Touching Toronto Live Stream - June 10

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[Applause] [Music] you let me know we're all ready we're up and ready to go well we just welcome all you people around the world to touching Toronto we're excited about what God is doing in this house tonight let's trail over the password oh my god Duncan get ready to I stand to your feet you're in the right place in the right way at the right time not other to love each other you're in the right place at the right time [Music] Oh right way though right time hey good thing from you lo you're in the right place at the right time [Music] - come on right play right place the right time [Music] [Music] [Applause] talk to me come to me what happened you when was this when was this September 2016 so - almost year and a half I was faced with the biggest mountain in my life mm-hmm a legal issue that was totally unexpected mm-hmm and I went through my Bible and I wrote out every verse pertaining to it uh-huh and I stood on the word and in June of 2017 I had a god moment and we met Pastor Dave and Yuda at Kenneth Copeland and he was telling us that you that we had to come to Billy Burke Metis hmm so my husband and I my sister and brother-in-law came in July and the anointing was so strong we said we will come to ever meeting oh that Pastor Billy's in Toronto for in August you call this out and you prayed for us and I stayed down under the anointing and God said he's heard my prayers he's delivered me he's lifted the burden and he's doing something for me that I cannot do for myself Wow and that was in August in February of 2017 my lawyer called and said you're going to trial and I said mark we can prepare that I'm not going I'm standing on the word I took communion every day beautiful and in May you called my husband and I and you said asked us what we were dealing with and I said a legal issue and you said it's not you it's not your lawyer but it's God whew and I'm here to say on June the 4th it's done come on somebody give me pray what happened to you well you call me right I was sitting right there yes and you call me and I was and I was have a pain right in my back huh you said that it was a kidney infection oh no I went to the doctor and check myself out no more infection beautiful yes what happened my eyes was not see everywhere I go I can't see this my eyes you couldn't see before no you couldn't see I have a left eye or both eyes this effect this this was a little bit every two eyes they tell me doctor tell me you can't see I was working my business I can't drive I live everything I wasn't one my friend was taking me everywhere everywhere I came to see the Queen thing yeah so did you go blind yeah because this when I close you can do like that I came to Sweden oh right yes blind now one day my friend take me here when he was pray I touch my eyes when I touch my eyes I was I believe that prayer was very touch me so much when you pray now when I open eyes I start seeing this light come on come on hey if if he does all the heavy lifting if he does all the miracle work which he does then the least we can do Wow when when we are me my friend take me for go back I am seeing everything delighted when we are going I tell my friend my friend I see I can see I asked my friend thank you very much god bless you you take me this place I was blind because I know I have a family in Canada now I am not working I lose everything I lose I can't see I no job nothing now thank you my friend God will bless you more that estar see I asked my friend stop I can see was that day because my friend when you lose eyes is big problem in your life with life is everything I was now I go doctor doctor was tell forget forget I go I think every time when I go there doctor he can't understand because the doctor become my friend we can do meet because she can't understand why I see but me I know God deliver somebody give God a shout come on yes the first time I came here you called me out and I had no idea what I would even say because it seemed like so much what's wrong yeah and after the meeting I went to my doctor and he said you were in the worst shape of almost any client I have and he says you were doing better than those that were in good shape and he told me I can do anything I want I've built a huge garden couldn't do anything like that because pain vision hearing my whole body was in pain I had many pinched nerves in my back like a fibromyalgia like I had sciatic pain I had three pinched nurse and my lower back I had a disc out between my shoulder blades Wow I was physically not able to do hardly anything and I just planted 19 feet of garden that I built to raise if you're watching Hey no okay we're live right now I'm the benefit of live is if you're watching by chance here tonight Internet we're gonna be here probably for at least another two hours now listen to me get here if you're within the range of this College get in your car get in the bus call a cab call uber I give over here call get into one of these meetings I change your life what he's done for these people they'll do for you come on you've got a big challenge come on something that might be fouled or they go yeah what happened ma'am what happened when you last saw me it was in April and a Monday two months ago yes and you called out God is healing a fib eight atrial fib yes in the heart yes I came up kind of not too sure uh-huh but what had happened that had my open heart surgery in 2009 I had replaced about uh-huh and it was never sure that it was a favor they looked at the symptoms your your entity supposed to behavior so what happened so I left here turned out in a week from there I was in a theme on the machine showing a fib for at least two weeks since I last saw you I had pneumonia I had a clot in my heart the valve Aid and I went into heart even in the heart fail yes through a series of unbelievable things unusual things I ended up at the best Hospital in the world Sunnybrook I spent three weeks there uh-huh they put a new valve in all I spent three weeks there two weeks in a pub in rehab this is my first day out by myself without my Walker thank God thank you far away from Florida thank you you're far away from Peter poor God did it he didn't do the operation he gave me an excellent excellent team he lined up everything in a way that it would take a long time to explain what happened to you young man now could I just for a second reverse the order because if I give the testimony then I won't get to the second thing why because I'm well I'm worried that we won't get to the second thing okay my grandfather's 87 and I'm going to go down to Bulgaria where he is and I probably about a month okay so I probably won't be here next month so just when I was wondering whether it's anything we could do about his strokes he's had four major strokes probably ten minor ones plus and so he's really getting weak and tired and he's okay I just stopped to eat so I don't know if through May week at some house I'm sure we can do something about that he's also got a he's got I don't know he uses a tube for going to the washroom in a small way and actually I think he could still go with the normal way but for some reason he's not able to right so there is that and he also has a lot of vein issues for like the last 20 or 30 years Wow so there's anything that way now in terms of my testimony so I was here with anxiety last month it was 30% better the first day when I came back the next day after we did you know the Sunday when I was here on Monday uh-huh and then it's now 60 percent better whoa and and I want to do teaching that's what I wanted to do when I actually I've started the Chess Club which I volunteer in the former's middle school I used to go to so basically I do all the teaching or whatever I want to do my anxiety is only 10% there Oh in that and and I do volunteer to the ring for English and I help teach her in the classroom now her mother passed away and I was left with 20 people looking at me so I ended up teaching the full three hours with no anxiety at all and then and then I sign no anxiety say it no what replaces anxiety the peace of God anything say anything that costs me my peace it's too expensive don't wait long if you don't have peace about something find out that peace is your empire that's where blood pressure comes from you know it's just what you eat it's what's eating you and that those other pressures your body has your thyroid has a pressure your kidneys your whole body is run on pressure but there's a certain number that it becomes no longer a good pressure but bad pressure what controls all of that what did God give us to control all those fluids all of those heartbeats all those electrical impulses that we're what what's the one thing that controls all of that the peace of God ruling in your life come on put your hands up say give me some of that peace I gotta have that peace anything that costs me that peace is way too expensive come on give God the big shot awesome awesome awesome come on over here reach your hands out we had a lady here I think it was last month I'm not sure she was 87 right down here I prayed for her a month prior I think it was and the police were waiting for her when she got home is that lady here tonight the lady was not supposed to come the doctor didn't want her coming to the meeting the doctor couldn't fix her so he didn't want her to get fixed here right look I assume you know God can outshine the doctors if he wants to come on say Amen if you're a smart doctor you go along with God that's what I you're on the right team but anyhow this lady was I remember she was 87 and she came here against really her doctor's wishes so when she came and they couldn't find her they called the police and so she came here she came here on her own 87 got healed went home to face the police and the police turned her over to the doctor well the doctor found out that she was healed yeah I got a wild story and I thought of I thought of her whenever you mentioned about your father being 87 and he's having these issues with yeah with the stroke so he's had at least four major ones his periodically has minor ones and veins and going to the washroom and then I've heard the last few months since my mother went to visit him if you aren't gonna change the