stuff so there's my analogy but does it really apply can to much never be toxic now I'm a child of the seventies we only had three television networks to speak of in those dark days so even short-lived television shows had large reviewer ships and some successful shows today but one of the sitcoms that ran the one of those sitcoms that ran for only one season was called hot L Baltimore the EE had burned out in the neon sign it was about a tenement house and you guessed it Baltimore and it was filled with the quirky flotsam and jetsam that you can find a places like that you know single middle-aged taxi drivers older widows starving artists those people I've been a starving artist's I know what it's like anyway one of those residents was a widow named mrs. belani and she had a grown son still in diapers named moose moose never came out of the apartment he was just a mysterious presence of store upstairs from the lobby of the hotel where most of the action and dialogue took place occasionally he could be heard stomping around a company buy a laugh track psychologists would probably say that mrs. baladi and her son had a codependent relationship considering the number of young men living in their mother's basement today I don't think that many people would chuckle at the sort of thing now but mrs. Pilate loved moose to death her nurturer was so innervating she couldn't imagine moose living without her he needed safety that and understanding and like a self-fulfilling prophecy she was right he couldn't live without her he couldn't do a thing for himself a show lasted only 13 episodes so we never get to see if moose ever comes out considering the fact that the ended 40 years ago and that moose may still be up there and mrs. bloody is likely dead moose is probably having his daily needs met by a visiting care provider now I've known mothers like mrs. Pilate and they're not just women anymore and I've seen a proliferation of moose and the not just boys and the very institution we're in right now is a kind of mother alma mater means generous mother and I think it's a fine term the university is like a mother insofar as she nurses children with knowledge but when I was young we made fun of people who never graduated Klingons was what we called them then applying that they clung to their mother skirts one goal of an education back then was getting strong enough to make it on your own but I'm not sure that's what people intend to have in these days instead we keep students safe from unwelcome opinions then they are passed on to other mothers like progressive multinational corporations that promise to take care of their employees so long as it never go home by the way those make very bad mothers often sacrificing their children on the altar of Mammon but more likely the goal is for graduates to fall into the arms of welfare state which promises to care for us cradle to grave which promises to care for us cradle to grave just so long as remember to vote for more come November but it doesn't even stop there I see men getting more nurturing even without the expense of a sex-change operation now men now men should be nurturing at times I've got no problem with that the nurturance has risen to such a high level that it's become the master virtue that all things must conform to it is as though Adam had no nature of his own as a man I can even see it clearly among clergy and ostensibly conservative denominations and in the homes of young couples where some guys lack any sense that they bring something unique to their children as fathers from what I can see they aspire to be a second mother you can say that in those homes Heather really does have two mommies even though one of them is male you going before going further let's stop to remind ourselves about a couple of biological facts none of us none of us would be here without biological parents a biological mother and a biological father for some reason there's a tendency to dismiss this as just biology I think I know the reason I think that about when I think about the factual about the fact nosaka luck let's think about the fact it's a biological motherhood for a moment women women come equipped to bare and physically nurture children there is the womb naturally we all began our lives one of those our mothers kept us safe in that space whether they intended to or not we were shielded from harsh realities they even shared food and oxygen with us I suppose you could say that this happened automatically but I don't like the sound of that because it gets things backward machines mimic humans not the other way around but most of the mothers that I have known have been very intentionally pregnant abstaining from alcohol eating right my mother told me that she quit smoking but Nadel development does not stop after birth scientists I guess I was wrong scientists have discovered that what goes on outside the room for the first few years of life looks more like what happens inside the womb than we ever knew I think that most of us assume that children appear fully formed and then just get bigger but the insistence that you can separate a child from his mother right after birth without harming the child as Socrates supposing the Republic is just wrong there are biological developments that occur in an infant that only the presence of the baby's biological mother can help facilitate and I'm not referring just to breastfeeding this is one of those instances where the fact value distinction so precious to modern thinkers proves to be untrue the value of loving nurture is inextricably tied up with the violet of the biological fact of nature but this doesn't mean that we must never separate a child from their mother the health of both a mother and a child depend