Tour of 2023 Custom Newell Coach #1749

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this is what i'm so excited about this right here to be worth your trip to miami oklahoma [Music] andrew still hey josh how you doing sir good to see you good buddy welcome to noel you're in for a treat today i got an awesome coach to show you this is coach custom built is probably the coolest ceiling newell coach has ever done and what's even cooler about it is the customer actually helped us design it this is a ryan louse paint scheme and this is actually number 22. you see we do have the push button bay doors here pop right through there and this is what i love about it look at my stainless steel with our six lifeline 12 volt batteries see how that's gonna hit right there we'll put little bumpers right there for you yes sir just a little attention to detail another little thing we do this of course is a great pass-through storage on our mid-entry i don't know if we really hit much on our mid-entry storage here it does shrink up a little bit because where the door is but we do have two pass-through storages here actually three but the first two have the electronic joy bed this right here you just hit this down right here oh manual trail manual training that goes all the way through this is great for like golf club storage and things like that maybe dog food and things for your pets a lot of people use that for the mid entry because it's right there by the main door and it does slide all the way through the same distance out on the right side and the left side of the coach very cool so just now how far out will that extend wow right here is the 30 inch in-depth slide so you kind of see it goes about another 30 inches that's 60 it's about 5 feet technically from the coast we have about an 18 inch door it would be out longer but we do do our famous newell bifold doors on all mid entries right here some people may want the uh bay door electric but it does take up a little bit more room so this is to maximize space and that's what we're all about here is maximizing space so it's going to slide that back in so so the manual trays take up a little less space than the electric trays it does they're not they're a little bit uh skinnier and it's just a little bit different of a rail system because that other one has a sprocket underneath and that's how it goes through a chain through a gearing system and so therefore the rails are a little bit different and they're a little bit wider so it makes the drawer a little bit skinnier still push button right here and we do have our normal exterior 55 inch uh uled tv right here see just take that right off now you've got this tv out here but i see something else yes yes what's uh what's going on we do have the lights on in here and it is bright outside but we could still see this exterior this right here uh i don't know if y'all remember our last year tampa show coach cook 1715 we had a projector in there and we realized it go to the exterior once again we've kind of taken another step up because i knew a projector is you can also see the reverse side on the outside while watching this uh same thing on the inside reverse so it's like a back back-to-back screen almost and the only thing that's a little bit backwards out here you will see the lettering be a little bit backwards but other than that you can all be watching the movie in here inside and outside and everybody gets the same picture it's the full window so um and the picture is amazing and we do also we don't have it out here andrew but we do have two bluetooth uh wireless speakers right here that connect to bluetooth and so you can have your own surround sound nice and you also can hook it up to your yamaha sound bar right underneath here and i also have your tv there so if you're watching a ball game or something like that it's pretty cool you can have a little outside party with your nice carefree awning coming out 12 feet and angle down so if it's raining outside the water will drip off and our nice lighting around you and be able to watch a great show and entertain a lot of people and have just a good time i did hit on a couple different things about our storage but before i move into that is you see right here this coach is a customer's coach and so what i mean by that is a customer designed and built it um that's why i want to refer to when we talk about the ceiling they've not taken delivery yet and so this coach is not delivery ready the day the customer comes here we will pull this off and you'll have your nice stainless steel right here just so it's fresh for the customer yeah um stainless steel still a little bit of fingerprints and things like that as we're detailing so we want to protect that as much as possible yes sir uh you kind of look right through here you'll see [Music] a nice little cook area right here yeah this has got an exterior kitchen here let's uh let's pull this on out right here once again we have an a b side this is b side right here so i'm just going to hit b out right here this is a really cool this one was what i call a full outside exterior kitchen because it has a refrigerator and grill yeah so they really did a great job um with this right here and they also have a little bit of storage extensions that haven't done that yet they're gonna have some extensions come through here that will lift up and this will help support that out so they have some exterior table they're still working on that it's like i said this coach is still in production and it'll also have a little flip outside right here too so you'll have plenty of storage on the outside and if you look right here i don't know if you saw it we do have our 110 outlet right there i like it so if you might want to plug in an air fryer or something like that he can cook out here as well and he has plenty of room for this area right here right above his nice little dormitory type refrigerator over there we were even able because of our electric grill get good storage right through here to come all the way out for cool and is this all real carbon fiber that this is all finished out we have to finish out like that because carbon fiber