Totally Custom Skoolie Built With Used Materials - Roof Deck & Custom Paint

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[Music] [Music] well it looks like I've caught the bus fever my second bus no name bus - that's all we got we got bus two and bus three now they're all different it's so fun to see and you know you're driving down the road after having a bus you didn't realize it and you see them and you go oh I know that style or this style it's pretty cool well on this bus sadly this one falls into that category of somebody started the job and just was overwhelmed you see those a lot it's a lot more work than people think it is they're very excited to do it and they want to have a bus but it's so much work and especially if you look online and you go by the rules or what you should do you can get yourself where you're taking off the metal and you're stripping it all down and you're changing the floors and all these things and you never experience the bus these people never put gas in it and owned it for eight months and so it was a sad day actually because they paid more money than I did for it and they did eight months worth of work and they just were overwhelmed and so when we got it it was completely gutted very nicely done but completely gutted out we had no idea what we're gonna do we kind of looked at you know maybe a beach theme again cuz we liked that I mean that's part of the vacationing and everyone likes the beach and so and we had gone to Hawaii so we just said you know what let's do in a wine if you bus and it does kind of go you know one of the things I will say is when you're setting up the bus and trying to figure out what to do leave yourself open to change because things are not going to go as planned a lot of times and you're gonna go wow I got a better idea and so the next thing you know it just comes together but you know what I typically will do is pick a spot in the bus and then that's what my day is I'm gonna work on that area like I did the front end or I did the roof or you know something like that it's all about looking for something that fits what you want the other things that I will say that's convenient is to have the bus close to home I'm lucky enough to have a area where I can park it right at my house and then I set the goal to do something in the bus every day and by doing that you know if I've worked all day because I have a full-time job if I worked all day I come home and I force myself to go out there then I get motivated again then I get excited again but I can tell you if I didn't do that weeks would go by and then maybe months would go by and then like a lot of them years would go by so if you really want to get it done and you're and you're serious about doing a bus and I mean some people might want to take a year or two years it's not my style I like to do it real fast so but if you do something everyday you're gonna see progress and it's going to motivate you for the next day let's go well these stairs are kind of a hard thing to do actually there was only plywood down so the people that owned it did put plywood on it I found all this wood flooring on Craigslist and got the whole floor wood floor stuff for about three hundred dollars it's the one thing that I had someone else help me with so I had a guy come over and help me cut it all in because he had the right stuff and I'm more of a guy that cuts it close to being good but not precise like a flooring guy would and he left this bottom step undone because he didn't know how to wrap it or how to do it and this actually happened about two weeks ago I went into Lowe's trying to figure out what am I going to do with this side and this side and actually this whole little entry here was completely stripped in all metal and this was a eight dollar placemat or you know I'm a walk mat thing and just cut it off sprayed on a little glue and it works perfect and then it covered this part so it kind of matches up you know it's just that's I say you can just find a spot to work on and actually that was a warning now hold morning was just this little section right here and you know the guys at Lowe's all know me really well because I just walked they got about six area that our clearance and I'm constantly just looking and saying you know maybe I can use that but yeah that's kind of how it all happens for me like even this because when I got the bus there was nothing in here at all to get in so you got up here there was the stairs but nothing to grab onto and I'm thinking how am I gonna make something but this stuff works great and you know you can get these cut to size at Lowe's you don't have to be a plumber or anything to do it and just kind of figure out how you can do it well as you could see a lot of it's not finished yet so we're still in the process of working on this bus but this section here was all just kind of metal gutted and they had taken off pieces and and they weren't with the bus when we got it so it was all about how we were gonna try to figure it out this right here was all the way to the front just the metal front you could see actually the metal right at the very front of it on this right here I wanted to utilize as much space as possible and still not be in the way of the driver in that and and kind of aim us up towards the front so this is a completely built in box that can be used for storage or anything else we haven't cut in anything you could do it from the bottom you can put your stereo system or whatever you're going to do but I've kind of just left it for something so that right there got all framed in this fireplace I picked up this is actually heater and fireplace I picked up at a garage sale for I think it was $30 in Arizona they don't sell for a lot because no one needs them yeah that area there is not completely finished but I think I'm going to keep the seat it's got an air seat in it that you know I'll just put a cover on it and that's it well I'll tell you on this one with the flat front it's completely different from the one I'm used to or the one that I started with it's got the motor in the front and I was a little leery about it didn't really like the look of a bus like that but after driving it it's very easy to see it's really kind of handy to park you can really see really well and this motor in the back it's quieter and it goes pretty fast compared to my motor in the front I got caterpillar in my other one more of a in the city kind of runaround this one here would take you somewhere which is which is one of the reasons that we went ahead and got it because the other bus it would be a long journey across country which that's fine if you're just that's