The Lost Virtue of Sexism | Doug Wilson | Full Talk + Q&A

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well let me add my thing what I thought I should do given the fact that there of disagreement tonight is to begin with something where there should be widespread agreement and I hope across the board there's a large collection of behaviors toward women which no responsible person would ever want to defend I'm speaking here of misogynistic and abusive behavior rape battery molestation harassment gas lighting and so on there's a whole range of them that's not an exhaustive list that is a representative list the admittedly provocative title of my talk was not trying to provoke anyone into thinking that I came here tonight in order to defend the indefensible as represented by anything like that so when I am speaking of the lost virtue of sexism I'm not saying I'm not referring to the most horrible thing that you can think of related to the subject of sexism I think that we should all agree that that kind of abuse of women that kind of treatment of women is unconscionable so nobody's defending it nobody ought to defend it and there is no defense explicit or implicit in what I'm going to say here tonight so thus far we agree so the question would be why defend any kind of sexism if you're gonna be as reasonable as all that if you're going to say those bad things really are bad why defend any sort of sexism in the secular lexicon in the secular dictionary sexism is simply a bad thing it goes without saying so why would I undertake to defend the lost virtue of sexism should this not be considered and to be an unprovoked attack on my part disturbing the general tranquility of the Palouse this brings us to a second point of agreement but it's not like the first one I think that we can also agree that by the standards of our contemporary secular society and let me italicize that this by the standards of our contemporary secularized the Bible is a sexist book and then we can all agree on that now it's not a set if it is not a sexist book in the sense of tolerating any of the intolerable and malicious things I mentioned earlier that should be clear enough the Bible condemns that sort of thing all consistent Christians condemn that sort of thing that should be clear but it is a sexist book in some of the following ways for example wives are required to be submissive to their own husbands Ephesians 5:22 for another women are not permitted to participate in the rule of the church women are excluded from pastoral office that's the second example first Timothy 2:12 and for a third example women are barred from combat roles in the military Deuteronomy 22:5 so those are three in family government and in church government and in civil affairs the Bible makes a distinction between men and women between husbands and wives between pastors and congregate and it says that there is a sexual barrier and women cannot be pastors women cannot be the heads of their husbands and women cannot serve in combat roles so that's there are three examples there are three four instances and that's a good example of how in our secular society someone who's never read the Bible before and it's just reading along and comes across this comes across a verse like this the their response is going to be what what I thought I thought this was against the law I thought this was not right so if it is sexist to grant headship to the husband in marriage and to limit leadership in the church to qualified males and to keep women out of combat roles in the military then we can all agree there as well the Bible is sexist at least by that standard so if we have if we take that as our standard then we can agree that the Bible is a sexist book so according to the standard of modern secularism conservative Christians who accept the scriptural teaching on such things must be thought to share in the sexism alright if the Bible's the sexist book and you're talking to someone who believes the Bible you're talking to someone who holds to the Bible and says it's the Word of God then that Christian who accepts the Bible he's entailed in the sex Sesame he shares in the sexism this is because faithful Christians consider the Bible to be the Word of God the Bible is the Word of God it is like silver purified seven times Psalm Psalm 12 verse 6 the scriptures of the very exhalation of God the God breathed when when God breathes out what he breathes out is scripture 2nd Timothy 3:16 and what he breathes out in Scripture it says is profitable for training in righteousness it's profitable for training and righteousness man should not live by bread alone as Jesus testified but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God Matthew 4:4 Deuteronomy 8:3 so the Scriptures are central to the the faith and life of Christians now put these two facts together and the implication should be obvious if the Bible is a sexist book and I'm now putting scarecrow I'm now at this point putting scare quotes around sexist and the Bible is a perfect book then it must follow that there is some sense in which these purportedly sexist attitudes are actually virtuous we should endeavor to live by them now this explains why I might want to talk about the lost virtue of sexism I did not pick out a secular sin I'll put scarecrows scare quotes around sin there's as well I did not pick out a secular sin in order to arbitrarily make it into a virtue in order to tick off you guys or to make you eat your potato chips or whatever it is you rather the scripture has been our sacred book the Scriptures have have been our sacred volumes for the last two thousand years and within just the last generation or so we have found ourselves declared to be haters