upon it over time the bond between them must attenuate in a sense break it's only when that it's only then that a new and healthy bond can form and for this task a father is often essential allow me to tell you a couple of stories first story I was present before the births of my three children now in the olden days they put men in the waiting room it was a time when having a baby was like having an appendix out now I tend to be hardened hippies I confess it but there are two things that I'm grateful to them for one is the recovery of home schooling before conservative Christians jumped on the bus who is actually the hippies that had done the hard work of getting it running again and street legal and the second thing I'm grateful to them for is they brought back natural childbirth so I was there for all the grunting and the pushing in the blood and I felt positively useless I shouted the obvious push and held my wife's hand but that was pretty much it and then there was a baby then something happened each time that was very odd I was presented the umbilical cord and a pair of surgical scissors scissors I don't know how this tradition got started I suppose doctors felt bad leaving fathers with nothing useful to do that's the way many meaningful traditions begin by accident I think it's evidence that human intentions aren't the only thing that gives the gives the world meaning but I recall the first time distinctly I suspect that the doctor wasn't enthused wasn't an enthusiast for having a father in the room but it didn't matter traditions of traditions and there she was holding out the cord and the scissors and in a flash I understood and I said thank you but my thought was you have no idea what this means do you then I cut the cord I can still feel the sensation of slicing through that fleshy bond I'll never forget now for my second story my church has a pretty good-sized user and every summer for the last 15 years or so 50 or 60 of us go down to West Virginia to help little old ladies with home repair and then take their grandkids to Vacation Bible School now because we go back to the same neighborhood year after year many of our people have gotten to know the families in the community pretty well and our adults in particular have had a chance to see some of the kids transition the transition from being children to being teenagers I recall once summer some of our leaders express their disappointment that all those years of loving on the kids hadn't kept them from using drugs or getting pregnant there was even some talk about the futility of it all then a black young man showed up he was charming and bright and the whole team recognized from here from recognized him from years gone by he told us that he would be going off to college at Marshall in the fall and everyone was delighted it seemed like in at least one case all that nurture him produced the desired result but the next day he came to drop off his siblings and inform us that he wouldn't be back when asked why he said my father says I shouldn't be going down to the church to flirt with those white girls from Connecticut naturally our girls didn't know what to make of this but I smiled and I said to myself I gotta meet this guy and when I did my suspicions were confirmed he was a man and a big one kind of don't mess with and he was seated at the head of a table with his family all around like a miniature mountain over a verdant Valley and everyone looked healthy and happy he reminded me of other fathers that I've known in fact many of the healthy african-american kids that I've seen over the years have grown up with a father like that guy now I wouldn't be here today without nurtured even now when I'm hurt or sick I need it as much as anyone and as I get older I know that I'll need it more and more nurtured does its work by narrowing distances by getting close by feeling with by giving take care and shelter but I think there could be that I think that there is a too much of it today and it's become toxic the New York Times and morning consult published results of a poll on March 16th entitled snowplow parenting scandal here are some of the findings 76% of parents remind their adult children of deadlines they need to meet including school work 74% made appointments for them including doctor's appointments 15 percent of parents with children in college had text or called them to wake them up so they didn't sleep through a class a test 11% of parents of adult children have called their child's employer if he or she had an issue at work 8% of parents said they had contacted a college professor or administrator about their child's grades or problems they were having the result of all this help of course is helplessness we're raising children that can't become adults this brings me to the umbilical cords when I cut them I couldn't help but remember the Lord on the days of creation hopefully you can recall him talking about his spirit hovered over the waters of the formless void then he made a series of cuts he separated things light from darkness water from land and so forth and then he named them throughout the Bible God has said to be holy which means to set apart and every time the heavenly choir appears we hear that word over and over holy holy holy and in Genesis chapter 1 we see the creator distinctly no blurring of the lines between him and the waters he stands apart and then the boundaries multiply holiness opens space because the Lord stands apart so do you you are given your space but you're also given your nature and your name these made it possible or these make it possible for you to know others and for others to know you nature's and names are two things that we can lose when nurture goes too far when that