another thing I will say if you're a bus owner if you're gonna be a bus owner plan on driving easy and slow you know today we're gonna drive up to Sedona and my other bus and I've been advised just put it in third gear when you're climbing hills and if you're going 25 or 30 miles an hour that's what you're doing and if you're like me normally I'm pressing the gas and trying to keep up with everybody that's not going to be the bus life and you have to know that up front there's a lot of people that I've talked to you that done a bunch of work on a bus and then they take it on a trip and they're going what's wrong there's something wrong with this motor it's not very strong it's just the way it is and so it kind of fits the whole lifestyle I think slow down what we did when we were trying to figure out furniture for this bus is we wanted it to be something someone could change out this is a sleeper couch that you can get on Amazon I think it was like literally I think it was less than 200 bucks but it's pretty comfortable and all you got to do is put a little thing cupped set those legs in and it'll stay pretty sturdy so that's what the couch is all about this little section right here was completely open this was not here again it's one of those things you can get some galvanized pipe and have it cut for the size you want just bolt it down you know the one nice thing about buses there's a ton of beams that you can bolt things down and they're solid they're really solid you can actually put that kind of stuff in there you know it was the galvanized pipe that just kind of I knew I'd have to paint it or something but then I thought well let's just wrap some rope on it and walking around and looking at a hole there's like believe it or not there's like 10 or 20 different colors of rope and so we were just kind of trying to matching bring it out spring some color out make it kind of fun in it and it's a little easier on your hand I'm thinking that it might get hot but it's it's not that hot in here but that's part of the reason we want the rope yeah this whole roof area kind of developed because the the previous owners had stripped off the entire ceiling and you know it was just bare metal and beams and my first original thought was two plywood it and make it a nice pretty warm you know wood but it's very difficult to get the things to match perfect and Bend because you bend it this way and then it bows out on the sides and it's spirit so really to do these ceilings what I saw was basically strips is the easiest way if you're gonna do wood so we didn't went through the whole trouble of foaming it putting spray foam in and then putting plywood up didn't look right we went to this stuff I thought wow I'm gonna try some of the spam boo that would be great it would Bend and it would sit right but literally this stuff is so heavy that it was like holding a bear and trying to screw something in and there was no way it was stained so that ended up moving somewhere lured to the ground and then I went into Lowe's walking around I'm going what am I gonna do what am I gonna do should I do the wood I looked at places that that have that you know barnwood stuff and it would have been very expensive very expensive this stuff here I think for a 12-foot piece twelve by three maybe it's like $18.00 a sheet so literally this is pretty inexpensive to put on and it's got a good look and it holds like if you want to do stuff we've got a bunch of magnets and so you can basically put things up everywhere with some good you get some good magnets and hooks on them and it really will hold everything you want it makes almost everything a spot where you can put something you know we put electric in so we got lighting I've got plugs pretty much all on the top and so this right here hasn't been finished yet but this is my channel to run all my wires until I'm completely finished before I'll put more screws down and solid it up but just running stuff across the top one of the other things that I love buses I love the seats or the windows but double window really gives a lot of people from the outside more view than maybe you want when you're living in here and I didn't want to get rid of the windows so my thought was let's just keep the top window and I had talked to my painter who's phenomenal he says if you put a good primer on that glass he can just paint right on it with his mural so I've said well we're building up to the top to that level and so the way this thing is you can basically just open them up like that and so and you can see out and really no one can see a lot from down below so it gives you privacy but it still gives you a lot of ventilation and obviously you can see out so this TV that we picked up at a garage sale it's $25 and they had a remote when you're looking for used TVs or something like that make sure it's got the remote makes life easier so yeah this is on an antenna right now and it works beautiful I mean believe it or not antenna works better than cable or any of that stuff as far as quality of Picher the table was a $10 fine on Craigslist it's an old one you know the thing is a table like that works great in a bus like this but most people aren't putting that in their house anymore and so they just want to get rid of it and so if you can take the time and just kind of search through you'll find stuff that are decent enough for something you're doing here I mean it's got a nice feel on it so that you can if something spilled on it or something it's not going to be a problem it's basically something that you can take out and change to something else if you wanted so if somebody else came in here and said you know what I got to have another couch or I got to have it's not a built in and that's one of the things that I kind of wanted to do with this bus is make it everything so that someone else could come in and make it there if they got it from me yeah the wheel wells are always a challenge the because they're a lot farther apart than you think and so like on this one here I had to take the back leg off and make something so that it would fit right usually a couch or something like that covers it pretty well the one thing that I didn't do is build a bunch of shelving and storage spaces we've got quite a bit but its route there's room for more I've seen a lot of buses that have bunk beds set ups and a lot of places to sleep but you know maybe somebody wants this it's just a couple or even a single person so they wouldn't need that so when you're building so I'm actually just so just so you know I'm actually building the idea because I own a bus already is to build a bus for someone else and make it so