simply because we want to continue to live as Christians who actually believe it we believe the Bible we accept the Bible and we want to live by the Bible we want our our lives our marriages our businesses everything we do to be structured by scriptural truth now that means that we go together with the Bible and the Bible goes together with us now here's the yesBut part of the talk but this time perhaps you feel like the you perhaps you feel as though we are playing what I like to call paradigm bumper cars we began by agreeing that when a man beats his girlfriend up when a man beats his girlfriend up this is to be roundly condemned by everyone and also rigorously punished we all agree there we all agree with that we have now come to the place where our differences show I would point to the fact that I believe that women are not dishonored by the aforementioned doctrines the earlier earlier restrictions that I mentioned I don't believe that these are dishonouring to women at all but rather women are highly honored by them before explaining this however I go into it knowing that what I call honoring you might call patronizing alright I call it honor you call it patronizing by the same token there are some things that you might applaud that I would think appalling for a recent example let's take the halftime show at the Super Bowl with which which some of you yeah which some of you might consider empowering for women but which I would consider a skank vest you you you might you might you might think you might think I've I've been in that I've been in the ministry for over 40 years I've seen everything alright so you you might think you might think that women are being elevated by an activity that I would regard as degrading even though you can shinny up it a stripper pole is not the way of promotion for women I would point to the fact that the Apostle Peter said tha said that husbands were required to honor their wives first Peter 3:7 a virtuous wife is a crown to her husband proverbs 12 for not a foot scraper for muddy boots a virtuous wife has a value far beyond rubies proverbs 31:10 she is a treasure yes you might reply she's a treasure in the way that a porcelain doll might be a treasure she's an artificial treasure placed on top of an artificial pedestal that would be the response and there we are looking at one another across a chasm there are some abuses that we can all agree to call abuses everybody here would call it an abuse we can all agree to call certain things abuses but when it comes to this what I see is black you see is white and vice versa now what do we just shrug and go our separate ways do we return to our battle stations in the culture wars is it time to man the barricades again what do we do when we agree what do we do when we differ and this is one of the places where we differ all right one of the places where we differ is that the Christians I know wouldn't dream of going to an event of yours and trying to disrupt it when when whenever there's consensus or agreement whenever there's consensus or agreement it's perilously it is perilously easy for us to forget that we need to justify the standard we are using this is because the agreement if there's widespread agreement across the board this means that no one challenges us to defend the standard we apply the standard and there's Universal applause and so you never have to defend the standard that everybody agrees with when we differ when values collide when worldviews clash then we see if we insist that the other side produced their standard they insist that you produce your standard and we would insist that they produce theirs this is one of my favorite questions in these sorts of encounters and that is by what standard we're making value judgments I'm making a value judgment about certain things in our culture you're making a value judgment about the things that I'm saying and what I wanted to know is is not I what I want to know is not the judgment what I want to know is what you're standing on when you make the judgment what's under your feet not what's coming out of your mouth not what are you saying but what are you standing on what are you presupposing so by what standard by what standard I've alluded to the standard that i mapy i've alluded to the standard that i am appealing to already but allow me to make it explicit God created the heavens and the earth and all the animals and he gave mankind dominion over the earth mankind was constituted in His image and this image included the inviolable distinction the inviolable distinction I would text that in the inviolable distinction between male and female in Genesis 1:27 because he is the one who created us he has the authority to tell us how we must live which he has done in the Holy Scriptures so that's my standard I'm a Christian I want to live and I want to live and die by the Scriptures I want I want to take my stand there that's the standard that I appeal to there's there's one other thing a crucial point in the 3rd chapter of Genesis it describes how we rebelled against God's Authority and it describes how our first parents fell into sin theologians call this the fall but it might as well be called the crash since Darwin our secular culture has increasingly based everything on its own authority on the words of man so the effort so the ethical system of Christians is based on the Word of God and the ethical system of the secularists is based on the words of men the Word of God the words of men now it should be obvious it should be obvious that ethical systems are going to reflect or mirror the nature of the God of that system when you look at anyone's worldview if you look at anyone's perspective if you look at anyone's