Tour of the Garden Tomb and Golgotha

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you I'm Brian Johnston a pastor of gospel a Baptist Church here in Richmond Hill Ontario and we're delighted to be able to bring this a time tonight and to be able to take a little tour of the garden tomb and of gal Gotha and have some of that explained to us I was privileged to be able to visit the Holy Land myself a few years ago and my wife and I and we had a great time certainly on that trip but tonight as a part of this Bible study time I want to be able to show you this video with a friend of mine giving an informal tour but but an informative tour kind of explaining a little bit about Golgotha and also the garden tomb I thank God our saviors not there anymore so there's no proof of that but he has risen and what a blessing it is that we have a risen Savior can listen to this video listen to this tour explaining the garden tomb and I think you'll be blessed to learn some things about where our Savior died for us and he rose again okay welcome to the garden tomb this is a picture taken in 1900 you can see this what is called skull a hill often people consider this area right here to be the skull now let me show you the actual one there's a bus stop built in front of it here let me give you four evidences from the Bible that talk about the area where Jesus was crucified and how this area agrees to it first of all skull hill John chapter number 19 verses 16 to 18 says then Pilate delivered Jesus to them to be crucified they took and led him away and he bores cross bearing his cross went out to a place called the place of a skull which is in Hebrew Golgotha and Jesus was crucified a place called Golgotha now the reason it's called skull hill is because it's ronda's like the top of your head but there is a face on the front that does look like a skull 2,000 years ago would have been a lot deeper in front by about 30 feet so the hill would have looked a lot different we are in King Solomon's quarry we are north of the old city let me come up here and I'll show you down to the old city wall here you can see the old city wall over there that's the south end of the quarry where that wall is right now it was also in the same place 2,000 years ago so we are in the place of the skull we are outside the city gates the Bible says Jesus suffered outside the gates Hebrews chapter number 13 says that John 19 says he went out and he left the city so another area we're along a major road yes even this picture from 1900 there was one road here in front however if this is Golgotha the main road would have been out over here on the other side of these buildings Damascus Gate is right over this direction and there is a main road the Damascus Road that goes north right past the garden so in the place of the skull outside the gates along a road there is a garden John 19 41 in the place he was crucified there was a garden no this is a garden right here in the center of the garden right out in front of the tomb there is a winepress or a great press that's - its first century Roman winepress so this was a Garden on 2,000 years ago so is this the place where Jesus was crucified well nobody knows for sure because everything's buried nobody really knows they didn't mark it Rome when they would crucify would dig a hole in the ground drop across in execute the person and then go off on their own this section right here you can see over here I see that little lean-to there it's kind of hard with all the trees there but that section right over there right over in this area see my fingers not showing it there right this section right here in there 22 and a half feet down is the last archaeological dig done in 2006 they dug down 22 and a half feet the found the love of the garden from 2,000 years ago so we're at least 22 feet above in this section of the ground level from 2000 years ago so they say I walked where Jesus walked well only if you're walking on the third floor we're way up the hill you can see this to skull Hill there does is right at the top two thousand years ago add another thirty feet or so to the top and this would have been a pretty good sized Hill on the horizon now what exactly is Golgotha it's not just a place on the map it's an event the event is the crucifixion of Jesus Christ the Son of God John the Baptist said behold the lamb of God which takes away the sin of the world pasta Paul called Jesus the Passover lamb he died at Passover he was executed because he laid down his life and gave himself was willingly done by him he was not a failed politician he knew why he was going to Jerusalem he told the disciples that he was going to die everything that happened was was already determined was already planned out by God and so Jesus was not just caught in a bad situation he allowed everything to happen father allowed everything to happen so Golgotha which means in Hebrew and Aramaic skull we have the word Calvary which means skull in Latin Calvary or Golgotha is the place of what it's the place where Jesus Christ the Son of God made a way back to God the Father so we can have peace with God the Father by the sacrifice the shed blood of the perfect Passover lamb of Jesus Christ he was a king