that someone else could make this their home travel around I hear a lot more people that work from the internet or online and they don't have to pay rent or anything else and they can pick where they want to be and every if you don't like it here then you go there so it's kind of a neat way to live if you can do it and some people more and more people can do it nowadays when I was growing up you had to go to a job there was no any staying at home in working but I see it a lot now it's a blessing one of the things that I did on this bus is I'm going with a wireless Bluetooth speaker system versus wiring in if anyone saw the last video I really went out I'm out there for a stereo system with subwoofers and everything else but it trains on the battery and it's just in the bus and what we're finding when we go somewhere and hang out we're outside of the bus a lot and on the deck and so a speaker like this you could buy for three or four hundred dollars a good one I suggest getting a good one that'll hold a long period of time of charge and then bring it where you want to if you're at a lake and you want to go fishing bring it down there you know so these might be a good way even though it was $300 it saves you money because if you were to put a system in it's more than $300 and you can't use it as much I mean I would crank up the bus inside and be out there but it's only going through this hole and so it's just not loud enough for me I like loud music this table right here again was just an Amazon I mean I'm sure a lot of people that are seeing this is they recognize some of this stuff but this thing here is really a neat little setup because every one of these is storage and so it's kind of fits into the bus idea now how often do you need it I don't know if you're sitting there you could actually sit for people maybe play cards or something like that I put this bar in as kind of more or less four sitting here look out got the windows open you can look outside and you can eat your breakfast and if you've got people over the other thing I did was put this on all along this whole side so if you did have a handful of people in your place to set your beer kind of a holdover so it's kind of a nice thing and they're not sitting on the edge of the couch or something so this refrigerator I got at Lowe's again on the clearance aisle you can find little dents that mean nothing you know so to me and it's a good size it's got a freezer in it and it works really well and I think I paid 179 dollars so the refrigerator is AC but I've got AC all in here so I'm kind of I've got you'll see on the roof I've got room for solar I'm definitely interested in doing solar and that whole set up but I have seen some of the RV refrigerators that run on gas and but I've heard so many things about I'm not working very well and for the price this thing is really nice and it's a nice size still gives me almost like a tabletop here but yeah it works out really well it's it you could feel it's freezing cold in here these chairs were again Amazon I know that a lot of people have probably seen this but the nice thing about these they stack so if I wanted to I could stack all four together and it's in one spot here and so what you're going to see when I'm done with this thing and I'm not quite done is some kind of a bungee strap when we're traveling down the road but they got a nice rubber feed on them so they they don't slide around and it's really a cool thing to sit here and see camp I really like this this was kind of a this was the very first thing we put in this bus beside the roof because I just was like I'm gonna make a bar I've got to have a bar there's a bar in my back yard that's a 70s it's got the cushions on it it's a drinking bar it's the old style and the first day I brought it home I carried that bar and put it in here and that was my start I'm like this is gonna be great I'm gonna have a big bar my wife was not having that she she finally convinced me that we didn't need a traveling bar but yeah all the electrics so this one here's on it like we even walk by it's got a motion sensor on it and a light so if it's it's daytime it won't come on but yeah these all these all work this was another clearance sale I mean if you got the time I would stop into the store all the time at Lowe's or Home Depot or in a lot of cases I'm out on the construction site so a lot of stuff gets thrown away nowadays a lot of stuff if you look at the wood in here most of this wood I found in dumpsters so anything you're wanting to do it's kind of funny and I kind of passed it up but this stuff here this was something I found in Camp Verde way back at an estate sale and there was like four or five bagful they were stacks of them and what they were accent stuff but it was from the 70s and the front of it I have it I actually put it all on this wall over here and you just nail gun it with a staple gun kind of thing and it really dresses the whole thing up because all of this was set up with plywood and then I was trying to figure out how to put it on there sadly this whole wall is done but then I put the cabinet in front of it but if we ever move the cabinet which it's got it's got these feed from the bottom that you could actually take it out pretty easy if you wanted to switch things around and then that's set up one of the other things like simple things this right here is super sharp and just go down to Lowe's look at your molding and this sticks on its just peeled off and stuck on both sides and it actually works out really well it was like $5.00 for a stretch of 10 to 12 foot and then it's and it looks finished so but like like I was saying earlier this is still capable there's a channel in there that you can still run wire in obviously a couple screws I could bring it right back out and rerun it because I know times change you know I wire houses for a living so I know and I wire like computer stuff and stereo stuff and somebody else might want to really put this in a nice stereo system and that so but I'm kind of looking at cost going what makes the most sense and so that's why I didn't put the stereo lines yeah yeah I don't have any money I really dumb I'm broke all the time I go out and work just to make a little bit of money so I can have extra first for this but you know you could find things like this table for instance was only a hundred and twenty dollars I think brand-new and the great thing too is if you find something like that I didn't like it my wife loves it and I kind of gave in on it because it does have storage and it's pretty compact I had another table that I found at a garage sale that was 70s and it had the rolling wheels