just holds strength in longer yes sir lighter material so you could you could pull out pull out your outdoor kitchen keep the cold beverages coming put a little food on the grill and watch a little rv with andrew steele on youtube and there is a little bit of glare from the big windows but at night time crystal clear i thought it was off the field phil's my buddy we love phil yeah there's our buddy phil cornelius cornelius up there watching me is great um this right here also i don't know if i was able to capture this right here now remember how i said we have a b side which comes out on this side right here we also have an a side so it will come out on the driver's side the same distance and that's very important because if you look right back there you see that gray box just full of extra things extra belts hoses and stuff like that you may need you have a little bit more storage so our exterior storage this is a full kitchen that only took up half of a storage bay that's really key because that just shows you we're able to compact everything get the customer needs also allow them to have maximized storage exterior the midi entry does take up a little bit of exterior bay storage so it was very important that we did the kitchen like that so that way the customer can uh carry all their goods yeah one other thing i'm noticing is the reflection of the light off of that carbon fiber so you've got a light mounted up there we've never talked about that before actually when you open up one of our bay doors any of our bay doors and including the engine door a led light strip will automatically come on and it's really key at night because at night when you're digging through or on the other side when we're going through the electrical bait with the new n1 system the light shines right in there it's a perfect angle when you just get to anything you usually have a belt rail light right there and also some exterior lighting underneath so it's really easy to see stuff at night a lot of people might pull into a campground at night and stuff like that need to pull some stuff out that's very key this once again led light strip's a huge game changer for the rv industry yeah it really looks good and while we're talking here i got to take a step back and we are inside the building but i love the colors of this paint scheme and there's a lot of cool stencil work coming in again orion locks design but you see all the cool patterns shadow you see how that drop shadow goes from a half inch three quarters up through there and it consistently goes through on the slide yeah i know that tim and his guys at the paint shop they're just amazing you could see like this stripe right here it's almost like a navy blue and then as it comes down and you see all those drop shadows and then it it continues into more of like a brighter almost like an ocean blue back to the dark blue yeah look at that back in the navy they're just incredible and these cameras don't do justice like the human eye does but see that blue fade a little bit better right through here at this moment right here as we're going from that you know navy blue all the way right there you see at the front yes sir off that black line they kind of continue right through here through the slide and you kind of see how that blue wall fade in back through there yeah incredible paint scheme the owners did a fabulous job at uh choosing this coach and and actually the owners of this coach are personal friends of mine that uh a couple years ago they were digging around at ideas at what coach to get and i let them know you might as well custom design it with their background they custom designed it and they did their research they did a great job the exterior is amazing that paint fades amazing all that stuff's amazing what's gonna blow you away is this was their first coach design way to see the interior yeah should we should we go around the rest of the coach i want to see inside but let's let's uh let's keep cruising around i know i'm excited too i love the newer front end how the paint scheme continues some of the older renewals we saw kind of an all black front end but now they've started to bring the paint designs into the front of the coach as well where if we get a close-up we see those bright white pins and the drop shadows and the different colors just all coming together so well and this is that newer updated front end for 2022. but this is a 2023 2023 you are correct we started doing this in 2022 and it had much obsessed with it so we continued it on to 2023 and it's going to probably be a staple because people really love it what kind of a generator is in this oh do you want to go over the generator baby you know what we never really talked much about our generator um we haven't we do use a 20kw martin generator they're made out of ohio um american-made built and uh what we're going to do here is we want to show you about it you see our nice little compartment right here this is underneath the driver's seat those are your two air compressors right there for house air uh when the coach is parked once again i just hit the generator uh bay door right here and we're gonna open it up a couple neat facts about our generator martin generators they do a lot with a refrigerator trucks refrigerator trucks can never go out because we do this can cost a lot of money so they're very reliable they do a lot with the trucking industry and we put them in our motorhomes they've been great we've been using them for years but one of the neat things we do we put it in a hush box so if you look right here this right here is where the actual cooling system for the generator is okay this is just the cooling this is done for the generator for the generator we have it in this nice quiet hush box um we put underneath it too we enclose it in underneath and what that does is it's going to stop noise and then we also put it on airbags so therefore you don't feel the vibration so it's not bolted in the steel to the actual chassis of the coach so what i mean by you will notice the difference here what i'm going to do here andrew is i want to start this uh generator up right here yeah okay you notice