happens distinctions get lost and things blend together it's like falling back into the waters of the formless void years ago I told my wife I have two jobs to protect you from the kids and to protect the kids from you I could see that that wounded her but I hoped it would be a healing cut today our kids are grown and healthy and my wife is now here's where my story my second story comes in judgment calls for distance and a life without judgment is a life without meaning when a judge has a conflict of interest we expect him to recuse himself if he fails to do that he compromises his judgment this sort of thing is also applied to the professor we set up 10 years of press professors don't have to fear losing their livelihoods when they teach unpopular things in my second story but my second story the father kept enough fatherly distance to exercise good judgment he used it to hold his son accountable now this could be overdone of course by Rick but you can still love your children when you judge them in fact it is a peculiar form of love we may not like boundaries and we may not like standards but they're essential for you being you and for you growing now that particular father in that story I told lived in a neighborhood that was a sea of human of insanity his boundaries were set and his kids were healthy I can't tell you the number of households and communities like that they can't say that he managed to keep this kids dry so that's my take on one of the ways that the matriarch it can become toxic and what can be done about it and here's where you get another bingo another bingo piece of course patriarchy can go bad too but you hear about that all the time thank you thank you about a half hour in you not on you've been so good at about a half-hour end you mentioned that a man could be like a mother when he acted in a nurturing way why can't we hold fathers to the standard of being kind and caring just as we expect mothers to be this seems to continue lowering the bar for men while only increasing it for women fathers shouldn't be praised for being a good parent by the people who called motherhood toxic well a couple of Corrections there we didn't refer to motherhood as toxic it was matriarchy but as a technical difference but but the I think my my talk made it clear that I was not you know writing off motherhood in any sense so I know that the other part the first picking up for the question about being caring I think it's great I think fathers should be right you said you say that it's essential for a child's development for the biological mother to be present how does adoption play into this in particular traditional adoption no need to get into LGBTQ questions I'm just respecting disrespecting the questioner also that was part of the question husband oh I was just reading the question yeah so that wasn't his commentary so anyway with regard to adoption I think adoption is a marvelous thing I have many friends with adopted children and I encourage it I was just sort of recounting for you some results of some research that had been performed on and I've got the documentation if anybody's interested in in the footnoting but it was an article that initially that that brought this attachment to me in the Wall Street Journal and it was a review of a particular book I've taken a look at the books it's solid research so essentially the research has demonstrated that what goes on in terms of the connection between a mother and infant after birth resembles in other words the kinds of development that occur in a small baby resemble the sorts of things that are going on while the child is in the womb and it continues and if that's interrupted it does harm the child I think this may be related if the biological mother is necessary for postpartum development wouldn't it be preferable that an unwanted pregnancy be terminated than in an adoption this is the line of your logic no not necessarily because if we we can we can make judgments that are graded in other words this is not always a sort of either-or situation you know sometimes there are other considerations to take and you can keep in mind and life would be one of those things that would be you know so valued that we would be willing to do our best to help this child even though there are some challenges and would you say that one of the divides this is my question is one of the divisions in our culture between those Christians who say that life is defined by God pronouncement as opposed to our pronouncement about someone's right sure that's exactly right yeah I was this question next question I was raised from birth in a loving Christian household I attended religious schools for 10 years and was the devoted Christian until the age of 16 when I found my truth through a large amount of searching I'm now what I would consider an agnostic atheist how does this transformation from a devoted Christian to an agnostic atheist through education and searching fit into your theory that atheists must be people who choose to ignore or misunderstand the Christian perspective well I didn't say that I would I what I said was that there's a certain kind of unfolding of the logic of materialism and that unfolding the illogical materialism which reduces everything to matter and energy in other words matter and energy that's it everything has to be explained within the parameters of those two those two categories so necessarily language is because this is simply a tool or it's some kind of weapon that you know for example the guy with the kazoo it's easy he's using that as a weapon and trying to interrupt you know the line of thought so no I'm not going to continue you've got a guy waiting for you regarding the the other half the question without the phone