and everything on it and it was really cool and I still have it but for this bus she didn't want it so that's what's happening now is I'll see something and it doesn't fit in this bus but I'll put it away for something else so I got a storage room full of just miscellaneous now and really honestly this happened to one year ago when I started my first bus and this bus I started I think it was in May when I got this bus so it's only been two three months actually three and a half maybe somewhere in that range but you just stay on it and it's really really fun these stores are going to be that's going to be access for loading your kitchen stuff and whatever basically and you never know I mean you could be parked somewhere where this makes sense if you were to I'm still thinking on my water system on this one because I'm gonna go full-blown nice system my original plan was to have some kind of a sink that came out of the ceiling with a flex hose on it that I could bring outside for a shower which I've seen done and there's a shower the other side of this I even thought of having it so that it would go in that way but now I'm gonna actually I think I'm gonna do a full shower in there and with regular water and everything but if you were to try to build a bus and just try to utilize you know keep it as simple as possible you could do something that would work for the sink work for the shower outside or inside and just have one line come in and just keep it simple then you only have one thing that can break down on you so these cabinets we found in a tear out somebody replaced them all in their house I was trying to figure out what to do with these walls and honestly this is the this is the vinyl flooring that you peel off and you put on the floor in the kitchen and it doesn't hold hard enough to stay on the side so you just take a little staple gun nail gun and staple it in there and then once it dries it's on there good and I ended up doing it on this back wall and the nice thing about it you can wipe it off it's really clean and it gives you kind of a wood look so it gives you the wood look without actually having because I know if I wanted this in real wood there would be stains and stuff over time that would get on there and you really can't clean it so this thing makes it really nice this top it's ironic but Monday I'm doing a job for a company that does granite and I'm gonna talk to them about doing a granite piece on here this sink was a find that I found at a garage sale two weekends ago or last weekend actually I've been looking at sinks I've got a beautiful green 70 sink that I found at a garage sale that I was going to do what's a little big and so my wife was like you got to go with something a little smaller we don't need that big sink and so I was at a garage sale and there was five or six boxes that had not been opened and they were it said kitchen island and then I saw one of the box said sink on it and I was like how much for that pile of stuff he goes ten bucks takes it all and I was like he goes I could take it out of the box to show you and I said you know what for ten dollars I'm gonna take a chance and bring it home and see what I got opened it up the sink box and this is the sink that came with that brand-new never been opened before you can pull this up turn it you can actually I'm gonna set it right on the edge so you could actually fill up a big tub off the side if you need it to order but it folds down nice and then it has the cutting board right on top which are to me is perfect for this size bus this was actually from a barbecue I think Charbroil or somebody makes them and there they were they're not cheap but he bought it never put it together it's like a Kia thing where yep then me you know put it all together and he never did and so there was this thing here it's got a it's really cool because it's got a hose connect right on the back so it you know no matter what size bus or what kind of deal you're doing you could do this think if you can find these on Craigslist or something be a good good sink I think size wise I like it I like the separate spot it's actually got a spot if you did have a garbage disposal over here or even just a garbage right you can kind of open that one up and dump everything inside there if you're cutting a bunch of vegetables or something not much else left on this side just uh this is our walkway into the bedroom we wanted to make sure the bedroom was kind of separated completely and big enough okay so this is our bedroom I wanted to have it big enough so that you could kind of move around this is a good seat that can see all the way through to the front of course this is the rear view mirror that I don't use anymore and so mounting it long ways it works out great for sitting here my wife will put her makeup on and stuff right here I think or somebody's wife or maybe some who knows and then so this was the original framing of this bus was all metal the motor is right below it i sat back here and tried to figure out how could I make a bedroom and not you lose this space you know obviously I could have done something this way and done but I found this dresser which I think this was Craigslist for $20 and it's got nine drawer in it right now it's holding all the miscellaneous parts that I've been working on and so I have it all kind of categorized but it'll hold all your clothes you need I think for this kind of a if you're traveling around a bus and there's a back window there I found those blinds in the dumpster they're remodeling the house next door and I look in it every day you just never know and there was some blinds there that worked good and I was like I think I can use that in the back there's a three-quarter inch plywood that I screwed down on top of this I put anchors on this and then I screwed down to there this had wood on it that I used also and screwed straight down so the plywood has got a bunch of screws in it this whole section here is going to be storage so everything you see from here this way it goes all the way back and the idea then I could cut out a door right there right now I can just crawl in there and grab stuff but that's kind of left for possibly my power supplies and stuff I'll put everything inside this and then seal it off and open it from the top of the butt of the bed but that's kind of I just wanted to utilize every bit of the space and I and I kind of like a lot I see a lot of these and you kind of just get into the bedroom and that's the bed and there's really no room with this this door right here we found in Camp Verde this is a an old bar door swing doors and I found those in at a state sale in the