the air bags right here yes sir all right we have it set to 18 to 20 psi and i'm gonna do is i'm gonna fire it up when i fire it up you're gonna see the generator move back and forth but watch this this will barely even move wow notice that difference notice the coach never really moved yeah just that right there so those airbags do absorb a lot of energy and here's a look at that fire suppression system in the generator bay another cool little fact is this uh coach does have a pressure washer so this right here is the front pressure washer port you have one in the back and one in the front i don't think we've ever even hit on the generator much but our generators are 20kw and an interesting fact is uh if you have everything maxed out on this coach you're going to be at 18 000 watts so we do have a 2000 wide overkill we do have because a lot of people like to have stacker trailers some other things they might want to power to the coach so therefore we do have a buddy plug back here in the back and remember earlier in the video we had showed you the um the full kitchen and i mentioned a little bit about the backside now when you buy a newer coach we send you with a lot of gifts a lot of goods um that you will need and this right here is actually the checklist of all those goods okay and this is what's all in there from a buddy plug to uh 50 to 30 amp extra filters belts hoses and all that this is your good little goodie box happy camper kit this is just to wait for the um sewer drain yeah we're getting some extra depth and a few things like that but the key is when i'm pointing all this out is we got a lot of stuff you need here and it's able to fit in this storage bay with the full kitchen and that's something we're really proud of that uh took a lot of our engineers and our cabinet makers a lot of time uh it was like a big puzzle that's what this is that's just another puzzle they figured out let me go and roll that back in and kind of see how they roll in with how we keep all our wires and everything from not creeping in it's on a roller and that's much like what's on our slides andrew on top of our slides with our electricals that's what we use a lot right there once again hang your velcro up right there nice well lit this right here is just a uh pass-through storage really hit on this mid-entry pass-through storage once again so it'll be a little bit skinnier this right here is our dii dies water um filtration system so therefore we do have that pressure washer i talked about the port up front we have one in the back and we'll see the pressure washer over there i talked about you kind of see what i talked about a little bit of the whip thing right there when i was talking earlier so let's go ahead and pull this side once again we're side a i want to point something out real quick this is a commercial grade power washer hose and industrial one josh you want to hold that for a second and just show everybody i mean ladies and gentlemen this is not your home depot power washer oh and it looks like a little water dripped out like these do they now do they test these systems yes they test the systems out everything's tested out here so um we ran through everything so yeah they've had to they've turned it looks like a brand new gun but i can tell a little bit of water is ran through there and that's the uh that's that's the big dog in the power washing business yes sir yeah double barrel yes sir and then this is that same high-end hose much higher quality much more industrial it's gonna last long a lot longer than those cheap power washer hoses you're going to get at like a home depot this is a little bit on the m1 system just pull this out right here and this is pretty cool once again you just pick that up so you have a nice little storage tray you see those little inch blocks on the bottom that helps keep it nice let's just go right in there now right here you want to be my camera man i always like to show this off so if a technician needs to get in here you can just slide in on this tray and i'm probably north of 200 i've been eating real good lately say honey been feeding you oh she has i got my my fitbit watch on though to try to keep up but so a technician can slide back in here you can get to all of this stuff very easy very comfortable and then as i slide out here that same led light all right josh i always like just climbing inside yeah i don't blame you another thing i just found out too is i learned something new every day i've been here for five five years i'm still learning uh you see this clear tube right here yes sir it's that drain pan yeah now you're watching a lot of our videos um how our floors go up and down yes sir okay so you have a little gap there so a lot of people might say what happens if you spill a bottle of wine or something might fall out or may fall off accidents do happen what happens is none of that stuff will drain down into your electrical bay or anything it actually collects on a drain pan and will drip right out nice to this little tube wow very cool how that's all so thought out i don't know if we've ever pointed that out but we do get asked a lot of questions about that so i want to make sure we cover that once again this right here we've already talked about this this right here was the pass-through storage went on the other side we started a video yes sir and then this is our camera once again we do have a camera when you pull up to the um gas pump so you know right where you're at this is our uh 200 gallon fuel tank and our 15 gallon def tank you can go a lot of miles on that 200 gallon fuel and it's you could fill up on both sides as well you can fill up on both sides it is one tank a lot of people have asked if it's two tanks you have to switch them no we have one tank 200 gallons so another cool feature as we're walking back through here is when we have coaches in storage a lot or we're getting coaches ready our coaches we can run shop area into the coast you can also run the air out of the coach what this is is just um if you have it parked in storage you can plug air into it so therefore your house air compressors don't have to run oh very so that way you know