Tour de France 2021: Stage 16 extended highlights | Cycling on NBC Sports

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stage 16 as the tour de france returns to french rose today starting from padala case to sangoda and we are going to the beautiful area welcome to live coverage of the tour de france presented by rocket mortgage we are looking down the beautiful valleys of the aries here now if you're wondering why we've just started the stage and we're all stopped it's because the riders having started in andorra have come down some 12 miles off the tops as they are now getting changed ready for the start i'm phil liggett alas ever bob roll did this ever happen to you in your tour days bob well this is the highest start of a tour stage ever at over 2000 meters so close to 7000 feet uh a lot colder up there and the neutral start was designed to i'm not sure exactly what but get out of andorra and get back into france and to do that you have to go downhill so a lot of cold legs and they've given the peloton a chance to doff their winter clothing and get ready for the attacks that are about to come once the race starts well let's find out if adam blythe is also getting rid of his clothes he's on the back of the motor of course let's check in with adam i'm definitely not getting rid of my clothes phil it is cold but you could just see behind me couple it well a lot of the riders you've got jumbo eastman behind me just here taking off all their winter clothing and it's kind of a funny one all the riders riding back up the hill to their team cars to to discard of their clothing so there's a lot of riders still with gloves on some just in shorts and jersey and they're full race kit so a lot of riders probably wanting to warm up a little bit and other riders just wanted to get stuck in as soon as possible and try and get in that breakaway so a mix of a little bit of a little bit of difference between a few riders and what's the talk around the village there adam um we know that vincenzo nibili the winner in 2014 hasn't started but uh is any news around the camp before you rolled out of andorra not too much this morning i think everyone was just busy getting their clothes on and trying to stay as warm as they can do for this uh for this long descent we've had we've obviously still got to start keep descending at the minute so you still want to stay relatively wrapped up but a lot of riders staying hidden in the bus staying warm for as long as they can with this long descent that they've just been down but there's still more to go as well they need to stay warm on that as uh as well thanks adam well let's go to bob roll to take us through the geico stage matt bob the first 15 miles is downhill was downhill as i said highest start stage ever 21 total king of the mountain points very technical even lethal descents to the finish and many launch pads for the stage win amongst the attackers and or the gc contenders an intriguing dangerous stage perhaps the most complicated in the whole final week for teddy pogaccha there's a cat four just before the finish and a very technical dangerous descent to the finish line today well there's the weather just restarted but they're not racing yet at the start a very chilly 43 degrees we've come down a ways now and at the finish today it's only going up to 59 degrees in the beautiful town of sangoda right underneath the pyrenees well the riders have indeed come down about 2 000 a feet or more from the original start but they will continue to descend for the next 15 miles when the flag comes in so we're going to see a very very big fast start for sure two non-starters vincenzo nieble decided not to come back to the race after yesterday he's going to uh tokyo for the olympic games and ammun grundal janssen at bike exchange the australian team he was last overall in the race i think it's because of previous injuries he's pulled out today 511 miles still to raise three of those days through the pyrenees before we head up towards paris 145 riders left of the 184 who started in brest two and a half weeks ago and 12 climbs are still left in this way so most of them over the next a few days of racing right here in the pyrenees the this race is far from over but stand by bob because that is christian prudhomme approaching kilometer zero he's going to stop the race i wasn't expecting that and it's because the riders behind are still coming back you can see them in the distance there rejoining the race so they don't stop they roll but the race has not started yet until the race has all 145 riders together then we are going to fly down this valley road so we're waiting now for the official start of the 16th day of this incredible bike race the tour de france yes well this is casper asgreen he is in the lead and he's just started the climb of the colder port here it is it is nearly seven miles long gives us elevation of over two thousand feet a steady gradient bob of five point one percent so it's not a tough climb uh but he's going on with an advantage of a minute 33 on the peck on the back and route poles now we expect to see him in the action he leads the king of the mountains as the attack start bob attacks thick and fast from the peloton trying to get across to the lone leader five points up for grabs for the first rider across let's see if michael woods doesn't get in on the action there's while polls trying to get across to the dsm rider so while polls looking pretty serious for the king of the mountain points and maybe hoping to be in the counter move everybody chasing kasparoscreen who's been impressively holding off the charge from the peloton and the yellow helmet and red jersey of bahrain looks like dylan tunes also trying to get into into this counter move [Music] now everybody checking over the shoulder so far today the race speed has been high because of the descent but it's very high now we're coming off the descent onto the climb watch the