he died for the sins of his people King had the right people say well why should I believe in Jesus he is he dies for his own sins well no he didn't the Bible said he was perfect but plus he wasn't just dying for herself he was the king of the Jews and Jewish understanding is the king has the right to take the sins of a nation on him and to suffer for the sins of the people that's exactly what Jesus did as King of the Jews he and also as as our Lord is our king he died for the sins of all mankind and it happened where happened outside the gates of the place of a skull along a road next to a garden and here we are at a place of the skull in that area so is this the Golgotha it could be most important thing though is Jesus you take Jesus out of this the only thing you have here is an ugly hill I'm a smelly bus stop that's it leave Jesus here in this place you have a place to remember Hebrew says to consider Jesus jesus said what at the Passover Seder the night before he was crucified he said to his disciples as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup he said what he said do this in remembrance of me so Jesus wanted to be remembered most important thing here is to remember the crucifixion of Jesus is this the place it could be is it a special place yes but if you forget Jesus and his death then you've missed the whole purpose of this what he did needs to be considered looking unto Jesus the Bible says the author and the finisher of the faith he cried out on Calvary it is finished so at the place of the skull he said it's finished this is the place of the skull representative of 2000 years ago Jesus Christ died on the cross and finishing it all I will head over towards the tomb and it'll be on a little break alright else and I'm now down in front of the tomb I've come down approximately 10 or 15 feet from the level I was at this is the lowest part of the garden this is the ground level this area around has never been excavated this was found in 1867 this is an example of a rolling stone things changed a lot here right here there's a massive massive stone for an arch stone somebody built a building in front of this you can see above that little window see that little nefesh window there you can see or one of the one of the arches connected there is another one over there you can see some of the places for the roof Timbers to go so the question is is what about this tomb is this too the place where Jesus was buried let's talk about it real fast Bible says it said it was in a garden the winepress is just behind me I'll show picture that in a little bit so we're outside the gates along a road in the place of the skull in a garden there's a tomb here cut out of the rock this is not a cave this was made by man Bible says Joseph of Arimathea cut out a tomb that was in a garden so the question is is are we and Joseph Arimathea is garden I in front of the tomb the Bible says there was a rolling stone you can see the rolling stone track here Bible says that the door in front of the tomb or into the tool or the entrance was small now this is a larger one many reasons why but they believe the original size was right about here about three feet high what does that have to do with anything the Bible says that it was a small door because John and Mary Magdalene had to bend down and look inside in this entrance was smaller before this is a wealthy persons to Joseph of Arimathea was very wealthy this is their plan the Bible says you can see the burial place from outside if I come up to the door I don't know if it will focus because they have the great here but now you can see there's the burial place right there you can see that from outside just like the scripture says that is significant because most tombs like this you cannot see the burial place unless you are actually down inside the tomb and it's not on the right it's in the back but this one here is on the right Bible says that they saw two mary magdalene saw two men seated one on the headed one at the head and one at the feet this was a stone bench tool I'll show you when we go inside and look the bodies were not laid on the floor they were laid on stone slabs that are about waist high there were two of them the Bible also says that when that is significant because if Jesus had been buried in a typical first century tomb which was a tomb of crypts crypt is like in the morgue only about two feet high two feet wide and maybe eight feet there's no place to sit at the head and the feet plus you couldn't see the angel at the head and the feet if you're standing outside because a little tunnel into the wall so it has to be a large stone bench to him exactly like this one also the Bible says when Mary and the ladies went in when they came early in the morning and found the stone rolled away the angel said why do you seek the living among the dead now that's interesting among the dead I'm seated over the top of a tomb right now you can't see it's underneath me there's a tomb right here there's a tomb right there there's a tomb in the back behind this one the catacomb system of tombs there are 400 tombs in this area this is a burial area this is among the dead nobody lived here until about 40 AD when that this area became inside