your slides stay sealed up and all that stuff and it's just so you don't wear your compressors out in storage that's all it is now if you need to run air tools inside of the coach is there a space inside we have a shop area and we also have shop air out right on this other side right here um so technicians don't need to drag hoses through the coaches and all that they can still have air there's a lot of value into that now this has got the cummins x15 x15 605 she's a beast 950 pounds of torque allison 4000 transmission with the x15 605 horsepower cummings is just a great combination we also have our 500 amp alternator here so we can run inverted air um we can run an ac going down the uh road look at the size of that cooling thing in there and that's a hydraulic cooling system yes sir we've been using for uh many years now um and it's got your uh turbo cooler in there your engine cooler and your transmission cooler all in one so it's a triple stock they call it once again this right here is our hose holds up to 150 psi so it can fill up any air um in any of your tires and it does go out 60 feet so again off uh six of your tire points love how this is all finished out did they tell my detail this right here is the back pressure washer thing look at that right there got a little newer logo right i love it is this gonna be for like a trailer or a tow vehicle tow vehicle and then you have your seven way right there this is a class five plus hitch which is the twenty five thousand pounds you guys are the leaders as far as towing a stacker trailer stacker and that's one reason that's another reason going back to we're allowed to do that so we got to be able to accommodate you that's why i wonder who's going to have that 2000 watt overkill on the generator so you can buddy plug your trailer and all that stuff in while sitting still so just another thing so if you want to offer it you got to give them all the goods yeah you got the largest power plant in the class a industry most towing capacity in the class a industry but the inside of this coach is is what it's all about this inside this coach is so impressive you want me to hit the pressure yeah let's hit the pressure washer real quick around the corner here you'd ask me a little bit about shop air out yes sir so let me show you where you do that right here uh as you can see as we go right through here we'll uh see if you come right here you see that little right there that little that's your shop air out right down through there nice and that is an additional battery charger that will allow you to plug your coach into 110 when it's in storage yeah there's more of that industrial style power washer hose that we saw this is going to be an electric power washer so it's gonna be nice and quiet when it's running and then uh these batteries have the power plus battery maintenance system helps your batteries last a lot longer all right andrew this is what i'm so excited about this right here to be worth your trip to miami oklahoma this interior is absolutely gorgeous if you come through mid entry i'll push the button down the door will drop come open our steps will come out also on a mid-entry before we go in we have a nice screen door right here that's a feature for all of our midi now the front entry coaches do not have that door not have that we can't because the front cap actually bends down when you come over on the front entry so your door kind of comes over like that so i don't allow it to be straight up and down to have that in so that's the only feature we have on our mid entries and they did a lot of great things as we come into the entryway we do have real hardwood floors here look really nice but if you look right here kind of rub your hand through there it's a really nice 3d type tile entryway and it really lights up really nicely to the coach but as you can see just step on in there and check this coach out [Music] [Music] carbon fiber grab handle as you go into the coach and this coach has a feeling kind of like a spy in there good relaxing feeling in there if it's ceiling and everything it's just an amazing build one of our best interior coaches i think we've done i agree so we've got the lights kind of dimmed down right now to show the vibe but can we fire up some of the lighting in here just to show everyone so come in here this is right here is a mid-entry coach obviously much like coach 1738 with this dinette what they want to do is maximize the space right here so what they did was a half booth with the freestanding dinette right here what that allowed was really maximize space they really wanted like almost like a residential recliner feel here these right here can all spin around you have plenty of room to do that and have a dual setting right here right across from their 74 inch um sofa right here hide a bed sofa so you really want grabbed a lot um through here once again we did talk about the projection tv and that's the screen for the projection tv right there we can just lift that up right so you can have the same the same movie playing on the inside and the outside of the coach at the same time have it on the inside and outside the coach what's cool is is that get to that picture on the outside we have to reverse the picture so you can have the reverse picture on the outside but still watch it with the normal picture right here so almost it's like two different screens back to back it's pretty cool if you really think about it because to be watching from there you got to watch out a different screen reverse screen inside you got to watch the normal screen but they can be playing both movies at the same time and you won't even notice so like i said earlier on the difference is the writing's backwards outside we really did some unique stuff right here um we put the passenger gps right up here you can take that off all right right there um we're gonna do something really unique with this if you can kind of get your camera down through there you'll see like an ethernet cable and some computer connections right through there she does a lot of laptop work and a lot of work on the road we're going to use this as a mobile office as well so we're