way you eat if you're not gonna change your diet for any cost then get into taking communion every day the only thing only other miracle meal you can get ahold of if you're not gonna change your diet there's something about that communion that trumps even the worst of our habits come on that's if there's a pure place in the scripture where God is determined and promised to bring instant healing really to release healing is drinking that cup and taking that broken bread because the only places body was really broken was on that cat of nine tails so he knew there'd be disease the whole way down through the scope of time and eternity he knew he was leaving he knew whose people were gonna you know time was gonna march on there being more diseases hit hit the Earth's air stream as deforestation takes place as massive transit takes place as civilizations were mixing and you know merging together he knew what was gonna happen in 2018 he knew there'd be too many diseases even give a name for and he knew there'd be more than 39 that matched the stripes on Jesus back so so tell you what do this as often as often remember me remember what remember what I did at Calvary don't let Calvary become outdated or irrelevant Calvary is in style the Z generation the millennial generation the boomer generation come on say Calvary is on time in time all the time come on give him a mighty pray reach your hands out to him come on reach your hands out to this young man we want to pray for his father what's your dad's name déméter say that again de matar and what nationality is that Bulgarian Bulgarian yes put your hands up young man oh come on put him up get excited your dad's about to get healed he's about to get hit I mean long distance master we ask you right now to move over all of these arteries all over any calcification in those arteries we ask you to blow with your breath through his body and all blockages you'd be his chelation therapy you clean out the pipes clean out everything in his head Oh break any thought of an aneurysm have any bubble burst breaking and you be his his blood blockers master touch him tonight with that miracle power we pray this young man oh this 87 year old men young to you dear Lord and let that be healing happen right come on somebody say right now that's power holding it come on somebody give God a shout oh come on give me a break come on [Music] I sense there was somebody else that was supposed to come up and testify and you didn't do that you're here tonight where are you you wanted to come up and give that testimony who is this you felt that urgent and you backed down at the last minute quickly who are you who is this person do you have a testimony is it you that's your wife where he's volunteering his wife pray for this man huh pray for this man yes he stream oh you're watching it live right on the phone right on the phone what was the Apostle Paul what would Jesus say what's going on here what happened to you I had a deviated septum a deviated septum right here yes and how long did you have that um probably thirty years thirty years so that's what he called it out it was a word of knowledge called down yes and what did you think when you heard it I came up and you touched me in I went to an end you went under the power yes and when I got up I can breathe I can feel it [Music] I can breathe and so it's just a massive difference in your inhaling exhaling in your energy level yes I used to just breathe through one nostril I can breathe through both both nostrils somebody better get excited come on somebody give God a shout you know you know always sometimes you think the people that get some of these miracles like the lady that was blind how do you how do you put a value in monetary or how do you monetize that we you can how do you monetize this lady right here with a deviated septum you can but sometimes what we do in an audience like this we think that God always heals the people that have the money and sometimes God heals the people they don't have any money God's not looking for money to get healed he's looking for faith he was looking for his timing for that manifestation because yours hasn't happened yet doesn't mean it won't as long as you don't quit as long as you don't give in to your feelings as long as you don't start listening to those voices that tell you well they're better than you or you're not good enough all those he will play any angle he can to get you out of the face line out of the healing line into a waiting line but what I want to say is is that sometimes we just think weird things about the money part of this because it takes a lot of money not just some money it takes a lot and we don't always want to say that to you because we know that you come here and we never ever ever want to give the impression that anything here is for sale because it's not because you don't have enough money to buy it none of us do how do you buy grace how do you buy any one of these miracles the doctor asked the lady how do you see I would love to be in one of those visits dr. dr. was ailing me somebody say something here I mean that's why we're here not just to heal the sick and see miracles but to confound those people that don't have any idea some of them are Church people some of them are people that don't go to church we fish here for everybody we're not fishing for Christians we're not fishing for just Pentecostals we're fishing for anybody that we can get to come in through those doors because what healing is healing is the love of God demonstrated he heals because he loves come on say God heals because of his deep love for me but here's a lady here I don't know the lady's monetary works I don't know what she's able to give I don't know well then what a heal how do you how do you how do you comprehend not seeing than seeing and all you have with a lady in Texas brother brother Copeland's Church she filled nine stories out of a building she landed on the man in front of her fell in front of her he split and died on a pie on pylons she landed on top of him cracked every bone in her back they brought her and she was a literal mess when she went down them under the power that night she winced while she went down it was you could see her face hurting as she but she went down the gods power touched her the next night she came back to testify and I saw her in the one I said ma'am I said tell me what happened she says I have no pain and I said I said I said well I said that's it it was so obvious how much you were hurting last night she says let me tell you when you touched me she said the pain just was moving through my body as I as I fell to the floor I was hurting on the floor but she says something happened on the way home it began to lift I went to bed it lifted when I woke up I had no pain and she said I am so grateful but she started crying and I said why are you crying she said because I have no money to give you then I started crying come on somebody right right why can't you heal some rich people I didn't say that I was thinking that and and I said don't worry about it don't worry about it she sitting she cried we have it on camera she said no she said you deserve everything that I have and the husband came up and he was not even a believer he said we never thought this was that real he said but now I know this is real he said she's right we don't have any money to give you and I'm thinking please stop saying that you know and then I told her go back to my table cuz we have products we sell was the back that to help the ministry to educate the people and and and she said I can't go back there and take more from you I won't do that I said ma'am we're here to help you and when she went back to the table there was someone back there who who actually was her landlord and he said to her from now on you live for free yeah yeah her mechanic was back at the table he said from now on all your car services for free her doctor was back there he said from now on anything medically is for free I said scuse me I'm going back to my table right now listen to me and she here's a lady who wanted to but didn't have the resources she wanted to but she didn't have the resources tonight I just want you to be aware that we're grateful for all of you and we would never want to take from you but we want to receive from you do you hear me my grandmother taught me and she's in heaven now she went on to be was the lord of 93 and before she left she said if I get up there and I hear about you taking any money for what you do I said but ma'am this costs money we called her ma'am I said but ma'am this cost money she stood to listen to me you taken nothing but you receive it quickly I thought well what's the difference here between just what I said to you I'm not taking I don't want to take none of us want to take from you you need money to do what you do but if we can come together here once a month and you can see the progress yeah we have worked one streaming and yeah we're TV and and yeah we're having a nice Bank but but let me tell you what's consistent here the blind say cancer just heal I will never get more excited over technology or anything because I know when you go home and you have a death sentence on you I've had it twice when you go home and you're you're not supposed to live or you're never supposed to see again and we've had people right here Ruksana here stage 4 throat cancer and I think of all the Parkinson's people that's been and these people walk in and and they have a diagnosis on them a sentence from a professional doctor that gives no hope and you come to a meeting and God has a different vote for you help us do that help us keep this going come on help us keep the candle lit help us they're still visitors coming word is still getting out we're not done we're just getting started but we need help put your hands up all over the place I'm gonna pray pastor dave is gonna come and talk to you about giving tonight those of you watching by streaming tonight if you want to sow a seed you're more than welcome to do that it's all of it coming together it makes such a difference Holy Spirit touch each person tonight as they come and help help them come and give as well as receive you've blessed somebody here in all of us here each in different ways but not only does their see to help what