the city walls when they extended the wall at the time of Jesus this would have been a garden it would have been outside the gates and it was a paradise of a skull yes where along a major road yes we're in a garden yes the tomb cut out of the rock yes there's a private tomb wealthy man's to load or rolling stone right side burial stone benches to sit on you can see the burial place from outside and it's among the dead those are 13 evidences from the scripture there's not one detail in Scripture that discounts or disproves this tomb with all that we cannot say 100% for sure that this is the tomb where Jesus was laid in because we're missing one thing we're missing the body and amen to that Romans 1:4 says that Jesus Christ is declared a proven to be the Son of God how by the resurrection from the dead so what is the garden well the garden is representative of the gospel according to first Corinthians 15:1 through 4 the gospel is three things that is the death of the burial and the resurrection you take Jesus out of this place you have an ugly hill the smelly bus stop pretty garden in a hole in the rock leave Jesus here and you have a perfect representation of the death the burial and resurrection as the most important thing you go back to the story of the crucifixion you even see the gospel in that jesus was crucified between two thieves one on the left and one on the right initially they both mock and laughed at him but one of them had a complete 100% turnaround and his heart in his mind and he actually rebuked the other thief he said do you not fear God this man has done nothing wrong we deserve this death Jesus he said Lord when you enter into your kingdom remember me now we call that the gospel they say well what do you mean well Jesus looked at it I said today I'll be with me in paradise you have John 1:12 but as many as received him that's what the this what the thief did to them gave he power to become the sons of God even to them that believe on his name you have Romans 10:13 whosoever shall call upon the Lord shall be saved you're believing receiving and calling we see the gospel they're what we call the gospel the Bible calls of the death burial and resurrection that's the plan that's the Ministry of Jesus as the reason why he came this garden is about that this tomb very well it could be we don't know if it is it would be intellectually dishonest to say that it is a hundred percent yes we know that because we don't know that because we don't have a body if we come inside here this is the weekly chain on the left we had to stuck with the walls because people actually came in here last year with chisels and hammers and broke out superstitious people I won't tell you where they're from but very superstitious people you used to be able to see here in the wall you can't really see it anymore but there was an evidence here of a table you can still see a little bit of the indentation but there was a table here that would have been a place here for for preparation or a place to sit now this gate is normally locked I'll come inside here this is the burial area here there were two there was one here the few bodies were not laid on the floor that's too small the bodies would have been laid on stone slabs that been sitting on this ledge here this one over here if this is the tomb of joseph of arimathea then the body laid right here it's seven feet long from this section here to right there well two meters and twenty about seven feet long plenty of room for an adult male to lay the Mary Magdalene saw an angel one seated at the head and one of the feet or the other direction doesn't matter and then that can be seen from outside it's also on the right-hand side when we came in we look to the right and here's the burial place there is a cross here this is a Byzantine cross it's in Greek as listos and then we have two capital letters Alpha and Omega first the last beginning in the end that's 1700 years old I was put there probably the beginning of the fourth century sometime so this is tumors got an awful lot of history in it there's a lot of things I could tell you that are very interesting a lot of it is hearsay or not hearsay it's just it can't be proven but there is evidence that people other people did believe this is the place where Jesus was laid based on the catacombs which are just on the other side of this wall and this wall right here but anyways the point is is that it does agree to the scripture but the most important thing is is it represents the death the burial and the resurrection of Jesus Christ this is the garden tomb this is what we tell people when people come in we talk about Jesus Christ crucified buried and risen from the dead I've preached to thousands and thousands of people we've seen a lot of people receive the Lord as their Savior I've seen a lot of people get mad a lot of people yell and scream at us a lot of people scoff it doesn't matter everybody has their own reaction we don't we're not ought to prove this is the place we're out to show Jesus Christ the Ministry of Jesus as represented by this place so Ellison come visit us sometime in the garden tomb I'll take you up here real fast as welcome as you see I'm climbing up out of the area in the