back of a garage that was just been sitting there forever and said you know what that's gonna work and so I have the other side of this for the door in my bathroom and so it's just kind of a swing door but if you're sitting in here you got a little privacy you know one can really see in it and it's it's handy well that's the whole thing you're always working with this edge right and so everything you do and it's it's pretty hard to make cuts to work so this thing does kind of look good and when you shut it you could still see over it so if I wanted to I could see what's going on in the front of us well we were looking at this I mean I could have easily there's there is the air intake which is built right there and it's a supply take kind of a thing hood thing so I just framed around it and put anchors underneath and and got that box in and then I said man you know it's always nice to have something you can set remotes or phone and that kind of stuff because I have a plug over here and on that side and so I wanted to have even drinks or something off that bottom so I've got a couple of different shelves and then this right here funny thing was I I had put this in first and I just went straight across from here and put the bed and got the mattress and I told my wife hey this is awesome right she's like no because you're actually we're under it when you laid your head and she go I know I'm gonna get up and smack my head so I came in here with just the saw and changed it but that's the great thing about buses I mean you could just change it to whatever you want for me it would have been fine I told her well you can sleep this way then and she's like come on don't don't get don't get lazy now and so yeah we just kind of did that and I found this little piece of scrap and thought well it gives it a little design but everything the big thing is is like everything is bolted down tight and it just feels tight everything is nice and there's not anything gonna fall apart and so you can just do it you know so that it really is nice and everything whole so so this is the shower and the idea the the people that had the bus changed out the emergency doors for skylights on both sides I'll show you the other one we made it as we put it back as an emergency door but didn't want to lose the skylight kind of liked having a skylight up there but I was thinking how cool would it be in a shower and if I open this thing I'm gonna do something that's gonna close this off so at nighttime it's still or in the morning it won't be too bright but it's really cool to see the stars and literally you can still see from the bed if you wanted to if you're laying here like taking a shower and looking up pretty neat pretty I mean you could see right there there's a deck so if I was in here taking a nap or something during the day and people were hanging out I could kind of keep an eye on what's going on too got to keep an eye on my wife you know but yeah this is all set up I'm going to be putting this kind of material on the outside again cost they do make I did get the flirt a little bit and got an actual real floor for the for the shower and you can get the side things but it's it's two or three hundred bucks and so you know everything costs money you just got to kind of see what works and actually I think having this stuff around the outside will will work just as well and have a good look this thing here this is our whole bathroom and I know it's going to be kind of hard to see in there but this this back paneling tile is just a it's just a sticker you know you just you buy them in strips I can show you some is like five dollars for four sheets of it and that's all been plywood and it was a nice smooth plywood and so I was able to just stick it on there that gives a nice tile look and then that's your door so you got a little little door in here that you can and that's gonna be the composting toilet when Chris gets one over to me when I get some money together I guess I'm looking for him to pull out the scratch and dent one so and that's again this is the stuff I was talking about if they made that today it would be amazing because it's so easy to cover things with and it's got a good look to it and it literally so one of those bags that I was talking about earlier would do this whole room one bag and I bought like four or five bags for $20 I was at an estate sale in Camp Verde which is pretty far from here but I like the area for that a lot of farms and stuff like that and old houses and locked out and I was leaving going well nothing here and there they sat right on the edge of the tail and like what are those and so yeah you just keep your eye out and then kind of think about where could I use some like that and it really is kind of fun to do that same stuff is the flooring this is that vinyl flooring and you know you can see this is just the plywood here and I just nailed it up after you peel it off and it's sticky stick it on there it's super easy you can actually cut this with scissors so it's no saws or anything and you're just sitting here doing it really easy and it's got I mean you can literally wipe it off everything so it's a really handy thing a bunch of this stuff is $60 I mean you get a box full of it and it comes in different sizes so you don't even have to cut them you just kind of start working it and 60 bucks and they got four or five different colors Lowe's Home Depot all places have it and I like it I think it really works out well so this is our way up to the deck again I have to have a deck in every bus I think it's gonna be a must just because when you're up there it's so much cooler and the view is incredible plus we have this thirty bus to hold it you know unlike RV this will hold up deck no problem but again it's one of those things where the opening small and so if you get a little off balance you're being you're held by that opening but this is the top now this top we did completely different you can kind of see that other deck that on my other bus right there my neighbor's love me by the way I hope but this one here again wanted to keep the deck up when we travel and so I went with a 12-foot 4 inch height on the top part of this and these I picked up at Lowe's this is fencing that you would buy just standard they're about this tall typically and they have that same size kind of a metal deal on it and so I cut off the bottom put the top back on it and then I got these little l-bracket deals and stuck the two by sixes in or two by fours and this actually is more solid than that one it's not as high so you have to be careful I mean this wouldn't be as much for like on that bus I can put kids up there