framework if you look at anyone's paradigm one of the questions you should ask is what is the what or who is the god of that system who is the god of that system now the triune god of scripture is simultaneously holy and unchanging the triune God of scripture is holy and he doesn't change he's holy and he is immutable this means that any standard that is derived from his character will also be holy and will also be unchanging this is why Christians are ethical absolutists this is why Christians are ethical absolutists it is because our God is the absolute our God is absolute he has all life within himself any ethical system based on his character is going to reflect his character gonna reflect his nature and that is why our ethical system the ten commandments are not the ten suggestions the Ten Commandments don't change the Ten Commandments are constant throughout all time so the standard by way of contrast the standard that secularism appeals to is based on the nature of mankind but the contrast here is sharp where God is holy man is unholy and where God is unchanging man is unstable like water God is holy and immutable God is holy and unchanging man is unholy and constantly in change constantly in flux so the secular standard based on the nature of the god of the system the secular standard is going to be unholy and it is going to be fickle it's going to be unholy and it's going to be fickle it's going to change and when it changes it will be what it will be from one form of unholiness to another form of unholiness because because it's based on the nature of man if you say if someone were to say for example that it sounds awesome the replies the ya know if someone would say that that sounds great I would just remind you of what people were doing in the 80s and 70s and 50s and 20s there yeah Oh killing killing Jews lynching people so this is why this is why I'm not at all concerned about declaring sexism in the sense described above to be a virtue it is currently a sin in the secular lexicon it is currently a sin in the secular lexicon but it won't be for very long ten years ago well actually probably still today you could find the number of ardent feminists who would have the same opinion about the halftime show of the Superbowl that I do but not but Mannes but man is unholy but man is unholy and he's fickle and that's going to change so then come to Jesus this is the that this is this is the this is the point I would like to finish my remarks this way and I'm eager to get to your questions the good news the good news is that reality is not optional God made the world and he made the world in the way that the world must run the way God made the world the world has to run that way we can decide that we don't want to do it that way but in our revolt against him we encountered difficulties almost immediately if he made you a woman this means that it is his will for you to live your life as a woman if he made you a man this means he wants you to live your life as a man not only so but he wants to forgive you for your sins so that you might live your life as a forgiving man so that you might live your life as a forgiving woman because well God didn't make those because because because you have been living because you've been living in a way that is contrary to his appointed standard this this this explains the this explains the this explains the acute the accumulated misery and guilt he is he is holy he is holy and if our lives are unholy he is holy and of our lives and our mouths and our speech is unholy what's going to happen if his holiness pervades the whole world if he is holy in the heavens and his holiness pervades the the whole world the whole earth is full of his glory the scripture says then of necessity we are going to be miserable if he is holy and his word is holy and his way is holy and his holiness fills the earth and we are in rebellion against that then we are going to be miserable sin sin is what we call it sin is what we call it when we fall short of God's impeccable standards fortunately and that's the nub of it right there fortunately God has made a way out for you God has made a way God has made a way out for you and this is what that way out is our sin our sins require a death penalty God told Adam that the day that he ate from the fruit of the tree in the midst of the garden he would surely die God told us through Ezekiel that the soul that sins shall die the Apostle Paul told us in Romans that the wages of sin is death there is judgment everyone here in this room is going to die every hand in this room is going to be a skeleton everyone here is going to be in the ground dead and deep and there is and there is judgment and the judgment is coming from a holy God and it's going to fall upon unholy man and unholy women because this is the penalty and I'm simply a messenger because this was the penalty death death is the penalty and because we were unable to pay that penalty in a way that was followed by a resurrection God sent His Son into the world to make sure that there was a way that was sure for us to get out Jesus was crucified and this is the heart of everything Jesus was crucified so that you and your sins could be crucified with him Jesus was crucified nailed to a cross so that you and your sins could be crucified with him Jesus was buried so that you and your sins could be buried with him and Jesus rose from the dead so that you and not your sins you and not your sins could come out of the grave Jesus rose from the dead and I'm not going to calm down this is glorious the way out is glorious Jesus rose from the dead so that you and not your sins could come back from the dead with him and in him world without end forever and ever amen