going to do a little laptop desk area right there it's still in production we haven't completed it yet but also we have those connections down there that is we can use this as a monitor as well so this right here she's got a uh 49 inch monitor right there but we also continued that back there with this 32 inch tv back here underneath the dinette we have the connections which you can use that as a monitor too so it can be hooked right to your computer and boom right your computer do boom and she does a lot of zoom calls and stuff like that so that right there will be very beneficial once again mobile office on the road you can conquer a lot in the newell almost like a modern farm house i'm trying to uh it's got the you know i think you said it had a spa filled yeah it's got a nice relaxing feeling you got the fabric right here and almost like a stainless steel looking um window uh cover right there right there with the valance and it just looks really really well another cool thing we did with this coach right here if you look at these valences right here they're straight and angled out so you have a nice led light strip and it really brings the color out yeah i think when we first walked into coach you wanted to have the lights dimmed down like that to kind of show that it really highlighted the coaching it really highlights the ceiling as well that we did with the little led light strips up there and i think it does give you a nice spa relaxing feel i feel so walking into this coach i think that's why um i just love it so much if you look right here we even did a couple other neat things we have an ice maker right here uh normally we put our that's our trash can drawer but they would like to have an ice maker we did that and then we still have our great storage up through here the suicide doors right here so you can get nice wide tupperware and things up there and actually lock in really nice and if you notice that led light strip once again comes on like it does on our exteriors yes sir um have a nice squared off sink here uh once again they took the backsplash from the entry step area right here you just kind of get that nice feel through there look you do have a lot of 110 outlets in up here yeah this is something i like to see now this is for cleaning dishes cleaning dishes if you look back on coach 1738 featured in there the moody coach oh yeah i just push that button with that as far as cleaning dishes and you don't one what it is is you don't use as much water but you also have this right here so that does come out and then you have an insta hot but also a cold water as well nice right there and we do have garbage disposals on all of our noodles along with our wolf induction cooktops a couple other things we have here is we have since we don't have the uh trash can storage right here we did put the trash can right there and you still have plenty of room for that still i mean not three times boom boom boom here we go that's our fisher panker dishwasher still see the water you could tell they were testing that before delivery now testing right now this coach is what the last week or two before they'll be taking delivery um uh in a little bit less than a week we've got about four days uh left on it and what we're doing right now we're doing final touches we're going to install that uh table up front and we just got out of cut and buff actually so they're doing some final detail on the exterior and then we're going to come out wednesday and have an executive review on this coach where all our people from the front and service will come in here walk on it and the purpose of that is more eyes on the coach go through and do that punch list thursday and friday and do final touch up and be ready for the customer this is our silverware drawer and then this is our i'm really impressed it's still carrying from 1706 coach 1706 we've started this and this is the uh little pins you can drop in there so you can carry nice china and stuff like that yeah like going down the road yeah pegboard and they will set that up for the the new owners will be able to let them know exactly how they want all their dishes set in there what they want dishes they want how they want it set up and all that stuff now there's some other cool features i have is uh you see we have our nice adjustable shelves here really deep but kind of look right back through here i've never seen that little outlet in the drawer there so they could put maybe a crock pot a toaster or something like that without having to take up any room right here once again just really really tough it really locks in there it's got a self-closing drawer so that locks in so it's really locked through there then we have a nice latch right through there once again light does come on when you open up the door and once again this is something else different this is not our normal um g monogram refrigerator this right here is uh our fischer pencil this is a more of a um french door refrigerator a lot of different adjustments with the bigger freezer right through here oh look at that and then you have nice drawers right here so this right here i think is 24 cubic feet wow it's a really really big refrigerator and you have nice drawers so about as residential as you can come if you look right through here we have our two 20-pound latches right there so you can put a lot of weight here in the door without it coming open and if you look underneath there on the uh freezer drawer as well really load these things up it's really nice big hinges really like seeing just almost like very industrial yeah and with a mid-entry coach very convenient if you're outside enjoying the the nice weather you can come in grab something out of your refrigerator if you run out of beverages in your outside refrigerator then you also have your half bath if you have a guest that needs to use the bathroom here and you're not walking all the way through you have a really good size half bath and really capture if you look right through here at this door right there you see how we curve the door oh yeah right through there we have a nice hinge system so it can open up 180 degrees all the way through and