road steadily going up to your right now that is the start of the calderpoor led by valve van art on the front here watch him on the left you can see the climb on the right here as we proceed that going on to the climb 94 seconds behind the tit de la course which is the leader on the race over the top and it's a basically a valley we climb out of the valley here in the area and over the top of the colder port which is at 4 100 feet high then we start our descent again the mountains are now with us for basically the rest of the day as we run away from the top of the pyrenees again heading back down the hill before we start going up again next step climb after that will be the climb of the koldala kua right now bob i think we should just worry about the cold and upper on the back max fallside 198 boy van popple also on the back big andre greipel in the white and blue jersey boy man popple number 215. i think that's thomas the hint also in the red white and black that's a tough place to find they're riding just below their red zone to ride within themselves to get to the top because there's only a short descent before we start the next climb of the day which is the call de la court in between we have the green jersey sprint uh at dust and then and you see on this counter move that was that was krietovsky there and catanio oh my goodness me is he taking control of the tour de france bobby's moved right up between angel lopez and i bet the other leaders did not expect this he hasn't come through just countering that attack very strange though davide ballerini sent back to help mark cavendish get through the stage but if yellow jersey is hacking it's going to be tough to make the time limit well i i didn't expect that bob and i don't think the other leaders of the tour de france would have expected to see the yellow jersey do that i thought he'd watch and wait that's going to cause chaos and the acceleration this is the situation at the back of the race they are going off in groups here bob there he is casper ascreen the still the lone leader and here come not for much longer bob because here come the two chases as green will welcome i think the arrival of two riders here catanio coming up in the blue there and krietkovsky the first time he's seen him allowed to go on the attack for his team ineos grenadiers and not defend for carapace for example they're going to take a little bit get some idea there of how steep these hills are on the corners the average is five percent but you come around a corner like that you'll be looking more at eight or nine percent this is kiertoski deciding to put on a rain jacket and he's not far from making the descent that's why he's doing it keep him warm on the descent takes a bit of skill that i must say look at catanio is having a great tour just over 40 minutes behind the yellow jersey sounds a long way but for canta cortaneo this is without doubt his best tour de france he's on the attacker game bob on a day like this good luck to him two riders just joined in 52 casper as green so casper sitting on the wheels if he has a moment to catch his breath he should be back at full power got a descent after this the first category two climb out on the race coast today so catanio goes over his teammate as green gets three points and krietosky gets to not helping them really in the quest to be the king of the mountains so it's uh that's a good first climb out of the way for the leader of outpost this is a little group that's formed behind of nine riders they're racing up at 36 seconds at the moment eula jensen the rider on the front for bike exchange frank bonimore another good day looks like aurelium pyre paltra might have just gotten around there fourth wheel omar freyla pier la tour is in there the red shorts white jersey from total energies rest of the peloton about to tack on the back of those nine riders so it'll be three in front and a big group chasing them and 21 riders off the back almost three minutes down already that's a big group forming at the front now bob 21 riders off the back as well there's going to be a very quick descent this as we race down into the town of avika doost which is where we have the green jersey points competition uae rider there off the side of the road trying to fix his chain that would be mikael pierre saw him almost come to grief a couple days ago on the descent so a little bit of a nervous nervous climb for uae don't want to be missing your shifts it'd be a bit of a choice for bjerg to get back to where his teammates are and where he needs to be at the front of the peloton defending the yellow jersey of te pagaca boys horrible bob believe me it's horrible as we head into the sprint just at the base of that climb so is there going to be no more cavendish in that sprint he's still in that group of 21 riders the leader in the green jersey competition oh behind look oh my god that's me up pull it around casper struggling there but he just pulled it off the wall there's grass because it must be terribly slippery on this descent now very slick gas green lucky i mean you don't go up to the mid to the apex on the grass and not come to grief 99 percent of the time so tremendous bike handling by number 52 kasper ask green well this is the of the skill just take a look at this again bob ah wheels locked up sliding sideways comes back on the pavement just in time to save it before the outside of the corner well that'll that'll shoot your heart rate right straight to the ceilings quinkowski saying let's just take it easy fellas peloton's only 18 seconds down that was amazing but what great bike handling because we saw that happen the other day um with one of the uh with ben o'connor it was the australian he lost it and disappeared off the edge uh he got back and he wasn't injured of course just take one more look at it before we carry on it's not good for the uh there he is right well onto the grass too it wasn't just a little