so come and welcome to Jesus Christ thank you now for the fun part now for the fun part okay so your questions here pastor Doug what happens when your girl can benchpress more than you can I wouldn't have so much advice for that that guy but I would have some advice for the girl find another guy dude do you even laughed do you even do you think that a girl should be able to propose I'm assuming marriage here you mean basically what we're talking about is should it be against the law for her to prove of course not you know are we talking about customs if we're caught we're talking about customs and manners I think it is appropriate for the man to take the initiative and and propose and I don't think I don't think that it's good manners for the for the wife to for the for the for the young woman to propose all right here we go hi just wondering if you can defend what you preach without using God's Word how about some logic in order to reason I let me just say something by way of an aside I co-wrote a logic textbook I am I've taught I know so I know I'm not surprised you haven't heard of it it's it's it's kind of well but the point is if you say if you if you if you say then how about some logic instead of instead of appealing to revelation I would say okay one of the things that logic does one of the fundamental things that logic does is it presupposes things you have to presuppose the law of identity the law of the excluded middle you have to presuppose the law of non-contradiction you presuppose those you have to have axioms to start with okay so it reminds me the story of someone said I I don't need God I can just I can just figure out how to make life from I can I can figure out how to make life from all this so let me show you get me some dirt and the Christian replies get your own dirt make if you if you are on top of it you need to be able to create ex nihilo logic depends upon a lot logic is logic is axiomatic you need starting points you need a starting point you need premises you need in hypothetical syllogism if P then Q P therefore Q you need you need to have the the assumption or the structure of the axiomatic truth of modus ponens or modus tollens you can't just say I have faith and reason because where does where does this reason come from if the universe is a concatenation of atoms in motion time and chance acting on matter if I shake up a bottle of if I shake up a bottle of Mountain Dew and a bottle of dr. pepper and I put them on the turn here and when we be able to fill this this room for you to watch them debate no they're not what if I said which one is winning the debate nobody's winning is if nobody's winning the debate nobody this is what this is what's called an hear me out this is what's called an argument that this is what's called an argument it's just a chemical reaction if there is no God live this very straightforward if there is no God the thoughts in your head right now are simply what these chemicals do under these conditions under this situation and at this temperature you have no reason you have no reason for believing your thoughts to be true because all they are is a chemical fizz you have no reason to believe the dr. pepper over the Mountain Dew because it's just chemistry it's just a chemical fizz if there is no God if there is no God you are all just shaken up bottles of pop fizzing over some of you in a more agitated way than others but it's just yet well if Darwin if if if Darwin yeah yes a swanky drink okay so if yeah if so if if there is no God if there is no God then the universe is time and chance acting on matter if the universe is time and chance acting on matter then nothing that you say matters so you mentioned when we are making moral claims or moral judgments your standard is the Bible and you say that man has all these other standards and someone said well what about the standard of science why can't we get our morality from that authority instead of the Bible all right why can't we get our authority our ethical system from from science well what science does is as David Hume demonstrated you cannot get from from taught from is you can't there is no reasoning process that gets you to moral imperatives from simple indicative statements you there is no there has been no successful demonstration in philosophy of getting from an is to a naught if I say the door is closed that's an indicative statement there's no imperative implicit in that to opener or close the door so so all science can do is tell you what is science cannot tell you what ought to be you can you cannot investigate the world and find out how the world ought to be it's just not there what if someone were to say well what about the survival of the species you know it's survival of the fittest and we should just build our morality on the species as a whole continuing on yeah if someone if someone said we should we should build an ethical system based on the survival of the species the counter would be why shouldn't I build a moral system based on something more tilting something closer to home like the survival of me oh it's it sounds it sounds like selfishness is bad in your system right why is why is selfishness bad a hundred years from now a hundred years from now if I live as long as I can if I fight for the if I fight for the survival of me and I extend my life as long as I possibly can and then a hundred years from now it's all nothing we're all dead it doesn't matter right why should I care about the species unless I'm created in the image of God I care about the species I do care about the species because the speeds of the human race all of you and everyone around the world bears the image of God but if in your system the whole human race