garden tomb you can see ohm how high we are I can't get over there it's all blocked off but if I'm to come on the winepress probably there before that but it's at least 2000 years old and you come on up here and if you look down at the tomb you can see how high we are above there's the tomb down there when they found it it was buried to this level buried under approximately 12 to 15 feet of dirt so there's a little bit of a garden here this is called the Grove a lot of pretty trees here they're flowering as it's April 12th today we have two olive trees here from Galilee they were planted here about three years ago they've transplanted this one's about 450 years old and this one here is also about 450 years old so they've been in reason is so we can get our message back out so again thank you for wanting to see this I hope it's a little bit of a blessing you understand a little bit more about what the garden tomb is talk to you later I'd like to talk to you for just a few moments about justice and mercy justice and mercy in John chapter 19 verses one two three the Bible says then Pilate therefore took Jesus and scourged him and the soldiers platted a crown of thorns and put it on his head and they put on him a purple robe and said hail King of the Jews and they smote him with their hands the Romans were known for giving people justice in their courts innocent people were to receive injustice so that all of us could receive mercy in John chapter 19 verses 4 to 6 the Bible says this Pilate therefore went forth again and saith unto them behold I bring him forth to you that ye may know that I find no fault in him then came Jesus forth wearing the crown of thorns in the purple robe Pilate saith unto them behold the man when the chief priests there for an officer saw him they cried out saying crucify him crucify him Pilate saith unto them take him and crucify him for I find no fault in him if we receive justice if you and I receive the judgment and Punishment received what we deserved then we'd have to die for our sins for our iniquity we're almost 3:23 says for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God Romans 6:23 says for the wages of sin is death do you understand that if you and I got justice if we received what we deserved then that would mean the second death for us it would mean hell in the lake of fire but Jesus died on the cross for us so that we could receive mercy you see Jesus suffered injustice he had done no wrong he had done no sin he didn't deserve to die but he took an injustice he died on the cross so that we could have mercy a mother once approached Napoleon seeking a pardon for her son the Emperor replied that the young man had committed an offense twice that he was guilty and that justice demanded death as the punishment the mother cried but I don't ask for justice I plead for mercy Napoleon replied but your son does not deserve mercy sir the mother cried it would not be mercy if he deserved it but mercy is all I asked for well then the Emperor said mercy is what you asked for and mercy is what I will give and Napoleon spared the life of that woman's son who deserved justice who deserved death for the wrongs that he had done you know we all deserve death for our sins against the holy God that would be just but he gives mercy to those that are willing to ask for it Jesus did nothing wrong justice for him would have been to be released to be set free but he willingly chose to suffer and die unjustly so that we could receive merci listen to what the Bible says in John 19 verses 6 through 11 the Bible says they're beginning in verse 6 when the chief priests therefore and the officer saw him they cried out saying crucify him crucify him Pilate saith unto them take him and crucify him for I find no fault in him the Jews answered him we have a law and by our law he ought to die because he made himself the Son of God when Pilate therefore heard that saying he was the more afraid verse 9 and he went again into the judgment Hall and saith unto Jesus when chart thou but Jesus gave him no answer then saith Pilate unto Him speakest thou not unto me knowest thou not that I have power to crucify thee and a power to release thee verse 11 jesus answered thou could us have no power at all against me except it were given thee from above therefore he that delivered me unto the half the greater sin I want you to consider for a moment how Jesus suffered for us what he endured for us what he went through for us in John chapter 19 and verse 1 it says then Pilate therefore took Jesus and scourged him scourge him the scourging or the whip or the the cat of nine tails it was a whip with several lashes of leather at the end of it oftentimes maybe with bones or little rocks or glass or sharp sharp objects that would be tied to those tails at the end of the whip and the soldiers could take that whip and just wrap it around a man's body and then pull very hard on it and just rip and tear at the flesh of a man and turn him into a bloody pulp that was the scourging that Christ endured and suffered for you and me in John chapter 19 and verse 2 it says in the soldiers platted a crown of thorns and put it on his head and they put on him a purple robe they made a crown of thorns