bit onto it he completely got his line wrong there i don't know what the other two thoughts at that point but they must have also felt it was the end of the day for them to pull together again 17 seconds look at the game now on the peloton yeah they pull back five seconds because of that yeah you do not want to go back to the peloton because you've just fallen off your bicycle so the three riders just in front if they can get down to the bottom of the descent with a little bit of an advantage it might be at long last a reasonable breakaway established but so far so many riders so many teams want to be in that breakaway the peloton hasn't allowed the three riders off the front any leash at all so and when we get to the flat roads before the sprint can imagine there would be some there continue to be attacks until the breakaway gets established might never happen today phil the way things are going and that would lead to a gc battle on the last couple of climbs potentially indeed 22 seconds they're pulling away again interesting i would say that that is a lot less than 22 seconds i i think you're right bob i thought that was looking the wrong pictures there they're right on them yes it's gonna be i'm not sure if that's the front of the peloton or a splintering group off the front that are going a little bit quicker on this very treacherous descent they've caught that camera bike out because he's in between the race now he shouldn't be there that is the peloton bob they've come right back so they've wiped the captions off the screen the field is rejoining here they're still averaging 27 miles an hour despite the 12 mile car a 12 kilometer climb off the colder pool of the uh gears to call the poor yeah very very nice green very dangerous to send julia jensen in the white and turquoise in black jersey has caught quinkowski kataneo has gone back a little bit further this is a question of nerves and bike handling who wants to take this descent more quickly than the others sergio iguita in the pink trying to get into the breakaway and we'll see if something doesn't get established off the off of these twists and turns before the sprint point if michael matthews is anywhere near the front watch him to try to close his deficit down a little bit he's 72 points behind mark cavendish at the start of the day and can move to within 52 points cavendish off the back and as you rejoin us it's not too far to that green jersey sprint and without mark cavendish in this crew this on the front bob is michael matthews looking for maximum points in the town of vic doost and that is sonny cobrelli in the green jersey with the yellow helmet looks like iman al erviti in the movie star colors blue and black but michael matthews and cobrelli looking to move a little bit closer to mark cavendish in the green jersey competition it's not too far to the sprint situation now 22 riders that contains mark cavendish they're three minutes 13 back there's a further 28 riders behind the peloton which has really struggled on the descent of the caldeport because of the wet roads the 28 riders at a minute 20 should be able to catch into the peloton welcome back we're looking at yule jensen on the left here for bike exchange these three riders have just slipped off the front of the pelotons you can see the riders trying to reach them they may fancy their chances here bob but about four kilometers two and a half miles from that sprint point but no michael matthews this is how they made the move fabian dubois just finding himself at the front a little bit strange that michael matthews didn't try to keeping his eye on sonny kobrelli in the white green and red jersey of champion of italy mikhail bierg this is the chase group behind the peloton uae trying to get back on terms and so third wheel rafael michael at the front mikhail bierg he had a mechanical so he's on the previous descent so he's trying to still get back on terms to the yellow jersey and there's and vegard stuck along in there also so three uae guys in this chase group they almost definitely want to get back to the field where the yellow jersey their captain and the leader of the tour de france is down to a few teammates it's not panic stations yet but not a good sign from the riders from uae to be dropped on that descent this is fabian dubli total energies no stage wins for this quad so far in this year's tour and trying to get a little bit of an advantage here before the next glimey on bakalotz this is a lone chaser from kofidis trying to get across to the three riders in front well they seem to sense the relaxation of the peloton and this is not good news for michael matthews he'll only get the lower points because we're about three kilometers or less away from that sprint point as we race towards a week deuce which will leave us 84 km about 51 52 miles to the finish astana also moving clear it's always a bad sign when you get individual riders jump away like this bob before you know it you've got a breakaway of 10 or 15 riders and it's curtains till the finish i'm very surprised that michael matthews hasn't put more effort into these points he might be conceding the green jersey competition right now sending a teammate up the road juliensen number 176. baccalance 212. and dubois is the total energies rider in the red white and blue jersey there yellow highlights uh but michael matthews not present nor sonny cobrelli that's surprising me spectacular day out for sep coos launching on the last climb and holding off a spirited charge of none other than alejandro valverde knows those roads very well so that was an impressive descent bicep coos as well as climb into andorra back to france the aries is gorgeous 500 meters for 20 17 and 15 points so there's still 13 points for the chase group let's see if michael matthews doesn't go for those but i'm really surprised that he's squandered this opportunity i think we all are looked to be very serious but he missed the