is nothing but ugly bags of mostly protoplasm if that's what you are then there's no real reason not to kerosene the whole not to kerosene the whole anthill thanks people are dying to know does Jesus have nipples could you answer that one real quick of course of course he does this says hey Doug I get you've got a hard crowd but the society that the Bible was written in influenced the Bible and shouldn't we take that into consideration so I'm guessing this person is saying the Bible is written in this patriarchal world it's morals are we've you know it's 2020 man that we've moved beyond that how would you interpret that okay let me that that is a an outstanding question that's a very good question if we're if we're going to the scriptures and I want to know how do I know that the Apostle Paul when he wrote Ephesians let's say wasn't just trapped by greco-roman cultural expectations or when when Moses gave us the book of Deuteronomy he wasn't limited by ancient middle-eastern customs and so on one of the things I would like to point to is that in Scripture the people who the apostles and prophets the people who gave us the scriptures showed a far more marked tendency to go against the current of their culture than some of the people here this evening are showing in drifting along with their culture yeah right that's that's me representative of modern day America yeah that's me all over I fit right in [Laughter] he is laughing at you [Laughter] all right this says hey Doug I get what you're saying but also God in the Old Testament is very different than the New Testament okay so that's just a statement could you just a statement yes expand on it so God is God the same I would say I believe as do all Orthodox Christians that God revealed his character nature will gospel over the course of centuries so I do believe in progressive revelation more of God's truth is revealed the farther along we go so I'm I'm happy to say that God reveals more of his character we know more about God's character by the end of Ephesians than we do by the end of Genesis I think that's very true but everything is consistent so everything that we learned subsequently is sometimes surprising but it always fits with what went before all right so the we don't have we what we don't have is the common the common assumption that people make is well the God of the Old Testament is a god of Wrath and the god of the New Testament is a God of love well not exactly in the God of the Old Testament was a god of Wrath and love but largely measured in temporal terms the god of the New Testament is a god of Wrath and love largely measured in eternal terms so the doctrine of judgment the doctrine of hell judgment lake of fire that's a New Testament doctrine not an Old Testament doctrine so what we have is the New Testament accentuates and underscores what the Bible teaches in the Old Testament but doesn't contradict it yeah so here's kind of a follow up to that so says in your three statement you cited Deuteronomy which is in the Old Testament particularly in reference to not letting woman women in armed conflict and says since Jesus came to fulfill the law and we now see the kingdom of God in the Holy Spirit should this reflect a change in how we should view women in that facet much is how we are no longer subject to the law of Moses so are you just picking and choosing which laws from the Old Testament to apply today and how what is your standard for applying those so this and this is a debate that Christians have among themselves but one of one school of thought and this is the one I'm representing holds that the Old Testament is not the Word of God emeritus the Old Testament is not the Word of God put out to pasture or the Word of God retired but we do believe that the Old Testament so we have we believe the Old Testament applies unless the New Testament says that it's fulfilled at a particular place and we don't have to do that anymore so the Old Testament system was a system where animals were sacrificed at the temple and Jesus is the fulfillment of that he was sacrificed once for all on the cross and so Christians no longer offer blood sacrifices they don't offer the blood of bulls and goats or sheep because the New Testament says don't do that anymore but if the Old Testament says something and the New Testament says nothing about it my operating assumption is that it's still operative thanks it says what are some practical ways that we can counteract current culture and honor women according to the Bible one of the things you have to do if you give your Christian and you want to honor women the way the Bible says to honor women one of the things you have to do is you have to be prepared for a lot of hostility you have to be prepared for people who don't want to listen at all to what you say you have to be prepared to deal with people who who you have to deal with people who don't want you to finish your sentences you have you have to deal with you um you have to deal with people you have to deal with people who do not know how to conduct a sustained discussion or argument and they're going to dismiss you if you want to live like a Christian who honors your wife who honors your sister's who honors your daughters and you want to do that according to scriptural valuation you have to do you have to be prepared to swim upstream and you have to be prepared to deal with a lot of misrepresentation Thanks you said that if God made you a man he wants you to live as a man if God made you a woman he wants you to live as a woman what would you say to someone who you know they were born one way biologically but you know they're xx but they're feeling like their gender identity is fluid or something else and