sure yeah we're going together half of the question first first of all this is a person whose story is not over I don't know where he's going to find himself down the road with regard to his intellectual journey there's women make intellectual journeys too so yeah so so but there there is a you know there are a number of people who eventually embrace the Christian faith that were they were atheist but likewise there were people who you know had professed to be Christians who end up to be a this you know thinks these things change right what exactly do you mean by matriarchy when it seems you've only been talking and arguing about an excess of motherhood that's exactly what I'm referring to is a sort of controlling approach to caring for people that precludes risk and and it's intended to help but it's by its nature it's an excess and it prevents too much of a good thing nurture right yeah and you know if you know someone came expecting a different approach I understand but that's what I was my approach wrong when two men raised a child by definition as I noted mothers are women say again women women can be mothers when they can't be mothers well I think he was making a sincere attempt to answer the question can motherhood go wrong if two men raise it in other words a gift - can two men over nurture a child yeah I said yeah sure all right should women choose to seek fame only in their household as CR Wiley says yeah that's that's not what I said how I can read it again if you'd like but it but the statement was a mother can only know Fame as a mother in her own household in other words her children honor her and respect that doesn't mean that she can't be famous outside the house for other things or whatever right the people in the house yeah no no no no her right is there a difference is there difference between nurturing and doing everything from each other well yes and a once in one sense yes of course because nurturance in in the case of doing everything for the child becomes toxic and is therefore not nurturing it ceased to be nurseries nope laughing yeah right all right thank you for speaking tonight I wanted to ask if you think that some or all women have a responsibility to the question disappeared no it's a I guess we just lost a page we just we just lost the page sorry oh here it is it's the second that's the second one down let me move down thank you for 1953 thank you for speaking tonight I wanted to ask if you think that some are all women have a responsibility to bear and raise children well some and all kind of covers everything I guess I guess there I guess the the point is this is oh is it alright for some women not to have children the answer is yes yes right my fiancee comes from a loving family and which is mother is a successful computer engineer and his father's a stay-at-home parent they are beautiful capital family and their functional stable and it raised three awesome kids would you make a clarification about what you believe regarding women being the head of the household do you have any comments on that well I believe in the biblical doctrines of male headship in a household and in that particular instance they're making some adjustments that make sense for them in that situation apparently for income reasons of a guess I'm talking about who has what job you're talking about decision making yeah yes yeah yeah I don't have any you know conviction that women can't have jobs outside the home okay did you raise your did you raise your daughter to not play outside late at night or not dress a certain way the answer to both is well when she was very small we didn't let her play outside at night yeah but my butt no there wasn't but my daughter is very bright she aced the SAT she got she was the top 1% on both the math in the and the language she's in college right now she's doing great and well she had very conservative taste I don't remember I I never spoke to her about it her mother I know probably spoke to her about clothing all right what is what is your stance what is your stance on gay marriage I don't believe in it this is my shock face what is the relation what is the relations what is the relationship between religion and patriots well it can be it can work in different ways I mean I would imagine that patriotism obviously is love of country it would particularly you know trying to serve its interests and and serve its good there are times when a particular regime may be evil and the most patriotic thing to do would be something that might not appear patriotic from the standpoint of the government's perspective but in terms of religion I think you know our religious convictions Christian convictions should encourage us to do good in - to honor those in authority in so far as we can in good conscience do you think circling the background of the demons of your talk do you think there's such a thing as toxic patriotism toxic religion oh sure yeah I I appreciate you sitting in your lecture that you wanted to have a civil discussion my question is how do you view women who decide not to have children and want a career instead are they need liquor are they neglecting their purpose in life according to you well I think that it's a it's there's a couple things I'd like to say in response to that first of all I've got many women in my church who work outside the home and do very well and have positions and different companies and things like that on the other hand one of the things that you know Plato said is what is honored in the country is practice there I've always thought that that's a very sort of accurate sort of take on why cultures and countries of societies tend to sort of see people pursuing a certain way of life they they know that this is the