we're doing here but it positions them for a harvest from heaven of greater value and more amount than what their labor could ever do say with me dear Holy Spirit I have to contribute to keep the fire burning show me how much with the great kind of a spirit I want my heart to be in this I don't want to feel taken I want to give I got to get into this this is the best investment in town help me help me help me tonight get past all fear all wrong inclination be a part of something bigger than myself I promise to give you all the praise somebody give God a big big shout tonight come on hallelujah praise the Lord all right if you need an offering envelope put your hand up real high and just wave it to the ushers get there I know most you have won but for those that don't just put your hand up real high keep waving it and as they're doing that make your checks payable to SLC 4 sell one Outreach Center it should be on the overhead screen SOC and please print very clearly on the checks and the envelopes your full address telephone number postal cold email address check the box if you want to be on our email list so you get notified all right again checks payable to SOC if you're giving away if you want to give a credit card debit card and go to the back there it can give that way as well if you didn't come prepared tonight you can go to touching Toronto calm and give online 24/7 and those again they're watching by live streaming you can do the same thing just go to the same website that you got on this live stream touching Toronto calm and you can give and by the way those that are going to the website we have a tab up there for the banquet the it will sell up fast it did last year completely sold out so you want to get your tickets get them now get them quickly and just click on the banquet tab on the website all right anyone else need an offering I hope just put your hand up high wave it we're covered okay well again just make sure you print real clear in those envelopes and by the way those that are didn't get in the email from you yesterday you're not on our list it when in the spam got blocked or something so you need to go back on to the the website and and subscribe if you're not if you don't get my email this week all right we want to make sure that you you're kept up to date on any line minute changes alright well god bless you Duncan go ahead and sing and Usher's wait for my cue [Music] okay Usher's [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and now I know he touched me and if they've received your offer each stand with us he touched me oh he touched me and all the joy that floods my soul oh come on something happened and now I know he touched me and me come on the singing again let's expect it ho ye time that the blessed Savior and Cincy cleanse and made me whole I will never cease I will never cease to pray Zi [Music] Hey [Music] Hey [Applause] [Music] that's what my soul something and now hey touch me hand me home hi come on every hand let's worship him [Music] hallelujah [Music] all fear is being broken tonight every demonized voice is being silenced disease is being broken hallelujah oh the blood of Jesus [Music] hi [Music] singing holla [Applause] [Music] ah hi Leigh just our voices Duncan softly [Music] that's so beautiful I'll tell you [Music] nothing like the people singing nothing that's praised as your set you're singing praises to our God our only God [Music] even softer thank you yeah thank you Jesus yeah thank you thank you always thank you thank you thank you [Music] disk herniation he's healing some disk herniation in the back being wonderfully healed right now the power of God's working in this there's multiple myeloma being wonderfully healed a form of bone cancer being healed right now get out of your seat come to me on the stage this hurting disc herniation come quickly multiple myeloma is in the room tonight you're being healed it's a form of bone cancer you must get quickly come quickly there's glaucoma being wonderfully healed by the power quickly come hurry please mighty mighty is the Lord Zephaniah said the LORD thy God in the midst of thee is so mighty the Holy Spirit's working right now right now quickly come quick give me these lady give me that lady right there and the blue sweater woman come quickly both of you I want you to both right now hurry come on right in the front of the line yes right here quickly somebody named Herbert Herbert you go by the name Herbert maybe it's a middle name but you go by Herbert Herbie you're in the room tonight come to me what is this why are you here um Jade invited me to here and I brought a friend who's on wheelchair and she has pancreatic cancer she has pancreatic cancer yes Emily way in the back Emily in the wheelchair section wheel her around to the side over here here she comes oh she's not in the wheelchair she's walking I'm not sure whether she is here I just told her to come oh you know her to come yeah she says are you related she's my friend I invite her to here too okay and then she invite her friend come here there's a touch so many have gotta shout come on all the power you never get slain for nothing anytime you get slain I mean I'm going to the power or you know any of the language that we use there's always a purpose for it oh it's just the lady she's talking about I'm gonna come down there get ready sweetheart I'm gonna come down there I'm not this moment but I'm gonna go down quickly yes oh this is her here just I can't which they can't be too there's got to be one who are you with the people that just came the Asian girls she has glaucoma I lost my right eye uh-huh that's two three once they go let me see yeah you have no I in there at all you have an eye you lost sight you me yeah hold your hate you got to hold your head up okay I can't see I want to see your pretty eye you got pretty eyes let me see oh well color do you think they are you know what color do you think they are what color clothes I can see when I'm close to you I can see I can't see oh you can see close up yes you can see close up sometimes it's not good to see too much you know that sometimes too many people see too many things that's what I say right put your hands high come on put your hands high I won't hurt you I promise we haven't heard anybody yet this will be eight years pastors this eight years we've just finished seven years we're on our eighth year come on Oh Holy Spirit we ask you to touch the eyes close your eyes man no you gotta have their hands up you gonna do what you're told that's why this week we take a dunk in the river you dunk in the river right you're precious you're precious your discretion through this precious precious there's the power up here you feel that Holy Ghost you felt it back there I'm gonna touch both of your eyes she's gonna clear both of your eyes up there's nothing wrong you have a little bit of circulation issues that's all there's no detached retina your Roz and your cones are fine listen to me there's nothing wrong a little bit of circulation that's it master we get all the time oh my god you held on to the Walker here does Jesus touch your master I give you praise Petra how many okay how many fingers one two three four five one two three nothing now the next time you come and visit me there's nothing to hold on to okay you want me replacement I did both the legs and head of for two years back after that oh now you want more than just your eyes this is what women do when they go shopping come on somebody they go for one thing and come back with five things right preacher they do that what it was your legs hurting and who are you who are you I'm her niece I'm her niece so she got both knees replaced as your knees still hurting not now I didn't drink so well she super 1 come on give me pray [Music] amazing what is it how long have you had this about 30 years 30 years and I go by the nickname her [Music] I don't know anybody in my life named herb or goes by herb or Herbie and you go by herb in your MIT was it a name a nickname but you don't even that's not even your real name no but you go by herb yes do you need money no you don't need any money no cuz there's a lot coming your way thank you put your hands up Holy Ghost they give you such praise for the increase he must find you trustworthy he must find herb trustworthy there's nothing greater than to Lord say I trust somebody not many he can say that about but you've earned it I don't know you but you've earned some level of trust in the high heavens and there's going to be increase not all at once but in tranches it'll start in 2018 near the end of the year and go all through 19 all through 20 and and if we're here through 21 these next few years is gonna rain finances in your life because he trusts you the powers gonna heal that body that power somebody give God a shout come on [Music] amazing amazing absolutely amazing yes ma'am what happened to you narrow at the end your eyes were was narrow narrow yes uh-huh so he did laser twice but now when I'm reading something covers my eyes I can't see you can't see what yes could you see me yes I can see you what can't you see like when I'm working like on the computer when you're done at the computer yes and then my eyes like something covers my eyes well number one anybody hear this on the computer please please please get a pair of safety glasses you can get them at we get them at Best Buy you can get them on the internet they're gonna cost you a little bit of money for good ones thirty forty fifty dollars they protect you from the blue light these people that are on these computers whatever generation you are in the years to come if we're here that computer glare coming back into your eye is gonna cause a lot of eye conditions so take care of your eyes come on stay take care of my eyes get a pair of goin sunglasses aren't strong enough these are special glasses why do they sell special glasses hello because they don't want to be liable you know for anything that happens to your eyesight and there's a lot of things besides being blind it's called nearsightedness farsightedness blurry vision cataracts there's a lot of mystery around this how all that happens the devil may be behind it long distance somewhere but right now it's you know we're moving with technology way to go we need to do that that's