and they pushed it down upon the skull of Jesus they put a purple royal robe on Jesus imagine how the torn and bloody flesh then would have stuck to that robe when later he would have that robe ripped off of him John chapter 19 and verse number 3 says that they said hail King of the Jews and they smote him with their hands now they're crying out King of the Jews was not one of adoration it was one of if they smote him with their hands they slapped Jesus they they would punch him in the face repeatedly Jesus's face would have been so bruised and so bloody and so swollen swollen and his body so mutilated that you could not have even recognized him why did all these unjust things happen to Jesus may I say it was so that you and me could receive mercy Jesus was treated in justly he didn't deserve any of this it wasn't just for him justice would be for us to die for our sins justice would be for us to be punished for our sins but Jesus suffered injustice dying on the cross in our place so that you and I could have mercy other places in scriptures it tells us that the soldiers they spit on Jesus they they grabbed fistfuls of his beard and they ripped it from his face we cannot even begin to fully imagine all the pain and all the suffering and all the injustice that Jesus endured so that we could be parted so that we could be released and set free from the penalty of sin so that we could receive mercy instead of justice I want you to listen again as I read from John chapter 19 beginning in verse 4 the Bible says Pilate therefore went forth again and saith unto them behold I bring him forth to you that ye may know that I find no fault in him then came Jesus forth wearing the crown of thorns and the purple robe and Pilate saith unto them behold the man when the chief priests there for an officer saw him they cried out saying crucify him crucify him Pilate saith unto them take him and crucify him for I find no fault in him the Jews answered him we have a law and by our law he ought to die because he made himself the Son of God and Pilate therefore heard that saying he was the more afraid and when again into the judgment Hall and under Jesus when's art thou in other words where did he come from who are you but Jesus gave him no answer then saith Pilate unto him speakest thou not unto me knowest thou not that I have power to crucify the inner power to release thee jesus answered thou could us have no power Daleks against me except it were given thee from above therefore he that delivered me unto thee half the greater sin and from thence for a Pilate sought to release him but the Jews cried out saying if thou let this man go thou art not Caesars friend whosoever maketh himself a king speaketh against Caesar the Pilate therefore heard that saying he brought Jesus forth and sat down in the judgment seat in a place that is called the pavement but in the Hebrew gabbatha and it was the preparation of the Passover in about the sixth hour and he saith unto the Jews behold your king but they cried out away with him away with him crucify him Pilate saith unto them so I crucify your king the chief priests answered we have no king but Caesar the Son of God was rejected the king of kings and Lord of lords was rejected the people were forced to make a choice and they chose to reject Jesus Christ you know that everyone today is still making that choice they're making a choice either to believe on Jesus or to reject Jesus we may sometimes sing about or talk about the death and the resurrection of Christ so much that we start to just take it for granted verse 16 it says then delivered he them therefore unto them to be crucified and they took Jesus and led him away do we sing songs like the old rugged cross they were saying when I survey the wondrous cross on which the Prince of glory died do we sing these songs about his death in his resurrection and they just become routine to us that we don't really think about the words of the songs we don't really think about how our Savior suffered for us on Calvary and suffered for us there at Golgotha and what he endured for us he was treated in justly so that we could have mercy he took injustice so that we could have mercy and spared from the justice that we deserve for our sins we may feel sometimes to think about it and appreciate it like we should we may not even really think about it as often as we should you know we should pause regularly even daily to think of how Jesus Christ suffered think about what he endured for us the unjustice that he willingly took so that we would not get the justice that we deserved did we stop to think about the cross like we should do we consider all the unjust things that Jesus suffered and then being crucified on the cross just so that we could be forgiven of our sins and receive God's mercy and God's get to salvation it would do all of us good to read the Gospel accounts read the stories of Christ and how he suffered and what he endured for us I want to share with you three simple thoughts in closing about the cross from the viewpoint of God the Father in heaven the cross is a place of propitiation from the mercy seat God extends mercy to you and to me the cross is the place where full satisfaction was made it's the