and not even worry about them and not even be up there with them really this one here I'd be a little more worried but actually I'm thinking about you've probably seen on like a bunk bed set up where you can take the tops off and it's got kind of a bracket down and then the board goes across and be able to slide those in and then when you're not using it maybe put it on the next level down so you could raise that up pretty easily I'm still working on finding those brackets but I think that's gonna be the goal because I do want to make it you know so that you don't have to worry about anybody these things here are really great these are same thing you get in in the same same place as your fencing these are the tie to fences together but they fit perfect and so I bracket that underneath and then I can take these or my solar lights that are up here and I can take those on and off and then just put them right back on when I get somewhere on my other one I'm zip tying so this one here I've eliminated the zip tie I don't need them again it's just like with these umbrellas we just had monsoon storms come by and it was blowing like crazy I had the umbrellas strapped down and tied off but they were they stayed up here during that storm and all I did was put a just drill a hole through there and it locks that umbrella in place they're all hollow it's just that rubber piece now that rubber piece I I might do something a little different but if I'm traveling I am taking that off completely for the height but when you get landed it's a big deal because every time when I'm out with that bus if it gets windy and you've got zip ties on it it's sometimes not enough I mean and you're watching this on and you're going is it going to take off because if you're up this high and you're with a bunch of people and this thing takes off you could kill someone so it's very it was very scary for me so I kind of had to think of a better way honestly so this one here will not come off now this might end up bending and breaking but it ain't coming out of that and they're all bolted down underneath so it's pretty secure and as you can feel I mean as I do these things I get better at them so my L brackets are all right into the studs and you know you don't feel any kind of problems up here this one didn't have the ribs on it that I had on the other so once I put these on I put a two by six in or two by four in and then screwed it down to kind of stabilize the middle that my other bus had you can probably see a little bit of them there they were already there it's the ribs that are on the side of the bus and so that gave me a little more spot in the middle that it wasn't just touching the middle in the ends now I've got it in the middle to here well as far as the wood goes I probably should have spent more money I went with the cheapest stuff they had because it's a little rough so you could get some that are really smooth and sitting more of a deck but I think these were five bucks apiece and so you know my thing was is I guess I could always sand them down but I'm not having it you know but yeah you could sand it if you bought this stuff you don't have to spend a lot of money but if you want to spend a little time sanding it before you put anything on definitely work great basically did this whole deck by myself in a day so it really I came I went and got all this stuff got it started paying in it and as that was drying I was laying out the other brackets so just kind of worked it through just time yourself and get it figured out and you can do these things pretty quick I know that you know if you're not the first one took a long time honestly to be honest with you I couldn't figure out how to do it but once you get a system you can do it and then once you get the basic idea so these things here I really liked because I didn't have to get somebody else involved I'm not a welder I want to be and I plan to be because there's so many things you can do but as it sits right now I'm not a welder so I was trying to figure out how to keep from waiting because that's you know honestly that's something that previous owners had problems with is they didn't have skills in certain things and finding someone to help them a real problem I mean they didn't know who to pick and because they're not like contractors where they're seeing electricians and stuff all the time and so they're basically just guessing and then as things get busy especially here in Arizona the housing stuff gets busy jobs like this they're pretty hard to get someone to come over and do and if you do there's probably a reason they're probably not that good or they'd be somewhere else so yeah it's kind of one of those things where you do as much as you can by yourself and keep it simple these things here I mean it's a little labor there's no question but if you set up a nice little rack to hold your stuff when you're painting just I'll say this one thing that screams at me when it comes to these kind of projects and even when I went and bought this bus it was filthy inside when I went in it and they were selling it and there was garbage in it there was dirt everywhere if you're gonna take on a project like this every day I clean up before I leave it no matter what I'm doing and that way the next day I come in I've got a nice view of things and I've got but if you're completely and and you know I'll try to organize where your tools are where your screws and stuff are you're gonna go through a lot of screws and so just have the different sizes everything organized and it's gonna make your life so much better you'll spend so much less time searching for stuff and you'll be able to do the project a lot better plus it's always nice to walk in and it's nice and it's basically you come out here now have a beer and every day you can sit out here you don't have to sit in a pile of you know dust and dirt and stuff it's kind of a crazy thing because if you saw my inside of my truck it's a mess but my job sites have got to be clean and it definitely helps again I left a big spot we talked about maybe doing a deck the whole distance back but actually it's too much deck I mean I guess if there is such a thing maybe there's not we do want to do solar we're really big on trying to get off the grid and have some kind of a system where you can be gone for a little while and not have to worry about it and really generators work great but toting around gas and everything else it's just you know it's just not as good as not told normal gas so and again you know these these chairs super cheap they're like $15 brand-new they what we're doing now is we just bungee them to the bottom I picked