missed the cuts three riders going clear as we now see doobie and nobody challenged him he gets to 20 and again that's a throwaway and it obviously um yule jensen they're deciding the other two uh not in the competition so not too worried this is the situation though 279 for cavendish 207 for michael matthews a fourth place and here he comes matthew's digging deep and he's got colbrelli on his back wheel my goodness me he's showing him a few lengths he got the jump on him and that spins all the way four oh you were very lucky michael but he called brilliant did not give up until the line he almost got him michael matthews gets fourth so he's made good progress uh in the in the quest so i think you were right by what you said earlier but i think this result has kept him in the competition here if sonny coburley had taken his rain jacket off i think he might have gotten the better of michael matthews wearing jacket tucked in behind his helmet there can't be aerodynamic and matthew's sitting up just a little bit too early cabrilli almost got around him but matthews wow what amazes me phil is why he was not sprinting for 20 points just 13 up for grabs he got those but gives seven points away if he loses that green jersey by seven points in paris he'll be looking back at today's stage and wondering why the heck he didn't go off the front with his teammate four kilometers to go on the climb here for the three leaders well tomorrow we have a mountaintop finish and it is a climb up the planet um call deporte these are the three leaders here and he's making hard work of it bob he's just desperately trying to reach been just a few seconds behind for a few corners now i think patrick conrad the champion of austria is going to get across very shortly and i've just got a feeling this might be the winning move of the day and the man we're looking at here can really climb well so if it is this man we're looking at now could be crossing to the leading group to win the day we'll find out i must confess that patrick conrad mustn't have a look at my predictions on the tour this year because they haven't been very good a lot of that is down to chance not expertise but patrick conrad about to tack on about three and a half kilometers from the next king of the mountain point so as the french would say chapeau to patrick conrad he's joined the three riders at the front and now they are four i'm surprised bobby was right up on the earlier on the climb he was mixing it right at the front um i don't know maybe he's decided today is issue to be a little more common sense wait a minute what's this mechanical well that explains it that explains it that is a bike change is a very difficult time of the race on the right hand side of your screen in the blue of de kunic going backwards but mount van ark going forward over the top bob and that was uh conrad who's gone over the top in first place again 10 points in the king of the mountains for him but not of any great consequences to him matthew's hanging on but he's going to catch them up on the descent so he's gone over the top of the cul-de-la court judging by the sounds on the microphones out there that wind is ripping across the summit we're at five thousand almost four and a half thousand four thousand six hundred feet right now we'll drop down and we'll climb the call deporte death bay and we'll top out a thousand feet lower down than where we are at this moment and then we'll only be 20 miles from the finish nielsen palace on the front from ef of the peloton have putting in a big effort here i don't see if rigo bear to iran is not feeling like today is a good day to go on the attack there's a couple of scenarios that are possible to my eyes at the moment as greg van iverment continues to struggle being dropped bahrain is leading the team competition but only 11 minutes ahead of the ef squad so maybe because of fred wright in the breakaway they want to close down the disadvantage they have in the team standings or rigo bear to iran is sensing some weakness in tade pogacha that is chris froome about to get dropped and walt van aard after that bike change going back into the field well the only road race that patrick conrad the leader has won in the past of two years is the championship of his country he's running for the last two years and nothing else here he is now on the brink of what would be his first grand tour stage victory although colbrelli is the man doing the most a giant 30 points if he could win the day he's been riding so well on the hilly stages stage three finished fifth and stage nine he finished third right up in the alps that was the ride of his life and he's at it again in the pyrenees this is the leader patrick conrad getting all the cheers of the crowd the champion of austria have had the moments in the world of cycling but he's still 20 miles to go he'll top out at 20 miles down to the down the hill to the finish touch and go bob but he's must have a chance now there's the summit he's going over 10 points for conrad to match the ones he won on the call de la court the numbers not in his favor the chasers might swell on the number on the set second on the road is david gudeau with sonny cobrelli michael matthews not that far behind let's see if godot not trying to drop cobrelli but that's not going to happen over the top of this cabrillo absolutely flying in that breakaway the three national champions by the way including patrick conrad as cabrelli champion of italy and tom skoyen's capital uh champion of latvia so gdu and then kobrelli well here comes the peloton over the top of the uh sorry the small pellet on this is the chase group over the top of the climb there led by michael matthews in hot pursuit of caldrelli the man that challenges for the green jersey so he's still driving frank bonimore is there it looks like john bakland's also caught up well ben art off the back here another bike change so there's a second at problem