great this but we don't want it to curse us amen close your eyes sweetheart part of God's gonna come on in tonight there's mercy oh the Holy Ghost Jesus do you feel that power did you feel that mighty touch at the power let me glorify your name you know come on sing it glorified doin anymore glorify my name and we glorify you know yes what's this my last name is Herbert your last name is worth Herbert you said we're having some issues here with the sound just hold on hold on so your last name is Herbert Herbert so do you go by Herbert yes and sometimes people call me herb and they call you herb herb herby yeah so is that your maiden name your married name married a married name your husband's here no words he yet well it's my first husband and I kept that name so he's deceased your first husband is deceased yeah Wow put your hands up lady can you put both hands up are you okay why you here tonight on the stage for that real reason nothing no that's it this is a money word then we had pretty bad if I give one Herbie money and the other herb you don't get no money there'd be some complaints coming into the office right it's amazing I mean who would ever think the last name hurt you know what I mean no would ever think of it he must if we believe you say somebody this is a stretch we live in the stretch if you can't if you don't come here and get stretched then you're not cooperating because we all need stretched come on look at your neighbor and say you need stretched more than I do tell your neighbor right now Wow what's that finances to bless somebody whatever maybe doesn't matter I don't want to get into that that's up to you we give you praise dear Jesus we give you praise hold your hand side and please Holy Ghost we thank you for this lady we thank you for increase we thank you for this and we thank you for the advent of this coming through it's gonna come through an unexpected source and a matter of fact it's gonna be through a half a dozen unexpected sources six people you never dreamed would be sowing into your life six these people are the John's of your life they're there for you and nobody else is or was get ready to be shocked by who it is and shocked by what they bless you with thank you Lord for this lady and thank you for that first husband that gave her that name somebody give God a shout come on come on give me a break [Music] yes man what happened what do you need well coma how bad is cervical very bad especially my right uh-huh and cervical spine what's your number on that I have with you know the numbers it was four point something one point eight or something it's about to drop down to by zero praise God yeah hello I'm gonna get up underneath your glasses leave them on leave them on leave them on just close your eyes oh my god the power just shot right through her body look at this look at this look at this see if you don't believe in the power I don't know you're here to be open to get open if you get open and go beyond what you have ever seen or believe it gets ready later getting power come on somebody oh my god [Music] I'll tell you one thing I don't know who who your grandchildren are but I mean they're all about to be lassoed by the Holy Ghost they're about that lasso all of these grandchildren it's come to me sir sir hurry up what is this what herniated discs herniated discs where at how bad is it so bad you can't walk no you wet I can't walk for a long distance no so is it pulsating yes and have you been to the doctors no no so walk then tell me how bad it feels when you walk over there it's what it gets frozen and it's hurting right now yes and how long has it been like that recorded about 30 years I'm sorry I can't hear you got it about 30 years ago thirty years when he got worse now that was it a knee injury I was I lived her something dear Holy Spirit touch the man that's your power come on him let them fire go into his bones Oh sir he's moving all through your bones all through your bones all through the bone structure he's even healing density while he's down there working that's all leaving that's all leaving helped us lady up right here quickly quickly [Music] lung cancers being healed right now somebody with lung cancer come on come to me lung cancer spots on the lung quickly you're here tonight spots on the lung lung cancer come now don't wait come hurry hurry hurry hurry with what how's that faces the clearer you can see faces clearly with your glasses off with her glasses off amazing is that amazing thank you God you carry a presence with you you know that amazing where do you come from Jamaica Jamaica what part of Jamaica Westmoreland amazing amazing hurry here here lung cancer lung cancer give the lung cancer lady a god bless you come on tell me about it 2014 ahead rectal cancer had surgery it has two sides of the lung and went back to the right now this end in the rectum do you understand what just happened here do you understand what just happened I don't know you right I'm not if you're guessing it I think I hear yes okay so here's God in heaven he has eight billion people he could help tonight eight billion plus those are the ones we know about right he comes down through the shaft to the ceiling of Canada College and picks you that means this thing is over I've been expecting you come on somebody turn up [Music] I meant one woody how do you feel at this moment now Oh breathe do something what just good he feels what just good you feel good it looks good it feels it feels good it feels good what's that mean I don't know the difference Oh miss Mon is painful so you had pain when you came up yes certain breath too small a little short of breath now you have longer breathing you know and I'm having coffee yet so I'm in coffee and coffee where are you from have you been here before Brampton no it's my first night your first night you know stay here we're not saying that you leave here and there's nothing that you have to walk through we would never say that this is to make you more diligent don't ever think you come here and then you leave here and you have to do nothing that's not what God does is God does this to get you engaged with his word with his promises with him with his praise he wants you to know him in a greater way than you do and you're the way that happens is T IME but all of this starts with you leaving here and being grateful for whatever portion you received if you receive some go thank him for the some some will turn into more and more will turn into all come on give him a shout come on [Music] come on come on my god come on it's so amazing it's amazing come come come right here both of you come come come what are you here for whatever God's got well now what are you here what's up powers on this lady what are you here for man dear Lord there's so many things going on in our life right now he's overshadowing I sing praises I sing praises to your name come on Oh Lord praises Oh Lord for your name and grace to be pray I sing praises Oh Lord praises to your name and great come on duck and I sing go away [Music] come come come come come hurry hurry hurry and graciously this might be such this mic is called the Father holy good I'm sorry where bring bring and bring him bring him that's good what's going on oh my what's happening here hold on hold on hold it guys what's going on here a brain tumor is is it malignant okay tell me about it I guess what I had that's what I thought tell me about it please quickly you know set to mourning the bones of a spring walking we sang a song here in the very beginning we're in you're in the right place at the right time I need you to believe tonight both of you have dad and mom I need you to believe this is hard for us to see it's hard we look at these conditions if I looked at the condition I wouldn't do this but I looked into a lady's eyes when I had stage four and she looked like she was looking past me she was you have to look past people and see him past your problem and see him if you stare at him you'll look at the wave if you stare at your stuff and you'll sink and that's the issue for believers that aren't getting the victory every one of us thing every one of us is wired for victory you're hot-wired from heaven but that doesn't mean there's not something for you to do nothing's automatic even though you're wired many were wired for sports but they still had to train wired for being an astronaut but they still had to go through the process you're wired to beat this thing you send your season of your life at this moment but you got to call on them you got to need them this isn't about how strong you are it's about how strong he is it's not about what you know it's about what he did believing into what he did he said it is finished come on give him a shot come on say with men impossible but with God all things you got to get that past you're feeling realm because it sure seemed like he was dead when they wrapped his lifeless body and shoved it in the tomb no brainwaves no heartbeat sure seemed like and they sealed that big rock and they tied it and tagged it and sealed it put guards around it and one day went by and two days went by and some of the disciples quit because why it seems like say it seem like you can't go by what it seems like and in spite of what it seemed like on that third day he came out of that grave that's who lives in you I would never be insensitive enough to say I don't care what it seems like about you because I do care we wouldn't be here but we have to we have to challenge you we can't leave you think the way you do and just get prayer if you don't change your thinking you're not gonna get to where you want to go you've got to believe that what you have is doable that God's big enough to handle your stuff you've got to set a time a window oh god help me in this window of time that's why we had these meetings we could be here every night that's the neat destiny that's the need what's this boy's name Sebastian I love that name Sebastian I love it what's the little girl's name what's name Sophia the SNS kids Sophie and Sebastian put your hands on your little brother up here okay for me super Sophia okay dad come on put your hands up put your hands up all over the place I want you to witness the miracle okay they're gonna come back and tell us about this if we had an x-ray machine I'd