then when you close that door those hinges are hidden both from the inside and the outside and i love just the the craftsmanship here to be able to make that curved wood not only is the door curved but this entire panel here just incredible but let's take a peek inside of this half bathroom i love this is kind of like that spa design that it reminds me of and then there's an agate countertop now is this an underlit agate countertop here in the half bathroom you're doing a half bath underlit countertop oh look at that and let's do a counter reveal and cabinet so you have a nice lighting and this also has the bidet and a beautiful finish up the sidewall here stunning half bathroom as as always and what's really amazing about the half bath that's a good sized half bath right there and when you go in here you'll notice that this bedroom is a little bit smaller than a lot of normal newer bedrooms it's only an eight foot eight inch long slide on both sides but we're able to put a 72 inch wide bed by 80 inch bed therefore you have a true full king size bed in a smaller bedroom setting which is really maximizing space but we were also able to give ample storage space with the projector right here now when you have the projector up there that's going to take up a lot of space with the projector the res uh the receiver and all the satellite dishes all the satellite receivers and stuff now is this projector does it go outside as well i want this one to go outside it can reverse as well it does you see this right here this every new coach comes with his own set of custom sheets here at noel and you get two sets for every um new even your sofa how to bed we get that and you see right here since you don't have storage up there we do have ample storage right down here yes sure and that's just the benefit of actually having the projection tv and still staying true to form we maximize our space by opening these closets up right here and have a nice coat hanging rack or something like that um a lot of people might be full timers like to use to maximize this space they can hanging space and different things but one of the most impressive things about this coach is it is a mid-entry and it's really hard on mid-energy to get to bigger bathrooms but now we have it figured out if you look right here this is a really really good-sized bathroom as i turn the lights on right here you go there we got a double vanity almost a residential style double van with a lot of space in between that same under lit agate countertop and i like that these sinks are not quite as deep as some of the other sinks we've seen and then a ton of countertop space and you're telling me now this shower is the normally when you guys have a steam shower in the coast yes normally when it's in the back corner like this it'll be a steam shower a lot because we have to have the steam compressor and stuff what this customer did saw some different layouts like the area where the steam shower was realized they could maximize their space and have a nice little bench over the engine and they can really maximize their shower space and they don't have to be a steam shower they just did a regular shower now we have not installed all the shower heads yet because we'll do it once the customer gets in here so we have the right height and stuff yeah and that's got to be i mean close to five feet deep and this is i just gotta give everybody a close-up you can barely see that drain there um and then the little details like they give you a little squeegee there so you don't get hard water spots on your glass but beautiful stone work in this but yeah you want to hold the camera real quick i'm gonna do i mean i can literally get in and out of the shower do a full 360 without ever even bumping i have not even bumped into anything in this coach but just does it have a shower cutting right over there oh yeah yeah yeah a nice little spot here where you can store your you know shampoo or body wash without it falling out and then digital controls where you can set your temperature really awesome right there you can have the heated towel right oh yeah so that's um and then we're able to actually this is kind of unique too because we put the shower right there we're able to have a towel um our linen closet right here yeah i like this this is a different bathroom than we're seeing a lot different and we still do the same doors open right here so ladies can stand right here and see the back of their hair and get ready that's why we open up our doors like this right here in our rear bath area now what we have right here is a lot of people ask when we do the shower like that andrew how about the closet and it does take a little bit of closet space but not really all that much you still have a really good sized closet with the additional closet space you have in a bedroom you can really take advantage of that too so um we'll really maximize space in this bathroom and do a lot with it and it's really impressive there is an emergency egress uh exit here i think this is built if the coach were ever to tip over yes you'd be able to escape through this exit here and then we got that from the marine industry actually josh it's always an honor and a pleasure to hang out with you here and take a look at this beautiful new coach now what a new coach number is this this is coach 17.49 if if someone is in the market to either custom design a new newell coach or purchase a pre-owned coach uh who should they get a hold of just call me here my name is josh schneider give me a call at 918.54 i'm at extension201 or visit our website at awesome josh greatly appreciate you and the team at newell coach i also greatly appreciate all of you out there on youtube subscribing to the channel and liking these videos i hope you're all having a great day thanks again safe travels [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: RVing with Andrew Steele
Views: 1,550,527
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: lujYlK9kaAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 30sec (2130 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 19 2022
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