today for about one hour but he's got over it very very quickly indeed um a bobby roll is he gonna make it or not he's making it today second stage win for borah and i think what we'll see is this group start to look at each other and hope the other guys pull through but what happens if you start sacrificing your chances to catch the guy in front you're going to lose anyways so why why contribute to the chase if you can't win well there carl velli here and gadoo have been caught by the other riders and not happy now listen boys you're all the experts but i did tell you when conrad joined those three riders on the col de la cour if he caught on he would win the day so that makes it four nil conrad's gonna win right they're saying one minute uh bob just coming through now we're showing 59 race radio saying one minute exact for these nine riders oh this is going to be music in the years to patrick conrad still another climb to come but he does have a min in hand so if there's any hesitation in the chasers yeah the only possibility is if lorenzo rota goes absolutely as hard as he can go to the bottom of that last climb for his teammate jan baccalance or vice versa and they close the disadvantage down to within i would say about 20 seconds phil and the last category 4 climb could be the launch pad for the pursuers they got to get a lot closer to conrad before the bottom of that last climb it's now gone over a minute to 103 so i just don't see the energy in the chase required to catch the lone leader don't see it don't don't think it's there so as these riders are coming around the corner they're looking for 65 seconds nine riders chasing 16 riders in that back group with mark cavendish but only 18 minutes back well inside the time cut today so conrad sorry cavendish having a great day in the mountains again thinking of flatter roads but right now conrad is looking for the last two little climbs a day one of which is worth one point in the king of the mountains shouldn't be a problem for conrad because he's won the top of the call de la court he's won the top of the coal deported aspect as we're looking here this is conifer being picked up he's dangled out there for a long time today but now here comes the troops and team uae escorting the yellow jersey of the tour de france he's up there behind him now he's an interesting fact this man in the lead the last austrian to win the stage of the tour 2005 georg nick it is amazing the shortest ride was saying it's in the pyrenees the mighty mountains southern chain of france but the longest was also here when we went over the ombeliera into andorra little attack david goldu he's trying to crack him again this is his plan tom squeeze try to follow him at the moment now what about the green jersey he's gonna have to dig deep this time i think but he is digging deep cold really so too michael matthews locked on his back wheel gadoo this is all or nothing for him on the front gonna do he has to do something the team hasn't got a stage win or any rider in the top 10 in the overall settings that might change at the end of the day in fact in the virtual standings he is in the top ten and so he's just going as hard as he can to keep these riders as far in front of the peloton as possible but this big attack is only cut in three or four seconds of patrick conrad that's not going to be enough before the finish plus the other riders being able to stay on goodu's wheel just not hard enough for long enough climb colbrelli fourth wheel still there also and michael matthews as well points up for grabs for matthews and coburley at the finish so they will bring themselves closer to the green jersey of my of mark cavendish so good riding but maybe not quite enough for the stage win for kobelian matthews well the face there aren't gonna do the second place right now let's go back over now one point for conrad he got the points on the top of the first category uh climb of the caldera core the climb of the caldeporte gaspe and the smallest climb in the tour as well shortest uh nicole desperate cerro so now all he's got is the finish and it's 6.8 kilometers to go for him to the finish now and this is going to be some victory salute when he gets down there as only a third austrian cyclist ever to win a stage of the tour de france i wonder if he knows that fact this is tom's screenshare it was a big deal when georgenic so i'm sure that patrick conrad was a fan of the sport as sonny cabrelli goes matthew's right on that wheel gadoo trying to cover that but powerful acceleration by cobrelli 50 seconds a lot of attacks on that that did reduce the advantage but if they sit up and start looking at each other to chase the advantage should swing back over into the favor of patrick conrad they had to be a lot closer than that to catch this rider before the finish in my estimation phil unless he gets overly excited on this descent it is very dangerous but he's got to be careful here oh that could be the only thing to prevent patrick conrad from winning the stages to have a crash he's using all the road i don't think he wanted to but he had to didn't quite get that corner right went in too tight conrad accelerates away this is the chase group nine riders 51 seconds is the gap they're gonna in fight here gadoo in the white he wants to just get up there and gain time the guy in the green wants to beat the guy in the white and black just behind him matthews it's a colbrelli michael matthews battle for the maximum points they can get out of this group which is second place today in the green jersey competition but they'll both close in on mark cavendish five kilometers to go 3.2 miles this man has never won a road race other than the national championship of his country since 2014 and now he's going to claim it with a win in a stage of the tour de france half a mile to the finish inside the last kilometer i'd love to know what's going through his mind right now because this