take a write-back stage tonight do you hear me Wow we're not breaking Chinese fortune cookies here tonight we're not rubbing and scratching off a ticket there's a voice in heaven that moves and the gifts of the Holy Ghost and why so many people are afraid of that I don't understand that unless you're doing something wrong right it's only here to benefit you boy the Herbie's are happy then I'll tell you that the herpes the herby people I'm telling you what I was almost wanting to change my name to Herbie when I heard that right because I don't talk out of my head I talk out of my spirit when Billy Burke prays God puts a deposit in my spirit when Billy Burke worships God puts a deposit in my spirit when I forgive my enemies who he puts a de passe I live out of my deposit I don't know what I'm gonna say here I pray and I have a deposit I'd never go anywhere empty I'm gonna go to the bus stop the airport and a taxicab empty locked and loaded everywhere you go come on somebody come on somebody give God a shout somebody praise them [Music] there's people right now in your seat there's no pain in your body you came here with arthritic pain check it check it move it's not there who are you waves at me way that's me where is it it's gone where is it gone where is it who's over here no more pain who is it it's no pain how long would you have that three months gone who it looks back here sweetheart how long how long did you have that months one year work what was it and it doesn't hurt it just left who loves back here what what happened you had it it don't hurt it skinnier come here hurry up see I'm doing this I know it's there over there I know the river there I'm letting this cook a little bit God stirring the pot people what how long have you had that lady this year my god lady how was your raised Catholic who was you raised Protestant from Ireland from Ireland I'm Irish yes an Irish Protestant Irish yes that's a rare person it is it is and there's no pain well don't complain about it anymore I promise she's complaining I want my pain back is this your wife why not why is he not your husband you talked about it this your best friend yeah and she's your best friend yes need to talk about it okay talking about it there's more here going on then I know what's going on here so talk about it huh it was there for my daughter's yeah more than that it's more than that don't be afraid he's not like the last person don't worry about it when somebody give God a big shot come on huh what's wrong h2 breast cancer I'm over here you're gonna have a mastectomy they told you that on what day June 27 June 27 they're gonna take off the left breast correct four weeks ago I found out through mammogram today so do you wanna do you want the left breast to come off no would you rather keep it I would put your hands up I'm excited about tonight I'll tell you that right now come on somebody break in your name is higher come on [Music] your name is Jesus your name is Lord your name is any other you won't lose it my Kotter power your name come on your name [Music] your name [Music] go but I call you [Music] what kind of it [Music] come to me you won't have any come right now [Music] your name [Music] but I cool come on everybody but I call come on hands up but uh but I let's not lose sight of who's doing this why he's doing this why you're a witness there's something here for everybody tonight beyond my beyond my ability to comprehend it's coming in so fast but many of you will go home tonight and you'll see a difference somewhere in the way people treat you the way they see you you're in the anointing you're sitting in the anointing you got to put a value on the anointing it was one thing that I I knew I was in some great places with some great people as a boy but I just couldn't comprehend what I was feeling I didn't understand the annoying thing I understood the people and they had powered I didn't I didn't catch this total saturation and a public meeting where his presence comes in and he let you feel him God let you feel him think about that God that you feel him he triggers that by letting you see somebody else get a healing now how you know you need extra help as if you see a blind woman testify and you don't feel anything that's the sign you need extra help I don't mean that in a bad way life has what life has crusted over you bad things have crusted over you and God has to break that shell to get to you I don't know how people came in here and they ended up getting mad or they they think I'm trying to do this there's how would you standing here and people resisting health I can only be as forceful as I can be with what I know I believe more than I know I don't know that much but what I do know I believe I've had preachers tell me that they say I know way more than you I said great they said but you see all the miracles I said hallelujah they saw us coming you know less and see more I know more and see less I said because you don't believe everything you know neither do some of you if you believe that your life would be different you know way more than you believe that's our issue in life not bad people doing bad things not enough good people doing right things we can change Toronto we can impact all the Nova Scotia Vancouver Calgary Alberta Saskatchewan come on somebody give God a shout we're gonna have a revival come on [Music] see now we're no longer just Canada cause now we're streaming now I'm telling you there's gonna be people coming in from who knows where and they're after your seat say out loud you're not getting my seat come on say everybody I'm so nice how'd you hear I came here with my person that actually met that we used to live in the same town and we both moved away from each other and how about this though they told Jim her he said who's that person come here move come here when we met up and after not seeing each other so what's your condition called what's your condition called spina bifida you were born that way yeah and you had the bone outside of your body yeah so you it was a tree Moo did you put it back in yeah surgeries you can't walk without this yeah okay and you brought her through Scott his wife was healed with throat cancer yes Larry Nix yes she's here I think she usually sits right in here somewhere well they're not here tonight how are you doing you doing all right how you don't you you're with him right huh I'm just trying to hear you don't want to know what I know you want to know what he knows he knew Herbie was here and there's still one more I don't know what that person is resisting you're here it's just the money it's just money Potenza tonight the pain goes tonight you walk without this your your prisoner no more to this do you hear me you are in the right place the right time master we give you praise well don't touch me the Holy Ghost on this one somebody give us please no no please I didn't call for him please that's why we're here - nice we just can't we have to have some kind of order here we just can't let you know and I mean it's just not fair I'm here I'm thinking of you while I'm over there and I'm wanting you to get ready for this you have to be ready for this you can't leave your thinking the way you did coming in here this days of hopelessness is over that's right it's over do you hear me he's gonna look into your eyes not my eyes tonight he may see my eyes but he's gonna look into your eyes and daddy's eyes and what he has to see is hey you're gonna be all right all right things are not gonna go the way the doctor said you hear me pow and will he goes somebody give God a shout come on somebody got power come on somebody mighty Holy Ghost touch you mess kneel the cancer dissolve the tumors abbreviate the whole system let there be an abbreviation to all of this they may start a certain way but won't have to go that way long he will come to the ship in the time of the storm and the storm will stop somebody to give God a shout all right come on somebody give God a shot come on the swamp come on this walk let's go don't think about it come on let's walk let's walk never go leave her go Neera go she can walk come on let's go come on let's go come on you're doing amazing you're going amazing leave going I'm right next you got it I'm right next you go right next I'm right next to you tomorrow somebody's praise him [Music] hold on turn it around helper I need some volume here guys a little bit of volume my voice is crackling look at me sweetheart look at me here's what we're gonna do you and I okay we're gonna march like a soldier okay that's right ready you gotta go higher than that you won't join the army like that come on gotta go a little higher got a beautiful smile you know that you do doesn't she have a beautiful smile didn't have a bunch of a beautiful smile now I want you to go a little higher cuz this pain is leaving you look at me look at me all of your gaze is coming back you won't need that Walker ever again you ready come to me come on mine come come to me come to me take it out mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark well put your trust in God alone and rest upon his oh yes [Music] [Music] what do you think of that wonderful you broke it you broke the barrier no pain no pain [Music] [Applause] [Music] if a few of you will trap your hands even the Angels would get excited come on my god Wow it's crazy people go to the movies all the time they don't go to the movies and say I don't believe that they believe they suck in fiction they suck at it you're so used to fiction and make-believe it's okay to be entertained I'm not tell you not to do that I nothing wrong what's a good movie nothing wrong with that oh you come in here or somewhere where you go and if you really are open here tonight it's more than what your eyes are telling you there's a princess that's greater than any one of us if you're watching by streaming please you can still get here we still have I don't know how much time but if you're close you can still get here what do you think of this what are you feeling nice not to feel anything what's that it's nice not to feel anything nice not to feel anything [Music] Wow how long 30 years 32 years 32 years something's happening in your boy right now because he cured me of epilepsy but I also have epilepsy yeah he cured me of that we just live