they're confused about that how would use would couldn't they just say God made me like this how would you respond to that no I would say that the gender dysphoria is a function of the fall it's a function of our sinful condition we should not we should not do anything based on how we feel I think we need to I think we should look at what the objective reality is so if someone's X X chromosomes if someone's X Y they should take that as God's assignment that's how God wants you to live Thanks so if someone at the at the end you made this appeal saying Jesus is the only way that we can have our sins forgiven that we can actually know how to live as a man or a woman so let's say someone is someone says yeah I repent I can see these ways that my manhood or my womanhood is deficient according to my feelings where would you point them in Scripture as far as okay this is God's plan for you if you let's just say if you're a man what is kind of your mission from God if you are a man the thing I would let's say you have someone who's coming out of who was bought into the whole secularist project who bought into the sexual revolution and let's say that person is converted to Christ they've become a Christian but they still have all their education behind them all their assumptions and they come to me and say what do I do about how can I be transformed by the renewing of my mind as Paul says in Romans 12 how how can I be transformed by the renewing of my mind the way you do that is if you wanted to learn how to speak Spanish the best way to do it is to move to Spain and go the immersion route just are just full full immersion in the same way if you want to learn how to speak Bible start reading your Bible just get into it don't don't look up this versed in that verse and the other verse trying to cherry-pick your way to a biblical understanding of masculinity I would say the whole framework of your life has to be jacked up and you have to have a foundation poured underneath it and you do that by starting I would recommend a new Christian read the New Testament start Matthew 1:1 read the New Testament a couple of times and then go to Genesis 1:1 and read the entire Bible a couple of times and then the last time through write down questions say okay given where I came from given all the stuff I've learned over the course of my life how would the Bible that I've read a few times challenged me or interact with me on those points that's what I'd recommend Thanks can you talk about how does pornography honor women or does it degrade them what does the Bible have to say about pornography I we're on a college campus I'm guessing a lot of people in this room use pornography what would you say to them and how that relates to two women I would say yes absolutely pornography is degrading to women insulting to women I believe that it doesn't empower them at all it fuels a lot of a lot of the things that we that I started off saying we all agree on the abuse and mistreatment of women a lot of young men are catechized in how to mistreat a woman by pornography it's a cat a cat method of instruction and I believe that it is degrading vile contemptuous of women and I don't think it's enabling or empowering at all same thing can you talk about if a Christian if someone's a Christian and they are they're tempted to look at pornography how would you encourage them to steer away from this if you're saying it's a sin it's a vice how would you steer someone out of that sin one of the ways one of the ways I would encourage Paul Paul says in Corinthians that it's better to marry than to burn with passion so one of the problems in our culture is pornography is everywhere pornography is ubiquitous so it used to be in the you know half a century ago if you wanted to get porn yet to go to the wrong side of town and you had to risk social disgrace yet now now everybody now everybody is walking around with access to all you know pornography all over the world in their pocket right so cut so consequently what you have to what you have to recognize is that if you are living as a young Christian male in this world today and you're older let's say you're 28 I'll quote my father on this my father says if you're a young Christian man who's 28 years old and maybe he says 27 and you're not married yet then find out her name and go ask propose here's a question if I don't interpret the Bible literally am I still a Christian all right on interpretation of the Bible it it's a mistake to think that conservative Bible believing Christians interpret the Bible literally the I want to interpret the Bible naturally which means that I want to interpret it the way it presents itself to be interpreted so for example when when Luke's in when when Luke says in the first part of Luke that öthey offal aside I went and researched all this I talked to I talked to a bunch of eyewitnesses and here's my faithful account Luke is presenting it to us as a faithful historical narrative so I take it as a faithful historical narrative when the Bible says the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want he makes me lie down in green pastures I don't I don't believe that in order to be a good Christian you have to go find a green pasture and lie down in it right when Jesus says I am the one yeah it's not a sin to lie down in a green pasture but it's not required it's not mandated by Psalm 23 when Jesus says I am the door you don't have to look for a doorknob so if that's what you mean by taking literally no Christians don't take the Bible literally but I am a biblical absolutist if the Bible reveals an apartment if the Bible reveals an apocalyptic image as in the book of Revelation I take it as an apocalyptic image if it presents