is going to be incredible a look over the shoulder a shake of the head it's coming his way very very soon his disbelief should give way to joy congratulations from the team car wow a little bit risky to congratulate him just before turning off was able to navigate that successfully and navigating the entire stage patrick conrad in the absence of peter sagan the team's done quite well phil two stage wins now as he comes around towards the finishing line bob from stage one when he posted a photograph showing how badly injured he was but he continued in the tour de france to stage 16 when he looks over his shoulder sees nobody and is about to salute the crowd and win a stage of the tour de france these tour de france are made of steel these riders 100 meters to go the crowd will bring him home there will be a huge two-armed salute and it's right now who cares about 100 meters i've just won a stage of the tour de france and it looks like companies are going to get seconds jean-luc perishon is still ahead here he comes they haven't won a stage of the tour de france since 2008 and they're not gonna win it now but second is a place to start jean-luc periscope what a ride by this member perishon trying to hold off cobrelli and matthews not easy in the white helmet that's michael matthews a long ways out let's see if connie brook sonny cobrelli can't get around michael matthews frank bonimore also trying to get in on the action kobrellian matthews they might just get back to perish home and call bradley is trying to push him on the line and gets him on the line unbelievable matthews comes over and that's for the green jersey and that's what made those sprinters really have to come you've got to admire sonic aldrelli the way he's handled these races through the mountains i didn't think he had any chance of catching perish on bob he seems to be far away from the little group chasing but what a sprint by sonny cobrelli [Music] behind conrad as he wins his first stage of the tour de france he is uh he'll be 30 years old come october he's been a professional for 11 years and now he's a stage winner of the tour this is amazing i mean there was a hundred and twenty guys with the this is the creme de la creme of the tour de france and now vince go is gonna have a little dig to put the finish here this new young man that white jersey's on loan from the yellow jersey but he could be the winner next year and look at this for gacha is also spinning for the line either they know something we don't bob which as you know is impossible as they go up to the line this is carapaz beats teddy pogacchia on the line and you know that could well be a batter of gamesmanship at least i think he beat them on the line because there's the line down there but that is incredible have a good day fellas i did my best lucenko trying to get the better of the other riders there is very tiny time gaps between second place the man that made all the pacing bob van out who made all the work van art comes in off the back it doesn't make sense i'm sure he sat up in the last kilometer or so absolutely he did but why did he make the pace that's what doesn't make sense [Applause] anyway he got rid of this lot as they're coming in now these are finishing 14 minutes behind the winner today that's an awful long way it's about 11 kilometers could be even more [Music] olivier nason from ag2r hugo houle watch for hugo to continue to try to go in the breakaways he tried today it didn't quite work out bingo go back to the team bus dry off get ready for tomorrow yellow jersey to the podium yes now this is the journey back to the podium and this is now equal the record of yellow jerseys won by a slovenian rider because in history he has 11 the same number as primos roglic who crashed out of this tour in the second week this is sev cruz coming in job done for the day the scene seemed inevitable when he took the lead by himself 23 miles left and just steadily increased it looked in control and the first time he's been in that spot in his career pretty cool day for patrick conrad out there but i like that in the interview thinking about learning from the mistakes that he made last saturday and watching buckamolema go up the road and just taking the bull by the horns and just ripping it out there it's a long way to go like we said earlier it was risky that's a long time to be all by yourself but he had the legs to back it up here today so about 14 minutes after conrad crossed the line yellow jersey group came across and this reads exactly as it did this morning no change at all sade paganchar will remain in yellow tomorrow he took it from matthew vanderpool after stage eight and has had it on since and we'll see how he wears it with a couple of difficult climbs coming up in the next two days you know that sprint to the finish line chris i mean that's all psychological and the same thing goes with with patrick conrad going off it's always easier to be the one attacking the one chasing how much of a psychological approach was at that teddy sprint to the line like that huge no doubt especially with that smiley hat on his face when he's looking over at all his competition i got this no problem you
Channel: NBC Sports
Views: 215,541
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2021 tour de france, tour de france 2021, tdf 2021, Olympics, cycling, cycling race 2021, Cycling race, cycling on nbc sports, cycling on nbc gold, cycling on nbc sports network, cycling highlights, cycling highlights 2021, tour de france 2021 highlights, 2021 tour de france game, tour de france highlights, stage 16 tour de france 2021, stage 16 highlights, stage 16 highlights tour de france, Tour de france stage 16 highlights, austrian championship, patrick konrad, pyrenees
Id: 7yvN1SZR0EU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 42sec (2442 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 13 2021
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