for him find out what he has for you he heals you of that and now this that's a story worth telling give her a big god bless you and walk walk leave that there let's go where you going that whoa whoa whoa where you going that who are you yeah sure you're not going anywhere with that no no that's going on eBay no more right there gonna make some money with that you know what you know what where's she going what's your name sweetheart Tania kick your legs up a little bit higher for me please no pain no pain now you're not through this yet I mean you got a great touch tonight there's healing touch and then there's healed come on say healing touch then there's healed the touch is supposed to take you to heal and it's will if you nurture it you're going to get involved with this it starts by something so simple I praise you I thank you for tonight thank you for what you did for me that's not hard doesn't take an education don't take up all day long just mean it you can't pay him back but you can try you can try amazing nothing is impossible when you put your trust in God another thing is impossible when you trusting in his word hearken to the voice of come on is there anything well Oh [Music] [Applause] everything come on yeah yes every come on way [Applause] amazing what's happening mama daddy what's happening here's what mama and daddy say from tonight on Jesus is healing or boy you don't go back to what it was what was said you change the way you talk immediately you don't have time to learn you don't have time to think about this I would never play with his life that's not who I am okay if you're gonna if you're gonna get help and make this miracle work then he needs you okay so I may ask you again how how's your boy doing what he's healing Jesus say that name dad [Applause] [Music] come on the moment the Dame come on say the name the moment the name joins up with an aspirin it's a supernatural aspirin the moment the name ends up with any kind of prescription it becomes a supernatural prescription add that element to it till you don't need that element any longer but never depend on an element alone amazing I don't have people on the stage what's going on here talk to me sweetheart how's this cancer what tell you about the lungs dry up hearing him been coughing because of the dryness so one of these gentlemen he got my water and so how do you feel good how's the breathing what one part I'm good how's the breathing not bad we give you praise there Jesus we give you praise we give you praise he does the healing I can't spend all night yes quickly what is this how long you had this I've had it since 1978 I had a tobogganing accidents and I fractured the sacrum hurting now oh yeah now I have two herniated discs right now yes it's hurting right now right now it aches it doesn't hurt is it aching now yes you're sure I'm positive you're amazing somebody helped me tonight [Music] oh my god oh my god oh it's amazing Billy's burger bar for a blessing [Music] everything possible let's don't do that let's do let's do I believe I believe in miracles I've seen it's all set free come on Duncan reading [Music] come on I've seen the lily lily I'm through I believe miracles Billy we have people here and here and here I'm doing the best that I can but don't stand here and let your faith go south you might end up in Florida come on say Amen no pain that's the power on your man he's unblocking arteries to the heart you've had severe blockage and he's opened it up come on give him a mighty pray what's going on here you making all that noise over there that you making that noise what's his name Billy on yo Billy on one more time Billy on Billy on Olean yes what's the matter Leon he - he lost the speech lost his speech why I don't know what the doctors say they don't know they still don't know so he was talking up and yeah yeah yeah he was saying words and he just stopped and they took cash scans x-rays you know MRIs and nothing for speech and [Music] development it's been like a year he won't need it after tonight something gonna happen here how hard this is on a parent brutal your love is tested your marriage is tested your future is tested and few people want to jump in and help afraid to say the wrong thing until we pity pity helps nobody pity helps nobody Jesus never pitied one person he had compassion being biddie them he challenged them he took the last mite of the widow no no no we talked about her giving it he took it you didn't get it did you your safety offering was taken come on say Amen meaning what he didn't pity her he knew that she had to give something to get something so he took it to get that law working oh okay is that the one you brought so the other one huh pancreatic stage three three days to live three days to live and she's here somebody better give taught us she tries to be healed [Music] my my my my my my my alien is that right alien in your name args on ours on yes Barzani Leon yes your name I forget oh my god it's hard three names are Z on alien ally on our Xeon I'm going back to Florida tonight I'll tell you that we got Betty Bob and Susie there's a miracle here put your hands up come on and miracles for and come Holy Spirit I come on come Holy Spirit and come Holy Spirit come on come in ice tray and I power [Music] except by the Holy Ghost the Holy Ghost father believable they go I got you my man hold her up hold her up [Music] the ghosts come in thy strength Wow [Music] let me get his throat here my father holy go [Music] be loosen the tongue [Music] don't talk he'll talk you'll talk let me know I want to know come on give God a shout come on come on come on I'm sorry they hurt right now how Bad's the pain no they're healed you got healing come on give God a big shout you guys yes you got healed huh you want a baby got a cold I gotta call from Baltimore City a child it's seven years old has cancer in the kidney one kidney moved at the end we'll pray you've got your healing here yes she's here for the first time uh-huh failure pakka makka cordovan yes here that with the Spirit of the Lord and with the power of the Lord you are you're helping people to get healed be Maurya despacio take that you just want to ask you please whatever God put in your heart to pray for me and prophesy for me and also I have a problem with my disk and Siad sciatica ask you which side let me get you tighter so it hurts now yes did you fall now as Nisha Stan as the our Twitter she's working with computers she's she's sitting all the time because of the lots of sitting put your hands up [Music] holy spirit we give you such praise tonight let your mighty power move for this lady there's information on that side of the body he's gonna take away all the information there'll be a soothing effect come over here with us it's the presence of the Lord King presence the additional motor cell phone the healing reign of God for purposes you're unaware of own own had I figured I'd heard about someone named he's called you out wow thank you I mean he told her eyes the Germany eyes kiss you don't know he she she she acts we finish would you let me finish much jealousy will happen you will lose certain friends but as you get closer to the Lord and your calling have the people necessary help you get to where you need to be take it tonight yes they'll all pass away diagnosed with spinal stenosis in my lumbar bad is it it's my legs are heavy and let's all stand to our feet all over the place please quickly all over the audience you prayed for me eight years ago and I remember your face and you asked me was I in pain I kept trying to say no and then you you made me answer and I said no and so you told me run down the stairs and I thought no wait but I felt the strength to have you back again thank you you're facing now is one more time I know sternos it hurts it doesn't hurt my legs are heavy and weak and i get wobbly so i'm possibly looking at surgery i have it in my kings and kingdoms kings and kingdoms the long pass away labelled the name Jesus [Music] there's just something about that name come on he's my master master Savior Jesus like the fragrance after the ring come on say it loud [Music] J let all heaven and earth come on key [Music] they'll all but there's something my bad I love psalm 41 psalm 41 says he will raise you off of your bed of languishing and that's what I see here there was never any name of any disease that intimidated Jesus or Paul or wiglesworth or oral or Catherine the whole way down the line you can't hear a disease and go all the blood the name the stripes the spirit the written word the angels of God I'll tell you the deck is stacked it's a fixed fight you got to get into this with your mind wrap your mind get your faith connected every day every day every day every day saturated saturated in the annoying thing she is stage three you say she has pancreatic cancer for healing tonight ray stop we're gonna flip the pancake come on somebody [Music] amazing amazing I'm anxious for tomorrow night to see how many people from the streaming come into the services hey you hey you can you talk can't you speak yes oh my you can't you got strong voice what's your name how many look can you see me Emily yes I'm looking over here yeah I can see you Emily look at me I'm gonna touch you the power guns gonna go through your body yes okay I'm coming here for a miracle oh I love it Emily come on come on thank you Jesus the bigger they are the harder they fall hallelujah so your main she's in pain tonight so it's just exhaustion who are you the husband the husband I need to notice by tomorrow night there's gonna be a change here I want to know what the changes okay did she sleep all night no no no she's up and down she's up and down yeah how many times three four three or four times yeah tonight she sleeps thank you lord but were you taking it to the bedroom yeah no not tonight tonight you both sleep in the living room okay that bedroom nose there's pressure to sleep there's pressure we don't want any more pressure on her okay tonight the power of God is gonna flow in this body and this pancreas is gonna begin to change colors she's gonna feel better she's gonna feel stronger you ready dad Oh dad dad also cut what's that sir also has two stroke whales your cause she had two strokes dad don't pile on this stuff I'm paddling on