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[Music] come on [Music] green [Music] good morning everybody i hope you're all well my cup of tea um by the way this is a really nice mug by a local highland brand angus grant art highly recommend um i'm just in from our dog walk it's sunday morning so we're taking things a wee bit slow i just went round the local trails today uh we are lucky we do live in the scottish highlands so we live in a small village in the kangaroos where you can just walk out and be surrounded by nature which is really nice um all the birds are singing this morning it's a lovely day i think spring might be kind of coming we don't really get spring in the highlands and we do get spring but we get it a lot later and it's just end of feb now so i think we're probably being a bit optimistic we will no doubt get more snow but i'm taking it it's a nice day it's mild and i saw hair which i love seeing i love hairs they're so lovely they've just got a great movement to them i just really love watching them sky's great it's about our dog she's sleeping you won't be able to no car can you see her oh just about um skye's great she ignores all wildlife she's she's not a chaser unless it's her ball so she's she's having her her morning snooze but i thought today as it is a quite nice morning it's a bit hit and miss cloudy-wise but we'll give it a give it a go i thought we'd film a tiny home tour you can kind of see quite a lot of it here this guy's moving because i said her name and i do get a lot of questions about it so i thought it would be quite nice to give you an updated tour i did start doing these on my instagram and when we started this build back in early 2021 and so you can look back and see the progress we've made i should say it's still very much a work in progress some bits look quite finished the kitchen's pretty there um but other books like the bathroom are just not not finished yet so there is still elements of a building site so do do bear with us with that um but yeah to give a bit of context we decided me and my partner to build a tiny home mostly because we don't want to get a mortgage anytime soon if ever um we like the idea of living a slower pace of life and not having to work all the time to afford a mortgage and we just thought this seemed really really cool i've been a fan of tiny homes for a few years now i've been all over youtube watching watching all sorts of tours and just like this is the dream you know i don't need much space i'm i class myself as a minimalist i don't have a huge amount of stuff um and my partner is fairly minimal as well uh he has more he's an outdoor instructor he has quite a lot of kit but other than that you know we were like we don't need a lot of space um let's just do it and when i say we built this i do mean i my partner built most of it i you know i did pick up a drill now and then now and again but um i do not have building skills really so my partner although he has never built a tiny home or home in general is very handy um he's a mechanic and he's built things this entire life and he just thought he could do it so we did um so yeah uh today i thought we'd give you an in-progress tour and show you around the weaver so i thought i'd come outside and show you what the house looks like from the outside we're currently in my partner's family's garden this is where we built it and we didn't have any space ourself and it's actually quite a nice wee spot to start living in it so we're we're starting to live here now um excuse the rope that is my partner's way very health and safety conscious way of getting onto the roof is climbing skills coming in handy as you can see it's on a trailer so we got this trailer from tiny eco homes it's specifically manufactured to build tiny homes on it so it was a wee bit more expensive but as it was going to be the foundation of our home we thought that's quite important and it made the build a lot easier um so in terms of cladding we've got our our wooden cladding and metal cladding we thought that was quite a nice mix um so you can see along the side there that's got a mix of both and then on this side it's just the metal cladding again the cladding was quite expensive um but we wanted to make sure it was going to properly protect our house so in terms of how we get in we got our french doors which we love we love the color of all the all the windows and doors it kind of matches our metal cladding there um we don't have a step so this is our current step so i'll show you inside and there's skye wondering what is going on so here we are so this is what we get to when you first step inside the door this is our living space which is essentially just a safer for now with our lovely throw that's actually made from recycled bottles which is really cool on this side we have this is our shoe rack but also can be used for a little bit extra seating if needs be somebody can perch there i'll uh take you through to the kitchen first of all so this is our lovely kitchen we really wanted lots of shelves again i say we and it's probably mostly me i really like open storage i really like lots of jars um and it's used to be you know we have the wall space so really good way of using our space when it comes to storing our food i like to cook a lot so that's the thing that i have more of food essentially so all of the cupboards were custom built for the space so that took my partner a long time to do but he did really really well they're painted in an olive green which i really really like this was inspired by pinterest um i just really think green kitchens or green in general seem to be a thing at the moment so we definitely went into that we've got our sink uh plumbed in now well we've got our cold water tap plumbed in anyway and we've not got a hot water heater yet so it's just just on cold water at the moment we are using the main house for bathroom basically you know to shower and and stuff like that and oh my lovely again custom built spice rack there we really like this wax um around the windows this is the same all through the house so i'll show you the ceiling in a minute and that's that's the wax we've gone for it's a really warming feel we've got our gas hob we haven't got an oven yet so we will get a gas oven but a very small most microwave size gas oven again we're just using the main house at the moment we've still got to build a door for this kind of awkward space here that's where the gas currently lives it will live outside when we get a bigger gas bottle and then we've got our shelves all our lovely shelves along here so pretty much all done i love these hooks i got these from etsy i'll uh i'll link below i can't remember what the etsy shop was um but i'm a big fan of mugs i say a minimalist but when it comes to mugs i'm a little bit more i like i like to have some choices so we'll go through to the bathroom first but yeah with the stairs i should say so we've got