a poem I take it as a poem if it presents a historical chronicle I take it as a historical chronicle and I believe all of it thanks this is the Bible says that there is neither Greek nor Jew slave nor free male nor female doesn't this support in a Galit Aryan worldview no that's an that's in Galatia that's in Galatians and it's not talking that it's talking about position in Christ and it's absolutely correct that tall short black white slave free male/female has absolutely no relevance when God comes to judge you on the day of judgment so the only the only question that will matter at that point is whether you're in Christ or not whether you've repented of your sins or not if you've repented of your sins and turn to Christ then you are found in Christ at the last day and it makes no difference if you're Jew Creek slave free male/female which is what Paul is talking about in in Galatians there do you want answer that the standards all different what's with standards oh because the the gospel does does not alter social relationships so the no the button the Bible the fact the fact that yeah I need I need more practice trying to talk over hecklers right yes what's wrong with you what's wrong with you make yourself clear I can't hear you cuz I'm talking so loud if if you have so for example ELISA of a Christian wife and a non-christian husband the Christian wife is saved the non-christian husband is lost right so her standing before God at the last day she's gonna be found in Christ and he's not going to be so that's their standing in Christ that's equality before God equality of the Day of Judgment it's not the same thing as the social relationship of husband to wife or employer to employee or king to subject so the Bible the Bible is not revelant when the when the Bible talks about social relationships of Kings and subjects husbands and wives masters and servants well it's not revolutionaries not trying to overturn those things what it's doing is saying remember you have it's for example it says in Ephesians two two masters remember you have a master in heaven you you have to remember that you're under his authority you have to do what he says thanks this says hey Doug what if a woman doesn't want to get married or have kids I think she should yeah tell us more Doug God built us a certain way God if this goes back to God this this goes back to the one of the points I made in the talk is that God we all exhibit a creational design we all exhibit a creational design and if that design if that design is interrupted by the Providence of God let's say a a woman is infertile and can't have children or she is remains unmarried even though she would love to have been married she's not there's no sin in that there's no problem with that but her desire to be married her desire to be a mother is a good and godly and righteous desire yeah if I could restate the question am i saying that it's sinful well I want everybody to hear it so the question is am i saying that it's sinful for someone to refuse marriage when she has the option of marriage or to refuse motherhood went by artificial you know contraception her work whatever everything would depend on why all right why is she refusing if you if you just don't feel like it then I think that that's resisting God's creational design yeah I wouldn't dismiss what you're saying out of hand I'd want to talk I'd want to talk to someone who says so for example my mom my dad met my mom when she was the missionary in Japan she went to Japan after the war as she was the principal of a Bible College for women she was a single missionary in her 30s in Japan that's what she wanted to do with her life that's what she was planning on doing their life and I have no basis for complaining about anything like that no wasn't either now since we've gotten to that level yeah all right hey Doug this says what if I'm gay and believe God made me that way are you saying that I'll go to hell even if I'm saved what if someone lied before they died wouldn't they go to hell too okay there's there's two there's two questions there one at the tail end if someone commits a sin right before they die everything it it is dependent upon whether the person is genuinely a Christian Christians are forgiven for their sins Christians are not people who are sinlessly perfect so you you don't come to Christ you don't come to Christ in order to clean yourself up so yeah if a Christian stumbles of a Christian sins and then before they confess their sin but they're really a Christian they get hit by a truck yeah they go to heaven and that includes yeah that includes sexual sin that includes and that would include sexual sin of heterosexual kind and homosexual kind but if someone says I know what the Bible says and I want to embrace a homosexual identity contrary to what the Bible says then that's high rebellion against God and the person is not going to be saved Thanks all right this is kind of a political question it says if you are conservative then you would support the Constitution the Constitution has separations of church and state as a guarantee do you support the separation of church and state yes that's a good that's a wonderful question because I'd like to pop a bunch of bubbles here on this one I absolutely believe in the separation of church and state this separation church and state is a Christian development a Christian invention it is a good thing entirely entirely a good thing I am prepared I I'm prepared to I'm prepared to lead a bunch of cheers for the separation of church and state but that's not the same thing I hasten to add as advocating the separation of morality and state right separation of church and state church is one form of government