up some little ideals and I'm gonna have it set up so that there's there's a system and how to pack but it's just nice to have it up here this whole deck and carrying stuff you could put so much stuff up here and if you did decide I mean I just talked to a guy who was he's got his bus he's using it to move those things holds a ton of stuff man and so he's moving to California to live on a boat for a year and he wants one of my buses undone so that he can just use the inside because I've just put carpet in it and it's just kind of ready for me to work on next and he's like I want it just like that because and then I'll bring it back and you can work on it I'm like okay well here's the outside and again we've got the paint job on here by a phenomenal mural painter that we just absolutely love he's we're gonna show you somewhere in this how to get in touch with him or see his webpage because he does he paints a lot of stuff he painted the Bass Pro Shop all the murals inside of a lot of different places I've seen hospital like Children's Hospital's he's painted all the stuff inside there for the kids it's he's phenomenal and he typically does fences and backyards and stuff but he also paints the little pictures he's just an amazing person and so what we told him was we kind of want a Hawaiian theme you know we started out with the idea of a jungle theme but because he does this beautiful waterfalls when he does some of his backyard murals but the problem is is these ribs because when he paints down he makes it look like it's all falling down and these things make it basically impossible so on a nice smooth spot he can really do a complete for and the mist so what you get is the whole mist from the water and but that is almost impossible with some of this stuff here which it's amazing to me how well he is able to paint with those ribs on there and still give it a look you know like it's one solid line but of course we have a bird and one of the things we did with these windows like this is the back where my refrigerator is and so I had him paint that all the way through he if we put primer on here he says the paint will stick just like it does to the metal and you know what we end up with is more of a streamline window and not such a big opening and I talked about that inside a little bit but it gives us a little more surface to have a mural or a paint job on it so it's kind of a nice way to really break it up I know a lot of people put metal on them and I get it on the last bus so I get it but this kind of makes it nice because I could still open those windows and when you open all the windows in the bus on a nice little breezy day it really feels nice and that's part of the part of the neat thing about them you know so this section in here we wanted some more flowers we've got the back we didn't do anything like the last one where we had different scenes on the all corners because people told me that a lot of people don't want too much craziness but you know I like it that way but so this one here was another one this side we've got this pole in the way but it's actually another Hawaiian it's all Hawaiian and he's put some Hawaiian flowers on it and you know everything he does I wish you could see some of the way he does things it just goes right on it's crazy and then all of a sudden there it is it looks beautiful he spent a little more time on this so he did one side about one and a half on each day but we're talking about the hottest days there was literally a hundred and fifteen degrees both days and he got here like 5:00 in the morning and by 10 o'clock in the morning it was too hot to paint because the paint was drying before he could even get to the thing it was you know it's a dry heat here and there zone if it was a nice day like it's funny because he painted my other bus in the worst it was 120 degrees that day and so for some reason we were like we've lined it up so that we end up on the same hottest day of the year but if he had a nice day I almost would bet that he could paint the entire bus and a day he's that good and it's just it's funny because he's over here and then he's over here real quick and he and the next thing you know it just all comes together and it's really amazing to watch he's really really talented and on top of that a super person just a real good person one of those guys that would give you the shirt off his back and so this is what you see so there's a downside to doing this this was done prior to us getting the bus this metal pieces they took the windows out and they put these in here and I'll tell you where we have a problem that's our bedroom and it would be really nice to have ventilation running through and so by doing that you really don't get the air we're gonna definitely do AC and probably a family will well though AC will have some kind of a fan we just want a fan only but you have to but honestly if we had the windows there it would have really made it a way better cuz that ventilation that's the one of the great things about these buses is there's a lot of windows obviously the bad part is you could see in there a lot so I think that by the whole painting of the bottom set works out well plus it also gives you that height inside the bus so that you can build some stuff and have your cabinets and stuff a little higher up if you open the back window and that if you can get some ventilation you can do that but you know it's surprising those doors those are those back door things they're heavy these things are really really heavy and yeah it will open up but it's you know you got to prop it up somehow now I haven't quite gotten to how to do that but it is going to be something that has to be done because you you know you want the fresh air that's part of the reason you're out and about right so yeah it's a you know and he took those out we probably could have done a better job of making it look smooth and stuff but again it's one of those things you could spend a ton of time on stuff or you can get it closed you know you can see on this bus they put a plate over those and so that probably makes more sense these people went through a lot by taking that off and then putting a plate on the inside and actually a plate on the outside as you can see side by side seems to make a little more sense cleaner look but yeah it's a you know one of the things to that I did run across on my first bus is the cost of tires so when you're searching for a bus if you see a bus and it's three or five or ten whatever amount it is make sure you check the tires and check the year of the tire because you can see you know they're not going to run down the tread as fast as they will