the prayers here come on dad thank you that's Holy Ghost on the pancreas thank you we gotta get her living right master we give you praise we thank you the Holy of the power of all the girls go through the body go through the body go through the body into that pancreas they forgot that the powers on the dads Jesus we give you praise you give you praise you want try and walk I know you want to try to walk you wanna try and sit up for try and walk what do you want to do my left side I have no strain ready shut up you want to try and sit up Sam yes yeah his name is wonderful I want to hear by tomorrow night okay my lord comes a big guy yes what's going on here sir pulmonary fibrosis in the last two and a half months I've gone from have I said still in a coach I could stay at 94 in oxygen and now minute I go off oxygen in three minutes I'll drop to 70 so my lungs are caving in I needed healing from the Lord so if you're off of this for how long or three minutes I'll drop them in the 90s to about seven 90s to the 70s within three minutes yeah that's what happened before you came here tonight well two and a half months ago if I sat still on the coach I could stay in the 90s but now I got to be on oxygen to stay in the 90s so whenever you say that you're saying when I get this prayer I'm expecting more than that yes sir that's right [Music] that's a Holy Ghost who's with this man who's with that man no but anybody with him hurry lady get up here please you're the wife you see the wife my friend but we got more friends here tonight than we do husbands and wives I'll tell you that right now let's be a friendly City what's that what's your friend's name again his bill brother Bill Rutherford yes how long you been datin bill what's that come here loan today from Stratford yeah from where Stratford Stratford where's the Kitchener how do you feel down there bill pretty good I really do my chest feels better really it does you wet it up and take your thing off if you want to try that I mean we we we demonstrate so you have room to experiment with it's a big guy that builds a big man what do you want to do bill what what you do [Music] [Applause] [Music] huh thank the Lord so much bird bless thank you I can't breathe good you're in the right place come on [Music] you're in [Music] so how long do we wait here hey how long do we have to wait cuz you said three minutes right yeah I still feel good walk this walk down here together you and I help him to forget that stuff he's walking right down there mister don't mess with Bill [Music] how you feeling good good feel good my lungs feel good [Music] okay we're gonna change vocabulary okay vocabularies vital to healing okay vital I receive my healing I receive my healing in Jesus name amen come on say don't ask me how I feel tell me what the Word of God says Lord it says you are healed come on over here bill just take a walk over here on the wild side [Music] [Applause] [Music] what you feel great grace a strong word that's a great word - thank you so much and thank the Lord are you getting good air yep the whole way down yep [Music] unbelievable oh yeah that's a good time for that right there oh man yeah yeah yeah bill what's your plan though when you leave here what's the plan the strifer and thankful God every mile up the road but I mean what about what he can do with the breathe notice the give it back to the guys that gave it to me can you hardly believe this I mean it's amazing never lose the excitement of what you see never lose it never loses and the Holy Spirit it's all over you sir it's all of you sir come on it's all over it's all over you okay you okay yes I don't think you're come what I don't think you're too much pressure on you too much pressure sometimes the older you get people think because you're older you can handle everything you lived that long that means you know how to survive everything and they don't understand that as you get older you want less come on say I'm not a garbage dump don't let people drain you you can care you can pray for them turn turn people to where they can get help if you don't have the time or the unction then turn them on to the word turn them on to a Holy Ghost turn them on to a meeting but send them somewhere where they can get help to pretend use care is so brutal to do that to just listen and not pray is brutal none of us are equipped to do it but we equip to what to get to help to do it we got to get to help to do this I would never step on a stage thinking I could do this I'd have to be crazy someone has to be crazy and there are some crazy people they think you just put a suit on and sing hallelujah and God shows up there's people saw up on the stage we're gonna get back to the stage I just come on right here the yellow right here in the yellow quickly you come on what's going on here yeah this week is messy week in just my landlord just go to the police station just give me that just make the faucet say she say I'm going to kill him I steal his money and then I don't know what's happened there I think he just wanted me live and use this way and just this week this you tormented leave it go and Jesus whoa come on your presence may I'm coming up I'm coming up come on everybody would sing it Jesus come on everybody [Music] say his name your what's going on here Wednesday I'm booked for a kidney transplant you are you're having a kidney transplant yes so one two double one one kidney yeah and so someone is donating a living doing so you're missing a kidney no no I have polycystic kidney disease I've been on dialysis for almost seven years seven years yeah and you're having an actual surgery this week okay what do we want to do here I want a miracle you want a miracle yes you want to avoid the surgery yes and you won't having a healed kidney yes and I'd like to break the the yolk that this is genetic like I've passed it on to my son too so that's a great great great great desire it is really is I love the time month Wednesday Thursday Wednesday Monday Tuesday 72 hours yes a 72 hour miracle I could see it in the paper the girl got a 72 hour miracle amen amen you prayed so much for Steven - for his ears and his left ear is better he said he was completely deaf yes completely yeah couldn't hear a thing yes I know and he found it too loud when the singing well now the singing is too loud yes [Music] going on man I've enjoyed the hair cocked by now got by r-two Harper had a hearing test and left ear is better Oh [Music] surprise what's that the audiologist was surprised she was surprised she was yes master I asked you for a new kidney don't heal this one give her a new one give her a new come on give God a shout [Music] come on your present make me whole again Jesus Jesus Oh say his name oh Jesus [Music] yo [Music] your present make believe I want to know I want to know I have to know but get in contact with touching Toronto calm just Google I mean just key it in there we'll hear about it okay right behind you they passed a date right here these two girls they don't who's together here three of you together quickly come on her here we're running at a time what's what's what's what what her friends so been praying for both of them to come to this healing session you prayed for them to yes okay because they both have issues oh that they are nervous to talk about they're nervous yeah talk about and I was here in April uh-huh because I am the girl that didn't sleep for about ten years I didn't sleep over ten years uh-huh yes I was here with my husband uh-huh and you prayed over me and nothing happened then I came again in May so in May after I left here the next day I started sleeping like two three hours and then that stopped then I started sleeping during the day here and there you know and I were two and but it was sweet sleep and after that now it's back to normal I cannot sleep it's just like you know everything is blocked here and whatnot but like I'm was more concerned for my daughter because you know she has many issues and her friend that has pain in her legs so I want her issues are connected to your issues so we we need to get this thing broke okay yeah all right what's going on with you sweetheart well I just have some female problems mental problems and just some breathing problems and I don't like irregular yes yes and I'd also like to just pray over my future that I may have a bright future in my music career I want to pray that but I will it's been written that your future is amazing your math is gonna get brighter he's got good thoughts and not bad and no weapon forms gonna prosper and you're the head and not the tail and favor will follow you all the days of your life you will screen behind the right wagon and sleep in the right man's house and Boba's will be your hero yeah that's a pretty good future come on somebody give God a shout come on give me pray right here right here right here yeah you you in the black in the black what's going on here was here this your mother this is my mama isn't she an amazing lady she just came here from BC the last time she saw you was that barb no yes you look like your mother put your hands up we give you praise we give you praise dear Jesus this is an attack you won't lose memory or your mind there'll be no Alzheimer's there'll be no stages of dementia there'll be no light dementia there'll be no memory loss no they'll be the opposite opposite sharp and crisp and sound yeah all of your days Deuteronomy 33 25 as your days so shall your strength be that powers go somebody give God a show come on somebody give God a [Music] [Music] shouting extreme consciousness you're walking from the mall yeah and then really lightheaded and I felt like I was losing consciousness and it just seems to be getting worse by the day like even just standing here I just feel like I'm gonna faint or collapse right now have you been to the doctors yeah what'd they say they did a CT scan but I'm waiting to see the results there's compromise in your system there's a compromise that's the word I'm gonna use a compromise put your hands up turn to Jesus tonight please please listen to me I'm asking you to turn I'm not telling you I can't tell you turn to him tonight not only is this issue resolved but your future secured please okay what's your name I'm Tanya you with her I'll tell you when you come to these