place where the price of justice was paid in full it's the place where our sin debt was paid Jesus paid the price Jesus bore the penalty for our sins the penalty that justice demanded because justice was satisfied a holy righteous judge God the Father can now reach down in mercy and save save us of our sins forgive us our sins for Christ's sake because that penalty for sins was paid for by the Lord Jesus Christ the throne of God a place of holiness and righteousness a place of righteous judgment is become for us a place of Mercy where we can find pardon and forgiveness of our sins instead of the justice and the judgment that we truly sacrifice making him and offering for our sins Jesus Christ is the Lamb of God who willingly laid down his life laying his life down on that altar dying on the cross to pay for our sins from the viewpoint of the Lord Jesus the cross is a place of sacrifice from the viewpoint of you and me for those of us who have believed on the Lord Jesus Christ and trusted him as our personal Savior the cross is a place of substitution substitution Jesus took my place he died in my place he was my substitute the innocent one Jesus Christ died for the guilty one me who is a sinner the sinless one died for sinful men you see the cross is a place of substitution Jesus died there on the cross for sinners so that we could be saved if we would only turn to Christ and put our faith and trust in him the just and holy one suffered and died for the unjust and for the ungodly the Bible says this in first Peter chapter 2 verses 22 to 25 speaking of Jesus it says who did no sin neither was guile found in his mouth who when he was reviled reviled not again when he suffered he threatened not but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree that we being dead to sins should live unto righteousness by whose stripes you were healed for ye were a sheep going astray but now are you returned under the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls and then in chapter 3 verse 18 it says for Christ also hath once suffered for sins the just for the unjust that he might bring us to God Jesus was just Jesus was innocent Jesus was perfect and righteous he was sinless he had never done any wrong but Jesus was willing to suffer injustice for us suffering and dying shedding his blood on the cross of Calvary so that you and I could receive mercy isn't it a blessing to know the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior know that you're forgiven it's not because of any good that we've done not because of our righteousness but it's because our God is rich in mercy and grace and love toward us he was willing to suffer injustice he was willing to die on the cross for you and for me so that we could receive God's mercy if you've never made that decision to put your faith and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ I encourage you cry out from your heart to God be willing to admit your sinfulness be willing to acknowledge that Jesus is truly the son of God as Pilate began to realize that when he questioned him begin to realize and understand and believe in your heart truly that Jesus is the Son of God and that he died on the cross and he was buried and he rose again and he did all that to pay for your sins for my sins believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and trust him and him alone as your personal Savior we can never get to heaven on our own but you can get to heaven if you by faith believe on Jesus the one who suffered in justly so that you could have mercy so that you could be forgiven I hope this tour of the garden tomb and Golgotha the explanation of that I hope that's challenging to you and to me I hope it's encouraging for those of us that know the Lord to see a place that very much could be the place where our suffer our Savior suffered and died for us where he was buried but then praise the Lord he rose again and he's in heaven seated at the right hand of the Father interceding for us still preparing a place in heaven for those that will trust Jesus Christ as their personal Savior as we close I want you to listen to this song and let it encourage your heart god bless you if I can do anything for you please let me know please contact me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] entertain yes sir my was [Music] [Music] [Music] baby water spilled my son Knievel's want me to [Music] Big Love [Music] you
Channel: Gospel Light Baptist Church
Views: 5,397
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Easter, Good Friday, Jesus, Resurrection, Heaven, Salvation, Second Coming, Eternal Life, Church Service, Richmond Hill, Aurora, King City, Markham, Stouffville, Thornhill, Maple, Toronto, Lord, God, Bible, Cross, Christ, Messiah, Son of God, Christianity, Baptist, Church, Christian, Christians, Truth, Relationship with God, Gospel, Religion, Born Again, Saved, Forgiveness, Grace, Mercy, Hope, Faith, Joy, Peace, Bible Study, Johnston, King James Version, Creation, Believers, International, Filipino, Rapture, North York
Id: fPt7itgnjOg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 8sec (2468 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 17 2020
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