state is another so when the Constitution was adopted when the Constitution was adopted in 1789 the First Amendment prohibited Congress it said Congress shall make no law concerning the establishment of a religion what they did not want was the Church of the United States the way there's a Church of Denmark or Church of England they didn't want a federal church and nor do i right can you imagine those look what they've done to everything else can you imagine what they do to the theology so I don't want I don't want a Church of the United States but when but when well when the Constitution was adopted the states that ratified the Constitution 9 of the 13 colonies at that time had established denominations Christian denominations as part of their tax supported base in those states now I don't think that was a good idea I'm not supportive of that but it wasn't an unconstitutional idea because the only entity that can violate the First Amendment is Congress Congress shall make no law right now Connecticut Connecticut kept the Congregational Church as their established Church down into the 1830s it wasn't it wasn't unconstitutional thanks alright just a couple more here it says what is your what your goal made it longer than I thought what is your goal and we have run everybody yeah what is your goal in presenting this talk to a primary primarily secular audience of college students so why do your brought why bring your religion stuff to this campus Jesus told us in at the at the end of the Gospel of Mark Jesus says preach the gospel to every creature preach the gospel to every creature in the Great Commission at the end of Matthew he says all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me therefore go disciple the nations baptizing them teaching them to obey all that I've commanded so I have a responsibility as a Christian minister and apologist and evangelist I have a responsibility to tell people about Jesus so I wanted to have an event like this so that you would come to it so that I could talk to you about Jesus so that I could invite you to come to Christ so that I could tell you that it's possible for your sins to be forgiven including the sins of rudeness and harassment and heckling Thanks why don't we close with this will you just give a final exhortation for people who have ears to hear one to the men what you know God asks to them and one to the women kind of a final exhortation for what it looks like to live as a man and a woman in this cultural moment right now in this in this moment I would encourage all the men who want to live like Christian men to submit themselves to the Word of God and recognizing that submitting themselves to the Word of God means respecting and honoring women according to the Word of God not according to the standards of our culture so I would tell I would tell you young men I would tell old men to to stand up be a stand-up guy respect women don't use porn don't cheat on your wife don't part dissipate in all the things that that this culture is making easy for you to participate in be the kind of bait I would tell young men become be the kind of man that the kind of woman you would want to marry would want to marry and I would say the same thing to the young women when I would say to the young women you want to not settle you want to hold out for the kind of man who will treat you right so one of the things that I would I would encourage young women to do and I this has played out many times I think it's probably played out in your experience many times where some friend of yours has a boyfriend who treats her like dirt and he does it over and over and over again and then they break up and you breathe a sigh of relief you're you know you're thanking you're thanking the Lord man I'm not superstitious so she has this um she has this boyfriend who broke up with her everybody knows her and loves her breathes a sigh of relief and then a few months later they get back together again and everybody groans OH what they what are you doing and someone said talks to her why did you get back together with him and she says because I love him and the Bible doesn't say that you're supposed to love him you're supposed to have respect him do you respect him and she you say that client that clown I don't eat he treats me he treats me like dirt how can I respect them but I'm attached to him well the Bible the Bible tells men to love their wives it tells wives to respect their husbands and I believe that men should learn how to love their wives and I believe that wives should learn how to respect and honor their husbands and I believe that this sorry planet would be a whole lot better off if people started doing that if you don't mind I'm gonna take a few seconds and ask God's blessing on your head father in heaven we thank you for this evening we thank you for all that you've given to us we thank you for how this went and I pray father that everyone here would go out with a sense of your presence in Jesus name Amen
Channel: Canon Press
Views: 84,199
Rating: 4.7330689 out of 5
Keywords: philosophy, feminism, free speech, philosophy tube, education, the school of life, sexism, christian, bible, canon press, doug wilson, douglas wilson, the lost virtue of sexism, college, social justice, SJW, sex, christian sexism, sexist, sexist christian, sexual by design, christianity, social justice warriors, social justice warrior, bible study, sexual revolution, christian sexuality, sexual, by design, biblical sexuality, sex and the bible, sexuality and gender, moscow idaho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 18sec (3498 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 08 2020
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