one step this is our guest loft slash office up there so i'll show you that in a minute and then this is our our sleeping loft in here and in all of the stairs there is storage and that is a great way and a very common way of getting storage into tiny homes at one point we were going to do a landing to link these um that was an initial idea we saw another tiny home but in that home it was a lot bigger the trailer was a lot bigger a lot wider and we thought it would just actually encroach from the space and this way we've got like a lovely got our window up there and just a blank wall behind so you've got a lot of head space up here you'll see the ceiling there and that's our lovely light and this is where all the headspace is whereas when you go into the the kitchen it drops down um but you've got all your headspace in the living space i should also have said our lovely bookshelves but anyway i will show you our bathroom so this door is custom built as well it's really nice kind of a a farmhealthy style door i think again the same wax color we like the mix of the modern open space with more of a cottagey feel so we do like the handle it's a bit of a squeaky door so we actually have our coats in here currently this is an easy way to store them and keep them away and it's a little bit of a dumping space in here so that's bizarrely my partner's skis in that bag [Music] we've got a lovely big window in here we've got again the same wax color on the ceiling this was kind of scandi inspired like almost sauna ish so it can't really turn on camera but what terry and my partner did is he he put a bit of black plastic basically on on the top and then he put the wood on so it has the black just peeking through and it just was a little bit different a little bit more stylish we have the same lights all through the house um and then the whole room is wet walled so it's like a slate effect wet room and then we have the floor which is uh tiles but it kind of looks like our our flooring here so this is laminate and this is tiling and they've just gone all through to make it continuous feel and then this is going to be our shower that does work now it is plumbed in again no hot water um so we haven't used it yet but we really liked the black matching it's a little bit more it's more of a masculine bathroom this was definitely more my partner's room i was very much focused on the kitchen and then we just got our wee towel rack in there the idea will be we'll get a composting toilet which will live here this is our old so i used to live in a caravan for a couple of years and this was our old washing machine and it's not really working that well now so i think i'm just going to get rid of it because we're currently just using the washing machine in the house this is where our toilet will go and this will be where our sink and vanity area will go probably get them over here maybe a couple of shelves don't have much bathroom stuff so it's actually quite a nice sized bathroom um it really doesn't feel pokey at all so we're both quite small as well i'm five five my partner's five eight or something he'll kill me if i've got that wrong um so we'll go up to our loft now we painted this recently um it was white like the rest of the house but we painted it this forest green color just to make it a bit cozier and what we've done here with the walkway you can walk in so we've lowered this section of the ceiling so you can walk and stand upright all the way to the other end and then you lift up and go on to the loft we saw that again as a youtube tiny home tour thought that was really cool and this is very much more work in progress so we're going to have cupboards all along here currently clothes are just stored in in baskets so that's going to be all built in and i've just left that white uh to be behind the cupboards and then you have are we loft space which still needs a lot of work um finishing off the painting the bedding is being changed all this all these details that only i care about i like the burnt orange this is actually butterscotch color i think with the green but i haven't got around to changing the other sheets yet they're going to be more of an oatmeal color at some point but no rush you know it's not not essential but we've got our window in here as well which is really nice be really useful in the summer because it would get pretty warm i'm guessing it gets really warm up here and the heat rises so you can see across from me is the office so we'll go over there i should say my partner is an outdoor instructor is also an artist so this is some of his artwork that sky it's one of his earliest pieces it's really cute and this room again is actually very newly started having having some renovation work in here this is another one of his his pieces so this box looks a bit bizarre but the idea is almost like a compact office space i shan't open it because i'm pretty sure his laptop's in there i don't want it to fly out but basically the idea is you lower this you can keep stuff in it you lower it and then you can put your laptop on it and then this is being cut in as a seat currently using his daughter's pink bean bag um as a backrest for it but we might make more of a seat out of it and then this is yeah our spare bed for again his daughter when she's up or any any guests and again we've got got a window but there's still quite a lot to do in here we need to repaint the whole whole room and the floor is not not fully done yet but it's it's getting there and this is a eagle-eyed view of the house here and we kept this you can see we built in that entirely but we kept this one open and the reason being we thought it was quite nice to have a bit of variety if you're in here working you don't necessarily want to feel boxed in whereas if you're sleeping you kind of want to feel a bit cozier and a bit quieter but that's uh that's about it thank you for joining me on our tiny home tour i hope you enjoyed and if you want some more tiny home content i do have a few blog posts about it on my blog also called hippie highly living and i'll be featuring it a lot more on this youtube channel including you know any more building renovation work we're doing and maybe even do a specific video on answering some of your questions because i know a lot of you have questions about the build and tiny home living so i'll make sure to do to that if you have any questions do pop them below and i can keep them saved up and try and answer them at some point um but yeah that's about it for me today if you did enjoy this video i'd really appreciate any likes and subscribe if you want to see more tiny home living hiding living content and i will see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: Hippy Highland Living
Views: 408,263
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 11sec (1091 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 15 2022
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