touching Toronto meetings this is a little bit of A to Z I'll tell you that right now and everything in between when tomorrow night's gonna even be stronger hey Bill where are you going you get your healing in your leaf if they call that hit and run huh you're going where yeah yeah looks like we head for the exit door to me what he feels great bill can you hardly believe this and how about your friend I know she's not your girlfriend but your friend ma'am isn't that amazing what church do you go to ma'am what church a Lutheran Church you're gonna go back to the Lutheran Church and so bill where do you go Presbyterian oh my god you better wish that car don't run out of gas on the way home I love these meats because you don't know who's here we don't know we've been where we've had one night we had a whole row of Hindus a whole row some race we've had Muslims I mean we've had bikers and gang people here it's amazing I I think I come just to see who's gonna show up you know and then see how God can step in and help all the people what's them going on with the man here in the green what's going on with you what's going on Betty you okay what's the matter what's the matter oh what a bladder dripping from the bladder come here come on when you were born the lining of your bladder wasn't normal you had a very thin lining so the pressure that our bladders take you didn't have much resistance from your birth because if you trace your steps back this was not just something that started this was a long time issue put your hands up he's gonna heal you tonight you won't need any surgery you won't need anything removed especially the bladder and there's no sign of cancer anywhere anywhere somebody give God a shout come on oh Jesus oh Jesus yo Prez a power makes me old come on Jesus Jesus oh say his name [Music] are you together are you together so who's this that's your wife on the crutches yes and he's on the walker how do you do how do you make it work oh we tried it's just I'm on crutches because I just recently had a falling and you fell I fell and you're gonna be okay yes okay but what's the matter with him he had a stroke and it's affected his speech slightly why do you use the walker just to week my travel you went I can't work for me that's gonna change right now I'm gonna touch you the power is gonna hit you from heaven Holy Ghost say Holy Ghost all these you know the Holy Ghost is who is Holy Ghost good god that's good answer it's a good answer listen he's gonna come off of your body the thing you're fighting more than anything is the fear there's the spirit of fear that's just all over you when I touch you it's gonna break you'll be able to walk you'll be to walk over that stage you ready huh are you ready mama yes mommy you'll be throwing those crutches away right now mama huh is that ready yes somebody stand to your feet come on over the place come on said Jesus mighty taxes [Music] supporting us on the woman I get I play it Gina that may be parable he goes come on your present may he's all over you sir he's all over you he's all over you just relax that canes gonna go away come on [Music] yo get him up easy easy easy come on come on let's go let's go come on come on you're the brain you don't let's go [Music] look at you come on your person [Music] you did it how's it feel better that's well it's gonna get better and better hey okay where's your wife at come on sweetheart you're on the cane and the crutches how did you fall you tripped down this yeah he walks faster than you do here help your wife take her hand here's what we're gonna do and you walk over and hug Lauren over there or Lisa I love it I love it I love it I love it [Music] come on Thursday [Music] yo me come on come down come down come down Jesus [Music] say his name you're me we magnify your name holy little slower Duncan we [Music] we wait we holy again we magnify we we [Music] what's going on sir tell me what's going on you've had x-rays you've had what they couldn't put the wire to get the stent in he's got total blockage on the one side of his heart you're gonna get healed standing right there put your hands like we give you praise dear Jesus we give you praise here we go so get ready the power God's gonna come on you touch it master touch it that's your power come on him unblock that artery unblock that artery unblock it by the mighty power unblock that artery let air and blood and oxygen that ought all flow let every symptom be removed tonight just touch him on the chest there touch him on the chest there we go yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah imagine the major miracle right there amazing absolutely amazing what's going on buddy what's going on with you I'm not talking to you you're out of order don't do that what sir we have to have order here okay we have to have some semblance of order I know we're Pentecostals that we have to have some sense of order I'm trying if we can't manage a crowd of two 300 people how are we gonna do a thousand they could get unruly very quickly we're here two nights we're in Peterborough an hour down the road Tuesday night Wednesday morning we're trying to add days to the menu help me with this if you don't think I'm working hard enough complain send your letter to seven seven seven glory Boulevard do you hear me because he likes me a whole lot so you better it better be good whatever you say that guy up in glory Boulevard what's happening sir you did melanoma so you're okay Raj the guy's been with you what's your favorite book in the Bible hurry up sir you're waiting too long do you know any books you don't know any books of the Bible you don't know any books in the Bible then tonight you have a Bible you don't even have a Bible you're gonna leave here with a Bible we're gonna get a good Bible into your hands if somebody has to give him a good Bible I'll buy you a new Bible I don't think we have I wanted to get a good Bible not some cheap Bible that they hand out at the end of meetings I don't want to hand underneath the cheap Bibles a good Bible what do you have what is it can coax this Bible give me Ken Copeland's Bible actually he gave me when his vitals no but listen to me now you can't read then then who's watching our table tonight who has our table tonight okay we have healing scriptures Cindy we have healing scriptures give him anything that has where he can hear the word in audio form okay it's just my treat to you my treat to you yeah and you're from we're from Toronto what church do you go to no church here who's your friends they're good people Kimberly has that great overly over ovary overly over ovary healing yeah how you doing there growing the pink how you doing yeah you okay what's the matter talk to me what's the matter you're not fine you what you get healing every time you come Wow amazing she gets healed every time that she comes how we doing over there Tanya how we doing what's that mean are you leaving here without the Walker you are you're walking to your car what are you holding in your hand the dog what oh you got the dogs yeah this service dog how's your legs feel good - leave - how do you feel sir it's a healing pain you okay you're thinking wrong but you're okay you're thinking lined up get your thinking lined up when you can think what you're supposed to think that means you need more of something more word more spirit more and more exposure because you have the power what for your mind to take over everything the right mind come on say I'm in the right place at the right time receiving the right thing from the awesome right person come on give God a big shout come on come on giving pray I'll tell you what I feel I felt it tonight the pressing in of the people's getting stronger meaning meaning I feel the weight of the meeting and you're all important to me there's not one that's more important than the other and I hurt when I leave you I don't think about just the people that are healed I think about you that I didn't get to touch and then I'm reminded Billy I was there I touched them [Music] and that's the truth pray for tomorrow night service okay seven o'clock right here hold your hands really hot come on all over the place the ultimate healing the greatest healing is accepting Jesus Christ into your heart not any other figure will do no other religious leader not even Mary nobody's blood was shed at Calvary but the blood of Jesus it's the only blood that can wash away the stain give you the peace come on pray with me right now say dear Jesus I really need you I need to be saved I want to be born again I want to start over I want you to take the steering wheel of my life wash me tonight cleanse me tonight my mind my heart my ways I'm willing to change I know what you did at Calvary I believe it I need it and I want it come into my life take charge over me I surrender somebody give God a shout come on [Music] come on come on gimme prey and he walks come on he walks with me and he talks with me and he tells me I am and the joy and the joy we share as we tarry [Music] and II walk on the power by God with me the Holy Ghost and he tells how are you you don't you behaving [Music] all the power how are you doing [Music] Holy Ghost on this girl [Music] good girl good girl Dutch by the Holy Ghost oh my god as ever and Ewoks oh the power all the holy ghost on this oh my god the power and money goes power any more powerfully go home oh the powerful he goes oh the mighty touch touch touch none other ever come on one more time any walk with me Andy Fox Andy tells me tomorrow night we'll see you as we tell [Music] touch them and the Holy Ghost [Music] it's anointing come on demand break the yoke healings my Usher's [Music] touch em Lord he's healing you in the name of Jesus [Music] he's all over you and the joy and the joy [Music] he does with me [Music] well good night everybody god bless you drive safe come back again tomorrow night 7:00 p.m. the doors open at 6:45 and those that are watching online tune back in 7:45 p.m. tonight approximately that's the start time for live streaming and
Channel: Touching Toronto
Views: 4,639
Rating: 4.9480519 out of 5
Id: LRepv8OzX0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 147min 54sec (8874 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 10 2018
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