considered the honorable way to live and people who do not sort of follow that path are the people who don't receive the honors and since we have a longing to be regarded well and and be appreciated and and praised people tend to pursue you know this path that receives public public recognition and in our society today that that's what most people men and women are encouraged to do do you believe that in a heterosexual marriage a man should command the the you know the the situation would have to be I'd have to know what exactly we're talking about yeah he's a scientist and wanted to find out if let me rephrase the question see well let me just sort of elaborate a little bit yeah so we tend to look at marriage and households it's in our culture today very differently than people in the past did and one of the ways that we one of the reasons we do that is because the household has been reduced to basically a recreational institution it's a place where things don't really happen that are terribly important in the past before the Industrial Revolution the household was the center of economic life in the fullest sense now when you go to work and your employer says I want you to wear a hat or I need you to be here on this you know at this meeting at this time you save sure at least if you hope to keep your job and the reason you do that is because you know your livelihood and your your well-being are connected to the welfare of this enterprise you know it needs to be profitably needs to do things that it needs to do in order to you know do what it does so households in the past because they were in the center of the economy there was a dimension to household life that people today just can't identify with her most people can't identify with so it just seems like a you know bullying and controlling to to use terminology like you know command or direct or whatever in a household environment so immediately you know the the mind goes to the really the creepy controlling guy and that kind of command a wife something about crazy stuff right yeah something like that yeah as a entertainment thing as opposed to we have to get the harvest in yeah something like that right yeah when the steaks when the stakes are high that's when Authority really becomes absolutely necessary related question can you can you elaborate on the verse women be submissive to your husband and husbands protect your wives that would be Ephesians 5 presumably yeah it's not not an accurate but well I it's it's if you interpreted it within the context of what I just stated I think that it makes a you know it's easy to understand the intent of it it's it's what you have is you have a life in which the husband and wife have joined and have become one flesh they have a common life common interest common good they're pursuing this common life in a way in which it requires them to work together that's the that's the framework within which there's also a theological framework that reflects the relationship of Christ in the church you bring it down what I think the questions are getting at do you believe it would be right or healthy if a husband comes home at night and comes in the front door barking motors no it's not healthy we reached have the price and video thing three binders you plead of course you can raise the wind bingo byte by typing in all those words on your question do you believe the Bible is a literal document the literal written word of God or do you believe the Bible is a living document that represents an idea if you believe the Bible is literal work of God how do you reconcile some of the more barbaric elements of the Bible well you know that's an entire talk and they're about three different elements to what the state of they're not I believe that the Bible is God's Word barbaric elements well I think that we'd have to take a look at a particular passage I wasn't never read that verse if a man marries a transgender woman who stays home well they're not married actually so why should why should people who are not Christian subscribed to the worldview you're peddling well because it's true I mean that the it's true and there are ways to explain its truth in ways that a person who's not you know reading directly from the Bible can can relate to not accept Christianity while remaining non-christians they should become Christians if they're persuaded of the truth of it right sure okay in an ever-changing world do you find that there are problems with maintaining certain aspects of tradition example I'm mending the head of the household oh yeah it's huge challenge yeah you know the the this is where wisdom comes into play you know you try to make the best of things why is the matriarchy a problem from the development of social and economic growth well I didn't get into that and I'm not sure that I understand the question there once wishes you okay why is so I'm assuming why is may be toxic matriarchy as you discussed a problem for the development of and I I didn't I've just I've not thought about it so I can't say so we would like to thank all of you for coming I appreciate it very much thank I'd like to thank Chris
Channel: Canon Press
Views: 24,579
Rating: 4.9001312 out of 5
Keywords: Conservatives, CR Wiley, University of Idaho, CR Wiley university of idaho, CR Wiley toxic matriarchy, toxic matriarchy, CR WIley pastor, CR Wiley talk, CR Wiley interview, CR Wiley Douglas Wilson, CR Wiley Canon Press, Canon Press, Canon Calls, CR WIley Man of the House, patriarchy, matriarchy, toxic masculinity, politics, sexual by design
Id: vhJ2SDmnU1s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 8sec (3368 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 25 2019
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