just in time and so you'll end up with a tire that looks really good but it's ten years or older and you just don't want to be on the road and have a breakdown like that and it's not safe to drive and have a blowout on your rig so check tires and if you don't have good tires I mean it shouldn't be the deal breaker but keep that in mind because I shopped around for a year before I finally cuz I'm a crazy shopper I Craigslist I'm looking every day to find something I ended up getting the new tires on this bus for like seven hundred and sixty dollars installed and balanced and everything but I went to probably no less than 20 different places that all had prices of over two thousand dollars for the set so you could easily spend more money for a set of tires than you did for the entire bus and so those are the kinds of things you know I know Tony over at triple-a buses talked a little bit about you know what to look for in the motor part of it but the things that a person like me that it's not a mechanic can can really pass on his tires and that kind of stuff those are things you want to look at and the other thing I will say is if you have a specific kind that you're looking for don't settle so like one of the things it came up with this bus I did not want a flat front on my bus because my idea for buses originally was going camping and camping is typically done on dirt roads and we maybe get off the road a little bit and do something and the wheels are set back on the flat front and so by the time if you were to go up a wash or something by the time the tire actually starts to go up your front end is hit the the front of it so by having your wheels up front or up closer to the front your wheels start to climb and your clearance will get you up a little better so it just kind of depends on what you're looking for I mean a lot of people that like this must be a great bus for traveling and wanting to run the coast or you know that kind of stuff where you're camping at specific places that are easy to get in and out of but if you're gonna take back roads and go camping or hunting or any of that fishing stuff like that you might consider that when you're picking that bus out and that's kind of plus the other thing was is we went with the front motor because of the traditional look to it it's kind of a cool look but whereas we you know that's the crazy thing you drive around and you see buses everywhere and you know every every single one of them seemed to be different and after you've done a few buses and gotten involved in it you as soon as you see one you go this what I could do to that thing and so you fall in love with them all really I look at a bus anymore like a work of art they're just they're really an amazing vehicle and you know I've heard rumor and I'm not a hundred percent sure but I would say the school probably paid a hundred plus thousand for this bus and then when they auction them off they just need them gone and that's what happens to a lot of people too they buy a bus which is another thing to consider when you buy a bus and you think you're going to work on it and stuff and you're getting this great deal maybe you got this great deal three thousand dollars for a bus well you don't have a place to put it so now you've got to store it somewhere that's going to cost you money and some of the things that have come up on a bus that I just bought if you have to have and insurance on the bus to be able to store it in some places so the next thing you know something you're gonna work on for a year has now cost you an extra thousand dollars just to park it and so that's something to keep in mind as well because you know especially if you're not gonna do it right away or if you're not gonna use it right away it's gonna cost you money to park it and stuff like that and plus then it it's not with you so it's another factor to keep in mind when you're picking out a bus and you know obviously the bigger the bus and bigger the price for storage it's a lot of fun though I absolutely love school buses now I've called myself a school II I mean it's just it's really a neat group of people and it's really fun to watch how people have done different things and there's a lot of them and you know I will say this it's it's really it sort of changed our life because we were kind of set on things around the house and now we're venturing off and doing stuff you know it brings us to NASCAR brings us to Country Thunder it brings us camping and so you know you got a bus sitting out front yeah all you could think about is what am I going to do with it so it's kind of a cool thing all I will say is this bus has been a lot of fun and I want to do more oh I actually love doing the buses it's you know it's kind of a challenge and it keeps it's different from my regular job so it's become a kind of a hobby the only thing that's stopping me from billing that obviously is not having places to have a million buses so this bus will probably end up going to someone else that wants to give it a good home and so if you're interested in it and you'd like to talk a little more maybe even about a different type of bus or something that you want to be custom it's not going to be top of the line it's going to be very functional and fun and you can leave a comment on the bottom of this and that would and then I'll get back to you I'm really torn because we fall in love with everything we touch so we're this bus now we didn't want to keep it but now we want to keep it but we're probably gonna get rid of it and we're even debating if we even want to take it out because we'd like to have somebody that buys it be the first person to use it you know kind of thing so it's really more love of building them and and we've got our original bus that we that we could travel in that we have fun in so these are just hobbies and it keeps me busy and with the painting I want to make sure that anyone that's interested in this guy it's Arizona murals net and again if you leave me a message at all we can get you completely connected with him but you can reach them through that phenomenal guy very fair price and he's just an amazing person and he makes our buses beautiful that's great [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Tiny Home Tours
Views: 310,699
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tiny home, tiny house, tiny home on wheels, van life, camper van, shipping container, design, tiny houses, tiny homes, tiny house tour
Id: 3sKtEGGd0Q0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 20sec (3440 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 09 2018
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